Vol. 81, No. 1
What if there’s another way...
... to build for student success PLUS: RELEVANCE PARADOX • GOOD-BYE • TYPE 75 • CENTENNIAL YEAR
state association is mandatory …
shown before the general sessions at
would be envious of that mark. But
this year’s conference.
this is not something that we take for granted.
You’ll also see that logo in this issue on the first of a series of arti-
IASB staff constantly looks for
cles that will highlight IASB’s histo-
ways to improve products and ser-
ry and try to frame Association events
vices for members. At each confer-
in terms of what was happening in
appy New Year 2013! For those
ence, division meeting, training
the state and the world at the same
of you who might have been
opportunity and event, staff asks for
time. We want to help you put edu-
worried about the Mayan calendar
your input — what you liked, what
cation and the history of the Associ-
“end of days” prediction on Decem-
you didn’t like, how we might improve,
ation in a perspective that you can
ber 21, 2012, it looks like we have
relate to happenings in your own life
survived. Those of you who have
If you didn’t take the post-con-
“triskaidekaphobia” might be enter-
ference survey and have specific items
We want to offer you the oppor-
ing the year with a bit of trepidation,
you would like to discuss, please con-
tunity to contribute, too. If you have
but at least only two Fridays this year
tact the field services director for
pictures of your district from 1913
are on the 13th.
your division. If you want to know
and would like to share a digital copy,
Here at the Illinois Association
more about any service that IASB
we would love to be able to publish
of School Boards, the number 13 and
offers or how we might better serve
them later in the year. If your district
the calendar take on a great signifi-
you, we’re as close as an email or a
was one that was created in 1913,
cance this year. December 13, 2013,
phone call.
we’d like to know about that, too. If
and the life of your school district.
marks the 100th anniversary of your
As the Association enters its 100th
Association. (Pause here to throw
year, the staff who serves you from
confetti in the air if you wish.)
the Springfield and Lombard offices
One of the most fascinating things
you built a school in 1913 and it’s still in use today, we want to share it.
We are not sure as yet what all
is even more aware that in order to
about looking into history is how
will be planned for the year, but we
be successful for another 100 years,
much things change, and yet how
do know that 2013 will be special
IASB needs to keep evaluating what
much they remain the same. To help
in a number of ways. And we want
it does and how it’s done. Even though
prove that, we are adding a quote
our members to be part of it.
the 2012 Joint Annual Conference
from 1913 that will appear in each
When 25 school board members
was a success, we held a staff debrief-
“Tale End” section on the back cov-
met in Quincy, Illinois, to form the
ing to get our own views on how we
er of The Journal. Quick! If you haven’t
Illinois State School Board Associa-
can do even better in 2013. We did
already looked, take a peek at what
tion, they probably had little idea
this last year as well, and a number
Thomas A. Edison said in 1913 about
of what the organization would look
of new ideas surfaced and were put
how education would be revolution-
like in 100 years … or that it would
in place, including opening the
ized by the mid-1920s because of his
survive and grow as it has.
Comiskey Room earlier and putting
invention of the motion picture cam-
What they did know was that
out programs on Thursday evening
they wanted an organization that
for those who want to start planning
would be voluntary, that would serve
with a program in hand.
Education may not have been revolutionized by his invention, but
the best interests of public education
While the biggest portion of the
go ahead and smile just a bit if you
in the state, that would have an impact
celebration for IASB’s centennial will
remember being excited when a pro-
on school management issues and
most likely occur at the 2013 Joint
jector was in the classroom when you
that would help differentiate the roles
Annual Conference, you will notice
were in school. Now think about stu-
of school board members and admin-
increasing references throughout the
dents in your classrooms learning
coming year. We began late last year
from videos on their own laptops.
District membership in IASB is
adding a centennial logo to our mail-
Things change and yet some reac-
currently at 99 percent. Many states
ings, and it was featured on a slide
tions will always be the same.
… except where membership in a
during the PowerPoint presentation
COVER STORY 10 | What if there’s another way … Educational settings to foster student success Classroom configurations can help teachers reach more students by better supporting educational tasks. Jason Lembke and Douglas Ogurek
14 | … To build for student success Activating a connection between learning, environment Educational leaders need to invest in learning environments that prioritize creativity and innovation. Kerry Leonard
4 | Centennial celebration … Today’s Association began with 1913 Quincy meeting Early history shows the Illinois Association of School Boards began with the same purpose and mission it follows to this day. Linda Dawson
6 | Honest, you can be an effective leader Honesty, morals and ethics play a big role in effective leadership. Greg Reynolds and Dennis White
16 | 80th Joint Annual Conference Lights the Way 24 | Good-bye, Type 75; Hello, endorsements Changes are underway to make principal preparation more rigorous. Howard Bultinck
28 | Does your district have progressive discipline policies? A structured, proactive approach to discipline at the secondary level shows great promise. Martin D. Felesena
REGULAR FEATURES Boiler Room . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Practical PR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Milestones . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Ask the staff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Inside back cover
2 0 1 3
Vol. 81, No. 1
ILLINOIS SCHOOL BOARD JOURNAL (ISSN-0019-221X) is published every other month by the Illinois Association of School Boards, 2921 Baker Drive, Springfield, Illinois 62703-5929, telephone 217/528-9688. The IASB regional office is located at One Imperial Place, 1 East 22nd Street, Lombard, Illinois 601486120, telephone 630/629-3776. The JOURNAL is supported by the dues of school boards holding active membership in the Illinois Association of School Boards. Copies are mailed to all school board members and the superintendent in each IASB member school district. Non-member subscription rate: Domestic $18.00 per year. Foreign (including Canada and Mexico) $21.00 per year. PUBLICATION POLICY IASB believes that the domestic process functions best through frank and open discussion. Material published in the JOURNAL, therefore, often presents divergent and controversial points of view which do not necessarily represent the views or policies of IASB. James Russell, Associate Executive Director Linda Dawson, Editor Gary Adkins, Contributing Editor Diane M. Cape, Design and Production Manager Dana Heckrodt, Advertising Manager
Dual credit growth Education abroad
Cover by Corbin Design, Petersburg
Virtual classrooms, robot custodians? Say it ain’t so! by “Gus”
Gus, the custodian at Eastside
r. Keck recently attended a
hear. You know, the population of any
workshop on the future of
nation general creeps upward over
workforce.” “How does that relate to the schools?”
school architecture, held at a hotel
time. True, now we’re in an economic
Grammar, is the
neatly situated next to a golf course.
slump, and married folks think twice
“Simple, Gus. These people might
creation of
(School executives like to blend work
before having more kids when the
opt for home schooling, to be closer
Richard W.
with play.)
job market is shaky, but we’ll even-
to their kids. Not the kind of home
Smelter, a retired
I was curious as to what the speak-
tually recover and the work force will
schooling you and I are familiar with,
school principal,
er had to say. I might be retired by
be stable again. So, I expected to hear
where the parents teach their own
now a Chicago-
the time “new” architecture replaces
that we’ll continue as we have over
children, but state-generated home
based college
our “old” buildings, but I wondered
the past century … adding more wings
instructor and
what type of facilities future custo-
to the schools and building brand new
dians might end up havin’ to keep
buildings as the population rises again.
“That’s right. He predicts that
But, I was surprised to hear what
the educational delivery system we
he had to say … that schools will be
have now will continue as is, but only
far smaller than they are now.”
until the end of the sixth grade. At
I asked Keck about this, and he suggested we go out for coffee after work to discuss the issue. He looked
the seventh-grade level, however, the
“It’s all connected to the com-
parents will be offered two options.”
We went to Eugene’s, just across
puter revolution, Gus. You know,
I wiped the whipped cream off
the street from the new shopping mall.
right now, a small percentage of peo-
my nose and continued to listen with
Eugene’s is an interestin’ place … the
ple work out of their own homes
great curiosity.
kind of coffee shop where people order
because most of what they do all day
“The first option will be to con-
stuff like double caramel, mocha,
is sit at a computer. Companies real-
tinue sending their children to school
decaf lattes with whipped cream,
ize that this type of work can be done
for the conventional delivery system
priced at around $6 for an amount of
anywhere, so why make these
… sitting in an actual classroom, sur-
coffee that wouldn’t keep a squirrel
employees come to some remote
rounded by their peers, listening to
awake. (I prefer Steve’s Café. The cof-
office building to put in a day’s work?
the teacher.”
fee’s lousy, but it’s strong and only
The speaker thinks the number of
costs a buck.)
employees working at home will
more serious than usual.
“Well, Gus,” he began. “It was
“What’s the second option gonna be?” I asked.
increase over the next 50 years or
“Well, that would be keeping your
so. He predicted that, by 2050, the
kids at home, turning on the TV, and
“How so?”
number of people working at home
selecting the appropriate grade lev-
“It wasn’t what I’d expected to
might be as high as 20 percent of the
el on the state’s education channel.
a very eye-opening workshop.”
“How can that be?” I asked.
T H E I L L I N O I S S C H O O L B O A R D J O U R N A L / J A N U A R Y- F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 3
In our state, the program would be
School architecture would be a fad-
generated in Springfield. The teach-
ing career option.”
ers would simply instruct the kids
“What if the parent liked the cur-
from the state’s ‘virtual classrooms.’”
riculum offered by their local school
“How would attendance be mon-
district better than the state’s cur-
riculum?” I asked.
“Every parent would be given a
“The speaker predicted that stan-
numerical password, which they
dardized tests would eventually be
would enter daily via their home com-
geared to the state curriculum. Local
puter. At the end of each week, a short
school districts would then choose
quiz would be taken by the home-
the state curriculum, in order to fare
schoolers, one quiz per subject. The
well on the standardized tests. School
kids would simply enter their respons-
district curriculum directors would
es on their laptop, and then email
go the way of school architects. You’d
them to Springfield. The state’s com-
have a better chance finding work as
puter system would grade each quiz,
a blacksmith!”
enter the grades into their system
“What about extra-curricular
and forward the results to the par-
activities ... like bein’ on the high
ents over the Internet. At the end
school basketball team or in the band?”
of each semester, the state would
“The local school district would
issue a report card to the parents par-
have to allow state homeschoolers to
ticipating in the program.”
participate. After all, their parents
“What if a student had a question?” “The speaker skirted around that
still pay taxes.” “What about kids makin’ friends at school?”
issue. Anyway, he predicted that as
“Good question, Gus. Maybe the
many as 15 percent of parents would
state homeschool parents could bunch
opt for the state’s delivery system.
up the kids … you know, they could
He said that by the year 3000, this
all meet at one parent’s home each
might grow to as high as 35 percent
day. That way, they’d make new
at the middle school level … maybe
even higher at the high school lev“That means that the number of
the local schools would slowly turn
kids actually attending their local
into ghost towns, like in the Old West.
school would drop by at least a third,
Sounds sad, Mr. Keck. Not much need
Mr. Keck.” (I always like to impress
for many school janitors.”
people with my math skills.) “And that translates into the need for fewer classrooms. Many rooms would simply be closed down. Building larger schools, or adding new ones, would go the way of the dinosaurs. Just make sure the existing schools are structurally sound and the classrooms still in use are up-to-date.
“Probably no need for any, Gus. By that time, robots will do all the cleaning.”
Immediate Past President Joseph Alesandrini
Vice President Karen Fisher
BOARD OF DIRECTORS Abe Lincoln Roger Edgecombe
Lake County Joanne Osmond
Blackhawk Jackie Mickley
Northwest Ben Andersen
Central Illinois Valley Thomas Neeley
Shawnee Roger Pfister
Cook North Phil Pritzker
Southwestern John Coers
Cook South Tom Cunningham
Starved Rock Simon Kampwerth Jr.
Cook West Joanne Zendol
Three Rivers / Treasurer Dale Hansen
Corn Belt Mark Harms
Two Rivers David Barton
DuPage Rosemary Swanson
“So, the whole neighborhood would have a lotta mini-schools and
President Carolyne Brooks
Egyptian John Metzger Illini Michelle Skinlo Kaskaskia Linda Eades
Wabash Valley Tim Blair Western Sue McCance Chicago Board Jesse Ruiz Service Associates Steve Larson
Kishwaukee Mary Stith
“And one of these fancy coffee drinks will cost about $15.” “You got it, Gus. Isn’t progress wonderful?” “Yeah … well, it may be fulla
IASB is a voluntary association of local boards of education and is not affiliated with any branch of government.
somethin’ … but it ain’t wonder.”
