V ol. 8 5, N o . 5
ON TIME: Optimal learning, by the clock
ime is what we want most
As part of a long-term plan to
block schedule will benefit students
but what we use worst,”
“create optimal time for learning,”
and staff in their current and future
according to philosopher, colonial
Barrington CUSD 220 undertook
endeavors, starting on page 13.
entrepreneur, and Pennsylvania
an extensive study of student sleep
School boards work with their
founder William Penn. That, the most
and school start times. Read about
administrators to devise student
common version of Penn’s lament,
Barrington’s effort on page 6, and
schedules, and are additional-
is inferior to the original, from his
about the sleep science behind later
ly mindful of their own. A policy
notable defense of Quaker doctrine:
school start times on page 8. Then,
reviewing and monitoring calendar
if you still have time, you can read
will assist the board and superin-
“There is nothing of which
dozens of studies, articles, quotes,
tendent to ensure that this import-
we are apt to be so lavish as
and references on sleep science and
ant work becomes a regular and
of Time, and about which we
school start times.
ongoing part of the board’s plan.
ought to be more solicitous;
My ow n daughters are tr ue
IASB associate executive director
since without it we can do
believers in sleep science’s push
for field services and policy services
nothing in this World. Time is
for later school start times, as evi-
Cathy Talbert shares the impor-
what we want most, but what,
denced by the plaque hanging in
tance of policy monitoring starting
alas! we use worst.”
their hallway that reads “Let her
on page 18.
— William Penn, in the preface to The Fruits of Solitude
sleep, for when she wakes, she will move mountains.”
This issue of The Journal also explains how distr icts can use
Another time-related decision
IASB’s Annual School Calendar to
In this issue of The Illinois
facing educators is how to schedule
help prepare local district calendars,
School Board Journal, we exam-
the school day. In the last issue of
on page 23.
ine time, specifically planning and
The Journal, we heard from a school
I hope that the time you take to
organizing classroom time and
district switching from an existing
read this (and every) Journal helps
school board time, to not use it
modified block schedule to a stan-
you “be more solicitous” of your
“worst.” Everyone, it seems — stu-
dard eight-period schedule. In this
time. If, at any time, you have
dents, parents, media, the scientific
issue, we hear from Maine THSD
thoughts to share on what you read
community, the local community
207, which will adopt a hybrid block
on these pages, please take a moment
— has an opinion on the best uses
schedule for 2018-2019. Superin-
to let me know.
of time. And everyone is willing to
tendent Ken Wallace outlines the
share, as the districts we talked to
theories behind, and expectations
for, how the district hopes the hybrid
— Theresa Kelly Gegen, Editor
COVER STORIES: 6 Optimal time for learning By Theresa Kelly Gegen School districts are adjusting school day start times based on sleep science. With the purpose of creating “optimal time for learning,” the Barrington CUSD 220 community undertook a comprehensive process of assessing the costs and benefits of later starts for older students.
10 Sleep science sets the snooze By Theresa Kelly Gegen A 2014 policy statement by the American Academy of Pediatrics awakened a discussion in school districts. S E P T E M B E R / O C T O B E R
13 Re-imagining time improves teaching, learning, and service By Ken Wallace Maine THSD 207 is switching to a new bell schedule to enhance its commitments to personalized learning and better student service.
18 Policy monitoring allows districts to align, clarify By Cathy Talbert It is through policy that school boards establish and communicates priorities, expectations, and programs; these policies require monitoring and review.
23 IASB annual school calendar, explained By Gary Adkins IASB’s annual school calendar provides a listing of dates and legal requirements that Illinois school districts must observe during the school calendar year.
2 0 1 7
Vol. 85, No. 5
ILLINOIS SCHOOL BOARD JOURNAL (ISSN-0019-221X) is published every other month by the Illinois Association of School Boards, 2921 Baker Drive, Springfield, Illinois 62703-5929, telephone 217/528-9688. The IASB regional office is located at One Imperial Place, 1 East 22nd Street, Lombard, Illinois 60148-6120, telephone 630/629-3776. The JOURNAL is supported by the dues of school boards holding active membership in the Illinois Association of School Boards. Copies are mailed to all school board members and the superintendent in each IASB member school district. Non-member subscription rate: Domestic $18 per year. Foreign (including Canada and Mexico) $21 per year. PUBLICATION POLICY IASB believes that the domestic process functions best through frank and open discussion. Material published in the JOURNAL, therefore, often presents divergent and controversial points of view which do not necessarily represent the views or policies of IASB. James Russell, Associate Executive Director
25 Districts make way for KIDS By Melissa Figueira What does this fall’s statewide rollout of the Kindergarten Individual Development Survey (KIDS) mean for school districts?
Front Page. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Inside front cover Practical PR. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Insights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Theresa Kelly Gegen, Editor Gary Adkins, Contributing Editor Heath Hendren, Contributing Editor Britni Beck, Advertising Manager Kara Kienzler, Design and Production Copyright © 2017 by the Illinois Association of School Boards (IASB), The JOURNAL is published six times a year and is distributed to its members and subscribers. Copyright in this publication, including all articles and editorial information contained in it is exclusively owned by IASB, and IASB reserves all rights to such information. IASB is a tax-exempt corporation organized in accordance with section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
Milestones. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Ask the Staff. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Inside back cover @ILschoolboards
Building value for school PR through statewide partnerships By Cathy Kedjidjian
Cathy Kedjidjian is coordinator of communications and community relations for Deerfield Public Schools District 109 and past president of the Illinois Chapter of the National School Public Relations Association.
he Illinois Chapter of the
well as adminis-
National School Public Rela-
trators and edu-
tions Association (INSPRA) and the
cators, in hosting
Illinois Association of School Boards
pre s ent at ion s
(IASB) have a long and strong part-
that explain key
nership that continues to grow. That
ideas in school
partnership recently earned INSPRA
an award as an exemplary chapter
and provide use-
from the National School Public
ful, can-do take-
Relations Association. The award
aways. Topics of
recognizes successful joint efforts
pre s ent at ion s
that build support for education.
led by INSPR A
You’re reading one of those joint
members in the
efforts right now. For many years,
la st t wo years
INSPR A has contributed articles
have included
for this, the “Practical PR” column
in The Illinois School Board Jour-
a 1 :1 r o l l o u t ;
nal. INSPRA’ s goal for this column
building a new
is to allow you and other board of
school commu-
education members statewide to
nications program; social media; and
format to encourage dialogue. The
learn key lessons in school commu-
building cross-district and commu-
Sunday morning panel was one of
nications from professionals, and
nity partnerships. Two of the three
nine offered and attracted a full table.
to understand that value to their
INSPRA-sponsored sessions at the
This response from attendees — affil-
districts — and to public education
2016 Conference were assigned to
iated with various facets of school
in general — of effective, strategic
rooms with seating for 80 and both
management across the state — solid-
sessions were scheduled opposite 30
ifies INSPR A as a leader in school
INSPRA set up a desk in IASB’s Homeroom at the Joint Annual Conference.
In addition, INSPRA members
other topics. Attendees voted with
communications and positions our
have been key presenters at the Joint
their feet; one session attracted
chapter as a vital resource to provide
Annual Conference, both as partners
approximately 60 attendees while
support to IASB and its members.
with IASB, and as presenters repre-
the other hit capacity with attendees
It wouldn’t be a partnership
senting their school districts. With
spilling out into the hallway in order
without a little quid pro quo. Mem-
our participation, INSPR A again
to hear the presentation. The third
bers of the IASB staff presented
provides value to IASB members, as
INSPRA session was a round-table
three Gold Mine Sessions at the 2016
NSPRA national seminar in Chicago,
The booth was located in the
covering topics relating to organiza-
IASB Homeroom, a center point of
tional publication style, recruiting,
activity at the conference. INSPRA
and community engagement.
recruited members to staff the booth
This year, INSPR A will host
in shifts throughout the Conference;
panels on using Facebook to engage
all shifts filled quickly, so the chap-
communities, and on best practices
ter added additional volunteer slots.
to recruit, retain, and engage staff
Board members, administrators,
through effective internal/human
administrative assistants, and other
resources communications.
school PR professionals made their
In 2016, INSPRA increased its
way to the booth for advice or conver-
role at the Joint Annual Conference
sation. One unexpected benefit was
in order to build a stronger partner-
that INSPRA members could direct
ship with IASB and provide great-
visitors to INSPRA panels and pre-
er learning opportunities for IASB
sentations at the Conference. Addi-
members. INSPRA’s proposal to IASB
tionally, INSPRA members shared
to host “PR Problems? InsPRa Solu-
their contact information with panel
tions!” was accepted. The promotion,
attendees and INSPRA booth visitors
shared via social media and through
in order to continue dialogue and
email, stated:
provide support after the weekend
Have a communications
c o n c e r n ? A PR p r obl e m ?
“PR Problems? InsPRa Solu-
Members of the Illinois Chap-
tions!” will be re-created at IASB’s
ter of the Nation al School
Homeroom at the upcoming 2017
Public Relations Association
(INSPR A) are available on
INSPRA members volunteer will-
a drop-in basis throughout
ingly to present at the Joint Confer-
t h e co nfe re n ce t o co n s ult
ence and man the InsPRa Solutions
with board members, super-
booth because we are eager to share
intendents and other school
our experiences and expertise. Our
officials on their specific PR
partnership with IASB, and support
issues, or to discuss general
of school board members and admin-
trends in school communi-
istrators across the state, makes a
cations. INSPR A profession-
direct impact on school effectiveness.
als will hold individual or
We are proud of the partnership that
small-group sessions on
earned the NSPRA Mark of Distinc-
topics such as website best
tion award, because the real winners
practices, social media, cri-
are students.
sis communications, com-
President Phil Pritzker
Treasurer Thomas Neeley
Vice President Joanne Osmond
Immediate Past President Karen Fisher
BOARD OF DIRECTORS Abe Lincoln Bill Alexander
Kishwaukee Mary Stith
Blackhawk David Rockwell
Lake Ann Dingman
Central Illinois Valley Thomas Neeley
Northwest Chris Buikema
Cook North Barbara Somogyi Cook South Denis Ryan
Shawnee Sheila Nelson Southwestern Mark Christ
Cook West Carla Joiner-Herrod
Starved Rock Simon Kampwerth Jr.
