The Illinois School Board Journal, January/February 2017

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V ol. 8 5, N o . 1



n the last issue of The Illinois

active shooter … you are more likely

change how communities work

School Board Journal, we fea-

to have an active shooter event. And

together.” Explore Harwood’s “The

tured several takes on school safety

if you have one, your response will

Ripple Effect: How change spreads

and security, from the practical and

probably be worse than if you focus

in communities,” starting on page 6.

personal perspectives of climate and

more broadly.”

Leaning a little more towards

culture, facilities, and safety plans.

Dorn said, “School has to be a

practical, Illinois ASBO has devel-

This was in anticipation of the new

harmonious balance between the data

oped a professional development

School Safety and Security Seminar,

that we give you, and the heartfelt

designation program for school dis-

held prior to the 2016 Joint Annual

passion that you bring to your work.”

trict facilities professionals. Learn

Many moments at the 2016 Joint

more starting on page 25 with “Safe,

Placing an exclamation mark to

Annual Conference evidenced the

clean, functional, and beyond” by

that vital information was Michael

heartfelt passion that school board

Ken Roiland, director of buildings

Dorn, the final keynote speaker at

members have for their service to

and grounds for Woodstock Commu-

the Conference. Dorn is executive

public education. This issue of the

nity Unit School District 200.

director of Safe Havens International,

Journal features a review of the

Speaking of practical, planning

a non-profit campus safety organiza-

Conference and a scrapbook from

has begun for the 2017 Joint Annual

tion that offers planning and training

this year’s event. Our Conference

Conference, which will take place

for a wide range of school crisis situa-

photographer, Robert Levy, reached

November 17-19, 2017 in Chicago.

tions. His presentation – practical yet

new heights in capturing the prac-

Mark your calendars now, and let us

personal; alarming yet hopeful – told

tical and personal aspects of Con-

know what you would like to see at

that the public perception of school

ference. Many thanks to Bob for his

your Conference.

safety is “out of whack” from where

excellent work.


we really are. Despite increased risks

This Journal also offers a fol-

in some areas, school leaders and law

low-up to our previous work on new

enforcement have made enormous

directions in student discipline.

progress in keeping students and

David E. Bartz, professor emeritus

staff safe. He exhorted his listeners

in the Department of Educational

to take an “all-hazards” approach, and

Leadership at Eastern Illinois Univer-

to frame the school safety discussion

sity, offers ideas both personal and

based on likelihood of events, rather

practical in “Strategies for reducing

than magnitude of outcomes.

suspensions,” starting on page 20.

“It is extremely important that

We also offer perspective on

we focus much broader than cata-

community engagement from Rich

strophic, frightening, but extraor-

Harwood, founder of the Harwood

dinarily rare events,” Dorn advised.

Institute, a “nonpartisan, indepen-

“Be mindful of events that are more

dent nonprofit that teaches, coaches

likely to happen on your campus. …

and inspires people and organiza-

If you focus your efforts largely on

tions to solve pressing problems and

— Theresa Kelly Gegen, Editor


COVER STORY 9 Starting here: Joint Annual Conference convened in Chicago The 84th annual meeting of Illinois’ school leaders and administrators featured professional development opportunities, inspirational moments, candid conversations, and “the power to change lives.” By James Russell Photography By Robert Levy.


The Ripple Effect: How change spreads in communities A revival of community-based strategies can help defeat political gridlock, toxic public discourse, and mistrust in public institutions. By Richard C. Harwood

Facilities Operations

Facilities Operations




20 Strategies for reducing suspensions Senate Bill 100 requires school districts to reduce suspensions. These strategies take a proactive approach covering communication, classroom management and staff development, administration and HR, and counseling. By David E. Bartz

25 Safe, clean, functional, and beyond







Grounds Operations

Facilities Management






Illinois ASBO has created a professional development opportunity for facilities professionals. By Ken Roiland





Maintenance Operations



Custodial Operations










J A N U A R Y / F E B R U A R Y


Front Page. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Inside Front Cover Practical PR. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Insights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Milestones. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Ask the Staff. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Inside Back Cover

2 0 1 7

Vol. 85, No. 1

ILLINOIS SCHOOL BOARD JOURNAL (ISSN-0019-221X) is published every other month by the Illinois Association of School Boards, 2921 Baker Drive, Springfield, Illinois 62703-5929, telephone 217/528-9688. The IASB regional office is located at One Imperial Place, 1 East 22nd Street, Lombard, Illinois 60148-6120, telephone 630/629-3776. The JOURNAL is supported by the dues of school boards holding active membership in the Illinois Association of School Boards. Copies are mailed to all school board members and the superintendent in each IASB member school district. Non-member subscription rate: Domestic $18 per year. Foreign (including Canada and Mexico) $21 per year. PUBLICATION POLICY IASB believes that the domestic process functions best through frank and open discussion. Material published in the JOURNAL, therefore, often presents divergent and controversial points of view which do not necessarily represent the views or policies of IASB. James Russell, Associate Executive Director Theresa Kelly Gegen, Editor Gary Adkins, Contributing Editor Heath Hendren, Contributing Editor Shantel Rotherham, Advertising Manager Kara Kienzler, Design and Production Copyright © 2017 by the Illinois Association of School Boards (IASB), The JOURNAL is published six times a year and is distributed to its members and subscribers. Copyright in this publication, including all articles and editorial information contained in it is exclusively owned by IASB, and IASB reserves all rights to such information. IASB is a tax-exempt corporation organized in accordance with section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. @ILschoolboards


Worth the effort

Getting behind your district’s strategic plan By Melissa Messinger

Melissa Messinger is communicators coordinator for Evanston/Skokie School District 65.



n writing this article, I remem-

guiding short- and long-term work

Knowing that communication was

bered a line from a Dilber t

across the organization.

key, the board and administration

comic, “There’s no point in having

In order to create a strong

brought in a local consulting firm,

a strategy if you aren’t going to pre-

and effective plan, the team knew

M2 Communications, and tapped

tend to follow it.”

it would take deep engagement by

their communications coordinator

This seems a fitting represen-

internal and external stakeholders:

to develop a companion commu-

tation of how many organizations

teachers, administrators, support

nications plan.

approach strategic planning. It’s

staff, parents, community partners,

The District 65 Strategic Plan is

often a box to check off an obliga-

and residents. It couldn’t be done

grounded in seminal research con-

tory process leading to a long-winded

behind closed doors or during exec-

ducted at the University of Chicago

document left to collect dust on a

utive board sessions. Integral to the

Consortium on School Research,

shelf. And yet, it doesn’t have to be

development of the strategic plan

which identified five essential sup-

this way. With strong leadership by

was the district’s commitment to

ports for school improvement: effec-

the school board and superintendent,

listening to its stakeholders.

tive leaders, collaborative teachers,

a commitment to accountability, and

In order to gain the necessary

family and community engagement,

authentic community engagement, a

buy-in for success, the diverse voices

safe and supportive climate, and

strategic plan can serve as a roadmap

within the community had to feel

ambitious instruction. These became

to guide continuous improvement

vested in the process and outcomes.

priority areas within the strategic

across your school district.

From the onset, district leadership

plan, in addition to financial sus-

In the fall of 2014-2015, Evan-

approached the process in an inten-

tainability, which was critical for the

ston / Skok ie School District 65

tional and inclusive manner. As a

ability to deliver on goals. Through

launched a comprehensive stra-

result, more than 2,000 people par-

an open nomination process, five

tegic planning process to develop


priority-area working committees

a five-year plan (originally three-

While board members played

year) led by the district’s chief

active roles, their objectives were

strategy officer. With an expired

to provide oversight, encourage

plan and new leadership, the time

accountability in the long run, and

was right to engage in thinking and

reinforce the overarching com-

planning for the future. The board

mitment to community engage-

and newly-hired superintendent,

ment. A board member served as

Paul Goren, had a shared vision to

the liaison to the process to keep

develop a “living” document that

the board abreast of progress and

was both actionable and realistic,

to ensure planning was on track.

were assembled to develop goals, strategies, and milestones.

Columns are submitted by members of the Illinois Chapter of the National School Public Relations Association


Committee members were select-

because you send a tweet or issue

ed by district leadership to balance

a media release doesn’t guarantee

content knowledge and stakeholder

a strong reach. However, using a

representation. In addition, a board

multi-faceted approach and tailor-

member sat on each committee.

ing the same message to a variety of

The board and administration were

mediums will do just that.

intentional about having genuine

If you want to truly engage the

engagement and thoughtful dialogue

diverse voices in your communi-

in working committees. Through reg-

ty, make sure you are reaching all

ular updates by the board liaison and

audiences. Consider the languages

superintendent, the board was able

spoken by students, whether your

to provide the necessary oversight to

families have internet access, and

ensure the established process was

where they may feel most comfort-

honored while allowing the working

able attending community meetings.

committees’ autonomy.