J A N U A R Y- F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 3 / T H E I L L I N O I S S C H O O L B O A R D J O U R N A L
Centennial celebration …
Today’s Association began with 1913 Quincy meeting by Linda Dawson
Linda Dawson is IASB director/
t was a presidential inaugural year.
and mine explosions — that caused
editorial services
loss of life. And it was filled with firsts
and editor of The
… the first drive-up gas station, the
Illinois School
first income tax deductions, the first
Board Journal.
Billboard Top 10, the first published
This is the first in a year-long series that will detail the history of the Illinois Association of School Boards from its inception in 1913 through its 100th anniversary on December 13, 2013.
crossword puzzle, the first woman to
including Francis G. Blair, state super-
parachute from an airplane and the
intendent of public instruction, who
first stainless steel products.
was to give the Thursday evening ban-
It was 1913, a year that also saw
quet address.
• School board problems and how best to solve them • Standardizing school accounting, school statistics and office methods • School boards and vocational
the first convention and the creation
An historical summary, published
of an organization known as the Illi-
by the Association on its 80th anniver-
nois State School Board Association.
sary, noted that 25 school board mem-
A November 18, 1913, archived
bers met and elected Joseph W. Wall,
article from The Quincy Whig (the
a board member from Quincy, as the
• Prerogatives of the superintendent
forerunner of today’s Quincy Herald-
first Association president.
• Teacher salaries — teaching effi-
education • Wider use of school plants — legal uses of school buildings
Whig) announced that 122 invita-
Other school board members
tions had been sent to school boards
who attended the meeting, accord-
While there were a number of
in Illinois to call for a three-day meet-
ing to The Quincy Whig, were: Robert
luncheons and banquets, it also is
ing to be held at the Hotel Newcomb
J. Christie Jr., Quincy school board
interesting to note that near the end
in Quincy on December 11-13.
president; H.H. Cleveland, Rockford;
of the convention on Saturday, Otto
This may seem like a small num-
Anna Rynearson, Peoria board sec-
A. Ward, the Quincy district’s super-
ber of school districts to invite, but
retary; Hettie L. Thompson, Gales-
visor of physical culture, led the group
local school boards had not been in
burg; and J.T. Montgomery, Charleston
in exercise.
existence for all that long. School
Superintendents mentioned
boards were originally provided for
included C.H. Maxwell of Moline and
by a new state constitution in 1870.
Hugh S. Magill Jr. of Springfield.
Proposed purpose As is true today, IASB began with
And travel to a meeting in 1913 would
Interestingly, the topics for dis-
a stated purpose in mind. Today’s
have been a much longer and chal-
cussion read very much like board
mission, “excellence in local school
lenging process than today.
members might expect at any cur-
governance and support of public
rent Joint Annual Conference in
education,” is reflected in the early
purpose of the Association from 1913.
The program touted that many prominent educators would attend,
Part I — 1913-1932
It had its tragedies — floods, wars
T H E I L L I N O I S S C H O O L B O A R D J O U R N A L / J A N U A R Y- F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 3
The organization was created to:
regular staff until 1928, there are
be another 15 years before the Asso-
• Be a purely voluntary movement;
few records available for those first
ciation hired its first full-time exec-
• Serve only the best interests of the
15 years. And during the first four
utive director.
public school system of Illinois;
years of the Association’s existence,
The first school board conven-
• Secure a uniformity of action on
the country and the world were
tion was held November 21-22, 1928,
matters pertaining to school financ-
focused on World War I in Europe.
ing and management;
Those involved in education in Illi-
• Improve the methods of account-
nois were focused on the establishment of a state pension fund for
ing for school funds; and • Bring about the simplification of
teachers (1915).
“Although there have obviously been
school laws and a more definite
By 1920, there were 1.2 mil-
differential of functions between
lion students enrolled in Illinois pub-
the school board and the school
lic schools and 38,000 teachers. That
year, the state appropriated $6 mil-
the past 100 years, the fact that the
Membership in the Association
lion for K-12 public education. Illi-
Association is a member-driven orga-
is still voluntary. Currently, 99 per-
nois ranked 23rd in the country with
cent of Illinois’ 863 districts are mem-
27.5 percent of state and local funds
nization is the same today as it was
bers of IASB.
supporting education, and 38th in
“From inception, IASB has been a member driven organization,” said
changes in public education and certainly the role of public education over
100 years ago.” — Roger Eddy Executive Director IASB
the amount of per student tax support ($1.47).
Roger Eddy, IASB’s current execu-
In 1927, the legislature created
tive director. “Although there have
a state aid formula designed to equal-
obviously been changes in public edu-
ize expenditures per pupil. This, for
cation and certainly the role of pub-
the first time, allowed greater state
lic education over the past 100 years,
aid to poorer districts, with each dis-
in Urbana. Subsequent conferences
the fact that the Association is a mem-
trict receiving $9 per pupil and up
were held in Peoria, Decatur, Spring-
ber-driven organization is the same
to $25 per student extra for districts
field, St. Louis and Chicago.
today as it was 100 years ago.
with low evaluations, according to
Subsequent issues of The Illinois
the Illinois State Board of Educa-
School Board Journal in 2013 will
look at the development and growth
“And, the fact that 99 percent of school districts in Illinois are members of IASB speaks volumes as to the
The Association’s first perma-
of the organization, culminating in
strength of that member-driven com-
nent office was established in the
November/December with a look
Urbana Public Library building in
toward the future.
1928. A.D. McLarty became the first Early days Because the Association had no
staff member and was named part-
time executive secretary, but it would
Historical events for Year 1913, http://www.historyorb.com/events/date/ 1913 Illinois Association of School Boards, Historical Summary, 1993 Illinois State Board of Education, http://www.isbe.net/news/2004/ Illinois_education_timeline.pdf News and Events of 1913, http:// infoplease.com/year/1913.html The Quincy Whig, November 18, 1913
Comparisons 1913
Federal spending
$0.72 billion
$3,563 trillion
Consumer Price Index
4.3 percent
7.9 percent
First-class stamp
2 cents
45 cents
J A N U A R Y- F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 3 / T H E I L L I N O I S S C H O O L B O A R D J O U R N A L
Honest, you can be an effective leader by Greg Reynolds and Dennis White
Greg Reynolds is
favorite son of Illinois once said:
Impaler, Idi Amin Dada, Ruhollah
trustworthy, competent and vigor-
“If we could first know where
Khomeini and Adolph Hitler also rose
ous are more likely to be seen as cred-
we are, and whither we are tending,
to be effective, powerful leaders. Long-
ible sources for information. People
professor at
we could then better judge what to
held standards of traditional leader-
want to believe in their leaders. And
Southern Illinois
do, and how to do it.”
a visiting assistant
ship were placed in jeopardy by their
when leaders fail to understand how
We believe Abraham Lincoln was
actions and uncompromising bru-
they influence climate and culture,
saying that without direction an indi-
tality. Leadership cannot be described
it can be devastating!
Dennis White is a
vidual could wander aimlessly and
simply as being able to influence oth-
former Illinois
perhaps never reach his or her objec-
er people’s thoughts and actions.
school superin-
tive. The complexity in leading a
tendent who
school district cannot be minimized,
now teaches in
nor will shortcuts hasten achieving
the School of Advanced Study, University of Phoenix.
to have no end, and we never seem Effective leadership Honesty, morals, ethics and values are necessary for effective lead-
to run short of leaders making selfserving decisions that compromise the mission of the organization.
Leadership has been debated on
ership, as well as avoiding intimidation
So, based on today’s standards,
many fronts and goes by many names:
or behaviors associated with power
are ethics, morality, high standards,
charismatic, situational, transfor-
or position.
values, character, credibility and
mational, autocratic and democratic.
Typically, leaders use intrinsic or extrinsic rewards by providing
trustworthiness necessary traits to be an effective school leader?
Leadership should not be static;
increased responsibility, improved
Yes! And if school boards define
the best leaders morph constantly to
working conditions, programs that
skill expectations for their educa-
match the mission of the organiza-
acknowledge accomplishments, new
tional leaders, why not define expec-
tion with the needs of those who fol-
fringe benefits and pay increases
tations of values, ethics, standards,
low. Good leaders influence others
as ways to effectively influence oth-
morality, honesty, credibility and
to do their job and do it well. In its
simplest form, leadership is one per-
In 1992, Stephen Covey stated
Most leaders recognize the impor-
son’s ability to influence other peo-
that the most effective way to create
tance of ethical behavior, and they
ple’s thoughts and actions.
positive and effective influence is
have a clear understanding of trust-
Lincoln, Mahatma Gandhi, Mar-
through communicating powerful
worthiness and honesty. School admin-
tin Luther King, Franklin Delano Roo-
ideas in simple, direct credible lan-
istrators and school board members
sevelt, Winston Churchill, John
guage. Written and spoken language
display their philosophies in their
Wooden, Nelson Mandela, Albert
then becomes a primary tool to reach
actions every single day. It is impos-
Schweitzer and Thomas Edison are
the needs of the individual and the
sible to act in a void and avoid dis-
used to measure today’s leaders.
mission of the school district.
playing a framework of thought and
But Joseph Stalin, Vlad the 6
Unethical behavior in business, politics, religion and society seems
Leaders who are perceived as
T H E I L L I N O I S S C H O O L B O A R D J O U R N A L / J A N U A R Y- F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 3
Leaders who are willing to join
values, ethics, trust and honesty are
what actually is said, and what per-
forces — administrators, school board
absent, these five elements will nev-
ceptions are established … for bet-
members, faculty, staff and commu-
er be realized. Establishing a strong
ter or worse.
nity — to work for the greater good
vision to build an effective team starts
Steven Covey claimed, “… what
of schools, community and children
by establishing core values and nev-
we are communicates far more elo-
are in great need. Hard work Leadership is hard work; it’s difficult physically, mentally and spir-
To be successful, administrators require extensive and relevant
experience in policymaking, organizational planning, public rela-
The complexity of decision making and a constant pressure to “do
tions, student services, school finance, curriculum, school law,
more with less” place today’s school
teacher and staff relations, communication, transportation, and
district leaders in a position of poten-
perhaps, most important, exceptionally good people skills.
tial failure on a daily basis. School leaders must possess necessary skills such as relevant experience, sound judgment, strategic planning and policymaking, but they
er breaking them.
quently and persuasively than what
cannot be expected to be expert or
If, in fact, they are values — core
we say or even do.” If actions and
possess technical command of each
values of ethical behavior, trustwor-
deeds match thoughts and attitudes,
area or department within a complex,
thiness, honesty, etc. — they define
trustworthiness emerges, and con-
multifunctional school district.
a leader. Collective values define the
stituents are the beneficiaries.
An administrator with experi-
culture, good or bad, functional or
The staff and community may
ence only in curriculum or school
dysfunctional, of any group, team,
not be able to see trust, but they know
finance or history is at significant risk
faculty or school board.
what it is … they feel it, and it is unmis-
of failure if he or she depends on a
The most effective teams respect
singular level of expertise for cross-
and identify closely with core values.
In The Leadership Challenge,
sectional decision making.
Where conflict and animosity arise,
James Kouzes and Barry Z. Posner
To be successful, administrators
it’s usually because a team member’s
state: “What leaders say they do is
require extensive and relevant expe-
values get trampled on and a core val-
one thing; what constituents say they
rience in policymaking, organiza-
ue of respect for others’ opinion is
want and how well leaders meet these
tional planning, public relations,
expectations is another.”
takable if trust is broken.
student services, school finance, cur-
During points of conflict, true
Kouzes and Posner began con-
riculum, school law, teacher and staff
leaders must have clear and unde-
ducting worldwide research on leader
relations, communication, trans-
niable skills of communication, log-
expectations more than 30 years ago.
portation, and perhaps, most impor-
ic, reasoning and fact-finding, but
Each time, they emphasize will-
tant, exceptionally good people skills.
they also should possess the quali-
ingly as the key word. What leader-
School board members can draw on
ties that define the core values of the
ship behaviors would the respondents
their combined and varied experi-
follow, not because they are forced to do so via policy or procedures,
ences, as well as the competencies of their administrators to be successful.
What is said, what is done Members of the team can’t see
rather following because they want to?
