J U LY / A U G U S T 2 0 1 7
V ol. 8 5, N o . 4
hat do you recall about
Rasmussen Grabavoy, Sue Ickes,
on the many ways IASB members can
your transition from regu-
Carla Joiner-Herrod, Bill Marvin,
connect with decision-makers. Read
lar human being to a school board
James McCabe, Erica Nelson, David
“Advocacy depends on building rela-
Price, Lori Price, Amy Reynolds, and
tionships,” starting on page 16, and
Many of you reading this are in
Marc Tepper. Together they bring
join us in wishing Cynthia the best.
your first days of school board ser-
136 years of board service to their
In closing, here’s a quote from
vice and finding it overwhelming.
advice. Some are decades removed
Erica Nelson, a survey respondent,
For this issue of The Illinois School
from their first days, and some offer
Board Journal we enlisted sever-
relatively fresh perspectives.
“I wish I had known more about how critical it is to learn
al veteran board members to share
A l l school b oa rd memb er s
the focus of our work ... take the
their wisdom about “What to expect
should take heed as attorney Scott
professional development offered
the first year,” and the consensus is
F. Uhler presents the question “Is
and insights from veteran board
that it would be unusual to not be
your smartphone still yours?” on
members. This work is focused
overwhelmed. Trust that you are not
page 12. The answers to that question
on the always-changing world
alone, that it becomes manageable,
explain why school board members
of education. We have to edu-
and that school board members are
need to be mindful of the law before
cate ourselves on the growth
always willing to help each other out.
discussing public business on per-
and changes in how children
sonal electronic devices.
learn and what will help them
As you read “What to expect the first year,” starting on page 6,
Also in this issue of the Journal,
be ready for the next steps they
you’ll discover an impressive array
we continue the discussion of the
take. ... We respect the taxpayers
of perspectives, but with the same
teacher shortage. It’s a nationwide
and the community contributions
core truths about joining the world
problem, the impacts of which are
to the schools and need to edu-
of school board members. I had the
evident in school districts through-
cate community members who
pleasure of conversing with several
out Illinois. We recall the Illinois
have not been into our schools
of the respondents, and their sen-
perspective on the lack of successful
to see the differences and varied
sitivity to those first overwhelming
candidates in “From rigor to reality,
opportunities that our students
moments, appreciation of the role
revisited,” by McKendree University’s
have and must have to learn.”
of the school board member, under-
James Rosborg, starting on page 21.
It’s a measure of how we can help
standing of the learning curve, and
We congratulate IASB Director
newcomers adjust to, and outsiders
practical wisdom is apparent in every
of Advocacy Cynthia Woods, a former
understand, the world of school
board member, who is retiring from
board service. If you have advice to
I of fer my thank s to the
the Association this summer. Before
add, feel free to let us know.
respondents: Sharon Archie-Dav-
she left, she was kind enough to write
enport, Greg Bachelor, Gianina
a farewell commentary on her career,
Baker, Kellie O’Leary Call, Cynthia
on the importance of advocacy, and
— Theresa Kelly Gegen, Editor tgegen@iasb.com
What to expect the first year Compiled by Theresa Kelly Gegen We asked, and they answered. Find out what words of wisdom experienced board members from all over the state share with newcomers to board service.
12 Is your smartphone still yours? By Scott F. Uhler What laws and policies affect elected officials’ use of personal devices for public business?
J U L Y / A U G U S T
FEATURE ARTICLES 16 Advocacy depends on building relationships By Cynthia S. Woods Upon her retirement, IASB Director of Advocacy Cynthia Woods shares her thoughts on building relationships.
21 From rigor to reality, revisited By James Rosborg Take another look at the impact of the changes in the state rules and regulations in the number of teacher and administrator candidates in Illinois.
24 Teacher Leadership: Positive impacts on school districts By Joyce Kleinaitis Teacher leadership programs can impact districts’ development and retention of high quality teachers.
27 Entrusted By Joshua W. Stafford A superintendent shares thoughts on how education is “entrusted” to public education leaders as well as students.
2 0 1 7
Vol. 85, No. 4
ILLINOIS SCHOOL BOARD JOURNAL (ISSN-0019-221X) is published every other month by the Illinois Association of School Boards, 2921 Baker Drive, Springfield, Illinois 62703-5929, telephone 217/528-9688. The IASB regional office is located at One Imperial Place, 1 East 22nd Street, Lombard, Illinois 60148-6120, telephone 630/629-3776. The JOURNAL is supported by the dues of school boards holding active membership in the Illinois Association of School Boards. Copies are mailed to all school board members and the superintendent in each IASB member school district. Non-member subscription rate: Domestic $18 per year. Foreign (including Canada and Mexico) $21 per year. PUBLICATION POLICY IASB believes that the domestic process functions best through frank and open discussion. Material published in the JOURNAL, therefore, often presents divergent and controversial points of view which do not necessarily represent the views or policies of IASB. James Russell, Associate Executive Director Theresa Kelly Gegen, Editor Gary Adkins, Contributing Editor Heath Hendren, Contributing Editor Britni Beck, Advertising Manager Kara Kienzler, Design and Production
REGULAR FEATURES Front Page. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Inside Front Cover Practical PR. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Insights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Copyright © 2017 by the Illinois Association of School Boards (IASB), The JOURNAL is published six times a year and is distributed to its members and subscribers. Copyright in this publication, including all articles and editorial information contained in it is exclusively owned by IASB, and IASB reserves all rights to such information. IASB is a tax-exempt corporation organized in accordance with section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
Milestones. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Ask the Staff. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Inside Back Cover www.iasb.com @ILschoolboards
District drops block schedule after intensive study By Ron Girard
Ron Girard, Ph.D., is public information officer for Mundelein High School District 120.
fter almost two full years of
looking at issues facing the district.
geometry (the next in the standard
study, discussion, debate, and
Groups discussed and prioritized
course sequence) until the second
research, the Mundelein CHSD 120
the issues and then presented them
semester of sophomore year. This
Board of Education voted to drop
to Superintendent Kevin Myers for
created a gap in the learning cycle
the 4x4 block schedule it was on for
further study. The number one item
and forced teachers to review the
20 years and return to a traditional
— of the 38 on the original list —
previous course when instruction on
eight-period schedule. The change
was the bell schedule. Many partic-
the new course should ideally begin
will take place at the beginning of
ipants had strong opinions about
the 2017-2018 school year.
the pros and cons of the high school
In the fall of 2014, the district
operating on a block schedule.
“What often happens is that a new class begins where some of the
held a community engagement
From that point, a faculty/staff
students need to review, while oth-
event involving students, staff,
committee was formed to look into
er students came straight from the
administration, parents, and pro-
all issues related to block schedules
previous course and are ready to get
fessionals from the community and
used in Illinois and across the coun-
started with the new material,” said
try. Once the committee had done
Director of Guidance Tom Buenik.
its research, it came back with some
Other issues became more evi-
unexpected results: Block schedul-
dent as the study evolved. As more
ing was having a negative impact in
and more students took on Advanced
a number of ways.
Placement courses, a problem arose
Because Mundelein’s block
concerning the national exam that
schedule offered 90 minutes of
takes place in May. Many students
instruction in four periods during the
took AP courses the first semester,
school day, courses that are a semes-
which ends in December. When faced
ter long in a traditional schedule were
with a four-month gap between when
completed in only nine weeks; and
they finish the course and take the
traditional schedule year-long cours-
exam, a number of students decided
es conclude in a semester. This cre-
to not take the exam at all.
ated situations where courses that
“Unfortunately, these students
are sequential, like math or foreign
miss out on possible college credit
language courses, are not necessarily
and savings in tuition which they
taken in succession. A student could
would have if they earned a 3, 4 or 5
have Algebra I first semester of fresh-
on the AP exam,” Buenik explained.
man year and then possibly not have
On a traditional semester-based
schedule, AP courses would run the
come in. In addition, most in-ser-
full year and students would still be
vice days for the remainder of the
in the course at the time the AP exam
academic year were dealing with
is administered.
the change and how staff will tran-
Once the committee came up
sition from one type of schedule to
with data like this, it moved toward
the other. Stacey Gorman, director
recommending that the district drop
of curriculum and instruction, has
the block schedule in favor of return-
arranged for workshops and speakers
ing to a more traditional schedule. At
to help faculty make the change and
this point, open meetings were held to
to address the idea of homework on
inform the public about the pending
the new schedule.
decision. People had strong opinions
“As students move from three or
on both sides. District representatives
four academic classes to five or six
presented their findings and allowed
per day, we want to make sure we
ample time for comments and ques-
are cautious of homework balance,”
tions at each of the three public meet-
Gorman said.
ings. A subcommittee of the original
Registration for next year’s cours-
did a second round of research at the
es recently concluded and took place
board’s request and came up with
with very little anxiety. The students,
additional findings. Meetings with the
staff, and community have all been a
community continued as well as staff
part of the process and are on board
meetings, surveys, and student input.
looking forward to the future.
The original committee then conclud-
“This was an eye-opening expe-
ed that the best decision would be to
rience,” Myers said. “The fact that
return to a traditional schedule.
our students only experience 18
“I commend the board of educa-
months each of English, math, sci-
tion, administration, staff, students,
ence, and social studies during their
and the community for almost two
four years at MHS is alarming. We
years of extensive study which has
must be focused on providing the
led to this decision [to return to a
best possible education for all our
traditional eight-period day],” said
students and, after looking at our
Myers. “This has truly been an open,
research, we were painfully aware
collaborative process and we are
that we [were] not currently doing
looking forward to moving to the new
that. We must prepare all our stu-
schedule. It is absolutely the right
dents for a successful future.”
thing to do for all of our students.” The process didn’t conclude with
President Phil Pritzker
Treasurer Thomas Neeley
Vice President Joanne Osmond
Immediate Past President Karen Fisher
BOARD OF DIRECTORS Abe Lincoln Bill Alexander
Kishwaukee Mary Stith
Blackhawk David Rockwell
Lake Vacant
Central Illinois Valley Thomas Neeley
Northwest Chris Buikema
Cook North Barbara Somogyi Cook South Denis Ryan
Shawnee Sheila Nelson Southwestern Mark Christ
Cook West Carla Joiner-Herrod
Starved Rock Simon Kampwerth Jr.
Corn Belt Mark Harms
Three Rivers Rob Rodewald
DuPage Thomas Ruggio
Two Rivers Tracie Sayre
Egyptian John Metzger
Wabash Valley Dennis Inboden
Illini Michelle Skinlo
Western Sue McCance
Kaskaskia Linda Eades
Service Associates Glen Eriksson
the board decision, however. Once Board of directors members are current at press time.
the decision was made, the district immediately created an online “Frequently Asked Questions” page on its website so anyone could get answers to their questions. The site is continually updated as more questions
Columns are submitted by members of the Illinois Chapter of the National School Public Relations Association
J U L Y - A U G U S T 2 0 1 7 / T H E I L L I N O I S S C H O O L B O A R D J O U R N A L
IASB is a voluntary association of local boards of education and is not affiliated with any branch of government.
