M AY / J U N E 2 0 1 8
V ol. 8 6, N o . 3
n music, “call and response” is
Salaries 2018: It’s all about percep-
and IASB’s response, in “What we’ve
a technique where one musician
tion” begins on page 10.
learned: Community engagement is as critical as ever for school boards”
offers a melody and a second answers
The national response to the
with a response as a commentary
tragic school shooting in February
to or complement of the first. From
in Parkland, Florida was emotional,
An editor’s note to this editor’s
spiritual antiphons to Cab Calloway’s
politically charged, and, often, stu-
note: At IASB, we believe in the pow-
Minnie the Moocher, from preschool
dent-driven. This issue of The Illi-
er of print, and intend to publish and
ditties to Arthur “Guitar Boogie”
nois School Board Journal offers two
mail copies of The Illinois School
Smith’s Dueling Banjos, from side-
responses. In “The school board’s
Board Journal (and other publica-
line cheers to Once in a Lifetime by
role in responding to and prevent-
tions for our members) for the fore-
Talking Heads, call and response
ing gun violence in schools” on page
seeable future. We also understand
moves the music along.
on page 6.
16, IASB Assistant General Counsel
the power of the internet, especially
The Illinois School Board Jour-
Maryam T. Brotine looks behind the
its ability to allow readers to quickly
nal considers the calls of 2018 —
immediate questions to determine
connect to information from many
safety and security, community
what the board’s role is in respond-
engagement, equity, salaries, and
ing to the nationwide crisis. Also,
However, sharing website links
technology — that are mak ing
communications and crisis response
in print publications is unwieldy and
headlines in the education world.
expert Rick J. Kaufman offers advice
aesthetically unappealing.
More importantly, we consider the
on school violence prevention and
In response, with this issue we
responses school district might have
response in “School violence: Pre-
are start something new. The links
to each of these calls.
pare for the worst, plan for the best”
for all online resources mentioned
on page 20.
in the Journal can be accessed by
In our last issue, we covered responses to the call for education-
Five years ago, IASB rolled out
visiting a single link. That link, to
al equity. That call will continue,
“Connecting with the Communi-
a page on our Illinois School Board
and we hope you will join us for the
ty: The Purpose and Process of
News Blog, will introduce each Jour-
Community Engagement as Part
nal article, and include by clickable
I n t h i s i s sue, t he Jo ur n a l
of Effective School Board Gover-
links of the resources associated with
presents the next installment in a
nance.” Responding to the chang-
that article.
long-running series on administra-
es in the public education climate
The new link is blog.iasb.com/p/
tor salaries in Illinois — how super-
since then, and to feedback from
journal-resources.html. Bookmark
intendents and principals compare
participants in IASB’s Community
the link, because we will use it future
regionally, nationally, by gender and
Engagement programs, IASB has
issues of the Journal.
by type of school district. Thanks to
responded with updated documents
ISBE for the data, and the authors
and sessions. Read about the call
— Theresa Kelly Gegen, Editor
for their response. “Administrator
for community engagement work
Thanks for reading.
What we’ve learned By Theresa Kelly Gegen Five years since its introduction, IASB’s “Connecting with the Community” gets refreshed, with lessons learned from the national education picture and via community engagement work throughout Illinois.
10 It’s all about perception By Lora Wolff, Dean Halverson, and Clint Iadanza This year’s installment in the Journal’s administrator salaries series examines how personal and professional experiences and framework impact perceptions of salary trends. M A Y / J U N E
16 The school board’s role in responding to and preventing gun violence in schools By Maryam T. Brotine What is the board’s role in responding to the nationwide epidemic of gun violence in schools, and to preventing gun violence in your schools?
20 Prepare for the worst, plan for the best By Rick J. Kaufman, APR An expert at crisis response explains why school safety and security measures must reflect the unique needs of the community.
22 What’s your mission? Make your mission statement work for you By Denise Schares The words and intentions behind them can help districts develop mission statements that reflect the overall purpose of the district.
2 0 1 8
Vol. 86, No. 3
ILLINOIS SCHOOL BOARD JOURNAL (ISSN-0019-221X) is published every other month by the Illinois Association of School Boards, 2921 Baker Drive, Springfield, Illinois 62703-5929, telephone 217/528-9688. The IASB regional office is located at One Imperial Place, 1 East 22nd Street, Lombard, Illinois 60148-6120, telephone 630/629-3776. The JOURNAL is supported by the dues of school boards holding active membership in the Illinois Association of School Boards. Copies are mailed to all school board members and the superintendent in each IASB member school district. Non-member subscription rate: Domestic $18 per year. Foreign (including Canada and Mexico) $21 per year. PUBLICATION POLICY IASB believes that the domestic process functions best through frank and open discussion. Material published in the JOURNAL, therefore, often presents divergent and controversial points of view which do not necessarily represent the views or policies of IASB. Kara Kienzler, Associate Executive Director Theresa Kelly Gegen, Editor Gary Adkins, Contributing Editor Heath Hendren, Contributing Editor Britni Beck, Advertising Manager Katie Grant, Design and Production
REGULAR FEATURES Front Page. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Inside Front Cover Practical PR. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Copyright © 2018 by the Illinois Association of School Boards (IASB), The JOURNAL is published six times a year and is distributed to its members and subscribers. Copyright in this publication, including all articles and editorial information contained in it is exclusively owned by IASB, and IASB reserves all rights to such information. IASB is a tax-exempt corporation organized in accordance with section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
Insights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Milestones. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Ask the Staff. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Inside Back Cover www.iasb.com Cover art: © muchomor | ThinkStockPhotos.com
Proaction savings vs. reaction costs School district website ADA compliance By Brian Graves Sr.
Brian Graves Sr. is the 2017 Illinois National School Public Relations Association top public relations director. He serves on the National School Public Relations Association diversity committee. He is currently communications director for the Chicago office of CEL Marketing PR Design.
ver the past four years, school
few. Assistive technology includes
districts across the nation
screen readers, Braille encoders, and
have been challenged, stressed, and in many cases have scrambled
Americans with Disabilities Act
to address a flurry of Americans with
devices that track eye movement, replacing a keyboard and mouse. New and innovative assistive technologies
Disabilities Act (ADA) complaints
are introduced every day. However,
regarding website and other elec-
for these tools to function properly,
tronic communication compliance
they have been used in a number
it is essential that websites and elec-
of federal consent decrees and set-
tronic communication tools follow accessibility guidelines.
If school district websites are
tlements. As a result, districts may
not compliant, the district risks not
decide it is in their best interest to
S or ti ng out t he WC AG 2.0
only the negative PR of an Office for
voluntarily comply with the guide-
rules and requirements can be a
Civil Rights (OCR) complaint, but
lines now.
daunting task for even the most
also the perception of discrimina-
W hen a district updates its
seasoned school district communi-
tion, expensive legal costs, and the
website and other electronic com-
cators. Whether or not a district has
difficulty — or even impossibility
munications, it is important to keep
received an OCR complaint, started
— for students and parents with dis-
accessibility in mind. Following
an ADA content management plan,
abilities to access their news and
WCAG 2.0 guidelines allows individ-
or done anything beyond image alt
uals with visual, auditory, physical,
tags, there is help. The key is to be
I n 2017, the Un ited St ates
speech, cognitive, neurological, and
proactive, not reactive.
Access Board updated Section 508
other disabilities the power to access
of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 to
public information with assistive
ensure federal agency websites are
technology. For example, blind peo-
Federal regulations mandating
compliant with Web Content Acces-
ple who cannot see computer mon-
accessibility have been in effect
sibility Guidelines (WCAG 2.0) by
itors may use a screen reader that
since 2001. The Department of
January 18, 2018. The 1990 ADA and
speaks the text that would normally
Justice issued a document address-
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act
appear on a monitor. People can use
ing website accessibility entitled,
of 1973 require that entities receiving
voice recognition software to control
federal funding provide people with
their computers with verbal com-
disabilities the same level of access
mands if they have difficulty using
to programs, services, activities, and
a mouse, and individuals with other
information. While the WCAG 2.0
types of disabilities may use other
guidelines have not been formally
kinds of assistive technology such
adopted by the government to apply
as closed captioning, large print, or
to public school district websites,
high-contrast settings, to name a
Columns are submitted by members of the Illinois Chapter of the National School Public Relations Association
“Accessibility of State and Local
Start early and save the district
Government Websites to People with
Disabilities” in 2003.
While recent OCR changes have
The OCR’s mission is to “ensure
created some relief, non-compliant
equal access to education and to pro-
school districts are still vulnerable
mote educational excellence through
to complaints. Reacting to an OCR
vigorous enforcement of civil rights
complaint and going through the
throughout the nation’s schools,” and
ADA compliance resolution process
it enforces laws such as the ADA and
can be labor intensive and expensive
Section 504.
for school districts. The legal fees,
All public and private programs
planning, website audit, content
that receive federal funds from the
updating, and training costs can
U.S. Department of Education are
balloon rapidly — and that does not
prohibited by the OCR from discrim-
include expenditures for annual web-
inating against individuals based
site maintenance and training that
on disability. These entities include
could be required as part of a resolu-
all public schools, most public and
tion. The key is to start the process
private colleges, vocational rehabil-
of making the district website com-
itation agencies, and libraries. The
pliant before receiving a complaint;
OCR’s role during a claim is to be
that way if a complaint is filed, the
a neutral fact-finder and to resolve
district can show it is making pro-
complaints promptly through a vari-
active strides towards accessibility.
ety of options, including facilitated
Doing the research, knowing
resolutions and investigations.
where to start, and having an affordable and effective plan to address
School districts
new and existing content is key. It
In February of 2014, the Michi-
begins with creating an accessibil-
gan Department of Education (MDE)
ity policy and implementation plan
entered into a voluntary resolution
that ultimately includes a website
agreement with the OCR as a result
audit and training for webmasters,
of a federal complaint filed by a Mich-
staff, and teachers. If a school dis-
igan-based education advocate who
trict proactively addresses website
alleged the MDE was discriminat-
compliance early, it will be well on
ing against people with disabilities.
the way to having an accessible web-
Since then, it is estimated that this
site while saving time and money.
individual has filed more than 2,400 OCR complaints about inaccessible
websites. Their targets have includ-
Author Brian Graves Sr. led an
ed school districts, universities, and
Illinois school district’s effort to
state departments of education. In
achieve ADA compliance after receiv-
March of 2018, the OCR established
ing an OCR complaint. For more
a new process that will dismiss com-
information, contact Graves at
plaints considered a “continuation of
brian @ celpr.com. Links to the
a pattern of complaints” that causes
resources in this stor y ca n be
an “unreasonable burden” on the
a c c e s s e d at bl og.i a sb.c o m / p /
OCR’s resources.
