V ol. 8 4, N o . 6
Safety &
n October, “creepy clown” threats
Safety as it relates to the phys-
Often a matter of perception, adult-
— to date all hoaxes — spread
ical plant and school buildings, and
on-adult bullying is a problem in
across the country and captured the
the dangerous practice of trading
education communities. Two sur-
attention of school officials and law
security for convenience, is the focus
veys, one of teachers and another of
enforcement. Severe weather emer-
of school security expert Paul Timm’s
board members and superintendents,
gencies consumed the East Coast.
article, entitled “Three keys to effec-
evidenced that adults are behaving
And another school shooting incident
tive facility security” on page 6.
badly, toward each other, in ways can
claimed the life of a six-year-old.
Attorney Brandon K. Wright
dramatically impact individual and
talks about best practices for safety
organizational well-being. Sandra
procedures and school safety drills
Malahy’s piece, “Workplace bullying
Vulnerability is inevitable; this
as preparation for actual emergen-
impacts district climate,” begins on
is a matter of fact. Minimizing it is
cies, as well as the legal ramifica-
page 18. Pamela Rockwood’s study
crucial and a matter of necessity. At
tions of not carrying out drills.
is reported in “Survey finds percep-
the same time, school leaders aim
“Instruct and prepare, then drill”
tion of adult bullying among school
to balance security measures with
begins on page 9.
leaders,” on page 21.
Safety and security are paramount concerns of school leaders.
a positive learning environment for
School climate and culture is the
These topics, and hundreds
students, teachers, and staff. This is
focus of Rosario C. Pesce’s contribu-
more, should highlight many con-
a matter of trust.
tion, “Safety teams create positive
versations at this year’s Joint Annu-
This issue of The Illinois School
prevention systems and effective
al Conference, November 18-20 in
Board Journal features several arti-
interventions,” page 13. With the
Chicago. Opportunities for collab-
cles on school safety and security.
aim of balancing psychological or
oration, education, and enlighten-
They are timed to coincide with the
emotional safety with physical safety,
ment on these and other important
first-ever School Safety and Securi-
these teams work in tandem with
and timely conversations make this
ty Seminar and panel strand to be
crisis response teams. The author
year’s Conference especially rele-
presented at the Joint Annual Con-
champions Illinois’ emotional learn-
vant, according to IASB Executive
ference in Chicago. Several experts
ing standards as the basis for devel-
Director Roger Eddy, whose “Ask
in the field will be leading those con-
oping safety teams.
the Staff” article concludes this
versations, and three of them have
Elsewhere in this issue, readers
shared their insights with Journal
will find other articles that relate to
school district climate and culture.
issue. — Theresa Kelly Gegen, Editor
Three keys to facility security Every district's physical plant and school buildings require constant vigilance against complacency. Awareness, collaboration and the theories and strategies known as CPTED are necessary to ensure the safety of school buildings and everyone in them. By Paul Timm
Instruct and prepare, then drill While it may be easy to view drills and reviews as routine events, that may not be sufficient to prepare staff and students for an emergency. Safety procedures and school safety drills require preparation, practice, and review. By Brandon K. Wright
N O V E M B E R / D E C E M B E R
13 Safety teams prevent, intervene School climate and culture: Safety teams oversee procedures and programs that help create a safe, respectful, and inclusive school environment that builds social competence and academic excellence. By Rosario C. Pesce
FEATURE ARTICLES 18 Workplace bullying impacts district climate By Sandra Malahy
21 Survey finds perception of adult bullying among school leaders By Pamela R. Rockwood
24 Sharing the road: Multi-district transportation contracts By Walter J. Zukowski, James S. Peters, and Nathaniel P. Washburn
2 0 1 6
Vol. 84, No. 6
ILLINOIS SCHOOL BOARD JOURNAL (ISSN-0019-221X) is published every other month by the Illinois Association of School Boards, 2921 Baker Drive, Springfield, Illinois 62703-5929, telephone 217/528-9688. The IASB regional office is located at One Imperial Place, 1 East 22nd Street, Lombard, Illinois 60148-6120, telephone 630/629-3776. The JOURNAL is supported by the dues of school boards holding active membership in the Illinois Association of School Boards. Copies are mailed to all school board members and the superintendent in each IASB member school district. Non-member subscription rate: Domestic $18 per year. Foreign (including Canada and Mexico) $21 per year. PUBLICATION POLICY IASB believes that the domestic process functions best through frank and open discussion. Material published in the JOURNAL, therefore, often presents divergent and controversial points of view which do not necessarily represent the views or policies of IASB. James Russell, Associate Executive Director Theresa Kelly Gegen, Editor
28 Develop teacher leaders through Danielson Framework By Jana Hunzicker
Gary Adkins, Contributing Editor Heath Hendren, Contributing Editor Shantel Rotherham, Advertising Manager Kara Kienzler, Design and Production
REGULAR FEATURES Front Page. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Inside Front Cover Practical PR. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Copyright Š 2016 by the Illinois Association of School Boards (IASB), The JOURNAL is published six times a year and is distributed to its members and subscribers. Copyright in this publication, including all articles and editorial information contained in it is exclusively owned by IASB, and IASB reserves all rights to such information. IASB is a tax-exempt corporation organized in accordance with section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
Insights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Milestones. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Ask the Staff. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Inside Back Cover
Cover art Š Hal Bergman Photography/Getty Images
Raise the bar for equity, achievement By Jennifer Bialobok and Brian Waterman
Jennifer Bialobok is community relations coordinator and Brian Waterman, Ed.D. is principal at Lyons Township High School District 204.
igh expectations in school
to address the specific needs of the
their initial class placements, instead
lead to high performance.
cohort, did not know which of their
of opting for a higher placement. As
High expectations move students
students were part of the program.
a result, free and reduced lunch stu-
forward; in fact, it’s the very act of
The secrecy allowed all students to
dents were being placed in classes
striving for a high expectation that
be treated the same, without preju-
that were less rigorous and were
brings about progress. Even if stu-
dice or different expectations. The
unlikely to put them on track for
dents don’t reach their goals, they
program was hugely successful and
taking an Advanced Placement class
are better for the effort.
has made a small step toward reduc-
in high school.
Lyons Township High School
ing the achievement gap. While still
The equity and achievement
Distr ict 204 piloted an E quity
in its infancy, this program can be
team explored methods of encourag-
and Achievement program that
replicated and applied to most any
ing more socio-economically disad-
raised expectations for a cohort of
district. It calls for advocacy, profes-
vantaged students to take Advanced
socio-economically disadvantaged
sional development, mentoring and,
Placement courses at the junior and
students, who, under normal cir-
of course, anonymity.
senior level. It became apparent that
cumstances, may not have been
In October 2014, an equity
it would be necessary to encourage
challenged to take courses that are
and achievement team was formed
a more rigorous course sequence
more rigorous. The district discov-
to explore the realities of minority
beginning in the freshman year. To
ered that their more affluent coun-
students at LTHS and to brainstorm
that end, it was noted that socio-eco-
terparts, who scored similarly on
programs and initiatives that could
nomically disadvantaged families are
standardized tests, opted for higher
provide an equitable chance of suc-
less likely to advocate for more rigor-
level courses, and achieved success.
cess for all students. The team began
ous level courses during the course
So, LTHS raised the bar for a cohort
to analyze data and found that the
placement process. As a result, the
of economically disadvantaged stu-
majority of financially advantaged
team created a 42-student cohort
dents, and they not only reached, but
students earning a score between
beginning with incoming freshman,
in many cases, surpassed the bar.
13 and 15 on the EXPLORE test
Over time, this program will help
were placed in higher level fresh-
narrow the achievement gap.
man classes than their EXPLORE
An important part of the pro-
scores initially dictated. And, they
gram included anonymity. Students
were succeeding in these courses by
were not aware they were in a cohort
earning a grade of B or higher. Data
and their teachers, while chosen to
analysis also indicated that free and
participate and the recipients of
reduced lunch students, who earned
special professional development
the same EXPLORE scores, accepted
Columns are submitted by members of the Illinois Chapter of the National School Public Relations Association
the Class of 2019. The students were
possess in order to effectively impact
encouraged to select the following
student learning. In an effort to offer
courses at higher levels than their
additional support, a seat in the
placement scores suggested: World
Instructional Coaching Program was
History Prep, English I Accel, Algebra
extended to each of the 11 teachers.
I Accel, and Biology Prep.
These teachers had the opportunity
The team’s goal was that all
to meet with an instructional coach
students in the cohort would earn
every two weeks and work collabo-
semester grades of C (75 percent) or
ratively to achieve a predetermined
higher in the four freshman courses
“SMART Goal” concerning formative
taken, and by the time they gradu-
ated, 40 socio-economically disad-
Throughout the school year,
vantaged students would take, and
each of the 10 members of the equity
pass, at least one AP Exam.
and achievement team monitored
The cohort consists of 42 stu-
the progress of approximately four
dents selected from the Class of 2019.
students to ensure the students
The cohort is comprised of five Afri-
maintained at least a C average.
can-American students, 27 Hispanic
In the event a student began to
students, nine white students, and
demonstrate difficulty as evidenced
one multi-racial student. The par-
by his or her overall grade, the fac-
ents of the students were contacted
ulty member met with the student
in order to provide them with infor-
to develop study skills, strategies
mation about the program and to
for advocating for help, an action
encourage participation.
plan for improvement, suppor t
A select group of teachers was chosen for the program, and the stu-
room referrals, and other supports to assist the student.
dents were scheduled into specific
With the exception of being
sections of each of the designated
enrolled in classes taught by specific
courses with these teachers. The
teachers, who received professional
teachers participated in profession-
development designed to address the
al learning related to Ruby Payne’s
specific learning needs of students
“Poverty Framework” and John Hat-
from lower income families, the Equi-
tie’s “Visible Learning” research.
ty and Achievement students were
Ruby Payne’s work offers practical,
not treated differently than their
real-world support and guidance to
freshmen peers. It was the belief of
improve effectiveness in working
the equity and achievement team
with people from socioeconomically
that if the teachers fostered a growth
disadvantaged backgrounds, explain-
mindset in their classroom, the 42
ing the pitfalls and barriers faced by
students could achieve success
the poor. Visible Learning identifies
in these four courses just as their
the educational practices that yield
financially advantaged peers have
the highest rates of learning, as well
as 10 mind frames educators need to
President Phil Pritzker
Treasurer Thomas Neeley
Vice President Joanne Osmond
Immediate Past President Karen Fisher
BOARD OF DIRECTORS Abe Lincoln Lisa Weitzel
Lake June Maguire
Blackhawk David Rockwell
Northwest Ben Andersen
Central Illinois Valley Thomas Neeley
Shawnee Roger Pfister
Cook North Barbara Somogyi
Southwestern Mark Christ
Cook South Denis Ryan
Starved Rock Simon Kampwerth Jr.
Cook West Carla Joiner-Herrod
Three Rivers Dale Hansen
Corn Belt Mark Harms
Two Rivers David Barton
DuPage Thomas Ruggio
Wabash Valley Dennis Inboden
Egyptian John Metzger Illini Michelle Skinlo Kaskaskia Linda Eades
Western Sue McCance Chicago Board Jaime Guzman Service Associates Glen Eriksson
Kishwaukee Mary Stith Board of directors members are current at press time.
IASB is a voluntary association of local boards of education and is not affiliated with any branch of government.