Corn Belt Mark Harms
Three Rivers Rob Rodewald
DuPage Thomas Ruggio
Two Rivers Tracie Sayre
Egyptian John Metzger
Wabash Valley Dennis Inboden
Illini Michelle Skinlo
Western Sue McCance
Kaskaskia Linda Eades
Service Associates Glen Eriksson
municating difficult topics, Board of directors members are current at press time.
school branding — or whatever communication or community relations challenge you’re facing. Drop in for a quick answer, or stay awhile to network and learn!
Columns are submitted by members of the Illinois Chapter of the National School Public Relations Association
S E P T E M B E R - O C T O B E R 2 0 1 7 / T H E I L L I N O I S S C H O O L B O A R D J O U R N A L
IASB is a voluntary association of local boards of education and is not affiliated with any branch of government.
Strong language “Because in addition to schools
largest-in-the-nation gap between
the late 1990s. Here’s your chance,
opening, at stake is a rare chance
what poor and wealthy school dis-
lawmakers. Get something done.”
to revamp the for mu la used to
tricts can spend per child. This state
disburse tax dollars to districts.
and its leaders have been studying and
The legislation aims to bridge the
debating school funding reform since
— “Editorial: How to save school funding reform,” Editorial Board, Chicago Tribune, July 24, 2017.
“… President [Donald] Trump recently proposed his budget for ‘school choice,’ which would cut more than $9 billion in overall education spending … take a sledgehammer to what he has called ‘failing OFFICE OF THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Roger L. Eddy, Executive Director Benjamin S. Schwarm, Deputy Executive Director Meetings Management Carla S. Bolt, Director Office of General Counsel Kimberly Small, General Counsel Maryam Brotine, Assistant General Counsel Debra Jacobson, Assistant General Counsel Executive Searches Thomas Leahy, Director Jim Helton, Consultant Dave Love, Consultant Alan Molby, Consultant Catherine Finger, Consultant ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES Jennifer Feld, Associate Executive Director/ Chief Financial Officer ADVOCACY/GOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS Benjamin S. Schwarm, Deputy Executive Director Deanna L. Sullivan, Director Susan Hilton, Director Zach Messersmith, Director Shanell Bowden, Assistant Director
IASB OFFICES 2921 Baker Drive, Springfield, Illinois 62703-5929 217/528-9688 Fax 217/528-2831
BOARD DEVELOPMENT Dean Langdon, Associate Executive Director Sandra Kwasa, Director Nesa Brauer, Trainer Angie Peifer, Consultant
ment schools.’ That is harsh language for the places most of us call public schools, and where nearly 90 percent of American children get their education. But in certain conservative circles, the phrase ‘government
COMMUNICATIONS/ PRODUCTION SERVICES James Russell, Associate Executive Director Gary W. Adkins, Director/Editorial Services Jennifer Nelson, Director/Information Services Theresa Kelly Gegen, Director/Editorial Services Heath Hendren, Assistant Director/Communications Kara Kienzler, Director/Production Services
schools’ has become as ubiquitous
FIELD SERVICES/POLICY SERVICES Cathy A. Talbert, Associate Executive Director
of our nation’s youth… By advocating
Field Services Larry Dirks, Director Perry Hill IV, Director Laura Martinez, Director Reatha Owen, Director Patrick Rice, Director Barbara B. Toney, Director Policy Services Boyd Fergurson, Consultant Angie Powell, Consultant Brian Zumpf, Consultant One Imperial Place, 1 East 22nd Street, Suite 20 Lombard, Illinois 60148-6120 630/629-3776 Fax 630/629-3940
as it is contemptuous.” — “What the ‘Government Schools’ Critics Really Mean,” Katherine Stewart, op-ed contributor, The Opinion Pages, New York Times, July 31, 2017.
“The AAP is making a definitive and powerful statement about the importance of sleep to the health, safety, performance and well-being for later school start times for middle and high school students, the AAP is both promoting the compelling scientific evidence that supports school start time delay as an important public health measure, and providing support and encouragement to those school districts around the country contemplating that change.” — “Let Them Sleep: AAP Recommends Delaying Start Times of Middle and High Schools to Combat Teen Sleep Deprivation,” American Association of Pediatrics, August 25, 2014.
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Optimal time for learning By Theresa Kelly Gegen
Theresa Kelly Gegen is editor of The Illinois School Board Journal
enjamin Franklin’s oft-quot-
me where I am, I’m only sleeping,” in
Beginning in 2015, Barrington
ed “Early to bed, early to
the song, “I’m Only Sleeping,” which
CUSD 220 began an in-depth study
rise makes a man healthy, wealthy,
gratified teens but was an anathema
of the potential for optimizing stu-
and wise,” clashes mightily with
to parents dragging children from
dent performance through chang-
the average teenager’s perspective
bed to get ready for school.
ing school start times and examined
on sleep. Much more recently, John Len-
Then, sleep science sided with The Beatles.
the potential ramifications of such changes. Last fall, the determina-
non wrote and sang, “Please, don’t
And school districts across Illi-
tion was made to change school
wake me, no, don’t shake me. Leave
nois and the country followed suit.
start times based on this effort. This school year brings the results of that extensive work: Later school start times for the district’s high school students. Barrington CUSD 220, a K-12 district with 8,850 students, including approximately 3,000 high-schoolers, did its homework, covering factors including transportation and traffic; studies on adolescent sleep needs and school start times (see page 10); the impacts on sports, arts, and other extracurricular activities; benchmark school districts, and the possibilities for blended learning. In its 2009 Strategic Plan, the school district community identified changing start times as a priority to address before 2020. The start time change was one of several initiatives designed to achieve “optimal time for learning.” Changing school start times was the third, and most complex, decision relating to this goal.
The district altered its school-year
“I didn’t have a high school student
t hu s wa s able
calendar for 2014-2015, to align final
at that time and didn’t have any
to incorporate
exams with its winter break, and
feelings about when school should
the st ar t time
implemented a full-day kindergar-
start. What I learned as we all did
change in its bid
ten enrichment program that same
the research is that there is so much
year. Then, stemming from the work
medical, scientific, and real-world
of its 35-member Input 220 Advi-
evidence that sleeping later in the
consideration was the district’s
sory Committee, the challenge of
morning and starting school later is
agreement with its teachers. The
changing start times was underway.
beneficial to the physical and mental
Barrington Education Association
“ The I nput 22 0 Adv i s or y
health of teenagers. It is part of the
(BEA) agreed to work together with
Council researched many reputable
national movement acknowledging
the administration, and a memo-
school districts … that changed to a
that we have been pushing kids to
randum of agreement was reached
later start time for teenagers,” said
work against their biology, and that
between the board of education and
Barrington Superintendent Brian Harris. “Every school district … experienced significant benefits from beginning high school and
standardized test scores; a reduction
“What I learned as we all did the research is that there is so much medical, scientific, and realworld evidence that sleeping later in the morning and starting school later is beneficial to the physical and mental health of teenagers.”
in sports injuries; decreases in tar-
— Kristina Anderson, Input 220
middle school classes later.” Input 220 found that schools that had changed start times reported greater student achievement (especially in morning classes); higher
diness and absenteeism; declining teenage car accidents; and in some cases, improved performance by varsity and junior varsity sports teams at the high school level. Significantly,
hasn’t been working well for many
the BEA, prior to the vote to change
they could not find a single district
of them.”
start times.
that reverted to earlier starts after
Any discussion of start time
In addition to the work of the
changes, indeed any changes a
administration, the school board,
“In fact, every district with
school district considers at all, must
and the Input 220 committee, the
whom they spoke indicated the
include consideration of costs. One
district held town hall meetings.
initial resistance to change was
key cost factor for the district was
The conversation prompted active
the worst part of the process; all
adapting transportation to start
social media discussions. In Sep-
reported measurable benefits with
time changes. Barrington’s previous
tember 2016, Barrington SD 220
little to no impact on traffic, sports,
bus routes were tiered, so that bus
sent out a survey based on its ini-
etc.,” said Harris.
making a change.
drivers made consecutive routes,
tial research. And, although there
Kristina Anderson, a parent
first for high school and then ele-
were differences of opinion on the
and community leader, chaired
mentary and middle schools. Start
start time options, the respondents
the benchmarks subcommittee
times could not overlap without
overwhelmingly — 73 percent —
of Input 220.
requiring additional routes and
supported later start times.
“I came to this process with no
costs. Barrington was scheduled to
Input 220’s research was exten-
particular opinion,” Anderson said.
bid its transportation in March 2017,
sive, and extremely valuable to the
board, staff and
In “I’m Only Sleeping,” John
she continues. “The fact is, their
overa l l com-
Lennon lamented, “Everyone seems
brains and bodies are still growing,
m u n i t y. T h e
to think I’m lazy.” Although sleep
and that distinguishes them greatly
district’s work,
science establishes that it’s not
from all of us adults. We are better
meeting reports,
laziness, nonetheless the question
equipped mentally and physically
research, com-
of coddling, or the perception of it,
to handle the strains of difficult and
was raised in Barrington.
long hours.”
par ison scenar ios, impacts on transportation and extracurricu-
“I am aware that some parents
Hig h school student s, Bar-
lars, and recommendation videos,
feel that moving the start times lat-
rington’s included, have demand-
is available at www.barrington220.
er is ‘coddling’ our children,” said
ing schedules: three or four hours
org/input220. An opposition group,
Anderson. “To me, that is like say-
of sports practice, other significant
Barrington United for Education,
ing that providing children with a
activities, or jobs after school.
agreed with the impetus for change
healthy meal or clean water is cod-
“Many kids at Barrington high
but thought the proposals were
dling them. If we want kids to be
school ‘work’ 10 to 12-hour days,” says
“extreme” and the decision was
healthy and do their best, we try
Anderson, “If you consider school plus
being made too quickly. The group
to provide the best possible envi-
sports and other activities.”
also raised concerns about instruc-
ronment that we can for them to be
tional time, extracurriculars, and
physically and mentally healthy.
The change on extracurriculars was another much-discussed compo-
elementary schools moving to earli-
“There is plenty of time later in
nent of the start-time change conver-
er start times. The group’s concerns
life for kids to learn the brutal reality
sation. The district determined that
became part of the discussion.
of getting up at 5 a.m. for your job,”
not much would change, and in fact, some benchmark schools reported positive impact. “Changing the start time [will] have a nominal impact on before- and after-school activities, Harris said. “ If high school students were released
DIVISION MEETINGS Invest one evening, gain benefits throughout the year for yourself, your school board, and your district.
after 3 p.m., practices, games, and other extra-curricular activities may end later in the evening, but that could be balanced by other scheduling, without encroaching on the
Field Services
all-important goal of creating more time for much-needed sleep.”