Remember, an informed community

The communication plan

is an engaged community.

focused on stakeholder engagement,

As a result of the comprehensive

two-way dialogue to ensure feedback

planning and engagement process,

loops, and transparency. Multiple

the Evanston/Skokie School Dis-

opportunities for engagement were

trict 65 Board of Education could

offered — committee participation,

trust that the final plan, which was

focus groups, surveys, public com-

approved March 2015, was one deep-

ment periods, and town hall meet-

ly-rooted in community sentiment

ings. The working committees used

and reflected the issues and concerns

the feedback gathered to inform plan

of Evanston/Skokie residents. What


ultimately made the plan a success

Whether it’s strategic planning,

was a shared vision of engaging the

launching an initiative, or commu-

broader community and to honoring

nicating a major change, it’s import-

the collaborative process.

ant to recognize that not everyone

Nearly t wo years later, the

receives information in the same

District 65 Strategic Plan lives on.

way nor do they participate at the

With a continued commitment to

same level. Offer opportunities for a

accountability, transparency, and an

heavier lift for those who want a more

honest assessment of progress, the

active role (e.g., serving on a com-

administration shares updates regu-

mittee) to less-involved yet essential

larly with the board and community

opportunities (e.g., taking a survey)

through semi-annual report cards

for those who want their voice heard

and user-friendly quarterly reports.

but can’t commit to a high level of

These documents include indicators


to measure the extent and quality

Make sure to complement tra-

of strategy implementation across

ditional outreach and interpersonal

priority areas as well as student out-

communication with the use of tech-

comes — the ultimate measure of

nology. Some stakeholders get their

district success.

news on social media while others may read it in your local paper. Just

For more information, visit

President Phil Pritzker

Treasurer Thomas Neeley

Vice President Joanne Osmond

Immediate Past President Karen Fisher

BOARD OF DIRECTORS Abe Lincoln Lisa Weitzel

Lake June Maguire

Blackhawk David Rockwell

Northwest Vacant

Central Illinois Valley Thomas Neeley

Shawnee Roger Pfister

Cook North Barbara Somogyi

Southwestern Mark Christ

Cook South Denis Ryan

Starved Rock Simon Kampwerth Jr.

Cook West Carla Joiner-Herrod

Three Rivers Dale Hansen

Corn Belt Mark Harms

Two Rivers David Barton

DuPage Thomas Ruggio

Wabash Valley Dennis Inboden

Egyptian John Metzger Illini Michelle Skinlo Kaskaskia Linda Eades

Western Sue McCance Chicago Board Jaime Guzman Service Associates Glen Eriksson

Kishwaukee Mary Stith Board of directors members are current at press time.

IASB is a voluntary association of local boards of education and is not affiliated with any branch of government.

J A N U A R Y - F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 7 / T H E I L L I N O I S S C H O O L B O A R D J O U R N A L



Separating fact from fiction “The overwhelming majority

hair-raising findings: 93 percent of

knew that simply looking at one

of young people are unable to sift

college students tested were unable

photo online is not enough research

through online information and

to flag a lobbyist’s website as a biased

to gauge if something is really hap-

separate fact, fiction and opinion,

source of information. Younger stu-

pening. And among middle school

according to a new study from

dents fared poorly, too. Fewer than

students, 80 percent did not under-

Stanford University. … Among the

20 percent of high school students

stand that ‘sponsored content’ on a news organization’s website is paid advertising.” — “A shocking number of young people can’t separate fact from fiction online,” Nichole Dobo, The Hechinger Report, November 30, 2016. OFFICE OF THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Roger L. Eddy, Executive Director Benjamin S. Schwarm, Deputy Executive Director Meetings Management Carla S. Bolt, Director Office of General Counsel Kimberly Small, General Counsel Maryam Brotine, Assistant General Counsel Executive Searches Thomas Leahy, Director Jim Helton, Consultant Dave Love, Consultant Alan Molby, Consultant ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES Jennifer Feld, Associate Executive Director/ Chief Financial Officer ADVOCACY/GOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS Benjamin S. Schwarm, Deputy Executive Director Deanna L. Sullivan, Director Susan Hilton, Director Zach Messersmith, Assistant Director Advocacy Cynthia Woods, Director IASB OFFICES 2921 Baker Drive, Springfield, Illinois 62703-5929 217/528-9688 Fax 217/528-2831 One Imperial Place, 1 East 22nd Street, Suite 20 Lombard, Illinois 60148-6120 630/629-3776 Fax 630/629-3940


“Educators who promote the use BOARD DEVELOPMENT/TAG Dean Langdon, Associate Executive Director

of education technology are work-

Board Development Sandra Kwasa, Director Nesa Brauer, Trainer Angie Peifer, Consultant

parents about the impact of digital

Targeting Achievement through Governance (TAG) Steve Clark, Consultant

patterns. … A recent meta-analysis

COMMUNICATIONS/ PRODUCTION SERVICES James Russell, Associate Executive Director Gary W. Adkins, Director/Editorial Services Jennifer Nelson, Director/Information Services Theresa Kelly Gegen, Director/Editorial Services Heath Hendren, Assistant Director/Communications Kara Kienzler, Director/Production Services FIELD SERVICES/POLICY SERVICES Cathy A. Talbert, Associate Executive Director Field Services Larry Dirks, Director Perry Hill IV, Director Laura Martinez, Director Reatha Owen, Director Patrick Rice, Director Barbara B. Toney, Director Policy Services Shanell Bowden, Consultant Angie Powell, Consultant Brian Zumpf, Consultant

ing harder to caution students and devices and the ‘blue light’ they emit, which can disrupt student sleep by British researchers has brought renewed attention to the issue, calling increased use of mobile devices at bedtime a ‘major public-health concern’ for children and teenagers.” — “Warning Sounded on Tech Disrupting Student Sleep,” Benjamin Herold and Michelle R. Davis, Education Week, November 29, 2016

“Without a nationwide commitment to the principles of fair school funding and the implementation of progressive finance systems, education policies that seek to improve overall achievement, while also reducing gaps between the lowest‐ and highest‐ performing students, will ultimately fail.” — Is School Funding Fair? A National Report Card, Fifth Edition (March 2016), Bruce Baker, Danielle Farrie, Theresa Luhm, and David G. Sciarra, Education Law Center and Rutgers Graduate School of Education


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The Ripple Effect: How change spreads in communities By Richard C. Harwood

Richard C. Harwood is founder and president of the Harwood Institute for Public Innovation. This document was prepared by the Harwood Institute for Public Innovation in collaboration with the Kettering Foundation.


he “Ripple Effect” is about

Amid this backdrop, commu-

their efforts to help bring it about?

h ow c h a n g e h a p p e n s i n

nity-based strategies are enjoying

This is what The Harwood Institute


something of a revival. Many foun-

for Public Innovation, with support

It comes at a time when people

dation executives and national and

from the Kettering Foundation,

throughout the country yearn to find

local leaders believe progress is more

sought to answer. More specifically:

alternatives to prolonged political

likely to come at the community level

How does change move from

gridlock, toxic public discourse and

than it is nationally. The very idea

distinct “pockets” to the broader

mistrust in a whole host of institu-

of collective impact and its poten-

community — what does it take;

tions, organizations, and leaders.

tial for community change is gaining

who is involved?

At a time when significant trends,

currency. Indeed, there is a growing

which have emerged over previous

desire to figure out how communities

build over time in a community?

decades, are reshaping society —

can marshal their collective talents,

• What does it mean — and take

including dramatic shifts in family

assets, and people to address tough

— for a community to learn as

structure, widening income gaps, an

challenges. Communities are where

uneven economy that undermines

people live; collective action is what

the vitality of many communities

makes communities work.

and poor education systems that fail

But how does such change hap-

to give many youth a real shot at the

pen — and spread? What’s in play?

American Dream.

And how can one be intentional in

• How does momentum for change

it goes? • Where does the narrative of a community fit into whether the community can make progress or not? Start with embracing what we already know There are certain realities about how change happens in communities that often seem ignored, despite what we already know. For instance, change in communities seldom happens in a comprehensive way all at once, though we keep trying. There is no such thing as a “big bang” notion of change — and yet we long for communities to re-invent themselves through some spontaneous combustion. Nor does change occur merely because



we are able to corral a wide array of

Catalytic, Growth, and Sustain /

enough attention to fostering the

leaders who say they are willing to

Renew. Ignoring the stage that a

right enabling environment, then we

work together. Or because “enough”

community is in often leads to

are not in tune with the community.

funding has been aggregated. And

strategies that simply do not fit that

At such moments, it is often possible

the use of data and evidence-based

community’s context. With the best

to hear people in a community say,

decision making — while important

of intentions, we can be starting at

“Why is the approach we’re using

— is no guarantee either.

the wrong place, with the wrong set

working in other communities but

of actions.

not in our own?” And, “Despite our

These and other approaches can be seductive — and they may work

The Harwood Institute has also

best efforts, why is our communi-

in some communities, for a period of

identified a set of underlying condi-

ty not moving forward faster?” Or,

time. But in order for communities to

tions in a community (called “public

“Why, despite our heroic efforts, are

move forward, we need to take into

capital’’) that, together, help to create

we not making more progress?”

account how communities naturally

an enabling environment for change.

evolve and change.