Continued on page 4
N O V E M B E R - D E C E M B E R 2 0 1 6 / T H E I L L I N O I S S C H O O L B O A R D J O U R N A L
Practical PR
continued from page 3
After the first year of the Equity
of the students in the cohort earned
course sequence that would not have
and Achievement cohort, approxi-
a 75 percent or higher in three of
otherwise been possible was realized.
mately half of the 42 students met the
the four classes. The courses that
As the original cohort of students
goal of earning a 75 percent or high-
proved most difficult for students in
enters sophomore year, 34 of the
er in all four classes, and more than
the cohort were also the most diffi-
42 students will be moving on to a
half of the students in the cohort are
cult for students not in the cohort.
comparable course sequence in all
on-track to take an AP class in high
The team’s ultimate goal of
four courses. The remaining eight
school. Approximately 80 percent
exposing students to a more rigorous
students will be moving forward in at least one of the courses. Overall, struggle for students in the cohort was minimal and success was widespread. As the second year of the cohort begins, students OFFICE OF THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Roger L. Eddy, Executive Director Benjamin S. Schwarm, Deputy Executive Director Meetings Management Carla S. Bolt, Director Office of General Counsel Kimberly Small, General Counsel Maryam Brotine, Assistant General Counsel Executive Searches Thomas Leahy, Director Jim Helton, Consultant Dave Love, Consultant Alan Molby, Consultant ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES Jennifer Feld, Associate Executive Director/ Chief Financial Officer ADVOCACY/GOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS Benjamin S. Schwarm, Deputy Executive Director Deanna L. Sullivan, Director Susan Hilton, Director Zach Messersmith, Assistant Director Advocacy Cynthia Woods, Director IASB OFFICES 2921 Baker Drive, Springfield, Illinois 62703-5929 217/528-9688 Fax 217/528-2831 One Imperial Place, 1 East 22nd Street, Suite 20 Lombard, Illinois 60148-6120 630/629-3776 Fax 630/629-3940
will continue to be monitored. If a student’s grade falls below a 75
BOARD DEVELOPMENT/TAG Dean Langdon, Associate Executive Director
percent, then he/she will again be
Board Development Sandra Kwasa, Director Nesa Brauer, Trainer Angie Peifer, Consultant
support. Twelve new teachers were
Targeting Achievement through Governance (TAG) Steve Clark, Consultant
dents from the Class of 2020 begin
COMMUNICATIONS/ PRODUCTION SERVICES James Russell, Associate Executive Director Gary W. Adkins, Director/Editorial Services Jennifer Nelson, Director/Information Services Theresa Kelly Gegen, Director/Editorial Services Heath Hendren, Assistant Director/Communications Kara Kienzler, Director/Production Services FIELD SERVICES/POLICY SERVICES Cathy A. Talbert, Associate Executive Director Field Services Larry Dirks, Director Perry Hill IV, Director Laura Martinez, Director Reatha Owen, Director Patrick Rice, Director Barbara B. Toney, Director Policy Services Anna Lovern, Director Shanell Bowden, Consultant Angie Powell, Consultant Brian Zumpf, Consultant
mentored and offered additional welcomed to the cohort for the sophomore course sequence, and 49 stua new freshman cohort during the 2016-17 school year. The team believes that the academic trajectory of all students within the cohort was changed by advocating for higher expectations. As the cohort enters the second year, the equity and achievement team is currently discussing the following issues: • Balancing mentoring assignments; • Providing guidelines for what mentoring entails in order to ensure consistency; and • Emphasizing the importance of having consistent learner qualities in all classrooms. District 204 remains committed to having continual conversations in an effort to improving student academic outcomes.
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Physical plant and school buildings:
Three keys to facility security By Paul Timm
Paul Timm, PSP, is president of RETA Security and a board-certified Physical Security Professional. He is the author of School Security: How to Build and Strengthen a School Safety Program, and a nationally acclaimed expert in school security.
or too long, school security
from a Mayberry mindset to more
measures have been com-
of a “defensive driver” mentality?
promised as students, staff, and visitors unwittingly trade securi-
Consider the following three keys to effective facility security.
ty for convenience. Visit a typical school and notice that exterior
Culture therapy begins with awareness. Increased secur ity awareness takes place through education and reinforcement. Give detailed explanations for the adop-
The first key is awareness.
tion of security measures. Say some-
doors get propped open, vacant
People tend to fall into routines.
thing like, “In our ongoing efforts to
interior rooms are left wide open,
For example, staff members get used
provide a safe learning environment,
and visitor management practices
to always parking in the same space,
we are installing…” Provide answers
prove far less than effective. This
entering the building through the
to questions such as the following:
“Mayberry mindset,” a false sense
nearest door and dropping their
• Why did the school move from
of security, leads to higher levels of
keys on a desk they soon leave unat-
mechanical key access to elec-
risk and inevitable regrets. What is
tended. Introduce change into that
tronic access?
the remedy for this culture of com-
routine and you will occasionally
promise? How can schools move
encounter resistance.
• When I utilize my card/fob to enter the building, why is it important to make sure that no one follows me (“tailgates”) through the door? • How many security cameras do we have? • Where are they located? Inform people. Give staff members compelling reasons to take ownership of security measures. Describe how and why people’s actions determine the effectiveness of those measures. Regular staff meetings provide an excellent opportunity to reinforce security measures. Carve out just a few minutes at each meeting to share relevant crime prevention
© lovemelovemypic/Shutterstock
information, test people on security
system features, touch on an import-
beyond the technology place most
ant aspect of emergency prepared-
adults will ever reach. Second, stu-
ness, and remind people of the value
dents have a much better “pulse” for
of national security campaigns, such
real and potential security issues.
as “See Something, Say Something.”
How can schools appropriately
Keep reinforcement efforts consis-
involve students in improving the
tent, relevant, and engaging. Doing
security program? Consider the fol-
so will go a long way toward achiev-
lowing suggestions:
ing a culture of awareness.
• Involvement in the safety plan-
The second key is collaboration.
• Educating staff in technology
Join the conversation at the 2016 Joint Annual Conference School Safety and Security Seminar, Friday, November 18
ning team School districts typically assign
areas such as social media
responsibility for security to an
• Providing information regarding
individual. Quite often, that person
existing security vulnerabilities
already wears another hat, such as
and the value of existing security
oversight of facility operations. An
effective physical security program, however, depends on collaboration.
The third key is Crime Prevention
No one has shoulders broad enough
through Environmental Design
From Operations to Culture: Safety Impacts Learning
to carry the load alone.
Safety Procedures and School Safety Drill Act 8:30–9:30 a.m.
Physical Plant and School Buildings 9:40–10:40 a.m.
School Climate and Culture 10:50–11:50 a.m.
Collaboration requires contribu-
CPTED is a set of theories and
tions from both internal and external
strategies designed to discourage
stakeholders. External stakeholders
criminal behavior by creating a safe
include emergency responders, par-
and positive physical environment.
ents, and outside entities that utilize
CPTED is really more of a field of
school spaces such as the gymnasium
study than a set of hard-and-fast
and auditorium. Internal stakehold-
rules. Ask several different prac-
ers include teachers, administrators,
titioners for the core principles of
students, and personnel that oversee
CPTED and you will undoubtedly
that these areas are well lit through-
areas such as technology, facilities,
receive differing opinions. For the
out the night. Trim vegetation so
and transportation. Each of these
purposes of this consideration, the
that shrubs are no more than three
individuals sees security from a dif-
focus is on three principles: natural
feet tall and tree limbs are cleared
ferent angle and has a vital part to
surveillance, designed access con-
to a minimum height of eight feet.
play in ensuring that practices are
trol, and maintenance.
For new construction projects, insist
followed. Organize a school and/or
The goal of natural sur veil-
on the specification of “miniature”
district safety planning team. Meet
lance is to increase the perception
shrubs at entrances, parking lots,
at least once each semester. Make
that people can easily be seen on
and walkways.
sure that meetings do not exceed 60
and around school property. That
Designed access control involves
perception can best be achieved
efforts to make clear distinctions
Involve students. They make
through the use of good exterior
between public space and private
up the most important stakeholder
lighting and landscaping that per-
space. Specific elements include
group for two primary reasons. First,
mits clear lines of sight. Begin by
highly visible gates, striped walk-
they are ahead of adults in terms of
focusing on building entrances,
ways, and labeled entr ies that
technology. Naturally intuitive and
parking lots, and the walkways that
indicate approved areas. These ele-
unafraid, students have already gone
connect them. Take steps to ensure
ments seek to afford people safe and
monitored access and movement.
Therefore, quick replacement of
immediately be reported to local
Conversely, schools also utilize ele-
broken windows will reduce the risk
law enforcement; door props should
ments, such as security signs, exteri-
of others being broken. Demonstrat-
be reported to someone in charge
or doors without handles, and various
ing investment in school property
of buildings and grounds. The sec-
kinds of barriers to deter unwanted
through good maintenance shows
ond “R” is record. Graffiti should
access into certain areas. These ele-
the community a sense of pride and
be recorded photographically. Door
ments seek to restrict the access and
order that discourages criminal
props should be documented. The
flow of people and vehicles.
behavior. Keep all areas clean and
third “R” is remove. Do whatever
Maintenance is the demon-
orderly. Remove debris piles. Store
it takes to get rid of the graffiti, or
stration of investment in buildings
any items of value which could be
the door prop, as soon as possible.
and grounds. For our purposes, the
used as vandalism tools in secured
Make both graffiti and door propping
opposite of maintenance would be
deterioration. Deterioration is the
The Broken Windows Theory
School leaders can change the
demonstration of lack of control
also applies to the closely related
culture of compromise that leads to
by the property owner and an indi-
areas of graffiti/tagging and door
higher levels of risk and inevitable
cation of tolerating disorder. The
propping devices. When encoun-
regrets. Create change by raising
Broken Windows Theory asserts
tering either of these issues, make
awareness, undertaking a collabo-
that the mere presence of a broken
use of the alliteration memor y
rative approach, and implementing
window actually entices potential
tool known as the “Three Rs.” The
CPTED principles. The time to act
vandals to break more windows.
first “R” is report. Graffiti should
is now to make schools safer.
Safety procedures and school safety drills:
Instruct and prepare, then drill By Brandon K. Wright
Under the School Safety Drill
conducted at two levels: first, mem-
teachers should be knowledgeable
Act, Illinois schools are required
bers of the administration or school
on the specific drills, understand the
to conduct a minimum of six drills
safety team provide specific train-
differences between the drills, and
annually. While it may be easy to
ing to staff members; and second,
know how to instruct their students
view safety drills and the accom-
staff members provide instruction
on drill participation. In addition to
panying annual review as routine
to students.
this formal training, consider devot-
events, merely conducting prescribed
The first discussion-based train-
ing part of staff meetings to discuss-
drills and approving the same emer-
ing exercise provides the school
ing the building’s emergency and
gency and crisis response plan year
safety team an opportunity to train
crisis response plan, protocols, and
after year may not be sufficient to
teachers and staff members on spe-
procedures. This emphasizes the
prepare staff and students for an
cific drills. At this meeting, copies of
importance of the plans, while also
emergency situation, or to evade
the emergency and crisis response
providing staff another opportunity
legal liability.
plan, protocols, and procedures
to provide feedback on the proce-
may be distributed to staff with an
dures and to ask questions.
How can a school prepare staff
opportunity for staff questions and
In addition to instructing how
and students for an emergency
feedback. At the end of training,
drills should be performed, direction
Brandon K. Wright is a partner with the law firm of Miller, Tracy, Braun, Funk & Miller, Ltd. He represents school districts and special education co-ops and is a speaker and writer on issues of school law.
situation and evade legal liability? First, it is advisable to prepare staff and students for safety drills prior to conducting the drills themselves. While safety drills are often seen as discrete events, staff and students may need additional instruction to understand the objective of safety drills, and what to do if emergency situations occur. Thus, the National Association of School Psychologists recommends that emergency drills be conducted after the school has had an opportunity to conduct basic, discussion-based exercises. These exercises can be
should be given to teachers and staff
be given to the students’ cognitive
Drill Act requires Illinois schools
members regarding their behavior
and developmental levels, personal-
to conduct a minimum of six drills:
and affect during a drill or an emer-
ity, history of adverse or traumat-
three school evacuation drills,
gency. When an emergency situation
ic experiences, and psychological
one bus evacuation drill, one law
occurs, students look to the adults
makeup. For example, emergency
enforcement drill, and one severe
around them for guidance. Thus, as
training given to fifth graders may be
weather/shelter-in-place drill. Fail-
noted by the National Association of
different from that given to kinder-
ure to conduct all drills prescribed
School Psychologists, adults’ behav-
gartners. In addition to developmen-
by the Act subjects all members
ior in an emergency directly affects
tal maturity, special consideration
of the school community to an
the physical and psychological safe-
may be taken in providing training
increased risk of harm in the event
ty of students. If a teacher or staff
and accommodations for students
of an emergency. It also subjects
member is calm and knowledgeable,
with physical or cognitive disabil-
the school to legal liability.
students are more likely to remain
ities who may strug gle to move
The Illinois Administrative
calm themselves and to follow the
quickly or to respond to instructions
Code requires each drill conduct-
guidance provided.
in an emergency situation.
ed pursuant to the Act to fulfill four
Finally, schools should consider
It is also important to conduct
objectives: notification and response,
providing training to students prior
appropriate drills. As a thresh-
movement to safe areas, communi-
to conducting a drill. In preparing
old issue, it is highly inadvisable
cation with first responders, and
this training, considerations should
to skip drills. The School Safety
accounting for all occupants.