Attend an IASB Division Dinner Meeting at a location near you! Division Dinner Meetings provide opportunities for networking, professional development, peer recognition, participation in Association governance, and learning about IASB resources.
The district also considered the adjustments that would be necessary for students with after school jobs, and for families who depend on older siblings for childcare. In the long term, Barrington SD 220 hopes to build flexibility into its scheduling,
Mark your calendars now! Visit the IASB website for a complete list of events and locations:
as well as exploring blended learning opportunities that will mitigate some of these challenges. continued on page 12
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Sleep science sets the snooze By Theresa Kelly Gegen
Theresa Kelly Gegen is editor of The Illinois School Board Journal
n 2014, the American Academy
balance (how long it has
of Pediatrics released a policy
been since you last slept)
statement based on studies of ado-
and your internal body
lescent sleep requirements, which
clock, which determines
alarmed parents, awakened a discus-
the circadian rhythm that
optimal alertness and are not a sub-
sion in school districts, and created
makes an individual feel wakeful or
stitute for regular, sufficient sleep.”
a rousing chorus of “I told-you-so”
sleepy at the same time each day.
from current and former teenagers.
Circadian rhythms are biological
mental impacts, the list of academic
Starting with studies that show
processes that naturally occur in a
impacts of chronic sleep loss on chil-
that the average adolescent is “chron-
24-hour cycle. They affect body tem-
dren and teens includes impairments
ically sleep-deprived,” and that 87
perature and daily hormonal chang-
in executive function, attention, and
percent of high school students did
es, but are best known for how they
memory; deficits in abstract thinking
not get the recommended 8-10 hours
impact an individual’s patterns of
and verbal creativity; and ultimately
of sleep at night, the AAP examined
sleep and wakefulness. Circadian
lower academic achievement, poor
factors that could relieve “patholog-
rhythms underlie human sleep hab-
school attendance, and increased
ical sleepiness.”
its, from an infant’s developing sleep
dropout rates.
In its policy, the AAP concluded
patterns to an adult’s jet lag.
After examining the impacts, the
that “adolescents who get enough
Most teens experience a “sleep
conversation drifted towards “identi-
sleep have a reduced risk of being
phase delay” as they go through
fying potentially modifiable factors,”
overweight or suffering depression,
puberty. This is a natural shift in
which led to the later school start
are less likely to be involved in auto-
circadian rhythms by two hours —
times. The AAP’s recommendation:
mobile accidents, and have better
it’s not that they won’t fall asleep at
“… A substantial body
grades, higher standardized test
8 or 9 p.m. — they can’t. These nat-
of research has now demon-
scores, and an overall better qual-
ural sleep cycles of teens, combined
strated that delaying school
ity of life.”
with homework, extracurricular
star t times is an ef fective
activities, after-school jobs, modern
countermeasure to chronic
So, they should just go to bed earlier, right? Wrong.
In addition to physical and
technology — not to mention their
sleep loss and has a wide
Sleep science has determined
social lives — make early bedtimes
range of potential benefits to
what almost any teen can tell you:
an impracticable solution. The AAP
students with regard to physi-
Early bedtimes are not practicable
also said, “Napping, extending sleep
cal and mental health, safety,
in the adolescent and teenage world.
on weekends, and caffeine consump-
and academic achievement.
Two factors determine when
tion can temporarily counteract
The American Academy of
people are likely to sleep: Sleep-wake
sleepiness, but they do not restore
Pediatrics strongly supports
the efforts of school districts
A 2002 Maryland-based study
to optimize sleep in students
recognized the problem of diminished
They often
and urges high schools and
sleep time but declared that because
have busy,
middle schools to aim for start
of “significant costs and impact other
h e c t i c
times that allow students the
activities of families and communi-
opportunity to achieve opti-
ties,” later school start times were
They need a
mal levels of sleep …”
not warranted without further study.
Sleep science and application to
A 2004 article entitled “Sleep Wars:
• To help them relax, teens should
school start times are not a recent
Research and Opinion” burrowed into
avoid activities that will excite
development, and most studies
the public policy discussion. More
their senses late in the evening.
acknowledge teen and adolescent
studies followed, covering circadian
They should find another time
habits are partially responsible
rhythms, perceptions of healthy sleep,
for computer games, action mov-
for performance-hindering lack of
and the causes and consequences of
ies, intense reading, or heavy
sleep. A 1998 study, “Sleep Sched-
sleepiness in teens. This led to 2014,
chance to unwind at night.
ules and Daytime Functioning in Adolescents” by Amy R. Wolfson and Mary A. Carskadon, noted that a child’s sleep needs do not change from childhood to adolescence, but
“Scientists hypothesize that … sleep-related
the timing of natural sleep rhythms
problems are due largely to conflicts between
do change. Adding “environmental constraints,” specifically early
physiologically-driven sleep needs and patterns,
school start times, the result is that
and behavioral and psychosocial factors that
“for most teens waking up to go to
influence sleep habits.”
school is neither spontaneous nor
— The National Sleep Foundation
negotiable.” In 1999, U.S. Representative Zoe Lofgren (D-Calif.), began an effort that continues today, to encourage school districts to consider sleep
when the AAP’s report reawakened
• They should not have anything
needs when determining morning
the discussion and brought sleep and
with caffeine (including soda
start times. Known as “ZZZs to As,”
school start times into mainstream
and chocolate) after 4 p.m.
the effort encourages school dis-
• They should also avoid smoking
tricts to move school start times to
Since then, school districts across
and drinking. Along with hurt-
no earlier than 8:30 a.m., to improve
the country have examined school
ing their health, nicotine and
academic outcomes. Lofgren worked
start times in light of sleep science.
alcohol will disturb their sleep.
with the National Sleep Foundation,
And sleep science — such as UCLA’s
• A regular exercise routine and a
which stated in a 2000 report on ado-
Sleep Disorders Center patient educa-
healthy diet will help them sleep
lescent sleep that “Scientists hypoth-
tion page — offers advice on creating
esize that … sleep-related problems
better sleep for kids, no matter what
are due largely to conflicts between
time the bell rings:
physiologically-driven sleep needs and patterns, and behavioral and psychosocial factors that influence sleep habits.”
• Parents should create a calm atmosphere in the home at bedtime. • Teens should have a regular, relaxing routine just before
better at night. • Keep the lights dim in the evening. Open the curtains or blinds to let in bright light in the morning. This helps keep their body clocks set at the right time. continued on next page
• If they must take a nap, they should keep it to under an hour.
Optimal time for learning continued from page 8
• It can be hard for teens to get enough sleep during the week.
“We understand these might be
student well-being (nurse visits,
They may need to wake up
challenges for some students and fam-
behavior incidents). Qualitative data
later on weekends. But they
ilies, although research and the expe-
to be examined as well, from student
should not wake up more than
rience of other school districts having
and staff surveys and parent feed-
two hours later than the time
gone through this indicate the benefits
back, covering sleep patterns and
when they normally rise on a
justify the change,” Harris said.
habits, before and after school activ-
weekday. Sleeping in longer
The district considered the
than that will severely disrupt
needs of its community, even when
a teen’s body clock. This will
deciding when to decide. The board
“The overarching goal,” said
make it even harder to wake up
of education made its determination
Anderson, “should be to provide
on time when Monday morning
to change the school start times in
kids with a healthy environment
November 2016.
as much as we possibly can, and
during and after the school day).
Finally, it should be noted that
“The start times of our schools
that means letting them sleep when
most of the research is assessing start
have an impact on many programs in
their bodies are demanding they
times as early as 7 a.m. (and/or trans-
our community, such as preschools,
do so.”
portation times making for still ear-
after school child care programs,
lier mornings). The A AP
youth sports and fine arts activi-
recommends changes for middle
ties, student employment and many
Thanks to Barrington CUSD
school and high school start times
others,” Harris said. “Based on con-
220 Board President Brian Battle
to “no earlier than 8:30 a.m.”
versations, a decision [in November
for his input, and to Barrington
would] allow these organizations an
High School parent Melissa McKee
opportunity to adjust their schedules
Buckley and Morgan Delack, for-
Policy Statement: School Start Times for Adolescents, Judith A. Owens, MD, MPH, FAAP, et al. The American Association of Pediatrics, Adolescent Sleep Working Group and Committee on Adolescence, and Council on School Health, August 2014.
and programming … and provide
mer Director of Communications
families with the proper notice to
for the district, for their contribu-
make the necessary adjustments.”
tions to this article.
Schedules and Daytime Functioning in Adolescents, Amy R. Wolfson and Mary A. Carskadon. Child Development, August 1998.
began at 7:20 a.m., with some bus
Association of Sleep and Academic Performance, by Arne Eliasson, Anders Eliasson, Joseph King, Ben Gould, and Arn Eliasson, Association of Sleep and Academic Performance, Thieme Medical Publishers, January 2002. Sleep wars: research and opinion. Susan Riter and Laurel Wills, Pediatric Clinics of North America, 2004. Adolescent Sleep Needs and Patterns, research report and resources guide, The National Sleep Foundation, Sleep and Teens Task Force, 2000. Sleep and Teens. UCLA Sleep Disorders Center, Health Patient Education.
ities, and student fatigue (before,
Editor’s Note
Last year, the school day for a Barrington High School student routes starting as early as 6 a.m. This year, the opening bell for high school students in this northwest suburban district will ring at 8:30 a.m. and the standard school day will end at 3:21 p.m. Barrington Middle Schools will run from 9 a.m. to 3:48 p.m. The elementary school schedule will be 8 a.m. to 2:40 p.m. Barrington CUSD 220 intends to measure the impact of the change through quantitative data, including attendance (overall and by class period), student achievement, and
Re-imagining time improves teaching, learning, service By Ken Wallace
ike many Illinois school dis-
that offers such across-the-board
with those of a block schedule. The
tricts, Maine THSD 207 has
teacher coaching plans. We have
eight-period hybrid schedule has
a strong focus on personalizing the
worked hard to provide a compel-
eight periods of 50-minute classes
learning experience for its students
ling world-class curriculum to each
(with five-minute passing periods)
and adults in order to provide the
student, and we have more students
on Monday, Thursday, and Friday.
most compelling instructional pro-
taking our most challenging courses
On Tuesday, periods one, three,
gram possible. We strive to improve
than ever, with a constant growth
five, and seven meet in 90-minute
student outcomes for our students
block periods with five-minute pass-
while they are in high school and
In addition to entering our
ing periods. On Wednesday, peri-
provide better guidance to increase
fourth year of instructional coach-
ods two, four, six, and eight meet
the odds of success as adults. These
i ng pla n s for teacher s, we a re
in 90-minute block periods. This
commitments to personalized learn-
entering the third year of develop-
will allow for a deeper inquiry and
ing and better student service are
ing individual career plans for stu-
instructional session in every class
the key drivers that led the Maine
dents in an effort to improve college,
each week.