These factors include different

A different way to move forward

layers of leadership, organizations,

The Ripple Effect is based on a

Being in tune with the

and groups that span boundaries

different way of thinking about how


and bring people together, conscious

change comes about, takes root,

One way to think about this

community conversation and net-

and spreads in a community. Some

evolution is that communities go

works for learning and innovation.

of the key ideas underpinning this

through stages. In previous research,

The problem is that in most com-

approach include:

The Harwood Institute found that

munities, the enabling environment

• Our efforts can help to shape

there are five stages in all, each with

is weak and must be strengthened

a community, but we cannot

its own implications — a set of do’s

in order for a community to work

and don’ts — for how a community

together and make progress.

impose our will on a community. • Change in a community tends

can make progress. In the Harwood

When approaches and strategies

to emerge over time.

Index, the five stages of community

for change don’t take into account

• The key is to understand where

life are The Waiting Place, Impasse,

a community’s stage and don’t pay

and how to get started — what’s

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ripe for positive movement —

host of cascading effects. As initial

and more resilient community that

and then how to actively grow

ripples of action spread, momentum

can adapt to future challenges.


in a community starts to build, the

These are insights for all of us

• We must develop a communi-

public will for working together in

who hold affection for communities,

ty’s enabling environment for

new ways along with a growing sense

seek to strengthen them and tackle

change — the conditions for

of common purpose emerges, the

their pressing challenges. At the

innovation, emergence, and

community’s capacity for change

heart of this story is how people and

spreading change.

expands and deepens, and a new can-

groups have created a common frame

do narrative takes shape. Over time,

of reference for how they see the

what one sees is that a community is

community, its challenges, and

able to generate all-important stay-


• Intentionality in our engagement and actions is essential. • Finally, we must work with the community, not apart from it.

ing power to stick with efforts and

What all this adds up to is the

engage with entrenched issues; it is

Editor’s Note

need to embrace the idea that change

able to use its newly formed capacity

spreads in a community. This hap-

to address new issues that arise. The

pens when a certain dynamic is

result is short-term wins, longer-term

unleashed that sets in motion a whole

sustainability, and a much stronger

This article is excerpted with permission from “The Ripple Effect: How change spreads in communities.” In the remainder of the full report, the Harwood Institute illustrates The Ripple Effect through the progress of the city of Battle Creek, Mich., over a period of about six years. Battle Creek’s story is emblematic of the type of change The Harwood Institute sees in its work each and every day in communities of all sizes and shapes.

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This ad will run in the Jan-Feb issues of the Journal.

The Illinois Association of School Boards encourages boards of education to engage their communities. IASB’s Foundational Principles of Effective Governance note that the primary task of the school board is to continually define, articulate, and re-define district ends to answer the recurring question: “Who gets what benefits for how much?” In order to define those ends and clarify the district’s vision, mission, and goals, the school board needs to connect with its community around the aspirations that people have for their local schools. We offer the Harwood Institute’s insights and perspective here as part of IASB’s ongoing community engagement conversation.

Resources Read the full report, including THI’s work in Battle Creek, Mich., here: The Harwood Group, Community Rhythms: The Five Stages of Community Life. Flint, Mich.: The Charles Stewart Mott Foundation (1999). The Harwood Group, Public Capital: The Dynamic System that Makes Public Life Work. Dayton, Ohio: The Charles F. Kettering Foundation (1996). Connecting with the Community, IASB’s Community Engagement piece:


More than 9,600 public school leaders attended the 2016 Joint Annual Conference of the Illinois Association of School Boards, Illinois Association of School Administrators (IASA), and Illinois Association of School Business Officials (Illinois ASBO). The 2016 conference was held November 18-20 at the Hyatt Regency Chicago, Sheraton Grand Chicago, and Swissôtel hotels. This was IASB's 84th joint conference with IASA and Illinois ASBO.




Starting here 2016 Joint Annual Conference convened in Chicago By James Russell Photos by Robert Levy

James Russell is IASB’s associate executive director for communications/ production services. Robert Levy is a corporate and conference photographer based in Chicago.


ore than 82 percent of the

and superintendents, as well as the

conference tweets and photos, and

state’s 852 public school

IASB Delegate Assembly, bookstore,

encouraged visitors to add their own

districts were represented at the

and other learning and networking

messages and photos. The Illinois

2016 Joint Annual Conference, held


chapter of the National School public

Nov. 18-20 in Chicago. They were

New features at this year’s Con-

Relations Association and the Illinois

encouraged by keynote speaker Mawi

ference included a School Safety and

Channel greeted guests, who also

Asgedom, “You (already) have the

Security Seminar, displays of stu-

were invited to participate in mini

power to change lives. Stay on mis-

dent artwork, a student music per-

clinics, photo booth, contests, and

sion and stay out of the traps.”

formance, a public hearing by the


Featuring a “Leadership Starts

Illinois Attendance Commission, a

Panel sessions – this year pared

Here” theme, this was the 84th

fellowship and prayer event, and the

from 90- to 60-minute presentations

meeting of the Illinois Association

debut of the IASB Homeroom and a

in five different time slots over the

of School Boards, Illinois Asso-

conference app.

three-day event – are the staple of the

ciation of School Administrators,

The safety seminar, held on Fri-

Conference. This year’s panels drew

and Illinois Association of School

day, was sold out. Open to school offi-

7,986 people. The topics and their

Business Officials. Total attendance

cials and local safety professionals,

attendance included the following:

was 9,677. Those registered included

the event covered safety procedures

governance and leadership (21 pan-

3,705 guests, 3,031 board members,

and the School Safety Drill Act, phys-

els; 1,085 attended); school law (9;

948 administrators, and 1,075 exhib-

ical plant and school building design,

1,007); governmental relations (7;

itors, as well as board secretaries,

as well as school climate and culture

919); finance and funding (11; 822);

school attorneys, regional and state

perspectives. In addition, eight panel

best practices (13; 768); community

education officials, state lawmakers,

sessions covering related school safe-

relations (11; 733); student learning

and other representatives.

ty and security issues were featured

(12; 434); current issues (9; 396);

throughout the conference.

facilities and technology (4; 246);

Professional development is the


primary purpose of the Conference,

The IASB Homeroom was in ses-

and newer board members (5; 199).

offered through 262 exhibit booths,

sion on Friday and Saturday. Locat-

The largest panels by title and

105 panel sessions, 33 “Carousel”

ed in the “hub” of the conference

attendance were: Legislative Issues

panels, nine IASB workshops, nine

headquarters hotel, Association staff

Impacting School Districts (340);

panel sessions for school secretar-

and directors engaged with members

Ed-Tech Student Success Stories in

ies, four school tours, three Illinois

and guests about IASB products and

TED Talks (295); 2016 Legislative

ASBO workshops, three general ses-

services. The Homeroom kept them

Session Review (260); 2016 Legal

sions, seminars for school attorneys

informed with a prominent display of

Update on Supporting Transgender


IASB President Phil Pritzker (left) convened the 2016 Joint Annual Conference at the First General Session on November 18. He was joined on the stage by students from his own district, Wheeling CCSD 21, as the Honors Chorus from Cooper, Holmes, and London Middle Schools performed the National Anthem. Below, leaders join the audience participation portion of the day’s presentation.



including collective bargaining, lead-

Thousands of members and

ership practices, and school finance.

guests attended General Sessions

Two days of specialized training were

on Fr id ay, Satu rd ay, a nd Su n-

offered for 211 school board secretar-

day. This year’s keynoters were

ies, including information on IMRF

Asgedom, an Ethiopian war refugee

#ILjac16 tweets:

benefits, FOIA and OMA require-

and education leadership advocate;

@KyleThompson643 (Nov 19) — Okaw Valley administrators proudly sharing their community partnerships and student success stories. #iljac16

ments, Google Drive, collaborative

television personality Joan Lunden;

conversations, agendas and minutes,

and national safety expert Michael

social media, legal Q& As, and two

Dorn. The general sessions were

keynote speakers.

also where awards were given out

@mikelubelfeld (Nov 19) — #bikewitmike cool story from teacher using technology and fitness -creativity #iljac16 leadership at every level #suptchat

IASB also offered nine Pre-Con-

for school design, risk management,

ference Workshops in 11 half-day or

and individual awards for superin-

full-day options that drew 794 par-

tendent, school board president,

ticipants. Workshop topics included

school business official, and school

basics of governance, PDLT/PERA

board secretary of the year. Special

Students (215); and Collective Bar-

(mandatory board training), board

guests included the NSBA executive

gaining in Uncertain Times (200).

presidents, superintendent evalu-

director, and IASB past presidents

The popular Carousel of Panels

ation, Myers-Briggs type indicator,

and executive directors.

on Saturday afternoon had a total

community engagement, collective

Social media played a signifi-

attendance of 783.

bargaining, and school finance. A

cant part at this year’s Conference,

Many of the panel sessions pro-

new workshop this year focused

a s a T weet messa ge board wa s

vided online handouts and Power-

on race and its impact on achiev-

prominently displayed and promot-

Point presentations, some of which

ing equity in schools. Presented

ed in the IASB Homeroom. More

are available to download from the

twice, the attendance for “A Cou-

than 200 individuals and organi-

I ASB Members-Only tab on the

rageous Conversation about Race

zations participated by tweeting


and Its Impact on Achieving Equi-

and retweeting via the hashtag

ty in Schools” drew a total of 210

# ILjac16, and adding their own


messages and photos.

