V ol. 8 5, N o . 6
ackling tough topics, having
Nationally, natural disasters
the critical conversations,
and manmade horrors clash and
and making the difficult decisions
fuse with political anxieties.
the district level depends on local needs. The national political climate
that follow are expected elements
In this issue of Journal, we
has brought us to an era of “fake
of a school board member’s role.
offer information and commentary
news,” wh ich, i n t he word s of
Sometimes, the tough topics are
to fortify school board members
Blackburn College professor Nata-
specific to the governance of your
dealing with tough topics in a ner-
sha Casey, is a phenomenon that
school districts. But often, out-
vous culture and climate.
“oversimplifies a complicated idea.”
side inf luences — politics, vio-
We st ar t w ith the u n i ma g-
In her commentary starting on page
lence, protest, and “taking sides”
inable: Lieutenant Colonel Dave
14, Casey promotes media literacy
— pierce our public schools and
Grossman and his writing team
education as a way to combat “fake
have made a horrifying connec-
Si nce the la st issue of Th e
tion between video game violence
When the Every Student Suc-
Illinois School Board Journal,
and school shootings. The excerpt
ceeds Act (ESSA) replaced the
there was a school shooting in
from his book, Assassination Gen-
beleaguered No Child Left Behind
Mattoon. Spring field’s newspa-
eration: How Video Games Train
in 2015, it marked a path for federal
per, The State Journal-Register,
Young Killers, outlines the con-
compliance that included develop-
reported that bomb threats are
nection, states the case, and offers
ment of a state plan. Thousands of
becoming more common, includ-
potential responses beginning on
hours of conversation and hundreds
ing the one that disrupted classes
page 6. Grossman will present at
of difficult decisions went into the
at four city schools. One school
the 2017 School Safety and Securi-
drafting of the Illinois plan, which
district cancelled classes due to
ty Seminar, to be held November 17
on August 30 was among the first
response to a racia l ly- charged
in conjunction with the 2017 Joint
to be approved. Next comes imple-
social media post. Multiple school
Annual Conference.
mentation. Discover what the state’s ESSA plan means to school board
districts have dealt with reports
Policies regarding accommo-
of hazing. We’ve survived the pro-
dations for transgender students
tracted state budget stalemate,
have been drawn into the forefront
To be sure, there will continue
the school funding reform battle
of governance work by political and
to be tough topics in the future. Stay
has ended, and Illinois’ state plan
cultural clashes nationally, state-
informed, stay aware of what’s going
for me et i n g t he re qu i rement s
wide, and in local communities.
on in your community, and remem-
of the Ever y Student Succeeds
On page 11, in “Transgender stu-
ber that sometimes the most import-
Ac t wa s a p pr ove d by t he U. S .
dents: Law, policy, and practice,”
ant conversation is with someone
Depar tment of E ducation. But
IASB Assistant General Counsel
who sees the world differently.
individually and in concurrence,
Maryam Brotine explains that while
realization and implementation
Illinois law prohibits transgender
are still to come.
discrimination, how that works at
members, beginning on page 17.
— Theresa Kelly Gegen, Editor
COVER STORIES: 6 What is the ‘Assassination Generation’? By Lieutenant Colonel Dave Grossman and Kristine Paulsen, with Katie Miserany Speaker, soldier, and author Dave Grossman is a national expert on school safety and violence prevention. The Journal excerpts his book, Assassination Generation: How Video Games Train Young Killers, which explains the effects of media violence.
11 Transgender students: Law, policy, and practice By Maryam Brotine Issues surrounding transgender individuals have made headlines over the past year, and Illinois law prohibits transgender discrimination. Find out what current law means in practice for school boards.
14 Behind the fake news curtain: The importance of media literacy education By Natasha Casey The rise of “fake news” has brought renewed spotlight on the importance of media literacy.
17 Understanding Illinois’ answer to ESSA Illinois’ response to the Every Student Succeeds Act presents new accountability processes for school districts.
20 Promise and opportunity By Roger Eddy IASB’s executive director offers comment on the promise and opportunity of Illinois’ accountability model and quality framework.
23 Different views: Special education due process hearings By Courtney N. Stillman Here’s what school districts must prepare for when views differ on appropriate educational services for students with disabilities.
27 A proactive plan counters tensions from civil unrest By Terri Howard A discussion of civil unrest presents school boards an opportunity to review policy and practice for dealing with crisis threats and situations.
S E P T E M B E R / O C T O B E R
2 0 1 7
Vol. 85, No. 6
ILLINOIS SCHOOL BOARD JOURNAL (ISSN-0019-221X) is published every other month by the Illinois Association of School Boards, 2921 Baker Drive, Springfield, Illinois 62703-5929, telephone 217/528-9688. The IASB regional office is located at One Imperial Place, 1 East 22nd Street, Lombard, Illinois 60148-6120, telephone 630/629-3776.
The JOURNAL is supported by the dues of school boards holding active membership in the Illinois Association of School Boards. Copies are mailed to all school board members and the superintendent in each IASB member school district. Non-member subscription rate: Domestic $18 per year. Foreign (including Canada and Mexico) $21 per year. PUBLICATION POLICY IASB believes that the domestic process functions best through frank and open discussion. Material published in the JOURNAL, therefore, often presents divergent and controversial points of view which do not necessarily represent the views or policies of IASB. James Russell, Associate Executive Director Theresa Kelly Gegen, Editor Gary Adkins, Contributing Editor Heath Hendren, Contributing Editor Britni Beck, Advertising Manager Kara Kienzler and Katie Grant, Design and Production
Front Page. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Inside front cover Practical PR. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Milestones. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Copyright © 2017 by the Illinois Association of School Boards (IASB), The JOURNAL is published six times a year and is distributed to its members and subscribers. Copyright in this publication, including all articles and editorial information contained in it is exclusively owned by IASB, and IASB reserves all rights to such information. IASB is a tax-exempt corporation organized in accordance with section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
Ask the Staff. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Inside back cover Cover art: Jupiterimages, Photodisc, Jack Hollingsworth/ and jamesteoh/
Combine strategic planning, community engagement By Brett Clark
Brett Clark, APR, is a school board member for Itasca SD 10 and director of communications and marketing at the Consortium for Educational Change.
hile every school district
• Embracing stakeholders that may
(board of education, central office
in Illinois must have a stra-
feel left out of the school district
administration, school principals);
tegic plan, the impact and power
• Support for the implementation
one-third to represent schools (union
of the plan are directly related to
of the strategic plan both inter-
leadership, teachers, support staff);
who helped create it. Enlisting the
nally and externally
and one-third to represent communi-
participation of all stakeholder
While the advantages are per-
ty (parents, non-parent community
groups — including the board of
suasive, successful implementation
members, students). Using a consen-
education, certified staff, support
of community engagement in stra-
sus decision-making model, the plan
staff, union leaders, administra-
tegic planning takes a dedication of
team participates in three full-day
tion, parents, students, and com-
time and resources. It also means
and two half-day meetings over the
munity members — ensures the
truly listening to the ideas of indi-
course of approximately five months
plan reflects the values and beliefs
viduals outside of the inner circle
to create the plan. Following all that
of the community.
of a school district. There are many
work, a draft plan is presented by
W hile in many districts the
ways to include stakeholder voice
the superintendent to the board of
superintendent and /or board of
and input into the strategic planning
education for its consideration.
education create the strategic plan
process. The Consortium for Educa-
Transparency is a key aspect
independently, a stakeholder-engaged
tional Change (CEC), a non-profit
of successful community engage-
process is more likely to result in a
organization that supports school
ment. One main way to achieve
plan that is owned by the entire com-
districts in many areas including
that is by creating a website ded-
munity and that will function as a
strategic planning, has developed a
icated to housing all of the data,
guiding document for the future direc-
specific process to engage stakehold-
presentations, and information
tion of the school system.
ers in the strategic planning process.
prov ided to t he strateg ic pla n
The advantages of including
The approach includes estab-
team. This allows anyone in the
stakeholder voice throughout the
lishing a strategic plan team, which
community the opportunity to fol-
strategic planning process include:
typically includes about 40 members.
low the process and understand
• Increased knowledge about the
The team can be larger or smaller
current state of the district by
depending upon the size of the dis-
trict, but the actual number is not
• Higher likelihood that all ideas
as important as ensuring that the
are considered for improving the
team represents a cross-section of
school district
the school district community. A
• Opportunity for the school district
good guideline is for one-third of the
to gather community perceptions
participants to represent leadership
Columns are submitted by members of the Illinois Chapter of the National School Public Relations Association
the information that is influencing
SWOT analysis. They can suggest
the draft plan.
additional items to the SWOT and
In order to allow all stakeholders
provide their opinions about which
the opportunity to provide feedback
items they agree with strongly and
on the strategic plan, several strat-
which they disagree with strongly.
egies can be employed. Within the
For those unable to attend a com-
CEC process, this means gathering
munity engagement session, a sur-
input up to four times to ensure the
vey can be created to gather similar
team is reflective of the opinions and
information. This process produces
ideals of the community as a whole.
themes that are shared with the team
The first opportunity occurs prior to
so changes can be made to the SWOT
the first strategic plan team meeting
analysis, a document that strongly
through a survey to gather percep-
influences the final plan. By engag-
tions and opinions of staff, students,
ing stakeholders, it ensures that the
parents, and community about the
team is on the right track, provides
future direction of the school dis-
an opportunity to educate the com-
trict. This helps the team understand
munity about the current state of
community perceptions at the start
the school district, and sends a clear
of the process.
message that stakeholder feedback
During the first full-day meeting, the strategic plan team produc-
is important to the school board and school district.
es a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses,
During the second meeting, the
opportunities, and threats) analysis.
strategic plan team creates a pre-
Community engagement sessions are
ferred future statement (or vision
then held to provide the community
statement). That information is
with an opportunity to provide feed-
shared with the community and feed-
back on the SWOT analysis. Sepa-
back is gathered through a survey.
rate sessions are held for staff and
Based on that feedback, themes are
community. Typically, those sessions
again gathered and shared with the
begin with an overview of key data
team, which determines if changes
and information about the district
need to be made to the preferred
to provide context. The attendees
future statement. By looking at
are then invited to interact with the
themes within the data, it ensures
N O V E M B E R - D E C E M B E R 2 0 1 7 / T H E I L L I N O I S S C H O O L B O A R D J O U R N A L
President Phil Pritzker
Treasurer Thomas Neeley
Vice President Joanne Osmond
Immediate Past President Karen Fisher
BOARD OF DIRECTORS Abe Lincoln Bill Alexander
Kishwaukee Mary Stith
Blackhawk David Rockwell
Lake Ann Dingman
Central Illinois Valley Thomas Neeley
Northwest Chris Buikema
Cook North Barbara Somogyi Cook South Denis Ryan
Shawnee Sheila Nelson Southwestern Mark Christ
Cook West Carla Joiner-Herrod
Starved Rock Simon Kampwerth Jr.
Corn Belt Mark Harms
Three Rivers Rob Rodewald
DuPage Thomas Ruggio
Two Rivers Tracie Sayre
Egyptian John Metzger
Wabash Valley Dennis Inboden
Illini Michelle Skinlo
Western Sue McCance
Kaskaskia Linda Eades
Service Associates Glen Eriksson
Board of directors members are current at press time.