THSD 207 Board of Education to
career, and life counseling for our
Approximately 90 percent of
adopt a new “District 207 Hybrid”
students. We help match their pas-
our courses will see increased class
bell schedule.
sions and talents with viable career
time because of this move, as we
Our work to personalize learn-
options informed by better informa-
transition from our current nine-pe-
ing — for our students and the adults
tion about jobs and the education,
riod schedule.
who serve them — has two robust
training, opportunities, and income
There are four main benefits for
elements, upon which we built the
potential informed by current job
District 207’s change to the hybrid
foundation for, and expect to sig-
market data.
schedule, and we believe that at
nificantly improve on, the hybrid
Those two personalized learn-
schedule. The first is that our class
ing elements set the stage for Maine
of seniors, graduating in 2018, will
THSD’s new hybrid bell schedule,
have attended a high school in which
which will go into effect in the 2018-
every teacher, every year, had an
2019 school year.
instructional coaching plan led by a peer teacher-coach in order
Ken Wallace, Ph.D., is the superintendent of Maine Township High School District 207, based in Park Ridge.
least three of those can apply to many other schools districts: Better student learning Because most of the current District 207 courses meet for only
What is a hybrid bell schedule?
45 minutes at a time, shorter daily
to improve teaching and learning.
A hybrid bell schedule combines
instructional minutes limit deeper
We know of no other school district
features of a traditional schedule
learning that can occur in the block
p er io d s . L on -
period of 90 minutes on Tuesday
• Practice in an individual or
ger class times
or Wednesday that we will use to
group setting (music, play, mock
w i l l b e a va i l -
provide a variety of enrichments
trial, etc.); and
able for peer
aimed to provide the student what
review, student
he or she needs in real time. The
inquiry, longer
range of options will include, but
Better service to students for
experimentation, discussion, and
will not be limited to, specific aca-
success after high school
learning opportunities. We have
demic supports as needed. This can
outstanding teachers with excep-
• Work programs.
We have a goal to “get it right” for every student in helping them
tional pedagogy, and we believe
• Advanced science lab time;
make the very best post-high school
they will take advantage of this
• College or career counseling
decisions, and the District 207
change in instructional time each
or experience (job shadowing,
Hybrid provides over 80 more min-
week to create opportunities for
internship, and apprenticeship);
utes per week for student services
students to lead their own learning
• Social and emotional supports;
compared to the current schedule.
in deeper ways than the current
• Conventional study time;
This commitment is informed by
schedule allows.
• Independent or group study;
the national data on college under-
• O n l i n e / h i g h e r e d u c a t i o n
employment and local, regional,
In addition, each student will have an individual enrichment
state, and national jobs data. We are looking much more discretely at the distribution of available jobs, the level of potential income, and the range of costs of education or train-
Community Engagement — essential to effective school board governance.
ing that would get our students to their ideal careers. The foundation of our work with students begins with their individual career plan as we are applying Project Lead the Way (PLTW) research to our thinking in career counseling. For
Community Engagement, also called public engagement or civic engagement, is the process by which school boards actively involve diverse citizens in dialogue, deliberation, and collaborative thinking around common interests for their public schools.
Learn more about why it’s important, what it looks like, and how school boards do this work. Consider an in-district workshop facilitated by IASB staff to bring this work to your board and district.
rience in engineering that helps them determine whether engineering is a good fit for them. As a result, students who go through the PLTW curriculum have lower
Contact your IASB field services director for more information.
dropout rates in schools of engi-
Springfield - 217/528-9688 Lombard - 630/629-3776
the profession fulfilling.
neering and are more likely to find We have tried to apply that same practical experience to every student in every possible job field by obtaining each student at least one, and hopefully more, relevant career
Field Services
example, PLTW students get expe-
experience before making a posthigh school college and/or career
7:30-8 Student Flex (Support Time)
7:30-8 Student Flex (Support Time)
8-8:50 Science
8:55-9:45 P.E.
9:50-10:40 Math
10:45-11:07 Lunch
11:12-11:35 i.e. 11:40-12:30 Elective
12:35-1:25 Foreign Language
7 8
1:30-2:20 Social Science
9:37-11:08 Math
2:25-3:15 English
11:38-11:58 i.e.
7:30-8 Student Flex (Support Time)
7:30-8 Student Flex (Support Time)
8:55-9:45 Duty
9:50-10:40 Class
10:45-11:35 Class
11:40-12:30 Lunch/Prep
12:35-1:25 Class
1:30-2:20 Prep
2:25-3:15 Class 3:15-3:30 Student Flex (Support Time)
11:13-11:33 Lunch 6
8-9:32 Class
1:43-3:15 English
9:37-11:08 Class
11:13-1:38 Lunch/Prep
1:43-3:15 Prep
3:15-3:30 Student Flex (Support Time)
8:45-9:29 Science
9:34-10:18 P.E.
10:23-11:07 Math
11:12-11:32 Lunch 11:37-11:57 i.e.
9:37-11:08 Class
11:13-1:38 Class
1:43-3:15 Class
3:15-3:30 Student Flex (Support Time)
8-8:50 Science
8:55-9:45 P.E.
9:50-10:40 Math
10:45-11:07 Lunch (Individual Enrichment)
12:02-12:47 Elective
12:52-1:37 Foreign Language
12:35-1:25 Foreign Language
1:42-2:28 Social Science
1:30-2:20 Social Science
2:31-3:15 English
2:25-3:15 English
3:15-3:30 Student Flex (Support Time)
3:15-3:30 Student Flex (Support Time)
Thursday 7:30-8:40 Collaboration (Student Supports Virtual Hour)
Friday 7:30-8 Student Flex (Support Time) 1
8-8:50 Class
8:45-9:30 Class
9:35-10:20 Duty
8:55-9:45 Duty
10:25-11:10 Class
9:50-10:40 Class
11:15-12 Class
10:45-11:35 Class
12:05-12:50 Lunch/Prep
11:40-12:30 Lunch/Prep
12:55-1:40 Class
12:35-1:25 Class
1:45-2:30 Prep
1:30-2:20 Prep
2:25-3:15 Class
2:25-3:15 Class
3:15-3:30 Student Flex (Support Time)
Sample District 207 Hybrid Student Schedule Model
11:12-11:35 i.e. 11:40-12:30 Elective
7:30-8 Student Flex (Support Time) 8-9:32 Duty
7:30-8 Student Flex (Support Time)
(Individual Enrichment)
3:15-3:30 Student Flex (Support Time)
8-9:32 Prep 3
7:30-8:40 Collaboration (Student Supports Virtual Hour)
11:38-11:58 i.e. 12:03-1:38 Foreign Language
9:37-11:08 i.e. (Individual Enrichment)
12:03-1:38 Elective
3:15-3:30 Student Flex (Support Time)
8-8:50 Class
8-9:32 P.E.
(Individual Enrichment)
3:15-3:30 Student Flex (Support Time)
(Individual Enrichment)
1:43-3:15 Social Science
7:30-8 Student Flex (Support Time)
11:13-11:33 Lunch
(Individual Enrichment)
8-9:32 Science
Sample District 207 Hybrid Teacher Schedule Model
3:15-3:30 Student Flex (Support Time)
d e c i s i o n . We
the shortest amount of time, at the
degree or they have incurred a
k now we can’t
lowest possible cost.
debt load that is not commensu-
get to per fect,
Why does this matter? Accord-
rate with the profession associated
but we can sure
ing to Raj Chetty of Stanford Univer-
with their degree. We will use the
get to better, and
sity, today’s young adults (between
District 207 hybrid schedule to
the District 207
the ages of 18 and 34) are the first
bring our counselors into the reg-
hybrid schedule will allow us to
generation of Americans predicted
ular day to connect with students
do much deeper counseling than
to earn less than their parents. In
without removing them from class.
before. Each student’s individual
addition, multiple sources (Brook-
This will help to provide more and
enrichment period of 90 minutes
ings, Federal Reserve) peg recent
better group and individual work
on Tuesday or Wednesday will pro-
college graduates’ mean debt load at
to help our students and families
vide the available time for deeper,
$37,000. The Federal Reserve Bank
make the right decisions for life
more precise college, career, and
of New York reports that roughly
after high school.
life counseling with the objective
50 percent of recent college grads
of helping students find a life path
are underemployed, which means
where their talents and passions
that they are either working in a
District 207 has one of the best
intersect with a viable career, in
field that did not require a college
teacher leadership and job-em-
Better adult learning
bedded professional development programs in the nation. The Distr ict 207 hybr id schedu le w i l l help us evolve our current model into one that will provide a better adult learning model by “chunking” our adult learning training
Policy Services
into smaller segments, particularly on the Tuesday and Wednesday block days. The District 207 hybrid schedule will allow teachers to get training in 90-minute segments on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, practice that new learning with a teacher coach, and then come
Your board works diligently to maintain a policy manual that effectively governs the district. Let the Illinois Association of School Boards publish your school board policy manual online, and share your good work with staff, students, parents, and the community.
back again for a shorter session to
Get the policy information you need when you need it. IASB’s upgraded and improved School Board Policies Online provides you with the search tools you need to quickly access important policy content.
improve teaching in the long term.