M A Y - J U N E 2 0 1 8 / T H E I L L I N O I S S C H O O L B O A R D J O U R N A L
President Joanne Osmond
Treasurer Linda Eades
Vice President Thomas Neeley
Immediate Past President Phil Pritzker
BOARD OF DIRECTORS Abe Lincoln Bill Alexander
Northwest Chris Buikema
Blackhawk David Rockwell
Shawnee Sheila Nelson
Central Illinois Valley Tim Custis
South Cook Denis Ryan
Corn Belt Mark Harms DuPage Thomas Ruggio Egyptian John Metzger
Southwestern Mark Christ Starved Rock Simon Kampwerth Jr. Three Rivers Rob Rodewald
Illini Michelle Skinlo
Two Rivers Tracie Sayre
Kaskaskia Linda Eades
Wabash Valley Dennis Inboden
Kishwaukee Mary Stith
West Cook Carla Joiner-Herrod
Lake Ann Dingman
Western Sue McCance
North Cook Barbara Somogyi
Service Associates Glen Eriksson
Board of directors members are current at press time.
IASB is a voluntary association of local boards of education and is not affiliated with any branch of government.
Call and response “We need a change in mindset
security measures and begins long
health approach to gun violence that
and policy from reaction to preven-
before a gunman comes to school.
is informed by scientific evidence
tion. Prevention entails more than
We need a comprehensive public
and free from partisan politics. A public health approach to protecting children as well as adults from gun violence involves three levels of prevention: (1) universal approaches promoting safety and well-being for
www.iasb.com OFFICE OF THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Roger L. Eddy, Executive Director Benjamin S. Schwarm, Deputy Executive Director Meetings Management Carla S. Bolt, Director Office of General Counsel Kimberly Small, General Counsel Maryam Brotine, Assistant General Counsel Debra Jacobson, Assistant General Counsel Executive Searches Thomas Leahy, Director Jim Helton, Consultant Dave Love, Consultant Alan Molby, Consultant Catherine Finger, Consultant ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES Jennifer Feld, Associate Executive Director/ Chief Financial Officer ADVOCACY/GOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS Benjamin S. Schwarm, Deputy Executive Director Deanna L. Sullivan, Director Susan Hilton, Director Zach Messersmith, Director Shanell Bowden, Assistant Director
BOARD DEVELOPMENT Dean Langdon, Associate Executive Director Sandra Kwasa, Director Nesa Brauer, Trainer Angie Peifer, Consultant COMMUNICATIONS/ PRODUCTION SERVICES Kara Kienzler, Associate Executive Director Gary W. Adkins, Director/Editorial Services Jennifer Nelson, Director/Information Services Theresa Kelly Gegen, Director/Editorial Services Heath Hendren, Assistant Director/Communications Katie Grant, Assistant Director/Production Services FIELD SERVICES/POLICY SERVICES Cathy A. Talbert, Associate Executive Director Field Services Larry Dirks, Director Perry Hill IV, Director Laura Martinez, Director Dee Molinare, Director Reatha Owen, Director Patrick Rice, Director Policy Services Ken Carter, Consultant Boyd Fergurson, Consultant Angie Powell, Consultant Brian Zumpf, Consultant
everyone; (2) practices for reducing risk and promoting protective factors for persons experiencing difficulties; and (3) interventions for individuals where violence is present or appears imminent.” — Call For Action To Prevent Gun Violence In The United States Of America, Interdisciplinary Group on Preventing School and Community Violence, February 28, 2018.
“The single best way to ensure that the kids finish the year strong ... is for the adults to finish the year strong.” — Danny Steele, educator, via Twitter, April 2, 2018.
“While one study said we failed to turn around struggling schools, another study showed that the boldest interventions got the best results. Perhaps if we had a little more courage, our success rate in turning around schools would be higher. Certainly, none of the reforms of the past 30 years have worked everywhere or worked perfectly. But in the hands of dedicated educators with proper support, many work well and have opened doors of opportunity for millions of students.”
IASB OFFICES 2921 Baker Drive, Springfield, Illinois 62703-5929 217/528-9688 Fax 217/528-2831
One Imperial Place, 1 East 22nd Street, Suite 20 Lombard, Illinois 60148-6120 630/629-3776 Fax 630/629-3940
— “Arne Duncan op-ed: Education reform has worked. Here’s proof,” special to the Washington Post, as printed in the Chicago Tribune, April 2, 2018.
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What we’ve learned Community engagement is as critical as ever for school boards By Theresa Kelly Gegen
Theresa Kelly Gegen is editor of The Illinois School Board Journal.
ffective and ongoing commu-
actively involve diverse citizens in dia-
nity engagement is necessary
logue, deliberation, and collaborative
School boards are in a unique posi-
for school boards to determine how
thinking around common interests
tion — not only to be champions
local resources are invested and deliv-
for their public schools.”
of education in their communities,
ered. Since the initial publication of
By unpacking that definition, we
but also to reflect the interests of
“Connecting with the Community:
can share what we’ve learned about
the community in its local system
The Purpose and Process of Com-
developing community engagement
of public education.
munity Engagement As Part of Effec-
efforts in local school districts.
tive School Board Governance” in
actively involve
2013, IASB has worked to help school
Community engagement, also called
Without active involvement, commu-
boards and superintendents under-
public engagement or civic engagement
nity engagement efforts fall flat. Best
stand what community engagement
Explaining what com mu nit y
practices for community engagement
is, why it is critical, what boards can
engagement is requires us to start
include the Spectrum of Public Par-
expect to accomplish, and how to
with what it’s not. Community
ticipation’s “inform, consult, involve,
evaluate the results.
engagement is not public relations.
and collaborate” and each of these
Five years later, community
Community engagement starts by
involves a “promise to the public.”
engagement remains vital. Although
making the distinction between
some of the stakes have changed, they
owners (the community) and
are still high, and local boards of edu-
customers (usually, students and
Community engagement addresses
cation remain in the best position to
parents). The biggest difference
big-picture concerns of the entire
protect public education from outside
between community engagement
community, and so it needs to
forces. To further help school districts
and public relations is the two-way
include stakeholders beyond the
understand community engagement
nature of community engagement
district’s buildings: business and
and work to achieve local goals, IASB
— when it’s done right.
economic representatives, local
has updated its community engagement publications, refreshed its work-
by which school boards
diverse citizens
government leaders, the religious community, civic organizations,
is the process
shop offerings, and added an Online
The word process is right there in
Learning Center course, based on
the definition, because it’s vitally
knowledge gained in the first five
important to understand com-
in dialogue, deliberation, and collab-
years of the program.
munity engagement as an ongo-
orative thinking
ethnic and cultural representatives.
Here’s how IASB defines it: “Com-
ing, two-way process that creates
This is the heart of community
munity engagement, also called pub-
knowledge — in the community
engagement: The two-way commu-
lic engagement or civic engagement,
about the district, and in the dis-
nication that creates an exchange
is the process by which school boards
trict about the community.
of knowledge.
increase. One way local boards
viewpoints” are represented, in addi-
Successful community engage-
of education can fight back is by
tion to diversity on locale and demo-
ment involves framing a question
engaging their communities.
graphics. Another point of emphasis
around common interests
Based on the starting point cre-
is building common ground, in which
ated by the definition, IASB took its
community engagement participants
community engagement program to
are “finding where we agree and
school districts across the state. Here’s
building on that agreement, rather
Since the original document was
what we’ve learned from that work,
than just coming to a solution that
published, including the attacks
added to the toolkit, developed into
we all can live with,” according to
on public education from those
points of additional emphasis, and clar-
the new program documents.
who would seek to wrest control
ified how community engagement is
away from local school boards,
best practiced by school districts in
the discussion surrounding local
the five years since IASB’s community
control has expanded in activi-
engagement programs took flight.
for the school board and its community to consider together. for their public schools.
ties, conversation, and legislative action at the federal and state levels. Attacks on public education continue. Concerted and organized
Frame the question. In working with IASB member
boards, we discovered that school boards often get bogged down deter-
Develop a common under-
mining what they wanted to engage
standing of the key principles
their communities about. Ultimately,
of community engagement work.
the framing of the question depends on
efforts to privatize the public school
Th i s i nclude s fo c u si n g on
where a board is in its level and scope
system continue, school funding is
the ongoing nature of communi-
of engagement, and on its vision, mis-
politicized and often reduced, even
ty engagement and taking extra
sion, and goals. To help boards at this
as the demands on public schools
steps to ensure “diverse voices and
step, IASB added the following series
Our Mission is Your Success A PREEMINENT EDUCATION LAW FIRM REPRESENTING PUBLIC SCHOOLS THROUGHOUT ILLINOIS 310 Regency Centre, Collinsville, IL 62234 618.301.4060 618.301.4080 Fax www.gmschoollaw.com
Guin_ad.indd 1
12/13/2017 3:15:01 PM
of questions that the board needs to
Spectrum developed by the Interna-
Research indicates that people pre-
tional Association for Public Participa-
fer to be asked, rather than to volunteer.
tion is a planning tool that boards can
For most people, a personal invitation
use in their community engagement
is more effective than a form letter/
efforts. When the board is engaging the
invitation. While a letter of invitation
community, it can fulfill one or more
might hit on many of these motivators,
• How will this process inform
of the following purposes: to inform,
personal communication will allow the
and/or support our mission/
to consult, to involve, or to collaborate.
appeal to be tailored to what might best
• Why are we engaging in this process? • What do we hope to learn? To decide? To accomplish?
vision/goals? • How do we intend to use the
motivate individual participants.