IASB is a voluntary association of local boards of education and is not affiliated with any branch of government.
that only thoughts and opinions
goals, and strategies is produced
each aspect of the draft plan and
shared by a large segment of the
during the third meeting. That draft
provide feedback. Trends in the
community are considered when
plan is shared with the communi-
data are shared with the strategic
looking at potential changes to the
ty through a survey that provides
plan team and are used to consid-
direction set by the team.
an opportunity for both qualitative
er final changes to the draft plan
A draft of the strategic plan
and quantitative data. In this survey,
during the final half-day meeting
including mission, vision, values,
stakeholders are asked to consider
that occurs prior to presentation of the strategic plan to the board of education. Throughout the entire process, the board of education is provided updates. This means the final plan OFFICE OF THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Roger L. Eddy, Executive Director Benjamin S. Schwarm, Deputy Executive Director Meetings Management Carla S. Bolt, Director Office of General Counsel Kimberly Small, General Counsel Maryam Brotine, Assistant General Counsel Debra Jacobson, Assistant General Counsel Executive Searches Thomas Leahy, Director Jim Helton, Consultant Dave Love, Consultant Alan Molby, Consultant Catherine Finger, Consultant ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES Jennifer Feld, Associate Executive Director/ Chief Financial Officer ADVOCACY/GOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS Benjamin S. Schwarm, Deputy Executive Director Deanna L. Sullivan, Director Susan Hilton, Director Zach Messersmith, Director Shanell Bowden, Assistant Director
presented for approval is a document that contains no surprises
BOARD DEVELOPMENT Dean Langdon, Associate Executive Director Sandra Kwasa, Director Nesa Brauer, Trainer Angie Peifer, Consultant
for the board of education.
COMMUNICATIONS/ PRODUCTION SERVICES James Russell, Associate Executive Director Gary W. Adkins, Director/Editorial Services Jennifer Nelson, Director/Information Services Theresa Kelly Gegen, Director/Editorial Services Heath Hendren, Assistant Director/Communications Kara Kienzler, Director/Production Services Katie Grant Assistant Director/Production Services
tendent. Following approval, there
FIELD SERVICES/POLICY SERVICES Cathy A. Talbert, Associate Executive Director
This process ensures that the approved strategic plan represents thinking and ideas beyond just the seven board members and superinneeds to be a focus on communicating the progress toward reaching the strategic plan goals to both the board and the community. One of the best ways to accomplish this is for the board of education to receive periodic progress monitoring reports and a yearly update. Including community engagement in the strategic planning process is a time and labor-intensive process. Unless the board of education and superintendent are will-
Field Services Larry Dirks, Director Perry Hill IV, Director Laura Martinez, Director Dee Molinare, Director Reatha Owen, Director Patrick Rice, Director Barbara B. Toney, Director
i n g to l i st en a nd i mplement a
Policy Services Boyd Fergurson, Consultant Angie Powell, Consultant Brian Zumpf, Consultant
ers including more informed inter-
direction set by the community as a whole, a process like this should not be considered. However, if that willingness exists, several goals can be reached by engaging stakeholdnal and external communities, a strategic plan that reflects the ideas of all stakeholders, and perhaps
IASB OFFICES 2921 Baker Drive, Springfield, Illinois 62703-5929 217/528-9688 Fax 217/528-2831
One Imperial Place, 1 East 22nd Street, Suite 20 Lombard, Illinois 60148-6120 630/629-3776 Fax 630/629-3940
most importantly, a deep investment by stakeholders in the future direction of the school district.
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What is the ‘Assassination Generation’? By Lieutenant Colonel Dave Grossman and Kristine Paulsen, with Katie Miserany
he harrowing book, Assassination Generation: How
and school safety organizations. Here, we excerpt (with
Video Games Train Young Killers, makes a pointed
permission) from three chapters of Assassination Gener-
case for the frightening impact of media violence, especially
ation, written by Grossman and Kristine Paulsen, with
violent video games, on school-age children.
Katie Miserany.
In his introduction, author Lieutenant Colonel Dave
The book includes research into the common excus-
Grossman states, “Our enemy is denial. Denial is a great
es for “the virus of violence,” more on how video games
big blanket we pull up over our heads so we can pretend
“warp the mind” and train kids to kill, and accounts
the bad man will never come. Denial kills us twice. It kills
of violent crimes inspired by video games. Research
us once physically when violence catches us unprepared,
includes what hasn’t worked, and what might work, to
and it kills us again psychologically when we know that we
reduce the “likelihood of later aggressive and violent
could have prevented the violence and failed to do so.”
behavior, and of factors known to increase aggressive
Grossman is a United States Army Ranger, paratroop-
and violent behavior.”
er, former West Point psychology professor, researcher,
The first chapter opens with a reference to the 1997
and Pulitzer Prize-nominated author. Since his retirement
tragedy in Paducah, Kentucky, in which a 14-year-old high
from the U.S. Army in 1998, he has provided training
school freshman fired eight shots into a prayer circle in
for military, law enforcement, mental health providers,
the large foyer of his school.
Chapter One — It’s Worse than It
worldwide phenomenon: Argentina,
such crimes are a reality in nearly
Looks: The Case Against the Media
Canada, Finland, Germany, Russia,
every nation.
If we zoom out from the school
Thailand, and the United States.
Sometimes you’ll hear about
massacre in Paducah, we can see a
The first was in Canada, and later a
the “decline in youth violence”
larger picture taking shape. The fact
17-year-old student in Germany set
as proof that we do not need to be
that we are experiencing a world-
the all-time record juvenile mass
concerned about media violence.
wide epidemic of mass murders
murders in human history (not just
Here are the facts: According to the
committed by juveniles in their
in a school, but anywhere). The
Centers for Disease Control (CDC),
schools is beyond dispute. The
two Columbine killers murdered
in 2010, 4,828 young people ages 10
Paducah school massacre was but
13 people between them, but the
to 24 were victims of homicide —
one of the early events in a timeline
killer in Germany gunned down 15
an average of 13 young people each
that began in 1975.
by himself.
day. Homicide is the second lead-
Until 1975, never had a juve-
These crimes have never hap-
ing cause of death for young people
nile committed a multiple homicide
pened before in human history.
aged 15 to 24. In a national sample
against people in a school. Now it is a
Today, massacres and the threat of
of high school youth surveyed in
2011, 32.8 percent reported being
But it is not normal to put thou-
in a physical fight within the last
sands of cops in our schools to stop
year, and 16.6 percent reported
our kids from killing each other. It is
carrying a weapon (a gun, knife, or
not normal for every kid in America
club) on one or more days in the 30
to practice hiding under tables in
days preceding the survey. In 2011
case a classmate comes to kill them.
alone, 707,212 young people aged
Never lose your sense of outrage that
10 to 24 were treated in emergency
these measures are the only options
departments for injuries sustained
we think we have left. Never think
from physical assaults.
this is business as usual.
Maybe these numbers give some
We also have detected these
people reason to rejoice, but con-
would-be killers by the hundreds,
sider this: On December 14, 2012,
catching them before they commit
a 20-year-old man fatally shot 20
their crimes. When I teach cops and
children and six adult staff mem-
educators, I say, “I bet many of you
bers and wounded two at Sandy
know of cases where we caught the
police arrived at that school in min-
Hook Elementary School in New-
kid with the gun, we caught him
utes and ultimately shot the suspect
town, Connecticut. Those 26 lives
with the hit list, we caught him with
before he could take a single life. He
lost and two wounded individuals will
the bomb, and it never got into the
survived. Nobody died that day, so it
not significantly increase the total
national news.” Many of these indi-
is not on anybody’s list of these types
homicide numbers for the U.S. Can
viduals come up after the class to
of crimes. The cops who were there
numbers begin to explain what those
give me examples. ”If you personally
told me that one of the first things
murders mean to their families, to
know of one or two cases that nev-
out of the kid’s mouth was, “How’d
that community, and to this country
er made it into the national news,
you get here so fast?”
as a whole?
how many are there nationwide?” I
We deter these killers. We detect
When I teach the cops, federal
ask. “Every year we nail hundreds of
them. We defeat them. And still,
agents, and educators I train, I always
these kids before they commit their
every few years we see a … number
emphasize that we have become very
crimes. They’re just kids! They are
of children who die because of vio-
good at preventing such crimes since
not usually very sophisticated. If we
lence in our schools.
they emerged in 1975.
look for it — and we are looking for
Not a single child has been killed
We have deterred them in many
it — most of the time we can spot it.”
by a school fire in the U.S. in over 50
ways. We put thousands of armed
Finally, we have learned to
years. Fire experts tell me that meet-
cops in our schools. What’s more,
defeat these killers. Never again
ing fire codes can easily double the
every student in America performs
will cops sit on the perimeter and
construction cost of a school build-
“lock-down drills,” which can reduce
do nothing as a mass murder happens
ing. … So if you spend $6 million
the body count if a crime does occur
in our school, as they did during the
in construction costs for a school
and also greatly reduces the prob-
Columbine massacre. The most fun-
building, up to $3 million could have
ability of a crime by serving as a
damental shift in law enforcement
gone into just meeting the fire codes.
powerful deterrent. Armed cops and
tactics happened after Columbine.
Do we mind? Of course not. We’d
lock-down drills send a message to
“Rapid Reaction” or “Active Mass
do anything to prevent our children
the students. Somewhere, in every
Murder” training teaches cops to
from dying in a school fire.
school that practices these drills, a
go into schools to stop the killings. It
And yet 63 children died in
student might say to himself or her-
works. Most people never heard about
2006 alone because of school-related
self, “I better not try it here. They’re
what happened in a high school in
violence. Despite our drills and the
ready for me.”
Spokane, Washington, in 2003. The
diligence of the cops in our schools,
we never did anything to address
Virginia Tech and Northern Illinois
children in the media and — par-
the root cause of the problem. An
University massacres happened.
ticularly — violent video games is the new factor causing this crime wave.
entire generation out there has been
I was in Hartford, Connecti-
fed violence as entertainment from
cut, training 200 Connecticut law
their youngest days, and they have
enforcement officers on the day of the
been systematically taught to associ-
Sandy Hook massacre. That morn-
The kids who do nothing but
ate pleasure and reward with human
ing I told the audience what I have
play the sickest video games and
death and suffering. In 1995 (three
been telling my audiences for several
watch the sickest movies are very,
years before the Jonesboro (Arkan-
years: that we would see elementary
very sick indeed, but the industry
sas) massacre and four years before
school massacres at the hands of old-
that markets these products to chil-
the Columbine massacre), my book
er adults. The [cohort of] kids who
dren is the worst of all. The respon-
On Killing came out, predicting that
gave us Jonesboro, Columbine, and
sibility for these horrific acts should
we were raising a generation of juve-
Virginia Tech are all grown up. As the
be placed directly at its doorstep. A
nile mass murderers who will com-
killer at Sandy Hook proved, these
trail of blood leads us directly to
mit crimes like we never imagined.
adults will be returning to places like
this industry, which has fought
After the Jonesboro massacre,
our elementary schools to unleash
all the way to the U.S. Supreme
the media tried to boil the problem
violence we never dreamed of in our
Court for the “right” to market its
down to a “southern gun culture
darkest nightmares.
products to children without any
We have created the most violent generation in history.
restraints, regulations, or third-par-
thing.” Gloria DeGaetano and I wrote
Unfortunately for all of us, I
in our book, Stop Teaching Our Kids
have been 100 percent correct in
to Kill, that Jonesboro was just the
all of these predictions thus far.
