5 minute read
A Global Community Mitchell Dvorak
from Face to Face® October 2021
The IAOMS are hard at work developing and implementing new programs and opportunities for IAOMS members and the OMFS community. We are continuing to collaborate with regional associations and partners to develop a robust calendar of online education while fostering a global and connected community. The IAOMS is committed to meeting your needs and supporting your professional growth, and we encourage you to stay up to date with our programs and opportunities by signing up for IAOMS communications and following us on social media.
IAOMS/Asian AOMS NextGen Online Conference: The IAOMS is pleased to collaborate with the Asian Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons (Asian AOMS) for the IAOMS/Asian AOMS NextGen Online Conference taking place October 26 through October 30, 2021. This online conference will provide a dynamic and robust five-day program with live presentations followed by question-andanswer opportunities. Attendees will have the unique opportunity to learn from master surgeons from across the specialty as well as the next generation of young OMF surgeons. Registration for this online conference is open to all members and non-members. Visit our website to learn more about the invited speakers, session topics and registration details. We hope you join us next month. We would like to extend our gratitude to our Emerald Level Sponsor, KLS Martin, for their support of this conference as well as Depuy Synthes for their support of the Strategies and Best Practices for Orthognathic Surgery and Cleft session.
IAOMS Scientific Webinar Series Sponsored by KLS Martin in Celebration of Their 125th Anniversary: The IAOMS and the IAOMS Foundation salute our Emerald-level Partner and on-going supporter, KLS Martin Group, as they celebrate their 125th Anniversary this year. In recognition of this landmark anniversary, we have jointly developed a webinar series around OMF surgery which highlights the latest advancements in our surgical discipline along with some history of how it all started. The webinar series will consist of five scientific webinars running from August – December 2021. Be sure to join us on November 17, 2021, for the second webinar of the series “Patient-Specific Implants in CMF Surgery” presented by Dr. Christian Freudlsperger and Dr. David Powers and moderated by Dr. G.E. Ghali. Register today and learn more about the full series here.

Now Available On-Demand: • “Template-Guided Mandibular Reconstruction –
Innovative standardized vs. Patient-specific Approach” presented by Dr. Marco Kesting (Germany) & Dr. Tony
Morlandt (USA) and moderated by Dr. G.E. Ghali (USA). • Patient-Specific Implants in CMF Surgery presented by Dr. Christian Freudlsperger (Germany) & Dr. David
Powers (USA).

ICOMS Vancouver 2023: Planning for the 25th International Conference on Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery is underway. If you haven’t attended an ICOMS in the past or you are curious about our upcoming meeting in Vancouver, please visit our website for more information on our signature, biennial event. Take a moment to review the previous scientific program and watch the 2019 highlight video from the 24th ICOMS in beautiful Rio de Janeiro. We are looking forward to reuniting with you all once again in 2023!
Save the Date: June 8-11, 2023

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Join IAOMS TodayJoin IAOMS Today
• Learn with IJOMS, one of the world’s leading
OMF journals with the highest impact factor of all
OMF publicati ons; read Face to Face, writt en for and by members • Enhance pati ent care through webinars and other e-learning opportuniti es* • Prepare for the Internati onal Board for the
Certi fi cati on of Specializati on of Oral and
Maxillofacial Surgery (IBCSOMS) with the IAOMS
Review Course • Support the next generati on through the IAOMS
Foundati on Fellowship and Scholarship opportuniti es
• Experience events for all OMF surgeons, ranging • Learn with IJOMS, one of the world’s leading from trainee to experienced surgeons: ICOMS, the IAOMS’ biennial signature educati onal and
OMF journals with the highest impact factor of all networking conference and “The Next Level Forum;”
OMF publicati ons; read Face to Face, writt en for Internati onal Symposia, and regional conferences* and by members • Expand your knowledge; access innovati ve best-in• Enhance pati ent care through webinars and other class training e-learning opportuniti es* • Prepare for the Internati onal Board for the
Certi fi cati on of Specializati on of Oral and
Maxillofacial Surgery (IBCSOMS) with the IAOMS
Foundati on Fellowship and Scholarship opportuniti es • Experience events for all OMF surgeons, ranging from trainee to experienced surgeons: ICOMS, the IAOMS’ biennial signature educati onal and networking conference and “The Next Level Forum;” Internati onal Symposia, and regional conferences* • Expand your knowledge; access innovati ve best-inclass training
• Connect with peers throughout the world • • Grow among the next generati on of oral and maxillofacial surgeons through our NextGen Connect with peers throughout the world • programmati c initi ati ves; network with your colleagues through our online community Grow among the next generati on of oral and maxillofacial surgeons through our NextGen programmati c initi ati ves; network with your Visit iaoms.org to become a member or renew your membership. colleagues through our online community
Questi ons? Contact Membership Manager Kati e Cairns at kcairns@iaoms.org Visit iaoms.org to become a member or renew your membership.
200 E. Randolph St., Suite 5100 • Chicago, Illinois 60601 USA • +1.312.577.7660 • www.iaoms.org
*IAOMS members may benefi t from reduced fees.
200 E. Randolph St., Suite 5100 • Chicago, Illinois 60601 USA • +1.312.577.7660 • www.iaoms.org
*IAOMS members may benefi t from reduced fees.