Shortchanged long enough “It would be the understatement
low-income families already start
long enough, and they continue to do
of the century to say the funding
kindergarten lagging children from
so every day they put their political
formula for elementary and second-
wealthier backgrounds and that con-
party above the kids most in need
ary education in Illinois is unfair. …
tinues throughout their academic
of their attention. They can start
The funding inequity has devastat-
career. … Lawmakers have short-
making amends by passing a budget
ing consequences. Students from
changed the state’s poorest children
and education funding reform.” — “Illinois must overhaul education funding formula,” Sounding the Alarm series, The Editorial Board, State Journal-Register, May 18, 2017.
“With P resident Dona ld Trump’s proposed budget for the www.iasb.com OFFICE OF THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Roger L. Eddy, Executive Director Benjamin S. Schwarm, Deputy Executive Director Meetings Management Carla S. Bolt, Director Office of General Counsel Kimberly Small, General Counsel Maryam Brotine, Assistant General Counsel Executive Searches Thomas Leahy, Director Jim Helton, Consultant Dave Love, Consultant Alan Molby, Consultant Catherine Finger, Consultant ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES Jennifer Feld, Associate Executive Director/ Chief Financial Officer ADVOCACY/GOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS Benjamin S. Schwarm, Deputy Executive Director Deanna L. Sullivan, Director Susan Hilton, Director Zach Messersmith, Director Shanell Bowden, Assistant Director IASB OFFICES 2921 Baker Drive, Springfield, Illinois 62703-5929 217/528-9688 Fax 217/528-2831 One Imperial Place, 1 East 22nd Street, Suite 20 Lombard, Illinois 60148-6120 630/629-3776 Fax 630/629-3940
BOARD DEVELOPMENT Dean Langdon, Associate Executive Director Board Development Sandra Kwasa, Director Nesa Brauer, Trainer Angie Peifer, Consultant
next fiscal year now on the table, the nation’s governors have a message for Congress: Think carefully before you cut key education programs. [They] urged Congress to “prioritize investments” in programs related to the Every Student
COMMUNICATIONS/ PRODUCTION SERVICES James Russell, Associate Executive Director Gary W. Adkins, Director/Editorial Services Jennifer Nelson, Director/Information Services Theresa Kelly Gegen, Director/Editorial Services Heath Hendren, Assistant Director/Communications Kara Kienzler, Director/Production Services
Succeeds Act, career and technical
FIELD SERVICES/POLICY SERVICES Cathy A. Talbert, Associate Executive Director
al with no real accountability or
Field Services Larry Dirks, Director Perry Hill IV, Director Laura Martinez, Director Reatha Owen, Director Patrick Rice, Director Barbara B. Toney, Director Policy Services Boyd Fergurson, Consultant Angie Powell, Consultant Brian Zumpf, Consultant
education, and elsewhere.” — “Governors to Congress: Don’t Shortchange Us on ESSA, Special Ed.,” Andrew Ujifusa, Education Week Politics K-12, May 30, 2017.
“Appointed boards are dependent on the leadership of the mayor … This is way too much authority to be investing in one individutransparency. On the other hand, elected boards are vulnerable to special interests because of the very low voter participation in school board elections. … I believe you need a hybrid board. Part elected, part appointed.” — Paul Vallas, chief administrator of Chicago State University and former CEO of Chicago Public Schools, as quoted in “Why Vallas backs a hybrid school board,” by Phil Kadner, Chicago Sun-Times, June 6, 2017.
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What to expect the first year Compiled by Theresa Kelly Gegen
Theresa Kelly Gegen is editor of The Illinois School Board Journal.
s approximately 1,200 new school board members
learning curve for almost everyone. Many refer to the
settled into their seats for their first meetings, The
distinction between board and staff responsibilities
Journal asked some experts — veteran school board
based on the work of Richard Broholm and Douglas
members with insights to share — to light the way for
Johnson in A Balcony Perspective: Clarifying the
them, and tell what new members can expect in the first
Trustee Role:
hundred days and the first full year. Sharon Archie-Davenport: “I thought what we call
Q: What do you wish you had known before you joined your board of education?
the ‘dance floor’ now, was the power of the board, but it is not. I thought the board of education had this authority over everything. However, I learned that is not what the role is. The board’s job it to set policy, and to hire the
“You don’t have the power you think you do,” says
superintendent. The role is way, totally different from
Sue Ickes with a smile, and many respondents agreed.
what I expected. It is governance work — observing
Learning the role of a school board member presents a
as opposed to procedural hands-on. That is where the
balcony comes in. You observe what is happening, and then consider it based on your policies.” Lori Price: “It’s important to understand how much you don’t know. Even if you’ve spent months contemplating your decision to run and using that time to learn more about the district, there is still so much you won’t know.” Cynthia Rasmussen Grabavoy: “So many of us come in, and we don’t understand the role, and how to efficiently and responsibly function as a school board member. It’s not your opinion, or even necessarily what you think would be best. It’s what’s best collectively to adhere to district policies, how it relates to the strategic plan and to the vision and goals of the district. That complete perspective is something people don’t understand. I didn’t fully understand it, either. We have to remind ourselves of it, as school board members. When an issue comes up that we’re passionate about at a personal level, we have to remember, it’s not about me.” Sometimes, the misunderstanding of the role comes externally, but nonetheless presents a challenge to new school board members: Kellie O’Leary Call: “I was surprised by the number of times I was asked, ‘What’s your agenda?’ or ‘What are you looking to change?’ with regards to my reason to be on the school board. I didn’t have an agenda or anything to ‘change’ due to resentment. I learned quickly that, unfortunately, there are some who are board members because they were angered by a policy decision that affected them personally and decided to run for the seat out of bitterness.” Erica Nelson: “I wish I had known more about how critical it is to learn the focus our work — take the professional development offered and insights from veteran board members. This work is focused on the always changing world of education. We have to educate ourselves on the growth and changes in how children learn and what will help them be ready for the next steps they take. ... We respect the taxpayers and the community contributions to the schools and need to educate community members who have not been into our schools to see the differences and varied opportunities that our students have and must have to learn.” Other respondents wish they had known more of the specifics of the job: Greg Bachelor: “Had I known how complicated the budget and spending processes were I would have attended more meetings and public hearings before running for election.”
Sharon Archie-Davenport is a seven-year member of the board of education for CCSD 168, based in Sauk Village, and South Cook Division vice chair. Greg Bachelor has served on the school board at Robinson CUSD 2 for two years. Gianina Baker has served just under two years on the Champaign CUSD 4 Board of Education. Kellie O’Leary Call is vice president for of the Polo CUSD 222 Board of Education and has served for six years. She is division chair for IASB’s Northwest Division. Cynthia Rasmussen Grabavoy is in her fourth term as a member of the school board for Troy CCSD 30C in Plainfield and serves as Three Rivers Division communications chair. Sue Ickes has been a member of the school board for Moline-based United THSD 30 for 10 years and currently serves as board president. Carla Joiner-Herrod is a 12-year member of the Lindop SD 92 Board of Education and represents the West Cook Division on the IASB Board of Directors. Bill Marvin is a 16-year board member and current board president for Tri-City CUSD 1 in Buffalo. James McCabe is a 15-year member of Utica-based Waltham CC 185, currently serving as board president. He is division chair for the Starved Rock Division. Erica Nelson is an 11-year member of the Glen Ellyn SD 41 school board and currently serves as board president. David Price is a 20-year member and current vice president of the school board for Washington SD 50. Lori Price has been a member of the Indian Prairie CUSD 204 Board of Education for six years and serves as board secretary. Amy Reynolds is in her fifth year as a member of the Rochester CUSD 3A Board of Education. She is resolutions chair for the Abe Lincoln Division. Marc Tepper is a 16-year member and current president of the Kildeer-Countryside CCSD 96 Board of Education. He is also vice chair for the Lake Division.
Marc Tepper: “I wish I had understood the amount
Carla Joiner-Herrod: “I really didn’t understand
of reading required on a weekly basis to keep abreast
that politics sometimes impacts change. However, being
of district events, board packets, financial statements,
on a board is something that you have to experience and
local news, national news, and school board news.”
‘learn by doing.’ Experience is the very best teacher.”
S ome t a l k about bu i ld i ng a nd ma i nt a i n i ng relationships, both within and outside the leadership team:
Q: What can new board members expect in their first hundred days? Bill Marvin gives a succinct answer to what can be
Amy Reynolds: “I wish I had known how difficult
expected in the first hundred days of school board ser-
it is to be as open as I wish to be with my constituents,
vice. “Confusion,” he says. Another word that pops up in
while also maintaining a trustworthy relationship
many answers is “overwhelmed,” with these examples:
with fellow board members.” David Price: “I wish I had known the diversity of personalities I would be working with.”
Call: “Newly elected board members should anticipate being a little overwhelmed in their first hundred
James McCabe: “I wish I had understood more
days, and that’s OK! Board work is a continuous learning
about the patience level that you need, because change
process that becomes more familiar the longer you’re
happens but slowly.”
seated. You’ll do fine if you are committed to being
Using technology to enhance your board effectiveness through online services, such as
Policy Services
PRESS, the IASB sample policy and procedure service – Use the newly upgraded interface and navigation tools to receive 24/7 internet access to PRESS, IASB’s sample board policy and administrative procedure service. Find the information you need quickly and easily with our powerful search engine and the legal, informational, and time-saving links embedded in the policies and procedures. School Board Policies Online – Let IASB publish your board policy manual online and easily navigate your manual with keyword searches, jumps to cross references, and links to legal references by using the same newly upgraded interface and navigation tools used for PRESS online. Place the IASB-supplied link to your manual on your district website to provide increased community access and awareness of your district’s governing document. BoardBook® – Learn about the advantages of electronic board packet preparation made possible through use of IASB’s BoardBook® service by scheduling a demonstration for yourself, your administrators, or your entire board.
Contact IASB Policy Services today for information: 630/629-3776 or 217/528-9688, ext. 1214 or 1154; bzumpf@iasb.com or apowell@iasb.com
March/April 2017 THE ILLINOIS SCHOOL BOARD JOURNAL / JULY-AUGUST 2017 July/August 2017
fully engaged which begins by absorbing information,
serious about separating your role
asking questions and utilizing all available resources.”
as a board member with your other
Tepper: “Board members will understand the feeling
roles — you are now elected and the
of being overwhelmed by the sheer amount of informa-
expectations are different for you.
tion. The addition of mandatory training within 90 days
You always represent your board
does not help. It would be better to have an extended
role and your board.”
period of time for training since much of what is taught is not retained due to ‘information overload.’
Joiner-Herrod: “In the first hundred days, learn the basics of
Sue Ickes: “They can expect to feel overwhelmed,
governance. Become familiar with your expectations
especially if unaccustomed to Roberts Rules of Order.”
such as meeting dates, retreat, training opportunities,
Archie-Davenport: “I just told our new ones, ‘it is
and IASB and NSBA meetings and conferences.”
going to be overwhelming, and it is a lot of information.’
McCabe: “Expect to learn a lot of new terms and
The best thing to do is to take it piece by piece. Ask
processes and learning a tremendous amount about how
questions. Don’t just take the mandatory training, take
the district works in the background.”
all the training you can. The first hundred days needs to be an education period, when you take the challenge
David Price offers a slightly different take on the
to truly invest in being a well-rounded board member.”
first hundred days, saying, “It’s when you get used to community members trying to get your attention.”