Contact Brian Zumpf, Policy Consultant, to discuss how School Board Policies Online can benefit your district., 630/629-3776, ext. 1214
ing our college and career counsel-
reflect on the new learning. This also allows for additional supports that may be needed to use the new learning in the classroom, and to
Save money and increase class time Though we have been improv-
ing for several years, particularly in large group settings, it has come
Sept/Oct 2016
7:30-8 Student Flex (Support Time)
7:30-8 Student Flex (Support Time)
8-8:50 Office Hours
8:55-9:45 Office Hours
9:50-10:40 Office Hours
10:45-11:35 Lunch/Prep
11:40-12:30 Office Hours
Wednesday 7:30-8 Student Flex (Support Time)
8-9:32 Senior College Applications Process
9:37-11:08 Juniors “Envision Your Future”
11:13-11:58 Lunch/Prep 5
12:03-1:38 Junior SAT Prep & College Planning
12:35-1:25 Office Hours
1:30-2:20 Office Hours
2:25-3:15 Office Hours
1:43-3:15 Study Skills/ Academic Workshop Group
3:15-3:30 Student Flex (Support Time)
3:15-3:30 Student Flex (Support Time)
8-9:32 Freshman Know Your Counselor, GPA, Pass/Fail 9:37-11:08 Sophomore Resume Writing 11:13-11:58 Lunch/Prep
12:03-1:38 Sophomore Career Cruising
1:43-3:15 School Anxiety Group 3:15-3:30 Student Flex (Support Time)
7:30-8:40 Collaboration (Student Supports Virtual Hour)
7:30-8 Student Flex (Support Time) 1
8-8:50 Office Hours
8:45-9:30 Office Hours
9:35-10:20 Office Hours
8:55-9:45 Office Hours
9:50-10:40 Office Hours
10:45-11:35 Lunch Period 4
11:40-12:30 Office Hours
12:35-1:25 Office Hours
10:25-11:10 Office Hours
11:15-12 Lunch/Prep
12:05-12:50 Office Hours
12:55-1:40 Office Hours
1:45-2:30 Office Hours
1:30-2:20 Office Hours
2:25-3:15 Office Hours
2:25-3:15 Office Hours 3:15-3:30 Student Flex (Support Time)
3:15-3:30 Student Flex (Support Time)
at an instructional cost. Across
District 207 has a long his-
o f a s ub s t it ut e. Te a cher s c a n
our three high schools, we pro-
t or y of t h i s c om m it ment , but
not on ly t a ke the professiona l
vide approximately 415 hours of
t h is c ome s w it h i n str uct iona l
development t hat t he d i st r ict
group college, career, high school
and financial costs. To provide
has always offered, but will also
success, a nd socia l / emotiona l
job-embedded staff development
be able to take more offerings, or
counseling each year. These 415
in our current model, teachers
lead adult learning themselves,
hours primarily come from stu-
get substitute teachers in order
without missing class.
dents being pulled out of classes
to attend trainings, which usu-
By combining the advantages
to have programming in an audi-
ally meet for full- day sessions.
of a regu lar schedu le w ith t wo
torium or cafeteria. The District
This means missing five classes
days of block scheduling in a true
207 hybrid schedule, because of
and those students have a substi-
hybrid schedule, we believe that
the block days, will allow us to do
tute teacher for that day. In the
we can ser ve students in much
all of this programming and more,
past five years, we have averaged
better ways than ever before. We
including much more time for indi-
1,921 substitute-teaching days
also believe that the model that
vidual counseling. This gives 415
per year for staff development at
we have developed w i l l be t he
hours back to students and teach-
an annual cost of $211,000. With
g r ow t h m o d e l i n h i g h s c h o o l
ers to continue in classes.
the hybrid schedule, we will be
scheduling, because of the unique
There is literally nothing more
able to virtually eliminate this
advantages it provides in student
important a school district can do
entire cost by eliminating 1,921
service on block days, while com-
to improve student learning than
days of substitute teaching. Stu-
b i n i n g f r e q u e nt we e k l y c l a s s
to have a teaching staff that con-
dents in over 9,000 classes a year
meetings in a more traditional
tinuously improves.
will have their teacher instead
Sample District 207 Hybrid Counselor Schedule Model
Policy monitoring allows districts to align, clarify By Cathy Talbert
Cathy Talbert is IASB associate executive director for field services and policy services.
he school board governs using
programs. The board policy manual
These stages form a cycle
written policies. The Illinois
can serve an important informational
of ongoing work for the school
state legislature has empowered
purpose. It provides direction (what
board. A ll of these stages are
school boards to adopt policies that
the board wants) and commitment
important (see sidebar, page 19)
have the force and effect of law.
(what the board promises) to staff,
but here, we focusing on reviewing and monitoring.
Written policies ensure legal
students, parents, and community
compliance, establish board pro-
members. The board also adopts pol-
IASB’s Foundational Principles
cesses, articulate district ends
icies to comply with state or federal
of Effective Governance provides that
(vision, mission, and goals), dele-
the school board sits in trust for the
gate authority, and define operating limits. Board policies provide the
The policy-making role of the school board includes five stages:
community and that arising out of that trustee role are certain funda-
basis for monitoring progress toward
• Development;
mental responsibilities. Principle 5
district ends.
• Updating;
provides that “The board monitors
• Reviewing;
It is through policy that the board establishes and communi-
• Monitoring; and
cates its priorities, expectations, and
• Communicating.
Here is how IASB defines that principle: The board constantly monitors progress toward district ends and compliance with written board policies using data as the basis for assessment.
• A school board that pursues its ends through the delegation of authority has a moral obligation to itself and the community to determine whether that authority is being used as intended. • Unless the board is clear about what it wants, there is no valid way to measure progress and compliance.
• A distinction should be made
an annual policy review and
questions specif-
between monitoring data (used
monitoring calendar.”
ic to the content
by the board for accountability)
You may want to check your
in each section
and management data (used by
board policy manual to see what your
of the policy
the staff for operations).
board has said about this work. Also,
manual. We have
consider how your board currently
provided sample questions based
puts your policy into practice.
upon the PRESS Policy Reference
• The constructive use of data is a skill that must be learned. The board should have some understanding of data, but will typically require guidance from the staff. The reviewing and monitoring work of the board is addressed in
Policy review generally asks these questions:
Illinois local school board policy manuals this way: “Board Policy Review and Monitoring The Board will periodically review its policies for relevancy, monitor its policies for
that your board may want to use or
• Is this policy still relevant?
adapt based upon your unique local
• Is this still the direction we
board policy.
want? • Is this still what we want to say?
PRESS sample policy 2:240, Board Policy Development and in many
Manual sections and sample policies
In order to answer these reviewing and monitoring questions, the board will need to receive moni-
Policy monitoring generally asks these questions, • Is this policy having the effect we intended? • Are we getting the results we want? • Is our direction being put into district practice?
toring data and information from the superintendent. Some of this information may be in the form of reports the board already receives at various times throughout the year; some may be found in the district’s written administrative procedures; and some may need to be developed for this new work.
effectiveness, and consider whether any modifications are
For a deeper conversation,
Administrative procedures,
required. The Board may use
the board may develop additional
unlike board policies, are developed
The other stages: development, updating, communicating In addition to the monitoring and reviewing stages outlines above, IASB offers significant resources to support the board in the development, updating, and communicating stages of the policy-making role. Through policy manual customization services, an IASB policy consultant works with the board and superintendent governance team to develop a new policy manual based upon the IASB Policy Reference Manual and incorporating the district’s current policy and practices. PRESS, IASB’s policy and procedure information and updating service, and PRESS Plus, the Association’s full-maintenance policy updating service, support the board as it develops and updates its board policy. School Board Policies Online, a web-service available from IASB, assists school boards to communicate board policy by publishing local school board policy manuals using all the same features used for publishing PRESS online.
by the superin-
ensure that this work becomes
Policy reviewing and monitor-
tendent, admin-
a re g u l a r a nd on g oi n g p a r t of
ing work is best done at a special
istrators, and /
the board’s work. The board can
board meeting or a committee of
or other district
consider an annual or multi-year
the whole meeting, rather than
staff members to
calendar. Whatever the timeline,
a regular board meeting. This
guide implemen-
the calendar can allow the board
ensures the board will have ade-
tation of board policies. Adminis-
to integrate its review and mon-
quate time for a full conversation.
trative procedures are not adopted
itoring work with all of its other
However, if your board only meets
by the school board. This allows the
work by considering certain policy
once a month and chooses to add
superintendent and staff the flexibil-
topics at certain times of the year,
the review ing and monitor ing
ity they need to keep the procedures
for example: planning and bud-
work to the agenda for the regular
current. Administrative procedures
geting processes, superintendent
monthly business meeting, to be
do not require formal board adoption
evaluation, board self-evaluation,
successful you will need to block
and are not included in a board policy
and student handbook approval.
sufficient time to do the scheduled
Sample calendars are available on
A policy reviewing and mon-
IASB’s Members Only website (go
Policy work is best done by
itoring calendar will assist the
to and click My Account
t he ent i re b oa rd a nd sup er i n-
b o a r d a n d s u p e r i nt e n d e nt t o
to log in).
tendent governance team, rather than by a board policy committee comprised of less than full board participation. Policy making is a critical function of the full board.
Set off in the
right direction! Choosing a new superintendent is an exciting time, for both the board and the administration. It can also be a time of uncertainty as individuals gather as a new governance team, especially when the arrival of a new superintendent coincides with board turnover. Fortunately, IASB can help with a complimentary Team Building Workshop included in each Executive Search superintendent contract.
However, if your board prefers to assign some pre-work to a committee, this is a local board decision. To be successful in this work and avoid duplication of efforts, the board will need to be clear about the charge to the committee and the role of the full board. During the first cycle of this work, the board and superintendent should begin by discussing expectations for the ongoing process and for each section of the manual, such as: • What questions will we ask for each section of the manual? • What information do we need
Take advantage of this unique opportunity to start both your new superintendent and new board members on the road to governance excellence. Contact your IASB executive searches consultant or field services director for more information: Lombard – 630/629-3776 Springfield – 217/528-9688
from the superintendent to be able to answer the monitoring and review questions? What i n for mation do we a l ready r e c e i ve ? W h a t a d d it i o n a l continued on page 22
Joint Annual Conference November 17-19, 2017 Chicago #ILjac17
85th Joint Annual Conference
November 17-19, 2017 Chicago
Illinois Association of School Boards Illinois Association of School Administrators Illinois Association of School Business Officials
LEARN from over 100 panel sessions DISCOVER 250+ exhibits BE INSPIRED by three general sessions NETWORK with over 9,000 attendees Details and registration information at
The Joint Annual Conference is a fantastic opportunity to learn about “important school leadership issues facing educators in our state. ” — 2016 attendee
district procedures and practices, and to provide the opportunity for course correction where needed. 85th IASB IASA IASBO Joint Annual Conference November 17-19, 2017 Chicago
Sometimes board and superintendent conversations may be all that are needed to clarify the board’s intent and provide for future align-
Learn more at the 2017 Joint Annual Conference: Pre-Conference Workshop • Monitoring District Performance: Saying What We Mean and Doing What We Say Friday, November 17, 9 a.m.-3 p.m.
ment. At other times, the board may want to revise and update its written policy to reflect a new direction, or to more clearly state its current policy.