Other training opportunities included an all-day school law seminar for school attorneys and work-

Lic en sed I l l i nois teacher s

Links to an online gallery of

shops for Illinois ASBO members,

attending as guests or as board

photos taken at the Conference and

members were also able to qualify

at the IASB Homeroom photo booth

for nine Professional Development

have been posted, along with full

Clock Hours, and 178 participated.

coverage of the 2016 Conference,

This year, 357 districts sent rep-



resentatives to the IASB Delegate

The 85th Joint Annual Confer-

Assembly to vote on 16 resolutions

ence will be held Nov. 17-19, 2017 in

and changes to the Association Con-

Chicago. A Call for Proposals is now

stitution. They also elected officers

available for local school districts

and heard reports from the Associ-

and related organizations that want

ation president and treasurer, and

to make panel presentations next

heard from the Illinois FFA state

year. Information for exhibitors will

champion parliamentary procedure

be posted in February, while housing

winner, Zach Becker, a 2016 graduate

and registration will be posted in

of Amboy High School.

early June 2017.


In the Conference's third keynote address, school safety and security expert Michael Dorn (above) recommended a broad, all-hazards approach to preparing for campus crisis situations. “School has to be a harmonious balance between the data that we give you, and the heartfelt passion that you bring to your work,” Dorn said.

Keynote speaker Mawi Asgedom (above) encouraged leaders to refuse to be distracted by “victim” excuses and concentrate on resources and how to creatively use them.

Television journalist Joan Lunden addressed the Second General Session at the Joint Annual Conference, and visited with hundreds of school leaders afterward. Her message included helping children develop problem-solving skills to face the challenges of today's world. “We tend to solve problems for them, rather than let them figure it out for themselves.”




Pre-Conference events at the 2016 Joint Annual Conference included several workshops, seminars for school attorneys, school business officials and superintendents, and a new School Safety and Security Seminar.



#ILjac16 tweets: @dconrad74 (Nov 19) — Proud to present with Cathy Creek on #SchoolClimate at #ILjac16 at table 6 @Manteno5 and tell the story of #TeamMMS; thanks for attending!

Participants in the Joint Annual Conference's Chicago Schools Tours embarked Friday morning for Nettelhorst Elementary School, Gunsaulus Elementary Scholastic Academy, Chicago High School for the Arts, and Little Black Pearl Art and Design Academy.

@IllinoisChannel (Nov 19) — Sen Manar, Rep Davis & Sen McConchie, discuss the challenges of reforming Educ Funding #ILjac16

Karen Vota of Coal City CUSD 1 accepted the Holly Jack Outstanding Service Award from IASB Executive Director Roger Eddy at the Secretaries' Program. The award recognizes the extraordinary work and service provided by secretaries who serve and assist their local boards of education.

Thousands of visitors and 1,075 exhibitors connected in the Exhibit Hall at the 2016 Joint Annual Conference. JANUARY-FEBRUARY 2017 / THE ILLINOIS SCHOOL BOARD JOURNAL


#ILjac16 tweets: @markcross124 (Nov 21) — @ILschoolboards and @ IllinoisASA great conference again this year! Over twenty years for me and #ILjac16 was the best one yet! @FSD79 (Nov 21) — FSD79 Board of Education enjoys professional learning opportunities at Triple I. #ILjac16

Individuals were honored for their service to public education. Jason Henry (far left) was honored as the 2017 Illinois Superintendent of the Year. John Fuhrer and Scott R. Mackall (center) received the Lighthouse Award. Douglas P. Floski (below), was named the winner of the 2016 Thomas Lay Burroughs Award.



Representatives from 357 school boards considered resolutions on a variety of public school issues at the Association’s annual Delegate Assembly (left). The inaugural School Safety and Security Seminar (above) included issues of facility management, school safety plans, and school climate and culture.

Roundtable discussions took place on Saturday and Sunday of the Joint Annual Conference. Above, participants selected from 33 different offerings at the Carousel of Panels. Below, Sunday morning's Coffee and Conversations sessions offered an informal format.



Partaking in the annual IASB past presidents' luncheon were (above, seated left to right) Joan Levy, Dennis McConville, Barbara Wheeler, Robert Reich, Patricia Culler, Jay Tovian, and Christy Coleman; (standing left to right) Roger Eddy, Nancy Elson, Jonathan Howe, Marie Slater, Michael Johnson, Mark Metzger, Joanne Osmond, Phil Pritzker, Joe Alesandrini, Carolyne Brooks, Karen Fisher, and Tom Neeley.

Gathering for the Chicago Schools Tour were (above, left to right) Heather Lindahl, CPS Arts Program Coordinator; Jaimie Guzman, CPS and IASB board member; Dr. Janice Jackson, CPS Chief Education Officer; IASB Executive Director Roger Eddy; and Evan Plummer, CPS Director of Arts Education.

More online: 2017 RFPs 2016 Delegate Assembly Resolutions adopted Conference panel handouts General Sessions Award winners OLC Raffle Winners Conference Photo Gallery School Safety and Security Seminar IL Channel Video 18


The IASB Information Room got a new look, new location, and new name this year. Now known as Homeroom, it featured contests, a photo booth, the opportunity to meet with members of IASB's Board of Directors, social media displays and discussions, a slideshow of photos from every corner of the Conference, the opportunity to consult school public relations pros from INSPRA, live TV interviews with Illinois Channel, Mini Clinics, and chairs and tables to recharge attendees' feet and phones. Find more info, and photos from the photo booth, at Additional photography by Hannah Kerrigan.




Strategies for reducing suspensions By David E. Bartz

David E. Bartz, Ph.D., is professor emeritus in the Department of Educational Leadership at Eastern Illinois University.


he requirements of Senate

In Illinois, the group Voices of

suspensions because of numerous

Bill 100 are prompting major

Youth in Chicago Education was

repeat offenders. I was too caught up

changes in how schools address disci-

instrumental in the establishment

in the daily routine of the job to take

pline, specifically punishment. In part,

of Senate Bill 100. This “sweeping

time to be proactive, to figure out

the bill is causing schools to focus on

school discipline reform” took effect

why the misbehaviors were occur-

reducing suspensions, both in school

last fall after being signed into law, as

ring and how to change behaviors

and out of school. School personnel are

Public Act 99-456, in 2015 by Gov-

to reduce suspensions. This was my

scrambling to come up with ways to

ernor Bruce Rauner.

mistake. Since then, I have focused

do so under the watchful eyes of board

I have studied suspensions for

on what can be done to be proac-

of education members and superin-

over 45 years. As an assistant junior

tive and minimize suspensions to

tendents. School personnel in Illinois

high school principal of approxi-

the extent practicable.

are not the only ones addressing the

mately 1,000 students in 1969-70,

From 1972 to 2006, I worked

suspension issue. This is a national

I was troubled because there were

with school districts in Michigan,

movement that some view as address-

at least 100 suspensions, although

Missouri, Louisiana, Texas, Arkan-

ing the issue commonly known as the

there were fewer students actual-

sas, and Illinois on matters pertain-

“school to prison pipeline.”

ly suspended than the number of

ing to school desegregation, often including suspension issues. Based on these experiences, studying research and literature on suspensions over the years, and talking with building administration in Illinois; the following techniques are offered as considerations for addressing Senate Bill 100. These techniques are classified into four categories: communication of standards; instruction, classroom management, and staff development; administration and human relations; and counseling. It is unlikely all of these suspension reduction techniques are appropriate for any given building or district. Hence, it is



important to select from these techniques, based on local needs.

exemplify respect for other human beings. • In the school’s mission state-

• High expectations are held for all students, regardless of race or economic status.

ment, proper behavior and

• Teachers strive to establish a

Without effective communi-

respect for the rights and prop-

positive relationship with each

cations, expectations for student

erty of others are included and


Communication of standards

behaviors are not clear and left to


• The varied cultures of the stu-

the imagination — and sometimes

• The school improvement plan

dent population are integrated

misinterpretation — of students,

for the building includes goals

into the curriculum to create a

teachers, and parents. Clearly com-

for student behavior and is read-

municated behavioral expectations

ily communicated to students,

• Instruction is provided for stu-

for students’ behaviors are a corner-

staff, parents/guardians, and the

dents concerning how to be

general public.

responsible for their own behav-

stone of an effective and fair student

sense of “connectedness.”

discipline policy. The techniques

• An action plan for reducing sus-

listed here will be useful to school

pensions is established for the


building on an annual basis. This

• Teams of teachers are estab-

• Classroom behavior expecta-

action plan is developed by an

lished to work with problem

tions are communicated to all

instructional team composed

students and their families.

the students at the beginning of,

of administrators, staff, coun-

• Each problem student is assigned

and throughout, the school year

selors, teachers, support staff,

to a “friend at school” through a

in an understandable manner.

students, and parents/guardians.