Leadership is judged based on
into the heart of the leader to deter-
The results are startling because
actions and behaviors. The leader
mine thoughts and feelings. Thus, a
they have been consistent from con-
can be the school visionary but, if
leader is left with what actually occurs,
tinent to continent and have not
J A N U A R Y- F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 3 / T H E I L L I N O I S S C H O O L B O A R D J O U R N A L
shown a significant variance by demog-
constituents aspire from those who
Wise agreements satisfy the par-
raphy, organization or culture. The
lead provides the ground work for
ties’ interest and are fair and lasting.
same four characteristics of honesty,
effective decision making.
A person’s willingness to confi-
vision, inspiration and competency
In Getting to Yes: Negotiating
dently follow a leader into battle, the
have been in lock step year after year.
Agreement without Giving In, Roger
board room, front office or any crit-
As a school board member, super-
Fisher and William Ury claim that
ical situation will only occur if they
intendent, principal or assistant admin-
good agreements are wise and effi-
can assure themselves that the leader
istrator, having a clear picture of what
cient, and improve relationships.
is worthy of trust. The setting makes no difference; followers want to be confident in their leaders and confidence comes from leaders possessing strong character and solid integrity. In Trust Rules: The Most Impor-
STAFF OFFICE OF THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Roger L. Eddy, Executive Director Benjamin S. Schwarm, Deputy Executive Director Meetings Management Patricia Culler, Assistant to the Executive Director Carla S. Bolt, Director-designee Sandy Boston, Assistant Director Office of General Counsel Melinda Selbee, General Counsel Kimberly Small, Assistant General Counsel Executive Searches Donna Johnson, Director Doug Blair, Consultant Dawn Miller, Consultant Thomas Leahy, Consultant Dave Love, Consultant ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES Jennifer Feld, Associate Executive Director/Chief Financial Officer Production Services Diane M. Cape, Senior Director ADVOCACY/ GOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS Benjamin S. Schwarm, Deputy Executive Director Deanna L. Sullivan, Director Susan Hilton, Director Zach Messersmith, Assistant Director Advocacy Cynthia Woods, Director
tant Secret, Duane C. Tway defines three constructs of trust as “ … the capacity for trusting, the perception of competence and the perception of intentions.” He goes on to define the practice of ethical leadership as
Board Development Sandra Kwasa, Director Nesa Brauer, Consultant
treating everyone with fairness and
Targeting Achievement through Governance Steve Clark, Consultant
behavior is simply not enough;
honesty. Thinking about ethical thoughts have to be directly connected with action.
COMMUNICATIONS James Russell, Associate Executive Director Gary W. Adkins, Director/Editorial Linda Dawson, Director/Editorial Jennifer Nelson, Director, Information Services Gerald R. Glaub, Consultant FIELD SERVICES/POLICY SERVICES Cathy A. Talbert, Associate Executive Director Field Services Larry Dirks, Director Dean Langdon, Director Patrick Rice, Director Jeff Cohn, Director Barbara B. Toney, Director Laurel DiPrima, Director Policy Services Anna Lovern, Director Nancy Bohl, Consultant Andrea Dolgin, Consultant Jackie Griffith, Consultant Wayne Savageau, Consultant Brian Zumpf, Consultant
Leaders face complex multifaceted problems each day. It can be easily argued the most serious workplace problem that leaders face is lack of trust, due to the loss of competency, compassion and core values. If leaders fail to allow their values to be identified through their acts and behaviors, mistrust will be a byproduct. Lack of trust then can create enough skepticism to halt productivity, thereby placing the advancement of every facet of an educational program in jeopardy. New or experienced school district leaders must be well-versed in the traditional skill sets associated with success. It is no longer possible
IASB OFFICES 2921 Baker Drive Springfield, Illinois 62703-5929 217/528-9688 Fax 217/528-2831 www.iasb.com 8
One Imperial Place 1 East 22nd Street, Suite 20 Lombard, Illinois 60148-6120 630/629-3776 Fax 630/629-3940
for success to prevail without effective credible communication that enhances believability. The most successful school dis-
T H E I L L I N O I S S C H O O L B O A R D J O U R N A L / J A N U A R Y- F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 3
trict leadership understands and practices a credible, moral and trustworthy manner while displaying high stan-
IASB Policy Services
dards and values. But most importantly, leadership must maintain honesty at the heart of thoughts, acts and behaviors. The job of a good leader is to extend trust first. Not a blind trust without expectations and accountability, but rather “smart trust” with clear expectations and strong accountability built into the process. The best leaders recognize that
Using technology to enhance your board effectiveness through online services, such as ...
trust impacts the organization all the time: every relationship, every communication, every work project, every organizational venture and every effort in which they are engaged. It is reasonable to expect that as long as mission, philosophy, goals and objectives are in alignment, coupled with honest and trustworthy behavior, the collective intelligence of the organization will rise, and children will be in an educational institution that can truly meet their needs. References Stephen R. Covey, PrincipleCentered Leadership, Simon and Schuster, Fireside Book, New York, 1992 Roger Fisher and William Ury, Getting To Yes: Negotiating Agreement without Giving In, Houghton Mifflin, New York: Penguin Books, 1981 (1991) James Kouzes and Barry Z. Pos-
PRESS, the IASB sample policy and procedure service — Receive 24/7 internet access to PRESS, IASB’s sample board policy and administrative procedure service. Find the information you need quickly and easily with our powerful search engine and the legal, informational, and time saving links embedded in the policies and procedures.
School Board Policies Online — Let IASB publish your board policy manual online and easily navigate your manual with keyword searches, jumps to cross references, and links to legal references by using the same excellent search engine used for PRESS online. Place the IASB supplied link to your manual on your district website to provide increased community access and awareness of your district’s governing document.
BoardBook® — Learn about the advantages of electronic board packet preparation made possible through use of IASB’s BoardBook® service by scheduling a demonstration for yourself, your administrators, or your entire board.
ner, The Leadership Challenge, JosseyBass, 2008 Duane C. Tway, Trust Rules: The Most Important Secret, dissertation, 1993
J A N U A R Y- F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 3 / T H E I L L I N O I S S C H O O L B O A R D J O U R N A L
Contact IASB Policy Services today for information: 630/629-3776 or 217/528-9688 Ext. 1214 or 1125 bzumpf@iasb.com or alovern@iasb.com
What if there’s another way …
Educational settings to foster student success tudents, parents, board mem-
in the classroom.
bers, teachers, and adminis-
As an influential
trators participated in a recent high
resource in the
com), director of
school facility master plan visioning
learning process,
K-12 education
session, where architects and plan-
the classroom
for Legat Archi-
ners shared research and discussed
itself can help
tects Inc., Chica-
the link between classroom design
teachers reach
go, is a member
and student performance.
more students by
Jason Lembke
of the Architecture Institute of America and a LEED accredited professional.
One young man, an honors stu-
better supporting
dent, sat with his arms folded. “I don’t
educational tasks.
see the point of this,” he said. “I learned
What if there
just fine in the classroom that you
is another way?
say is inadequate.”
What if the class-
No doubt that young man was
room set up for
Douglas Ogurek
telling the truth: he learned well,
small group pro-
despite the classroom’s shortcomings.
jects in first peri-
com) is commu-
Copyright Legat Architects
by Jason Lembke and Douglas Ogurek
Students in a math class asked, “Why can’t we all stand?” This illustrates the importance of what working adults have the freedom to do: move around to suit the task and create comfort.
What that student didn’t consider
od algebra transforms into a space
maximizing students’ 21st century
nications manag-
was the student behind him. Perhaps
that supports peer presentation in
skill development. The challenge of
er at Legat and
she had trouble absorbing the cur-
the next? Imagine a classroom as flex-
creating well-suited learning envi-
also a LEED
riculum in the educationally inade-
ible as a Broadway stage. The inter-
ronments is all the more impacted
quate classroom. Perhaps physical
changeable settings waiting in the
by contemporary methodologies like
characteristics like lighting, seat-
wings support the actors and activi-
the flipped classroom, blended instruc-
ing, available workspace, size, acoustics
ties on stage. Where would Romeo
tion, e-mentoring, peer-to-peer stu-
and configuration did not afford her
and Juliet be without the balcony in
dent support and a focus on evolving
the same opportunity to shine.
Verona? Likewise, classrooms
STEM curricula.
This illustrates a basic truth that
equipped with interchangeable edu-
every educator and stakeholder should
cational settings can better foster
consider: districts cannot easily achieve
learning and student success.
Cure for the common classroom Illinois districts continue to align
the complex task of reaching more
Districts and educational plan-
their curricula with the Common
students by ignoring individual activ-
ners now stand at a crossroads in
Core State Standards, which reveal
ity and ergonomic preferences with-
terms of educational settings and
what to do, but not necessarily how
T H E I L L I N O I S S C H O O L B O A R D J O U R N A L / J A N U A R Y- F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 3
to do it. Among the concepts gaining
in Havana CUSD 126 became one of
considering flipped classrooms face
momentum are technology integra-
the nation’s first schools to “flip” every
facility challenges: their classrooms
tion, group work, project-based learn-
are designed and furnished based on
“I think people in general learn
teaching styles popularized in the
by doing, not by being told how to
1950s and ’60s. Rows of heavy, fixed
ing, cross-curricular activities and one-to-one computing. Many districts are responding by
do,” said Superintendent Patrick M.
desk and chair combinations are not
harnessing the latest technology and
Twomey. “The flipped environment
well-suited to interactive learning
learning methods research to alter
quadruples the amount of time stu-
their delivery methods. The trans-
dents can actually do things with the
formations in teaching and learn-
Education begins with engagement. A five-sided classroom lay-
success for more students affords lit-
Technology in the classroom also
tle class time for moving around
gives students more control over the
old furniture. Furthermore, such
pace at which they absorb materi-
rooms in “original” configurations
are likely underpowered to sustain
ing beckon for a transformation in the setting.
The emphasis on creating more
out gives shape to one district’s
Michael B. Horn, executive direc-
charging stations for the demands of
instructional model, which empha-
tor of Innosight Institute, a non-prof-
one-to-one computing and interac-
sizes inquiry-based, collaborative
it think tank for education and
tive whiteboards now prized for pre-
learning. A teacher positioned at the
innovation, said technology offers an
sentation and collaboration.
center has wireless control of screens
“exciting way to bolster student learn-
positioned around the room. Engaged
ing as it allows us to customize an
students have devices to contribute
education for each child according
America’s Schoolhouse Council
to the information on the screens.
to his or her distinct learning needs.”
(ASC, www.americasschoolhouse.
Many schools implementing or
com), a consortium of educational
A traditional four-sided class-
Makeover with benefits
room can employ similar technology in small group activity clusters. In both examples, the teacher can coach and mentor without dictating while flexible furniture allows for rapid reconfiguration. The flipped classroom As tablets and netbooks replace textbooks, and inquiry and problem solving overtake rote learning, the “flipped classroom” concept continues to challenge educators’ ability to use aging classrooms. In the “flip” paradigm, the student uses technology (e.g., home or school computCopyright Legat Architects
er, tablets, DVD player, netbooks) for an introductory lesson — perhaps in place of homework — outside the classroom. Then she rejoins her classmates and mentor-teacher to explore the topic through a variety of physical classroom settings. This year, Havana High School
Planning for a “Flip This Classroom” makeover at Glen Crest Middle School involved Dunn and Dunn Learning Styles research, professional development for teachers, and tailored design strategies.
J A N U A R Y- F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 3 / T H E I L L I N O I S S C H O O L B O A R D J O U R N A L
planners and architects, created “Flip
student performance and teacher
have dominated educational discus-
This Classroom” to design and imple-
sions across the country. Recently,
ment learning environment renova-
• Teachers in a flipped reading lab
however, many educators and think
tions that suit a wider variety of tasks
classroom at Glen Crest Middle
tanks have begun to advocate enhanc-
and individual comforts. The orga-
School, Glen Ellyn SD 41, have
ing STEM to STEAM by adding an“A”
nization partners with districts to
identified a 15-percent increase in
or arts to the mix.
“flip” (i.e., make over) a classroom
reading fluency among sixth graders.