Policy Services Custom, in-district services and workshops to assist your board with all aspects of its policymaking role Development – Policies that provide for good board processes, a strong board-superintendent relationship, appropriate direction and delegation to the superintendent, and district ends. Updating – Policies that are current with legal requirements and provide for effective board governance.
Review – A process that assures board policy continues to accurately support the board’s mission, vision, and goals. Monitoring – A process that assures board policy is being followed and is having the intended effect. Communicating – A process that allows easy access to current board policy by the board, staff, students, parents, and the community.
If your board needs assistance in any of these areas, contact IASB policy services today! Phone: 630/629-3776 or 217/528-9688, ext. 1214 or 1154 Email: or
Jan/Feb 2016 May/June 2016
First, students, staff members,
would an emergency situation. If
administration should make all
first responders, and visitors — both
a drill is casually or sloppily done,
reasonable efforts to accommodate
inside and outside the school build-
the school community will not be
and provide appropriate supports for
ing — must “be alerted to the fact
able to perform at top level when an
students with a history of adverse or
that an emergency exists; receive
emergency situation occurs. This
traumatic experiences that may be
adequate instructions on how to
means that shortcuts on emergency
aggravated by unassisted participa-
proceed, including supplemental
procedures should not be taken in a
tion in the drill. Second, teachers
instructions from first responders;
drill. For example, all members of the
and staff members should be taught
and respond appropriately to the
school community should participate
to recognize physical or emotional
directions given.”
in drills, including school nurses,
reactions, so that they may recognize
Second, these individuals are
custodians, secretaries, bus drivers,
if a student or staff member needs
to move to safe areas. Accounting
and other support personnel. Addi-
to be removed from the drill and/or
should be made regarding staff’s
tionally, the emergency and crisis
given medical assistance.
ability to provide effective assis-
response plan, protocols, and proce-
tance to those who cannot evacuate
dures should be followed as strictly as
What considerations impact
on their own.
possible. For example, if a lockdown
the drafting or updating of an
Third, students and staff must
is in place, staff members and stu-
emergency and crisis response
“ensure that the system for com-
dents should not let unauthorized
plan, protocols, and procedures?
municating with responding agen-
individuals into their respective
The School Safety Drill Act
cies provides timely and complete
rooms until the drill is over. Con-
requires each public school dis-
information about the nature, scope,
siderations should be made, however,
trict to conduct a minimum of one
and current status of the emergency
to the developmental maturity and
meeting in which it will review
situation and about the status of all
mental health of students and staff
and update each school building’s
the building’s occupants, whether
when developing drills.
emergency and crisis response plan,
evacuated or sheltering in place.”
Drills — especially active shoot-
protocols, and procedures, as well
More simply, the drill is intended to
er drills — can generate strong
as each building’s compliance with
test the ability of students and staff
emotional responses from students
school safety drill programs. The
to provide necessary information to
and staff. While the goal of drills is
provision of the Act is broad and
first responders.
to instruct and protect the school
does not contain much guidance
F i n a l ly, e a ch d r i l l sho u l d
community, failure to conduct an
regarding content. The Illinois
“ensure that designated areas for
appropriate drill can lead to physical
Administrative Code, however,
assembling are appropriate to the
or emotional harm. Participants in
states that there must be at least two
type of incident to which the drill
unannounced assailant drills con-
components to the emergency and
applies; that they are used by all
ducted in the workplace have filed
crisis response plan: a concept of
students, staff, and visitors; and that
lawsuits against employers due to
operations and a description of the
controls in place permit accounting
psychological and psychical harm
schools’ training and preparedness.
for all building occupants.” Thus,
sustained during or after the drill.
Illinois Administrative Code
dr i l ls a ssist ad m inistration in
Therefore, careful consideration
details that the emergency and cri-
assessing preparedness of students
should be given so that the drill suf-
sis response plan must delineate the
and staff, as well as their own ability
ficiently prepares the school com-
school’s concept of operations in the
to account for school occupants in
munity while also not subjecting it
event of an emergency. More specifi-
an emergency.
to unnecessary trauma.
cally, the school must detail the:
W hen conducting a dr ill,
Several steps may be taken
• Responsibilities of individuals
members of the school communi-
to mitigate potential harm when
who discover an emergency or
ty should treat the drill like they
a dr ill is conducted. First, the
• Responsibilities of the leader/
and materials used in the training.
Finally, meaningfully assess the
commander and other members
However, the school must also pro-
performance of the school commu-
of emergency team;
vide specific information about the
nity immediately after a drill to
• Responsibilities of monitors who
school, as well as the records and
determine whether the four objec-
will ensure proper execution of
results of the required and optional
tives of the drill have been met. Was
planned response;
drills conducted.
t here prop er not i f ic at ion a nd
• Responsibility for communi-
In addition to required ele-
response? Was there efficient move-
cating with first responders,
ments of the building’s emergency
ment to safe areas? Was necessary
building occupants, families,
and crisis response plan, protocols,
information communicated to first
representatives of the media,
and procedures, there are various
responders? Was there an accurate
and other members of the com-
best practices to keep in mind
accounting of all occupants in the
munity; [and]
when drafting or updating these
building? It may be difficult to
• Responsibility for maintaining
documents. First, the building’s
update the emergency and crisis
emergency-related records.
emergency and crisis response
response plan, protocols, and pro-
In addition, the emergency and
plan, protocols, and procedures
cedures if there is no record of how
crisis response plan must provide a
should have clearly stated objec-
the drills went, whether there was
description of responses planned —
tives. A staff member looking at
any confusion exhibited by students
“what should happen, when, and at
these documents should be able
or staff, or whether there were any
whose direction” — if various emer-
to easily discern who should do
unexpected problems. This infor-
gencies occur. The Code includes a
what, under what conditions, and
mation can be collected through a
list of emergencies (severe weath-
to what standards. If possible,
short debriefing with the drill plan-
er, fire, str uctural failure, and
avoid using codes, because staff
ning team members or through sim-
others) that a school must provide
members often struggle to remem-
ple c onver sat ion s w it h st a f f
a response for, but this list is not
ber numerous codes in a drill or
members after the drills.
intended to be definitive. Finally,
emergency situation. For example,
the emergency and crisis response
a recent security assessment of a
plan must provide an inventory of
school district found that one staff
available resources for respond-
member referred to a “code purple”
ing to an emergency, such as an
protocol that was not listed in any
School Safety Drill Act: 105 ILCS 128/1 et seq.
emergency contact list, methods
plan. Thus, the clearer the objec-
for accounting for all school occu-
tives are, the easier it will be to
pants, response guidance materials
remember and follow them.
and methods of distributing these
Second, the building’s emer-
materials, and emergency supplies
gency and crisis response plan,
and equipment.
protocols, and procedures should
In addition to the school’s
account for students and staff with
concept of operations, the Illinois
access and functional needs, as
Administrative Code states that a
well as limited English proficiency.
school must also provide informa-
These students and staff members
tion in the emergency and crisis
may be limited in their ability to
response plan about its efforts to
react quickly and/or to respond to
train and prepare its administrators,
instruction. Thus, careful consid-
staff, and students. This description
eration should be given in drafting
may be quite simple. For example, it
the plan, protocols, and procedures
can merely state training provided
to ensure everyone’s safety.
Required drills: 105 ILCS 128/2 Required meetings: 105 ILCS 128/25 The Illinois Administrative Code Objectives of Drills: 29 Ill. Admin. Code 1500.30 Responsibilities for operations in the event of an emergency: 29 Ill. Admin. Code 1500.20(a)(1). Responses planned: 29 Ill. Admin. Code 1500.20(a)(2). Inventory of responding resources in an emergency: 29 Ill. Admin. Code 1500.20(a)(3). Training and preparation: 29 Ill. Admin. Code 1500.20(b). National Association of School Psychologists, Best Practice Considerations for Schools in Active Shooter and Other Armed Assailant Drills (2014), available at
School climate and culture:
Safety teams prevent, intervene By Rosario C. Pesce
he Every Student Succeeds
that help create a safe, respectful,
• Providing district and school
Act (ESSA) provides for much
and inclusive school environment
staff with needed support and
greater emphasis on and flexibility in
that builds social competence and
a number of areas ― areas that are tied
academic excellence. On the oth-
• Making district-wide and school-
to funding. Among these is improv-
er hand, a crisis response teams’
wide comprehensive school
ing school climate and safety. ESSA
main responsibility is planning for
safety and climate initiatives
recognizes the connection that has
and mobilizing during short- and
been supported by a considerable
long-term crisis interventions and
amount of research showing that
providing recovery support.
• Conducting evaluations such as vulnerability assessments, safe-
there is a strong relationship between
Safety teams exist at both the
ty audits, and other data-gen-
school climate and school learning
district and school levels and have
erating evaluations to make
and success. The degree to which
parallel functions:
informed decisions on priorities
students feel connected, accepted,
• Providing leadership at the
and respected heavily influences stu-
district and at the school level,
dents’ academic achievement, mental
specific to comprehensive safety
health, and overall school success.
and overall school climate;
The PREPaRE model curriculum
for safety and for future directions to be taken; and • Prov iding gu idance, at the district level, on how to use
Rosario Pesce, Ph.D., NCSP, LCP, is a school and clinical psychologist, now retired from a 32-year career at J. Sterling Morton HSD 201. He is currently the school psychology coordinator of clinical training at Loyola University
developed by the National Associa-
tion of School Psychologists recommends the establishment of safety teams along with crisis response teams in order to balance the importance of psychological or emotional safety along with physical safety. Crisis response teams are trained to be involved with mitigation efforts and to provide response and recovery interventions and support. The functioning of such teams has received a lot of attention, significantly more than that paid to safety teams. The main focus of safety teams is overseeing the procedures and programs
© Dmitry Kalinovsky/Shutterstock
behavioral and academic data
other such groups might already exist
vulnerability assessments at the
for decision making; developing
and potentially can take on some of
district and school levels. Vulnera-
at the school level a comprehen-
the functions listed above. There may
bility is assessed across four broad
sive school safety plan.
be no need to form a brand-new group
categories: sites, culture and cli-
District safety teams can be com-
if existing structures can carry on the
mate, school threat assessment, and
prised of central office administra-
tasks of the safety team. The work
capacity assessment. For culture
tors, district leaders, mental health
of the safety team is foundational,
and climate, student and staff per-
coordinators, preventions and inter-
primarily focused on prevention
ceptions of school safety and stu-
vention coordinators, special edu-
and, therefore, at efforts aimed at
dents’ connectedness are examined.
cation administration, building and
all students of a school or district (or
The goal of assessing this area is to
grounds leader, transportation head,
sometimes a segment of the school
obtain data regarding staff percep-
and representatives from the commu-
population) requiring prevention
tions of safety and data on problem
nity’s first responders’ groups, among
efforts. Safety teams and their core
behaviors to address to improve
others. Comparable types of individu-
functions fit in well with ESSA’s focus
school climate. The assumption is
als should be included in school safety
on school climate.
that as school climate is improved
teams. District and school improve-
Among the critical tasks of a
there will be an increased likelihood
ment teams, PBIS committees, and
safety team is to conduct regular
that students will report concerns and in some cases prevent crises from occurring. Reviews of school cl imate mea su res include Th e American Institute for Research’s National Center on Safe Supportive Learning Environments, which presents a compendium of school climate measures (see resources,
The next time your district needs to do a search for a new superintendent, call your team at IASB.
The IASB executive searches department is just one component of the IASB team that provides services to your district every week, every year of your term as a board member. The IASB team continues to support your district long after the search is completed. Field services, policy services, board development, and communications provide you year-round services.
groups: school-wide positive behav-
Universal programs aimed at addressing climate and culture can be categorized into three major ior and support, social emotional learning, and specific prevention programs. The primary goals of school-wide positive approaches are preventing behavior problems and promoting a positive school climate characterized by safety, caring, and student engagement in learning. Many times such efforts also include helping students develop social, emotional, and behavioral competencies.
We care about the ongoing success of your district.
Prominent among such programs are
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Support (PBIS) and Safe and Civil
Positive Behavioral Interventions and Schools.