The situation is worse than it
beginning and that these crimes
All of this is on record and com-
looks. Law enforcement has made
would continue to happen across
pletely verifiable. Now I warn my
great strides in deterring school mas-
the United States and around the
trainees that these mass murderers
sacres, and medical technology and
world unless we changed our culture.
are coming not just to our schools,
increasing numbers of incarcerat-
The Columbine massacre occurred
but straight to our school buses,
ed inmates have held down violent
as the book was in the final editing
kindergarten classes, Little League
crime. Yet the body count in our
stages. We added information about
games, hospitals, and daycare cen-
schools is moving ever upward and
ty control whatsoever….
we’ve seen the age of mass murderers grow as the latest generation has
“The important thing to remember is this: The
grown up. It is only going to get worse until we solve the root cause of the
violence fed to children in the media and —
problem: the proliferation of increas-
particularly — violent video games is the new
ingly violent video games that are
factor causing this crime wave.”
warping the minds and behavior of children around the world. Chapter Three — The Human
Columbine, sadly predicting again
ters. We will see unprecedented
Brain on Violence: How Violent
that more violence was on the way.
massacres in all these locations in
Video Games Warp the Mind
For years, I predicted that the kids who gave us Jonesboro in the middle school and Columbine in the
the years to come. As with all my other predictions, I pray that I am wrong.
high school would give us unprece-
The important thing to remem-
dented college massacres. Then the
ber is this: The violence fed to
When we think about these massacres of innocent children, we must ask, what kind of monster could do such a thing? What kind of person could commit these crimes?
The kind we are raising every day.
have millions of children who have
receives points — the reward for a job well done. …
It is actually difficult to encour-
been classically conditioned from
age a healthy human being to pull
their youngest days to take pleasure
There is a biological impact of
that trigger and potentially deprive
from human death and suffering. To
violent video games on developing
another person of life. Difficult,
them, at a deep, primal level, human
human brains. Social learning, role
that is, unless you are dealing with
death and suffering is a source of
models, and our powerful innate
a sociopath or a person who has been
intense pleasure.
need to search for survival data
desensitized and trained in killing. …
We need to fully grasp the mag-
all combine to make violent video
What should we expect from all
nitude of what these video games
games attractive, addictive, and
those kids who have been taught to
are teaching our kids. They stand
extraordinarily powerful tools to
associate images of pain and death
slack-jawed but i ntent beh i nd
train our children to become violent
with their dinner every night, vio-
machine guns in the arcade, shooting
human beings.
lent video games with snacks and
at electronic targets that pop up on
One of the best-researched and
good times with friends? The kids
the video screen. When they pull the
widely accepted impacts of media
watching horror movies and play-
trigger, the weapon rattles in their
violence is the “mean world syn-
ing brutal games have been taught
hands, shots ring out, and if they hit
drome.” When a child sees death
to associate the death and suffer-
the “enemy” at which they are firing,
and destruction in the media every
ing they see with their popcorn,
the figure drops to the ground, often
day, when he or she inflicts death and
candy bars, sodas, and the scent
with cries of pain and chunks of flesh
destruction in video games every day,
of their girlfriends’ perfumes. We
flying into the air. Then the player
that child cannot help but think this
More timely, more often.
Find us online!
the DIGITAL BLOG FORMAT for the Illinois School Board Newsbulletin Since 1943 the Illinois Association of School Boards has reported on information that members want to know, addressing the needs and interests of board members and other school leaders in brief, attractive packages. The new digital blog continues this tradition in a timelier, more instantaneous way for today’s busy school leaders. It presents reliable information to help readers solve problems and keep up with relevant news, including information about IASB’s services, programs and governance matters. We hope you will make a habit of following the News Blog as new postings appear on our website daily at
Reaching Illinois school board members for more than 72 years.
fictional world represents the way the
you have the “right” to be a bully, a
actual world works. They learn from
sexual predator, an abuser, and a thief.
childhood that we live in a cruel, mean, and violent world. The takeaway is that
Chapter Nine —
you must be a cruel, mean, and violent
What You Can do Today
person to survive in it.
The Society for the Psychological
This concept ties in with another
Study of Social Issues (SPSSI) released
widely researched outlook, the “just
a statement on media violence in April
world fallacy.” The way of thinking
2014 that echoes the urgency… We
proclaims, “You get what is coming
must collectively start down the road
to you,” and “What goes around comes
to media reduction. The society’s
around.” Media violence teaches our
statement begins with references to
children this concept through plotlines
the 2012 Newtown elementary school
in which bad things happen to other
massacre and concludes with policy
Lt. Col. Dave Grossman will
people or (in the case of video games)
recommendations that could be enact-
be presenting at the School
you inflict bad things on other people
ed immediately to make great strides
Safety and Security Seminar,
because they “deserve” it. The reason
toward reversing the effects of video
November 17 at the Hyatt
your victims “deserved” your retribu-
game and media violence. The soci-
Regency in Chicago, in con-
tion can be as simple as the fact that
ety urges policy-makers to create and
junction with the 2017 Joint
they are weak and vulnerable. At its
implement a scientifically based media
Annual Conference.
root, it is the law of the jungle, where
rating system, highlighting that the
might makes right.
confusing set of ratings in use today
Research funded by the video
are failing to empower parents to make
game industry has been designed
educated decisions regarding their
to convince us that video games
children’s video game choices. It also
increase self-restraint and social
encourages the media to both promote
skills, especially when kids play
the development of more pro-social
How can we, as individuals,
games in which they and their friends
products and develop public education
reduce the likelihood of future
are networked together, collaborat-
programs concerning media effects
incidents…? As you support the
ing as they go on their virtual killing
on youth and society, among other
efforts of policy-makers on a broad-
rampages. This is akin to claiming
er level and help establish the Take
that street gangs increase social
I wholeheartedly support these
the Challenge program, developed
skills and self-control. Actually, in
recommendations and others like
by co-author Kristine Paulsen, in
a twisted way, street gangs do teach
them that have been made for years
your local community, you can also
social skills — the skills of a hunting
by concerned scientists, doctors,
begin your own family’s journey
pack animal. They also teach self-re-
researchers, parents, and lawmakers.
down this healing path.
straint: the self-control of a preda-
Policy changes at the highest levels
It is possible to change this
tor who can cooperate with other
offer the best way to enact change in
culture of violence if we have the
predators to pull down prey. A pack
our country in a meaningful way, but
will. In order to make sure our
member knows better than to get in
striving toward these top-level chang-
ch i ldren are sa fe a nd hea lthy,
the way of the alpha. The lesson our
es doesn’t absolve us of our personal
three primary sectors need to take
children take away is that when you
responsibilities in our communities,
action: parents, schools, and the
are in charge, when you have power,
schools, and homes.
wider community.
Transgender students: Law, policy, and practice By Maryam Brotine
ot a week goes by without a
Equal Educational
students will be accommodated. For
news article about issues sur-
Opportunities policy
example, Evanston Township High
rounding transgender individuals, and
Start by reviewing your board
School District 202 adopted an amend-
many articles are about school districts
policy on providing equal educational
ed version of 7:10, which explicitly
accommodating transgender students.
opportunities to all students. If your
provides that
Many school board members have
district subscribes to IASB PRESS, it
done preliminary homework on the
may have adopted sample policy 7:10,
“Students shall be treated and
matter and tried to keep up with the
Equal Educational Opportunities,
supported in a manner consis-
news, both local and national. You may
which states that your district provides
tent with their gender identity.
have visited the IASB’s webpage on
such opportunities without regard to,
This shall include but not be lim-
Transgender Students: Legal Issues
among other things, gender identity.
ited to students having access
and learned that regardless of what’s
Sample policy 7:10 further states
to gendered facilities, including
going on at the national level, Illinois
is assistant general counsel for the Illinois Association of School Boards.
restrooms and locker rooms
law prohibits transgender discrimina-
“No student shall, based on sex,
that correspond to their gender
tion via the Illinois School Code (105
sexual orientation, or gender
ILCS 5/10-20.12; 23 Ill. Admin. Code
identity be denied equal access to
1.240) and the Illinois Human Rights
programs, activities, services, or
If your district’s practice is to
Act (775 ILCS 5/1-102(A), 5/5-501(11),
benefits or be limited in the exer-
grant students with access to gendered
cise of any right, privilege, advan-
facilities in all cases, whether or not
So does that mean it is an open-
tage, or denied equal access to
your board states that in policy will
and-shut matter for your district? No.
educational and extracurricular
depend on many factors, including
programs and activities.”
the political climate within your com-
W h i l e I l l i no i s l aw c l e a r ly
Maryam Brotine
prohibits transgender discrimi-
munity. For example, if your district
nation, how this could play out in
The policy inquiry does not end
has been accommodating transgender
your district, at the district and
there, however, because 7:10 is a sam-
students just fine without making a big
building levels, is far from clear —
ple. Boards should consider whether
deal about it, then amending a board
and could become unfathomably
the sample policy meets their local
policy might stir up attention that the
murky if you don’t proactively
needs. Many boards, responding to the
board does not desire, or it might divert
plan for it. So what else do you
needs of their communities, students,
board resources from more pressing
need to know? How are school dis-
staff, and parents, have taken 7:10
matters. On the other hand, if your
tricts throughout Illinois manag-
and supplemented it with additional
district has worked hard to accom-
ing this issue?
language detailing how transgender
modate transgender students and
create a climate of inclusion, then
is entirely at your discretion. Please
students often do so by having key
publicly proclaiming this in board
note, however, that administrative
administrators collaborate with
policy may positively contribute to
procedures are subject to disclosure
relevant staff members, students,
such a climate.
via the Freedom of Information Act
parents, their board attorney, and
(FOIA). To prepare for the possibility
advocacy groups. One such group
of disclosing your district’s admin-
is The Illinois Safe Schools Alli-
Administrative Procedures Some boards choose to leave
istrative procedure in response to a
ance (The Alliance), whose mission
their equal educational opportuni-
FOIA request, consider beginning
includes “to promote safety, support,
ties policy as-is and instead draft
the administrative procedure with a
and healthy development for lesbian,
administrative procedures and/or
purpose statement that clearly sets
gay, bisexual, transgender, and ques-
guidelines that detail how adminis-
forth the district’s reasons for imple-
tioning (LGBTQ) youth, in Illinois
trators and staff will meet the needs
menting the procedure.
schools and communities.” Districts
of transgender students. The beauty
PRESS sample administrative
that have worked with The Alliance
of administrative procedures is that
procedure 7:10-AP, Accommodat-
to craft administrative procedures
they do not need board approval.
ing Transgender Students or Gen-
include Berwyn South School Dis-
This has two significant governance
der Non-Conforming Students,
trict 100 and Harlem School District
benefits. First, it makes adminis-
guides school officials through the:
122. Administrative procedures are
trative procedures flexible so that
1) application of state and federal
meant to meet each district’s local
administrators can amend them as
anti-discrimination laws to this stu-
policy implementation needs, taking
needed. Second, their implementa-
dent population, and 2) common
into account various factors, includ-
tion is related to staff work and draws
needs in which transgender or gen-
ing grade levels served, number of
less public attention.
der non-conforming students may
attendance centers, district, and school climates, etc.