Respondents consider the details of their work in the first hundred days: Gianina Baker: “Listening. And lots of it.” Bachelor: “The first hundred days are full of mandatory training, meetings and information gathering so
“As a school board member, your broad back is your policies and plans. And of course, you have to have compassion.”
you may immediately start contributing to the actions
— Cynthia Rasmussen Grabavoy
of the board.” Grabavoy: “It would be wonderful if there could be a mentor for every new school board member, to assist them through the process in their own district. Some of us go about reaching out to new members naturally, but
Q: What are the biggest challenges a board member faces in the first full year?
that doesn’t always happen on every board.” Lori Price: “Expect a lot of reading. Policies, information about your district that was not previously known,
Three respondents are in straightforward agreement on what the biggest challenge of the first full year is:
budgets, prior meeting minutes to get caught up, etc. Expect to learn a lot more than you ever thought you’d need to know.” Reynolds: “The first hundred days present a huge learning curve, not just in the obvious like budgets,
McCabe: “Understanding the budget process and the tax levy process.” Bill Marvin: “Understanding fiscal issues.” Ickes: “Learning financial and legal basics.”
mandates, legalese, etc., but also in how best to interact with fellow board members.”
Others consider the role, and the working rela-
Nelson: “You’ll need to be reading and getting
tionships it involves, as the biggest challenge of the
organized in order to manage the amount of paper and
first year. Cynthia Rasmussen Grabavoy is involved
reports. If you do not create a system for the mate-
in advocacy for the elderly, and she brings some of the
rials, you won’t be able to follow your board’s work
tenets of that work into the challenges faced by school
cycle as easily. Take your required training and be
board members.
“In work with hospice patients and trying to sup-
board member, no matter where you go or how hard
port them, there is a saying, ‘we need to have a broad
you try to keep those roles separate. You can be at the
back of equanimity and a soft front of compassion,’”
grocery store, volunteering at your child’s school, even
Rasmussen said. “As a school board member, your
attending your child’s musical performance. You are
broad back is your policies and plans. And of course,
no longer just their parent. You are seen as the board
you have to have compassion.”
member through the eyes of parents, teachers, admin-
Other respondents also offered relationshipbuilding advice:
istrators, etc. You will also learn that you will not be able to please everyone, including those that voted for you. You are a trustee of the entire district, not just the
Call: “Upon finding out you’ve been elected to the
schools your child is affiliated with.”
school board; community members will look to obtain your input on current topics or other concerns they
A few respondents summed the challenges up:
may have. Knowing what items are considered ‘board work’ and what items the community member needs
Bachelor: “The first year may see negotiations with
to address directly with your District’s administration
a union, new budget concerns, discipline issues, angry
are essential and requires professional development to
parents and committee meetings.” Baker: “The biggest challenge is time. As a working
know the difference.” Tepper: “There is challenge in understanding the
mom, it was difficult to find time outside my full-time
role and how to separate the ‘parent’ hat from the ‘board’
job and family/home responsibilities to make it to all
hat. There are times that you may need to vote on what
the events I wanted to.”
is best for the district as a whole, but not necessarily for
Nelson: “The first challenge is developing the routine of
your child. If you cannot make that choice, you probably
preparing for your board meeting. Also important is getting
should not be a board member.”
up to speed on the district’s budget and that process. You
Archie-Davenport: “Get to know your fellow board
need to train yourself to think independently from your
members, professionally and personally. Take part in
fellow board members taking into account their thoughts
your boards’ activities, and come to understand every-
while reviewing the recommendations from the admin-
one’s perspectives and personalities. You will be more
istration as the experts and share appropriate questions
cohesive if you know who you’re working with. You want
to clarify your understanding. Another challenge is to be
to be able to brainstorm together, and to express your
prepared for disagreement with fellow board members
views freely. It’s hard if you don’t get to know the peo-
and maintain a professional approach — even if another
ple you’re working with. And still, you want to take the
does not return that respect. A final challenge is staying
opportunity, even if you are in the minority, to state your
focused on board work not managing the administration.”
case. Your vote counts, even if it’s not the majority. You will want the minutes to reflect what you stand for, that you stand behind your words. Your word is your bond.” Reynolds: “There is a challenge in learning the dos and don’ts as far as interacting with the public in the most open, yet professional manner.”
Q: What other information would you share with a new member to school board service? Finally, we asked all the respondents for their favorite
Joiner-Herrod: “Working with board members that may have personal agendas.”
bit of advice or information for new school board members. As expected, they are effusive with their sharing.
David Price: “Knowing what to concentrate on and
Again, many choose practical advice:
how your fellow personalities on the board see the issues David Price: “Go to the IASB new board members
before them.” Lori Price: “Learning to navigate your new roles. You are no longer just someone’s mom; you are now a
training as soon as possible.” Ickes: “Read the policy manual cover-to-cover.”
McCabe: “As you hear topics of concern or questions,
students. It’s hard to not come in with
be sure to listen but try not to answer. Most of these are
your own ideas of how the district can
the work of the superintendent, and drop your ‘bag’ on
be run better, however, patience is
their desk and let them handle it.”
key. The district may not be in a place
Tepper: “Do not come to a board meeting unprepared.
to support your idea or initiative; it is
Make sure you have read the packet before the meeting.”
extremely important for board members to really listen and uncover the
Many experienced respondents note that IASB
root needs of the district.”
offers multiple resources for new board members, and
Call: “It cannot be stressed enough to take advantage
strongly encourage newbies to avail themselves of online
of the professional development offered by the IASB on-line
resources, attend division meetings and other events,
and on-site, particularly at the Joint Annual Conference.
and attend the Joint Annual Conference — both to learn
It is targeted to items that are specific to board work.”
and to network — when possible: Finally, our respondents offer wisdom that applies Lori Price: “Go to the state convention and try
to the first year of school board service, and well beyond:
to attend a national convention if you can. This is our professional development. Go with an open mind to
Tepper: “Do not be afraid to ask questions. Don’t
gain new ways of thinking and gather ideas that might
feel like it is beneath the board or administration to
work in your district, or be creative in adapting those
answer any and all questions.” Marvin: “Don’t be afraid to ask questions.”
ideas to fit your district and its needs.” Baker: “I found the Joint Annual Conference chock
Grabavoy: “Go in strong. But if you go in thinking
full of projects and initiatives working in similar districts
you have it all figured out, you’re going to miss some
to ours. My biggest advice is to come in with an open mind
great ideas. Ask questions. It’s a challenge, for some
and be willing to learn. It’s quite possible the district
people to listen — not just hear, but listen. Help the
is already underway with implementation of effective
group set priorities. We all make mistakes, but we recov-
practices and approaches to support the success of its
er and move forward.”
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Is your smartphone still yours? By Scott F. Uhler
Scott F. Uhler is a partner with Klein, Thorpe and Jenkins, Ltd. in Chicago.
ow that you are elected, is your
(FOIA). In City of Champaign v.
did involve public business, that
smartphone or other personal
Madison in 2013, elected officials
generally the actions of individual
were observed using their smart-
public officials did not constitute
electronic device still yours?
phones at a public meeting to com-
use, preparation, or possession by
Prior doctrine — Limited
municate with one another. The court
a “public body,” i.e. an individual
disclosure required by public
found such communications could
public official is not a public body.
officials under FOIA
be subject to disclosure if they per-
In that particular situation however,
In 2013, the Illinois Appellate
tained to public business and were
the court determined that the city
Court wrestled with the difficult
“prepared by or for a public body,
council members — while participat-
issue of whether certain communi-
used by a public body, received by
ing in a public meeting — were acting
cations made on the private electron-
a public body, possessed by a public
as the public body and therefore cov-
ic devices of public officials can be
body or controlled by a public body.”
ered by FOIA. Individual elected city
subject to required disclosure under
The court found that if the
council members there were acting
the Freedom of Information Act
communications on the cellphones
in their collective capacity as the “public body” while their regular public meeting was being held. The court made it clear that regardless of how or when such communications were made, purely personal communications with no bearing on public business are not subject to FOIA. The court’s decision therefore appeared to establish the following legal principles under FOIA: The discussion of public business by or to elected board members on their personal electronic devices must be disclosed under FOIA if the communication goes to a majority of a quorum of the public body, is sent during a public meeting, or if the
e-message is forwarded to a device
City of Champaign v Madigan) that
records” under
or email system owned or controlled
any such communications sent from
FOIA to exclude
by the public body.
personal email accounts did not fall
That discussion of public busi-
within FOIA because they were not
tions relati ng
ness by public employees on their
“prepared by or for” a public body.
to the transac-
personal electronic devices would
CPD also argued that because they
tion of publ ic
not be subject to FOIA (since a public
were not stored on a city server, they
business which
employee cannot be “public body”).
could not be “used by” or in the pos-
were sent from or received on the
session or under the control of a pub-
personal email or devices of public
lic body.
officials and employees would be
The scope of disclosure expands — Can public records be created on personal cellphones?
The PAC, however, disagreed,
contrary to the basic intent under
concluding that such a finding “would
FOIA to ensure public access to full
A more recent decision of the Public Access Counselor (PAC) of the Office of the Illinois Attorney General once again calls into question the rules related to the use of electronic
The PAC held that any communications pertaining to the transaction
communications by public officials
of public business that were sent or received on employees’ personal
and employees, and the scope of
email accounts are “public records” under FOIA and should be
required disclosure, even on personal cell phones, tablets, and laptops.
produced subject to any other possible statutory exemptions.
On August 9, 2016, the PAC issued binding opinion 16-006 in response to a request for review alleging a violation of FOIA by the Chicago Police Department (CPD). A news outlet
undercut the principle that public
and thorough information regard-
submitted a FOIA request to the CPD
bodies act through their employees,
ing governmental affairs. The PAC
seeking “all emails related to Laquan
by excluding from the definition of
concluded that such an interpreta-
McDonald from Police Department
‘public records’ communications
tion would yield absurd results by
email accounts and personal email
sent or received by employees of
allowing public officials or employ-
accounts where business was dis-
a public body on personal devices
ees to circumvent FOIA and hide
cussed” for 12 named CPD officers
or accounts, regardless of wheth-
information from the public about
for certain date ranges. In preparing
er the communications pertain to
how they conduct their public duties
a response to the FOIA request, the
the transaction of public business.”
simply by using personal electronic
CPD FOIA officer searched the CPD
The PAC held that the proper inqui-
devices to communicate.
email system for the named officers
ry must focus on the content of the
As a result, the PAC held that any
and the requested periods and pro-
communication (does it pertain to
communications pertaining to the
duced the responsive records. How-
public business) and not the method
transaction of public business that
ever, CPD did not conduct a search
by which it was transmitted.
were sent or received on employees’
of personal email accounts for any
personal email accounts are “pub-
responsive records, asserting that
Public employees’ personal email
lic records” under FOIA and should
emails on such accounts are not pub-
accounts can be subject to FOIA
be produced subject to any other
lic records. The CPD argued (under
The PAC reasoned that inter-
possible statutory exemptions. The
the rules seemingly established in
preting the definition of “public
PAC emphasized that the mere fact
that a personal
PAC found the CPD’s concern about
thorough and targeted searches for
email account
privacy concerns unfounded since
responsive documents when pro-
is used to send
the search itself was inadequate, as
cessing FOIA requests, which may
or receive pub-
CPD took no steps at all to ascertain
include persona l dev ices or
lic records does
whether the employees named in
not transfor m
the FOIA might have any respon-
a l l c om mu n i-
sive records. While the PAC did not
cations sent or
answer precisely what the required
received on that account into pub-
“search” of a personal cellphone,
lic records that must be disclosed in
laptop or tablet would look like, it
accordance with FOIA, in particular
made clear that a public body cannot
such records have no connection to
simply decline to search for emails
the transaction of public business.