• Teachers, administrators, and

ior in the classroom and in other school environments.

teacher-adviser system. • Instruction is provided at a chal-

other school personnel adhere

Instruction, classroom

lenging, yet attainable, level for

to the belief that students prefer

management, and staff

each student.

to be in their regular classroom


rather than suspended.

• Differentiated instruction is

The frontline of minimizing

used appropriately to reach

• School rules are clearly spelled

undesirable student behaviors is

the unique learning needs of

out to students in terms and

instruction that actively engages


examples understandable to

students in learning and builds pos-

• Emphasis is placed on teach-

them and in a constructive man-

itive teacher-student relationships.

ers serving as models of proper

ner, and are reviewed regularly.

Effective classroom management

behavior in the classroom.

• Systematic and ongoing com-

creates a highly organized environ-

• Teachers consistently support the

munication of standards takes

ment that prevents students from

school’s expectations for conduct

place with parents/guardians of

misbehaving through clear expec-

from classroom to classroom.

students and the general public.

tations and positive class identity.

• Teachers convey to students

• The administrative staff, coun-

Staff development —especially for

that each has self-worth and

selors, and teachers are highly

effective instruction and classroom

visible, particularly in unstruc-

management — is crucial to giving

• Teachers are proactive in pre-

tured situations (e.g., halls, caf-

teachers the knowledge and skills

venting situations likely to

eteria, and non-classroom areas

to meaningfully engage students in

prompt undesirable conduct.

where students congregate), to

learning and prevent undesirable

• Teachers use positive reinforcers

support proper behavior by their

behaviors. The techniques listed

to reward proper behavior.

presence and verbal comments.

here will be beneficial to reducing

• Teachers create positive emo-

• The adults in the building act

undesirable student behaviors in

tional energy in the classroom

the classroom.

for students and themselves.

as models of good behavior and


can behave properly.


• The Response to Intervention

st akeholders in ways in which

their actions, to assure students’

(RtI) behavioral component is

they are likely to be supportive, as

constitutional and civil rights

research based, and staff are well

opposed to being critics, of the dis-

are met.)

trained in how to implement it.

cipline program. The techniques

• Employ school personnel rep-

• An ongoing staff development

listed here will aid in the reduction

resentative of the diversity of

on student misbehaviors.

the student body in all job

program is established in the areas of effective classroom

• Make sure the student handbook

management techniques and

(code of conduct) is written in

• Have an information technolo-

effective school practices.

language easy to understand and

gy system that provides specif-

gives examples.

ic data on suspensions by race,

• All staff development training


grade, gender, source of referral, length of time, and other variables that will help profile

“Paramount to the principal’s responsibility is a human relations approach that informs and involves stakeholders in ways in which they are likely to be supportive ...”

suspension problems. • Coordinate the services of the counselor, school psychologist, and social worker to identify and treat possible home problems that contribute to behavioral problems at school. • Work with the police and other

is permeated with the theme of

• Be certain that all personnel

public agencies to gain insights

being sensitive to the unique indi-

and students have easy access

into how to minimize gang activ-

vidual differences of children.

to the student handbook (hard

ity at school, while also noting

• Staff development training is

and electronic copies). Stress

which students are going to,

established that addresses the

to everyone the importance of

and returning from, school in

needs of at-risk students and

understanding its content.

groups and the groups in which

includes solutions that will help

• Furnish parents/guardians with a copy of the student handbook,

• Establish a preventative coun-

• Staff development takes place

and communicate to the media,

seling program with the guid-

annually for all building personnel

in a positive manner, the pur-

ance and counseling staff to

to review the student handbook

pose, intent, and content of the

work pro-actively to reduce the

and effective practices for prevent-

document. (Parent/guardian

negative behaviors of problem

ing undesirable student behavior.

needs to sign off regarding receiv-

students. (It may be helpful to

ing the student handbook.)

include the school psychologist.)

meet these needs.

• Use social media if it is deemed

• Establish a tutorial program for

as an effective means to commu-

students with academic needs

nicate with parents/guardians,

along with a program designed

managing all aspects of the school’s

students, and the general public.

to augment their coping abilities

discipline program and being able

• Make sure the student handbook

to see the “big picture” of its effec-

includes proper due process for

• Establish a study and academic

tiveness and areas for needed adjust-

students and protects their con-

skills center where students can

ments. Paramount to the principal’s

stitutional and civil rights. (Also

receive individual assistance

responsibility is a human relations

stress to all school employees

during the school day and after

approach that informs and involves

their responsibilities, through


Administration and human relations Principals are responsible for


they travel.

in school.


• Plan a special orientation pro-

other extracurricular activities

• Establish a recognition/rewards

gram for the grade level of stu-

is such that all races have an

program for academics, good

dents new to the building at

equal opportunity to be rep-

behavior, extracurricular activ-

the start of the school year that

resented, and be certain that

emphasizes their behavioral

students who are ordinarily

• Make sure that public relations


reluctant to participate are

and school-community relations

encouraged to do so.

programs reflect all racial, eth-

• Work with the student council

ities, and attendance.

(student government) to assure

• Through orientations, assem-

nic, and socioeconomic groups.

that its activities are sensitive to,

blies, and announcements,

• Have a year-round program that

and inclusive of, all cultures, rac-

instill the school’s mission, cul-

systematically highlights differ-

es, and students’ economic status.

ture, and past success stories.

ent racial, ethnic, and cultural

• Develop a positive working rela-

• Establish an effective PTA,

tionship with law enforcement

PTO, or other groups in which

• Establish a committee or task

and other relevant governmen-

parents /guardians are mean-

force on multicultural education

tal agencies.

ingfully involved.

to assess the curriculum and


• Ma ke su re the selection of

• Establish a parent /guardian

identify ongoing needs, paying

cheerleaders, student council

information program that is

particular attention to sensitivi-

members, and participants in

separate from the PTA/PTO.

ty of staff to cultural differences.

Policy Services Custom, in-district services and workshops to assist your board with all aspects of its policymaking role Development – Policies that provide for good board processes, a strong board-superintendent relationship, appropriate direction and delegation to the superintendent, and district ends. Updating – Policies that are current with legal requirements and provide for effective board governance.

Review – A process that assures board policy continues to accurately support the board’s mission, vision, and goals. Monitoring – A process that assures board policy is being followed and is having the intended effect. Communicating – A process that allows easy access to current board policy by the board, staff, students, parents, and the community.

If your board needs assistance in any of these areas, contact IASB policy services today! Phone: 630/629-3776 or 217/528-9688, ext. 1214 or 1154 Email: or

Jan/Feb 2016 May/June 2016



• Establish a systematic and

chronic behavior problems. The tech-

ongoing race relations pro-

niques listed here will aid in reducing

gram for students, staff, par-

undesirable student behaviors.

ents /guardians, and at times the community at large.

• Establish appropriate academic assignments for students. • Create a drop-in time-out area for


students with behavioral prob-

areas to be available and identify students in need of counseling. • Interface the social worker’s efforts and knowledge with the information base in school and with other school personnel and resources.

A counseling program that meets

lems so they can be proactive in

• Utilize the school psychologist

the needs of the student population

avoiding unacceptable behavior.

to help identify the causes for

can prevent many undesirable behav-

• Encourage students to partake

unacceptable student behaviors

iors from initially occurring. Further,

in extracurricular activities and

and possible corrective actions.

an effective counseling program coor-

give them follow-up support.

dinates services to address causes for

• Establish a peer support group or

munity mental health agencies.

unacceptable student behaviors and

“buddy” system for students with

• Work with special education

coordinates interventions to elimi-

potential behavioral problems.

• Develop partnerships with com-

staff to conduct a “Functional

nate these behaviors. This is espe-

• Utilize “walking” or “roving”

Behavioral Assessment” (FBA)

cially important for students with

counselors in non-classroom

analysis to hone in on what behaviors are specifically interfering with the student’s school performance. In conclusion Being proactive and preventive regarding what might go wrong, before it goes wrong, is paramount

The next time your district needs to do a search for a new superintendent, call your team at IASB.

to effective discipline — on both an

The IASB executive searches department is just one component of the IASB team that provides services to your district every week, every year of your term as a board member. The IASB team continues to support your district long after the search is completed. Field services, policy services, board development, and communications provide you year-round services.

student s from misbehav ior, as

individual student and group basis. It is important school personnel view effective discipline as preventing opposed to using the number of students caught misbehaving as the measure of effectiveness. Safe and orderliness are keystones to effective schools. These factors need to be at the forefront as school personnel address Senate Bill 100. Lastly, it is paramount that school personnel establishing positive relationships and truly caring about each student as a human being.

We care about the ongoing success of your district. NEED A SEARCH? Contact your IASB Executive Searches team at 630/629-3776, ext. 1217 or 217/528-9688, ext. 1217


November/December 2016 THE ILLINOIS

This article is based in part on previous work presented in Urban Education, Strategies for Reducing Suspension. Volume 24, Number 2, p.p. 163-176, July 1989.