Your district may of course
request accommodations and sup-
choose to publicize them (i.e., at
port at school. Districts interested
B e r w y n S o u t h ’s 7:10 - A P,
board meetings or on the district web-
in further developing administrative
Administrative Procedure for
site) but doing so, and to what extent,
procedures regarding transgender
Student Gender Support, is three
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pages long and contains subsections addressing the following:
6:65, Student Social and
7:250, Student Support Ser-
E m ot i o n a l D e v e l o p m e n t,
vices, directs the Superintendent
• Definitions
requires that social and emotional
to develop protocols for respond-
• Confidentiality
learning be incorporated into the
ing to students’ social, emotional,
• Names and Pronouns
District’s curriculum and other
or mental health problems that
• Gendered Facilities and
educational programs.
impact learning.
School-Sponsored Programs
7:20, Harassment of Stu-
7: 330, St u d e nt Use of
• Dress Codes
dents Prohibited, prohibits any
Buildings – Equal Access,
• Curriculum and Pedagogy
person from harassing, intimidat-
grants student-initiated groups
• Gender Support Team and Sup-
ing, or bullying a student based on
or clubs the free use of school
an actual or perceived character-
premises for their meetings,
• Discrimination and Harassment
istic that is identified in the policy
under specified conditions.
• Online Accessibility
including, among other protected
port Planning
Harlem’s 7:10-AP, Gender Sup-
statuses, gender identity.
7:340, Student Records, contains the comprehensive structure
port Administrative Procedure, is
7:130, Student Rights and
for managing school student
similarly structured, though it is four
Responsibilities, recognizes that
records, keeping them confiden-
pages long as was formally approved by
all students are entitled to rights
tial, and providing access as
the school board. If you are interested
protected by the U.S. and Illinois
allowed or required.
in speaking with administrators from
Constitutions and laws for per-
these districts regarding their experi-
sons of their age and maturity in
ences putting transgender policies into
a school setting.
practice, or have questions regarding
7:160, Student Appearance,
PRESS sample administrative proce-
prohibits students from dressing
dure 7:10-AP, please contact the IASB
or grooming in such a way as to
Office of General Counsel.
disrupt the educational process, interfere with a positive teaching/
Consider Other Board Policies Aside from your Equal Educational Opportunities policy, keep in mind
learning climate, or compromise reasonable standards of health, safety, and decency.
the following sample PRESS policies
7:165, Student Uniforms,
(or your district’s equivalent poli-
encourages students to wear
cies) which may come into play when
school uniforms in order to main-
addressing transgender student needs:
tain and promote orderly school functions, school safety, and a
2:260, Uniform Grievance Procedure, contains the process
positive learning environment, if adopted.
for an individual to seek resolu-
7:180, Prevention of and
tion of a complaint. A student
Response to Bullying, Intimida-
may use this policy to complain
tion, and Harassment, contains
about bullying prohibited by the
the comprehensive structure for
Illinois School Code (105 ILCS
the District’s bullying prevention
5/27-23.7), which specifically
program. As noted above, this spe-
includes bullying based on actual
cifically includes bullying based
or perceived gender-related iden-
on actual or perceived gender-re-
tity or expression.
lated identity or expression.
Resources IASB’s webpage on Transgender Students: Legal Issues is located at The Illinois Safe Schools Alliance can be reached at In addition to the resources noted above, to learn more about transgender students and meeting their needs please see: Book Recommendations for Educators, The Illinois Safe Schools Alliance, Actions to Create More Affirming School Environments for LGBTQIA+ Students & Staff, The Illinois Safe Schools Alliance, at Lurie Children’s Gender and Sex Development Program, at specialties-services/gender-program/Pages/index. aspx, or contact Jennifer Leininger at 773/303-6056 or Gender Spectrum, an organization whose mission is to help create gender sensitive and inclusive environments for all children and teens, at Transgender Students in Schools: Frequently Asked Questions and Answers for Public School Boards and Staff (Version 9.0), National School Boards Association (March 2017), at Transgender_Guide.pdf. Dealing with Legal Matters Surrounding Students’ Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity, National School Board Association and other participating organizations (April 2013), at:
Behind the fake news curtain The importance of media literacy education By Natasha Casey
Natasha Casey researches and teaches about media and information literacy at Blackburn College in Carlinville. Read her “No Silos” blog at www.
“Post-truth” was named the word
brother or elderly aunt who can’t stop
is how we see it represented.” Media
of the year in 2016 by the Oxford
watching cable news, but how many
constructs for us ideas about all
English Dictionaries, but “fake
of us cling stubbornly to that reas-
kinds of people and places outside of
news” might be the most overused
suring third-person effect position?
our direct experience, whether that
phrase of 2017. According to Google
As a way to introduce the con-
is about Ireland, Arab-Americans,
search trends, the term peaked last
cept of media literacy in my class-
or the transgender community. The
January, spiked again in June, and
room, I ask my students, “how do you
Pew Research Center estimates
because the president uses it regular-
know what you know about Ireland?”
that, on an average, people spend
ly, “fake news” continues to maintain
I am originally from there, but you
somewhere between six to 10 hours
a high profile. It has recently further
could easily replace Ireland with any
a day consuming media. What we
degenerated into a way to casually
number of places or groups within
know about the world is how we see
dismiss anyone who doesn’t agree
and beyond the United States.
it represented in social media, on
with your point of view.
television, at the movies, in advertising, and beyond.
There i s one p o sit ive sid e
know about Ireland — rolling green
effect of this fixation however,
hills, castles, sheep, pubs, pints of
There are various, and some-
and that is a renewed spotlight on
Guinness, cheeky locals in said pubs
times competing, definitions of the
the importance of media literacy,
drinking Guinness, leprechauns,
term media literacy, but most share
considered one way to counter the
pots of gold, U2, etc. You get the pic-
common key concepts, principles
“fake news” phenomenon.
ture. Then I ask students if they’ve
or questions. For example, here are
never been there, how do they have
a few basic questions posed by the
all these ideas about what Ireland
National Association of Media Literacy (NAMLE):
What is media literacy?
Students describe what they
Simply put, media literacy is a
and the Irish are like? From there we
discipline that seeks to understand
discuss the power of mediated images
• Who made this?
the role and impact of media in our
to shape our perceptions of people
• What does someone want me to
lives and culture. It is a curious par-
and places we have little or no direct
adox when “fake news” is blamed for
experience with. I then take them
election results on the one hand and
on a Google Earth tour of my old
yet, most people deny that media
neighborhood with no sheep, hills,
influences them personally (the
or castles in sight.
“third-person effect”). Everyone has
Media theorist Stuart Hall not-
an anecdote about a video-addicted
ed, “What we know about the world
learn from this? • How credible is this (and how do you know)? Or these questions for media consumers, suggested by the Center for Media Literacy • Who created this message?
• How might different people understand this message differently? • Why is this message being sent?
of Ireland from an English point of
internet safety lessons — the lessons
view. Later, I took a media literacy
are to be given every year starting
course at college, and I was hooked.
in grade 3, and include topics such as safe and responsible use of social
Media literacy actually is housed in a wide range of academic depart-
K-12 focused media literacy
networking websites, chat rooms,
ments including communications
In the United States, there is a
electronic mail, bulletin boards,
and education. It is often interdis-
greater focus on media literacy edu-
i n st a nt me s s a g i n g, a nd ot her
ciplinary, borrowing concepts from
cation in K-12 education, because
means of communication on the
film studies, sociology, cultural stud-
most high-profile media literacy
internet.” Digital citizenship is
ies, English, and anthropology, to
organizations in North America,
gaining momentu m across the
name just a few.
including NAMLE in the U.S. and
U.S., but it doesn’t always align with
Media literacy education has a
MediaSmarts in Canada, are primar-
media literacy. More concerning is
longer history outside the U.S. and
ily focused on these younger audi-
that it often takes a protectionist
is firmly institutionalized in schools
ences. In addition, the majority of
approach, which I think ultimately
and universities in Britain, Canada,
media literacy research grant fund-
backfires on students.
and Australia. Reasons for this dif-
ing is aimed at the K-12 audience. In
ference include centralized systems
fact, the Common Core State Stan-
of education and because media lit-
dards include references to media
Throughout history, the intro-
eracy is seen in other countries as
literacy, which is why NAMLE and
duction of new media has sparked
a way to counter the influence of
Project Look Sharp
U.S. media, sometimes referred to as
both have compre-
“cultural imperialism.” As I explain
hensive guides on
to my students, imagine half of the
the ways in which
local cineplex offerings in any given
media literacy edu-
week are films from France. This
cation aligns with
would undoubtedly spark a conver-
these standards.
sation about the influence of French
The latter organiza-
values on U.S. culture. Educators
tion also integrates
might see media literacy as a way
media literacy into
to help students deconstruct these
ex ist i ng subject
foreign images and mitigate a not-al-
a re a s (a lt hou g h
ways-benign cultural influence.
ot her s prefer t o
For me, it was mainstream
teach media litera-
me d i a r e pr e s e nt at ion s o f t he
cy as a stand-alone
so-called Irish “troubles” after I
moved from Ireland to England in
According to
the late 1980s that sparked my ear-
Media Literacy
ly interest in media literacy. The
Now, another advo-
disconnect between how the same
cacy organization
events were covered by media in
for media literacy
neighboring countries motivated my
and “digital citi-
awareness of media literacy in sec-
zenship” education
ondary school, as I wanted to know
policy, Illinois “…
more about how television images
requires school dis-
in particular shaped perceptions
tricts to incorporate
Against protectionism
Above left: “Five Core Concepts and Key Questions for Consumers and Producers (Q-Tips),” Media Deconstruction/Construction Framework, Center for Media Literacy, Above right: “Key Questions When Analyzing Media Messages,” Project Look Sharp, National Association for Media Literacy Education d/0B8j2T8jHrlgCZ2Zta2hvWkF0dG8/view
debate about what that technology
dangers of the internet, and social
habit s u su a l ly come f rom col-
is doing to society as a whole, but
media especially.
lea gues who ca n’t seem to put
most especially children. Protec-
This protectionist narrative
their phones down during faculty
tionists usually approach media
rarely aligns with students’ lived
meetings — kids today indeed! One
from a “moral panic” perspec -
experiences, where new media
of the first exercises I do with stu-
tive — the same type of response
technologies allows them to be
dents to get them to realize just how
that accompanied the popular-
makers and sharers and to build
much time we spend on our smart-
ity of film in the 1930s, comic
community around their favorite
phones is to download the Checky
books, television and rock’n’roll
media practices, fandoms, and
app (I dare you to try it), which will
in the 1950 s, v ideo games and
pop culture forms. I prefer to use
tell you how many times a day you
horrorcore music in the 1990s,
students’ interests as a way to dis-
touch your phone. While you’re at
and more recently the internet
cuss topics such as corporate media
it, download the Moment app too.
and social media. Protectionists
ownership, remixing, open access,
It will tell you how long you spend
emphasize the dangers and pitfalls
techniques used in media to sway
on your phone everyday. And if we
of media. By the time students
audiences, privacy, issues of repre-
are truthful, we acknowledge that
enter my media and information
sentation, filter bubbles and more,
media plays a massive part in all
literacy class, they’ve been blud-
and to facilitate critical consump-
of our lives (and not just kids), but
geoned with this perspective for
tion of media and information.
so little time is dedicated to study-
years and eyes glaze over when
My favorite anecdotes about
discussion turns to the potential
“kids today” and their tweeting
ing it. This is why media literacy is incredibly important. Critical thinking is nothing new and media literacy is essentially critical thinking applied to media. It’s not a panacea to all media-related issues. It isn’t easy to teach but it can be taught. The problem with “fake news” is that it oversimplifies a complicated idea. L et ’s not do the same w ith media literacy by just adopting a protectionist, digital-citizen-
IASB — A nationwide search with Illinois experience • IASB works with the National Affiliation of Superintendent Searchers (NASS), with over 110 consultants located in 40 states • NASS annually assists hundreds of districts and school boards with superintendent and other administrative searches • Illinois searches with IASB include serving 192 school districts in 70 different counties, from 2009-2016 Contact IASB, your local search professional, to find out more: 217/528-9688 or 630/629-3776, ext. 1217,
ship-only approach. So, here’s to media literacy being the “word of the year” for 2018. Resources NAMLE’s “Key Questions to Ask When Analyzing Media Messages” is available here: /file / d/0B8j2T8jHrlgCZ2Zta2hvWkF0dG8/ view. Used with permission. The Center for Media Literacy’s “Five Core Concepts and Key Questions for Consumers and Producers” can be viewed at Used with permission. © 2002-2017, Center for Media Literacy.