contained on personal accounts, if
Those communications pertaining
they are relevant to the request.
to the transaction of public business, however, that were sent or received on
Need for policies and procedures
the CPD employees’ personal email
Th is bi nd i ng PAC opi n ion
accounts, are “public records” under
emphasizes the need for clear pol-
the definition of that term in FOIA.
icies and training for public officials
The PAC further noted that
and employees about proper proce-
CPD’s search for responsive records
dures for conducting public business
was inadequate in that no search
by email or text, particularly when
was even made of personal email
using personal electronic devices
accou nt s, a lthou g h a speci f ic
or email. It also reiterates the need
request was made for the same. The
for p ubl ic b o d ie s t o c ond u c t
Resources IASB’s Policy Reference Manual: 2:250 Access to District Public Records, 2:140 Communications To and From the Board and 2:140-E Exhibit — Guidance for Board Member Communications, Including Email Use City of Champaign v. Madigan, 2013 IL App (4th) 120662 is available at http:// www.illinoiscourts.gov/Opinions/ AppellateCourt/2013/4thDistrict/ 4120662.pdf Sample Policies: Sample policies from the Office of the Attorney General addressing electronic file management, prohibiting the use of private email accounts for official or work-related business and prohibiting the use of text messaging for official business are available for reference at http:// www.ktjlaw.com/457AE3/assets/files/ documents/375928_1.pdf A copy of the full PAC Decision 16-006 is available at the following link: http://foia.ilattorneygeneral.net/pdf/ opinions/2016/16-006.pdf
IASB’s Policy Reference Manual 2:140-E Exhibit — Guidance for Board Member Communications, Including Email includes the following: When Must the Electronic Communications Sent or Received by Individual Board Members Be Disclosed Pursuant to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Request? If a Board member uses a District-provided device or email address to discuss public business, the email is subject to disclosure under FOIA, barring an applicable exemption. If a Board member uses a private device and email address, the communication is subject to FOIA if it satisfies this test: First, the communication pertains to the transaction of public business, and Second, the communication was: (1) prepared by a public body, (2) prepared for a public body, (3) used by a public body, (4) received by a public body, (5) possessed by a public body, and/or (6) controlled by a public body. This test is from the appellate court decision in City of Champaign v. Madigan, 992 N.E.2d 629 (Ill.App.4th, 2013).
Joint Annual Conference November 17-19, 2017 Chicago #ILjac17
November 17-19, 2017 Chicago Illinois Association of School Boards Illinois Association of School Administrators Illinois Association of School Business Officials 85th Joint Annual Conference
LEARN from over 100 panel sessions DISCOVER 250+ exhibits BE INSPIRED by three general sessions NETWORK with over 9,000 attendees Details and registration information at conference.iasb.com
The Joint Annual Conference is a fantastic opportunity to learn about “important school leadership issues facing educators in our state.
— 2016 attendee
Advocacy depends on building relationships By Cynthia S. Woods
Cynthia S. Woods, IASB director of government relations for advocacy, is retiring this summer after 23 years with the Association.
hen I was seated on my
volunteer work got them their job
who they are, what they do, how and
school board at Glen Ellyn
and new career. It was being a school
why they do it.
SD 41 in 1983, our board president
board member that led to the oppor-
I n c u l l i n g my f i le s b e fore
asked if I would chair the legislative
tunity to join the Illinois Associa-
retiring, I found a supporting doc-
committee. Having only moved to
tion of School Boards in 1994. I had
ument that preceded the Nebo
Illinois six years earlier, I had no idea
been part of a board that worked
meeting. “Governance Role of the
about Illinois legislative process, let
well together, so I knew what was
Local School Board” summarized
alone public school legislative issues.
meant by a “good board.” I also knew
the essentials of vision, advocacy,
Nonetheless, I accepted the challenge
the value of a good board/superin-
structure, and accountability. My
of the role and became very active
tendent working relationship. Only
note next to advocacy was “moral
in grassroots groups and lobbying,
after I got to IASB did I learn about
trustees.” Maybe that is why being
locally and in Springfield.
some “boards that behave badly”
director for advocacy for the Asso-
At first, I was hesitant to talk to
and how hard the Association works
ciation and its members has meant
legislators. But I soon learned they
with such boards to improve those
so much to me.
are no different from the rest of us,
and all you need to do is say “hello” and you’re off!
One of the highlights of my new
Working in this role has showed me that although Illinois emphasiz-
job was being
es “local control,” we
One of my first visits to Spring-
included in the
still need to consider
field was scheduled to meet with our
staff retreat to
the entire state when
local state representative, Ralph
Nebo, Illinois,
we talk about educa-
Barger. Our board wanted his atten-
at a small rural
tion and educational
tion on a specific bill and asked me
lodge where the
opportunities. Certain
to speak with him. I decided to bring
work on our gov-
legislation, although
some homemade chocolate chip
ernance philos-
benef icia l i n some
cookies to help sweeten the encoun-
ophy star ted.
areas, may be detri-
ter. I got mercilessly teased by other
That was in
mental in other areas
board members from neighboring
J u l y 19 9 7 —
of the state, which is
districts, as well as by my own board.
exactly 20 years
why we need to look
But let me tell you, after that he knew
ago! What eventually became the
at what works for all. Local voices
me better than any other education
“Foundational Principles of Effec-
need to be heard. But know that
person and always made time for me.
tive Governance,” continues to be
your voice and your ability to forge
I like to share that I am one of
the bedrock of IASB instruction to
a relationship with legislators, their
very few people who can say their
school boards, to help them define
assistants, and other policy makers
are crucial factors in impacting
recommendations to the General
Probably one of my favorite
public education policy.
Assembly concerning the General
groups to work with over the years
State Aid grant program.
has been the Future Farmers of
Over the past 23 years, I have been an active participant in and
Another of my ongoing respon-
America (FFA). I met these stu-
liaison to many statewide educa-
sibilities has been attending the
dents when they would testify at
tion committees, commissions, and
Illinois State Board of Education
ISBE budget hearings or ISBE board
task forces. One of the highlights
monthly board meetings, budget
meetings, always wearing their crisp
included involvement with the start-
hearings, and other ISBE-related
blue blazers, and always well-spo-
up of the Better Funding for Better
events. When I first started attend-
ken and organized. As I got to know
Schools (BFBS) coalition in 1999.
ing, the meetings would often be
some of their student officers and
This coalition was formed by school
held in Chicago or other areas of
their sponsors, I found out the rig-
board member Sharon Voliva, legis-
the state. The supporting staff for
or of their programs and the power
lators including State Representa-
the agency would attend and the
behind their leadership skills. It is a
tive Will Davis, and businessman
meetings were a full two-day event.
remarkable program.
Bill Doctor. It also included voices
Issues would be discussed one day
Another group I’ve enjoyed
from a variety of smaller organi-
in detail prior to possible votes the
working with is the Civic Mission
zations as well as statewide orga-
next day. Staff would make presenta-
Coalition, dedicated to promoting
nizations like IASB — all seeking
tions and be part of the discussions.
civics in education. It started about
better school funding. We worked
Outside experts would be brought
15 years ago with the support of
hard, first organizing and then lob-
in to help with understanding the
both the McCormick Foundation
bying locally and in Springfield for
topic. Today, state board meetings
and the Constitutional Rights Foun-
more equitable funding. Despite the
are barely more than two hours in
dation and has evolved into a true
enormous effort and progress, the
length. There is rarely any detailed
cross-sectional coalition. One of its
coalition disbanded and there is still
discussion or questioning about
primary accomplishments has been
no school funding reform. It is not
most agenda items. There is limited
the promotion of and support for
surprising; however, that Rep. Davis
staff presentation and interaction,
schools to become Illinois Democ-
is still involved in the effort and is a
and rarely outside experts.
racy Schools. Currently there are
sponsor of current funding reform legislation. BFBS was not the only effort; in fact, around this same time, another statutory group was established under the responsibility of ISBE: the Education Funding Advisor y Board (EFA B). This board consisted of five members along with about 20 people from various agencies and educational organizations as support. They were tasked with researching and proposing what the equitable/adequate per pupil funding amount
In 2001, Cynthia Woods and current Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan were among those honored by AT&T and Tech 2000 for contributions to technology. Pictured left to right are teacher honoree Linda Smentek, Woods, Madigan (then a state senator) and Kappy Laing, representing AT&T.
should be in Illinois and make
shared their educational system with us.
“Over the years, I have heard and met with educational visionaries and leaders both locally and internationally. I have learned the importance of school board voice beyond the boardroom. This is — or should be — the work of all school boards and school board members: to make your voice known, to make your role known.” – Cynthia Woods
Academic excellence and rigor was also the focus of the Lincoln Foundation for Education Excellence. I represented IASB with the Foundation, a coalition of education groups and businesses that worked to encourage schools and districts in Illinois to get involved with the national Baldrige Framework for Excellence program. Partly because of its rigor and demand of time and
about 60 high schools with this dis-
honor. It was through my involve-
partly because of dwindling funds
tinct designation. Schools apply for
ment with this coalition that I was
available to pursue this process, the
this honor and must work through
asked to travel to Estonia with the
Lincoln Foundation for Education
a rigorous program around civics
CIVITAS project to represent Amer-
Excellence disbanded. Some of their
and their schools to achieve this
ican school boards as that country
work was eventually replaced by the Illinois Education Roundtable, which included many of the same organizations that were involved with the Lincoln Foundation. Internally, I have been active in
Policy Services Welcome New Superintendents! And congratulations on your new position.
the IASB committee that researched and developed our community engagement process. I think that for public education to survive, it needs to focus on just this kind of community involvement. Over the years, I
As you settle in, many questions may arise, including the following:
have heard and met with educational
• How are board policies being implemented?
and internationally. I have learned
• Are administrative procedures up-to-date?
beyond the boardroom. This is — or
• Are the administrative procedures in alignment with board policy?
boards and school board members:
IASB Policy Services offers an Administrative Procedures Project service designed to help administrators provide their district with the procedures necessary to assure implementation of and alignment with board policy.
baffled by the lack of knowledge
visionaries and leaders both locally the importance of school board voice should be — the work of all school to make your voice known, to make your role known. After all these years, I am still
For more information, visit www.iasb.com/policy or call 630/629-3776, ext. 1214 or 217/528-9688, ext. 1154
July/August 2017
that the general public has about what school boards do and why they are vital. There are whispers of the demise of public education as we know it; that includes a locally
elected school board. School board
DuPage County declared a “Year of Civic Engagement” in 2008. Pictured are Terry Pastika of the Citizen Advocacy Center, Darlene Ruscitti of the DuPage ROE, Abraham Lincoln (portrayed by Max Daniels), IASB’s Cynthia Woods, and Alfred Spitzzeri of the DuPage Bar Association.
members are the poster image of grassroots activity. Among their many roles, school board members are the public relations department for their district. Not only do they need to know their legislators on a personal level (and they need to know you and your district), they need to advertise their district with their constituents, their county, and their state. To me, the most important part of advocacy is developing relationships with people. It is only within those relationships that sharing
Cynthia Woods (third from left) worked with ISBE, the McCormick Foundation and other entities on the “Civic Blueprint for Illinois High Schools,” designed to teach Illinois residents facets of civic education.
information, building trust, and taking responsibility for a board member’s role occurs. Sitting at a board table once or twice a month is not enough: grassroots advocacy is a full-time, active job. So, what exactly is “advocacy?” By definition, it is “the act of pleading for, supporting, or recommending; active espousal.” One of the goals throughout my IASB career has been to remind people that school boards are a vital part of the public school education system. People know teachers, superintendents,
Having said that, some things
and your community. Invite them
principals, students, and even build-
never change: sharing what a
to visit your schools, to attend a
ings. But many don’t know the role of
local school board does, what
school board meeting, and visit
school boards or know their school
you are responsible for,
board members. That is the ongoing
and how you do your
job of all school board members.
them in in their space. Start with a “hello,”
work is crucial as pub-
a handshake, and a
School board activities have
lic education moves
smile. (And if need-
changed since I was a board member
through and around
ed, a plate of home-
in the 1980s. People then had more
this age of privatiza-
made cookies can
time to devote to meetings and activ-
t i o n a n d vo u c h e r s .
ities; technology was in its infancy.