November/December 2016 THE ILLINOIS SCHOOL
We are indeed fortunate to be the
health and safety survey of 149 ques-
The trend — or requirement —
first state to adopt social emotional
tions, respondents answered “Yes”
from most funding sources in select-
learning standards (SEL). Addressing
at an alarming rate to the question:
ing programs for use is finding those
these standards can be incorporated
“During the past 12 months,
that are evidence-informed. There
into curriculum programming. The
did your boyfriend or girlfriend
are clearinghouses and databases
Illinois SEL standards mirror those
ever hit, slap, or physically hurt
that provide evaluations of pro-
espoused by the Collaborative for Aca-
you on purpose?”
grams. Typically such sites rate the
demic, Social, and Emotional Learn-
To develop a plan, the school
strength of a program on a number
ing (CASEL) located at the University
formed a task force that included a
of dimensions, most important being
of Illinois-Chicago. CASEL provides
dean, school psychologist, school
the strength of the scientific frame-
the recently updated guides for Effec-
social worker, teacher, two counsel-
work and procedures used to assess
tive Social and Emotional Learning
ors, and staff from a local domestic
a program’s effectiveness. Schools
Programs for preschool and elementary students, and another for middle and high school students. After having conducted climate surveys and having obtained other data indicating school trends, safety teams could use such
“The assumption is that as school climate is
guides to help inform stakeholders as
improved there will be an increased likelihood
to which program(s) might be best
that students will report concerns and in some
suited to the district and/or schools. It is important that once such pro-
cases prevent crises from occurring.”
grams are selected, the safety teams continue monitoring the integrity of delivering such programs and the effectiveness of such intervention. Many times the programs include the
violence agency. The group studied
also should take into consideration
necessary evaluation tools.
what dating violence prevention
how well a program fits the context
Evaluation data may lead a safe-
programs were available at the time
in which it will be applied, aspects
ty team to consider adopting a pro-
and selected one which was devel-
such as other current school climate
gram aimed at prevention efforts for
oped and field-tested on a similar
challenges, cultural variables, time
specific challenges: bullying, anger
population. We used the services of
commitment, cost, community and
management, trauma, in-school gang
the local domestic violence agency
parent involvement, staff training,
behavior, dating violence, etc. The
to help deliver the curriculum to all
etc. There are a number of places
safety team’s next step would be to
ninth-grade students. Evaluation
to seek such information. Here are
examine programs that have strong
data showed positive effects of the
four I recommend, with links in the
research support and which matches
curriculum training. Using an evalu-
resources section below:
the demographic profile of the stu-
ation tool developed by the domestic
• The Campbell Collaboration is
dent population and community.
violence agency, participants were
a registry of randomized and
Sometimes such programs may
noted to have made significant gains
somewhat randomized social,
require expertise that might be
in their knowledge of important teen
psychological, educational, and
beyond that of school staff. A few
dating relationship concepts. A pro-
criminological trials, as well as
years ago, a school district with which
cess like this would be led by and
a list of reviews of interventions
I was connected gathered data from
coordinated through the efforts of
and policy evaluations in edu-
students in grades 8, 9, and 11. In this
a school safety team.
cation, crime and justice, social
welfare, and methods. The Campbell Collaboration is known for its
learning programs and their
programs and developing policies that
application at various schools.
promote school safety for all students,
use of meta-analyses, or studies
• SAMHSA Model Programs and
create positive prevention systems
of a number of studies on a topic.
Ef fective Subst ance Abuse
and effective interventions. They can
• The Center for the Study and
and Mental Health Programs
also assist by selecting, implementing,
Prevention of Violence includes
for E ver y C om mu n it y i s a
and evaluating programs that increase
Blueprints for Violence Preven-
searchable registry of promis-
school connectedness while mindful
tion, which describes each pro-
ing, effective, and model evi-
of the importance of considerations
gram’s theoretical rationale,
dence-based programs reviewed
around cultural competence and
components, evaluation design
by the National Registry of Evi-
home-school collaboration.
and results, and implementation
dence-Based Programs and
experiences. Sometimes inter-
Practices, including links to the
views with the developer(s) of a
programs themselves as well as
program area included.
to publications about prevention.
PREPaRE Model: professional-development/preparetraining-curriculum
• The Collaborative for Academic,
In conclusion, safety teams or
Social, and Emotional Learn-
current groups that perform many of
ing (CASEL), in addition to
the functions of safety teams can
including guides that rate var-
serve the needs of districts seeking
ious social emotional learning
to foster a school culture and climate
programs, also provides summa-
that will promote learning and aca-
ries of studies that evaluate the
demic success. Safety teams can
The American Institute for Research’s National Center on Safe Supportive Learning Environments: p-12-education-and-social-development/ school-climate-and-safety
effectiveness of social emotional
guide districts and schools in seeking
Guide for Developing High-Quality School Emergency Operations Plans (USDOE and other federal departments): docs/rems_k-12_guide_508.pdf
Safe & Civil Schools: www.safeandcivil Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning: The Campbell Collaboration,
DIVISION MEETINGS Invest one evening, gain benefits throughout the year for yourself, your school board, and your district.
Center for the Study and Prevention of Violence: SAMHSA Model Programs and Effective Substance Abuse and Mental Health Programs for Every Community:
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References NASP article on ESSA School Safety for Decision-Makers: Brock, S. E., Nickerson, A. B., Louvar Reeves, M. A., Conolly, C. N., Jimerson, S. R., Pesce, R. C., Lazzaro, B. R. (2016) School Crisis Prevention and Intervention: The PREPaRE Model (2nd ed.). Bethesda, MD: National Association of School Psychologists. National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) PREPaRE Training Curriculum. U.S. Department of Education (2013, June). Guide for developing high-quality school emergency operations plans. Washington, D.C.
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Workplace bullying impacts district climate By Sandra Malahy
Sandra Malahy, Ed.D., is superintendent of Lostant CUSD 425.
recent study of teachers in
bully in their school. These results
such behaviors prompted this inves-
26 school districts in Illi-
mirror those of a 2013 survey by
tigation. Because adult bullying in
nois found that teacher-to-teach-
the Workplace Bullying Institute
our schools has not been studied
er bullying is a problem. Nearly
that found that nursing, teaching,
with the same urgency as student
20 percent of the teachers who
and public service are the top three
bullying, it was important to deter-
responded to the study indicated
bullying-prone professions.
mine which types of bullying exist
they had been bullied on a month-
Student bullying has received
to determine the types of policies
ly, weekly, or daily basis, by other
substantial attention in recent years,
teachers, in the last six months.
but little attention has been focused
A n i n str u ment , The Nega-
Nearly 73 percent of the teachers
on the adults in our schools. First-
tive Acts Questionnaire-Revised
indicated they witnessed bullying
hand observation and knowledge of a
(NAQ-R), recognized by the Work-
in their school during that same
number of teacher-to-teacher issues
place Bullying Institute as a statisti-
ti me per iod. Th ree of t he 294
coupled with a lack of district policy
cally reliable and valid instrument,
respondents self-identified as a
or state law for guidance in resolving
was used to survey over 1,000 teach-
that are needed.
ers in Illinois. This instrument determines both the frequency and the types of bullying that occur in work environments. Twenty-two questions categorized into three types of bullying behaviors identify the type of bullying — work-related, person-related, or physically intimidating — experienced by the participant. Work-related descriptors included withholding necessary information affecting your performance; being ordered to do work below your level of competence; having your opinions ignored; being given tasks with unreasonable deadlines; excessive monitoring of your work; © SvetaZi/Shutterstock
pressure not to claim something to which by right you are entitled (such
as sick leave, holiday entitlement,
profession. Policies addressing teach-
Although school employees are
travel expenses); and being exposed
er-to-teacher bullying are few, if any,
to receive ethics training, at least
to an unmanageable workload.
according to Catherine Bradshaw
every two years, this training does
Person-related descr iptors
and Kate Figiel in a 2012 report
not work, according to Gary Namie
included being humiliated or ridi-
prepared for the National Education
of the Workplace Bullying Institute.
culed in connection with your work;
Association. A review of district poli-
He reports ethics training is ineffec-
having key areas of responsibilities
cies and employee handbooks in the
tive, because organizational leaders
removed or replaced with more triv-
26 districts in this study found only
do not take vision, mission, values,
ial or unpleasant tasks; spreading
one contained anti-workplace bul-
ethics, and conflict-free work zone
of gossip and rumors about you;
lying language, and it stated that all
language seriously. Nor does the fed-
being ignored or excluded; hav-
employees must maintain a safe envi-
eral government officially address
ing insulting or offensive remarks
ronment that is free from bullying.
negative workplace acts. There are
made about your person, attitudes, or your private life; hints or signals from others that you should quit your job; repeated reminders of your errors or mistakes; being ignored or facing a hostile reac-
“Federal laws require governmental enforcement,
tion when you are approached ;
which in turn generates costs, which explains
persistent criticism of your errors
why there are no plans at this time to draft or
or mistakes; practical jokes carried out by people you don’t get along
pass a federal workplace bullying law.”
w ith ; hav i ng a l legations made against you; and being the subject of excessive teasing and sarcasm. Physically-intimidating behaviors included: being shouted at or
Since 2009, several bills have
no federal laws that address work-
being the target of spontaneous
been introduced relating to work-
place bullying, and adult bullying
anger; intimidating behaviors such
place bullying in Illinois. However,
no state in America has anti-bul-
as finger-pointing, invasion of per-
all have ended with a committee in
lying laws for the workplace. Ver-
sonal space, shoving, blocking your
session sine die — adjourned with-
bal bullying which may include
way; and threats of violence or phys-
out action and no date for further
teasing, taunting, or gossiping,
ical abuse or actual abuse.
is legal because it is not covered
Of the three ty pes of bully
The Illinois School Code Section
under violence policies and laws.
behaviors, survey respondents indi-
105 of the Illinois Compiled Statutes,
Federal laws require governmental
cated they encountered 12 of the 22
does not address workplace bully-
enforcement, which in turn gen-
descriptors five to 16 percent of the
ing. The Code of Ethics for Illinois
erates costs, which explains why
time on a monthly, weekly, or daily
Educators is found in 23 Ill.Admin.
there are no plans at this time to
basis. The two descriptors with the
Code section 22.20, and is included
draft or pass a federal workplace
highest frequency were being ignored
by reference in IASB's PRESS poli-
bullying law. In the absence of
or excluded, and having your opin-
cy services. The language does not
federal law, state law, and school
ions ignored.
specify the terms “bullying,” “work-
board policies, our schools may
The results of this study and
place bullying,” “negative acts,” or
ver y wel l c ont i nue t o prov ide
others indicate that the education
“unethical conduct,” because these
teacher bullies a well-paved path
field is an especially bullying-prone
are not addressed in statute.
toward negative workplace acts.
The findings in this research
The Workplace Bullying Institute
time before workplace bullying is
revea l that teachers are being
at for
brought to the forefront as a result
bullied by other teachers. School
anti-bullying training for school
of costly litigation. The initial effort
boards must ensure they have a pol-
of school boards should be to adopt
icy in place that addresses work-
Preserving a positive climate is
policy language and provide profes-
place bullying. Initial talking points
vital, but another reason for boards
sional develop training so that dis-
may include define workplace bul-
to enter into this work is that liti-
trict expectations are known.
lying, define district expectations,
gation can be costly and time con-
inform teachers how to report bul-
suming. Minimum action should
lying, list action steps that will be
include consulting with school dis-
Adult Bullying Resources
taken if incidents of bullying are
trict attorneys for employee hand-
reported, and provide clear notice
book language that makes district
how bullies will be handled. School
expectations known regarding work-
administrators may also conduct an
place bullying and repercussions for
Baughman, H., Dearing, S., Giammarco, E., & Vernon, P. (2012). Relationship between bullying behaviours and the dark triad: A study with adults. Personality and Individual Differences, 52: 571-575.
annual workplace survey to deter-
violating the expectations.
mine the overall organizational
There is no doubt teach-
health in his or her school. School
er-to-teacher bullying in our schools
boards may engage the services of
is a problem. It is only a matter of
Bradshaw, C. P., & Figiel, K. (2012). Prevention and intervention of workplace bullying in schools. A report prepared for the National Education Association. Retrieved from http:// Illinois State Board of Education, Illinois Educator Code of Ethics: http:// pdf/meetings/emag/pdf/educator_ COE_0311.pdf Malahy, S. (2015). Workplace bullying: Teacher-to-teacher.(Doctoral dissertation). Marzano, R. & Waters, T. (2009). District leadership that works: Striking the right balance. Bloomington, Ind.: Solution Tree Press. Namie, G. (2014). 2014 WBI U. S. Workplace Bullying Survey, found at WBI-2014-US-Survey.pdf
Learn the building blocks of effective governance by attending these three Conference panels ... Exploring the Benefits of Board Self-Evaluation
Saturday, Nov. 19, 10:30–11:30 a.m.