Understanding Illinois’ answer to ESSA The Every Student Succeeds Act
federal support for public education.
which, according to the Illinois State
(ESSA), signed into law in December
Here’s a look at what school board
Board of Education (ISBE), “crystal-
2015, replaces the previous law (known
members need to know about Illinois’
lizes Illinois’ commitment to address
as No Child Left Behind) guiding
system of balanced accountability
the needs of the whole child.”
What is ESSA? The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) is a federal law that outlines how states can use federal money to support public schools. It also establishes an accountability framework for all schools. States were required to submit a plan to the U.S. Department of Education for approval. The Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE), after an extensive series of listening tour events and input from stakeholders, developed and redeveloped its peer-reviewed state plan. The final approval was given on August 30. The complete plan is available on the ISBE website:
“The Illinois plan delivers on the promise to promote equity, to foster a culture of support, and to recognize growth and the unique work happening in your schools.” — ISBE
How were the accountability measures developed? Based on feedback from over 100 listening tour events and thousands of comments and input from stakeholders, the Illinois plan’s accountability measures were developed with goals known as “Design Principles”: • Educative, equitable, and non-punitive; • Grounded on the notion of identification for the purpose of support for schools and creating opportunities for children; and • Recognizing local context in the consideration of state work.
“The Illinois ESSA Plan supports the state’s cross-agency long-term goal of at least 60 percent of Illinoisans having a high-quality degree or credential by 2025. We heard from thousands of you over more than 16 months of gathering feedback from our stakeholders and the field that you wanted multiple measures and a greater focus on growth-based measurements, in addition to attainment outcomes.” — ISBE
What does the Illinois plan contain?
* The student growth portion will be 50 percent of the academic indicator. Each school will receive an A-F grade for growth. The P-2 Indicator, Elementary Indicator, and Fine Arts Indicator are still being developed.
A number of accountability measures for school districts.
Courtesy of ISBE
* ESSA requires a plan to promote equity, access, and opportunity. In Illinois, this is written into the summative designations.
A set of summative designations related to school quality.
Courtesy of ISBE
“Each school will receive a summative designation based on these multiple measures. These designations will identify schools for the purpose of providing supports. Our plan delivers on the promise to promote equity, to foster a culture of support, and to recognize growth and the unique work happening in your schools. The plan measures academic progress and attainment, chronic absenteeism, climate and culture, and college and career readiness, among other indicators.” — ISBE
The support structure for under-performing schools: IL-EMPOWER.
* The summative designations (aka “tiers”) will be determined by the accountability measures. Then IL-EMPOWER is the system of support. The construction of this system is a work in progress and will be continued throughout the coming year.
Courtesy of ISBE
“ESSA shifts our understanding of accountability from just a hammer to a process of collaborative inquiry.” — ISBE
What are the next steps? * One standard in the Quality Framework is “governance management and operations.” For the first time, a review of school boards’ governance is part of the improvement process.
Development and implementation of the IBAM rubric: The Illinois Balanced Accountability Measure Committee, on which IASB Executive Director Roger Eddy is vice chair, worked on a quality framework rubric. “Our job was to come up with a framework for schools to review and measure performance. What evolved was a rubric, known as the Quality Framework for Illinois School Districts.” These seven standards contained in the rubric provide a district the opportunity to review best practice: continuous improvement, culture and climate, shared leadership, governance, education and employee quality, family and community connections, and student learning and development. If a school district is in the bottom five percent and received the low-performing school designation, it will be required to complete the Quality Framework and work with IL-EMPOWER. A district not in the bottom five percent that wishes to be supported by IL-EMPOWER must also complete the Quality Framework rubric. “It’s a way to share best practice, and support districts in a non-punitive manner,” Eddy said. “It’s also going to take a collaborative commitment.” Look for more on these next steps in future issues of The Illinois School Board Journal.
“IL-EMPOWER is grounded in the belief that schools have multiple strengths and challenges. The identified school(s) within the district complete the Illinois Balanced Accountability Measures (IBAM) rubric and determine one or two areas in which to focus efforts. ISBE will pilot IL-EMPOWER with a number of districts over this school year in order to gather input on the process and to strengthen the delivery of our support services. IL-EMPOWER will be fully implemented to serve schools statewide in the 2018-19 school year.” — ISBE
Promise and opportunity To me, ESSA is an opportunity wrapped in a new promise, based on trust. The promise is, that we will all work collaboratively, in a supportive, non-punitive environment to together improve our schools with the goal of providing every student a high-quality education. It is critically important that we trust each other along the way. Let’s make sure that as this unfolds, that same supportive, non-punitive vision becomes reality. I believe it will. The purpose is to be supportive. We are in this together. ISBE has been and continues to be very inclusive. We have enjoyed and appreciated that. As this theory becomes a reality, the promise of collaborative support in a non-punitive culture must be fulfilled. This process allows districts to reveal their unique strengths. School districts can tell their stories independently of the accountability model, and I urge districts to do so. If you’re doing great things that the review model doesn’t include, you should still highlight those in your community. This has promise, and this can work. But don’t let it define our public schools. Your schools do wonderful things for students, based on the unique needs of your community and students. Highlight those. Take this as an opportunity to show your strengths and engage with your community. During the IBAM meetings, when we were developing the Quality Framework for Illinois School Districts and discussing evidence of meeting best practice, I concluded that we don’t know what all the evidence is yet, because in every district, the evidence is different. We’re going to have to count on schools to show this to us, and not have the evidence totally defined for them. As the IBAM committee listened to superintendents and principals, they would tell us something they were doing, and ask, “Does this count?” Many of these were things we’d never thought of. But we concluded that, “Absolutely, that’s evidence.” It’s going to be a process, it’s going to be hard work, but, if the spirit and vision of non-punitive support and collaboration becomes reality, it will be worthwhile. — IASB Executive Director Roger Eddy
Is your district ready to manage the mountain of updates from the Illinois General Assembly and regulatory agencies for the 2017-2018 school year? Here’s a glimpse of the topics that PRESS addressed in the 2017 legislative issue: Student Records (PAs 100552 (ISSRA response timeline) and 100-222 (assessments and student transcripts)) • New Education Funding and State Budget Mandate Relief (PA 100465) • Anti-Discrimination Laws (PAs 100-29 (breastfeeding accommodations)), 100-163 (free feminine hygiene products), 100-396 (Genetic Information Privacy Act amendment), and 100-100 (Illinois Human Rights Act amendment)). • Department of Children and Family Services (PA 100-176 (employee removal); PAs 100-413 and 100-468 (distributing informational materials in schools)) • Student Health (PAs 100-309 (new concussion training requirements), 100-137 (bullying resources), 100-513 (school medication administration),100-103 (lead testing in water), and 100-443 (home and hospital instruction authorization)) • Homelessness (PAs 100332 (homeless rent assistance) and 100-506 (fee waivers)) • Licensure Qualifications and Staff Development (PAs 100-13 (CTE endorsement), 100-14 (implicit bias training)) • PreSchool Expulsions (PA 100-105) • Immigration Enforcement (PA 100-463) • Accelerated Placement Act (PA 100-421, eff. 7-1-18) • Federal Developments (FLSA Overtime rules, Wellness Policy requirements)
Why Subscribe? Researched, written and edited by the IASB Office of General Counsel and vetted by members of the PRESS Advisory Board, a PRESS subscription gives you access to: • Footnoted, legally-referenced policy, exhibit, and administrative procedure materials • PRESS Highlights Memos explaining recent changes to these materials Subscribers also have online access through PRESS Online. For more information please contact 630/629-3776 or 217/528-9688, ext. 1232.
And many more new Illinois Public Acts affecting your district…
Policy Services
Coming to order New Second Edition! A guide to successful school board meetings This new edition of IASB’s popular book on school board meetings retains many of the ideas and structural features of the original edition. Subsequent versions have been updated to conform to changes in both law and practice and, in particular, to accommodate new thinking about the most effective practices of the school board. Members: $15
Non-members: $20
More 2017 bookstore additions! Find a complete listing of IASB publications and order online at, or call IASB Publications, 217/528-9688, ext.1108. Online Bookstore
The Effective School Board Member
Members: $2
Non-Members $2
An introduction to the work of boards of education in Illinois, including powers and duties, dos and don’ts, the structure of school governance, finance, board/administrator/staff relations, board meeting procedures, a code of ethics, and other information.
2016-2017 Illinois School Code Service
Members: $45
Non-Members $55
All new sales of the 2016 School Code will include both the Code and the 2017 Supplement with updates to the complete Code that is current through all of the 2016 legislative session. The service also comes with access to a digital version that includes annotations with case law and other references, all State Board of Education rules, and the text of court cases cited in the annotations. It also carries a large number of additional statutes pertinent to Illinois public schools.
Different views Special education due process hearings By Courtney N. Stillman
ost of the time school pro-
Individualized Education Program
for the time during which the student
fe s siona l s a nd pa rent s
(IEP); and responsibility to educate
was not identified and consequently
work together collaboratively and
students with disabilities in the Least
was not receiving needed services.
agree on the educational needs of
Restrictive Environment (LRE).