Panel Session • Does Your Board Have a Monitoring Plan? Saturday, November 18, 12:30-1:30 p.m.
In addition, policy review and monitoring should be an integral part of the superintendent evalu-
i n for mation do we need?
The answers to these questions
ation process. These conversations
Are we balancing the need for
will determine the next cycles of
can provide ongoing feedback to
information with the resourc-
the work.
the superintendent about how he
es it will take to provide that information?
Policy review and monitoring are an integral part of seeking con-
• How far in advance of our meet-
tinuous improvement for the board
ing do we need this information?
and district. These conversations are
• Do we have an expectation that
not intended to point fingers or to
board members do pre-work
find fault or wrongdoing; rather they
and come prepared to begin
are intended to ensure that board
policy direction is aligned with
or she is meeting the board’s expectations.
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IASB annual school calendar, explained By Gary Adkins
ASB’s annual school calendar,
The annual school calendar,
duty of the board of education,
containing significant dates
which is compiled by IASB Direc-
and the annual school calendar
and deadlines related to Illinois
tor of Governmental Relations
offered by IASB is intended to help
school law and school elections,
Deanna Sullivan, is not distributed
with this task. In setting its own
is published by the Association to
in a printed version; but is posted
local school calendar, the school
help school districts follow the law
online, so that it will be available
board establishes the number of
in preparing their local school cal-
more quickly, and to allow for revi-
days in the district’s school year
endars. It provides a listing of dates
sions to reflect any new legisla-
and complies with the key laws and
and legal requirements that Illinois
tion enacted, and the correction of
regulations listed in IASB’s annual
school districts must observe and
any errors. Subscribers to IASB’s
school calendar.
obey during the school calendar
Online Update will be notified of
The latest school calendar, in
any revisions. If calendar users
a downloadable a PDF format, is
Dates contained in the calen-
find any errors in the calendar that
ava i lable at
dar comply with all statutory dead-
need to be corrected, or notice a
lines contained in the Election
significant date for school
Code, School Code, and selected
districts that possibly
act s of t he G enera l A s sembly.
should be considered as
Most of the dates appearing on
an addition, they should
the ca lend ar have been draw n
email the information to
from the I l l inois st atutes, and
citations to the law are included.
The dates and
Not all school-related deadlines,
deadlines contained in
requirements, etc. are ref lected
this planning tool are
on it. The calendar does not, for
provided as a resource
example, contain dates imposed
to I A SB memb er s,
by the Illinois State Board of Edu-
and neither the cal-
cation (ISBE) or its regulations.
endar nor its con-
ISBE is developing an interactive
tents should be
calendar reflecting its own purpos-
construed or used
es, available at
as legal advice.
es/ISBE-Meetings.aspx. Additional
By law, adoption
significant dates can be found in
of a school calendar
state and federal law.
i s t h e e xc l u s i ve
Gary Adkins is director of editorial services for IASB and editor of the Illinois School Board News Blog.
Benjamin Franklin
EARLY REGISTRATION OPENS OCTOBER 18, 2017* Interested in Registering Early? Join National Connection! Receive Early Registration, Housing and 20% Discount! *National Connection, TLN and CUBE Districts Only. General registration opens October 25, 2017
Districts make way for KIDS By Melissa Figueira
n the fall of 2017, following
designed to provide exactly that
to take stock of each individual
successful pilots in districts
child’s strengths and to identi-
across the state, the Kindergarten
In 2010, a planning committee
f y cha l lenges. Throug hout the
Individual Development Survey,
of early childhood advocates, edu-
school day, teachers will observe
or KIDS, will be implemented in
cators, elementary teachers and
child interactions and collect work
Illinois. So what exactly is KIDS
administrators, child development
samples during routine classroom
and what does the statewide rollout
specialists, and Illinois State Board
activities. Teachers will then place
mean for your school district?
of Education (ISBE) staff members
each child’s abilities on the KIDS
Improving the quality of early
partnered with WestEd Center for
developmental continuum based on
learning is an especially critical issue
Child and Family Studies to develop
these observations, and enter that
facing school board members today.
KIDS. The tool is developmentally
information into a secure online
Evidence supporting the foundation-
appropriate, firmly grounded in
system called KIDStech.
al importance of child development
research, validated, and aligned with
Designed with input from prac-
in the early years is insurmountable.
both the Illinois Early Learning and
titioners, KIDS addresses a num-
Study after study has consistently
Development Standards (IELDS) and
ber of key concerns that have been
demonstrated that a child’s growth in
Illinois Early Learning Standards–
expressed by teachers and admin-
key domains — including social and
Kindergarten (IELS-K).
istrators alike. Because the tool is
emotional learning, language and literacy, mathematics, and approaches
Melissa Figueira is a policy associate for Advance Illinois.
observational, it allows students to KIDS in the classroom
continue to engage in rich play-
to learning — correlates to long-term
A s k indergar teners lear n
based learning without being inter-
education outcomes. An estimated
and play, the tool allows teachers
rupted by intrusive evaluations. By
90 percent of brain development happens in the first five years of life. While we know that early childhood and early elementary education set the stage for future learning, until now, educators in Illinois have not had consistent tools and data to gain a thorough and comprehensive picture of students’ capabilities when they enter the classroom. KIDS is
the same token, it allows teachers
KIDS data can be used to easi-
schools and school districts will
to collect information more seam-
ly generate report cards and prog-
finally gain a common language
lessly as they go about their daily
ress reports that reflect a child’s
around kindergarten readiness.
business of teaching rather than
development. With the insights
This will help in designing relevant
detracting from it.
provided by the KIDS tool, teachers
professional development oppor-
can gain a deeper understanding
tunities for school staff, commu-
of their students’ development and
nicating clearly with parents and
tailor their instruction to better
families about their child’s growth,
meet specific needs. In addition,
and aligning early childhood and
Key to continuous improvement Once information is gathered by teachers, what comes next?
K-12 systems. On a broader scale, aggregate KIDS data can inform advocates and community stakeholders about areas
With the insights provided by the KIDS tool, teachers can gain a deeper understanding of their
of greatest student need. Armed with that knowledge, policymakers can work to align resources to most effi-
students’ development and tailor their instruction
ciently serve families and children in
to better meet specific needs.
the years prior to kindergarten and formal schooling. The fuller statewide picture of kindergarten readiness provided by KIDS will also help inform the policies Illinois develops around providing supports to schools under the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). Ultimately, the statewide snapshot provided by KIDS presents an opportunity to inform policies that can help close achievement gaps and help Illinois reach its goal of ensuring that 60 percent of Illinoisans earn a postsecondary degree or credential by the year 2025. Resources for schools and districts Such a large rollout of a new tool requires trainings so that school districts are equipped with the knowledge and skills to comfortably and confidently use the tool to its fullest potential. With that in mind, ISBE offers a variety of resources for administrators, teachers, and families, which are available at
trainings are taking place through
districts to share tips and strategies.
monitors, and feel more engaged in each child’s development.
September, for which teachers and
• KIDS allows teachers to reduce
• Using KIDS data to generate
administrators can register on the
the variety of assessments on
report cards allows districts to
KIDS website. Additionally, ISBE
isolated standards and instead
eliminate other assessments and
has regional coaches available to
have more time to observe kin-
leave more time for teaching.
support districts and schools with
dergarteners in their natural
KIDS implementation by answer-
ing questions or making onsite
• Report cards are easily generated from KIDS data and provide the opportunity for teachers to
visits. On an ongoing basis, ISBE
Lessons from Giant City CCSD
have more meaningful conver-
will also be offering webinars and
130 in Carbondale:
sations with families around
online tutorials throughout KIDS
• Observational assessment is just
implementation to support admin-
as important in kindergarten as
istrators, teachers, and families.
it is in Pre-K, and can jump start
KIDS in action KIDS has been piloted across the
how to best support each child’s development.
learning in a way that makes it
To read more about Morrison,
easier to reach 3rd grade profi-
Giant City, and other pilot programs,
and discover more about the KIDS
state since 2012, engaging more than
• Other school staff can help
observational tool and its implemen-
50,000 children to date. The pilot has
collect K IDS obser vations,
tation, visit the Illinois State Board
informed updates and adjustments
including art, music, physical
of Education website at
to improve the tool in advance of
education teachers, aides and
the statewide implementation this year. The stories that have emerged from teachers, administrators, and families in those early adopting districts speak more powerfully than anything else does to the usefulness of the KIDS tool. Here’s a snapshot of lessons learned from two districts that are using K IDS to improve instruction. Lessons from Morrison CUSD 6: • W hen teachers shifted from a compl ia nce ment a l it y to embracing KIDS, it helped them improve their instruction. • K IDS can be a lever to help move districts toward a more
EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Illinois Association of School Boards Springfield, Illinois IASB seeks CEO to lead an association with 68-member staff and a $10+ million budget. Candidates should have appropriate education and experience in organizational leadership and working with a volunteer board, knowledge of major issues facing public education, strong communication skills, strong financial acumen, and ability to work with diverse cultures of rural, suburban, and urban constituents. Salary will be commensurate with experience and qualifications, but will not be less than $200,000. Brochure and application may be downloaded from the IASB website at:
developmentally appropriate kindergarten curriculum. It’s helpful — even easy — for more isolated, small communities to create professional KIDS learning networks with surrounding
h nt w t! e v o in se n n pr w io in Ne dit ble e la ai v a
An effective reference for school business managers, budget makers, and anyone who needs to understand school finance.
Essentials of Illinois School Finance
A Guide to Techniques, Issues, and Resources By James B. Fritts From the peculiarities of property taxes and state funding to the formulas for projecting enrollments and staffing budgets, Essentials of Illinois School Finance covers just about everything. That’s why this book is considered the “primer” for newly-elected school board members, as well as students of educational administration. The first part deals with revenue — where schools get it, how they maximize it, protect it, and plan for it. The second half address expenditures — how schools budget and minimize expenses. A special chapter at the end examines the many standards for school finance and business management that need to be established by action of the local governing board. Members: $25
Non-Members: $35
More 2017 bookstore additions! Find a complete listing of IASB publications and order online at, or call IASB Publications, 217/528-9688, ext.1108. Online Bookstore
The Effective School Board Member
Members: $2
Non-Members $2
An introduction to the work of boards of education in Illinois, including powers and duties, dos and don’ts, the structure of school governance, finance, board/administrator/staff relations, board meeting procedures, a code of ethics, and other information.