K now you can impact
Add to that the state had more mon-
this future by meeting your leg-
relationships, relationships, rela-
ey and schools had more money. It
islators, your state board mem-
tionships to build effective and
was a more prosperous time.
bers, your local elected officials,
successful advocacy.
help!) Remember, it takes
th n ! ve owrint e s nn p w io in Ne dit ble e la ai v a
An effective reference for school business managers, budget makers, and anyone who needs to understand school finance.
Essentials of Illinois School Finance
A Guide to Techniques, Issues, and Resources By James B. Fritts From the peculiarities of property taxes and state funding to the formulas for projecting enrollments and staffing budgets, Essentials of Illinois School Finance covers just about everything. That’s why this book is considered the “primer” for newly-elected school board members, as well as students of educational administration. The first part deals with revenue — where schools get it, how they maximize it, protect it, and plan for it. The second half address expenditures — how schools budget and minimize expenses. A special chapter at the end examines the many standards for school finance and business management that need to be established by action of the local governing board. Members: $25
Non-Members: $35
More 2017 bookstore additions! Find a complete listing of IASB publications and order online at www.iasb.com/shop, or call IASB Publications, 217/528-9688, ext.1108. Online Bookstore
The Effective School Board Member
Members: $2
Non-Members $2
An introduction to the work of boards of education in Illinois, including powers and duties, dos and don’ts, the structure of school governance, finance, board/administrator/staff relations, board meeting procedures, a code of ethics, and other information.
2016-2017 Illinois School Code Service
Members: $45
Non-Members $55
All new sales of the 2016 School Code will include both the Code and the 2017 Supplement with updates to the complete Code that is current through all of the 2016 legislative session. The service also comes with access to a digital version that includes annotations with case law and other references, all State Board of Education rules, and the text of court cases cited in the annotations. It also carries a large number of additional statutes pertinent to Illinois public schools.
From rigor to reality, revisited State regulation and its impact on teacher, administrator ed candidates By James Rosborg
he Illinois Council of Profes-
2016 issue of The Illinois School
Research in the area of prin-
sors in Education Adminis-
Board Journal), the Illinois State
cipal preparation shows 1,742 new
tration (ICPEA) in conjunction with
Board of Education (ISBE) raised
graduates in principalship in the
the Illinois Association of School
the minimum standards needed to
last six years. ICPEA estimates
Boards (IASB) continues to study
pass the Test of Academic Proficien-
there have been around 2,800 new
the impact of the changes in the
cy (TAP), formerly the Basic Skills
principal job openings in the past
state rules and regulations, and the
exam. The goal was to increase teach-
six years. The number of job open-
impact on the number of candidates
er rigor. Since that 2010 change, the
ings does not even include openings
going into education in the state of
results show that teacher and admin-
in other administrative positions
Illinois, both in the teaching and
istrator candidate numbers dramat-
like assistant principals, deans of
administration areas.
ically went down with the jury still
students, directors, department
being out as to the improvement of
chairs, and assistant superinten-
candidate quality.
dents. The research shows that
IASB Field Services Director Patrick Rice expanded last year’s survey and received data from a
James Rosborg, Ph.D., is director of the Master’s in Education program at McKendree University and is past president of the Illinois Council of Professors of Educational Administration.
cross-section of 17 universities in the state of Illinois. Besides surveying elementary and secondary educational programs, the survey included early childhood, fine arts, and special education programs. Similar to last year’s findings, the data received is cause for concern. The new survey’s findings show Illinois continues to experience a teacher shortage not only in elementary and secondary education, but in all teacher education programs of study. The survey results also indicate there is a lack of diversity in the candidate pool. A s repor ted in the original “From rigor to reality” (March/April
there is a direct correlation: Having
programs based on how well they
Under the administrations of
fewer teacher candidates directly
performed on a standardized test,
Presidents George W. Bush and
impacts the number of adminis-
but agrees with the Every Student
Barack Obama, the federal govern-
trative candidates.
Succeeds Act (ESSA) federal stat-
ment pressured states to ratchet up
ISBE believed that making the
ute that schools should be judged
their requirements to ensure that
teaching admission test more rig-
based on multiple indicators of
teachers are highly qualified as
orous would yield higher student
assessment as compared to single
noted in No Child Left Behind. As
achievement outcomes, but we feel
indicator assessment tests. Logi-
a result, states such as Illinois have
this effort has had an adverse effect.
cally, why should the same not hold
made it difficult — by administering
It is estimated that to pass the TAP
true for educators? As former State
rigorous basic skills tests ― for poten-
test would require an equivalent
Superintendent Chris Koch of Illi-
tial teachers to enter the profession.
of 26 on the ACT. As previously
nois once stated, “I would argue
Perhaps now is the time for Illinois
reported, ISBE has added anoth-
probably in the United States, we’re
to consider changing course to coin-
er possibility of meeting basic
testing too much.” One could con-
cide with the philosophy change of
skill requirements by having a 22
clude that these efforts have led
measuring schools based on multiple
composite on the ACT along with
to a diminished focus in fine arts,
passage of the writing component.
physical education, gifted, and
In our survey, all reporting
Ironically, ISBE believes students
vocational programs throughout
universities indicated a significant
should be admitted to teaching
the United States.
decline in their teaching programs, ranging from 46 to 70 percent. Regulatory changes made by ISBE have dramatically led to the decline of teacher candidates in educational teaching programs. This especially
IASB Field Services offers board development opportunities for board and superintendent teams in YOUR district.
seems to be true for minority candidates seeking an education degree. Overall, the 17 universities that
Field Services
responded resulted in the following data conclusions regarding minority education degree seekers in 2016: • E l e m e nt a r y: O ut o f 1,114 candidates, there are 88 African-Americans, 64 Asians, 117 Hispanics and 15 multi-racial candidates. There are a total of 135 male candidates and 984 female candidates. • Secondary: Out of 758 can-
Model continuous learning Commit to continuous improvement Call your IASB field services director today! Springfield: 217/528-9688 Lombard: 630/629-3776
did ates, there are 56 A f r ican-Americans, 46 Asians, 89 Hispanics and nine multi-racial candidates. There are a total of 353 males and 405 females. • Early Childhood: Out of 308 candidates, 78 African-Americans,
March/April 2017 THE ILLINOIS SCHOOL BOARD JOURNAL / JULY-AUGUST 2017 July/August 2017
21 Asians, 34 Hispanics and nine
Percent of Minority Candidates in Teacher Education – 2016
multi-racial candidates. There are a total of 11 males and 297 females. • Fine Arts: Out of 355 candidates, there are 32 African-Americans, 18 Asians, 39 Hispanics and eight multi-racial candidates. There are a total of 175 males and 180 females. • Special Education: Out of 418 candidates, there are 36 African-Americans, 11 Asians, 38 Hispanics and two multi-racial candidates. There are 82 males and 336 females. The graph to the right gives a
Total Candidates
African American
Early Childhood
Fine Arts
Special Education
TOTALS Ethnicity/Gender Percent of the Total
more global look at our minority candidate percentages at the 17 responding universities that represent a cross-section but not all universities statewide.
Illinois’s disinvestment in
complete an additional 32 cred-
higher education.
it hours as opposed to taking a
• Lack of MAP grants has dramat-
block of classes approved by the
To gain further input from uni-
ically impacted students from
university. This exemplifies a
versity professionals throughout the
a lower socio-economic back-
continued regulatory philosophy
state, the survey asked two open-end-
ground and lowered enrollment
leading to diminished numbers
across the board.
in the field of education.
ed questions in the comment section. The following answers were cited for
• Perceived poor pay and working
For Question 2, “What chang-
Question 1, “Why did your number
conditions along with a national
es, if any should be made for uni-
of candidates decrease?”
emphasis on testing and teacher
versity students entering education
programs?” the following responses
• Responses to the first question from the 17 universities indicat-
• Increased difficulty of state
ed the new basic skills (TAP) test
required content area tests and
has led to significant decreases
in candidates pursuing teaching programs. • We are still seeing passage rates
were cited: • Change the requirement of the TAP test so that an individual
• Lack of an Illinois budget that
only has to pass the content area
has led to lack of financial aid,
to which they are teaching (i.e.
grants, and scholarships.
math) instead of passing in a
around 23 percent with signifi-
• School district budget prob-
four areas. Make the test a valid
cantly lower scores for Afri-
lem s ha s l i m ited employ-
and reliable measure of teacher
can-Americans and Hispanics
ment opportunities causing a
on the TAP test.
decrease of those going into
• The rising costs of education
the profession.
quality. • Offer financial incentives to students who major in teacher
— tuition, testing, background
• Beginning in January 2018,
preparation programs. Focus on
checks for both field place-
elementary or secondary can-
getting more minorities in the
ments and student teaching,
didates seeking to obtain their
transpor tation costs, and
middle school endorsement must
Continued on page 26 23
Teacher Leadership:
Positive impacts on school districts By Joyce Kleinaitis
Joyce Kleinaitis, Ph.D., is an assistant professor and coordinator Master’s programs in the College of Education at the University of St. Francis in Joliet.
s we are aware, 21st century
relatively new, the concept is not.
not only with their students, but with
school administrators expe-
What began is “professional learning
parents and peers. Every teacher
rience many challenges with the
communities” in the 1960s devel-
knows that it is vital to develop trust-
ever-changing culture of schools,
oped into collaborative leadership
ing and respectful relationships with
the demands of state testing, the
and then to the teacher leadership
students. Teachers accomplish this
increasing responsibilities of teach-
programs of today. The impetus was
by being advocates for each child
er evaluations, and the growing
to develop systems for teachers to
and working in a cooperative and
needs of both students and staff.
work together, rather than in isola-
productive partnership with parents.