Develop a recruitment message
Recruit participants. As with framing the question,
that will appeal to the core interests
I A SB’s early work w ith school
of potential participants. Understand
boa rd s emba rk i ng on com mu-
that participation will appeal to dif-
Use the Public Participation
nity engagement demonstrated
ferent people for different reasons,
that school boards sought addi-
such as a sense of giving back, the
For many individual school board
tional assistance with identifying
opportunity to learn, the opportunity
members, the Public Participation
what voices need to be a part of
to meet with others around a common
Spectrum shines a light on the pro-
this conversation and a plan for
interest, or a true passion for or inter-
cess and potential for community
recruiting the participation of the
est in the issue. Recruiting involves
engagement. The Public Participation
people who will bring those voices.
answering the question “What’s in it
resu lts of this process to inform our work?
for me?” from the perspective of the potential participant.
Clarify the promise to the public. To be effective in community
engagement work, the board should frame an explicit and clear promise to the public that is shared by all participants. The promise reminds both the board and the participants that the community does not make the decisions for the board; the community assists and supports the board in carrying out its responsibilities. Resources For more information, consider attending the Community Engagement panel series at the 2018 Joint Annual Conference and read the updated “Connecting with the Commu n it y.” Li n k s to th is a nd a l l resources from this issue of Journal can be accessed at blog.iasb.com/p/ journal-resources.html.
Administrator Salaries 2018
It’s all about perception By Lora Wolff, Dean Halverson, and Clint Iadanza
Dean Halverson and Lora Wolff are professors of Educational Leadership at Western Illinois University. Clint Iadanza is an educational leadership doctoral student at WIU.
ou probably are familiar with
Every year when we get the sal-
this well-known perceptual
ary information for principals and
illusion. What do you see first when
superintendents in Illinois, we’re
you look at the picture, an elderly
excited to see what changed and
lady or a young woman? Some people
to see what’s going on. This year
immediately see one form; others see
reminds us of a quote attributed to
the other. Some people can only see
Albert Einstein, “Insanity is doing
that which they first see. It’s a mat-
the same thing over and over and
ter of perspective based on personal
expecting different results.” There
and professional experiences and
isn’t much change to report. Over
the past few years, we’ve gotten pret-
The same can be said when
ty much the same results.
examining principal and superinten-
The data is provided by the
dent salaries. Depending on personal
Illinois State Board of Education
and professional experiences (and
(ISBE). The Illinois School Code
where one’s salary is on the state’s
requires school districts annually
ranking), each individual will have
report to ISBE, “the base salary and
a unique perception.
benefits of the district superintendent … and all administrators and teachers employed by the school
The cartoon “My Wife and My Motherin-Law” by British cartoonist William Ely Hill (1887–1962) was first published in Puck, an American humor magazine, in November 1915.
district. For the purposes of this
From our perception (as retired
Section, ‘benefits’ include without
Iowa administrators and college
limitation vacation days, sick days,
professors), not much has changed,
bonuses, annuities, and retirement
other than that the salary disparities
around the state of Illinois may have
What stands out among these
consistent numbers are, again this year, the disparities in administrative
Principal salary overview
salaries and per-student expenditure
For the third straight year,
across the state, the uncertainty of
average principal salaries in the
Illinois school finance, and the wor-
state increased (see Table 1). In
ries about the pension systems. All
2014, the average principal sala-
three of these areas affect the work
ry was $99,175 and by 2017 it had
being done by the state’s principals
increased to $102,253, with 3,724
and superintendents.
principals reporting. After no gain
Table 1: Salary Data Comparison from 2014 through 2017
or loss the previous year, principal salaries overall had modest gains (+1.6 percent) in the latest report year. For the second year in a row, the average female principal salary (see Table 2) was higher than the average male principal salary (see Table 3). Female principals had a 2.3 percent average salary increase; males’ salaries increased under 1 percent. Additionally, the highest principal salary was held by a female ($238,007). The median principal salary also increased each year from 2014 ($97,294) to 2017 ($101,038). The median salary increased by almost $3,800. Principal salaries by region
Illinois Principal Salaries Number Reported
Highest Salary
Average Salary
% Change of Average
2014 to 2015
3,850 3,909
$214,096 $211,826
$99,175 $100,521
$97,294 $98,326
2015 to 2016
3,909 3,841
$211,826 $224,535
$100,521 $100,656
$98,326 $99,306
2016 to 2017
3,841 3,724
$224,535 $238,007
$100,656 $102,253
0% +1.6%
$99,306 $101,038
Source: ISBE
Table 2: Salary Data Comparison from 2014 through 2017
Illinois Principal Salaries: Female Number Reported
Highest Salary
Average Salary
% Change of Average
2014 to 2015
2,046 2,050
$214,096 $211,826
$99,319 $100,618
$97,897 $98,718
2015 to 2016
2,050 2,017
$211,826 $224,535
$100,618 $100,175
$98,718 $98,566
2016 to 2017
2,017 1,965
$224,535 $238,007
$100,175 $102,625
$98,566 $101,03
Source: ISBE
In examining salaries by region (see Table 4, page 14), elementary principals and high school principals in the southeast region and
Table 3: Salary Data Comparison from 2014 to 2017
Illinois Principal Salaries: Male Number Reported
Highest Salary
Average Salary
% Change of Average
2014 to 2015
1,804 1,858
$197,883 $211,241
$99,012 $100,430
$96,850 $98,000
2015 to 2016
1,858 1,823
$211,241 $196,628
$100,430 $101,188
$98,000 $100,000
principals ($83,627) and high school
2016 to 2017
1,823 1,759
$196,628 $189,525
$101,188 $101,838
$100,000 $101,039
principals ($78,099) in the south-
Source: ISBE
middle school principals in the
southwest region had the smallest percentage increases. The lowest average salary for elementary principals was in the southeast region ($68,457). Similarly, middle school
east region had the lowest average salaries. The highest average principal salaries for elementary ($112,435), middle school ($119,054), and high school principals ($129,717) were in the northeast region. Of the three principal groups, high school principal salaries were the highest in all six regions.
Table 5: Illinois and national percentiles for 2016 and 2017
Principal Salary Percentiles Year
90th Percentile
Median/ 50th
Illinois 2016 Illinois 2017
$135,931 $139,617
$122,104 $123,997
$99,306 $101,038
$83,204 $83,879
$67,047 $68,000
National 2016 National 2017
$123,420 $126,813
$112,090 $115,714
$99,645 $102,390
$88,013 $90,433
$77,422 $79,547
Source: ISBE
Table 6: Salary Data Comparison from 2014 through 2017
Illinois Superintendent Salaries Number Reported
Highest Salary
Average Salary
% Change of Average
2014 to 2015
900 878
$336,350 $336,350
$132,838 $136,567
$127,081 $132,716
2015 to 2016
878 879
$336,350 $350,000
$136,567 $135,885
$132,716 $133,310
2016 to 2017
879 851
$350,000 $369,835
$135,885 $138,229
0% +1.7%
$133,310 $135,900
% Change of Average
$134,534 $137,025
Source: ISBE
Table 7: Salary Data Comparison from 2014 through 2017
Illinois Superintendent Salaries: Female Year
Number Reported
Highest Salary
Average Salary
248 243
$336,350 $336,350
$135,052 $141,024
2014 to 2015 2015 to 2016
243 233
$336,350 $350,000
$141,024 $139,843
$137,025 $134,424
2016 to 2017
233 227
$350,000 $369,835
$139,843 $145,796
$134,424 $139,407
Source: ISBE
Illinois principals’ salaries at the 90th, 75th, 50th, 25th, and 10th percentiles are reported in Table 5. Illinois principal salaries far exceed the national salaries at the 90th percentile by $13,000; however, the national salaries exceeded those of Illinois principals at the
Table 8: Salary Data Comparison from 2014 through 2017
50th percentile by $1300 and at the
Illinois Superintendent Salaries: Male
10th percentile by $11,500. When
Number Reported
Highest Salary
Average Salary
% Change of Average
comparing salary increases from
2014 to 2015
652 632
$316,616 $335,553
$132,008 $134,856
$126,315 $130,814
2016 to 2017, at the 90th percentile
2015 to 2016
632 646
$335,553 $314,608
$134,856 $134,455
$130,814 $133,200
2016 to 2017
646 624
$314,608 $336,241
$134,455 $135,477
0% +0.75%
$133,200 $135,000
Source: ISBE
Superintendent Salary Percentiles Year
90th Percentile
both Illinois and national salaries increased by 2.7 percent. At the 50th percentile and at the 10th percentile, the national increases were 2.7 percent, compared to Illinois at 1.7 percent. Superintendent salary highlights
Table 10: Illinois and national percentiles for 2016 and 2017
From 2016 to 2017, the aver-
Median/ 50th
age Illinois superintendent salaries (see Table 6) increased by 1.7
Illinois 2016 Illinois 2017
$213,271 $217,652
$174,350 $177,019
$133,310 $135,900
$100,059 $100,000
$55,341 $55,060
percent to $138,229. During the
National 2016 National 2017
$210,435 $215,795
$182,052 $186,888
$150,878 $154,717
$123,242 $126,380
$77,422 $100,579
dents’ average salaries (see Table
Source: ISBE
Principal national comparisons
same period, female superinten7) increased by 4.1 percent and were over $10,000 hig her than
their male counterparts (see Table 8, page 12). The highest reported superintendent salary in 2017 was $369,835 (an increase of approxi-
What stands out among these consistent numbers
mately $20,000 from the previous
are, again this year, the disparities in administrative
salaries and per-student expenditure across the
Superintendent salaries by region
state, the uncertainty of Illinois school finance, and the worries about the pension systems.