2016-2017 Illinois School Code Service
Members: $45 Non-Members $55
All new sales of the 2016 School Code will include both the Code and the 2017 Supplement with updates to the complete Code that is current through all of the 2016 legislative session. The service also comes with access to a digital version that includes annotations with case law and other references, all State Board of Education rules, and the text of court cases cited in the annotations. It also carries a large number of additional statutes pertinent to Illinois public schools.
continued from page 32
Richard Frank Lee, 89, died July 6, 2017. He served on the Channahon school board for several years in the 1960s.
in the Illinois Basketball Hall of
Joan Dorothy Pohlman, 82, died
Fame, Monticello High School Hall
May 27, 2017. She was previously a
of Fame, and Monticello Athletic
member of the Carrollton school
Hall of Fame.
board member.
Ralph M. “Merv” Monts, 90,
James Thomas Ryan, 85, died
died July 26, 2017. He served 10
July 11, 2017. He served as a member
John Abel McCullough, 95, died
years on the Decatur School Board
and president of the school board for
June 6, 2017. He served six years on
from 1971 to 1981, and as president
Brimfield CUSD 309.
the New Berlin CUSD 16 Board of
from 1973 to 1975.
Kenneth D. Sangston, 75, died
Education during the formative years
Ro b e r t “ B o b” Mo s b a c h,
June 1, 2017. He was a member of the
of the district, five years of those
87, d ied Ju ly 16, 2017. He wa s
boards of education at Streator High
years as secretary.
a member of the Oglesby Grade
School for eight years and Streator Grade School for four.
Mary Kay McNeill, 63, died July
S cho ol B oa rd of E duc at ion i n
2, 2017. She was a member of the
the 1960s and the LaSalle Peru
Leland L. Seatman, 89, died July
Antioch CCSD 34 Board of Education
High School Board of Education
26, 2017. He was a former member of
for four years.
in the 1990s.
the Virginia school board.
Robert “Bob” Charles Miller,
John Raymond Olbrich, 84,
Mary “Mary Lou” Louise Lieb-
101, died July 21, 2017. He served
died July 20, 2017. He was previously
ich Yankaitis, 89, died June 16, 2017.
on the Monticello Board of Educa-
a member of the Harvard CUSD 50
She was elected to the Rockford Dis-
tion for 28 years. He is enshrined
Board of Education.
trict 205 school board in 1975.
Policy Services Custom, in-district services and workshops to assist your board with all aspects of its policymaking role Development – Policies that provide for good board processes, a strong board-superintendent relationship, appropriate direction and delegation to the superintendent, and district ends. Updating – Policies that are current with legal requirements and provide for effective board governance.
Review – A process that assures board policy continues to accurately support the board’s mission, vision, and goals. Monitoring – A process that assures board policy is being followed and is having the intended effect. Communicating – A process that allows easy access to current board policy by the board, staff, students, parents, and the community.
If your board needs assistance in any of these areas, contact IASB policy services today! Phone: 630/629-3776 or 217/528-9688, ext. 1214 or 1154 Email: or
Jan/Feb 2017 May/June 2017
FARNSWORTH GROUP — Architectural and engineering professional services. Normal – 309/663-8436 FGM ARCHITECTS, INC. — Architects. Chicago – 312/942-8461; Oak Brook – 630/574-8300; O’Fallon – 618/624-3364; St. Louis, MO – 314/439-1601; website: GREENASSOCIATES, INC. — Architecture/construction services. Deerfield – 847/317-0852, Pewaukee, WI – 262/746-1254; website: www.greenassociates. com; email:
A Directory of your IASB Service Associates IASB Service Associates are businesses which offer school‑related products and services and which have earned favorable reputations for quality and integrity. Only after screening by the Service Associates Executive Committee is a business firm invited by the IASB Board of Directors to become a Service Associate.
HURST-ROSCHE, INC. — Architecture, engineering, planning, and interior design. Hillsboro – 217/532-3959; East St. Louis – 618/3980890; Marion – 618/998-0075; Springfield – 217/787-1199; email: JH2B ARCHITECTS — Architects. Kankakee – 815/933-5529; website: JMA ARCHITECTS — Full service professional design firm specializing in K-12 educational design, construction management, strategic/ master planning, health/life safety compliance, building commissioning, and interior space design. South Holland – 708/339-3900; website:; email:
Appraisal Services
INDUSTRIAL APPRAISAL COMPANY — Building and fixed asset appraisals for insurance and accounting purposes. Oak Brook – 630/575-0280
THE GARLAND COMPANY — Complete building envelope solutions to extend the life of existing building assets (walls, roofing, waterproofing, sealants, and floors) Facility Asset Management programs and US Communities Vendor. Cleveland, OH – 815/922-1376; website:
KLUBER ARCHITECTS + ENGINEERS — Building design professionals specializing in architecture, mechanical, electrical, plumbing, structural, and fire protection engineers. Batavia – 630/406-1213
ALLIED DESIGN CONSULTANTS, INC. — Architectural programming, site planning and design, architectural and interior design, and construction administration with a specialization in K-12 facilities. Springfield – 217/522-3355 ARCON ASSOCIATES, INC. — Full service firm specializing in educational facilities with services that include architecture, construction management, roof and masonry consulting, landscape architecture, and environmental consulting. Lombard – 630/495-1900; website:; email: BERG ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, LTD. — Consulting engineers. Schaumburg – 847/352-4500; website: BLDD ARCHITECTS, INC. — Architectural and engineering services for schools. Decatur – 217/429-5105; Champaign – 217/3569606; Bloomington – 309/828-5025; Chicago – 312/829-1987 BRADLEY & BRADLEY — Architects, engineers, and asbestos consultants. Rockford – 815/968-9631; website: CANNONDESIGN — Architecture, Interiors, Engineering, Consulting. Chicago – 312/332-9600; website: ; email: CM ENGINEERING, INC. — Specializing in ultra efficient geo-exchange HVAC engineering solutions for schools, universities, and commercial facilities. Columbia, MO – 573/874-9455; website: CORDOGAN CLARK & ASSOCIATES — Architects and Engineers. Aurora – 630/896-4678; website: www.cordoganclark. com; email: rmont@cordogan DEWBERRY ARCHITECTS INC. — Architects, planners, landscape architecture, and engineers. Peoria – 309/282-8000; Elgin – 847/695-5840 DLA ARCHITECTS, LTD. — Architects specializing in preK-12 educational design, including a full range of architectural services; assessments, planning, feasibility studies, new construction, additions, remodeling, O&M and owner’s rep services. Itasca – 847/7424063; website:; email: DLR GROUP — Educational facility design and master planning. Chicago – 312/382-9980; website:; email: ERIKSSON ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, LTD. — Consulting civil engineers and planners. Grayslake – 847/223-4804; Chicago – 312/463-0551; Mokena – 708/614-9720; website:; email: FANNING HOWEY ASSOCIATES, INC. — School planning and design with a focus on K-12 schools. Oak Brook – 847/292-1039 30
HEALY, BENDER & ASSOCIATES, INC. — Architects/Planners. Naperville, 630/904-4300; website:; email:
LARSON & DARBY GROUP — Architecture, Engineering, Interior Design, and Technology. Rockford – 815/484-0739, St. Charles – 630/444-2112; website:; email: snelson@ LEGAT ARCHITECTS, INC. — Architectural and educational planners who specialize in creating effective student learning environments. Gurnee – 847/622-3535; Oak Brook – 630/990-3535; Chicago – 312/258-9595; website: PCM+DESIGN ARCHITECTS — Provide a full range of architectural services including facility and feasibility studies, architectural design, construction consulting and related services. East Peoria – 309/694-5012 PERFORMANCE SERVICES, INC. — An integrated design and delivery engineering company serving the design and construction facility needs of K-12 schools. Schaumburg – 847/466-7220 PERKINS+WILL — Architects. Chicago – 312/755-0770 RICHARD L. JOHNSON ASSOCIATES, INC. — Architecture, educational planning. Rockford – 815/398-1231; website: SARTI ARCHITECTURAL GROUP, INC. — Architecture, engineering, life safety consulting, interior design, and asbestos consultants. Springfield – 217/585-9111 STR PARTNERS — Architectural, interior design, planning, cost estimating, and building enclosure/roofing consulting. Chicago – 312/464-1444 TRIA ARCHITECTURE — An architectural planning and interior design firm that provides services primarily to School Districts in the Chicago-Land area with an emphasis on service to their clients, as well as their communities. Burr Ridge – 630/455-4500 WIGHT & COMPANY — For over 77 years, Wight & Company has provided design and construction services for the built environment. As a pioneer of integrated Design & Delivery, we’ve worked with our clients to create exceptional, enduring buildings and spaces that enrich people’s lives and enhance the environment; Darien – 630/969-7000; website:; email: WM. B. ITTNER, INC. — Full service architectural firm serving the educational community since 1899. Fairview Heights – 618/624-2080 WOLD ARCHITECTS AND ENGINEERS — Specializing in PreK-12 educational design including master planning, sustainable design, architecture, mechanical and electrical engineering, quality review, cost estimation and management. Palatine – 847/241-6100
Building Construction
CORE CONSTRUCTION — Professional construction management, design-build, and general contracting services. Morton – 309/2669768; website: F. H. PASCHEN — A General/Construction Manager with extensive experience in new construction and renovation of educational and institutional facilities in the public/private sectors. Chicago – 773/4441525-3535; website: FREDERICK QUINN CORPORATION — Construction management and general contracting. Addison – 630/628-8500; website: HOLLAND CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, INC. — Full service Construction Management and General Contracting firm specializing in education facilities. Swansea – 618/277-8870 PEPPER CONSTRUCTION COMPANY — Construction management and general contracting services. Barrington – 847/381-2760 POETTKER CONSTRUCTION COMPANY — Specializing in Construction Management, Design/Build, Construction Consulting Services, and Energy Solutions for education clients. Breese – 618/526-7213; website:
OPTERRA ENERGY SERVICES — Turnkey partnership programs that enable K12 school districts in Illinois to modernize their facilities, increase safety, security and efficiency, reduce operations costs, and maximize the lifespan of critical assets. Chicago – 312/498-7792; email: RADON DETECTION SPECIALISTS — Commercial radon surveys. Westmont – 800/244-4242; website:; email:
Financial Services