The arts and the creativity fos-
using ASC volunteer design and instal-
• A flipped classroom at Van Cort-
tered, they argue, are integral to a
lation labor, and then assesses how
landtville Elementary School in
collaborative and holistic course offer-
the environmental changes impact
Mohegan Lake, New York, led to
ing to increase learning.
student behavior, attitude, and per-
an 8 percent increase in English
Studies in a report by the Dana
language arts scoring, a 6 per-
Arts and Cognition Consortium reveal
“Flip This Classroom” validates
cent increase in math scoring and
a correlation between arts training
the arguments that settings matter
fewer disciplinary problems among
and improved math and reading scores.
and that architecture goes beyond
fourth graders in the testing cohort.
The consortium is part of The Dana Foundation, a private philanthropic
its basic purpose of creating a warm, safe and dry environment. Fine-tun-
ing factors like acoustics, flooring,
During the last few years, the
furniture, equipment, power, data
fields of science, technology, engi-
and even wall colors may improve
neering and mathematics (STEM)
organization that supports brain research through grants, publications and educational programs. The Dana report also found that arts boost attention, cognition, working memory, and reading fluency — all critical for STEM programs and
Division Meetings
for students to excel. “Art and music require the use of both schematic and procedural knowledge,” eminent Harvard psychologist Jerome Kagan said, “and, therefore, amplify a child’s under-
Did you benefit from the Joint Annual Conference? Or were you unable to attend?
standing of self and the world.” Robert Root-Bernstein, a physiology professor at Michigan State University, who researches and con-
Learning is not just a once-a-year opportunity. Attend IASB Division Dinner Meetings and Division Governing Board Meetings. Continue learning closer to home.
sults on creativity, said, “Nobel lau-
Division meetings allow you to network, develop professionally, recognize peers, participate in association governance and learn about IASB resources.
ly to be an artist; 12 times more like-
reates in the sciences are 25 times as likely as the average scientist to sing, dance, or act; 17 times as likely to write poetry and literature.” So why not schedule art and geometry classes together? “Why does STEAM policy matter?” asked John Maeda, president
For locations near you, visit www.iasb.com and click on Events Calendar.
of the Rohde Island School of Design. “It is how America will remain competitive, and remain the leader in innovation in the 21st century.”
T H E I L L I N O I S S C H O O L B O A R D J O U R N A L / J A N U A R Y- F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 3
How can schools foster co-cur-
ting. But for others, the setting will
rooms into “flexible learning settings.”
ricular delivery? What course com-
play a key role in their development
Only by working together can
binations are well-matched to sustain
and success.
and inspire the future workforce within a school community?
we create settings that not only pro-
Architects, planners, educators
mote comfort and ergonomics, but
and communities should partner to
that also give students and teachers the most time with content.
As an example, a district in
respond to the challenges of 21st cen-
Nashville, Tennessee, home of guitar
tury education. The time has come
manufacturer Gibson USA and the
to transform “aging in place” class-
country music capital of the world, might be inspired to enhance its STEM curriculum by adding the arts to nurture future innovation. With a multifaceted plan in place, the school schedules certain project activities in larger spaces. This enables courses like physics, industrial design, and art to come together in a space where students can collaborate and prob-
A system of EVALUATION starts at the
TOP with the
lem-solve. Similarly, if another district has the resources to renovate in support of this emerging curriculum, it might engage its architect or planner in a dialogue to plan dedicated spaces that
School Board! How do you score?
provide the maximum educational benefit for the minimum capital investment. Challenge and opportunity When a learning environment only acknowledges the needs and challenges of one group, others cannot gain the full benefits of the materials at hand. For today’s technology-savvy students, the road to the future is filled with many opportunities: constantly evolving technologies, global competitiveness and
Contact your IASB field services director today!
ever-expanding career opportunities,
Annual board self-evaluation
Clear mission, vision and goals
Solid community connection
Productive meetings
Strong board-superintendent relationship
Does your score add up?
100% ____
to name a few. Districts and educational planners have a responsibility to ensure that every student goes on to be the successful scientist, engineer or artist that he or she has the potential to
Springfield 217/528-9688 Lombard 630/629-3776
become. For some, this success will come despite their educational setJ A N U A R Y- F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 3 / T H E I L L I N O I S S C H O O L B O A R D J O U R N A L
... To build for student success
Activating a connection between learning, environment by Kerry Leonard
Kerry Leonard is a principal archi-
emands are being placed on
that can help educators think about
characteristics of a 21st-century learn-
education to produce gradu-
learning, the learning environment
ing environment. These projects led
ates who are ready for the 21st cen-
and the connection between the two.
to a book, The Third Teacher, which
tect with Cannon
tury. The responsibility for meeting
For Cannon Design, the research
explores the intersection of learning
Design of Chica-
this demand does not fall to educa-
into this connection began with pro-
go and a mem-
tors alone. Designers bring problem-
jects and clients with whom we were
The book became a launch point
ber architect of
solving skills and a design process
collaboratively trying to discover the
for a new educational design process
and the learning environment.
the American
and for new educational design chal-
Institute of
lenges. As a globally recognized pub-
lication resulting from unprecedented research on the intersection of design and education, it encourages a global conversation that explores the future of learning. The book houses collections of transformative teaching and learning methods achievable through the planned learning environment — inspired by Loris Malaguzzi’s “third teacher.” The goal of The Third Teacher is to illustrate how school design is intrinsically linked to learning and goes steps further by demonstrating how design directly impacts teaching and learning. The book’s “79 Ideas” function as a common language between learning communities and designers as a place where educators, students and parents can identify tangible design techniques that support their vision. Inquiry- and project-based learning, complex problem solving, creativity and innovation reflect to the
T H E I L L I N O I S S C H O O L B O A R D J O U R N A L / J A N U A R Y- F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 3
teachings of John Dewey, perhaps the original 21st century educator. His approach demonstrates that students become most engaged when challenged with real issues in real time, which can produce outcomes Photo courtesy Cannon Design, Chicago
that have a tangible impact on the world. The ability to pose the right questions and simultaneously solve multiple problems is at the root of this learning approach. Students are afford-
Today’s libraries must be more than spaces for books and computers. Spaces need to foster collaboration, comfort and digital tools for research.
Photo courtesy Cannon Design, Chicago
Educational technologies
A STEM-centric, project-based learning environment incorporates thought-provoking learning tools and flexible, interactive learning spaces to promote student curiosity and creativity.
School communities must work within realistic budget parameters when investing in student and educator technologies. However, many 21st-century educational strategies do not depend on expensive solutions. What holds true throughout technology advancements is ensuring appropriate connectivity for learners and educators, linking the right
ed a rich learning experience linked
ronments that prioritize creativity
to the development of core founda-
and innovation, impart the wisdom
tion skills to long term, systems-based
of ages and simultaneously measure
skill development effectively during
Central to our nation’s continu-
the process. True 21st-century learn-
ing ability to act as forward-thinking
ing environments embrace an
and global leaders is an educational
“and/and” approach, rather than
model that empowers young people
choosing one at the expense of the
to become agile thinkers and diverse
creatives across all industries and
The knowledge amassed through
social systems. Do our schools foster
lessons of The Third Teacher cre-
creativity and insatiable curiosity?
ates and reveals new learning envi-
Do our students ask “what if?”
ronments, grounded in highly
The challenge for educational leaders is to invest in learning envi-
tools to the right projects, and fostering a culture of robust professional development with a wide range of technologies. Contemporary educators realize that developing a strategic and beta-test approach to available technology is the most sustainable path to technology adoption. This flexibility and purposefulness yields the best tools so students can achieve their potential in an evershifting technology landscape. While much of the original dia-
collaborative design processes and concepts.
J A N U A R Y- F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 3 / T H E I L L I N O I S S C H O O L B O A R D J O U R N A L
continued on page 18 15
80th Joint Annual Lights the Chicago banners, at left, welcome the conference to downtown.
George Kohut, right, makes his point as he presents information about collective bargaining.
Visitors to the Exhibit Hall, left, could find a vast array of products and services for school districts. Sandra Kwasa, above right, IASB board development director, chats with preconference workshop participants.
Conference Way
A member of the delegate assembly raises her voting paddle in support.
New board member Christine Kim of Joliet PSD 86, left, asks a question during a Sunday morning coffee and conversation session. The annual fireworks spectacular, above, drew large crowds and provided a dazzling array of lights.
A line snakes around the Grand Ballroom foyer as education historian Diane Ravitch, far right, signs copies of her book after speaking at Saturday morning’s general session.
Student success continued from page 15 log about 21st-century learning focused
converse effectively in text-speak;
nological boundaries — breaking away
on “adding computers to schools,”
and to acquire the ability to exchange
from the traditional mindset that com-
today’s educational leader under-
ideas with the larger world.
puters belong in computer labs.
stands that a true digital native is first
Furthermore, it is critical that
The large lounging stairway cohesively links the two floors, and can transform from a casual, wi-fi-accessible learning area to a large-group
While traditional schools challenge students to work independently, an authentic 21st-century learning environment fosters collaboration, team work and group dynamics in addition to allowing stu-
gathering commons. Our team also planned small rooms equipped with Steelcase Mediascapes desk systems. These small group rooms go beyond teaching and casual collab-
dents to develop individual skills.
oration; they offer students needed support for group project work. The design has transformed the conventional library environment into and foremost an effective filterer of
educational leaders shift from desk-
a transparent, collaborative and media-
information and a competent com-
top-based, keyboard-centric tools to
rich resource center.
municator across multiple platforms.
agile, mobile and gesture-based inter-
Students may be agile and fear-
faces that allow learners to natural-
less when it comes to new technolo-
ly interact with the world in much
gy adoption, but they continue to
more dynamic manners.
impacts of constant connection; to
IASB SERVICE ASSOCIATES The best of everything for schools IASB Service Associates provide quality products and services for schools. Membership is by invitation only. A list of Service Associate firms is on the IASB Web site and in this Journal. 18
As more professional environments incorporate project-based teams, it becomes imperative to expose
need adult wisdom to understand the social, emotional and intellectual
Collaborative environments
A case study
students to work-based collabora-
The school library of past gen-
tion. When working in groups, dif-
erations is gone. Today’s libraries
ferent skill sets are needed for students
must be more than spaces for books
to effectively manage and participate
and computers. Spaces need to fos-
in teams, especially when outcomes
ter collaboration, comfort and digi-
are measured and impact all involved.
tal tools for research.
While traditional schools chal-
Our firm embraced this ideo-
lenge students to work independently,
logical shift when designing Steven-
an authentic 21st-century learning
son High School’s new Information
environment fosters collaboration,
and Learning Center (ILC) for Adlai
team work and group dynamics in
E. Stevenson HSD 125. The reduced
addition to allowing students to devel-
need for a large print library collec-
op individual skills.
tion resulted in newly accessible
The Science, Technology, Engi-
spaces. Stacks of books were moved
neering and Mathematics (STEM)
to the periphery, enabling human col-
curriculum is typically the space dri-
laboration at the center of the space.
ver that enables students to learn
With laptops and iPads readily
through group and individual project
available, the ILC boasts “smart tech-
activities, and encourages more pos-
nology furniture” which assists stu-
itive attitudes, greater enthusiasm,
dents to share information, boost
improved communication, effective
collaboration and help eliminate tech-
interpersonal skills, personal own-
T H E I L L I N O I S S C H O O L B O A R D J O U R N A L / J A N U A R Y- F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 3
ership in accomplishments and greater
the project’s core values and design
teaching and learning — both for today’s
civility towards others as compared
drivers. This robust process leads to
students and well into the future.
to schools following traditional pro-
authentic solutions that are deeply
rooted in the community’s voice.
Our research and project work has led Cannon Design to develop a
Students who participate in STEM
The “future of learning” design
design practice that uses data-driven
education environments develop 21st-
practice is a direct result of con-
decision making, teamed with a sol-
century learning skills that benefit
centrated efforts to provide thought
id understanding of the connection
them far beyond the school envi-
leadership to our clients and to become
between the built environment, teach-
their trusted advisor, assisting them
ing and learning, and how the envi-
in creating innovative environments.
ronment can support best practices
The planning process consists of inter-
of teachers and students.
Another case study The architectural concept dri-
views with the faculty, administra-
For every project, districts need
ving the Booker T. Washington STEM
tion and students, as well as design
to work with their architects and
Academy in Champaign CUSD 4 was
team workshops to explore teaching
designers to use the power of imag-
the creation of a STEM-centric, pro-
and learning models.
ination, knowledge and experience
ject-based learning environment that
The workshops inform a design
to create environments that are an
incorporates thought-provoking learn-
that aligns a school’s pedagogy with a
inspiration for learning, a source of
ing tools through design.