Superintendent salaries by region can be found in Table 9 (see page 12). The lowest average elementary superintendent salary in 2017 was in the southeast region ($73,833)
• Northeast unit district aver-
was an elementary superintendent
with the lowest high school district
age salaries were $71,042
in the northeast region ($369,835)
superintendent salary in the east cen-
g r e at er t he e a s t c e nt r a l
with the lowest high superintendent
salary ($152,500) also an elementary
tral region ($117,634). The lowest unit district superintendent salary was in
When looking at the high sal-
the southeast region ($102,298). The
aries, the highest superintendent
uperintendent, but from the northwest region.
lowest salaries in each type of district have been consistent for the last four years (2014 to 2017). The highest superintendent
A service of the Illinois Association of School Boards
salaries for elementary districts ($180,058, a 2 percent increase), high school districts ($209,466, a 4.5 percent increase), and unit districts ($186,814, a 3.7 percent increase) were all in the northeast region. These findings were also consistent over the last four years (2014 to 2017). Additionally, the northeast region average salaries were significantly higher than the average for all other regions, including notably: • Northeast elementary district average salaries were $66,125 greater than the southeast region; • Northeast high school district salaries were $91,812 greater
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• 100% (2016-2017) • 92% (2015-2016) • 76.2% (2014-2015) • 84.2% (2013-2014)
than the east central region;
Table 4: Salary Data 2016 to 2017 Comparison
Table 9: Salary Data 2016 to 2017 Comparison
Illinois Principal Salaries by Region
Illinois Superintendent Salaries by Region
Number Reporting Elementary EC 17 EC 16
Percent Average Change in Salary Average
171 187
$118,428 $116,447
$80,074 $78,824
NE 17 NE 16
1480 1565
$184,215 $195,412
$112,435 $110,583
NW 17 NW 16
229 246
$129,832 $129,831
$85,493 $84,162
SE 17 SE 16
116 119
$120,601 $130,714
$68,457 $68,762
SW 17 SW 16
146 159
$123,840 $129,959
WC 17 WC 16
199 207
Number Reporting Elementary EC 17 EC 16
High Salary
Percent Average Change in Salary Average
16 16
$162,573 $157,842
$92,828 $91,743
NE 17 NE 16
213 219
$369,835 $350,000
$180,058 $176,515
NW 17 NW 16
40 43
$152,500 $149,006
$97,546 $89,755
SE 17 SE 16
38 38
$157,640 $158,310
$73,833 $76,949
$82,258 $81,334
SW 17 SW 16
24 33
$163,000 $155,600
$105,521 $96,775
$125,190 $114,582
$81,049 $79,897
WC 17 WC 16
27 27
$156,923 $152,583
$93,412 $92,182
49 53
$134,633 $129,626
$84,130 $83,090
6 6
$154,964 $141,328
$117,634 $111,705
NE 17 NE 16
301 299
$183,771 $183,652
$119,054 $116,521
NE 17 NE 16
54 56
$336,350 $336,500
$209,446 $199,847
NW 17 NW 16
59 64
$139,960 $134,451
$93,867 $92,349
NW 17 NW 16
12 12
$159,444 $175,159
$146,914 $145,032
SE 17 SE 16
26 26
$109,195 $114,531
$83,627 $82,259
SE 17 SE 16
8 7
$170,193 $180,250
$120,756 $126,666
SW 17 SW 16
38 38
$110,220 $126,333
$88,513 $91,840
SW 17 SW 16
5 7
$185,658 $180,250
$131,833 $146,165
WC 17 WC 16
55 59
$123,897 $120,712
$85,265 $81,074
WC 17 WC 16
6 6
$175,055 $170,198
$132,345 $138,842
75 79
$138,927 $131,813
$93,156 $91,905
Unit EC 17 EC 16
72 74
$201,359 $193,800
$115,772 $112,883
NE 17 NE 16
291 338
$238,007 $224,535
$129,717 $124,283
NE 17 NE 16
43 45
$273,955 $268,567
$186,814 $179,872
NW 17 NW 16
81 85
$153,399 $144,715
$99,624 $97,562
NW 17 NW 16
73 78
$219,372 $213,150
$128,671 $118,879
SE 17 SE 16
68 70
$115,584 $150,822
$78,099 $79,639
SE 17 SE 16
66 69
$206,644 $224,185
$102,298 $100,790
SW 17 SW 16
52 56
$154,463 $149,964
$90,559 $92,237
SW 17 SW 16
48 51
$244,155 $238,200
$120,437 $118,930
WC 17 WC 16
86 88
$140,612 $133,837
$88,620 $84,764
WC 17 WC 16
80 82
$211,777 $195,000
$118,649 $115,719
Middle School EC 17 EC 16
High School EC 17 EC 16
Source: ISBE
High Salary
High School EC 17 EC 16
Source: ISBE
change, to step aside from political wrangling. The school funding reform legislation passed last year appears to be a step forward in the direction of reducing the disparities in per-student funding. Whether or not the disparities in principal and superintendent salaries decrease as well, only time will tell. School districts may have to be more open to the long-term good and realize that if we don’t find ways to address the Illinois and national
disparities, a large number of schools
superintendent salary
and districts will suffer, and that
means students will suffer. The qual-
Comparisons to national per-
ity principals and superintendents we
centiles are presented in Table 10
have the honor to work with on a daily
(see pag 12). Illinois superinten-
basis may perceive the “pretty young
dent salaries for 2017 at the 90th
lady” in the image of school districts in
percentile exceeded (by $1,857)
a different region, or across the state’s
national salaries, however, national
boundaries. Comparing salaries may
salaries exceeded those of Illinois
be a matter of perception, but percep-
superintendents at both the 50th
tion may be reality. As you look at your
EC/East Central
(by $18,817) and 10th (by $45,519)
salary, or the salary of your principal
percentiles. Another comparison
or superintendent, is it the old lady or
of interest is the percent of raise
the young woman? Maybe it is time
at the various percentiles. At all
for a perceptual adjustment before we
five of the percentiles, the nation-
develop a shortage of quality principals
SW/Southwest WC/West Central
al salary increase from 2016 to
and superintendents. several years. In 2014, the Illinois
2017 exceeded those of the Illinois superintendents (90th – 2.1
Editor’s note
State Board of Education made its
percent vs 2.6 percent; 50th – 1.9
From 1995 to 2007, research-
data available to researchers, and
percent vs 2.5 percent; and at the
ers at Western Illinois University
the Journal and WIU resumed col-
10th – 0 percent vs 30 percent).
collected and compiled data on the
laboration on the reports. The full
salaries of district superintendents
series is available online.
and principals in Illinois. During
From our perceptions (as retired
that time, Th e Illin ois School
administrators from Iowa and profes-
Board Journal published reports
ISBE Education Data Systems
sors at Western Illinois University), it
of the voluntarily submitted data.
Principals’ salaries from Salary.com
may be time for the State of Illinois
With the introduction of mandato-
(we’d venture to say the same could
ry reporting of administration sal-
be said for most states) to make a
aries, the data was unavailable for
Links to this and all resources from this issue of The Illinois School Board Journal can be accessed at blog.iasb.com/p/ journal-resources.html.
The school board’s role in responding to and preventing gun violence in schools By Maryam T. Brotine
Maryam T. Brotine is assistant general counsel for the Illinois Association of School Boards.
hen gun violence strikes a school in the United States, as it so often does these days, myri-
ad questions run through our minds: How did this happen? Why did this happen? What can we do to prevent this from happening again? Will this hap-
pen in my community — and are we prepared for it? Since the tragic school shooting in Parkland, Florida on February 14, 2018, these questions and more are being discussed at national, state, and local levels among legislators, parents, students, school personnel, and school administrators. But what about school board members? W hat is the board’s role in responding to the nationwide epidemic of gun violence in schools, and to preventing gun violence in your schools? Govern by written board policy A major power and duty of the school board lies in policymaking. You govern by written board policy. Formulating, adopting, and modifying board policies may not garner headlines, but it is essential to effective school board governance. The first fundamental duty of a school board, as articulated in IASB’s Foundational Principles of Effective Governance, is that “The board clarifies the district purpose… The board continually defines, articulates, and re-defines district ends,” and in effective school districts, every part of the organization is aligned with the ends articulated by the school board in written board policy. Subscribers to IASB’s Policy Reference Education Subscription Service (PRESS) have numerous sample policies available to them that are relevant to the gun
violence discussion including, but
Perhaps your board has embraced
(2) practices for reducing risk and
not limited to, the list on page 19.
social activism and considered pass-
promoting protective factors for
We call these “sample” policies
ing a resolution, either on its own ini-
persons experiencing difficulties;
because they are designed to be
tiative or in response to requests from
and (3) interventions for individ-
reviewed and customized according
community members. Resolutions
uals where violence is present or
to your district’s specific needs.
allow boards to express what they
appears imminent.”
When was the last time that your
feel is important to their communi-
Passing resolutions or endorsing
board dug into these policies and
ty and for improving teaching and
calls to action will not be appropri-
asked, “Does this policy address
learning in their schools. For exam-
ate for every board or every issue,
our needs” or “Is there anything we
ple, on March 19, 2018, the Board of
but they can be useful tools for
can add to make this fit us better”?
Education of Naperville Communi-
expressing board beliefs while cre-
Take it from me — a policy nerd —
ty Unit School District 203 passed a
ating trust and support among the
policies can always be edited and
resolution expressing sympathy for
improved upon. But perhaps you
Stoneman Douglas High School and
have been spinning your wheels
support for student advocacy. Board
with policy and need some fresh
member Janet Yang Rohr, as quoted
Another tool available to boards
input? Look no further than your
in the Naperville Sun, said, “The
is found through its fifth fundamen-
own community.
resolution strives to balance several
tal duty in IASB’s Foundational
considerations, such as supporting
Principles of Effective Governance:
students and expressing sympathy.”
to “monitor … progress toward
The second fundamental duty
In discussing the resolution, anoth-
district ends and compliance with
of the school board, as stated in the
er board member, Terry Fielden,
written board policies using data
Foundational Principles of Effective
added, “One of the prime directives
as the basis for assessment.” Moni-
Governance, is to connect with the
of the board is to be an advocate of
toring data is used by the board for
community, “to engage in an ongoing
Connect With the Community
Monitor performance
two-way conversation with the entire
With in th is advocacy role,
Monitoring data regarding the
community” about education and
many educational institutions,
following topics may be relevant to
the public good.
