Passport Etymology: Omglaib in Arabic means “mother of small heart” Origin and distribution: rare variety, exists in Sokna, Hun and Waddan. It’s not present in Zellah and Al Fugha Productive area in Al Jufrah Oasis: 0,3 % Mean Production in Al Jufrah Oasis: 50 Kg/tree Agronomic characteristics: well adapted for both dry farming and irrigated farming. Reasonable offshoots capacity Flowering period: March Commercial maturity stage: Rutab and Tamar Harvest period: in September and October by removing of bunches Fruit and trade characteristics: daily consumption. Fruit quality useful for cake or past and for storing Quality
TREE Trunk shape Foliage shape Crown shape
cylindrical erected moderately dense
Bunch type Bunch density Bunch colour
erected very dense yellow-orange
FRUIT Shape Apex Base Color Skin appearance Alteration of skin colour Fruit texture Perianth Flesh texture
sub-cylindrical - ovate oval flat honey – sometime red blistered - pleated sometime collar half-soft - soft absent soft - firm (honeyed)
Flesh thickness Presence of fibres Flesh to seed adhesion Length Width Length/width ratio Main weight of 20 fruits (g) Main flesh weight of 20 fruits (g)
thin much not much short large medium 137 114
ovate - sub-cylindrical beige bumpy
Length Width Length/width ratio
medium narrow medium
Main weight of 20 seeds (g)
towards the apex usually not prominent
Seed/Fruit length ratio Seed/Fruit weight ratio
medium medium
lanceolate medium narrow
N° of spathes/tree N° of spikelets in the spike N° of flowers in one spikelet
medium medium medium
SEED Shape Colour Surface Presence of mucro or fibrous type Micropyle position Ventral furrow shape INFLORESCENCE Spathe Shape Spathe length Spathe width
QUALITATIVE PARAMETERS Total sugar content (%) Fructose (%) Glucose (%) Sucrose (%)
Magnesium (mg/kg) Potassium (mg/kg) Zinc (mg/kg) Iron (mg/kg)