Yet many administrators feel a lack
tion, and to establish coherent and
This is yet another example of their
of support for the availability of time
cohesive teaching practices within
leadership skills.
needed to be excellent instruction-
schools. In Illinois, according to the
Teachers no longer are isolat-
al leaders, due to the managerial
Illinois P-20 Council recommenda-
ed in classrooms as they have been
responsibilities that they incur.
tions to the Illinois State Board of
in past decades; they are visible as
Administrators need staff mem-
Education, the Teacher Leadership
they serve on committees, develop
bers that can work as leaders in
recommendations established the
and implement school improvement
schools and give support to both
opportunity for teachers to
plans, write and design curriculum,
teachers and students. They require
• Create a career path to retain
mentor new teachers and partici-
staff members who can share in the
and develop high-performing
pate in many other leadership roles.
responsibilities of promoting stu-
teachers for leadership roles;
Teachers have been also been instru-
dent success, who will work together
Formalize, define, and build
mental in working with administra-
to strive to improve instructional
the competencies necessary
tors and board members to develop
practices, and who will maintain a
for high-quality leadership to
evaluation tools, school policies and
supportive and safe school climate
improve student learning; and
collective bargaining agreements.
• Re c og n i ze a nd enc ou ra ge
Many teachers want to employ
shared leadership and deci-
their leadership skills outside of the
sion-making in schools to max-
classroom, but do not have the goal
it is imperative that teacher leader-
imize outcomes for children
of seeking an administrator position.
ship be embraced by staff members
Teachers are natural leaders in
Numerous school districts have not
and supported and encouraged by
their classrooms and many consis-
yet implemented or designed leader-
school board members and school
tently demonstrate a variety of skills
ship roles for teachers. Job descrip-
in management and instructional
tions posted from school districts still
A lthoug h Teacher L eader-
leadership. On a daily basis, teachers
seek administrative certification as a
ship Endorsement programs are
model strong communication skills,
requirement for deans, department
as well as encourage professional growth for staff members. In order to achieve these goals,
chairs, coaches, and other traditional
fearful of other staff members who
of embracing the teacher leadership
leadership positions. Many teach-
conduct peer evaluations and regard
models in the district.
ers who strive to be leaders often do
the teacher leaders as “quasi-admin-
Building administrators also
not experience opportunities that
istrators.” It is important that union
need to understand that they will
will allow their skills to be utilized.
leaders work as advocates for staff
be able to devote more time and
Because of these limited opportuni-
members who want to achieve the
dedication to other responsibili-
ties for leadership and lack of district
teacher leadership endorsement and
ties, which may result in increased
support, many staff members shy
who want to be responsible teacher
student interaction, instructional
away from researching programs that
leaders. It is essential that all stake-
leadership, and home-school con-
might afford them certification to
holders become involved in promot-
nection. Through conversations
expand their leadership skills outside
ing teacher professional growth.
with school board members and
of the classroom.
It is important that the role and
an exposure to different models, the
A number of universities are
the responsibilities of teacher leaders
administrators will realize that they
now offering programs that provide
needs to be communicated and clar-
are not giving up control, but rath-
teacher leader endorsement through
ified to staff, students, parents, and
er working in a strong partnership
the state of Illinois. However, it is
community. Clear communication
with their teacher leaders.
important that school boards encour-
will lessen the confusion and the fear
Continued on page 26
age teachers to seek this leadership endorsement. This can accomplished through collective bargaining discussions and agreements, as well as revisions in job descriptions. School boards can be effective in creating a culture of support in their districts by encouraging teacher leadership, starting by adopting a different mindset – moving away from the idea that only administrators are school leaders. Board members learn from other districts that embrace teacher leadership models and engage in thoughtful discussions on how to create their own district
Set off in the
right direction! Choosing a new superintendent is an exciting time, for both the board and the administration. It can also be a time of uncertainty as individuals gather as a new governance team, especially when the arrival of a new superintendent coincides with board turnover. Fortunately, IASB can help with a complimentary Team Building Workshop included in each Executive Search superintendent contract.
model. Such discussions will convey the message to teachers that their leadership skills are valued and can have an important impact on their school district, and that they will be recognized as leaders. Teachers unions also can be involved in the discussions regarding the creation of teacher leadership models. Often teachers are
Take advantage of this unique opportunity to start both your new superintendent and new board members on the road to governance excellence. Contact your IASB executive searches consultant or field services director for more information: Lombard – 630/629-3776 Springfield – 217/528-9688
July/August 2017
Rigor to reality, revisited continued from page 23
the teacher and administrative
level. Substitute teacher shortages
Dr. Rosborg’s previous “From rigor to reality” appeared in the March/April issue of The Illinois School Board Journal, and is available at www.iasb. com/journal/j030416_03.cfm
are already causing huge academ• Publicize the projected teacher
ic problems statewide as schools
shortage in the near future.
deal with overcrowded classrooms
• Reduce the costs in the areas
and administrators having to fill
previously mentioned — tui-
teaching positions on a substitute
t ion, t e st i n g, back g rou nd
basis. ICPEA and IASB will contin-
checks, etc.
ue to work with educational asso-
• Establish university child-
ciations throughout Illinois to bring
care centers for children of
researched facts to increase the
overa l l c a nd id ate p ool a nd
ISBE’s educator licensure requirements are accessible starting here: https:// www.isbe.net/Pages/Licensure.aspx Also referenced in this piece is Vanishing School Boards: Where School Boards Have Gone, Why We Need Them, and How to Bring Them Back by Patrick Rice, Ph.D.
Teacher Leadership
• Look at the negative macro pro-
strengthen the overall profession-
fessional issues that have been
al quality of the education work-
enhanced by the media and
force. It is time for leaders in the
Merely embracing the teacher
governmental leaders that are
state of Illinois to look at the cur-
leadership model is not enough. Con-
driving down interest in teach-
rent regulatory rules and make the
sistency in evaluating the leadership
ing as a profession.
proper adjustments using the
model will contribute to a collabora-
It is time for action to deal with
research at hand to again enhance
tive culture and promote continuous
the field of education.
improvement. Areas of improvement
the shortages of candidates at both
continued from page 25
need to be reviewed and revised to ensure that the model is effective for
setting district goals and direction
strategic planning values and beliefs/mission/vision/goals
clarifying the district’s purpose
Setting District
Goals and
Direction Whether you call it setting district goals and direction, strategic planning, or values and beliefs/ mission/vision/goals work, school boards are responsible for clarifying the district’s purpose. An IASB field services director brings expertise about the school board’s role in this work.
For more information, contact your IASB field services director today! Springfield - 217/528-9688 Lombard - 630/629-3776 26
Field Services
the district. In order for the teacher leadership model to be implemented, it will take some risks and much commitment on the part of the school board and other stakeholders, but the potential payoff is worth it. Not only will administrators benefit from the impact of teacher leadership roles, but it may increase retention of teachers who realize that the importance of their leadership roles is recognized and encouraged. Resources The author is an assistant professor in the College of Education at the University of St. Francis in Joliet, which is one of several Illinois institutions that offer a Teacher Leader course of study. Learn more at www.stfrancis. edu/academics/college-of-education/ ed-leadership/. ISBE resources for Teacher Leader programs begin here: www.isbe.net/ Pages/Professional-Educator-LicenseAdministrative-Endorsements.aspx
Entrusted By Joshua W. Stafford
tarting another school year
important to note that the U.S. is
is changed and brought to a more
brings a great deal of excite-
an exception. By vast account, the
complete reality.
ment, fresh starts, and opportu-
rest of the world does not enjoy
Haiti is the poorest coun-
nity, not only for students, but
the gift of accessible public edu-
try in the Western Hemisphere.
for our entire community. With
cation. Over the previous sum-
Many of its people die due to
the annual back-to-school tradi-
mer, I traveled with my church
various illnesses before they
tions, I can’t help but consider the
to another country, one that I
ever reach 15 years old. During
great responsibility that each per-
have come to love. Each time I
a visit to Haiti, I was able to
son in our community has been
am able to visit this place and the
serve in eight different schools
entrusted with when it comes to
many people there that have now
and connect with approximately
become friends, my perspective
1,200 children. While I was at
Joshua W. Stafford is superintendent of Vienna HSD 13-3. He wrote this commentary to Vienna families prior to the 2016 school year.
To be entrusted, according to Webster’s dictionary, means to “confer a trust on [or] to commit to another with confidence.” Each person in our school has been entrusted. All, including board members, students, parents, staff, and community members, have been entrusted not only with the overall mission of the school, “...striving to inspire students to become positive, lifelong learners,” but also entrusted with the responsibilities respective to their roles. Students have been entrusted with the gift of accessible public education. While I know our perspective in the United States of America is not necessarily that public education is a “gift,” it is
Haitian children who can’t afford to attend school listen over the schoolyard walls in this photo provided by Joshua W. Stafford.
one of the school visits, I noticed
I left that place with a new-
T he t h i rd emot ion t h at
some children — outside of the
found appreciation for equal
developed as I witnessed this
school courtyard wall looking
access to public education for all.
scene was one of remorse. I
in. After observing them for a
Thomas Friedman explains
developed a regret that I had
few moments, I asked the prin-
in his book, The World is Flat,
not fully taken advantage of
cipal of the school who these
that the internet has leveled the
the gift of education that had
children were. He explained
playing field for all people to have
been entrusted to me. I recalled
that they were children from
universal access to the vast infor-
my grade school experience and
the village who wanted to attend
mational resources of the world,
how I was present at school each
school but could not. Because of
hence “f lattening” the world.
day, but did only what it took to
the school’s limited space and
The irony utilized in his writ-
get As or Bs and to keep out of
because they lacked the finances
ing to describe the world as flat
trouble with my parents, but not
to afford tuition, they could not
is extremely interesting to me.
what it took to take full advan-
attend school. So the children
While the internet has been an
tage, to hunger and thirst after
would listen over the wall. I was
extreme flattener, I would argue
learning. In my high school
astonished, to say the least.
with Friedman that education
years, I tended to be more con-
had to come before anything else
cerned with the social aspects
in this flattening of the world.
of my life than my education.
Education is not just a flattener. It is the flattener. Those who have the oppor-
tunity to be educated have the
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It was not until after I graduated from college that I found a new appreciation for the value of learning and education.
opportunity towards equality.
As I look at education through
While Americans proclaim the
the lens of that Haitian school, it
essential mantra that all people
has transformed my motivation
are equal, we frequently see dis-
from teaching students how to
parities. Growing up, I did not
get by, to teaching them how to
understand this gift that had been
value and take advantage of this
provided to me — the opportuni-
great gift.
ty to become educated was one
I hope that each of us will
that I assumed every human had
grow in our understanding of
been given. My memories of Haiti
the important role that we all
bring me to the reality that this
play in being entrusted with the
opportunity is not one that every
education of the young people in
human is afforded. As I watched
our community. I hope we will
those children lean in over the
renew our efforts to take full
top of that wall, I could not help
advantage of the opportunities
but be deeply moved in a variety
that we have been blessed with
of ways. The first was a sadness
in this community.
that these children were not only
We are looking forward to
missing an opportunity, but also
great things in this school year
missing access to equality within
and trust that everyone will
the world. The second was grat-
work ha rd i n “...str iv i ng to
itude that I had been afforded
inspire students to become pos-
such an opportunity.
itive, lifelong learners.”
continued from page 32
expansions at Crystal Lake South in
best for students. That’s the reason
2003 and 2006; and the opening of
I kept coming back,” he said.
of volunteer work for the PTA, and
Haber Oaks alternative high school
Brian K. Wegley,
service on a citizens council, and a
in 2008. “Dr. Oberg is a national and
super intendent
desegregation committee. Colleagues
international speaker and he was at
of Nor thbrook /
on the board recalled her as outspo-
the forefront of making sure envi-
Glenv iew SD 30,
ken yet tactful, with a devotion to
ronmental principles were a priority
received the 2017
improving the schools while ensuring
for our students and community,”
Heart of the Family
students receive access to technolo-
said Ted Wagner, former District
Award, presented at the 2017 Annu-
gy and even-handed discipline.