21st-century learning environment.
community pride and an expression
Text and graphics are placed
That results in connected and flexi-
of the district’s educational mis-
throughout the building to reinforce
ble spaces conducive for dynamic
the STEM curriculum, and provoke student curiosity and creativity. The academic communities — Academy’s re-imagined classrooms — consist of three learning studios that open onto a communal gathering area. This interactive space is equipped with folding glass partitions that can be arranged to create transitional and multifunctional spaces as collaborative, flexible and interactive learning environments. This collaboration area is outfitted with a demonstration counter allowing science and engineering activities to occur in close proximity to the learning studios, realizing the goal of permeating the building with science and engineering project-based learning opportunities. Discovery to design The programming process is built on a foundation of listening. Coupled with research and workshop outcomes, patterns and productive tensions evolve and resolve in a statement of J A N U A R Y- F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 3 / T H E I L L I N O I S S C H O O L B O A R D J O U R N A L
Communicating needs vital during construction by Danielle Schweigert
ith today’s challenging econ-
omy, undertaking and com-
Schweigert is
pleting a school construction project
director of com-
can be a daunting task.
munity relations for DuPage High School District 88 in Addison and a member of the Illinois chap-
Should you renovate current buildings or rebuild? How do you earn support of stakeholders to make the project a success? And which design elements will ensure the project proPhoto submitted by DuPage HSD 88
vides long-lasting upgrades? DuPage High School District
ter of the Nation-
88 recently completed a $115.3 mil-
al School Public
lion construction project to mod-
ernize the infrastructure and learning
environment at Addison Trail and Willowbrook high schools. In April 2007, the two communities voted to
This new commons area at Addison Trail High School was part of a $115.3 million construction project for DuPage HSD 88.
fund a $104.7 million referendum proposal called “Building the Future,” and the project was completed during the 2011-12 school year. The project included: • Technology enhancements
• Added classroom and instructional space • Added physical education and athletic facilities
schools are the cornerstone of the community. Involve key groups
• Air-quality improvements
such as civic organizations and
• Enhanced music and art facilities
• Improved traffic flow and parking
governing bodies as early as pos-
• New spaces for team learning
District 88 would like to share
opportunities and plumbing systems
the following six tips for boards to
Also reach out to parents/
consider regarding construction now
guardians, community members
and providing for the future:
of all ages, surrounding school districts, media, students, staff and
• Student-centered commons areas 1. Engagement is key
of time to show you care and that
• Added/up-to-date science labs
• Extensive upgrades to electrical
Columns are submitted by members of
ter. Engage the community ahead
union members to get their input.
When campaigning for a
The more ownership stakehold-
school construction project, it’s
ers feel toward the project, the
crucial to know the audience in
more they will want to see it suc-
order to target messages that mat-
T H E I L L I N O I S S C H O O L B O A R D J O U R N A L / J A N U A R Y- F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 3
Photos submitted by DuPage HSD 88
Students now enjoy these new facilities at Willowbrook High School in DuPage HSD 88 thanks to the generous support of the community, which passed a “Building the Future” referendum in April 2007.
Continue to survey stake-
community vision for the district
holders to gauge their level of sup-
and how the project fits into this
was tremendous in supporting the
port, and focus on those who will
vision. Create committees to help
district’s “Building the Future”
vote “yes.”
with various aspects of the con-
struction project (such as cam-
As a board, be prepared to
paigning and finances), and
allow committees to make some
It’s important to show why
remember to contact legal rep-
decisions in order to keep the pro-
the construction project is need-
resentatives to make sure all laws
ject moving forward, which will
ed. Give tours of facilities, make
are being followed.
save time and money. Those com-
2. Create a sense of need
a video to show the facilities and
Keep lines of communication
mittees should report to the board
offer tours of newer facilities to
open to listen to everyone’s wants
regularly to keep members up
point out the differences. Many
and needs, and then prioritize
to date.
people may ask, “It was fine when
those items. Allow all groups
I went to school here. Why do you
involved to give input, and try
need money for new facilities
to implement as many of those
Upgrades, especially with
5. Plan for the future
wants and needs as possible. If
regard to technology, can be short
Needs change, especially with
something people say they want
lived so make certain planning is
so many changes in technology.
isn’t feasible, be prepared to tell
for a long-term vision versus a
It’s the district’s job to show peo-
them why it won’t be included at
quick fix.
ple why updates are important
this time.
and possibly more energy efficient, and why good maintenance is essential. 3. Create a vision
To learn about school design trends, District 88 toured many
4. Everyone on board
schools and recognized that school
Having all board members
design today includes wireless
support the project is important.
technology. Therefore, installing
If the board supports the project,
wireless capabilities was part of
Work with stakeholders to
it can move forward for the vot-
this project. Also budget to train
develop a strategic plan and a mis-
ers to decide whether they want
staff on how to use that technol-
sion of that reflects the board and
to approve it. The District 88 board
ogy and for the replacement of
J A N U A R Y- F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 3 / T H E I L L I N O I S S C H O O L B O A R D J O U R N A L
dents had a commons area to gath-
Remember to consider what
District 88 noticed another
er. That area was near the main
needs to be done internally to the
popular trend was creating a col-
administrative offices to form the
buildings in terms of infrastruc-
lege-like environment, where stu-
“central hub” of the school.
ture to ensure they’re up to code to allow for expansion in the future. Buying materials with better finishes helps avoid continuous maintenance.
District 88 focused on improving multiple areas/aspects of the school, which allowed the district
Executive SearchES The Gold Standard of Executive Searches
to take a holistic, yet realistic approach to the project. 6. Piecing together the puzzle If school is going to be open during the project, try to keep construction away from students. Schedule construction during breaks as much as possible, and go section by section to ensure the learning environment is minimally disrupted.
The Illinois Association of School Boards Executive Searches Department will: • Designate a coordinator who will provide rapid responses to questions and concerns. • Assist in establishing a timeline for the search. • Assist in identifying the qualification and characteristics desired in the ideal candidate. • Assist in compensation package development. • Announce and advertise the vacancy and solicit applicants for the position. • Collect online applications; verify the qualifications, experience and certification of all candidates. • Verify references of candidates to be presented. • Schedule candidate interviews. • When the search is over, our service to you continues.
For information contact: 2921 Baker Drive One Imperial Place Springfield, IL 62703 1 East 22nd Street, Suite 20 217/528-9688, ext. 1217 Lombard, IL 60148 630/629-3776, ext. 1217
Determine which staff members will be involved in the project, and allow principals to remain focused on the education of students. District 88 named assistant principals as administrative liaisons for “Building the Future” to ensure that principals and other administrators could continue their regular work. Develop the project as completely as possible before construction begins — and be sure to review it — to avoid having to do things multiple times. School construction projects can seem overwhelming, but with careful planning, community involvement and every-
www.iasb.com/ executive
one working together, a successful project can be developed that embodies school design of the future.
T H E I L L I N O I S S C H O O L B O A R D J O U R N A L / J A N U A R Y- F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 3
Mandatory Training & New Board Member Workshops Summer 2013 Choose from 12 locations throughout the state. May 10-11
June 7-8
Crystal Lake, Holiday Inn Effingham, Holiday Inn
Freeport, Highland Community College Collinsville, Gateway Center
May 17-18
June 14-15
Glen Ellyn, Crowne Plaza Lombard Carbondale, Holiday Inn Conference Center
Tinley Park, Holiday Inn Springfield, Crowne Plaza
May 31-June 1
June 21-22
Glenview, Wyndham Suites Normal, Marriott Hotel & Conference Center
Moline, Stoney Creek Inn Champaign, Hilton Garden Inn
FRIDAY Professional Development Leadership Training for School Board Members Every school board member elected OR re-elected in 2013 MUST complete this training within one year of taking the oath of office.
and Open Meetings Act Training for School Board Members Every school board member newly elected in 2013 MUST complete this training within 90 days of taking the oath of office. For board members who have already completed the OMA training, an alternate, exciting training opportunity will be available for this portion of the day.
SATURDAY The Basics of Governance Newly elected board members will hit the ground running with this essential board training workshop! This workshop also fulfills the governance overview requirement for admission into the LeaderShop Academy. Veteran board members who have already attended The Basics of Governance may choose to attend with the newly elected members on their boards.
Watch for more information online and in your mailbox prior to the April 2013 election!
Good-bye, Type 75; Hello, endorsements by Howard Bultinck
Howard Bultinck is an associate
s an Illinois middle school prin-
well as rigorous state licensing expec-
replace it with “or in related or sim-
cipal for a quarter of a centu-
ilar positions.” If approved the new
ry, each and every day brought new
That is exactly what a new law
language would read: “Candidates
professor and
excitement, new challenges and its
in Illinois aims to accomplish. Edu-
successfully completing a principal
department chair
own special rewards. Each day was
cating future school administrators,
preparation program shall obtain a
in educational
a unique experience, very unlike the
and in particular principals, is a
principal endorsement on a Profes-
leadership and
movie “Groundhog Day.”
demanding job and just became more
sional Educator License and are
One consistent, constant and
interesting and complicated with Pub-
eligible to work as a principal or an
Northeastern Illi-
self-evident truth, however, did come
lic Act 096-0903, and the accompa-
assistant principal or in related or
nois University, a
with each day. I knew my job was
nying changes to the Illinois
similar positions.” Only time will tell
search consultant
to find the best teachers, support
Administrative Code and Illinois
what positions the endorsement will
with Hazard,
them, encourage them, hopefully
School Code.
cover but clearly a significant differ-
Young, Attea and Associates, Ltd. and a retired superintendent/ principal for
ence with major implications exists
inspire them by my example, and
The new requirements for prin-
work with them collaboratively to
cipal preparation programs, from
improve all aspects of students’ lives.
admission through endorsement,
Those admitted to a program
in the proposed language.
The September 2012 issue of the
replace the current decades-old Type
before September 1, 2012, have until
Kappan magazine reported the 44th
75 general administrative certificate
August 31, 2014, to obtain and reg-
annual Phi Delta Kappan Gallup Poll
with a new principal endorsement.
ister the Type 75 certificate. As of
Sunset Ridge
of the public’s attitudes toward pub-
According to Section 21-7.1 of
September 1, 2012, newly admit-
School District
lic schools stating, “Americans sup-
the Illinois School Code and 23 Illi-
ted principal preparation candidates
29, Northfield,
port rigorous entrance requirements
nois Administrative Code 25.337:
across the state must meet the latest
into college-based teacher prepara-
“Candidates successfully complet-
rigorous application requirements.
tion programs. At least three of four
ing the principal preparation pro-
Americans believe that entrance
gram shall obtain a principal
requirements into teacher prepara-
endorsement on an administrative
The application process has
tion programs should be as rigor-
certificate and are eligible to work as
numerous never-before mandatory
ous as or more selective than
a principal, assistant principal, assis-
prerequisites. Under the new law,
engineering, business, pre-law and
tant or associate superintendent, a
Type 73 school service personnel,
junior college dean.”
counselors, social workers, psychol-
The new process
If a poll were taken regarding
However, just recently the Illi-
ogists and speech therapists, who
school administrator preparation pro-
nois State Board of Education (ISBE)
never taught on a teaching license,
grams, I’m quite confident the pub-
proposed an amendment that would
are no longer eligible for admission
lic would want the same or even more
delete “assistant or associate super-
to a principal preparation program
rigorous entrance requirements as
intendent, a junior college dean” and
and, as such, cannot obtain the new
T H E I L L I N O I S S C H O O L B O A R D J O U R N A L / J A N U A R Y- F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 3
principal endorsement. According to the “Illinois Principal Preparation Program Applica-
improve learning; 6. Demonstrated respect for family and community;
that are designed to screen students who may be at risk of academic failure; monitors the
tion for Approval,” a teacher wishing
7. Strong interpersonal skills; and
effectiveness of instruction pro-
to enter a principal preparation pro-
8. Knowledge of curriculum and
posed for students identified as at-
gram must:
instructional practices.
risk; and modifies instruction as
• Hold a valid, current Illinois teach-
One can easily see that the admis-
ing certificate (e.g., early child-
sion’s process has become a job in
hood, elementary, secondary, special
itself. To ease and facilitate the admis-
• Incorporating a sustained, con-
K-12, or special preschool-age 21);
sions process at Northeastern Illinois
tinuous, structured and supervised
• Be selected through an in-person
University, we decided to use one
internship that meets numerous
interview process with no fewer
of our first graduate classes, “Intro-
state guidelines including a myr-
than two of the program’s full-time
duction to Evaluation of Certified and
iad of requirements for the on-site
faculty members;
needed to meet the needs of each student.