AMERICAN FIDELITY ASSURANCE COMPANY — Specializing in Section 125 compliance, 403(b) plan administration, flexible spending accounts, health savings accounts, dependent audits, and health care reform. Fairview Heights – 855/822-9168 BERNARDI SECURITIES, INC. — Public finance consulting, bond issue services and referendum support. Fairview Heights – 618/2064180; Chicago - 312/281-2014; email: EHLERS & ASSOCIATES — School bond issues; referendum help; financial and enrollment studies. Chicago – 312/638-5250; website:; email:
ROSS CONSTRUCTION, INC. — A full-service construction management firm specializing in educational institutions. Marion – 618/993-5904
FIRST MIDSTATE, INC. — Bond issue consultants. Bloomington – 309/829-3311; email:
S.M. WILSON & CO. — Provides construction management and general construction services to education, healthcare, commercial, retail, and industrial clients. St. Louis, Mo – 314/645-9595; website:; email:
GORENZ AND ASSOCIATES, LTD. — Auditing and financial consulting. Peoria – 309/685-7621; website:; email:
TRANE — HVAC company specializing in design, build, and retrofit. Willowbrook – 630/734-6033
Computer Software, Supplies, Services
SONITROL GREAT LAKES — Verified electronic security. Northbrook – 847/205-0670; website:
ICE MILLER, LLP — Nationally recognized bond counsel services. Chicago – 312/726-7127 KINGS FINANCIAL CONSULTING, INC. — Municipal bond financial advisory service including all types of school bonds; school referenda, county school sales tax; tax revenue forecasts/projections. Monticello – 217/762-4578 MATHIESON, MOYSKI, AUSTIN & CO., LLP — Provides audit, consulting and other related financial services to Illinois school districts, joint agreements and risk pools. Wheaton – 630/653-1616
The Concord Consulting Group of Illinois, Inc — A team of highly skilled professionals specializing in the fields of Project Management, Cost Management, Development Services, Cost Segregation, Real Estate Advisory Services, and Insurance services; Chicago – 312/424-0250
SIKICH, LLP — Professional services firm specializing in accounting, technology, and advisory services. Naperville — 630/364-7953
Environmental Services
STIFEL — Full service securities firm providing investment banking and advisory services including strategic financial planning; bond underwriting; referendum and legislative assistance. Edwardsville – 800/230-5151; email:
ALPHA CONTROLS & SERVICES, LLC — Facility Management Systems, Automatic Temperature Controls, Access Control Systems, Energy Saving Solutions; Sales, Engineering, Installation, Commissioning and Service. Rockford, Springfield, Champaign: toll-free 866/ALPHA-01; website:; email: CTS GROUP — Dedicated to assisting K-12 education meet the challenge of providing healthy, safe, and educational appropriate learning environments. St. Louis, MO – 636/230-0843; Chicago – 773/633-0691; website:; email: rbennett@ ENERGY SYSTEMS GROUP — A comprehensive energy services and performance contracting company providing energy, facility and financial solutions. Itasca – 630/773-7201; email: smcivor@ GCA SERVICES GROUP – Custodial, janitorial, maintenance, lawn and grounds, and facility operations services. Downers Grove – 630/629-4044 GRP MECHANICAL CO., INC. — Renovating buildings through energy savings performance contracting to provide the best learning environment. HVAC, Plumbing, Windows, Doors, and Mechanical Services. Bethalto – 618/779-0050 HONEYWELL, INC. — Controls, maintenance, energy management, performance contracting, and security. St. Louis, MO – 314/548-4136; Des Plaines – 847/770-5496; Maryland Heights, MO – 314/548-4501; email:; IDEAL ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING, INC. — Asbestos and environmental services. Bloomington – 309/828-4259 ILLINOIS ENERGY CONSORTIUM — Sells electricity and natural gas to school districts, colleges, and universities. Dekalb – 815/7539083; website:; email:
SPEER FINANCIAL, INC. — Financial planning and bond issue services. Chicago – 312/346-3700; website: www.speerfinancial. com; email:
WILLIAM BLAIR & COMPANY — Bond issuance, financial advisory services. Chicago – 312/364-8955; email: WINTRUST FINANCIAL — Financial services holding company engaging in community banking, wealth management, commercial insurance premium financing, and mortgage origination. Rosemont – 630/560-2120
Human Resource Consulting
BUSHUE HUMAN RESOURCES, INC. — Human resource, safety and risk management, and insurance consulting. Effingham – 217/3423042; website:; email:
THE SANDNER GROUP — Insurance program management, marketing & claims services for workers' compensation, property & liability. Chicago – 800/654-9504
Office Equipment
FRANK COONEY COMPANY, INC. — Furniture for educational environments. Wood Dale – 630/694-8800
Superintendent Searches
ECRA Group & HYA — Superintendent searches, board and superintendent workshops. Schaumburg – 847/318-0072
Achievements E vely n A lex-
as a volunteer in 1958. She taught
has been an icon in this community
ander, a long-time
emergency preparedness, as well as
for public education for all schools
member of North
environmental health in a school caf-
across the board for over 50 years,”
Chicago CUSD
eteria, and read to students as well.
said Dora King, chair of the indepen-
187, was recently
Alexander was elected to the school
dent authority board, who suggested
distinguished with
board, eventually retiring from the
the school be renamed for Alexan-
a school renamed in her honor. To
board. Then in recent years, after the
der. “She just loves these children.”
honor her, North Elementary was
State Board of Education assumed
Officials say Alexander was a model
renamed Evelyn Alexander Ele-
oversight, she was appointed to
board member, always prepared, with
mentary School on June 30, district
serve on the district’s independent
a “great understanding of what the
officials said. Alexander, 80, began
authority board. “Miss Alexander
community needs.”
In memoriam Russell Louis Baltz, 93, died
Board of Education unanimously vot-
after retirement, served on that dis-
Ju ly 10, 2017. He was a for mer
ed to name the district’s third middle
trict’s school board.
school board member for Millstadt
school in his honor, H.W. Cowherd
Community Consolidated Schools.
Middle School.
24, 2017. He served on the Wood Riv-
Allen Carter Clendenin, 77,
William Cross, 73, died July
er-Hartford ESD 15 Board of Educa-
died July 11, 2017. He taught Indus-
22, 2017. He was past president of
tion and the East Alton-Wood River
trial Arts at Jerseyville High School
the West Lincoln-Broadwell school
CHSD 14 board, and was elected pres-
in Jerseyville and Chester High
ident of both.
School and farmed for 43 years.
William ‘Bill’ Frank Dehority,
Gordon George Frey, 93, died
A llen ser ved the Chester CUSD
82, died July 20, 2017. He former-
July 22, 2017. He was among the
Board of Education for 20 years,
ly ser ved on the El Paso school
founders of the Lisle school districts,
eight as president.
and was a member of the elementary
Richard Ray Comer, 84, died
Joan B. Dechert, 86, died July
and high school boards in the 1950s.
July 28, 2017. He served two terms
18, 2017. She served as a member
Homer B. Harris, Jr., 91, died
on the Casey School Board.
of the boards of education for Niles
June 8, 2017. He previously served
Township High School District 219
on the Lincoln Elem SD 27 Board of
and Golf School District 67.
Lillian H. Covitt, 90, died July 18, 2017. She was former member and president of the board of education of Skokie School District 73.5. Henry W. Cowherd Jr., 93, died July 12, 2017. He was the first Afri-
Phillip LeRoy Ford, 79, died July
Richard “Dick” Herbert Ervin,
Sharon Eugene Houmes, 84,
85, died June 20, 2017. He previously
died June 29 2017. He served on the
served on the Illiopolis school board
Hoopeston school board.
as president for many years.
can-American elected to the East
Laura B. (Hamilton) Fleming,
Aurora school board, which he served
74, died May 22, 2017. She taught
for 13 years. In 1991, the East Aurora
31 years in Harrisburg CUSD 3 and,
Iris Bates Ioder, 93, died June 18, 2017. She served on the board of education of Bradford CUSD 1. Continued on page 29
Fairness, funding, and forecasting
uestion: Will a new funding
than that with the Illinois General
demonstrates political compromise
formula be fair to my school
is possible.
However, fairness and funding
Although we don’t yet know
Answer: The only answer I can
reform see a flicker of good news: An
the details, Illinois school districts
feel confident giving is “I don’t know.”
“evidenced-based” funding model is
are going to have to deal with a new
To simplify it further, I would answer
now the law in Illinois.
funding model from Springfield. The
this question with a classic shrug
Adopting an evidence-based
determination of whether or not that
funding model was at the core of
funding formula is fair is going to be
As this issue of The Illinois
the “equitable and adequate fund-
an individual school district deci-
School Board Journal goes to press,
ing” pillar of Vision 20/20, a part-
sion. School district finances are
the fate of school funding reform in
nership IASB shares with IASA,
not one-size-fits-all, and never will
Illinois was still uncertain. In case
IPA, Illinois ASBO, the Superinten-
be, given the economic diversity in
you missed it, in July a full state-
dents’ Commission for the Study of
Illinois. The evidenced-based model
wide budget was put in place for the
Demographics and Diversity, and
is designed to get us closer to equa-
first time in over two years. But an
the Illinois Association of Regional
bility, i.e. fairness.
appropriations provision states that
Superintendents of Schools.
One of the best things to come
funding for general education spend-
The real accomplishment behind
from the debate over a new funding
ing must be distributed through an
getting an evidence-based model in
model has been the advocacy of
evidence-based funding model. Until
statute is that both Democrats and
school leaders. Whatever determi-
such a model is in place, schools will
Republicans agreed that such a mod-
nate you come to at the local level
be, essentially, without general fund-
el is the best way forward. Democrats
about the fairness of the new funding
ing. Senate Bill 1, an evidence-based
and Republicans in Illinois have not
model, one thing can be certain, the
funding model that passed both hous-
agreed about much since January
Illinois Association of School Boards
es, was given an amendatory veto
2015. So, whatever the outcome, the
needs you to continue to advocate
by Governor Bruce Rauner in early
fact that the new funding formula
for your local school district on this
August. And that’s where the situa-
has to be an evidenced-based model
and all issues.
tion stands as of this writing. I am going to avoid speculation about what will happen, and likely has happened, by the time this hits your mailbox. Answering the question “What is fair?” could be accomplished through a series of objective measurements, but things are always more complicated
ADVANCING PUBLIC EDUCATION IASB Service Associates provide quality products and services for schools. Membership is by invitation only. A list of Service Associate firms is on the IASB website and in this Journal.
IASB Director of Governmental Relations Zach Messersmith tackles the question for this issue of The Illinois School Board Journal.
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