national associations, and state
responding to and preventing gun
Your board/community conver-
associations, including the Illinois
violence in your schools:
sation about gun violence may have
School Counselor Association and
Discrimination and harass-
been initiated by students preparing
the Illinois School Psychologists
ment complaints filed within your
for student walkouts that occurred
Association, have endorsed the
district (involving both students
in March and April to remember
Call for Action to Prevent G un
and/or staff). Sample PRESS policy
victims of gun violence and/or pro-
Violence in the United States of
2:260, Uniform Grievance Proce-
test gun violence in schools. This
America. Prepared by the Inter-
dure, requires the superintendent
conversation may have been con-
disciplinary Group on Preventing
to keep the board informed of all
tinued by district administrators as
School and Community Violence,
complaints filed under the Uniform
they examined how to bolster school
the Call for Action takes a “pub-
Grievance Procedure. However,
security, revise school safety plans
lic health approach to protecting
complaints may be filed through
required by the School Safety Drill
children as well as adults from gun
ma ny avenues. For exa mple, a
Act, and educate the community
violence” and promotes “three
student may file a discrimination
about ongoing coordination between
levels of prevention: (1) univer-
complaint via sample PRESS policy
schools and local law enforcement
sal approaches promoting safe-
7:180, Prevention of and Response
to maintain safety.
ty and well-being for everyone;
to Bullying, Intimidation, and
Harassment, or a staff member
suicide awareness and prevention
school climates (required by 105
may file a harassment complaint
(required by 105 ILCS 5/2-3.166(c)
ILCS 5 /10 -22.6 (c -5)); cultural
via sample PR ESS policy 5 :20,
(2)); the warning signs of mental
competency, i nclud i ng u nder-
Workplace Harassment Prohibited.
illness and suicidal behavior in
standing and reducing implicit
The district’s comprehensive
adolescents and teens (for per-
racial bias (required by 105 ILCS
safety and security plan, which
sonnel who work with students in
5/10-20.60); and gang resistance
includes school emergency opera-
grades 7 through 12, required by
education and training (recom-
tions and crisis response plans; pro-
105 ILCS 5/10-22.39(b)); Educa-
mended by 105 ILCS 5/27-23.10).
visions for coordinating with local
tor ethics, teacher-student con-
See sample PRESS policy 5:100,
law enforcement and fire officials,
duct, and school employee-student
Staff Development.
emergency medical services person-
conduct (required by 105 ILCS
S c ho ol wel l ne s s pr o g r a m
nel, and the board attorney; a school
5/10-22.39(f)); the adverse con-
implementation data. See sample
safety drill plan; and a coordinat-
sequences of school exclu sion
PRESS policy 6:50, School Wellness.
ed system of internal and external
and justice-system involvement,
Title I program implementa-
communication. See sample PRESS
effective classroom management
tion data. See sample PRESS policy
policy 4:170, Safety.
strategies, culturally responsive
6:170, Title I Programs.
The st aff development
discipline, and developmentally
Student discipline data, avail-
pr og r a m, pa r t ic u la rly i n- s er-
appropriate disciplinary methods
able from the Illinois State Board
v ic e t ra i n i n g re ga rd i n g yout h
that promote positive and healthy
of Education.
T h e d i s t r i c t ’s r e c i p r o c a l
Sample Policies Relating to the Gun Violence Discussion
reporting agreement with local law
from IASB’s Policy Reference Education Subscription Service (PRESS)
enforcement agencies (required by
4:170, Safety
105 ILCS 5/10-20.14(b)).
5:230, Maintaining Student Discipline
A ny memora nd a of under-
6:65, Student Social and Emotional Development
standing with local law enforcement
6:110, Programs for Student At Risk of Academic Failure and/or Dropping Out of School and Graduation Incentives Program
agencies (recommended by 105 ILCS 5/10-20.14(b)).
6:270, Guidance and Counseling Program
The board should have some
7:20, Harassment of Students Prohibited
understanding of this data, but will
7:70, Attendance and Truancy
typically require guidance from
7:180, Prevention of and Response to Bullying, Intimidation, and Harassment
understand it fully. That kind of
7:185, Teen Dating Violence Prohibited
collaboration is good, because the
7:190, Student Behavior
board cannot be expected to
7:250, Student Support Services
respond to and prevent gun violence
7:290, Suicide and Depression Awareness and Prevention
staff and related committees to
in schools alone. It is only by working together — boards, staff, parent s / gu a rd ia ns, st udent s, a nd communities — that we can address this epidemic.
Policy Services Resources Clickable links for each of the following resources can be found at blog.iasb. com/p/journal-resources.html. IASB Foundational Principles of Effective Governance Student discipline data, available from the Illinois State Board of Education. Schools prepare for school walkouts, IASB News Blog, February 22 School safety plans in the spotlight, IASB News Blog, February 22 “School boards increasingly embrace the ABCs of social activism,” Debbie Truong, The Washington Post, February 17, 2018. “D203 Board ready to send resolution offering sympathy, support for Parkland students,” Alicia Fabbre and Suzanne Baker, Naperville Sun, March 9, 2018. D203 Resolution in Honor and Support of Stoneman Douglas High School, Parkland, Florida “Call for Action to Prevent Gun Violence in the United States of America,” Curry School of Education, University of Virginia, February 28, 2018.
Board policies are only as effective as the administrative procedures and district actions that implement them. As the board monitors district performance many questions will arise, including the following: • How are board policies being implemented? • Are administrative procedures up-to-date? • Are the administrative procedures in alignment with board policy? IASB Policy Services offers an Administrative Procedures Project service designed to help administrators provide their district with the procedures necessary to assure implementation of and alignment with board policy. For more information, visit www.iasb.com/policy or call 630/629-3776, ext. 1214 or 217/528-9688, ext. 1154
Prepare for the worst, plan for the best By Rick J. Kaufman, APR
Rick J. Kaufman, APR is the executive director of community relations and emergency management for Bloomington (Minnesota) Public Schools.
roviding a safe and secure envi-
from stakeholders and leaders with a
to identify and provide support to
ronment for students to learn
sense of urgency to “do something”
alienated or at-risk youth.
and staff to work is critical to the suc-
to stop the violence. All too often,
Students’ access to and use of
cess of any school district. Creating
school districts will rush to launch
high-tech devices and social media
that environment while balancing the
untested response systems and one-
platforms continue to contribute to
equally important welcoming atmo-
size-fits-all training in an effort to
a wave of school closures and other
sphere can be a challenge.
demonstrate responsiveness.
disruptions. Students texting mes-
The tragic events of Columbine,
School districts may well be
sages and malicious gossip, posting
Virginia Tech, Sandy Hook, and the
suited to provide support and assis-
photos and video clips, and other forms
recent school shooting in Parkland,
tance during a crisis and in its after-
of intolerant behaviors fuel rumors
Florida are painful reminders that
math. They must be equally adept at
and misinformation that often create
schools will continue to be targets of
providing systems for mitigating or
more anxiety than any actual threat
violence. Schools are an integral part
preventing incidents through early
or incident. School leaders must have a
of their neighborhoods — a micro-
identification and intervention.
comprehensive crisis communications plan for managing rapidly escalating
cosm of the environment in which they reside — and therefore are vulnerable to the influences and factors
rumors around school safety incidents.
The most important steps a school
Students are often the first to
district can initiate in preventing vio-
be privy to a leak of intentions or
School safety must reflect the
lence involve the affective rather than
rumors about planned or real inci-
community, its capabilities, and the
physical environment. Physical changes
dents — even those where suspected
unique needs of local residents and
to improve safety and security should
perpetrators, when caught, brush
students. Parents and community res-
not be discounted, but rather incorpo-
their intentions off as playful or ill-
idents expect their schools to be a safe
rated into a comprehensive security
timed banter. Therefore, students
haven for learning and growing. As
plan. These affective environment steps
need to know it is okay to come for-
such, schools and school systems are
include promoting a positive school cli-
ward. Getting that information to an
best served when they engage parents,
mate and culture, teaching and model-
adult or school official is a critically
staff, and other stakeholders in deter-
ing prosocial behaviors, and providing
important mitigation measure.
mining what is best for their schools.
effective intervention when antisocial
present in the larger community.
There are no easy solutions. There
The affective environment
behaviors occur.
Planning and training
are, however, intelligent alternatives to
Of critical importance are pro-
Knowing what to do in a crisis
reduce the risks to life and property.
cedures for detecting early warn-
can be the difference between chaos
School shootings stir debate on
ing signs of violence, school-wide
and calm — or even life and death.
a range of issues. We’re universally
screening procedures, mentoring
As educator Margaret Spellings once
shocked, horrified, and frustrated. In
or counseling programs, and threat
said, “The midst of a crisis is not the
the wake of these tragedies we’ll hear
assessments that enable school staff
time to start figuring out who ought
to do what. At that moment, everyone
drill, they create the cultural condition
aspects of crisis prevention, prepared-
involved should know the drill.”
to know what to do in a real-world cri-
ness, response, and recovery plans.
K now ing what to do, then,
sis. This is what will save lives.
should be part of a well-defined cri-
Truth is, school districts and
sis response plan, with clear proce-
campuses are better prepared to pre-
dures to successfully manage and
vent school violence and to respond to
guide staff to resolving the crisis,
school emergencies. Here’s the reality:
minimizing its negative impact, and
Bad stuff happens. There is no guaran-
restoring the teaching and learning
tee that schools will be violence-free.
environment post-incident.
And, while there are no easy solutions,
The National Association of
there are intelligent alternatives to
School Psychologists extols a view
reduce the risks to life and property.
that, “Overcoming such impediments
The one constant must be a com-
requires school leaders to recognize
mitment to improve and strengthen all
that crisis preparedness is not an
About the author Rick J. Kaufman, APR is the executive director of community relations and emergency management for Bloomington (Minnesota) Public Schools. He is a nationally respected consultant and trainer on crisis management and communication. He served as the Crisis Response Team lead for the Columbine High School tragedy in 1999, and continues to work with school districts across the country to manage and recover from school violence incidents, including Broward County Public Schools and San Bernardino City Unified Public Schools. Kaufman can be reached at rrkaufman154@gmail.com.
option, but an imperative.” Crisis planning should not compete with the district’s educational mission. It supports it. And, effective crisis response builds on prevention and engagement. While most school districts have well-intentioned crisis response plans, too many have incomplete, overly burdensome, or cut-and-paste documents that are nothing more than dust-collecting bookends on an office shelf. Many lack the best thinking and practices of the local agencies that must collaborate and cooperate in an emerging situation. Worse, school officials believe staff members are prepared to act when a real-world incident occurs. Leaders who believe common sense will prevail and staff will rise to the occasion are misguided. The reality is that in high-stress, high-anxiety, high-fear events, cognitive function and manual dexterity are impacted in varying degrees. In short, the brain is searching for a “trigger” to tell the individual how to react. As humans, we default to what we know and are trained to do in these incidents. When school staff train and
What’s your mission? Make your mission statement work for you By Denise Schares
Denise Schares is an assistant professor at the University of Northern Iowa.
chool boards, administrative teams, and community mem-
bers across the nation are working to develop district missions that reflect the overall purpose of the district. These mission statements are intended to describe what the district does, for whom, and the benefit the district provides to those it serves. Mission statements answer the question, “Why do we exist?” and tell the world who the district is and how it goes about the work of educating students. The mission statement provides the criteria for evaluating decisions and can serve as a compass in difficult times. Ideally, student success is the heart of a school district’s mission statement. It is most effectively
a mission statement by district size,
statements represent collaborative
used when posted in the boardroom
location, and socioeconomic status
work of a variety of stakeholders
and referred to as a routine part of
in one Midwestern state. This work
but they also can serve to guide
board business in supporting the
serves as a resource as districts work
the work and decision-making of
focus on student achievement.
to draft, revise, and most important-
district leaders.