Support Staff,” as a pre-admission
principal mentor, including, but
• Have received a passing score on
course to assist students with all
not limited to, the principal hav-
the Illinois Test of Basic Skills (now
admission requirements while the
ing three years of successful expe-
the Test of Academic Proficiency
student simultaneously earns cred-
rience as a building principal as
[TAP]) if the candidate had not
it for the first course in the program.
evidenced by relevant data, including data supporting student eval-
been required to take the test for receipt of his or her Illinois teaching certificate;
Other requirements Although the candidate admis-
uations or letters of recommendation from former supervisors.
• Successfully complete an on-site
sions process is complex, numerous
written response to a scenario pre-
other requirements also exist in
Candidates must also pass the
sented by the interviewers; and
the state’s 41-page scoring guide for
new two-day state exam before begin-
• Discuss the contents of their port-
university program approval. Other
ning their internship. Because of the
folio with a professor(s) during the
requirements for ISBE program
new internship requirements, the
approval include:
course syllabus at Northeastern Illi-
The contents of that portfolio
• Developing the new university pro-
nois University is now 150 pages long
must be scored on a rubric and con-
gram with school district partners
with 35 new pages of rubrics for the
tain the following evidence:
documented with a partnership
principal to use to evaluate the intern
1. Support for all students achiev-
agreement — partners are required
candidate, which is in addition to the
ing high standards of learning;
to work hand-in-hand to co-design,
16 pages already being used!
2. Accomplished classroom instruc-
co-develop, co-implement and co-
tion, which shall include data pro-
evaluate the new program.
NEIU interns will now spend three consecutive semesters in their part-
viding evidence of two years of
• Ensuring the graduate school’s
time, year-long internship and be
student growth and learning with-
PreK-12 principal endorsement
required to pass with their principal
in the last five years, including
curriculum includes specific state
mentor a short on-line internship
how data was used to inform
standards and guidelines with
preparatory course developed by the
numerous prescriptive components
North Cook Intermediate Service
including the 2008 Interstate School
Center (NCISC).
3. Significant leadership roles in past positions; 4. Strong oral and written commu-
Leaders Licensure Consortium
Partnerships, curriculum, and
(ISLLC) standards as well as spe-
internship components now require
cific guidelines for student learn-
PreK-12 attention as Illinois is one
5. Analytic abilities needed to col-
ing and school improvement
of the first states to actually include
lect and analyze data for student
including a process that determines
content and field experiences in the
learning and evidence of how the
how a student responds to scien-
PreK setting so that principals are
results from student assessment
tific, research-based interventions
prepared to be leaders who can lead
nication skills;
J A N U A R Y- F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 3 / T H E I L L I N O I S S C H O O L B O A R D J O U R N A L
in PreK-12 school systems. Conversion options
istered administrative certificate with
21-7.1 of this Code.”
a general administrative endorse-
A letter from Lizanne DeStefano,
ment prior to July 1, 2014, shall have
on behalf of Miguel Del Valle, chair
The good news is that current
such general administrative endorse-
of the P-20 Council to Superinten-
administrators holding a Type 75 Gen-
ment converted to a principal endorse-
dents, best summed up the transfor-
eral Administrative Certificate can
ment upon request to the State Board
continue to serve as before with the
of Education and by completing one
“This legislation calls for providers
Type 75 or they can “convert” their
of the following pathways: (1) Take
of principal preparation programs to
certificate to the new principal endorse-
and pass the new state principal assess-
replace the old model of a broad Type
ment under certain circumstances.
ment developed by the State Board
75 certification program required for
The law states: “Individuals who
of Education. (2) Through July 1,
anyone with the responsibility of eval-
hold a valid and registered adminis-
2019, complete an Illinois Admin-
uating teachers with redesigned prin-
trative certificate with a general admin-
istrators’ Academy course designat-
cipal preparation programs that are
istrative endorsement prior to July
ed by the State Superintendent of
committed to careful selection of can-
1, 2014, and who have served for at
Education. (3) Complete a principal
didates aspiring to be principals or
least one full year during the five years
preparation program established and
assistant principals, deep partner-
prior in a position requiring a gen-
approved pursuant to this Section
ships with school districts and region-
eral administrative endorsement shall,
and applicable rules. Nothing in this
al offices of education, and intensive
upon request to the State Board of
amendatory Act of the 96th Gener-
clinical experiences for these spe-
Education and through July 1, 2015,
al Assembly shall prevent an indi-
cific positions. These new, more
have their respective general admin-
vidual having a general administrative
focused programs will provide extend-
istrative endorsement converted to
endorsement from serving at any time
ed opportunities for leadership prac-
a principal endorsement. All other
in any position identified in para-
tice as well as rigorous assessment of
individuals holding a valid and reg-
graph (2) of subsection (e) of Section
on the job leadership performance.”
Milestones continued from page 32 Joseph L. Krabel, 62, died November 16, 2012. He had served on the Shiloh school board for seven years. John. L. Leary, 89, died November 16, 2012. He had served on the Oregon school board for 17 years and the Ogle County Board for 20 years. William P. McIntyre, 78, died October 12, 2012. He was a past member of the Poplar Grove Elementary school board. Melvin W. Mitchell, 84, died October 18, 2012. He previously served two terms on the Earlville CUSD 9 school board. Penelope “Penny” Homan Neale, 68, died September 25, 2012. She previously served on the Lebanon school board for eight years and had earli26
er taught English in several Massachusetts and Tennessee schools. Richard J. “Dick” Ogden, 70, died October 2, 2012. He previously served on the Lebanon school board for 10 years, serving as president the last two years. J. Donald Rollings, 96, died October 3, 2012. He had served nine years on the Shiloh CUSD 2 school board and had served as president. He was later on the planning committee for the current Shiloh school building in Hume. Mark Rose, 56, died November 17, 2012. He was a current member of the Crete-Monee CUSD 201U school board, serving since 1999. John A. Russell, 96, died November 15,
2012. He previously served on the Catlin school board. He also served as Catlin village clerk for 40 years. Mark J. Verstraete, 64, died November 6, 2012. He previously served on the Bradford school board for 18 years. The Illinois School Board Journal welcomes news about or from Illinois school leaders. News may include but need not be limited to accomplishments, changes in position or duties, retirement, death and other milestones related to board/district duties. For more information about submitting news items, phone the Communications Department at 217/528-9688, ext. 1138, or e-mail gadkins@iasb. com.
T H E I L L I N O I S S C H O O L B O A R D J O U R N A L / J A N U A R Y- F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 3
Many other requirements are too lengthy to mention in this article, but suffice it to say, Bob Dylan summed it up with his song, “The Times They Are a Changin’.” We can only hope the new requirements do not discourage the best can-
Lizanne DeStefano, on behalf of Miguel Del Valle, letter sent to superintendents, October 2010, http://www. google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc= s&source=web&cd=9&ved=0CE0QFjAI &url=http%3A%2F%2Fillinoisschoolleader.org%2Fdocuments%2FPA0960903FAQ.pdf&ei=m5JUUNHkIYesywG8
m4CwDw&usg=AFQjCNG6YSFhisX1U k2w7YlaVHprJogq3Q http://www.isbe.net/rules Phi Delta Kappan, “The 44th Annual Phi Delta Kappa/Gallup Poll of the Public’s Attitudes Toward Public Schools,” September 2012
didates from obtaining the new principal endorsement but actually encourage them to rise to the occasion. The best of the best must step forward because, it is all about serving students and they deserve the best. References Illinois Public Act 096-0903 (Effective July 1, 2010) Illinois Compiled Statutes 105 ILCS5 School Code, Section 21-7.1, 7.6, 2012 ISBE 23 Illinois Administrative Code 25 Subtitle A Subchapter b; Title 23: Education and Cultural Resources; Subtitle A: Education; Chapter 1: State Board of Education; Subchapter b: Personnel; Part 25; Certification. ISBE 23 Illinois Administrative Code 30 Subtitle A Subchapter b; Title 23: Education and Cultural Resources; Subtitle A: Education; Chapter 1: State Board of Education; Subchapter b: Personnel; Part 30; Programs for the Preparation of Principals in Illinois. ISBE: Illinois Principal Preparation Program Application: IL State Educator Preparation and Licensure Board and IL Principal Preparation Review Panel Scoring Guide: 2/6/2012 1:03PMIL Principal Preparation Program Scoring Rubric. ISBE: Handout Presented at the Illinois Principal Preparation Summit, June 17, 2011: Illinois Principal Preparation Program Application for Approval, retrieved October 10, 2012 from http:// illinoisschoolleader.org/documents/ PPPApplicationFINALmseelbach6-1711.pdf
2012 was Effortless for Boards Using
PRESS • Movable Soccer Goal Safety Act (Zach’s law) • Offset Program for collecting delinquent debts owed to the district • Right to Privacy in the Workplace Act (Facebook Password Law) • “Appropriate online behavior” education for students • Open Meetings Act (OMA) Resolve to have an up-to-date policy manual your district can be proud of this year! A PRESS subscription allows subscribers to download sample policies, exhibits and administrative procedures regarding these and many other new and revised laws and regulations. Go to www.iasb.com today!
PRESS Policy Reference Education Subscription Service
J A N U A R Y- F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 3 / T H E I L L I N O I S S C H O O L B O A R D J O U R N A L
For more information about PRESS or other IASB Policy Services, please contact: 630/629-3776 or 217/528-9688 ext. 1232 or 1119.
Does your district have progressive discipline policies? by Martin D. Felesena
Martin D. Felese-
n public education, many things
(grades 6-12) school discipline called
PDP eliminates the ineffective prac-
tend to follow the 90/10 rule in
Progressive Discipline Policy (PDP).
tice of issuing students 30, 40 or even
our schools and classrooms: we tend
Now, years later, this system contin-
50 after-school detentions in a year,
Central High
to spend 90 percent of our time and
ues to pay dividends to our schools
which is clearly not a deterrent or a
School, Central
resources working with 10 percent
and communities.
viable consequence.
CUSD 4 in
of our student population.
na, principal of
Clifton, has been
PDP fundamentally changes the
Those students who work their
Whether addressing the critical
way that students, parents, teachers
way through five after-school deten-
a public school
learning needs of our special edu-
and administrators approach school
tions find themselves in Level 2, which
administrator in
cation students or the habitual mis-
discipline. At face value, the sys-
consists of three Saturday detentions
Illinois for 14
behavior of secondary students, this
tem appears very strenuous and inflex-
(Steps 6-8). Saturday detentions are
years, nine at the
is a common frustration of board
ible, but a closer look (and years of
not popular among secondary stu-
middle school
members and administrators every-
data) suggests the contrary.
dents and most, who find themselves
level and five at the high school level, serving as a principal, assistant principal,
at these steps, refrain from violating
where. At the middle school and high
Description of the PDP
discipline procedures for the remainder of the school year.
school levels, most school adminis-
The PDP program, as detailed in
trators spend the majority of their
the accompanying table, consists of
Students who have completed
time dealing with a small fraction
a five-level, 13-step sequence that
Step 1 through Step 8 find themselves
of students because of habitual dis-
certainly curbs, and all but elimi-
in Step 9, in-school suspension. This
dean of students
cipline concerns. Many of these dis-
nates, habitual, undesired behaviors
one-day suspension is an opportu-
and athletic
cipline situations also take valuable
in most students.
nity for both the student and the
time at the school board level.
Each student begins the school
administration to reflect on how both
year with 13 “chances� to conform
parties progressed to this point and
tricts becomes twofold:
to both a desired and effective school
to discuss the future consequences
1) Addressing and attempting to elim-
climate. Minor, inconsistent behav-
of poor decisions.
inate the habitual behavior con-
iors are addressed at the classroom
Steps 10 through 12 of Level 4
cerns typically found in about 10
level (Level 0) and it is not until Lev-
consist of three out-of-school sus-
percent of students, and
el 1 that the administration becomes
pensions consisting of: a three-day
2) Freeing up personnel and other
involved. Once a student enters Lev-
suspension, a five-day suspension
valuable resources to improve
el 1, they can receive up to five after-
and a 10-day suspension. These steps
student learning and learning out-
school detentions (Steps 1-5). These
are reserved for students whose edu-
comes, the most important objec-
detentions are successful deterrents
cational priorities do not match the
tives of their organization.
of future misbehavior for most stu-
school’s priorities and who may need
Several years ago, a colleague of
to consider an alternative placement.