Setting District Goals and Direction Saturday, Nov. 19, 1:30–2:30 p.m.
Superintendent Evaluation: It’s a Team Effort Saturday, Nov. 19, 3–4 p.m.
For locations near you, visit
Columbus C/D Ballroom, Hyatt East Tower
Namie, G. (2014). Frequently asked questions about the healthy workplace bill. Retrieved from http://www.healthy Paulhus, D. L. & Williams, K. (2002). The Dark Triad of personality: Narcissism, machiavellianism, and psychopathy. Journal of Research in Personality, 36: 556-568. Rockwood, P. R. (2010). “Board and superintendent perceptions of the Illinois professional standards for school leaders critical for superintendent success.” Graduate Theses and Dissertations. Paper 11833. Workplace Bullying Institute (2014). About us. Retrieved from http://www.
Survey finds perception of adult bullying among school leaders By Pamela R. Rockwood
erception is reality, or so it is
It then went on to ask questions per-
and locations kept confidential. A
said. Perceptions are based
taining to if the responder had ever
variety of stories were offered. Some
on our values and what we believe
been a bully, ever been bullied, had
were stories of great pain.
to be true.
seen or heard of bullying in the dis-
Males made up 55 percent of
In February of 2016, Illinois
trict among adults (teachers, staff,
the respondents. Two-thirds were
school board members and super-
administration), and types of bully-
board members. Half represented
intendents were asked to share their
ing or mobbing tactics observed. If a
PK-12 school districts.
perceptions pertaining to adult bul-
responder indicated no perception
Two-thirds, or 67 percent of all
lying that they had experienced,
in the district, no responses to fur-
responders, stated that they had per-
witnessed, heard of, or perpetrat-
ther questions were included in the
sonally experienced mobbing or bul-
ed in their school districts during
survey results. Those who respond-
lying while in their present position,
their service. The responses, with
ed to the survey were also asked if
with 46 percent of them saying that
20 percent of school districts in Illi-
they had any adult bullying or mob-
it had occurred during the past year.
nois represented, showed the overall
bing incidents that they would like
Adult bullying caused chronic stress
perception is that adult bullying is
to share, with details such as names
for 18 percent of respondents, and
Pamela R. Rockwood, Ph.D., recently retired as superintendent of Indian Creek SD 425 and is currently assistant professor of educational leadership at Texas A&M UniversityTexarkana.
alive and well in their districts. The idea for this survey and study came about as the result of a panel session, entitled “Bullied Boards, Board Bullies,” given by Indian Creek SD 425 during the 2015 Joint Annual Conference in Chicago. At that time, it was clear that attendees wanted more information on this topic and what is happening statewide regarding adult bullying and mobbing (collective bullying in the workplace). The survey began by first asking demographic questions such as role, gender, ethnicity, the type of school district in which the responder served, and his or her age range.
© Zerbor/Shutterstock
anxiety for 15 percent. The bully-
of responders replying positively to
climate that allows all educators to
ing tactic most used was slander,
this question is too many.
maintain their individual profession-
gossip, and rumors (21 percent);
According to the Workplace
al integrity.” In addition, most school
followed by verbal abuse and attacks
Bullying Institute, there is no work-
districts have a policy (provided by
(13 percent); and repeated criticism
place anti-bullying law in the United
the PRESS policy service from the
and blame (8 percent). Note that all
States. The Institute’s Healthy Work-
Illinois Association of School Boards)
three of these are of a verbal nature
place Campaign notes that Illinois
that includes the Illinois board mem-
and combined make up 42 percent
was the 15th state to introduce its
ber oath of office. This includes the
of the tactics used.
Healthy Workplace Bill. Senate Bill
statement: “I shall encourage and
When responders were asked
2943 was introduced in 2015. The
respect the free expression of opinion
what bu l ly i ng t act ic t hey had
bill stayed in committee until the
by my fellow Board members and
observed used on others, again they
session ended sine die.
others who seek a hearing before the
identified slander, gossip, and rumors
Illinois superintendents are
Board, while respecting the privacy
(26 percent) and verbal abuse and
required to comply with the Illinois
of students and employees.” Also of
attacks (25 percent).
Educator Code of Ethics which
note is the fact that most boards of
When responders were asked if
includes “Collaborating with col-
education approve their district’s
they had ever bullied another adult
leagues in the local school and
student handbooks, and bullying is
within their district, 15 percent indi-
district to meet local and state
a prohibited and punishable action
cated either “yes” or “perhaps.” We
educational standards” and “Work-
found within them.
can appreciate the honest respons-
ing together to create a respectful,
Only 9.6 percent of the respond-
es, but also note that any number
professional and supportive school
ers indicated that they had no knowledge of adult mobbing or bullying
Bullying Group:
Perception is
Perception is
Board member to administrator (other than superintendent)
Administrator to administrator
Administrator to teacher
Teacher to administrator
happening in their districts. Of the remaining responders, only 13.3 percent felt that the superintendent bullied board members and only 35 percent felt that board members bullied the superintendent. That good news relates to a 2010 dissertation study I did in PK-12 districts in Illinois that found that one of the most critical competencies for superintendent success in Illinois was to foster a
Teacher to teacher
Administrator to support staff
Support staff to administrator
Teacher to support staff
strong superintendent-board relationship. In turn, that strong relationship leads to superintendent stability and increased length of tenure in the district. This is extremely important to student achievement as research by Timothy Waters and Robert J. Marza-
Support staff to teacher
Teacher to student
Student to teacher
no has found that stability in superintendent leadership contributes to an increase in student achievement. There were mixed perceptions among the responders in terms
of if the community had bullied
felt that the one factor most responsi-
or mobbed the board or a board
ble for the mistreatment of the victim
member, with a 50-50 split between
was a personality flaw of the bully (40
those perceiving that this had hap-
percent), followed closely by bullies
pened and those perceiving it had
not being held accountable (37 per-
not. The table on the previous page
cent). Research entitled “Relation-
shows the results of other questions
ships between bullying behaviours
asked pertaining to responder per-
and the Dark Triad: A study with
ceptions of adult bullying or mob-
adults,” by Holly M Baughman, Syl-
bing in their districts.
via Dearing, Erica A. Giammarco,
Overall, responders felt that
and Philip A. Vernon, has indicated
males bully females the most (53
that most bullies fall in to one of the
percent) and that females bully oth-
following three personality types: 1)
er females the most (84 percent).
narcissistic; 2) Machiavellian; or 3)
These results are consistent with a
2014 national workplace bullying
So, according to survey respon-
survey, conducted by Gary Namie of
dents, what finally stopped the
the Workplace Bullying Institute, that
adult bullying/mobbing of the vic-
indicated that both males and females
tim? Sadly enough, 9 percent of the
perceived that, overall, females were
responders indicated that the target
bullied or mobbed more.
was terminated and 27 percent said
Responders in this survey also shared that whenever there was an
Join the conversation at the 2016 Joint Annual Conference • Politics? No. Adult Bullying? Yes, Survey Says… 3 p.m. Panel Session, Saturday, November 19
that the bully was punished but kept
elements of human relations for all
their job.
adults who work with and in the edu-
adult bullying or mobbing incident in
The results of this survey were
cation field. To join the conversation
their district that 55 percent of them
very informative and demonstrate
on adult bullying among school lead-
attempted to publicly help the victim
the need for further discussion and
ers, attend the new panel session at
or they reported the incident. They
i ncre a s e d t ra i n i n g i n va r iou s
the Joint Annual Conference.
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Sharing the road: Multi-district transportation contracts By Walter J. Zukowski, James S. Peters, and Nathaniel P. Washburn
Partners Walter J. Zukowski and James S. Peters, and associate Nathaniel P. Washburn, are attorneys at Zukowski Law Offices, which is involved in legal matters in education through the Education Law Section Council of the Illinois State Bar Association and the Illinois Council of School Attorneys.
cross Illinois, school districts
Sharing of bus routes (having
joint process can also expand the
c ont i nue to c ome u nder
children from multiple districts on
number of alternative proposals
ever-increasing financial stress.
the same bus at the same time) or
a bus company can submit. The
Districts look for viable methods
pairing of bus routes (having a bus
proposals can set forth costs based
of reducing service costs while still
run a route for one district and then
upon being awarded one district’s
maintaining a high degree of quality.
immediately run a route for anoth-
contract or all of the contracts. This
One budget item to be considered is
er district) provides the prospective
flexibility permits the transporta-
the cost is transportation of pupils.
transportation companies the ability
tion companies the ability to factor
More districts are working coopera-
to reduce their own fuel and logistical
in efficiencies they would realize
tively to engage in joint transporta-
costs. Districts that elect to share
from the award of multiple con-
tion proposals in an effort to reduce
or pair routes have realized, in our
tracts, thus incorporating savings
those costs.
experience, as much as a 50 percent
related to economies of scale.
The request for proposal (RFP)
Statutory considerations
process can be a time-consuming
The chart on page 26 provides an
and expensive process for many
example of the potential cost savings
School boards are specifically
districts. The quality of a proposal
based upon data gathered during a
authorized to enter into contracts
can greatly impact the outcome. The
recent multi-district proposal.
“up to 3 years for transportation
level of detail within the RFP can
The top row indicates the total
of pupi ls to a nd f rom school,”
be the difference between a district
number of routes — which did not
according to the Illinois School
receiving a responsive proposal from
include pairing — each district was
Code (105 ILCS 5/29-6.1). They
a responsible transportation com-
running prior to the new contract.
can also be extended for up to two
pany, or having the go through the
The next row sets forth each district’s
more years, and thereafter may be
process twice in order to correct
route breakdown under the new con-
extended on a year-to-year basis
deficiencies. Districts that work
tract. Note that the total number of
unless the school board receives a
together can benefit from sharing
routes has not changed, but by virtue
timely request from another inter-
the costs of preparing a joint request
of the route pairing the districts are
ested contractor that the contract
for proposals, analysis of the submit-
able to achieve savings.
be let by bid. When dealing with
ted proposals, and preparation of a
As the table demonstrates, it is
multiple school districts especially,
model transportation agreement.
possible for districts to incur sub-
great care must be taken to provide
These approaches may allow dis-
stantial cost savings if able to pair or
timely notice, in accordance with
tricts to receive the same high-qual-
share bus routes with other districts.
the current contract language, to
ity service at a reduced cost to each
Another advantage is the oppor-
all current transportation carriers
tunity for alternative proposals. A
that any year-to-year contracts will
respective district.
per-route savings.
15 routes
18 routes
6 routes
12 routes
7 routes
be discontinued after the current
transportation agreements, and fuel
for there to be delays and issues
contract year.
escalator provisions.
that arise from the inability to
Unlike other service contracts, transportation contracts are subject
The more districts that become
contact one or more of the super-
involved, the greater the intendents. Transportation costs forcoordinaeach school district:
to a specific exemption within the
tion needed among and between $630,496 $245,429
School Code Bidding Statute (105
the participants. Administrative
Finally, districts should consid$465,875 $153,198
er the timing of each participating
ILCS 5/10-20.12(a)(xvi)). Other efficiency Contract is a key toPairing makingTransportation joint district’sRoutes regular board meetings. Multi-District service contracts must be let to the
proposals successful. When deciding
The timing of the necessary approv-
lowest responsible bidder; however
whether or not to participate in a
als will have an impact on the deci-
transportation contracts are to be
multi-district process, each district
sion regarding the submission,
awarded “by first considering the bid-
should consider the working rela-
opening, and pre-opening confer-
der or bidders most able to provide
tionship between the participating
ence dates.
safety and comfort for the pupils,
districts. Likewise, if the transpor-
Another practical consider-
stability of service, and any other
tation needs of other districts are
ation is the scale of the proposal.
9 paired routes
6 paired routes
6 paired routes
$112,230 $122,714 substantially different (because,
1 paired route
2 paired routes
factors set forth in the request for
The transportation company needs
proposal regarding quality of service,
for example, one or more districts projected savingsto be of a sufficient size to be in
and then price.” Thus, consensus
currently employ their own drivers)
a position to realize these bene-
must be reached regarding appro-
the efficiency of any joint process
fits. W hen preparing multi-dis-
priate factors to be “...set forth in
can be reduced.