Safe, clean, functional, and beyond PD offered for facilities professionals By Ken Roiland


hat do school district facility

approximately 20 years. Started

de sig nat ion may have t a ken a

professionals do?

by a group of school district facil-

seminar on fertilization; anoth-

In the broadest of answers:

ity leaders to provide guidance

er person may have t a ken one

facility professionals provide safe,

on school district facility opera-

on tree and shrub care. Both are

clean, and functional learning envi-

tions, it was primarily supported

grounds-related, but they are com-

ronments for students and staff.

by half- or full-day professional

pletely different types of training.

However, they do more than that.

development opportunities provid-

The consistency was missing.

They also protect the largest mate-

ed by Illinois ASBO’s profession-

Fast forward about 15 years.

rial asset a school district owns. To

al development committees. The

New leaders emerged and the new

properly care for the multi-million

goal was for facility professionals

dollar investments of the community,

to complete at least 67 points of

it is essential that the individuals

program requirements focusing

entrusted with their care be properly

on facility operations. The points

trained in maintenance operations,

were awarded as three points for

required inspections, and school

half-day seminar and six points

district accounting principles. To

for a full day.

School Business Officials (Illinois

oped the designation program laid

ASBO) has developed a new Facility

an excellent foundation for the

Operations Program, described as

next stage of professional develop-

“setting the industry standard for

ment, the new Facility Operations

Illinois school facilities.”


The designation program sets

If there was already a designa-

a new, consistent st andard for

tion program provided for facility

the development of high-quality

operators, why develop a completely

school facilities professionals. The

new one? Why not just modify what

knowledge base lays the ground-

already exists?

work of what facility professionals

The challenge with the

need to know to succeed in their

existing designation program is

chosen field.

with consistency of content. For

Il linois A SBO has present-

example, an individual working

e d a d e s i g n a t ion pr o g r a m for

on a “g rou nd s” p or t ion of t he




The individuals who devel-


that end, the Illinois Association of


Ken Roiland is director of buildings and grounds for Woodstock Community Unit School District 200.

Facilities Operations

Custodial Operations

Maintenance Operations

Grounds Operations

Facilities Management 25

facility operator regional groups

operations field, and discussions

have the opportunity to specialize in

started popping up in the North

were had on the best way to deliv-

only their desired field. For example,

and Northwest suburbs of Chicago.

er a consistent form of profession-

the custodial supervisor who only

These leaders got together to dis-

al development where all facility

wants to expand his or her knowl-

cuss facility operations and support

directors, new and seasoned, had

edge in custodial operations can

one another on a monthly basis.

the opportunity to share the same

choose to take only the Essentials

Through these meetings, it became


of Custodial Operations along with

evident that there was a thirst for

It was also sug gested that a

the Essentials of Facilities Manage-

professional growth in the facility

new program could be developed

ment to earn their designation for

operations field.

using the Illinois Association of

the completion of the training.

A group of leaders from the

School Boards book, Good School

Individuals who choose to take

Lake County Facility Group and

Maintenance, a manual of pro-

all of the training earn the des-

t he Nor t her n C ent ra l I l l i noi s

grams and procedures for build-

ignation of Facilities Operations

Facility Professionals group met

ings, grounds and equipment, as


to explore the possibility of Illinois

its basis for the course offerings.

Currently the Illinois ASBO

ASBO collaborating with an out-

Edited by James B. Fritts, the book

plan is to offer the Essentials of

side organization that had a facil-

consists of four sections: Essen-

Facilities Management twice per

ity operations training program

tials of Good School Maintenance;

year and the other programs one

with industry merit and a testing

Cleaning and General Building

time per year. This way individuals

feature that validated the learn-

Services; Maintaining the Build-

can earn their designations within

ing. This group interviewed and

ing and Equipment; and School

a one-year period. This is a marked

reviewed programs from multiple

Grounds and Maintenance.

improvement from the original des-

organizations and settled on two

The Facility Operations Pro-

ignation program, where it could

programs offered by the Associa-

grams is comprised of the four

take up to five years to complete

tion of Facility Engineers (AFE).

sections of Good School Mainte-

that designation, depending on the

Those programs are the Cer ti-

nance, and the manual is used as

availability of professional develop-

fied Plant Maintenance Manager

the source material for instruction.

ment opportunities.

(CPMM) and Certified Plant Super-

The four courses of professional

visor (CPS) programs. These inter-

development are:

nationally recognized programs provided excellent information to the seasoned facility operations manager. AFE requires a minimum number of years of facility management experience to join their organization. The programs offered by AFE


• Essentials of Facilities Management, • Essentials of Maintenance Operations, • Essentials of Grounds Operations, and • Essentials of Custodial

October 2016 was the first offering of Essentials of Facilities Management, and in December 2016 the first group earned the designation in Maintenance Operations with the completion of the Essentials of Maintenance Operations. January 2017 is the offering for the Essentials of Grounds Oper-


ations, while Essentials of Custo-

are excellent, but a gap still exist-

The program was built so that

dial Operations will be offered in

ed in supplying new and seasoned

desig nations can be ear ned in

veterans of facility operations with

maintenance operations, grounds

More in for mation on the

a program that was consistent and

operations, or custodial operations.

Facilities Management Designa-

thorough in its training in actual

Each person wishing to complete a

t ion P ro g ra m c a n b e fou nd at

school district operations. Again,

designation completes Essentials of

meetings were held w ith lead-

Facility Management prior to earn-


ers in the school district facility

ing their full designation, but they


April 2017.


New Board Member Workshops

WORKSHOP DATES AND LOCATIONS: JUNE 2–3, 2017 NIU DeKalb Holmes Student Center DeKalb Pere Marquette Peoria Thelma Keller Convention Center Effingham JUNE 9–10, 2017 Wyndham Glenview Suites Glenview The Pavilion Marion

Essential school board training starts here!

JUNE 16–17, 2017 Gateway Center Collinsville

Day One: State-Mandated Training

Tinley Park Convention Center Tinley Park

Professional Development Leadership Training (PDLT) — This course satisfies the requirements for mandatory board member training per Public Act 097-0008 including instruction in education and labor law; financial oversight and accountability; and fiduciary responsibilities. Performance Evaluation Reform Act (PERA) training is included in order to prepare board members for their role in implementing the “optional alternative evaluation dismissal process.” Open Meetings Act (OMA) — This course satisfies the requirements for mandatory board member training per Public Act 097-504, and it focuses specifically on the law as it applies to school board meetings and members.

Day Two: Board Member Training The Basics of Governance — Hit the ground running with this essential board training workshop. Participants will focus on board and board member roles and responsibilities, and learn how boards in high functioning districts can make a positive impact on student learning.

JULY 7–8, 2017 Hilton Garden Inn Springfield NIU Naperville Naperville

Look for registration information this spring at


continued from page 32

Jack David “John” Dixon Sr., 88, died November 6, 2016. He served on the Germantown Grade School

Field Services

board for nine years. Gary A. Fales, 79, died Octo-

The Superintendent Evaluation Process

ber 22. He had served on the Monroe school board. John Charles Flessner, 82, died November 29, 2016. He was a former Buckley-Loda school board member.

School boards have a responsibility to evaluate their superintendent to: • Demonstrate accountability, • Strengthen the board-superintendent relationship, • Provide the superintendent with professional development opportunities, and • Make contractual and compensation decisions. Your field services director can support your school board and superintendent team in this critical governance work. Call today! Lombard: 630/629-3776 Springfield: 217/528-9688

John F. Gorman, 85, died on October 13. He served 20 years on local and regional school boards. Charles T. Greenway, 84, died November 11, 2016. He previously served 15 years on the Lockport SD 91 Board of Education. Lester E. Grover, 92, died October 30, 2016. He had served for a time on the Leland High School Board of Education. Paul Arthur Hahn, 62, died November 18, 2016. He former-

Jan/Feb 2017


Invest one evening, gain benefits throughout the year for yourself, your school board, and your district.

ly served on two school boards in Mackinaw. Harold Harres, 93, died November 15, 2016. He served as the Columbia school board president during the

Field Services

1960s and 1970s. Robert E. Kroehnke, 84, died September 19, 2016. He served on


Attend an IASB Division Dinner Meeting at a location near you! Division Dinner

the board of Wheaton Warrenville

Meetings provide opportunities for networking, professional development, peer recognition, participation in Association governance, and learning about IASB resources.

from 1981 to 1985.

Community Unit School District 200 Walter “Red” Kuhn, 97, died November 11, 2016. He was a former school board member at the Wesclin CUSD 3, Trenton.

Mark your calendars now! Visit the IASB website for a complete list of events and locations:


Aloysius A. Mazewski, 65, died November 25, 2016. He was for many years a board member at Northbrook School District 27.


Earl E. (Gene) McMullen, 87, died October 2, 2016. He was pre-

nine-year member of the Perry school board.

Dona ld Trauscht, 83, died November 12, 2016. He previously

viously a member of the Oak Grove

Ned R. Rolston, 75, died Octo-

served as a school board member

School District 68 (Bartonville)

ber 9, 2016. He previously served

in Butler SD 53, Oak Brook. Traus-

school board.

six years on the Algonquin-based

cht is best known for serving as

District 300 school board, serving

the Chairman and Chief Executive

as vice president.