Therefore, the challenge for dis-
mine and I developed a structured
The vast majority of students will
In the rare instance that a student
and proactive approach to secondary
never progress beyond this level and
completes Steps 1 through 12 with-
T H E I L L I N O I S S C H O O L B O A R D J O U R N A L / J A N U A R Y- F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 3
out successful resolution, Step 13 of
vast majority of students will rise to
For example, a student who does
Level 5 prescribes a 10-day suspen-
the level of expectations set for them.
not have any discipline infractions
sion and a recommendation for expul-
High behavioral expectations will
for the year and gets in a physical
sion from the formal school setting.
result in an improved school climate
altercation at school may progress
and, in turn, an improved school cli-
directly to Step 10, three-day sus-
mate will result in increased student
pension. This student, however, has
not used Steps 1 through 9 and those
Development of a PDP The best part of this program is the ability to customize it to fit into
Once the PDP has been collabo-
steps are still available to them after
an existing disciplinary consequence
ratively developed and carefully imple-
they return from their suspension in
structure and into the unique needs
mented, the district must take
Step 10.
of a district. The levels and steps out-
responsibility to ensure that a com-
The primary purpose of pro-
lined should be used as a starting
mon sense approach is used to man-
gressive discipline is to deter habit-
point for developing a district-spe-
age it.
ual student behaviors that disrupt
Successful management involves:
the learning environment for other
1) better discipline management at
students — the purpose is not to sus-
cific PDP. Successful development should involve input from a variety of stake-
the classroom level;
pend or expel students.
holders including: board members,
2) more consistent communication
In 14 years of using this system,
administrators, teachers, parents and
with students and parents at the
or a deviation of it, at both the mid-
building level; and
dle school and high school levels, I
students. The structure and consequences need to be clearly delineat-
3) higher behavioral expectations
can count on one hand how many
ed, understood and supported by
set at the school board level.
students have been expelled because
Also important to note is that
of this program. It sets clear disci-
although the PDP sequences from
pline expectations, it is a proven deter-
everyone to ensure successful implementation. It is important to consider spec-
Step 0 through Step 13, certain major
rent to habitual student misbehavior,
ifying consequences in PDP that fol-
infractions may result in skipping a
and it makes sense.
low consequences that are already
few steps on the progression.
in place and that are familiar to every-
one in the district. The most important thing to remember during program
development is that, once developed,
Classroom Detentions/Lunch Detentions/Etc.
it must be credible enough to be sup-
After-School Detention #1 (1 Hour)
After-School Detention #2 (1 Hour)
After-School Detention #3 (1 Hour)
After-School Detention #4 (1 Hour)
After-School Detention #5 (1 Hour)
Saturday Detention #1 (3.5 Hours)
adequately communicated and
Saturday Detention #2 (3.5 Hours)
explained to parent groups, students
Saturday Detention #3 (3.5 Hours)
In-School Suspension #1 (1 Day)
Out-of-School Suspension #1 (3 Days)
Out-of-School Suspension #2 (5 Days)
Out-of-School Suspension #3 (10 Days)
Out-of-School Suspension #4 (10 Days and Expulsion)
ported by all involved, especially the board of education. Implementation/management Once developed, successful implementation of the program is essential. The newly created PDP must be
and teachers. The message needs to be that progressive discipline improves the learning climate and learning
potential for all students. It is also advisable to communi-
cate that, although the program may seem strict, research shows that the
J A N U A R Y- F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 3 / T H E I L L I N O I S S C H O O L B O A R D J O U R N A L
A Directory of your
IASB Service Associates IASB Service Associates are businesses which offer school-related products and services and which have earned favorable reputations for quality and integrity. Only after screening by the Service Associates Executive Committee is a business firm invited by the IASB Board of Directors to become a Service Associate.
Appraisal Services
DEWBERRY ARCHITECTS INC. — Architects, planners, landscape architecture and engineers. Peoria 309/282-8000; Chicago - 312/660-8800; Elgin 847/695-5480; website: www.dewberry.com
RUCKPATE ARCHITECTURE — Architects, engineers, interior design. Barrington - 847/381-2946; website: http://www.ruckpate.com; e-mail: info@ruck pate.com
DLA ARCHITECTS, LTD. — Architects specializing in preK-12 educational design, including a full range of architectural services; assessments, planning, feasibility studies, new construction, additions, remodeling, O&M and owner's rep services. Itasca - 847/7424063; website: www.dla-ltd.com; e-mail: info@dlaltd.com
SARTI ARCHITECTURAL GROUP, INC. — Architecture, engineering, life safety consulting, interior design and asbestos consultants. Springfield 217/585-9111; e-mail: sartiarch@sartiarch.com
DLR GROUP, INC. — Educational facility design and master planning. Chicago - 312/382-9980; website: www.dlrgroup.com; e-mail: dbane@dlrgroup.com ERIKSSON ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, LTD. — Consulting civil engineers and planners. Grayslake 847/223-4804 FANNING/HOWEY ASSOCIATES, INC. — School planning and design with a focus on K-12 schools. Park Ridge - 847/292-1039
INDUSTRIAL APPRAISAL COMPANY — Insurance appraisals, property control reports. Oakwood Terrace - 630/827-0280
FGM ARCHITECTS ENGINEERS, INC. — Architects. Oak Brook - 630/574-8300; Peoria - 309/669-0012; Mt. Vernon - 618/242-5620; O’Fallon - 618/624-3364; website: http://www.fgm-inc.com
GREENASSOCIATES, INC. — Architecture/construction services. Deerfield - 847/317-0852, Pewaukee, WI - 262/746-1254; website: www.greenassociates. com; e-mail: greig@greenassociates.com
ALLIED DESIGN CONSULTANTS, INC. — Architectural programming, site planning & design, architectural and interior design, and construction administration. Springfield - 217/522-3355 ARCON ASSOCIATES, INC. — Full service firm specializing in educational facilities with services that include architecture, construction management, roof and masonry consulting, landscape architecture and environmental consulting. Lombard - 630/495-1900; website: www.arconassoc.com; e-mail: smchassee@arconassoc.com BAYSINGER DESIGN GROUP, INC. — Architectural design services. Marion - 618/998-8015 BERG ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, LTD. — Consulting engineers. Schaumburg - 847/352-4500; website: http://www.berg-eng.com BLDD ARCHITECTS, INC. — Architectural and engineering services for schools. Decatur - 217/4295105; Champaign - 217/356-9606; Bloomington 309/828-5025; Chicago - 312/829-1987; website: http://www.bldd.com; e-mail: sam.johnson@bldd. com BRADLEY & BRADLEY — Architects, engineers and asbestos consultants. Rockford - 815/968-9631; website: http://www.bradleyandbradley.net/ CANNON DESIGN — Architects. Chicago - 312/9608034; website: www.cannondesign.com; e-mail: kleonard@cannondesign.com CM ENGINEERING, INC. — Specializing in ultra efficient geo-exchange HVAC engineering solutions for schools, universities and commercial facilities. Columbia, MO - 573/874-9455; website: www. cmeng.com CORDOGAN CLARK & ASSOCIATES — Architects and engineers; Aurora - 630/896-4678; website: www.cordoganclark.com; e-mail: rmont@cordogan clark.com DESIGN ARCHITECTS, INC. — Architecture, engineering, planning and interior design. Hillsboro 217/532-5600; East St. Louis - 618/398-0890; Marion - 618/998-0075; Springfield - 217/787-1199; e-mail: rgarber@hurst-rosche.com 30
HEALY, BENDER & ASSOCIATES, INC. — Architects/Planners. Naperville, 630/904-4300; website: www.healybender.com; e-mail: dhealy@healybender. com IMAGE ARCHITECTS, INC. — Architects. Carbondale - 618/457-2128 JH2B ARCHITECTS — Architects. Kankakee - 815/ 933-5529 KENYON & ASSOCIATES ARCHITECTS — Complete architectural services for education. Peoria - 309/674-7121 LEGAT ARCHITECTS, INC. — Architects. Chicago 312/258-1555; Oak Brook - 630/990-3535; Waukegan - 847/263-3535; Crystal Lake - 815/477-4545 LZT ASSOCIATES, INC./LARSON & DARBY GROUP Architecture, planning, engineering. Peoria - 309/6733100; Rockford - 815/484/0739; St. Charles, MO 630/444-2112; website: www.larsondarby.com; email: dhenebry@larsondarby.com MECHANICAL SERVICES ASSOCIATES CORP. HVAC, plumbing and electrical design. Crystal Lake 815/788-8901
WIGHT & COMPANY — An integrated services firm with solutions for the built environment. Darien 630/696-7000; website: http://www.wightco.com; e-mail: bpaulsen@wightco.com WM. B. ITTNER, INC. — Full service architectural firm serving the educational community since 1899. Fairview Heights - 618/624-2080 WRIGHT & ASSOCIATES, INC. — Architecture and construction management. Metamora - 309/367-2924
Building Construction BOVIS LEND LEASE — Construction Management/Program Management. Contact John Doherty. Chicago - 312/245-1393; website: www. bovislendlease.com; e-mail: john.doherty@bovislend lease.com CORE CONSTRUCTION — Professional construction management, design-build and general contracting services. Morton - 309/266-9768; website: www. COREconstruct.com FREDERICK QUINN CORPORATION — Construction management and general contracting. Addison 630/628-8500; webite: www.fquinncorp.com HOLLAND CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, INC. — Full service Construction Management and General Contracting firm specializing in education facilities. Swansea - 618/277-8870 MANGIERI COMPANIES, INC. — Construction management and general contractor capabilities. Peoria 309/688-6845 POETTKER CONSTRUCTION — Construction management, design/build and general contracting services. Hillsboro - 217/532-2507 S.M. WILSON & CO. — Provides construction management and general construction services to education, healthcare, commercial, retail and industrial clients. St. Louis, MO - 314/645-9595 THE GEORGE SOLLITT CONSTRUCTION COMPANY — Full-service construction management general contractor with a primary focus on educational facilities. Wood Dale - 630/860-7333; website: www.sollitt.com; e-mail: info@sollitt.com
MELOTTE-MORSE-LEONATTI, LTD — Architectural, industrial, hygiene and environmental service. Springfield - 217/789-9515
TRANE — HVAC company specializing in design, build, and retrofit. Willowbrook - 630-734-6033
PCM+D — Provide a full range of architectural services including facility and feasibility studies, architectural design construction, consulting and related services. East Peoria - 309/694-5012
TURNER CONSTRUCTION COMPANY — Referendum assistance, conceptual and master planning, budget assistance or verification, participant in panels, construction management and consulting. Chicago - 312/327-2860; Web Site: www.turnerconstruction.com; Email: ghill@tcco.com
PERKINS+WILL — Architects; Chicago - 312/7550770; website: www.perkinswill.com; e-mail: mark. jolicoeur@perkinswill.com RICHARD L. JOHNSON ASSOCIATES, INC. — Architecture, educational planning. Rockford 815/398-1231
Computer Software SOFTWARE TECHNOLOGY, INC. — Administrative Software. Tremont - 888/776-3897; website: http:// www.sti-k12.com; e-mail: sales@sti-k12.com
T H E I L L I N O I S S C H O O L B O A R D J O U R N A L / J A N U A R Y- F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 3
Are you using the newest numbers
Essentials of Illinois School Finance A Guide to Techniques, Issues and Resources Sixth Edition Completely updated with revised laws through July 2012 and state funding data for fiscal year 2013 www.iasb.com/shop/ or call 217/528-9688, ext. 1108
Member price Non-Member price $ $
Environmental Services
Financial Services
ALPHA CONTROLS & SERVICES, LLC — Facility Management Systems, Automatic Temperature Controls, Access Control Systems, Energy Saving Solutions; Sales, Engineering, Installation, Commissioning and Service. Rockford, Springfield, Champaign: toll-free 866-ALPHA-01 (866-252-4201); website: www.alphaACS.com; e-mail: info@alphaacs. com
AMERICAN FIDELITY EDUCATIONAL SERVICES — Educational services specializing in Section 125 compliance, 403 annuity administration, flexible spending accounts, health savings accounts and health care reform education. Fairview Heights 314/504-1525