Free Appropriate Public Edu-
students. However, at times, par-
Child Find — The school dis-
cation — A student with a disability
ents and schools have significant-
trict has the responsibility to identify
is entitled to a FAPE. FAPE requires
ly different views about what are
students who have a disability and
that the school follow various proce-
appropriate educational services
who may need special education.
dural requirements, including, but
for students with disabilities. School
Teachers, administrators, and other
not limited to the school providing
board members play an important
school personnel should refer for a
notice to the parent of meetings and
role in special education disputes, by
special education evaluation any stu-
decisions concerning the student,
deciding whether to negotiate settle-
dent who is struggling academically,
obtaining consent for evaluations
ments, whether to continue through
behaviorally, or in other ways that
and initial placement in special
due process hearings, and in setting
affect his or her educational perfor-
education and allowing parents to
district policies regarding special
mance after general education inter-
meaningfully participate in decision
education programing. This article
ventions have not been successful.
making that concerns planning for
provides an overview of the special
Schools should have procedures in
their child. FAPE also requires that
education dispute process.
place for school personnel to make
the school team, including the child’s
these referrals. After referral, the
parent, develop an IEP for the student
Basic special education
school team meets to determine what
that is appropriately ambitious in
legal concepts
assessments of the student are need-
light of the student’s circumstances
There are four basic concepts of
ed and the team meets again after
and that is reasonably calculated to
the Individuals with Disabilities Edu-
testing is complete to determine the
allow the student to make education-
cation Act (IDEA), from which spe-
student’s eligibility for special edu-
al progress. The IEP includes goals
cial education disputes usually arise,
cation services. If the school fails to
for the student based on his or her
including: the school district’s “Child
identify a student with a disability,
present levels, educational and ther-
Find” responsibility; the requirement
the student’s parent can file a Due
apeutic services, based on the stu-
to provide students with disabilities
Process Complaint Notice (DPCN), or
dent’s needs, accommodations and
a Free Appropriate Public Education
hearing request, to seek compensa-
modification and a determination
(FAPE); the offer of FAPE through an
tory educational services to make up
of an appropriate program in which
Courtney N. Stillman is an attorney with Hauser Izzo, LLC.
to implement the IEP. A parent may
which to deliver ser v ices. The
possible. Disputes may arise that
file a DPCN if the parent disagrees
IEP may also include behavioral
lead to the parent filing a DPCN
with any part of the IEP, such as the
interventions; assistive technology;
over what is the LR E in which
goals, the nature of, or amount of
and, when a student w ith a
the student can make appropriate
services or the placement in which
disability reaches age 14 years,
progress. Some parents want their
the services are provided.
six months, transition services to
child in an inclusive setting while
I nd iv idu a l i zed E duc at ion
prepare the student for life after
other parents believe their child will
P r o g r a m s — The e duc at iona l
high school. The IEP can be an
make more progress in a segregated
p r o g r a m for a s t u d e nt w it h a
extensive document and parents
setting that educates only students
disability is set forth in an IEP
may request a special education
with disabilities. The placement in
that is developed by the school
due process hearing to dispute all
which the student receives special
team and parent on at least an
or any component of the IEP.
education ser vices may be the
annual basis. The IEP establishes
Least Restrictive Environment
goals and objectives to address the
— T he p u r p o s e o f I DE A i s t o
educational needs that arise from
provide students with disabilities
the student’s disability. Services
with access to the general education
When there is a dispute over
needed for the student to achieve
curriculum. The school district is
a student’s eligibility for a receipt
t he g oa l s a re sp e ci f ie d i n t he
required to educate students with
of special education, either par-
IEP, as are the accommodations,
disabilities with their nondisabled
ent or a school district may file
modifications, and placement in
peers to the g reatest extent
a Due Process Complaint Notice.
Using technology to enhance your board effectiveness through online services, such as
subject of significant dispute. Due process complaint notices
Policy Services
PRESS, the IASB sample policy and procedure service – Use the advanced navigation tools to receive 24/7 internet access to PRESS, IASB’s sample board policy and administrative procedure service. Find the information you need quickly and easily with our powerful search engine and the legal, informational, and time-saving links embedded in the policies and procedures. School Board Policies Online – Let IASB publish your board policy manual online and easily navigate your manual with keyword searches, jumps to cross references, and links to legal references by using the same newly upgraded interface and navigation tools used for PRESS online. Place the IASB-supplied link to your manual on your district website to provide increased community access and awareness of your district’s governing document. BoardBook® – Learn about the advantages of electronic board packet preparation made possible through use of IASB’s BoardBook® service by scheduling a demonstration for yourself, your administrators, or your entire board.
Contact IASB Policy Services today for information: 630/629-3776 or 217/528-9688, ext. 1214 or 1154; or 24
The DPCN must provide identify-
parents work together in the best
a third-party mediator to help the
ing information about the student,
educational interest of the child
parent and school representatives
facts describing the dispute, and
with a disability. In furtherance of
with settlement discussions. A
a proposed resolution. The school
this collaborative goal, unless both
school may bring an attorney to
district has a burden to produce
the school and the parent refuse the
the mediation even if the parent
evidence that it is providing the
opportunity to attempt to resolve
does not bring an attorney. The
student a FAPE. Whoever files the
their dispute, the parent and school
parties and mediator meet on a
DPCN, the school or the parent,
representatives are required to meet
mutually agreeable date. If agree-
has the burden of proof to persuade
in either a resolution session or a
ment is reached, it is written and
the hearing officer that their view
mediation to attempt to resolve the
is enforceable in court. All settle-
of the student’s needs provides
disagreement set forth in the DPCN.
ment discussion at the mediation
If the school and parent opt for a
is confidential and may not be ref-
A parent seeking a special edu-
resolution session, they meet without
erenced at a due process hearing.
cation due process hearing must
a third-party mediator, to review the
send a DPCN to the superinten-
issues described in the DPCN. If the
Administrative due process
dent of the school district. Upon
parent does not bring an attorney to
the district’s receipt of the DPCN,
the resolution meeting, the school
At the hearing, the school and
certain timelines begin running for
may not bring an attorney either.
the parent have an opportunity to
sending the DPCN to the Illinois
If the school and parent reach an
provide testimony and documents
State Board of Education (ISBE)
agreement, it is written and signed,
in suppor t of their position
for appointment of an impartial
but either the school or the parent
concerning the issues stated in
hearing officer, for conducting a
can void the agreement within three
the DPCN. Each party may ask the
resolution session, for responding
business days. Discussion held at the
other party’s witnesses questions
to the DPCN, and for conducting
meeting is not confidential and may
and the hearing officer may also ask
the hearing.
be shared with the hearing officer at
questions. The impartial hearing
FAPE in the LRE.
The distr ict must send the
the hearing. The resolution session
officer then has 10 days after the
DPCN to ISBE and request appoint-
must be held within 15 days of the
hearing concludes to prepare a
ment of an impartial hearing offi-
school receiving the DPCN, unless
written decision and order. Within
cer within five days of receipt of
both the parent and school agree to
five days of receiving the decision,
the DPCN. When the hearing offi-
mediation or agree to go to hearing
either or both the school and the
cer is appointed, both the school
without attempting settlement.
parent may ask the hearing officer
district and parent have five days
If the school and parent instead
for clarification of portions of the
to request a substitution of hear-
opt for a mediation, ISBE appoints
decision that are unclear. If the
ing of ficer. A substitution may be requested, for example, if the school or parent believe, based on the hearing officer’s previous
“School board members play an important role in
decisions or background, that the
special education disputes, by deciding whether to
hearing officer may be undesirable for the case.
negotiate settlements, whether to continue through due process hearings, and in setting district policies
Mandatory settlement process The IDEA contemplates a coop-
regarding special education programing.”
erative process in which schools and
hearing officer orders the school
are represented by an attorney
her “then current” educational
district to take any action as a result
and who prevail on any issue at a
placement, which is typically the
of the hearing, the district must
due process hearing are entitled to
last educational program to which
send ISBE proof of compliance. The
receive at least a portion of their
both the school and parent agreed.
party that is unsuccessful at the
attor ney fees from the school.
If a school changes a student’s IEP
hearing may appeal the hearing
There is no parallel right of the
and the parent requests a mediation
officer’s decision in state or federal
school to receive payment of fees
or a due process hearing within
court within 120 days of receiving
from parents. Typically, if a par-
10 days of the school’s decision,
the decision.
ent wins at hearing, the school and
the school cannot implement the
parent will negotiate payment of
change and the student’s program
Award of attorneys’ fees
attorneys’ fees. If the amount can-
must remain as it was before the
to parents
not be negotiated, the parent may
proposed change, unless the school
A school district should con-
file a fee petition in state or federal
and parent agree otherwise. If the
sider various factors, such as its
court for the judge to determine
requested mediation occurs and
short- and long-term relationship
what payment of fees is reasonable.
is unsuccessful, the parent has an additional 10 days to request a
with a student’s family, precedence, and the best interests of the student
“Stay put” considerations
hearing and maintain the stay put.
when deciding whether to proceed
During the due process
The stay put may be problematic
with a due process hearing. One
pr o c e e d i n g s , I DE A m a nd a t e s
i f t he s t u d e nt h a s b eh av ior a l
consideration is that parents who
that the student remain in his or
difficulties or other problems that make the student’s current setting inappropriate. Although the IDEA describes due process as a 45-day process, in fact, consider ing
IASB Field Services offers board development opportunities for board and superintendent teams in YOUR district.
settlement negotiations, the possibility of evaluations, and other delays, due process proceedings
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may last for a significant part of the school year. The role of the board of education Although school board members do not make decisions about individual students’ programs or directly par ticipate in dispute resolution with parents, the board of education plays its role in setting district policies and proce-
Model continuous learning Commit to continuous improvement Call your IASB field services director today! Springfield: 217/528-9688 Lombard: 630/629-3776
dures concerning the provision of FAPE in the LRE. Board members should be apprised of special education disputes in the district and be part of the decision-mak ing concerning the settlement or litigation of these disputes.
A proactive plan counters tensions from civil unrest By Terri Howard
oday’s students are growing
a group of people. Within this descrip-
unprepared during a crisis, exacerbat-
up in a culture that is more
tion, though, it can take many forms.
ing the negative effects. Civil unrest
connected than ever but, at the
Some civil unrest is concentrated
may not be common, but it still requires
same time, increasingly polarized.
in localized areas or neighborhoods and
preparation. We recommend several
Discussion, debate, and controversy
affects the residents of these specific
key steps to help your school plan for
surround them during their forma-
communities, usually sparked by some
any civil crisis.
tive years. Whether they realize it
major event in the community. Civil
Model appropriate behavior —
or not, concepts they are exposed to
unrest can also occur when groups of
All schools have a code of conduct, but
at home, in public, and in the media
people deliberately target a business
how closely do you adhere to yours?
shape their perceptions of the world.
district, a facility, a transportation
Simply lecturing students isn’t going
The rise in polarization of political
system, or an organization to impose
to do the job. Negating combative or
and social environments has led to a
maximum disruption. Civil unrest can
inappropriate behavior begins at the
resurgence of civil unrest, a blanket
grow to regional or state levels, affecting
top — board members and administra-
term for a variety of disruptive, poten-
large numbers of people no matter the
tors should ensure that they, along with
tially riotous events. Disorder can
original cause.
school faculty, are setting an appro-
Conflict on campus
director with FEI Behavioral Health.
a culture of tolerance and accepting a
date on local happenings to ensure
During times of heightened ten-
diversity of ideas can reduce conflict
the safety and well-being of students
sions and civil unrest, school leaders
and argument, and school authority
and staff.
can’t expect students to leave outside
figures should be relied on to set this standard for their students.
Moreover, school-age children can
stress or anxiety at the door. Issues like
be impacted by civil unrest happen-
racial injustice and partisan politics
Establish conflict resolution
ing miles, or even states, away. Civil
will affect them at home and in public,
guidelines — School districts have pro-
disorder can inflame tensions across
and it’s likely they’ll come to school
cesses in place for conflict resolution,
the country, and administrators and
attempting to process these topics. The
but is yours a living document? Does
teachers need to be cognizant of this
way students process, combined with
it change to adapt to the needs of your
in order to effectively deal with affected
their interactions with students of dif-
student body and current events? How
fering opinions, can lead to frustration
recently was it reviewed and updated?
and conflict.