Officer of Borg Warner Security

William Abbott Randolph, 93, died November 11, 2016. He previously served as a school board

Rose M. Ryan, 89, died Octo-

member at Morton Grove SD 70.

ber 18, 2016. She was previously

Anthony “Tony� Tyznik, 91,

He is best known for founding the

employed by the Illinois Association

died November 19, 2016. He formerly

general contracting firm William

of School Boards in Springfield.

served on the school board for Lisle

Corporation from 1993 to 1995.

A. Randolph Co., Inc. in 1957, a

Donald R. Springer, 93, died

company that has constr ucted

September 19. He served on the

Genevieve Ann Wilson, 90, of

infrastructure throughout north-

Ashton school board for many years.

Springfield, died October 5, 2016.

Ira R a lph Stroup, 91, died

She was formerly employed at the

November 22. He had served on the

I l l i nois A s so ciat ion of S chool

Buckley High School board.

Boards in Springfield.

ern Illinois. Marvin Dale Risley, 82, died S eptember 25, 2016. He wa s a


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GREENASSOCIATES, INC. — Architecture/construction services. Deerfield – 847/317-0852, Pewaukee, WI – 262/746-1254; website: www.greenassociates. com; email: HEALY, BENDER & ASSOCIATES, INC. — Archi­tects/Planners. Naperville, 630/904-4300; website:; email:

A Directory of your IASB Service Associates IASB Service Associates are businesses which offer school‑related products and services and which have earned favorable repu­tations for quality and integrity. Only after screening by the Service Associates Executive Committee is a business firm invited by the IASB Board of Directors to become a Service Associate.

JH2B ARCHITECTS — Architects. Kankakee – 815/933-5529; website:

Appraisal Services

KLUBER ARCHITECTS + ENGINEERS — Building design professionals specializing in architecture, mechanical, electrical, plumbing, structural, and fire protection engineers. Batavia – 630/406-1213

INDUSTRIAL APPRAISAL COMPANY — Building and fixed asset appraisals for insurance and accounting purposes. Oak Brook – 630/575-0280


JMA ARCHITECTS — Full service professional design firm specializing in K-12 educational design, construction management, strategic/ master planning, health/life safety compliance, building commissioning, and interior space design. South Holland – 708/339-3900; website:; email:

LARSON & DARBY GROUP — Architecture, Engineering, Interior Design, and Technology. Rockford – 815/484-0739, St. Charles – 630/444-2112; website:; email: snelson@

ALLIED DESIGN CONSULTANTS, INC. — Architectural programming, site planning and design, architectural and interior design, and construction administration with a specialization in K-12 facilities. Springfield – 217/522-3355

LEGAT ARCHITECTS, INC. — Architectural and educational planners who specialize in creating effective student learning environments. Gurnee – 847/662-3535; Oak Brook – 630/990-3535; Chicago – 312/258-9595; website: ; email:

ARCON ASSOCIATES, INC. — Full service firm specializing in educational facilities with services that include architecture, construction management, roof and masonry consulting, landscape architecture, and environmental consulting. Lombard – 630/495-1900; website:; email:

PCM+DESIGN ARCHITECTS — Provide a full range of architectural services including facility and feasibility studies, architectural design, construction consulting and related services. East Peoria – 309/694-5012

BERG ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, LTD. — Consulting engineers. Schaumburg – 847/352-4500; website: BLDD ARCHITECTS, INC. — Architectural and engineering services for schools. Decatur – 217/429-5105; Champaign – 217/3569606; Bloomington – 309/828-5025; Chicago – 312/829-1987 BRADLEY & BRADLEY — Architects, engineers, and asbestos consultants. Rockford – 815/968-9631; website: CANNONDESIGN — Architecture, Interiors, Engineering, Consulting. Chicago – 312/332-9600; website: ; email: CM ENGINEERING, INC. — Specializing in ultra efficient geo-exchange HVAC engineering solutions for schools, universities, and commercial facilities. Columbia, MO – 573/874-9455; website: CORDOGAN CLARK & ASSOCIATES — Architects and Engineers. Aurora – 630/896-4678; website: www.cordoganclark. com; email: rmont@cordogan DEWBERRY ARCHITECTS INC. — Architects, planners, landscape architecture, and engineers. Peoria – 309/282-8000 DLA ARCHITECTS, LTD. — Architects specializing in preK-12 educational design, including a full range of architectural services; assessments, planning, feasibility studies, new construction, additions, remodeling, O&M and owner’s rep services. Itasca – 847/7424063; website:; email: DLR GROUP — Educational facility design and master planning. Chicago – 312/382-9980; website:; email: ERIKSSON ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, LTD. — Civil Engineering, Traffic Engineering, and Landscape Architecture. Grayslake – 847/223-4804 FANNING HOWEY ASSOCIATES, INC. — School planning and design with a focus on K-12 schools. Oak Brook – 847/292-1039 FARNSWORTH GROUP — Architectural and engineering professional services. Normal – 309/663-8436 FGM ARCHITECTS, INC. — Architects. Chicago – 312/942-8461; Oak Brook – 630/574-8300; O’Fallon – 618/624-3364; St. Louis, MO – 314/439-1601; website: 30

HURST-ROSCHE, INC. — Architecture, engineering, planning, and interior design. Hillsboro – 217/532-3959; East St. Louis – 618/3980890; Marion – 618/998-0075; Springfield – 217/787-1199; email:

PERFORMANCE SERVICES, INC. — An integrated design and delivery engineering company serving the design and construction facility needs of K-12 schools. Schaumburg – 847/466-7220 PERKINS+WILL — Architects. Chicago – 312/755-0770 RICHARD L. JOHNSON ASSOCIATES, INC. — Architecture, educational planning. Rockford – 815/398-1231; website: RUCKPATE ARCHITECTURE — Architects, engineers, interior design. Barrington – 847/381-2946; website:; email: SARTI ARCHITECTURAL GROUP, INC. — Architecture, engineering, life safety consulting, interior design, and asbestos consultants. Springfield – 217/585-9111 STR PARTNERS — Architectural, interior design, planning, cost estimating, and building enclosure/roofing consulting. Chicago – 312/464-1444 TRIA ARCHITECTURE — An architectural planning and interior design firm that provides services primarily to School Districts in the Chicago-Land area with an emphasis on service to their clients, as well as their communities. Burr Ridge – 630/455-4500 WIGHT & COMPANY — An integrated services firm with solutions for the built environment. Darien – 630/696-7000; website:; email: WM. B. ITTNER, INC. — Full service architectural firm serving the educational community since 1899. Fairview Heights – 618/624-2080 WOLD ARCHITECTS AND ENGINEERS — Specializing in PreK-12 educational design including master planning, sustainable design, architecture, mechanical and electrical engineering, quality review, cost estimation and management. Palatine – 847/241-6100

Building Construction

CORE CONSTRUCTION — Professional construction management, design-build, and general contracting services. Morton – 309/2669768; website: FREDERICK QUINN CORPORATION — Construction management and general contracting. Addison – 630/628-8500; website:


HOLLAND CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, INC. — Full service Construction Management and General Contracting firm specializing in education facilities. Swansea – 618/277-8870 PEPPER CONSTRUCTION COMPANY — Construction management and general contracting services. Barrington – 847/381-2760 POETTKER CONSTRUCTION COMPANY — Specializing in Construction Management, Design/Build, Construction Consulting Services, and Energy Solutions for education clients. Breese – 618/526-7213; website: ROSS CONSTRUCTION, INC. — A full-service construction management firm specializing in educational institutions. Marion – 618/993-5904 S.M. WILSON & CO. — Provides construction management and general construction services to education, healthcare, commercial, retail, and industrial clients. St. Louis, Mo – 314/645-9595; website:; email: TRANE — HVAC company specializing in design, build, and retrofit. Willowbrook – 630/734-6033

Environmental Services

FIRST MIDSTATE, INC. — Bond issue consultants. Bloomington – 309/829-3311; email: GORENZ AND ASSOCIATES, LTD. — Auditing and financial consulting. Peoria – 309/685-7621; website:; email: ICE MILLER, LLP — Nationally recognized bond counsel services. Chicago – 312/726-7127 KINGS FINANCIAL CONSULTING, INC. — Municipal bond financial advisory service including all types of school bonds; school referenda, county school sales tax; tax revenue forecasts/projections. Monticello – 217/762-4578 MATHIESON, MOYSKI, AUSTIN & CO., LLP — Provides audit, consulting and other related financial services to Illinois school districts, joint agreements and risk pools. Wheaton – 630/653-1616 SIKICH, LLP — Professional services firm specializing in accounting, technology, and advisory services. Naperville — 630/364-7953 SPEER FINANCIAL, INC. — Financial planning and bond issue services. Chicago – 312/346-3700; website: www.speerfinancial. com; email:

ALPHA CONTROLS & SERVICES, LLC — Facility Management Systems, Automatic Temperature Controls, Access Control Systems, Energy Saving Solutions; Sales, Engineering, Installation, Commissioning and Service. Rockford, Springfield, Champaign: toll-free 866/ALPHA-01; website:; email:

STIFEL — Full service securities firm providing investment banking and advisory services including strategic financial planning; bond underwriting; referendum and legislative assistance. Edwardsville – 800/230-5151; email:

