2 minute read
6,000+ STEPS
Daily May Lower Risk For Older Adults
Walking more helps to prevent cardiovascular disease. Dr Amanda Paluch, a physical activity epidemiologist, states people who walk 6000 and 9000 steps a day will experience reduction in CVD risk. The study showed that for every 1000 steps added there was incremental reduction in CVD risk. The daily recommended steps are 10,000 but it is important to set attainable goals that are personal to you. Try to ease yourself into achieving more steps each week.
What are the benefits of upping your step count?
• Strengthening your heart, walking helps the heart muscle to become more efficient and keep blood pressure under control this also pumps oxygen rich blood to your lungs this allows blood to flow more effectively.
• Improve brain function, By Improving blood flow to the brain this reduces inflammation and lowers stress hormone which helps with brain cognition.
• Strengthen your heart, increasing steps increases stroke volume which is how much blood pumps per beat. A larger stroke volume is a sign of greater aerobic capacity, and this is the best predictor of mortality and disease risk.
mood, may only be temporary it proves activity can deliver relief.
Dr Yu Ming Ni, a cardiologist at the Medical Centre in fountain Valley, states, “steps alone should not be used to gauge how much exercise is enough”. Exercise should be intentional and daily with moderate intensity. He also gives advice to take the stairs over the elevator and to walk instead of driving if necessary.
leads to more CVD deaths than risk factors including obesity, physical inactivity, and an imbalance of cholesterol levels.
The study found that for every 1000 steps added, there was a reduction in cardiovascular disease risk. Researchers suggest that people hoping to work on lowering their risk of CVD, should consider setting themselves achievable goals – make it a personal challenge to up your daily steps to get fitter and to feel better in yourself.
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4.2% of younger adults had subsequent CVD events as opposed to 9.5% of older adults however its essential younger adults still exercise for their cardiovascular health. Being physically active benefits many of the precursors of CVD eg high blood pressure, obesity and type 2 diabetes.
• Boosts mood, Neurotransmitters are released when exercise takes place which makes us calmer and more energetic. This also helps us sleep better which also enhances mood.
• Decreases anxiety and depression, a ten-minute walk can decrease a depressed
Dr Ni encourages older adults to get a step tracker device, they are very cheap and easy to obtain. Health insurance companies often provide them. Some smartphones already have step trackers built in so recommends checking your phone. Step trackers can monitor and inspire to reach your goals.
CVD is the leading cause of death globally it also raises blood pressure, blood glucose and cholesterol levels. Studies have shown that HBP accounts for 25% of coronary heart disease and 36% of strokes. Smoking