In preparation for tensions inflamed
The most effective way to address
by civil unrest, board members and
In seeking to minimize its effects
this kind of conflict on campus is for
administrators should assess their
on students, it’s important to first know
administrators and board members
current conflict resolution system and
what civil unrest is. Be it riots, protests,
to work together and plan. Thinking
evaluate its strengths and weaknesses.
or other behavior, civil unrest is a broad
that it could “never happen here”
Whether within your board or with the
term used to describe unrest caused by
leaves administrators open to being
help of an outside crisis management
Civil unrest
is a senior
priate tone for students. Establishing
threaten everyone in a school setting, and administrators must keep up to
Terri Howard
firm, you should make sure your dis-
the district will communicate to
that will only harm your crisis plan-
trict is prepared to address conflicts
faculty, students, and parents in the
ning and worsen safety concerns in the
with a variety of causes. A modern
event of a crisis. Safety is the first
face of real civil unrest. While we may
conflict resolution system must be
priority, and board members should
not like thinking about it happening
sensitive to the unique needs, expe-
work with administration and staff to
on our school grounds or campus, we
riences, and situations of each student.
prepare a communications strategy.
must prepare for the possibility. School
Once your conflict resolution system is
Do you need to know about curfews or
district leaders who keep their finger
up to date, make sure to rehearse and
street closings? Respond to external
on the community pulse will be better
drill it to look for elements that still
requests for information? Publicize
informed, better prepared, and ready
need fixing. Talking through scenar-
school closings? Email and telephone
to respond to potential crises, allowing
ios around a boardroom table or even
can be effective channels to utilize
them to remain resilient in the face
recruiting students from the theater
during a crisis, but don’t neglect the
of threats to, or conflicts on, school
or drama program to enact a real-life
power of the media and social media.
property. This also ensures your focus
scenario can help illuminate the parts
Being aware of what you’ll say and how
remains on your mission of providing a
of your conflict resolution plan that
you’ll say it before you’re on the spot
quality education to students in a safe
still need tweaking.
will lead to clearer and more effective
communications and a safer campus.
Before the school year gets away
efforts — Never wait until civil unrest
Stay aware — Remember that “it
from you, take some time to gather
is at your doorstep to establish how
could never happen here” is a thought
your crisis team together to review
Coordinate communication
your plan, and as you begin working on the 2018-19 budget, consider allocating funds to keep your crisis plan
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current. As the saying goes, “It’s better to be safe than sorry.” Editor’s note The discussion of civil unrest presents the opportunity for school boards to review their policies to ensure there is a solid framework for dealing with issues arising on school property. Crisis plans and procedures for action by district administrators, including communicating with the public, can be part of board administrative procedures. For more information FEI Behavioral Health, based in Milwaukee, has a 35-year history in enhancing workforce resiliency by offering a full spectrum of solutions, from EAP and organizational development to workplace violence prevention and crisis management.
continued from page 32
Joe B. “Jody” Bryant, 78, died September 20, 2017. He was editor
William “Bill” Henry Grede, 96,
Allison “Al” Perring, Jr., 86,
died July 29, 2017. He was very active
died September 27, 2017. He served
over the years in Palos Park, serving
on the Deland Weldon school board,
on the District 118 Board of Educa-
including 10 years as president.
tion, including a term as president.
of the Carlyle Union Banner from
Bruce Green died August 6, 2017.
1976 to 1991, having previously
He was formerly a member of the Chi-
edited a Missouri newspaper for 15
cago Heights SD 170 school board.
Mary Kathleen Rapp, 74, died September 4, 2017. She had served on the Mt. Carroll school board. David Maxwell Runner, 80,
years. Bryant later was director of
Charles “Chick” Holmes, 93, died
died August 12, 2017. He was a for-
MacMurray College’s Office of Public
August 2, 2017. He was a past pres-
mer member of the Wolf Branch
Information, Jacksonville, from 1991
ident of the Mt. Pulaski elementary
school board.
until his retirement in 2003. He was
school board.
Richard E. Schlecht, 101, died
an award winner in the Illinois Press
Joseph C. Irle, 92, died August
September 16, 2017. He served on
Association’s Better Newspaper con-
18, 2017. He formerly served on the
the Rossville school board for more
tests, including the IASB-sponsored
school board of Rantoul Township
than 20 years, and was board pres-
Robert M. Cole Award for best school
High School District 193.
ident for 10 years.
board coverage.
Joseph B. Kelsch, Sr., 76, died
Keith Traylor, 78, died July 30,
William E. Burnham Sr, 84,
September 20, 2017. Kelsch previously
2017. He was previously a member
died August 8, 2017. He was a for-
served as president of the Barrington
of the former Girard CUSD 3 Board
mer member of the Nettle Creek
SD 220 school board.
of Education.
Henry Robert Kloppenburg,
Bill E. Turner, 79, died August
William W. Fehr, 93, died August
91, died August 10, 2017. He former-
2, 2017. He previously served on
19, 2017. He was a past member and
ly served on the Springfield SD 186
the Maroa-Forsyth CUSD 2 Board
president of the Roanoke-Benson
Board of Education.
of Education.
school board.
school board.
Josephine A. “Mar” Miner, 69,
Eddie Wallace, 90, died Sep-
Irving S. Fishman, 86, died in
died September 3, 2017. She was
tember 6, 2017. He was a former
August 18, 2017. He was a member
previously a school board member
member of the school board at
and past president of the Fairview
in Round Lake.
LaFayette High School.
Carl Ollman, 97, died August 4,
Robert Leroy “Bob” Yeast, 95,
Gordon George Frey, 93, died
2017. He was a former member of the
died August 2, 2017. He was a mem-
July 22, 2017. He helped establish
Genoa Kingston Board of Education
b er of t he M a c omb C U S D 185
the Lisle school districts, and was a
for 12 years, and was the first presi-
school board and was Macomb Area
member of the elementary and high
dent of Kingston Community Club of
Chamber of Commerce “Citizen of
school boards in the 1950s.
Kingston Grade School.
the Year” in 1986.
school board.
Cheryl A. Friedrich, 57, died July 29, 2017. She was a member of the Midwest Central school board for 20 years, where she served as secretary of the board, and a voice of the community. Paul S. Gerding Sr., 81, died S ept emb er 26. He wa s a pr ior president of the Glencoe Board of Education.
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Appraisal Services
INDUSTRIAL APPRAISAL COMPANY — Building and fixed asset appraisals for insurance and accounting purposes. Oak Brook – 630/575-0280
ALLIED DESIGN CONSULTANTS, INC. — Architectural programming, site planning and design, architectural and interior design, and construction administration with a specialization in K-12 facilities. Springfield – 217/522-3355 ARCON ASSOCIATES, INC. — Full service firm specializing in educational facilities with services that include architecture, construction management, roof and masonry consulting, landscape architecture, and environmental consulting. Lombard – 630/495-1900; website:; email: BERG ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, LTD. — Consulting engineers. Schaumburg – 847/352-4500; website: BLDD ARCHITECTS, INC. — Architectural and engineering services for schools. Decatur – 217/429-5105; Champaign – 217/3569606; Bloomington – 309/828-5025; Chicago – 312/829-1987 BRADLEY & BRADLEY — Architects, engineers, and asbestos consultants. Rockford – 815/968-9631; website: CANNONDESIGN — Architecture, Interiors, Engineering, Consulting. Chicago – 312/332-9600; website:; email: CM ENGINEERING, INC. — Specializing in ultra efficient geo-exchange HVAC engineering solutions for schools, universities, and commercial facilities. Columbia, MO – 573/874-9455; website: CORDOGAN CLARK & ASSOCIATES — Architects and Engineers. Aurora – 630/896-4678; website: www.cordoganclark. com; email: rmont@cordogan DEWBERRY ARCHITECTS INC. — Architects, planners, landscape architecture, and engineers. Peoria – 309/282-8000; Elgin – 847/695-5840 DLA ARCHITECTS, LTD. — Architects specializing in preK-12 educational design, including a full range of architectural services; assessments, planning, feasibility studies, new construction, additions, remodeling, O&M and owner’s rep services. Itasca – 847/7424063; website:; email: DLR GROUP — Educational facility design and master planning. Chicago – 312/382-9980; website:; email: ERIKSSON ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, LTD. — Consulting civil engineers and planners. Grayslake – 847/223-4804; Chicago – 312/463-0551; Mokena – 708/614-9720; website:; email: FANNING HOWEY ASSOCIATES, INC. — School planning and design with a focus on K-12 schools. Oak Brook – 847/292-1039 FARNSWORTH GROUP — Architectural and engineering professional services. Normal – 309/663-8436 FGM ARCHITECTS, INC. — Architects. Chicago – 312/942-8461; Oak Brook – 630/574-8300; O’Fallon – 618/624-3364; St. Louis, MO – 314/439-1601; website: 30
HURST-ROSCHE, INC. — Architecture, engineering, planning, and interior design. Hillsboro – 217/532-3959; East St. Louis – 618/3980890; Marion – 618/998-0075; Springfield – 217/787-1199; email: JH2B ARCHITECTS — Architects. Kankakee – 815/933-5529; website: JMA ARCHITECTS — Full service professional design firm specializing in K-12 educational design, construction management, strategic/ master planning, health/life safety compliance, building commissioning, and interior space design. South Holland – 708/339-3900; website:; email: THE GARLAND COMPANY — Complete building envelope solutions to extend the life of existing building assets (walls, roofing, waterproofing, sealants, and floors) Facility Asset Management programs and US Communities Vendor. Cleveland, OH – 815/922-1376; website: KLUBER ARCHITECTS + ENGINEERS — Building design professionals specializing in architecture, mechanical, electrical, plumbing, structural, and fire protection engineers. Batavia – 630/406-1213 LARSON & DARBY GROUP — Architecture, Engineering, Interior Design, and Technology. Rockford – 815/484-0739, St. Charles – 630/444-2112; website:; email: snelson@ LEGAT ARCHITECTS, INC. — Architectural and educational planners who specialize in creating effective student learning environments. Gurnee – 847/622-3535; Oak Brook – 630/990-3535; Chicago – 312/258-9595; website: PCM+DESIGN ARCHITECTS — Provide a full range of architectural services including facility and feasibility studies, architectural design, construction consulting and related services. East Peoria – 309/694-5012 PERFORMANCE SERVICES, INC. — An integrated design and delivery engineering company serving the design and construction facility needs of K-12 schools. Schaumburg – 847/466-7220 PERKINS+WILL — Architects. Chicago – 312/755-0770 RICHARD L. JOHNSON ASSOCIATES, INC. — Architecture, educational planning. Rockford – 815/398-1231; website: SARTI ARCHITECTURAL GROUP, INC. — Architecture, engineering, life safety consulting, interior design, and asbestos consultants. Springfield – 217/585-9111 STR PARTNERS — Architectural, interior design, planning, cost estimating, and building enclosure/roofing consulting. Chicago – 312/464-1444 TRIA ARCHITECTURE — An architectural planning and interior design firm that provides services primarily to School Districts in the Chicago-Land area with an emphasis on service to their clients, as well as their communities. Burr Ridge – 630/455-4500 WIGHT & COMPANY — For over 77 years, Wight & Company has provided design and construction services for the built environment. As a pioneer of integrated Design & Delivery, we’ve worked with our clients to create exceptional, enduring buildings and spaces that enrich people’s lives and enhance the environment; Darien – 630/969-7000; website:; email: WM. B. ITTNER, INC. — Full service architectural firm serving the educational community since 1899. Fairview Heights – 618/624-2080 WOLD ARCHITECTS AND ENGINEERS — Specializing in PreK-12 educational design including master planning, sustainable design, architecture, mechanical and electrical engineering, quality review, cost estimation and management. Palatine – 847/241-6100
Building Construction
