2 minute read
Is it Necessary to Keep Training Despite the Crisis?
from The PCO April 2021
IAPCO Member: Business Travel Consulting, Mexico Author: Karla Escamilla, Innovation and Process Leader
Uncertainty and change are two words that have defined ourenvironment this year, and while we may think that this 2020 isan atypical year, the reality is that climate, economic, political,and social environments are changing. This is not somethingnew or something that will eventually stop, the only certaintywe have is that the changes will become more pronouncedover time and that the challenges we face will be increasinglycomplicated and uncertain.
Then, the big question that arises is how do we prepareourselves to move forward in the face of the new challengesthat arise from the different areas of our lives? How do wegenerate new paths that will be necessary to travel duringand after the crisis that afflicts us today?
The big answer to these questions is simple: Training.
Training is the most powerful tool that we must adapt to our constantly changing environment

“Training is the most powerful tool that we must adapt to ourconstantly changing environment, and it applies to our field ofwork, our families and also ourselves.”
The crisis that we are currently experiencing has helped us to take a giant step towards technological development with accelerated changes in systems and procedures, as well as changes in customer needs. These have forced us to generate new tools, new working materials, new ways of working and new products and services. That is why, today, training goes beyond the work environment and becomes necessary also for suppliers and users in the handling of the different services provided (especially in automation and digitalisation services). This will allow us to mitigate the effects of the uncertainty that is generated after a crisis, marking a structured path, and oriented to the new goals set for growth.
Thanks to this technological leap, we have different resources with which to carry out the training, from virtual classrooms, customised platforms that allow us to do streaming combined with real time interactions, pre-recorded capsules, digital graphics to gamification, among many other ways.
In short, is training and updating necessary during and after a crisis? Of course it is, but it needs to be well directed and focused on the development of skills that allow the capacity to adapt to new circumstances, to create and develop projects, and most importantly, to increase the resilience of people and organisations.
There are issues where we all need to improve our skills:
• Effective communication skills
• Negotiation and process management skills
• Conflict resolution and teamwork skills
• Practices applied to occupational safety and health
It is through training that we seek to improve this knowledge, criteria, attitudes and behaviours of people in their environments to perform activities more easily and efficiently,
Mathias Posch, IAPCO IPP l Kayo Nomura and Mai Ohira, JNTO | Ori Lahav, IAPCO President l Aurelien Bandini, JNTO using the minimum of resources and time.
Image source: Adobe Stock
14| April 2021