155 board president. Oberg, a pedi-
al Benefit for the North Shore Area’s
Gar y Oberg,
atrician, served on the building and
Family Service Center (FSC). Weg-
one of the lon-
grounds committee in the 1990s
ley was honored “in recognition of
gest-serving school
when the school board approved the
his outstanding support and contri-
board members in
construction of Prairie Ridge High
bution to the well-being of families
the state, recently
School. He made environmental
in the community,” said FSC repre-
retired from the
health a priority, leading to Prairie
sentative, Therese Steinken. During
Crystal Lake High School District
Ridge becoming the first high school
the benefit, Wegley’s wife Kathy
155 Board of Education. Oberg,
in Illinois to accommodate envi-
showed a slide presentation depict-
70, served nearly 32 years on the
ronmental principles. In November
ing his life and career, and his son
District 155 board, working with
2013, IASB recognized Oberg for
Rob spoke about his father. FSC is
six superintendents. He did not
being the longest-serving board
a not-for-profit mental health agen-
seek re-election in April. During
member in McHenry County, and
cy providing crisis response and
Oberg’s tenure, the district man-
among the longest-serving board
outreach services, and high-quality
aged the expansion of educational
members in the state. “I will miss
therapeutic counseling to those
programs and schools, including
the professionalism and dedication
seeking help for a wide range of emo-
Cary-Grove High School’s wings,
of the administrators, teachers, and
tional, behavioral, substance abuse,
media center, and fine arts center;
noncertified staff for doing what’s
and relationship problems.
continued from page 32
Donald Nepote, 90, died April
Lawrence Stringfellow, 83, died May
22, 2017. He was a former Lincoln-
13, 2017. He was a former board member
Marietta L. “Lynn” Larkin, 74,
Way CHSD 210 (New Lenox) school
and board president at Chicago Heights
died May 29, 2017. She was a former
board member, secretary, and vice
SD 170, serving from 1995 to 2011.
Warsaw school board member.
Harry A. Treadwell, 93, died May
Wallace Joseph Meyer, 84, died
Richard (Dick) Nixon, 75, died
24, 2017. He was a long-time leader in
May 3, 2017. He previously served as a
May 7, 2017. He was a former Wauke-
the Benton community, serving two
member of the Des Plaines District 62
gan CUSD 60 school board member.
terms on the Benton Consolidated
school board from 1974 to 1978, and
William “Howard” Orcutt, 92,
School Board and later serving on the
was board president from 1979 to 1980.
died March 12, 2017. He previously
Franklin County school board.
Ronald L. Naffziger, 80, died
served on the Watseka school board.
William R. “Bill” Zellars, 85,
April 15, 2017. He previously served
James William “Jim” Powell, 75,
died April 13, 2017. He formerly
on the Pleasant View school board,
died May 9, 2017. He formerly served
served on the Mt. Zion CUSD 3 Board
where he was a past president.
on the North Greene school board.
of Education.
FARNSWORTH GROUP — Architectural and engineering professional services. Normal – 309/663-8436 FGM ARCHITECTS, INC. — Architects. Chicago – 312/942-8461; Oak Brook – 630/574-8300; O’Fallon – 618/624-3364; St. Louis, MO – 314/439-1601; website: www.fgmarchitects.com GREENASSOCIATES, INC. — Architecture/construction services. Deerfield – 847/317-0852, Pewaukee, WI – 262/746-1254; website: www.greenassociates. com; email: greig@greenassociates.com
A Directory of your IASB Service Associates IASB Service Associates are businesses which offer school‑related products and services and which have earned favorable reputations for quality and integrity. Only after screening by the Service Associates Executive Committee is a business firm invited by the IASB Board of Directors to become a Service Associate.
Appraisal Services
INDUSTRIAL APPRAISAL COMPANY — Building and fixed asset appraisals for insurance and accounting purposes. Oak Brook – 630/575-0280
ALLIED DESIGN CONSULTANTS, INC. — Architectural programming, site planning and design, architectural and interior design, and construction administration with a specialization in K-12 facilities. Springfield – 217/522-3355 ARCON ASSOCIATES, INC. — Full service firm specializing in educational facilities with services that include architecture, construction management, roof and masonry consulting, landscape architecture, and environmental consulting. Lombard – 630/495-1900; website: www.arconassoc.com; email: rpcozzi@arconassoc.com BERG ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, LTD. — Consulting engineers. Schaumburg – 847/352-4500; website: www.berg-eng.com BLDD ARCHITECTS, INC. — Architectural and engineering services for schools. Decatur – 217/429-5105; Champaign – 217/3569606; Bloomington – 309/828-5025; Chicago – 312/829-1987
HURST-ROSCHE, INC. — Architecture, engineering, planning, and interior design. Hillsboro – 217/532-3959; East St. Louis – 618/3980890; Marion – 618/998-0075; Springfield – 217/787-1199; email: dpool@hurst-rosche.com JH2B ARCHITECTS — Architects. Kankakee – 815/933-5529; website: www.JH2B.com JMA ARCHITECTS — Full service professional design firm specializing in K-12 educational design, construction management, strategic/ master planning, health/life safety compliance, building commissioning, and interior space design. South Holland – 708/339-3900; website: www.jmaarchitects.com; email: allison@jmaarchitects.com THE GARLAND COMPANY — Complete building envelope solutions to extend the life of existing building assets (walls, roofing, waterproofing, sealants, and floors) Facility Asset Management programs and US Communities Vendor. Cleveland, OH – 815/922-1376; website: www.garlandco.com KLUBER ARCHITECTS + ENGINEERS — Building design professionals specializing in architecture, mechanical, electrical, plumbing, structural, and fire protection engineers. Batavia – 630/406-1213 LARSON & DARBY GROUP — Architecture, Engineering, Interior Design, and Technology. Rockford – 815/484-0739, St. Charles – 630/444-2112; website: www.larsondarby.com; email: snelson@ larsondarby.com LEGAT ARCHITECTS, INC. — Architectural and educational planners who specialize in creating effective student learning environments. Gurnee – 847/622-3535; Oak Brook – 630/990-3535; Chicago – 312/258-9595; website: www.legat.com PCM+DESIGN ARCHITECTS — Provide a full range of architectural services including facility and feasibility studies, architectural design, construction consulting and related services. East Peoria – 309/694-5012
BRADLEY & BRADLEY — Architects, engineers, and asbestos consultants. Rockford – 815/968-9631; website: www.bradleyandbradley.net
PERFORMANCE SERVICES, INC. — An integrated design and delivery engineering company serving the design and construction facility needs of K-12 schools. Schaumburg – 847/466-7220
CANNONDESIGN — Architecture, Interiors, Engineering, Consulting. Chicago – 312/332-9600; website: www.cannondesign.com ; email: sbrodsky@cannondesign.com
PERKINS+WILL — Architects. Chicago – 312/755-0770 RICHARD L. JOHNSON ASSOCIATES, INC. — Architecture, educational planning. Rockford – 815/398-1231; website: www.rljarch.com
CM ENGINEERING, INC. — Specializing in ultra efficient geo-exchange HVAC engineering solutions for schools, universities, and commercial facilities. Columbia, MO – 573/874-9455; website: www.cmeng.com
RUCKPATE ARCHITECTURE — Architects, engineers, interior design. Barrington – 847/381-2946; website: www.ruckpate.com; email: info@ruckpate.com
CORDOGAN CLARK & ASSOCIATES — Architects and Engineers. Aurora – 630/896-4678; website: www.cordoganclark. com; email: rmont@cordogan clark.com
SARTI ARCHITECTURAL GROUP, INC. — Architecture, engineering, life safety consulting, interior design, and asbestos consultants. Springfield – 217/585-9111
DEWBERRY ARCHITECTS INC. — Architects, planners, landscape architecture, and engineers. Peoria – 309/282-8000; Elgin – 847/695-5840
STR PARTNERS — Architectural, interior design, planning, cost estimating, and building enclosure/roofing consulting. Chicago – 312/464-1444
DLA ARCHITECTS, LTD. — Architects specializing in preK-12 educational design, including a full range of architectural services; assessments, planning, feasibility studies, new construction, additions, remodeling, O&M and owner’s rep services. Itasca – 847/7424063; website: www.dla-ltd.com; email: info@dla-ltd.com
TRIA ARCHITECTURE — An architectural planning and interior design firm that provides services primarily to School Districts in the Chicago-Land area with an emphasis on service to their clients, as well as their communities. Burr Ridge – 630/455-4500
DLR GROUP — Educational facility design and master planning. Chicago – 312/382-9980; website: dlrgroup.com; email: mengelhardt@dlrgoup.com
WIGHT & COMPANY — An integrated services firm with solutions for the built environment. Darien – 630/696-7000; website: www.wightco.com; email: bpaulsen@wightco.com
ERIKSSON ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, LTD. — Consulting civil engineers and planners. Grayslake – 847/223-4804; Chicago – 312/463-0551; Mokena – 708/614-9720; website: www.eea-ltd.com; email: geriksson@eea-ltd.com
WM. B. ITTNER, INC. — Full service architectural firm serving the educational community since 1899. Fairview Heights – 618/624-2080
FANNING HOWEY ASSOCIATES, INC. — School planning and design with a focus on K-12 schools. Oak Brook – 847/292-1039 30
HEALY, BENDER & ASSOCIATES, INC. — Architects/Planners. Naperville, 630/904-4300; website: www.healybender.com; email: dpatton@healybender.com
WOLD ARCHITECTS AND ENGINEERS — Specializing in PreK-12 educational design including master planning, sustainable design, architecture, mechanical and electrical engineering, quality review, cost estimation and management. Palatine – 847/241-6100
Building Construction
CORE CONSTRUCTION — Professional construction management, design-build, and general contracting services. Morton – 309/2669768; website: www.COREconstruct.com F. H. PASCHEN — A General/Construction Manager with extensive experience in new construction and renovation of educational and institutional facilities in the public/private sectors. Chicago – 773/4441525-3535; website: www.fhpaschen.com FREDERICK QUINN CORPORATION — Construction management and general contracting. Addison – 630/628-8500; website: www.fquinncorp.com HOLLAND CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, INC. — Full service Construction Management and General Contracting firm specializing in education facilities. Swansea – 618/277-8870 PEPPER CONSTRUCTION COMPANY — Construction management and general contracting services. Barrington – 847/381-2760 POETTKER CONSTRUCTION COMPANY — Specializing in Construction Management, Design/Build, Construction Consulting Services, and Energy Solutions for education clients. Breese – 618/526-7213; website: www.poettkerconstruction.com
OPTERRA ENERGY SERVICES — Turnkey partnership programs that enable K12 school districts in Illinois to modernize their facilities, increase safety, security and efficiency, reduce operations costs, and maximize the lifespan of critical assets. Chicago – 312/498-7792; email: sharon@opterraenergy.com RADON DETECTION SPECIALISTS — Commercial radon surveys. Westmont – 800/244-4242; website: www.radondetection.net; email: kirstens@radondetection.net
Financial Services
AMERICAN FIDELITY ASSURANCE COMPANY — Specializing in Section 125 compliance, 403(b) plan administration, flexible spending accounts, health savings accounts, dependent audits, and health care reform. Fairview Heights – 855/822-9168 BERNARDI SECURITIES, INC. — Public finance consulting, bond issue services and referendum support. Fairview Heights – 618/2064180; Chicago - 312/281-2014; email: rvail@bernardisecurities.com EHLERS & ASSOCIATES — School bond issues; referendum help; financial and enrollment studies. Chicago – 312/638-5250; website: www.ehlers-inc.com; email: abooker@ehlers-inc.com