When reviewing existing mission statements, common themes
ly implement the district mission
clear, concise, and compelling mis-
sion statements, the review of exist-
emerge as districts and schools strive to develop and implement mission
As districts strive to develop
A starting point
ing mission statements can provide
statements that capture the critical
School boards across the coun-
a starting point for the work. The
work of their district and/or building.
try strive to capture the essence of
examination of commonalities and
This article provides a comparison
their work through a district mis-
differences in mission statements
of the most frequently cited words in
sion statement. Not only do the
can provide insight to the concepts
that serve as essential elements of
business leaders and students
individual needs are addressed,
will work together to provide the
cooperation and teamwork are
necessary systems of support
valued, competent professionals
during the 2014-15 school year in a
for each student’s success.
lead, community partnerships
rural Midwestern state for each of
flourish, a commitment to
the 335 school districts in the state.
Preparing students to compete
excellence prevails, and
Mission statements were accessed
in an ever-changing world.
lifelong learning continues.
through the district websites. Demo-
graphic data was accessed from the
Providing a learning environment
Working in partnership with
Department of Education district
for educational excellence
each family and the community,
statistics document.
and motivation to continue
it is the mission of the district
the work of the district The data examined was gathered
a lifetime of learning.
to educate responsible, lifelong
lyzed for frequency of word use,
learners so that each student
considering the districts by enroll-
Inspiring and challenging students
possesses the skills, knowledge,
ment size, socioeconomic status,
through diverse opportunities.
creativity, sense of self-worth
and geographic location determined
and values necessary to
by Area Education Agency regions.
Empower individuals with
thrive in and contribute to a
The length of the district mission
skills and attitudes necessary
diverse and changing world.
statements ranged from three to 100
to become contributing citizens
words and the examples evidence the
and life-long learners.
Empowering students to be
variety of sentence structures used.
life-long learners and caring,
To develop 21st century
responsible citizens
learners and productive,
Our mission is to enable
responsible citizens.
us to reach our greatest
potential intellectually,
Mission statements were ana-
Example mission statements include (verbatim): Building tomorrow today
Preparing each student to live
socially, emotionally and
as a productive, knowledgeable,
physically, thus becoming
Each and every K-12 student will
confident, healthy, responsible
unique, life-long learners.
be taught the essential concepts
citizen of the world.
and skill sets identified in the
Learning and Success for All
Core Curriculum for life in the
A caring educational organization
21st century. Each K-12 educator
that strives to meet the needs of
Through Our Collective
will embed the essential
every student, and provides an
Efforts, We Are Committed to
concepts and skill sets in
environment in which students
Teaching and Learning for All.
rigorous and relevant instruction
and employees can achieve
informed by ongoing formative
their maximum potential.
To assist every student in
assessments. Each and every
acquiring skills, knowledge,
instructional leader will support
Provide a quality education
and attitudes needed to
and ensure an aligned system
for all by considering
become effective students,
of curriculum, instruction and
cultures, learning styles, and
responsible citizens, productive
assessment focused on the Core
individual abilities in a safe,
workers, and lifelong learners
Curriculum essential concepts
nurturing environment.
in a global society.
and skill sets. The Department
of Education, AEA, School
Committed to creating a student-
Creating healthy, educated,
District, parents, community,
centered environment where
ethical and productive citizens.
percentage of students eligible for
challenging were included more fre-
The analysis of the mission
free or reduced-price school lunch,
quently in the southern portion of
statements resulted in interesting
more frequently included the words
the state. The word diverse was used
findings that can provide insight
environment, productive, develop,
frequently in a region of the state
to districts engaging in the work
partnership, and safe. The lowest
which has experienced an increase
of writing or revising their district
socio-economic districts more fre-
in diversity in recent years.
Common words
In an attempt to compose a mission statement that most closely
... the smallest districts more frequently included
reflects the collective statements, the
the words environment, productive, provide
following is offered as an example. “The mission of the ABC Com-
educational opportunities, and skills. The words
munity School District is to provide
world and global were more frequently cited in
students with the environment and
large districts.
skills to become productive citizens, responsible community members, and learners in a global society.”
mission statement. The most com-
quently included the words commit-
The least frequently cited words
monly cited words for all districts
ted, excellence, and opportunities.
— succeed, character, respect, ded-
were community, school, district,
The geographic location of the
icated, future, challenges, social,
and students followed by mission,
district aligned with the use of cer-
ensure, create, and resources — may
learning, and learners. This is not
tain words more frequently and may
be the concepts that provide unique-
surprising since most mission state-
reflect … comparisons to neighbor-
ness to individual district mission
ments began with an opening sen-
ing districts. The word productive
tence including the frequently cited
was more common in the north-
Reprinted with permission from
west portion of the state. Learning
American School Board Journal,
In considering the next group of
and caring were frequently cited
June 2017. Copyright 2017 National
frequently cited words, citizens, envi-
in the central portion of the state.
School Boards Association. All rights
ronment, productive, and responsi-
The words family, necessary, and
ble emerged; followed by life-long, become, and society. The next group of words cited by frequency included education, knowledge, potential, quality, skills, and world. When reviewing the similarities and differences by school size, it is interesting to note that the smallest districts more frequently included the words environment, productive, provide educational opportunities, and skills. The words world and global were more frequently cited in large districts. Comparison by socio-economic status also resulted in interesting differences. The highest socio-economic districts, determined by
continued from page 28
Janet Louise Korman, 72, died January 27, 2018. She previous-
Wendell Ray Roberts, 81, died
ser ved on the Tremont District
February 11, 2018. He previously
702 school board.
served as an East Alton Elementary
ly served more than 17 years as a
James C. Pflederer, 87, died
school board member for Elgin-
March 16, 2018. He previously
based School District U-46.
served as a member of the Trem-
W. Ernest “Ernie” Robinson,
ont CUSD 702 school board from
99, died Febr uar y 14, 2018. He
1960 to 1964.
previously served as president of
Donald C. LaBelle, 87, died March 22 2018. He previously served on the Zion SD 6 school board.
Wilhelmina A. “Billie” Pignot-
school board member.
the Warren CUSD 205 Board of Education.
David A llen Ladd, 81, died
ti (nee Palshis), 100, died March
January 26, 2018. Ladd previously
13, 2018. She previously served on
Norman J. Sendelbach, 83,
served on the Crystal Lake school
the school board for Bloom THSD
died March 3, 2018. He formerly
206, Chicago Heights.
served on the Henry school board for several years.
Wesley L. Larsen, 78, died Jan-
Elizabeth S. “Betsy” Pocock,
uary 29, 2018. He formerly served
98, died February 12, 2018. She
Dr. Grover Gene Sloan, 99,
on the school board for Seneca
was active in the community, pre-
died February 12, 2018. He served
Grade School.
viously serving on the Winnetka
on the Carrier Mills school board
SD 36 Board of Education.
in the late 1950s and held a med-
Kathleen “Katsy” Leeds, 86,
ical practice in Carrier Mills for
died February 22, 2018. She pre-
Reed M. Powers Sr., 77, died
viously served on the Pleasant Hill
February 14, 2018. He was a mem-
CUSD 3 school board for many
ber of the board of education for
Roy St. Pierre, 86, died Febru-
years, including a time as presi-
Alsip-Hazelgreen-Oaklawn SD 126
ary 2, 2018. He previously served
dent of the board.
for over 30 years.
his community as a member of the
48 years.
Edwardsville school board.
Jeffrey M. Ler ner, 71, died
Ly nold D. Puterbaugh, 92,
March 14, 2018. He was a former
died Friday, February 16, 2018. He
Way n e R . S t e e p, 8 5, d ie d
Glenbrook High School (Northfield
previously served on the Pleasant
March 17, 2018. He wa s a pa st
THSD 225) board member.
Hill CUSD 3 school board.
president of the school board for Seneca CCSD 170.
Carl Macios, 83, died March
Thomas Grant Rees, 80, died
24, 2018. He formerly served as a
Februar y 5. He had ser ved as a
Thomas Wiltshire, 91, died
member of the Granite City CUSD
member of the Bradford CUSD 1
March 5, 2018. He was a past mem-
9 school board for 10 years, includ-
Board of Education.
ber of the Mt. Carroll school board.
Kenneth Orville Riggleman,
John Turner Winter, 85, died
Dar rel l Lee Mansf ield, 85,
94, died February 13, 2018. He pre-
M a rch 5, 2 018 . He prev iou sly
died March 19, 2018. He previously
viously served on the board for Ellis
served on the Winnebago CUSD
served on the North Greene school
Grade School
323 school board.
ing two years as president.
board. Yvonne D. Nelson, 90, died March 3, 2018. She had previously served as a member of school board for Ridgeland SD 122, Oak Lawn. Gus H. Ohlendorf, 93, died February 1, 2018. He was a former member of the Caseyville school board. Howard C. Parkhurst, 94, died
ADVANCING PUBLIC EDUCATION IASB Service Associates provide quality products and services for schools. Membership is by invitation only. A list of Service Associate firms is on the IASB website and in this Journal.