Districts that elect to share or pair routes have trict proposals, it is possible that realized as much as 50 percent per-route savings.
the request for proposal…” to avoid
Districts should also closely
smaller transportation companies
disagreements over how to deter-
examine their collective bargain-
will not be able to submit a com-
Based on 2016-2017 data gathered during a recent multi-district proposal. To see
mine the successful bidder(s)/pro- the ing agreements prior to engaging in petitive proposal to ser vice all full range of projections visit www._________________ poser(s). The request for proposal a joint proposal process. For exam- of the districts at issue. In order can, for instance, require the buses
ple, districts may encounter issues
to maximize the benefit from a
Sharing vs. Pairing Sharing: Having children from multiple districts on the same bus at the same time. Pairing: Having a bus run a route for one district and then immediately run a route for another district.
be no older than a certain age, and
of possibly adjusting the start or end
multi-district proposal, language
can require background informa-
of the school day in order to accom-
should be considered as to wheth-
tion regarding the safety record of
modate shared or paired routes. This
er to permit alternative proposals
may require union input.
that allow smaller transportation
Practical considerations
When coordinating between
compa n ies the oppor tu n it y to
multiple districts it is not uncom-
make a competitive submission
Practical considerations
mon for there to be issues of effi-
w ith respect to a subset of the
include administrative efficiencies,
cient communication between all
districts (or individual districts)
the scale of the proposal, existing
the districts. It is also common
Districts wishing to take part in a
• The geographical location of
multi-district process will need to be
district with respect to other
aware of any special considerations
participating districts; and
that would be applicable to only their
• The expiration schedule of any
transportation specifications, dis-
district. Some examples of these con-
existing transportation contract.
tricts have preferred to set a base
siderations, in addition to the con-
Many transportation contracts
price-current “pump price” of fuel.
siderations discussed above include:
contain a fuel escalator provision.
Districts generally desire to set the
• District conversion from owning
This provision is designed to allow
base rate at a level that reflects the
its own buses to a third party
an adjustment in price, depending
best guess at fuel cost over the term
upon the price of fuel. If the price
of the multi-year contract. Then the
of fuel goes up, the bus contractor
bus company’s proposal amount
will be paid more. If the price of
(premised on the pump retail price)
• Special student monitoring requirements;
fuel declines, the amount paid by the school may decline. Historically, when preparing
will most closely approximate what the districts will pay over the term of their respective contracts. This in turn would minimize the need to implement an “escalator,” which is
“... [M]ulti-district transportation proposals can
built into the contract to adjust for
provide districts with many positive benefits,
fluctuations in fuel prices.
including the sharing of process costs, sharing and pairing of bus routes, and an expanded
However, some districts are concerned about the fact that larger bus companies can purchase fuel on long-term contracts in order to
number of contracting choices.”
“hedge” against price fluctuations. For such companies an increase in the pump price, and any resulting
Potential Savings District A
District B
District C
District D
District E
tractor specify their base fuel rate
and including the following sample
language within the fuel escalator:
“The Contractor shall pro-
ing from fuel escalator language, can amount to a windfall. This concern can be addressed by having the con-
vide fuel for the operation of the
buses under this contract. The
when calculating the Contractor’s
cost of fuel. The Contractor shall
provide information with its pro-
Projections based on 2016-2017 data gathered during a recent multi-district proposal.
increase in school payments result-
Contractor shall provide an initial base fuel rate in its proposal. The base fuel rate shall include all applicable taxes, fees, delivery charges, and other variables used
posal supporting the calculation
Potential Benefits of Pairing School Bus Routes DISTRICT A
15 routes
18 routes
6 routes
12 routes
7 routes
Transportation costs for each school district:
Multi-District Contract Pairing Transportation Routes 9 paired routes
6 paired routes
6 paired routes
1 paired route
2 paired routes
projected savings Districts that elect to share or pair routes have realized as much as 50 percent per-route savings. Projections based on 2016-2017 data gathered during a recent multi-district proposal. Based on 2016-2017 data gathered during a recent multi-district proposal. To see the full range of projections visit www._________________
of the bus fuel rate. The District
districts with many positive benefits,
reserves the right to request
including the sharing of process
additional information from the
costs, sharing and pairing of bus
Contractor if the information pro-
routes, and an expanded number of
vided by the Contractor is not sufficient for the District to make an
Sharing vs. Pairing
Sharing:choices. Having children contracting However, priorfrom multiple districts on the same bus at the same time. to engaging in a multi-district pro-
accurate determination regarding
cess, districts, and their legal coun-
the base fuel rate.�
sel, should carefully consider the
In conclusion, multi-district transportation proposals can provide
Pairing: Having a bus run a route for one district and then immediately feasibility of the process in light of run a route for another district.
the foregoing considerations.
Develop teacher leaders through Danielson Framework By Jana Hunzicker
Jana Hunzicker, Ed.D. is an associate professor in the Department of Teacher Education at Bradley University in Peoria. She previously served for three years as a P-8 dean of students and for six years as a P-5 elementary principal.
rom student discipline to
realize their school’s mission and
— including Illinois — as a tool
Common Core to the PARCC
goals, making teacher leadership a
for teacher evaluation. Danielson’s
assessment, today’s school admin-
necessity for today’s schools, and
FF T spans four domains (plan-
istrators are busier than ever. Add
a topic of consideration for school
ning and preparation, the class-
the important but time-consuming
board members today.
room environment, instruction,
process of performance evaluation,
But how can school leaders
and professional responsibilities)
and it is a wonder that principals
encourage and develop teacher lead-
across four levels of performance
have enough hours in the day to do
ers in the midst of all their busy-
(unsatisfactory, basic, proficient,
their jobs. University of Chicago
ness? One answer is right at their
and distinguished). For each com-
researchers James Sebastian and
fingertips: Danielson’s Framework
ponent, three to f ive element s
Elaine Allensworth have shown
for Teaching (FFT).
delineate what the component
that principals influence teaching
Charlotte Danielson’s FFT has
entails and three to five indicators
and learning by creating a posi-
been around since 1996, when it
suggest what each element might
tive school climate, but classroom
was first published as a tool for
look like in action. Visit www.
teachers directly impact student
sel f-ref lection and discussion. for
achievement. Indeed, only through
Upd ated i n 20 07 a nd a ga i n i n
these details.
professional collaboration can
2011 and 2013, the framework
Within the fourth domain, three
principals and teachers effectively
i s now u s e d i n over 2 0 st at e s
components offer descriptions of teacher leadership: 4d — participating in the professional community; 4e — growing and developing professionally; and 4f — showing professionalism. Components 4d, 4e, and 4f d e s c r ib e c om mon ly a c c e pt e d conceptions of teacher leadership using descriptions that benchmark teacher leadership according to the levels of performance. From no sign of teacher leadership practices (basic) to emerging teacher leadership practices (proficient) to more frequent and intentional
demonstrations of teacher leader-
• Receptivity to feedback from
ship (distinguished), the Framework prov ide s a ya rd st ick for
manner, the framework can be
• Service to the profession
teacher leaders across a range of developmental levels.
leadership along the way. In this used to “grow” teacher leaders without sacrificing the develop-
4f. Showing professionalism
ment of f u ndament a l teaching
• Integrity and ethical conduct
r e s p on s ib i l it ie s t h a t mu s t b e
4d. Participating in the
• Service to students
mastered first. W hether teach-
Professional Community
• Advocacy
ers use the framework for self-re-
• Relationships with colleagues
• Decision making
flection and personal goal-setting,
• Involvement in a culture of pro-
• Compliance with school and
as a springboard for conversation
fessional inquiry
district regulations
with other teachers, or to discuss
• Service to the school
leadership strengths and potential
• Participation in school and dis-
Importantly, the placement
with their principal as part of the
o f c omp onent s 4 d , 4 e, a nd 4 f
performance evaluation process,
within the whole of Danielson’s
components 4d, 4e, and 4f offer
4e. Growing and Developing
F F T g u id e s t e a c her s t o fo c u s
a common language and shared
on mastering effective teaching
vision for teachers interested in
practice across all four domains,
exploring teacher leadership roles
w ith oppor tunities for teacher
and responsibilities.
trict projects
• Enhancement of content knowledge and pedagogical skill
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Research shows that teacher
district-wide programs such as
leadership or specific leadership
leaders are more likely to emerge
mentor ing, professional devel-
roles. Fortunately, the Teacher
a nd develop when encou ra ged
opment, action research, school
Leader Model Standards ( www.
and suppor ted by their pr inci-
improvement, and parent com- ) pick
pa l s, a n act t hat of t en o c c u r s
munications, teacher leaders are
up where components 4d, 4e, and
during the performance evalua-
more likely to emerge and develop
4f leave of f, prov id i ng teacher
tion process. Danielson herself,
through increased opportunities
leaders with a tool they can use
quoted by Liz Griffin in School
for appl ication, feedback, col-
to advance to the next level when
Administrator, explains, “In my
laboration, and problem solving
they are ready. Both Danielson’s
f ra mework , t he pr i ncip a l a nd
arou nd is sues of teach i ng a nd
FFT and the Teacher Leader Mod-
teacher are engaged in conver-
learning in the classroom — and
el Standards can be downloaded
sation. They compare notes on
from the internet at no charge.
what happened in the class and
A lt hou g h D a n iel s on’s FF T
Combined, the two tools create
interpret it against a rubric that
provides benchmarked descrip-
a comprehensive, research-based
provides clear attributes of what
tions of teacher leadership with-
framework specifically focused
teachers do.”
in the context of classroom
on teacher leadership.
When Danielson’s FFT guides
teaching practice, components
per for ma nce eva lu ation, com-
4d, 4e, and 4f stop short of
b i ne d w it h ot her s c ho ol - a nd
d e s c r ib i n g a d va n c e d t e a c h e r
Is your district ready to manage the tidal wave of updates from the Illinois General Assembly, Congress, and regulatory agencies for the 2016-2017 school year? Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) … Board Member and Employee Expenses … Open Meetings Act Amendments … Freedom of Information Act Amendments … Student Residency Challenges … Speech Rights of Student Journalists Act … School District Employment and Educator Licensure Disqualifications … Employee Leave Acts … Right to Privacy in the Workplace Act … Final Smart Snacks Rules, Wellness Policy requirements and Breakfast after the Bell … Concussion Oversight Team and Protocols requirements … SB 100 … And many more new Illinois Public Acts affecting your district.
Author’s Note: This article was adapted from a longer version written for publication in Kappa Delta Pi Record.
Why Subscribe? Researched, written and edited by the IASB Office of General Counsel and vetted by members of the PRESS Advisory Board, a subscription gives you access to: • Footnoted, legally-referenced policy, exhibit, and administrative procedure materials • PRESS Highlights Memos explaining recent changes to these materials Subscribers also have online access through PRESS Online. For more information please contact 630/629-3776 or 217/528-9688 ext. 1232.
Policy Services
Nov/Dec 2016
Reaching across the divides
’ve called No Child Left Behind
“We have a very high attrition
“The result has been a worsen-
‘a celebration of separation’
rate in the United States: 8 percent
ing of America’s rich schools, poor
because of its piecemeal approach
of teachers leave every year. That’s a
schools divide — and its racial divide,
to children’s needs and the pro-
couple-hundred-thousand teachers.
because many poor districts are also
grams that address them. A holistic
Less than a third of them are leaving
heavily minority. It also perpetuates
approach, with a unified response
for retirement. If you look at high-per-
the perception that the system is
to the needs of the ‘whole child’ –
forming countries like Finland or
rigged in favor of the haves, at the
medical, physical, social, emotional,
Singapore, or go across the border
expense of the have-nots — a major
as well as academic – is what most
to Ontario, Canada, the attrition rate
driver of America’s angst in this elec-
people I talk to call ‘common sense.’
is usually 3 percent or 4 percent of
tion year. The AP found that aid to
As required by the Every Student
teachers. If we could reduce our attri-
local districts from the federal gov-
Succeeds Act, now is the time to acti-
tion in half to 4 percent — we call it
ernment surged after the economic
vate the unique potential of states,
the 4 percent solution — we would
downturn, as part of the stimulus,
school-community partnerships,
actually have no teacher shortages
but then receded. Schools were left
educators and individual students
right now. We would have plenty of
to rely more on state funding that
to create state plans that improve
supply and be able to be much more
has not bounced back to pre-reces-
outcomes for everybody’s children
selective about who we bring into
sion levels. And poorer districts that
and benefit our entire country.”
teaching. So it is a big part of the
cannot draw on healthy property tax
problem and the solution.”
bases have been left in the lurch.