CTS-CONTROL TECHNOLOGY & SOLUTIONS — Performance contracting, facility improvements and energy conservation projects. St. Louis, MO 636/230-0843; Chicago - 773/633-0691; website: www.thectsgroup.com; e-mail: rbennett@thectsgroup. com ENERGY SYSTEMS GROUP — A comprehensive energy services and performance contracting company providing energy, facility and financial solutions. Itasca - 630/773-7203 GRP MECHANICAL CO. INC. — Performance contracting, basic and comprehensive building renovations with a focus on energy and mechanical maintenance services. Bethalto - 618/779-0050 HONEYWELL, INC. — Controls, maintenance, energy management, performance contracting and security. St. Louis, Mo - 314-548-4136; Arlington Heights 847/391-3133; e-mail: janet.rivera@honeywell.com IDEAL ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING, INC. — Asbestos and environmental services. Bloomington 309/828-4259 OCCUPATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SOLUTIONS, INC. (OEHS) — Industrial hygiene, microbiological evaluations and ergonomics. Chatham - 217/483-9296 RADON DETECTION SPECIALISTS — Commercial radon surveys. Burr Ridge - 800/244-4242; website: www.radondetection.net; e-mail: kirstenschmidt@ radonresults.com SECURITY ALARM SYSTEMS — Burglar and fire alarms, video camera systems, door access systems, door locking systems, and alarm monitoring. Salem 618/548-5768
BERNARDI SECURITIES, INC. — Public finance consulting, bond issue services and referendum support. Fairview Heights - 618/206-4180; Chicago - 800/3678757 BMO CAPITAL MARKETS/GKST, Inc. — Full service broker/dealer specializing in debt securities, including municipal bonds, U.S. Treasury debt, agencies, and mortgage-backed securities. Chicago - 312/4412601; website: www.bmo.com/industry/uspublicfinance/default.aspx; e-mail: jamie.rachlin@bmo.com EHLERS & ASSOCIATES — School bond issues; referendum help; financial and enrollment studies. Lisle - 630/271-3330; website: http://www.ehlers-inc.com; e-mail: slarson@ehlers-inc.com FIRST MIDSTATE, INC. — Bond issue consultants. Bloomington - 309/829-3311; e-mail: paul@first midstate.com GORENZ AND ASSOCIATES, LTD. — Auditing and financial consulting. Peoria - 309/685-7621; website: http://www.gorenzcpa.com; e-mail: tcustis@gorenz cpa.com HUTCHINSON, SHOCKEY, ERLEY & COMPANY — Debt issuance, referendum planning, financial assistance. Chicago - 312/443-1566; website: www.hsemuni.com; e-mail: rbergland@hsemuni.com; rcoyne @hsemuni.com SPEER FINANCIAL, INC. — Financial planning and bond issue services. Chicago - 312/346-3700; website: http://www.speerfinancial.com; e-mail: dphillips@speerfinancial.com
J A N U A R Y- F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 3 / T H E I L L I N O I S S C H O O L B O A R D J O U R N A L
STIFEL, NICOLAUS & COMPANY, INC. — Full service securities firm providing investment banking and advisory services including strategic financial planning; bond underwriting; and referendum and legislative assistance - Edwardsville - 800/230-5151; e-mail: noblea@stifel.com WILLIAM BLAIR & COMPANY — Bond issuance, financial advisory services. Chicago - 312/3648955; e-mail: ehennessy@williamblair.com WINTRUST FINANCIAL — Financial services holding company engaging in community banking, wealth management, commercial insurance premium financing, and mortgage origination. Willowbrook - 630/560-2120
Human Resource Consulting BUSHUE HUMAN RESOURCES, INC. — Human resource, safety and risk management, insurance consulting. Effingham - 217/342-3042; website: http://www.bushuehr.com; e-mail: steve@bushuehr. com
Insurance THE SANDNER GROUP CLAIMS MANAGEMENT, INC. — Third party administrator for worker's comp and insurance claims. Chicago - 800/654-9504
Office Equipment INTERIORS FOR BUSINESS, INC. — Classroom furniture and classroom technology services, classroom technology assessment, space planning, CEU’s, and ties to the USGBC (U.S. Green Building Council) for additional environmental assessments. Batavia 630/761-1070
Superintendent Searches HAZARD, YOUNG, ATTEA & ASSOCIATES, LTD — Superintendent searches, board and superintendent workshops. Glenview - 847/724-8465 31
Milestones Achievements Keith Hoskins, Carmi, was named the community’s 2012 Citizen of the Year in October. An employee of First Bank, he is a longtime member and servant with the First Baptist Church of Carmi as well as past president to many organizations, including Kiwanis. He is currently president of the Carmi-White Co. CUSD 5 school board.
L. Goebel Patton, West Frankfort, was honored on his 99th birthday by friends and Lions Club members during a recent meeting. The former Frankfort CUSD 168 superintendent is the only person ever named twice as The Daily American’s Citizen of the Year. Patton spent 52 years in education in the West Frankfort school district and was the first superintendent when the unit district was formed. He was also the first-ever chairman of Southern Illinois Schools Credit Union.
Ellyn Ross, Buffalo Grove, received the Buffalo Grove Rotary Club’s annual Bill Reid Award in October. She has served on the Aptakisic-Tripp CCSD 102 school board since 2002 and has volunteered with Stevenson High School’s community foundation since 2005. The award was named in memory of Reid, a longtime teacher and assistant principal at Elk Grove High School.
ber 9, 2012. He served on the Avon CUSD 176 school board for 14 years. Darleen P. Friedlund, 83, died November 7, 2012. She was a past member of the Round Lake CUSD 116 school board and had worked for the district as a teacher’s aide and administrative assistant until she retired in 1990. Richard D. “Dick” Girard, 67, died November 16, 2012. He was a former Elwood CCSD 203 board member. Robert D. “R.D.” Gray, 87, died October 12, 2012. He served 14½ years on several Hamilton County school boards, including Broughton, Dale and Hamilton County Unit 10. Robert W. Harnish, 89, died November 1, 2012. He was a member of the Manchester and North Boone school boards from 1961 to 1972. Rev. Leonard “Len” Huff, 83, died
November 6, 2012. A Methodist minister, he was a former member of the Mt. Carroll school board. Joann E. Jantze, 84, died September 27, 2012. She had served as a PTA president, and later as a Riverside SD 96 school board member for two terms. Louie H. Karlau, 91, died October 20, 2012. He previously served on the St. Joseph-Ogden CHSD 305 school board. Harold “Hal” Kottwitz, 82, died October 4, 2012. He taught 35 years in public schools and served three terms as a member of the Mattoon CUSD 2 school board, for a total of 13 years, including three years as president. Thomas W. Kozien, 70, died September 28, 2012. He was a member of the Fremont District 79 school board and former board member for Unit District 105, Elmhurst.
In memoriam William J. Beck, 85, died October 18, 2012. He formerly served on the Arlington Heights SD 25 school board and as its president for two years. Gordon F. Blackert, 86, died November 2, 2012. He had served as a Prophetstown school board member for more than 20 years. Dick Boynton, 91, died November 15, 2012. He had been a member of the Pleasant Plains CUSD 8 school board for nine years. Frederick W. Cline, 88, died September 28, 2012. He was a former Abingdon CUSD 17 school board member. Don Craig, 77, died September 23, 2012. He previously served on the Pinckneyville CHSD school board for six years. Guye Dedert, 63, died September 29, 2012. He was a former Quincy SD 172 school board member. Gary Ray Eathington, 71, died Octo32
continued on page 26
T H E I L L I N O I S S C H O O L B O A R D J O U R N A L / J A N U A R Y- F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 3
Board has its role in teacher evaluations by Melinda Selbee
uestion: Everyone is talking
dent growth as a significant factor.
staff members are being effectively evaluated, and it must dismiss staff
Melinda Selbee,
about the new teacher evalu-
Principals, assistant principals
ation process. What is the school
and teachers must be evaluated using
board’s role in this process and in
four rating categories: excellent; pro-
Mandated board member train-
education reform?
ficient; needs improvement; or unsat-
ing is another major component of
the question for
Answer: The school board’s role
isfactory. Teacher evaluations also
education reform. A board member
this issue.
in the new evaluation system and
must be conducted by trained
elected after June 13, 2011 must com-
education reform is one of governance
observers, usually the principal.
plete the training within the first year
based on inadequate performance.
of the school district, with an elevated
Beginning on a district’s PERA
of his or her first term. In addition,
and focused obligation for ensuring
implementation date, teacher eval-
a board member must complete PERA
student growth. This means that the
uations must include data and indi-
training in order to vote on whether
board must identify the district’s ends
cators of student growth as a significant
to retain or dismiss a teacher when
in accordance with the reform mea-
factor. The schedule for using PERA
the district uses the expedited process
sures and monitor its progress.
evaluations is staggered over the next
called Optional Alternative Evalua-
Both functions — identifying dis-
three and a half years. For most dis-
tion Dismissal.
trict ends and monitoring district per-
tricts, the deadline is the 2016-2017
formance — are already reflected in
school year.
IASB’s Foundational Principles of
Currently, IASB is being told that it will need to submit an application
It has been the board’s respon-
to be an approved provider for this
sibility to evaluate the superinten-
training and, per ISBE, IASB may not
The Performance Evaluation
dent and that process did not change.
submit the application until March
Reform Act (PERA) became Illinois
As before, the board must employ a
and May 2014, along with anyone else
law on January 1, 2010, and was fol-
superintendent under either a one-
who wishes to be approved to pro-
lowed by education reform legisla-
year contract or a performance-based
vide this training.
tion that took effect June 13, 2011.
contract for a period not exceeding
Once IASB’s application is
PERA and the reform measures pri-
five years. The performance-based
approved, the Association will begin
marily concern the terms and con-
contract must include the goals and
to deliver the training. Few, if any,
ditions of teacher and principal
indicators of student performance
districts will need this training prior
and academic improvement. Mean-
to 2014.
Effective Governance.
Beginning with this school year
ingful goals and indicators are impor-
Other important aspects of PERA
(2012-13), all principals and assis-
tant tools for measuring the
and education reform are explained
tant principals must be evaluated by
superintendent’s performance.
in the free online overview “PERA
trained observers, often the super-
The board also must review eval-
Overview for School Board Members”
intendent, and the evaluations must
uation information in order to be
on the IASB website at http://iasb.
include data and indicators of stu-
informed as to whether principals and
IASB General Counsel, answers
2921 Baker Drive Springfield, Illinois 62703-5929 Address Service Requested
“Too many people expect wonders from democracy, when the most wonderful thing of all is just having it.” “I believe that the future of education calls for change in the form of entirely new kinds of learning environments.” Darryl Rosser, CEO, Sagus International furniture company, and education reform thought leader, “Change visions: Reconnecting,” Shift Ed
“When we are too certain of our opinions, we run the risk of ignoring any evidence that conflicts with our views.” Diane Ravitch, educational historian, The Death and Life of the Great American School System
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FROM 1913
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Walter Winchell, American radio and newspaper gossip columnist, 1897-1972
“Education, more than any single force, will mold the citizen of the future. The classroom — not the trench — is the frontier of freedom.” Lyndon B. Johnson, 36th U.S. president, 1908-1973
“When I give a minister an order, I leave it to him to find the means to carry it out.” Napoleon Bonaparte, French military and political leader, 1769-1821
“Quality is never an accident; it is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, intelligent direction
and skillful execution.” William A. Foster, World War II Marine war hero in the Battle of Okinawa, 1917-45
“A leader takes people where they want to go. A great leader takes people where they don’t necessarily want to go, but ought to be.” Rosalynn Carter, 39th First Lady of the United States, 1927-
“My old grandmother always used to say, summer friends will melt away like summer snows, but winter friends are friends forever.” George R.R. Martin, American writer, 1948
“A good leader takes a little more than his share of the blame, a little less than his share of the credit.” Arnold H. Glasgow, U.S. businessman and writer, 1905-98
“Books will soon be obsolete in the public schools. Scholars will be instructed through the eye. It is possible to teach every branch of human knowledge with the motion picture. Our school system will be completely changed inside of 10 years.” Thomas A. Edison, American inventor, 1847-1931
IASB Centennial It’s time for everyone, except Pandora, to clean out their desk.”