CTS GROUP — Dedicated to assisting K-12 education meet the challenge of providing healthy, safe, and educational appropriate learning environments. St. Louis, MO – 636/230-0843; Chicago – 773/633-0691; website:; email: rbennett@

WINTRUST FINANCIAL — Financial services holding company engaging in community banking, wealth management, commercial insurance premium financing, and mortgage origination. Rosemont – 630/560-2120

ENERGY SYSTEMS GROUP — A comprehensive energy services and performance contracting company providing energy, facility and financial solutions. Itasca – 630/773-7201; email: smcivor@

Human Resource Consulting

GCA SERVICES GROUP – Custodial, janitorial, maintenance, lawn and grounds, and facility operations services. Downers Grove – 630/629-4044 GRP MECHANICAL CO., INC. — Renovating buildings through energy savings performance contracting to provide the best learning environment. HVAC, Plumbing, Windows, Doors, and Mechanical Services. Bethalto – 618/779-0050 HONEYWELL, INC. — Controls, maintenance, energy management, performance contracting, and security. St. Louis, MO – 314/548-4136; Des Plaines – 847/770-5496; Maryland Heights, MO – 314/548-4501; email:; IDEAL ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING, INC. — Asbestos and environmental services. Bloomington – 309/828-4259 ILLINOIS ENERGY CONSORTIUM — Sells electricity and natural gas to school districts, colleges, and universities. Dekalb – 815/7539083; website:; email:

WILLIAM BLAIR & COMPANY — Bond issuance, financial advisory services. Chicago – 312/364-8955; email:

BUSHUE HUMAN RESOURCES, INC. — Human resource, safety and risk management, and insurance consulting. Effingham – 217/3423042; website:; email:


THE SANDNER GROUP — Insurance program management, marketing & claims services for workers' compensation, property & liability. Chicago – 800/654-9504

Office Equipment

FRANK COONEY COMPANY, INC. — Furniture for educational environments. Wood Dale – 630/694-8800

Superintendent Searches

ECRA Group & HYA — Superintendent searches, board and superintendent workshops. Schaumburg – 847/318-0072

OPTERRA ENERGY SERVICES — Turnkey partnership programs that enable K12 school districts in Illinois to modernize their facilities, increase safety, security and efficiency, reduce operations costs, and maximize the lifespan of critical assets. Chicago – 312/498-7792; email:


RADON DETECTION SPECIALISTS — Commercial radon surveys. Westmont – 800/244-4242; website:; email:

Financial Services

AMERICAN FIDELITY ASSURANCE COMPANY — Specializing in Section 125 compliance, 403(b) plan administration, flexible spending accounts, health savings accounts, dependent audits, and health care reform. Fairview Heights – 855/822-9168 BERNARDI SECURITIES, INC. — Public finance consulting, bond issue services and referendum support. Fairview Heights – 618/2064180; Chicago - 312/281-2014; email: EHLERS & ASSOCIATES — School bond issues; referendum help; financial and enrollment studies. Chicago – 312/638-5250; website:; email:

IASB Service Associates provide quality products and services for schools. Membership is by invitation only. A list of Service Associate firms is on the IASB website,, and in this Journal.





John A. Metzger, an IASB Director and a member of the Benton

Award criteria included personal

including serving as a local Lions

and professional conduct reflecting

Club secretary, involvement with

the chamber’s mission, which con-

the Veterans of Foreign Wars and

cerns advancing the well-being of

the American Legion and serving

the Benton area, aiding in advancing

on the Benton school board since

local business and professional inter-


ests, and fostering and encouraging

A retired school administrator,

development. The winner must be

he worked as a district superinten-

an individual who stands out from

dent for more than two decades in

others as an advocate and leader in

the Logan Consolidated SD 110,

the business community, and goes

Johnston City CUSD 1, and Akin

above and beyond the call of duty.

CCSD 91 schools systems. Prior to

CCSD 47 Board of Education, was

“The theme for the chamber’s

becoming a superintendent he was

named Citizen of the Year by the

dinner event was ‘Celebrating the

principal at Thompsonville High

Benton/West City Area Chamber of

Community,’ which describes John

School and Thompsonville Grade

Commerce at its annual dinner on

Metzger well, as do the award cri-

School. He had earlier taught in

November 17. “The kindness of this

teria,” according to the chamber’s

the Centralia public schools. He

group just reminds me what a great

executive director, Karen Mullins.

has served on the IASB Board of

community we have in the Benton,” Metzger said.

Metzger has long been active in the Benton area community,

Directors, representing the Egyptian Division, since 2004.

In memoriam


Rev. J.C. Smith,

buses became unconstitutional. He

John B. Chipman III, 76, died

86, died October 12,

was among those honored during

October 21, 2016. He formerly served

2016. Previously a

IASB’s 2013 centennial celebration

as a member of the Chandlerville

longtime member and

as one of the state’s longest-serving

school board.

board president of the

board members.

G. Michael Crooch, 73, died

West Har vey-Di x-

Roger L. Anderson, 84, died

November 24, 2016. He formerly

moor School District 147 Board of

November 25, 2016. He previously

served on the Geneva CUSD 304

Education, he was also a prominent

served for eight years on the Galva

Board of Education.

civil rights activist, a carpenter, and

school board.

Rebecca Ann Dalrymple, 72,

an ordained minister. He was the

Katherine “Kathi” M. Cero-

died October 12, 2016. She was a

founder of The Bethlehem Temple

ne, 77, died November 3, 2016. She

past member of the Williamsfield

Baptist Church in Harvey. A native

served on the Homewood-Flossmoor

School Board of Education.

of Alabama, he was instrumental in

High School board from 1977 to

Melvin Dale Dearing, 81, died

leading the charge during the suc-

1991. In dealing with contentious

November 19, 2016. He previously

cessful Montgomery Bus Boycott

school board subjects, she would

served as president of the Monroe

in 1955. Thirteen months after the

say, “we can disagree without being

SD 70 school board.

Montgomery bus boycott, segregated


Continued on page 28



Cultivating strong relationships By Patrick Rice


Can IASB assist our school

vision, goals) and other priority areas

simultaneously cultivating strong

board in cultivating strong

are minimized.

board/superintendent relationships?

board/superintendent relationships?

Practicing good governance is the

IASB’s field services directors work

key to successful districts. How can

with districts to assess five common

As trustees for the communi-

boards improve their governance? An

governance areas that commonly

ty, the school board has a lot

effective board must first determine its

impact stages of team development

to juggle, including formulating and

level of performance as a governance

and the relationship between boards

adopting policy centered on student

team. Often, boards fall into one or

and their superintendent. Generally,

learning and organizational effec-

more of the following stages of team

governance areas that often wreak

tiveness. With so many responsibil-

development described as “forming,

havoc for the governance team entail

ities, IASB’s field services directors

storming, norming, and performing”

one or more of the following: role and

are often asked what should be the

in the work of Bruce Tuckman, a noted

duties, goal alignment, expectations,

board’s number-one priority. This is

psychologist in the areas of education-

communications, and personality.

a discerning question, because board

al psychology and group dynamics.

How can boards determine which

members realize they must priori-

According to Tuckman, teams general-

one or more of these following gover-

tize their work if they are going to be

ly progress through each of these four

nance areas needs improvement? IASB

successful at governing the affairs of

stages beginning with forming, where

directors can identify the board’s gov-

the district.

boards first begin to establish their

ernance training needs. A common

identity to performing when teams

method is for the board to engage in a

are governing effectively.

board self-evaluation to identify areas


Be careful to see the forest when looking at its trees. Board members often respond to this question by focus-

Equally important, effective

of concern. If concerns are identified,

ing on key details, but fail to understand

boards develop and maintain a pro-

the field services director can provide

the larger principle of what will ulti-

ductive relationship with the superin-

the board with additional training based

mately determine the board’s success.

tendent consisting of mutual respect

on their needs assessment. Addition-

For instance, Bill Nemir, a former divi-

and a clear understanding of respec-

ally, boards may elect to participate in

sion director of Texas Association of

tive roles, responsibilities and expec-

IASB’s Board/Superintendent Relations

School Boards, noted that many board

tations as noted in IASB’s Foundational

workshop which discusses all five com-

members say their primary obligation

Principles of Effective Governance.

mon governance areas. Regardless of

either lies with the taxpayer or the stu-

An effective board needs an effective

which method is utilized, the IASB is

dents. These areas are certainly import-

superintendent and vice-versa.

here to help the governance team con-

ant, but to meet those obligations, the

Enhancing the governance team

sistently monitor and assess their stages

primary responsibility of the board

and establishing and cultivating a

of growth and relationship between the

is to ensure good governance on the

successful relationship do not happen

board and its superintendent if they are

governance team. Without practicing

in a vacuum. How can the IASB assist

to ensure good governance.

good governance, the board’s success

boards in maneuvering through vari-

in carrying out district ends (mission,

ous stages of team development while

Visit catalog.pdf to learn more.

Patrick Rice, IASB field services director for Egyptian, Illini, Shawnee, and Wabash Valley divisions, answers this issue's question.


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