CORE CONSTRUCTION — Professional construction management, design-build, and general contracting services. Morton – 309/2669768; website:
F. H. PASCHEN — A General/Construction Manager with extensive experience in new construction and renovation of educational and institutional facilities in the public/private sectors. Chicago – 773/4441525-3535; website: FREDERICK QUINN CORPORATION — Construction management and general contracting. Addison – 630/628-8500; website: HOLLAND CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, INC. — Full service Construction Management and General Contracting firm specializing in education facilities. Swansea – 618/277-8870 PEPPER CONSTRUCTION COMPANY — Construction management and general contracting services. Barrington – 847/381-2760 POETTKER CONSTRUCTION COMPANY — Specializing in Construction Management, Design/Build, Construction Consulting Services, and Energy Solutions for education clients. Breese – 618/526-7213; website: ROSS CONSTRUCTION, INC. — A full-service construction management firm specializing in educational institutions. Marion – 618/993-5904 S.M. WILSON & CO. — Provides construction management and general construction services to education, healthcare, commercial, retail, and industrial clients. St. Louis, Mo – 314/645-9595; website:; email: TRANE — HVAC company specializing in design, build, and retrofit. Willowbrook – 630/734-6033
Computer Software, Supplies, Services
SONITROL GREAT LAKES — Verified electronic security. Northbrook – 847/205-0670; website:
The Concord Consulting Group of Illinois, Inc — A team of highly skilled professionals specializing in the fields of Project Management, Cost Management, Development Services, Cost Segregation, Real Estate Advisory Services, and Insurance services; Chicago – 312/424-0250
Environmental Services
ALPHA CONTROLS & SERVICES, LLC — Facility Management Systems, Automatic Temperature Controls, Access Control Systems, Energy Saving Solutions; Sales, Engineering, Installation, Commissioning and Service. Rockford, Springfield, Champaign: toll-free 866/ALPHA-01; website:; email:
RADON DETECTION SPECIALISTS — Commercial radon surveys. Westmont – 800/244-4242; website:; email:
Financial Services
AMERICAN FIDELITY ASSURANCE COMPANY — Specializing in Section 125 compliance, 403(b) plan administration, flexible spending accounts, health savings accounts, dependent audits, and health care reform. Fairview Heights – 855/822-9168 BERNARDI SECURITIES, INC. — Public finance consulting, bond issue services and referendum support. Fairview Heights – 618/2064180; Chicago – 312/281-2014; email: EHLERS & ASSOCIATES — School bond issues; referendum help; financial and enrollment studies. Chicago – 312/638-5250; website:; email: FIRST MIDSTATE, INC. — Bond issue consultants. Bloomington – 309/829-3311; email: GORENZ AND ASSOCIATES, LTD. — Auditing and financial consulting. Peoria – 309/685-7621; website:; email: ICE MILLER, LLP — Nationally recognized bond counsel services. Chicago – 312/726-7127 KINGS FINANCIAL CONSULTING, INC. — Municipal bond financial advisory service including all types of school bonds; school referenda, county school sales tax; tax revenue forecasts/projections. Monticello – 217/762-4578 MATHIESON, MOYSKI, AUSTIN & CO., LLP — Provides audit, consulting and other related financial services to Illinois school districts, joint agreements and risk pools. Wheaton – 630/653-1616 SIKICH, LLP — Professional services firm specializing in accounting, technology, and advisory services. Naperville — 630/364-7953 SPEER FINANCIAL, INC. — Financial planning and bond issue services. Chicago – 312/346-3700; website: www.speerfinancial. com; email: STIFEL — Full service securities firm providing investment banking and advisory services including strategic financial planning; bond underwriting; referendum and legislative assistance. Edwardsville – 800/230-5151; email: WILLIAM BLAIR & COMPANY — Bond issuance, financial advisory services. Chicago – 312/364-8955; email:
CTS GROUP — Dedicated to assisting K-12 education meet the challenge of providing healthy, safe, and educational appropriate learning environments. St. Louis, MO – 636/230-0843; Chicago – 773/633-0691; website:; email: rbennett@
WINTRUST FINANCIAL — Financial services holding company engaging in community banking, wealth management, commercial insurance premium financing, and mortgage origination. Rosemont – 630/560-2120
ENERGY SYSTEMS GROUP — A comprehensive energy services and performance contracting company providing energy, facility and financial solutions. Itasca – 630/773-7201; email: smcivor@
NELS JOHNSON TREE EXPERTS — full service tree maintenance and plant health company. Evanston– 847/475-1877
GCA SERVICES GROUP – Custodial, janitorial, maintenance, lawn and grounds, and facility operations services. Downers Grove – 630/629-4044 GRP MECHANICAL CO., INC. — Renovating buildings through energy savings performance contracting to provide the best learning environment. HVAC, Plumbing, Windows, Doors, and Mechanical Services. Bethalto – 618/779-0050 HONEYWELL, INC. — Controls, maintenance, energy management, performance contracting, and security. St. Louis, MO – 314/548-4136; Des Plaines – 847/770-5496; Maryland Heights, MO – 314/548-4501; email:; IDEAL ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING, INC. — Asbestos and environmental services. Bloomington – 309/828-4259 ILLINOIS ENERGY CONSORTIUM — Sells electricity and natural gas to school districts, colleges, and universities. Dekalb – 815/7539083; website:; email: OPTERRA ENERGY SERVICES — Turnkey partnership programs that enable K12 school districts in Illinois to modernize their facilities, increase safety, security and efficiency, reduce operations costs, and maximize the lifespan of critical assets. Chicago – 312/498-7792; email:
Grounds and Maintenance
Human Resource Consulting
BUSHUE HUMAN RESOURCES, INC. — Human resource, safety and risk management, and insurance consulting. Effingham – 217/3423042; website:; email:
THE SANDNER GROUP — Insurance program management, marketing & claims services for workers’ compensation, property & liability. Chicago – 800/654-9504 MEEMIC INSURANCE — For over 66 years, Meemic has offered auto, home, and umbrella insurance products tailored specifically for the educational community. Auburn Hills, MI – 856/495-9041
Office Equipment
FRANK COONEY COMPANY, INC. — Furniture for educational environments. Wood Dale – 630/694-8800
Superintendent Searches
ECRA Group & HYA — Superintendent searches, board and superintendent workshops. Schaumburg – 847/318-0072
Achievements Tim Kanold,
Kanold struggled to describe the
an assistant principal, director of
66, a former super-
feeling of being on the receiving end
technology, and assistant superin-
intendent at Adlai
of that award. “I am so honored,”
tendent for curriculum and instruc-
E. Stevenson HSD
he said. “I don’t think there’s any
tion. He has continued his school
125 (Lincoln-
other way I could say it.”
involvement as the coordinator of teacher education at Lindenwood
sh i re), re c ent ly received the district’s annual Her-
Gr eg Moat s,
University-Belleville, and as an
itage Award in recognition of his
a fo r m e r s u p e r-
assistant coach for the basketball
lasting contributions. Since his
intendent at Bel-
program. He was a member of the
retirement in 2007, Kanold has
leville THSD 201,
State Superintendent’s Advisory
maintained his focus on educa-
wa s ho nor e d by
Board, and a board member and
tion, authoring a book on teaching,
Southern Illinois
officer of the Illinois Association
Heart! Fully Forming Your Pro-
University Edwardsville as one of
of School Administrators, Illinois
fessional Life as a Teacher and
nine remarkable graduates at the
High School District Organization,
Leader. Kanold was superintendent
2017 SIUE Alumni Hall of Fame
and the Illinois School District Liq-
of the school district from 2002 to
ceremony on October 6. Moats, an
uid Asset Fund. “Those selected for
2007. After presenting the Heritage
educator for 34 years, previously
the Alumni Hall of Fame represent
Award to a number of other honor-
held various positions in teach-
the best of SIUE,” said Alan Kehrer,
ees during his years at Stevenson,
ing and coaching, and worked as
SIUE Alumni Association president.
In memoriam Rosalie Jones
of directors of the Illinois Association
1981. She taught for many years at
Link, 79, died Sep-
of School Boards from 1986 to 1991.
Willits School in Monmouth, and at
tember 19, 2017. She
The district honored her 22 years of
schools in Urbana.
previously worked
volunteer service by dedicating the
Earl Auerbach, 96, died July 23,
as a school nurse
central office building for District 101
2017. He was a former board member
at Batavia Middle
in her name — The Rosalie M. Jones
and president of the Fairview SD 72
School and was an advocate for Bata-
Administration Center.
(Skokie) Board of Education. Norman Baalman, 75, died August
via children through her active contri-
butions to Batavia Public Schools. She
Edward Theodore Abbott, 87,
15, 2017. He previously was a board
was first elected to the Batavia PSD
died August 21, 2017. He had served
member and president of the Calhoun
101 Board of Education in 1979, serv-
as a member of the school board for
CUSD 40 (Hardin) Board of Education.
ing as president from 1993-2001. She
Morrison Community High School.
Robert “Bob” Boyer, 89, died
was a founding member of the Batavia
Joyce Keating Allison, 85, died
August 15, 2017. He was a former
Foundation for Educational Excel-
August 2, 2017. Allison served on
member of the Yates City school board.
lence, one of the first of its kind in the
the Monmouth-Roseville CUSD 238
country, and she served on the board
Board of Education from 1972 to
Continued on page 29
Election turnover data By Gary Adkins
uest ion : A re there fewer
Of the approximately 2,000
facing opposition, the success
incumbents on school boards
incumbent school board members
rate declines to about 65 percent,
who likely sought re-election, between
meaning there is about a 2:1 chance
600 and 1,000 will run unopposed.
of re-election.
this year than in most years? Answer: Records maintained by the Illinois Association of School
Of those who face opposition at
The defeat of an incumbent may
Boards suggest it has been 14 years
the polls, anywhere between 50 and
signal voter dissatisfaction with one
since fewer incumbents were returned
58 percent win re-election.
individual board member or the board
to office than at the 2017 school board
as a whole. And sometimes, there
elections in April. While the 2017
may be a variety of reasons leading
count is not final, the numbers are shaping up to be very similar to the 2003 board election, when just 50.1 percent of board incumbents were returned to office. In that year, a total of 1,464 board members were returned to serve another term, far fewer than the total of 1,779 re-elected two years before, or even the 1,711 two years later. At any given time, there are approximately 6,000 school board members in Illinois. Depending on the local election cycle, three or four of a school board’s members are up for the biennial re-election each cycle.
While the mood of the electorate may be fickle, staying in tune with community values and aspirations, and effectively representing them on the board — tenets of IASB’s governance principles — makes more sense than ever.
which may or may not be in their control. Voters don’t have to state their reasons; they just have to vote. In fact, voter turnout may be the single largest factor in the success or failure of a candidate to win or retain their seat. The number of candidates running can also significantly affect the vote tally for any single candidate. As much as we would like to acknowledge it is what a board or board member has done that matters; sometimes it is how the board or board member has done it, or how well it has been explained or adequately
IASB does not track the number
explaining why.
of incumbents who do (or do not) seek re-election, but experience suggests
to defeat of an incumbent, some of
Results can diverge tremendously
While the mood of the electorate
from district to district and year to
may be fickle, staying in tune with
One in three incumbents chooses
year, and national studies suggest
community values and aspirations,
not to seek re-election, which should
that incumbents who have sought
and effectively representing them on
account for about 1,000 new board
re-election are successful about 80
the board — tenets of IASB’s gover-
members being added to the board
percent of the time. Among those
nance principles — makes more sense
membership rolls in Illinois this year.
incumbent school board members
than ever.
that on average:
IASB Director of Communications/ Editorial Services Gary Adkins answers the question for this issue of the Journal.
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