1 minute read
Our cover image for this issue offers us all encouragement. Russian Artist Vladislaw Tatarinov’s painting, Light Shades of Winter, was his first submission into an IAPS exhibition. It was not only selected, but also received an award. It’s a stunning piece about which Fred Somers, judge of awards, said, “I fell in love with this painting, every single area has colors beyond words.” This should inspire all of us to continue working on our craft and entering exhibitions, and one day … magic!
Speaking of magic, we begin to share information about our 2022 IAPS Convention in this issue. Instructors, vendors, dates and details. One of the reasons we love the convention so much is the “magic” that happens there. The fun, the laughs, the friends; being together, actually together, in-person and live. That’s truly what is special about the convention and what makes it such a magical experience.
To our team that makes The Globe a reality, our sincere gratitude. To those who helped us gather photos and information about the events that took place in Chicago, thank you. A big shout-out to professional photographer Jack Siegel who graciously allowed us to use some of his photographs from the Chicago happenings in the magazine.
The Globe is written, edited, designed and produced by a small group of volunteers. We strive to produce a product that is informative and interesting. Please keep sending us your stories, story ideas and happenings within your society to help us continue to make it better.
Remember that a print version of this magazine, as well as back issues, are available and can be ordered through our website http://iapspastel.org.
Keep painting,
Lisa & Sabrina