— Tony Smith, Illinois superintendent of education, “States Can Help Every Student Succeed,” U.S. News & World Report, September 15
“… [I]n some instances there is so little independence between the school and the management group that it could lead — and has led—to
— Linda Darling-Hammond, president and CEO of Learning Policy Institute and founder of Stanford University’s Center for Opportunity Policy in Education, as quoted in “Frustration. Burnout. Attrition. It’s Time To Address The National Teacher Shortage,” Eric Westervelt, NPR, September 15
The effects vary widely across the 50 states. Each has its own unique funding formula.” — Sara Burnett and Larry Fenn, “Divided America: In recovery, many poor schools left behind,” Associated Press, September 6
trouble. The OIG audit examined 33 schools in six states and found several
“Visit a typical school and notice
examples of conflicts of interest, relat-
that exterior doors get propped open,
ed-party transactions, and insufficient
vacant interior rooms are left wide
segregation of duties — all controls
open, and visitor management prac-
designed to prevent fraud. The lack
tices prove far less than effective.
of proper guard rails in these relation-
This “Mayberry mindset,” a false
ships between charter management
sense of security, leads to higher
organizations and their schools, the
levels of risk and inevitable regrets.
audit concludes, significantly increas-
What is the remedy for this culture of
es the risk that federal programs are
compromise? How can schools move
not being implemented correctly and
from a Mayberry mindset to more
are wasting public money.”
of a “defensive driver” mentality?”
— Andrew Ijifusa, “Audit: Cronyism Between Charters, Management Groups Imperils Federal Aid,” Politics K-12, Education Week, October 5
— Paul Timm, “Physical plant and school buildings: Three keys to effective facility security,” page 6
Ask the Staff
continued from page inside back cover
federal and state initiatives. This
of educational products and ser-
multiple offerings that you can wit-
year, with ESSA, and the School
vices. When I was a principal, our
ness demonstrations, view the prod-
Funding Commission — those are
100-year-old high school building
ucts, and determine for yourself if
sure to be lively and informative
was retrofitted with new, energy-ef-
it is right for your district. And that
ficient windows. This improvement
doesn’t even count the chance to
Of course, this conference is
was largely due to a demonstration
meet with officials from the Illinois
known nationally for outstanding
at the Exhibit Hall that our board
High School Association, Illinois
keynote speakers who will challenge,
members were able to witness.
Principals Association, or present-
inspire, educate, and remind you why
Those windows paid for themselves,
ing partners IASA and Illinois ASBO
you do what you do. They are all of
over a period of years, just in energy
— what the Exhibit Hall offers is
national prominence — to get even
efficiency. This year’s Exhibit Hall
one such speaker at a conference is
will again allow our members to wit-
We are always looking for ways to
great. To get three keynotes in one
ness the offerings of hundreds of
improve your experience at the Joint
weekend? This is an exceptional
providers of educational necessities,
Annual Conference. New this year
including the latest in environmen-
is “Homeroom,” the place to expe-
The massive Exhibit Hall pro-
tal, architectural, engineering, and
rience and learn what your Associ-
vides an opportunity for attendees
transportation services. Whatever
ation can do, after the Conference
to observe first-hand a wide variety
your need is as a district, there are
and throughout the year — to assist and serve you and the needs of your district. The overarching point here is
Community Engagement —
Community Engagement, also called public engagement or civic engagement, is the process by which school boards actively involve diverse citizens in dialogue, deliberation, and collaborative thinking around common interests for their public schools.
expertise on all of these topics, all at one time and place with the quality of presenters that we have, is tru-
essential to effective school board governance.
ly an exceptional value for board
Learn more about why it’s important, what it looks like, and how school boards do this work.
compare it to other such confer-
Consider an in-district workshop facilitated by IASB staff to bring this work to your board and district. Contact your IASB field services director for more information. Springfield - 217/528-9688 Lombard - 630/629-3776
members, administrators and other education professionals. When you ences around the country, it is the premier education conference. We hope you agree that attendance is worth the time, effort, and resources, to interact and collaborate with educational leaders, to find the services you need, and to be challenged and inspired in our work as leaders in public education. If you have not yet signed up, there is still time to do so. Visit our webpage at www.iasb. com/jac16 to register or learn more
about the details of the 2016 Joint
Field Services 32
that to have all of this talent and
Annual Conference. See you in Chicago!
continued from page 36
Shirley Jean Green, 90, died
Ralph Monier, 98, died August
Thomas B. Terlep, 69, died
September 30, 2016. She was a for-
21, 2016. He previously served on the
September 25, 2016. He previously
mer member of the Matteson District
Sparland school board for 18 years.
served as a member of the Rockdale
162 Board of Education. William E. Harm, 81, died September 2, 2016. He previously served
Rosalie A. Plapp, 86, died September 12, 2016. She was a member of the Malta school board.
school board. Charles Tiedemann, 94, died August 14, 2016. He had formerly
on the Richmond grade school board.
Darwin A. Ross, 85, died August
Wi lbur Hossbach, 90, died
6, 2016. He had formerly served on
September 23, 2016. He previously
the school board in the former Ophir
Glen Dale Van Etten, 92, died
served as member and president of
school district (Triumph) for 12 years.
September 29, 2016. He was a former
the Frankfort CCSD 157C Board of
Darryl L. Sayre, 75, died August
member of the Easton school board.
served 11 years on the Mascoutah CUSD 19 Board of Education.
3, 2016. He had previously been a
Eleanor Voss, 83, died August 5,
Ronald C. Jess, 84, died August
member of the Franklin CUSD 1
2016. She was a former school board
23, 2016. He previously served on the
Board of Education and served as
member of District 12, Breese and
school board of Libertyville Elemen-
president for two years.
tary District 70.
Harry William Schaudt, 89, died
John S. Williams, 97, died Sep-
James L. Keen, 85, died July 30,
September 22, 2016. Schaudt served
tember 14, 2016. He was a member
2016. He was a former school board
on the Villa Park District 45 Board of
of the Kaneland CUSD 302 Board of
member at Riverside Brookfield High
Education, with a stint as president
Education and served as president
from 1968 to 1976.
of the Kane County PTA.
Robert E. Kroehnke, 84, died
Donald F. Schone, 86, died
Neval N. Yeates, 84, died August
September 19, 2016. He was a mem-
August 31, 2016. He was previously
26, 2016. He previously served on the
ber of the District 200 school board
a member of the Bluffs school board,
Naperville Elementary District 90
from 1981 to 1985.
serving for many years.
Board of Education and a founding
Henry C. Lanan, 85, died Sep-
Carl A. Seabolt, 76, died Septem-
member of the Board of Education
tember 30, 2016. He served many
ber 11, 2016. He served as president of
for Indian Prairie CUSD 204 (Naper-
years on the Genoa-Kingston Board
the South Holland District 151 Board
ville), and was subsequently the first
of Education.
of Education in the late 1970s.
building director for the district.
Marjorie Eleanor Lehan, 90, died August 27, 2016. She was a former member of the Haish grade school (DeKalb) school board. M. John “Sonny� Macketta, 92, died September 24, 2016. He former-
ly served on the school board for the Coal City High School District. Earl Edward Meisinger, 96, died September 13, 2016. He formerly served as president of the Valley View school board. Dona ld H. Meyer, 89, died September 29, 2016. He previously served on the Triopia CUSD 27 Board
IASB Service Associates provide quality products and services for schools. Membership is by invitation only. A list of Service Associate firms is on the IASB website,, and in this Journal.
of Education.
FANNING HOWEY ASSOCIATES, INC. — School planning and design with a focus on K-12 schools. Oak Brook – 847/292-1039 FARNSWORTH GROUP — Architectural and engineering professional services. Normal – 309/663-8436
A Directory of your IASB Service Associates IASB Service Associates are businesses which offer school‑related products and services and which have earned favorable reputations for quality and integrity. Only after screening by the Service Associates Executive Committee is a business firm invited by the IASB Board of Directors to become a Service Associate.
GREENASSOCIATES, INC. — Architecture/construction services. Deerfield – 847/317-0852, Pewaukee, WI – 262/746-1254; website: www.greenassociates. com; email: HEALY, BENDER & ASSOCIATES, INC. — Architects/Planners. Naperville, 630/904-4300; website:; email: HURST-ROSCHE, INC. — Architecture, engineering, planning, and interior design. Hillsboro – 217/532-3959; East St. Louis – 618/3980890; Marion – 618/998-0075; Springfield – 217/787-1199; email:
Appraisal Services
JH2B ARCHITECTS — Architects. Kankakee – 815/933-5529; website:
JMA ARCHITECTS — Full service professional design firm specializing in K-12 educational design, construction management, strategic/ master planning, health/life safety compliance, building commissioning, and interior space design. South Holland – 708/339-3900; website:; email:
INDUSTRIAL APPRAISAL COMPANY — Building and fixed asset appraisals for insurance and accounting purposes. Oak Brook – 630/575-0280
ALLIED DESIGN CONSULTANTS, INC. — Architectural programming, site planning and design, architectural and interior design, and construction administration with a specialization in K-12 facilities. Springfield – 217/522-3355 ARCON ASSOCIATES, INC. — Full service firm specializing in educational facilities with services that include architecture, construction management, roof and masonry consulting, landscape architecture, and environmental consulting. Lombard – 630/495-1900; website:; email: BERG ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, LTD. — Consulting engineers. Schaumburg – 847/352-4500; website: BLDD ARCHITECTS, INC. — Architectural and engineering services for schools. Decatur – 217/429-5105; Champaign – 217/3569606; Bloomington – 309/828-5025; Chicago – 312/829-1987 BRADLEY & BRADLEY — Architects, engineers, and asbestos consultants. Rockford – 815/968-9631; website: CANNONDESIGN — Architecture, Interiors, Engineering, Consulting. Chicago – 312/332-9600; website: ; email: CM ENGINEERING, INC. — Specializing in ultra efficient geoexchange HVAC engineering solutions for schools, universities, and commercial facilities. Columbia, MO – 573/874-9455; website: www. CORDOGAN CLARK & ASSOCIATES — Architects and Engineers. Aurora – 630/896-4678; website: www.cordoganclark. com; email: rmont@cordogan DEWBERRY ARCHITECTS INC. — Architects, planners, landscape architecture, and engineers. Peoria – 309/282-8000; Elgin – 847/695-5840; website: DLA ARCHITECTS, LTD. — Architects specializing in preK-12 educational design, including a full range of architectural services; assessments, planning, feasibility studies, new construction, additions, remodeling, O&M and owner’s rep services. Itasca – 847/7424063; website:; email: DLR GROUP — Educational facility design and master planning. Chicago – 312/382-9980; website:; email: tsjolander@ ERIKSSON ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, LTD. — Civil Engineering, Traffic Engineering, and Landscape Architecture. Grayslake – 847/223-4804 34
FGM ARCHITECTS, INC. — Architects. Chicago – 312/942-8461; Oak Brook – 630/574-8300; O’Fallon – 618/624-3364; St. Louis, MO – 314/439-1601; website:
KLUBER ARCHITECTS + ENGINEERS — Building design professionals specializing in architecture, mechanical, electrical, plumbing, structural, and fire protection engineers. Batavia – 630/406-1213 LARSON & DARBY GROUP — Architecture, Engineering, Interior Design, and Technology. Rockford – 815/484-0739, St. Charles – 630/444-2112; website:; email: snelson@ LEGAT ARCHITECTS, INC. — Architectural and educational planners who specialize in creating effective student learning environments. Gurnee – 847/662-3535; Oak Brook – 630/990-3535; Chicago – 312/258-9595; website: ; email: PCM+DESIGN ARCHITECTS — Provide a full range of architectural services including facility and feasibility studies, architectural design, construction consulting and related services. East Peoria – 309/694-5012 PERFORMANCE SERVICES, INC. — An integrated design and delivery engineering company serving the design and construction facility needs of K-12 schools. Schaumburg – 317/819-1355 PERKINS+WILL — Architects. Chicago – 312/755-0770 RICHARD L. JOHNSON ASSOCIATES, INC. — Architecture, educational planning. Rockford – 815/398-1231; website: RUCKPATE ARCHITECTURE — Architects, engineers, interior design. Barrington – 847/381-2946; website:; email: SARTI ARCHITECTURAL GROUP, INC. — Architecture, engineering, life safety consulting, interior design, and asbestos consultants. Springfield – 217/585-9111 STR PARTNERS — Architectural, interior design, planning, cost estimating, and building enclosure/roofing consulting. Chicago – 312/464-1444 TRIA ARCHITECTURE — An architectural planning and interior design firm that provides services primarily to School Districts in the Chicago-Land area with an emphasis on service to their clients, as well as their communities. Burr Ridge – 630/455-4500 WIGHT & COMPANY — An integrated services firm with solutions for the built environment. Darien – 630/696-7000; website:; email: WM. B. ITTNER, INC. — Full service architectural firm serving the educational community since 1899. Fairview Heights – 618/624-2080