March 22, 2018. He previously
GREENASSOCIATES, INC. — Architecture/construction services. Deerfield – 847/317-0852, Pewaukee, WI – 262/746-1254; website: www.greenassociates.com; email: greig@greenassociates.com HEALY, BENDER & ASSOCIATES, INC. — Architects/Planners. Naperville, 630/904-4300; website: www.healybender.com; email: dpatton@healybender.com HURST-ROSCHE, INC. — Architecture, engineering, planning, and interior design. Hillsboro – 217/532-3959; East St. Louis – 618/3980890; Marion – 618/998-0075; Springfield – 217/787-1199; email: dpool@hurst-rosche.com
A Directory of your IASB Service Associates IASB Service Associates are businesses which offer school‑related products and services and which have earned favorable reputations for quality and integrity. Only after screening by the Service Associates Executive Committee is a business firm invited by the IASB Board of Directors to become a Service Associate.
Appraisal Services
INDUSTRIAL APPRAISAL COMPANY — Building and fixed asset appraisals for insurance and accounting purposes. Oak Brook – 630/575-0280
JMA ARCHITECTS — Full service professional design firm specializing in K-12 educational design, construction management, strategic/ master planning, health/life safety compliance, building commissioning, and interior space design. South Holland – 708/339-3900; website: www.jmaarchitects.com; email: allison@jmaarchitects.com THE GARLAND COMPANY — Complete building envelope solutions to extend the life of existing building assets (walls, roofing, waterproofing, sealants, and floors) Facility Asset Management programs and US Communities Vendor. Cleveland, OH – 815/922-1376; website: www.garlandco.com KLUBER ARCHITECTS + ENGINEERS — Building design professionals specializing in architecture, mechanical, electrical, plumbing, structural, and fire protection engineers. Batavia – 630/406-1213
ALLIED DESIGN CONSULTANTS, INC. — Architectural programming, site planning and design, architectural and interior design, and construction administration with a specialization in K-12 facilities. Springfield – 217/522-3355
LARSON & DARBY GROUP — Architecture, Engineering, Interior Design, and Technology. Rockford – 815/484-0739, St. Charles – 630/444-2112; website: www.larsondarby.com; email: snelson@ larsondarby.com
ARCON ASSOCIATES, INC. — Full service firm specializing in educational facilities with services that include architecture, construction management, roof and masonry consulting, landscape architecture, and environmental consulting. Lombard – 630/495-1900; website: www.arconassoc.com; email: rpcozzi@arconassoc.com
LEGAT ARCHITECTS, INC. — Architectural and educational planners who specialize in creating effective student learning environments. Gurnee – 847/622-3535; Oak Brook – 630/990-3535; Chicago – 312/258-9595; website: www.legat.com
BERG ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, LTD. — Consulting engineers. Schaumburg – 847/352-4500; website: www.berg-eng.com
PCM+DESIGN ARCHITECTS — Provide a full range of architectural services including facility and feasibility studies, architectural design, construction consulting and related services. East Peoria – 309/694-5012
BLDD ARCHITECTS, INC. — Architectural and engineering services for schools. Decatur – 217/429-5105; Champaign – 217/356-9606; Bloomington – 309/828-5025; Chicago – 312/829-1987
PERFORMANCE SERVICES, INC. — An integrated design and delivery engineering company serving the design and construction facility needs of K-12 schools. Schaumburg – 847/466-7220
BRADLEY & BRADLEY — Architects, engineers, and asbestos consultants. Rockford – 815/968-9631; website: www.bradleyandbradley.net
PERKINS+WILL — Architects. Chicago – 312/755-0770
CANNONDESIGN — Architecture, Interiors, Engineering, Consulting. Chicago – 312/332-9600; website: www.cannondesign.com; email: sbrodsky@cannondesign.com CM ENGINEERING, INC. — Specializing in ultra efficient geo-exchange HVAC engineering solutions for schools, universities, and commercial facilities. Columbia, MO – 573/874-9455; website: www.cmeng.com CORDOGAN CLARK & ASSOCIATES — Architects and Engineers. Aurora – 630/896-4678; website: www.cordoganclark.com; email: rmont@cordogan clark.com DEWBERRY ARCHITECTS INC. — Architects, planners, landscape architecture, and engineers. Peoria – 309/282-8000; Elgin – 847/695-5840 DLA ARCHITECTS, LTD. — Architects specializing in preK-12 educational design, including a full range of architectural services; assessments, planning, feasibility studies, new construction, additions, remodeling, O&M and owner’s rep services. Itasca – 847/7424063; website: www.dla-ltd.com; email: info@dla-ltd.com
RICHARD L. JOHNSON ASSOCIATES, INC. — Architecture, educational planning. Rockford – 815/398-1231; website: www.rljarch.com SARTI ARCHITECTURAL GROUP, INC. — Architecture, engineering, life safety consulting, interior design, and asbestos consultants. Springfield – 217/585-9111 STR PARTNERS — Architectural, interior design, planning, cost estimating, and building enclosure/roofing consulting. Chicago – 312/464-1444 TRIA ARCHITECTURE — An architectural planning and interior design firm that provides services primarily to School Districts in the Chicago-Land area with an emphasis on service to their clients, as well as their communities. Burr Ridge – 630/455-4500 WIGHT & COMPANY — For over 77 years, Wight & Company has provided design and construction services for the built environment. As a pioneer of integrated Design & Delivery, we’ve worked with our clients to create exceptional, enduring buildings and spaces that enrich people’s lives and enhance the environment; Darien – 630/969-7000; website: www.wightco.com; email: bpaulsen@wightco.com WM. B. ITTNER, INC. — Full service architectural firm serving the educational community since 1899. Fairview Heights – 618/624-2080
DLR GROUP — Educational facility design and master planning. Chicago – 312/382-9980; website: dlrgroup.com; email: mengelhardt@dlrgoup.com ERIKSSON ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, LTD. — Consulting civil engineers and planners. Grayslake – 847/223-4804; Chicago – 312/463-0551; Mokena – 708/614-9720; website: www.eea-ltd.com; email: geriksson@eea-ltd.com FANNING HOWEY ASSOCIATES, INC. — School planning and design with a focus on K-12 schools. Oak Brook – 847/292-1039 FARNSWORTH GROUP — Architectural and engineering professional services. Normal – 309/663-8436 FGM ARCHITECTS, INC. — Architects. Chicago – 312/942-8461; Oak Brook – 630/574-8300; O’Fallon – 618/624-3364; St. Louis, MO – 314/439-1601; website: www.fgmarchitects.com
JH2B ARCHITECTS — Architects. Kankakee – 815/933-5529; website: www.JH2B.com
WOLD ARCHITECTS AND ENGINEERS — Specializing in Pre-K-12 educational design including master planning, sustainable design, architecture, mechanical and electrical engineering, quality review, cost estimation and management. Palatine – 847/241-6100
Building Construction
CORE CONSTRUCTION — Professional construction management, design-build, and general contracting services. Morton – 309/2669768; website: COREconstruction.com F. H. PASCHEN — A General/Construction Manager with extensive experience in new construction and renovation of educational and institutional facilities in the public/private sectors. Chicago – 773/4441525-3535; website: www.fhpaschen.com
FREDERICK QUINN CORPORATION — Construction management and general contracting. Addison – 630/628-8500; website: www.fquinncorp.com HOLLAND CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, INC. — Full service Construction Management and General Contracting firm specializing in education facilities. Swansea – 618/277-8870 NICHOLAS & ASSOCIATES, INC. — Construction management, general contracting, design and build. Mt. Prospect – 847/394-6200 PEPPER CONSTRUCTION COMPANY — Construction management and general contracting services. Barrington – 847/381-2760 POETTKER CONSTRUCTION COMPANY — Specializing in Construction Management, Design/Build, Construction Consulting Services, and Energy Solutions for education clients. Breese – 618/526-7213; website: www.poettkerconstruction.com ROSS CONSTRUCTION, INC. — A full-service construction management firm specializing in educational institutions. Marion – 618/993-5904 RUSSELL CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, INC. — Russell provides successful, knowledgeable construction management and contracting services in the PREK-12 market from concept to completion and continuing care for your facility needs. Davenpot, IA – 563/459-4600 S.M. WILSON & CO. — Provides construction management and general construction services to education, healthcare, commercial, retail, and industrial clients. St. Louis, Mo – 314/645-9595; website: www.smwilson.com; email: judd.presley@smwilson.com TRANE — HVAC company specializing in design, build, and retrofit. Willowbrook – 630/734-6033
Computer Software, Supplies, Services
COMPUTER INFORMATION CONCEPTS, INC. — Infinite Campus Student Information System and Finance Suite, and Tableau Data Visualization / Analytics. Greeley, CO – 312/995-3342 SONITROL GREAT LAKES — Verified electronic security. Northbrook – 847/205-0670; website: www.sonitrolverified.com
THE CONCORD CONSULTING GROUP OF ILLINOIS, INC — A team of highly skilled professionals specializing in the fields of Project Management, Cost Management, Development Services, Cost Segregation, Real Estate Advisory Services, and Insurance services; Chicago – 312/424-0250
Environmental Services
ALPHA CONTROLS & SERVICES, LLC — Facility Management Systems, Automatic Temperature Controls, Access Control Systems, Energy Saving Solutions; Sales, Engineering, Installation, Commissioning and Service. Rockford, Springfield, Champaign: toll-free 866/ALPHA-01; website: www.alphaACS.com; email: info@alphaacs.com
ENGIE SERVICES U.S. — Turnkey partnership programs that enable K12 school districts in Illinois to modernize their facilities, increase safety, security and efficiency, reduce operations costs, and maximize the lifespan of critical assets. Chicago – 312/498-7792; email: sharon@opterraenergy.com RADON DETECTION SPECIALISTS — Commercial radon surveys. Westmont – 800/244-4242; website: www.radondetection.net; email: kirstens@radondetection.net
Financial Services