ROSS CONSTRUCTION, INC. — A full-service construction management firm specializing in educational institutions. Marion – 618/993-5904
FIRST MIDSTATE, INC. — Bond issue consultants. Bloomington – 309/829-3311; email: paul@firstmidstate.com
S.M. WILSON & CO. — Provides construction management and general construction services to education, healthcare, commercial, retail, and industrial clients. St. Louis, Mo – 314/645-9595; website: www.smwilson.com; email: judd.presley@smwilson.com
GORENZ AND ASSOCIATES, LTD. — Auditing and financial consulting. Peoria – 309/685-7621; website: www.gorenzcpa.com; email: tcustis@gorenzcpa.com
TRANE — HVAC company specializing in design, build, and retrofit. Willowbrook – 630/734-6033
Computer Software, Supplies, Services
SONITROL GREAT LAKES — Verified electronic security. Northbrook – 847/205-0670; website: www.sonitrolverified.com
ICE MILLER, LLP — Nationally recognized bond counsel services. Chicago – 312/726-7127 KINGS FINANCIAL CONSULTING, INC. — Municipal bond financial advisory service including all types of school bonds; school referenda, county school sales tax; tax revenue forecasts/projections. Monticello – 217/762-4578 MATHIESON, MOYSKI, AUSTIN & CO., LLP — Provides audit, consulting and other related financial services to Illinois school districts, joint agreements and risk pools. Wheaton – 630/653-1616
The Concord Consulting Group of Illinois, Inc — A team of highly skilled professionals specializing in the fields of Project Management, Cost Management, Development Services, Cost Segregation, Real Estate Advisory Services, and Insurance services; Chicago – 312/424-0250
SIKICH, LLP — Professional services firm specializing in accounting, technology, and advisory services. Naperville — 630/364-7953
Environmental Services
STIFEL — Full service securities firm providing investment banking and advisory services including strategic financial planning; bond underwriting; referendum and legislative assistance. Edwardsville – 800/230-5151; email: noblea@stifel.com
ALPHA CONTROLS & SERVICES, LLC — Facility Management Systems, Automatic Temperature Controls, Access Control Systems, Energy Saving Solutions; Sales, Engineering, Installation, Commissioning and Service. Rockford, Springfield, Champaign: toll-free 866/ALPHA-01; website: www.alphaACS.com; email: info@alphaacs.com CTS GROUP — Dedicated to assisting K-12 education meet the challenge of providing healthy, safe, and educational appropriate learning environments. St. Louis, MO – 636/230-0843; Chicago – 773/633-0691; website: www.ctsgroup.com; email: rbennett@ ctsgroup.com ENERGY SYSTEMS GROUP — A comprehensive energy services and performance contracting company providing energy, facility and financial solutions. Itasca – 630/773-7201; email: smcivor@ energysystemsgroup.com GCA SERVICES GROUP – Custodial, janitorial, maintenance, lawn and grounds, and facility operations services. Downers Grove – 630/629-4044 GRP MECHANICAL CO., INC. — Renovating buildings through energy savings performance contracting to provide the best learning environment. HVAC, Plumbing, Windows, Doors, and Mechanical Services. Bethalto – 618/779-0050 HONEYWELL, INC. — Controls, maintenance, energy management, performance contracting, and security. St. Louis, MO – 314/548-4136; Des Plaines – 847/770-5496; Maryland Heights, MO – 314/548-4501; email: Doc.Kotecki@Honeywell.com; Kevin.Bollman@Honeywell.com IDEAL ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING, INC. — Asbestos and environmental services. Bloomington – 309/828-4259 ILLINOIS ENERGY CONSORTIUM — Sells electricity and natural gas to school districts, colleges, and universities. Dekalb – 815/7539083; website: www.ILLec.org; email: hwallace@iasbo.org
SPEER FINANCIAL, INC. — Financial planning and bond issue services. Chicago – 312/346-3700; website: www.speerfinancial. com; email: dphillips@speerfinancial.com
WILLIAM BLAIR & COMPANY — Bond issuance, financial advisory services. Chicago – 312/364-8955; email: ehennessey@williamblair.com WINTRUST FINANCIAL — Financial services holding company engaging in community banking, wealth management, commercial insurance premium financing, and mortgage origination. Rosemont – 630/560-2120
Human Resource Consulting
BUSHUE HUMAN RESOURCES, INC. — Human resource, safety and risk management, and insurance consulting. Effingham – 217/3423042; website: www.bushuehr.com; email: steve@bushuehr.com
THE SANDNER GROUP — Insurance program management, marketing & claims services for workers' compensation, property & liability. Chicago – 800/654-9504
Office Equipment
FRANK COONEY COMPANY, INC. — Furniture for educational environments. Wood Dale – 630/694-8800
Superintendent Searches
ECRA Group & HYA — Superintendent searches, board and superintendent workshops. Schaumburg – 847/318-0072
Achievements Dale Hansen,
to the high school. That was among
June Maguire
a longtime member
the accomplishments mentioned
was recently hon-
of the IASB Board
when Hansen recently won the Lowe
ored for her near-
of Directors rep -
School Board Award, an award that
ly 36 years on the
resenting the Two
honors the best board member in
Waukegan CUSD 60
Rivers Division and
Kankakee and Iroquois counties.
Board of Education.
two-term IASB treasurer recent-
“Dale Hansen’s philosophy about
Maguire chose not to run for anoth-
ly stepped down from the Grant
education can be summed up in a
er term, attending her final board
Park CUSD 6 school board after
few words: If it’s the best thing for the
meeting April 25. Board President
24 years. Hansen recalls his first
kids, do it,” Nicholson wrote in nomi-
Michael Rodriguez told the Chicago
school board meeting, noting “we
nating Hansen for the award. Hansen
Tribune Maguire has been a “pillar of
didn’t have enough money to run the
admits he contemplated not running
the community (and) a rock on this
schools.” The district’s fortunes have
for re-election during his final two
board.” Maguire, who believes board
gone from night to day, he says. He
terms on the Grant Park CUSD 6
attendance is vitally important, once
quickly became the board president,
board. However, he wanted to keep
phoned in to participate in a board
a title he held for 15 years, as he
working with the IASB — by then
meeting despite having had surgery
built a good relationship with Super-
he also was Association treasurer—
earlier that day. She joined the board
intendent Mike Nicholson. Hansen
and wished to keep working with the
to fill out the last two months of a
credits Nicholson with keeping the
current district administration. “I
term, but was later reappointed to
district’s finances af loat. Grant
was doing something that I thought
fill out a longer term, and she soon
Park CUSD 6 passed a $6 million
needed to be done,” Hansen said. “I
determined she wanted to stay. A
building referendum in 1999 to
enjoyed it, and I wanted to remain
legal secretary in the Waukegan
attach Grant Park Middle School
a part of it until I was comfortable.”
area, she previously had a history Continued on page 29
In memoriam Ronald G. Anderson, 64, died April 28, 2017. He was a former school
the Green Valley school board, where he also served as president.
Harold H. “Joe” Haubrich Jr., 83, died May 25, 2017. He was a for-
board member for both the LaSalle ESD
John William “Bill” Everett,
mer member of the New Athens CUSD
122 Board of Education, and the Dim-
94, died May 18, 2017. He previously
60 Board of Education, serving for
mick CCSD 175 (LaSalle) school board.
served on the school board during the
15 years.
Kenneth L. Best, 96, died April
North Greene district’s consolidation.
Mary E. Johnson Hurdle, 86,
3, 2017. He was a former president of
Robert Franklin Fear, 88, died
died March 15, 2017. She was a for-
the Oak Grove SD 68 (Bartonville)
April 18, 2017. He served on the Jas-
mer Paxton school board member,
school board and past president and
per County Board of Education and
volunteer, and community activist.
member of the Limestone CHSD 310
the Regional Office of Education
John “Jack” Kennedy, 70, died
Board of Education.
Board. He was an advocate for his
April 27, 2017. He previously served
village of Newton, serving on the city
on the Prairie Central CUSD 8 Board
council and interim mayor.
of Education.
Donald W. Davis, 77, died May 4, 2017. He was a former member of
Continued on page 29
Conference registration moves online By Carla Bolt
uestion: What changes are
Account” icon on the top of the
microsite will include the same
involved in the registration
page. Complete instructions and
content previous attendees have
process for the 2017 Joint Annual
further registration information
become accustomed to, such as
are available there. Please note that
keynote speakers, panel sessions,
Answer: Key facets relating
IASB accepts three methods of pay-
and additional workshops, as well
to 2017 Joint Annual Conference
ment for Conference registration
as new information including an
planning are a little different this
and housing:
at-a-glance schedule and a Fre-
year. Here is the information you need to know. For the first time, Joint Annual
• Check (registrations will not
quently Asked Questions docu-
be processed until payment is
ment. Detailed instructions of the
new online registration and housing
Conference registration and hous-
• AC H (Aut omat e d C le a r i n g
ing is online. IASB’s recently imple-
House) secure online payment
mented member database system is
transfer system; or
streamlining operations and allowing
• Online credit card (a three per-
process will also be provided. The site will feature a noticeably different look than past versions. The new webpage will highlight the
IASB to deliver services that enhance
cent fee applies).
2017 Conference theme, “Leading
the member experience. A top prior-
More information on these meth-
By Learning.” It will also utilize a
ity for replacing the old system was
ods is available in online registration.
responsive, mobile-friendly design
The online presence of the
to improve navigation when accessed
to offer online registration for events and offerings.
Joint Annual Conference will also
via a mobile device.
To that end, it is important that
have a new look this year. A new
We encourage you to use the new
your district roster be updated to
Conference “microsite,” confer-
site, and the new online registration
include any individual that will be
ence.iasb.com, will give users easy
system, to stay informed and plan
attending the Joint Annual Confer-
access to anything and everything
your attendance at the 2017 Joint
ence. Board members or staff not list-
offered at this year’s event. The
Annual Conference.
ed on your roster cannot register for the Conference. Most districts have completed this process, but if yours has not, instructions and a step-by-step video for updating district rosters are located at iasb.com/services/ams.cfm. Once the district roster is complete and current, registration can proceed by visiting conference. iasb.com and clicking the “My
ADVANCING PUBLIC EDUCATION IASB Service Associates provide quality products and services for schools. Membership is by invitation only. A list of Service Associate firms is on the IASB website and in this Journal.
Carla Bolt is director of meetings management for the Illinois Association of School Boards.
2921 Baker Drive Springfield, Illinois 62703-5929 Address Service Requested
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