WOLD ARCHITECTS AND ENGINEERS — Specializing in PreK-12 educational design including master planning, sustainable design, architecture, mechanical and electrical engineering, quality review, cost estimation and management. Palatine – 847/241-6100
Building Construction
RADON DETECTION SPECIALISTS — Commercial radon surveys. Westmont – 800/244-4242; website:; email:
Financial Services
CORE CONSTRUCTION — Professional construction management, design-build, and general contracting services. Morton – 309/2669768; website:
AMERICAN FIDELITY ASSURANCE COMPANY — Specializing in Section 125 compliance, 403(b) plan administration, flexible spending accounts, health savings accounts, dependent audits, and health care reform. Fairview Heights – 855/822-9168
FREDERICK QUINN CORPORATION — Construction management and general contracting. Addison – 630/628-8500; website:
BERNARDI SECURITIES, INC. — Public finance consulting, bond issue services and referendum support. Fairview Heights – 618/2064180; Chicago - 312/281-2014; email:
HOLLAND CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, INC. — Full service Construction Management and General Contracting firm specializing in education facilities. Swansea – 618/277-8870
EHLERS & ASSOCIATES — School bond issues; referendum help; financial and enrollment studies. Chicago – 312/638-5260; website:; email:
PEPPER CONSTRUCTION COMPANY — Construction management and general contracting services. Barrington – 847/381-2760
FIRST MIDSTATE, INC. — Bond issue consultants. Bloomington – 309/829-3311; email:
POETTKER CONSTRUCTION COMPANY — Specializing in Construction Management, Design/Build, Construction Consulting Services, and Energy Solutions for education clients. Breese – 618/526-7213; website:
GORENZ AND ASSOCIATES, LTD. — Auditing and financial consulting. Peoria – 309/685-7621; website:; email:
ROSS CONSTRUCTION, INC. — A full-service construction management firm specializing in educational institutions. Marion – 618/993-5904 S.M. WILSON & CO. — Provides construction management and general construction services to education, healthcare, commercial, retail, and industrial clients. St. Louis, Mo – 314/645-9595; website:; email: TRANE — HVAC company specializing in design, build, and retrofit. Willowbrook – 630/734-6033
Environmental Services
ALPHA CONTROLS & SERVICES, LLC — Facility Management Systems, Automatic Temperature Controls, Access Control Systems, Energy Saving Solutions; Sales, Engineering, Installation, Commissioning and Service. Rockford, Springfield, Champaign: toll-free 866/ALPHA-01; website:; email: CTS-CONTROL TECHNOLOGY & SOLUTIONS — Dedicated to assisting K-12 education meet the challenge of providing healthy, safe, and educational appropriate learning environments. St. Louis, MO – 636/230-0843; Chicago – 773/633-0691; website:; email: ENERGY SYSTEMS GROUP — A comprehensive energy services and performance contracting company providing energy, facility and financial solutions. Itasca – 630/773-7201; email: smcivor@ GRP MECHANICAL CO., INC. — Renovating buildings through energy savings performance contracting to provide the best learning environment. HVAC, Plumbing, Windows, Doors, and Mechanical Services. Bethalto – 618/779-0050 HONEYWELL, INC. — Controls, maintenance, energy management, performance contracting, and security. St. Louis, MO – 314/548-4136; Des Plaines – 847/770-5496; Maryland Heights, MO – 314/548-4501; email:; IDEAL ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING, INC. — Asbestos and environmental services. Bloomington – 309/828-4259 ILLINOIS ENERGY CONSORTIUM — Sells electricity and natural gas to school districts, colleges, and universities. Dekalb – 815/7539083; website:; email: OPTERRA ENERGY SERVICES — Turnkey partnership programs that enable K12 school districts in Illinois to modernize their facilities, increase safety, security and efficiency, reduce operations costs, and maximize the lifespan of critical assets. Chicago – 312/498-7792; email:
ICE MILLER, LLP — Nationally recognized bond counsel services. Chicago – 312/726-7127 KINGS FINANCIAL CONSULTING, INC. — Municipal bond financial advisory service including all types of school bonds; school referenda, county school sales tax; tax revenue forecasts/projections. Monticello – 217/762-4578 MATHIESON, MOYSKI, AUSTIN & CO., LLP — Provides audit, consulting and other related financial services to Illinois school districts, joint agreements and risk pools. Wheaton – 630/653-1616 SIKICH, LLP — Professional services firm specializing in accounting, technology, and advisory services. Naperville — 630/364-7953 SPEER FINANCIAL, INC. — Financial planning and bond issue services. Chicago – 312/346-3700; website: www.speerfinancial. com; email: STIFEL — Full service securities firm providing investment banking and advisory services including strategic financial planning; bond underwriting; referendum and legislative assistance. Edwardsville – 800/230-5151; email: WILLIAM BLAIR & COMPANY — Bond issuance, financial advisory services. Chicago – 312/364-8955; email: WINTRUST FINANCIAL — Financial services holding company engaging in community banking, wealth management, commercial insurance premium financing, and mortgage origination. Rosemont – 630/560-2120
Human Resource Consulting
BUSHUE HUMAN RESOURCES, INC. — Human resource, safety and risk management, and insurance consulting. Effingham – 217/3423042; website:; email:
THE SANDNER GROUP — Insurance program management, marketing & claims services for workers' compensation, property & liability. Chicago – 800/654-9504
Office Equipment
FRANK COONEY COMPANY, INC. — Furniture for educational environments. Wood Dale – 630/694-8800
Superintendent Searches
ECRA Group & HYA — Superintendent searches, board and superintendent workshops. Schaumburg – 847/318-0072
Achievements Philip Nelson,
the 14th president of the Illinois
upgrades to all five schools and
a former member of
Farm Bureau, holding that post
maintained a balanced budget.
the Newark school
for ten years. His efforts included
W hen he joined the distr ict in
b o a r d , r e c e nt l y
launching the Illinois Farm Family
July 2005, he reached out to the
received the Torch
campaign that worked to bridge the
community to begin shaping the
of Leadership
gap between farmers and those less
school system’s future through a
award from the Illinois Agricultur-
connected to agriculture.
detailed strategic plan. In addition
al Leadership Foundation Alumni
to educational program improve-
Association. Returning to the farm
John Perdue,
ments, the district adopted a $25
in 1978 after his father experienced
a retired Glen
million bond referendum in Febru-
health issues, he was elected to
Ellyn superin-
ary 2008, allowing for modernized
the school board at age 20, going
tendent, recently
schools buildings, including air
on to become president. He later
received the Dis-
conditioning, new roofs, windows,
earned the American Farm Bureau
tinguished Service
and updated technology. Perdue
Federation’s National Outstanding
Award from the Glen Ellyn Cham-
further emphasized open commu-
Young Farmer honor in 1984 and
ber of Commerce. Perdue retired
nication and community participa-
the Jaycees of the United States
in June after 11 years as leader of
tion by creating a citizens advisory
Outstanding Young Farmer Award
the CCSD 89 (Glen Ellyn) schools.
council in the wake of the district’s
in 1991. In 2003, Nelson became
During his tenure, the district saw
finance referendum success.
In memoriam Edward F. Arndt, 81, died Sep-
Lynn A. Bowman, 63, died Sep-
Randy Davison, 55, died Sep-
tember 29, 2016. He was a former
tember 11, 2016. He was a former
tember 26, 2016. He was a current
member of the Malta Board of Edu-
member of the R.O.W.V.A. CUSD 208
board member at Martinsville CUSD
(Oneida) Board of Education.
3C. He was first elected in 2005 and
Mildred “Millie” Baier, 88, died
Lester Bohms, 92, died August
September 21, 2016. She was a former
2, 2016. He previously served on the
Paxton school board member and
East Coloma school board.
life-long Paxton resident. John Baltisberger, 95, died
30, 2016. He formerly served on the
August 25, 2016. He was a former
school board for Okawville High
member of the board of education
School, serving for 14 years.
for Brussels grade school.
Roy Brammeier, 88, died August
Lucius Alfred Copeland, 86,
William E. “Bill” Billings, 88,
died August 6, 2016. He was previ-
died August 14, 2016. He was an
ously a member of the Waukegan
active member of the East Peoria
District 60 Board of Education.
community, serving for many years
George E. Darr, 86, died Sep-
on the East Peoria CHSD 309 Board
tember 2, 2016. He previously served
of Education.
on the Carrollton school board.
served as board secretary. Dorothy Jean Dressel, 83, died August 19, 2016. She formerly served on the Marissa Unit District 40 Board of Education. Jacquelin Galloway, 91, died September 20, 2016. She served numerous terms on the Morris elementary school board. Kenneth Wayne Gorden, 94, died September 8, 2016. He served six years on the Blue Mound-Boody school board. Continued on page 33
What is the value of attending the Joint Annual Conference? IASB Executive Director Roger Eddy answers the question in this issue of The Illinois School Board Journal.
have attended the Conference
Second, is the depth and
for — wow, probably 30 years —
breadth of offerings. The workshops
as a principal, as a superintendent,
and panel sessions are vetted and
serving on various panels when I was
chosen for content and quality by
in the General Assembly, and now on
fellow board members and adminis-
the other side of the curtain, so to
trators. Each workshop, panel, and
speak. So I can personally attest to
session is related to the importance
the value the Joint Annual Confer-
and relevance of the education issues
ence has for school board members.
— the offerings are unmatched. Also
First of all, there is value in
in several workshops, we include
collaboration — opportunities that
legal experts. These are the best of
individual board members have
the best in Illinois School law cir-
for collaboration with board mem-
cles providing our members with the
bers from around the state. They
latest in legal know-how. Nowhere
see and hear about varied student
else can you find this quality, and
demographics and populations. They
the breadth and the depth of the
realize that while they might be dif-
information that you can get, all at
ferent in some demographic, they are
one place and at one time.
The 2016 Joint Annual Conference of the Illinois Association of School Boards (IASB), Illinois Association of School Administrators (IASA), and Illinois Association of School Business Officials (Illinois ASBO) takes place November 18 through 20, 2016.
very much alike in their goals — to
As an example, this year the top-
provide children with the best pos-
ics include financial management,
sible education. This collaboration
long-term facilities planning, leg-
allows a common bond, no matter if
islative panels regarding the latest
they are from deep southern Illinois,
from Springfield, leadership, quali-
central parts of the state, suburban
ty school governance, data and data
areas, urban areas. You get to see
privacy, family engagement, risk
By design, all of this provides our
your own district in a different light,
management, and more. We have
members with relevant knowledge
but know that we are all facing sim-
the details of contracts and budget-
regarding specific issues that will
ilar challenges. Sometimes the best
ing and the theories of mindfulness
assist them, in their roles as school
solutions are arrived in a casual dis-
and visioning. We cover preschool
leaders, in making critical decisions
cussion with other board members
programs to college and career. We
regarding their school district.
from around the state, talking about
also added a new School Safety and
In our sessions, you will have the
what worked in their district.
Security Seminar prior to Confer-
opportunity to hear timely panels
That opportunity for collabora-
ence and a series of related panels are
regarding current proposals on key
tion, I think, is a tremendous value.
included in panel session offerings.
Continued on page 32
2921 Baker Drive Springfield, Illinois 62703-5929 Address Service Requested
#ILjac16 Details at
ch fS no tio
cia sso is A
• Illi no
As so c i ati on of S ch oo l Bo a rds
Panel Sessions Vendor Exhibits Learning Labs Keynote Speakers Delegate Assembly Awards Presentations Chicago School Tours School Design Exhibit Conference Bookstore School Attorneys Seminar Pre-Conference Workshops Board/District Secretaries Training School Safety and Security Seminar and more!
I ll i no i s
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Conference highlights: lA
tr nis
a to
lin • Il
so c s As
o f S ch ool Bus i ne ss Of f i c ia