AMERICAN FIDELITY ASSURANCE COMPANY — Specializing in Section 125 compliance, 403(b) plan administration, flexible spending accounts, health savings accounts, dependent audits, and health care reform. Fairview Heights – 855/822-9168 BERNARDI SECURITIES, INC. — Public finance consulting, bond issue services and referendum support. Fairview Heights – 618/2064180; Chicago – 312/281-2014; email: rvail@bernardisecurities.com EHLERS & ASSOCIATES — School bond issues; referendum help; financial and enrollment studies. Chicago – 312/638-5250; website: www.ehlers-inc.com; email: abooker@ehlers-inc.com FIRST MIDSTATE, INC. — Bond issue consultants. Bloomington – 309/829-3311; email: paul@firstmidstate.com GORENZ AND ASSOCIATES, LTD. — Auditing and financial consulting. Peoria – 309/685-7621; website: www.gorenzcpa.com; email: tcustis@gorenzcpa.com ICE MILLER, LLP — Nationally recognized bond counsel services. Chicago – 312/726-7127 KINGS FINANCIAL CONSULTING, INC. — Municipal bond financial advisory service including all types of school bonds; school referenda, county school sales tax; tax revenue forecasts/projections. Monticello – 217/762-4578 MATHIESON, MOYSKI, AUSTIN & CO., LLP — Provides audit, consulting and other related financial services to Illinois school districts, joint agreements and risk pools. Wheaton – 630/653-1616 SIKICH, LLP — Professional services firm specializing in accounting, technology, and advisory services. Naperville — 630/364-7953 SPEER FINANCIAL, INC. — Financial planning and bond issue services. Chicago – 312/346-3700; website: www.speerfinancial.com; email: dphillips@speerfinancial.com STIFEL — Full service securities firm providing investment banking and advisory services including strategic financial planning; bond underwriting; referendum and legislative assistance. Edwardsville – 800/230-5151; email: noblea@stifel.com WILLIAM BLAIR & COMPANY — Bond issuance, financial advisory services. Chicago – 312/364-8955; email: ehennessey@williamblair.com WINTRUST FINANCIAL — Financial services holding company engaging in community banking, wealth management, commercial insurance premium financing, and mortgage origination. Rosemont – 630/560-2120
CTS GROUP — Dedicated to assisting K-12 education meet the challenge of providing healthy, safe, and educational appropriate learning environments. St. Louis, MO – 636/230-0843; Chicago – 773/6330691; website: www.ctsgroup.com; email: rbennett@ctsgroup.com
Grounds and Maintenance
ENERGY SYSTEMS GROUP — A comprehensive energy services and performance contracting company providing energy, facility and financial solutions. Itasca – 630/773-7201; email: smcivor@energysystemsgroup.com
Human Resource Consulting
GCA SERVICES GROUP – Custodial, janitorial, maintenance, lawn and grounds, and facility operations services. Downers Grove – 630/629-4044 GRP MECHANICAL CO., INC. — Renovating buildings through energy savings performance contracting to provide the best learning environment. HVAC, Plumbing, Windows, Doors, and Mechanical Services. Bethalto – 618/779-0050 HONEYWELL, INC. — Controls, maintenance, energy management, performance contracting, and security. St. Louis, MO – 314/548-4136; Des Plaines – 847/770-5496; Maryland Heights, MO – 314/548-4501; email: Doc.Kotecki@Honeywell.com; Kevin.Bollman@Honeywell.com IDEAL ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING, INC. — Asbestos and environmental services. Bloomington – 309/828-4259 ILLINOIS ENERGY CONSORTIUM — Sells electricity and natural gas to school districts, colleges, and universities. Dekalb – 815/7539083; website: www.ILLec.org; email: hwallace@iasbo.org
NELS JOHNSON TREE EXPERTS — full service tree maintenance and plant health company. Evanston– 847/475-1877 BUSHUE HUMAN RESOURCES, INC. — Human resource, safety and risk management, and insurance consulting. Effingham – 217/3423042; website: www.bushuehr.com; email: steve@bushuehr.com
THE SANDNER GROUP — Insurance program management, marketing & claims services for workers’ compensation, property & liability. Chicago – 800/654-9504 MEEMIC INSURANCE — For over 66 years, Meemic has offered auto, home, and umbrella insurance products tailored specifically for the educational community. Auburn Hills, MI – 856/495-9041
Office Equipment
FRANK COONEY COMPANY, INC. — Furniture for educational environments. Wood Dale – 630/694-8800
Superintendent Searches
ECRA Group & HYA — Superintendent searches, board and superintendent workshops. Schaumburg – 847/318-0072
Achievements Je f f B r u no, a
a bachelor’s degree in public safety
of ser vice as the
fo r m e r t wo - t e r m
management from Southern Illinois
official timekeeper
K ankakee SD 111
University. Bruno gained national
for t he R a mbler s.
school board mem-
attention in August 1996 when he
He bel ieve s t hat
ber, was promoted to
and two other Kankakee firefight-
his many years of
deputy fire chief on
ers, while on a day off, rescued a
unwavering loyalty
February 5, 2018, thus becoming
three-year-old boy who had fallen
were amply rewarded by the team’s
second in command of the 47-mem-
into the gorilla exhibit at Brook-
performance this year. “It means
ber department. A firefighter since
field Zoo.
so much to me and fellow alumni,”
December 1990, Bruno was appoint-
Bob Stokas, a school board
Stokas said. A Cook County circuit
ed to the rank of captain in May
member for Oak Lawn-based CHSD
court hearing officer, he supported
2015. He had been serving as inter-
218, travelled to NCAA Tournament
the Ramblers at their win in the
im assistant chief since January.
games with the Loyola University
South Region opener in Dallas, the
Bruno served in the U.S. Army from
men’s basketball team. Stokas’ trip
team’s first step in a Cinderella trip
1984 to 1990, and he also is earning
was in recognition of his 18 years
to the Final Four.
In memoriam Charles W. Anderson Jr., 95, died February 3, 2018. He previously
board for many years.
Raymond B. Hanson, 92, died March 26, 2018. Hanson was a for-
served on the Lincoln Elem SD 27
Harold W. Doty, 93, died Feb-
mer member of the Rockford-area
school board for nine years, includ-
ruary 4, 2018. He previously served
Buckbee-A.C. Thompson school
ing several years as board president.
as president of the Riverview grade
Marie Ann Barry (nee West-
school board.
hoff), 84, died February 14, 2018.
Larry L. Duckworth, 81, died
A longtime leader in the LaGrange
February 17, 2018. He formerly
community, Barry formerly served
served for many years on the school
as president of the LaGrange District
board at Roxana CUSD 1.
102 Board of Education.
Mary Ellen (Gorman) Ederle,
Jane Hardin, 92, died March 28, 2018. She previously served on the Monmouth school board. Janet Connor Holabird, 91, died February 25, 2018. She was a former Flossmoor SD 161 school board member.
Gilbert Eugene “Gene” Blaum,
79, died March 5, 2018. She was
81, died March 26, 2018. A physi-
a former member of the Fairview
George A. Joesten, 95, died
cian, he was a former member and
Heights school board, and very
March 30, 2018. He previously
president of the Lincoln CHSD 404
active in little league baseball.
served on the Ogle County Regional
Board of Education, serving from 1979 to 1985. Joan T. Cook, 89, died March 6, 2018. She was previously a mem-
Russell E. Finney Jr., 85, died
Board of Education for many years.
March 10, 2018. He previously
Mark S. Kern, died March 8,
served on the Greenfield CUSD 10
2018. He was a former president of
Board of Education.
Rend Lake College in Ina, and served
ber of the Lake Forest SD 67 school
Paul M. Grenzeback, 76, died
on the Benton CHSD 103 Board of
board and served a variety of local
February 27, 2018. He formerly
Education. The Applied Science Cen-
served on the Wood R iver-Hart-
ter at Rend Lake College is named
ford District 15 school board for
in his honor.
Robert G. Dittmer, 92, died March 5, 2018. He formerly served
on the Heyworth CUSD 4 school
12 years.
Continued on page 25
IASB creates webinar series By Sandra Kwasa
including student records,
school finance basics, and the Every
A n swer : The I l l i nois
mandate relief, anti-discrim-
Student Succeeds Act (ESSA).
Association of School Boards is
ination laws, student health,
IASB webinars are offered at no
offering a series of webinars to bring
and licensure qualifications.
cost. For more information about
current, topical information to the
• “Where in the World are Your
upcoming webinars, or to listen to a
membership in order to fulfill the
Social Media Use Policies?”
previously recorded one, log in to My
Association’s mission point of provid-
which looked at the legal
Account at iasb.com, and click the
ing premier training opportunities.
issues surrounding school dis-
Online Learning Center tab.
The webinar format allows IASB to
tricts’ adoption of social media
We would love people to join our
share current information on a vari-
policies and used scenarios for
live webinars for the interactive
ety of topics and allows interactive
school boards to “quiz” partic-
learning experience, and to listen to
presenter and participant engage-
ipants in the areas of transpar-
previous webinars that they may have
ment, such as polling and asking and
ency, privacy, governance, and
missed. Also, we are very interested
best practices.
to hear ideas people have for future
uestion: Why webinars?
answering questions. For IASB, it’s a new, different,
• “Press Issue 97 and PRESS
and exciting method of sharing infor-
Plus Goes Digital – Big Things
mation, and thus far there has been
Come in Small Packages,”
phenomenal response. We hope this
which heralded both the latest
will help us reach districts we might
policy updates and the move
not otherwise reach. Webinars offer
to digital delivery for PRESS
flexibility for the presenter and user,
Plus subscribers.
including the ability to participate
Another “Lunch and Learn”
from almost any location and partic-
included an informative presenta-
ipate during the live presentation or
tion entitled “5Essentials Survey: It
view a recorded webinar.
REALLY Matters to School Boards,”
The “Lunch and Learn” series
which discussed the climate and
of hour-long webinars opened in
culture survey and the uses of the
November. IASB’s Policy Department
valuable data for school leaders that
has taken the lead with webinars that
can be gained through it.
include topics such as
“Democracy IS Conflict: Is Yours
dles of Legislative Joy,” which
Productive or Unproductive Con-
highlighted the “trend of an
flict?” and “How to Write an Effective
uptick in leg islation per-
IASB Resolution – Take Action to
taining to school boards and
Make Change!” Other webinar top-
their policy requirements,”
ics include community engagement,
for this issue is answered by Sandra Kwasa, IASB director of board development and the moderator of IASB’s new Lunch and Learn webinars.
topics for these webinars.
Lunch & Learn Webinar Series
F uture webinars include
• “PRESS Issue 96 – Ten Bun-
The question
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