The Illinois School Board Journal, July/August 2016

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J U L Y / A U G U S T

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Catch up on the latest school issues



oung students envision sum-

We can indulge our annual illusion

Stover begins on page 20. We also

mer as a time of freedom.

of children filling joyful hours with

follow the Journal’s recent arts in

For some parents, summer is

sprinkler romps and robotics camp

education pieces with a little sum-

a curious conundrum of logistics:

or we can admit the reality: Summer’s

mertime music education from Darcy

camps, carpools, vacations, and —

supposed freedom is expensive.”

Nendza of the Illinois Music Educa-

eventually — math packets. For oth-

As that column demonstrates,

tion Association on page 15. Read

ers, it’s far more difficult: a critical

there are lessons to be learned in the

about 30 years of growth in Illinois

12-week balancing act of time vs.

summer. This issue of The Illinois

dual-credit programs from one of

money and freedom vs. safety.

School Boards Journal covers a wide

the movement’s founders, Hans A.

A recent column, “The Families

range of topics to support readers in

Andrews, starting on page 25.

That Can’t Afford Summer” by KJ

their pursuit of quality public educa-

Dell’Antonia in The New York Times

tion for their school districts.

In other practical matters, board members will want to read Patrick

talks about the costs and benefits of a

Your summer reading list will

Rice’s piece, starting on page 17, on

long summer break from school, and

not be complete until you enjoy

why school boards should insist on

suggests that some parents and chil-

the two pieces about a mentoring

evaluating their superintendent – and

dren might be better off without it.

program at Ridgewood CHSD 234,

why superintendents should insist on being evaluated.

Dell’Antonia looks at the expense

especially the writing of a recent high

of childcare and the academic gains

school graduate, Kevin C. Moore.

Also in this issue, on page 6 we

lost in the summer, noting that the

He will surprise you with his words,

learn of a time of transition in IASB’s

“summer slide” has been shown

impress you with his frankness, and

Office of General Counsel. Melinda

responsible for about half of the

inspire you with his story. Please read

Selbee, the Association’s recently

overall dif ference in academic

“Mentoring ignites students’ passion

retired general counsel, was the well-

achievement between lower and

and potential” and “High school,

spring for creation and development

higher income students.

transformed,” starting on page 10.

for IASB’s legal and policy teams,

“The assumption that underlies

Following up on IASB’s work

and leaves IASB in the capable hands

summer vacation — that there is one

with The Ounce of Prevention Fund,

of her successor, new General Coun-

parent waiting at home for the kids —

the Journal presents a piece from

sel Kimberly Small. We wish them

is true for just over a quarter of Amer-

the National Association of School

both the best.

ican families. For the rest of us, the

Boards about serving our youngest

children are off, the parents are not.

stakeholders. “Start early” by Del

— Theresa Kelly Gegen, Editor


ON THE COVER Summertime is great for catching up on your reading, and this issue of The Illinois School Boards Journal provides news and updates on a variety of education topics: from early childhood to dual credit and from music to mentoring. We introduce changes taking place at IASB as well. Cover art copyright © adike/


IASB transitions: Office of General Counsel

J U L Y / A U G U S T

A transition is underway within IASB, as Melinda Selbee retires as General Counsel and longtime assistant Kimberly Small takes over the OGC’s wide range of responsibilities. By Gary Adkins

10 Mentoring ignites students’ passion and potential By Carol Valentino-Barry A mentoring program at Ridgewood High School in Norridge brings together freshmen, upperclass student mentors, the community, and local corporations.

13 High school, transformed By Kevin C. Moore

15 Music education resounds in today’s educational realities By Darcy Nendza

17 Boards, superintendents should both insist on evaluations By Patrick Rice

20 Start early By Del Stover

2 0 1 6

Vol. 84, No. 4

ILLINOIS SCHOOL BOARD JOURNAL (ISSN-0019-221X) is published every other month by the Illinois Association of School Boards, 2921 Baker Drive, Springfield, Illinois 62703-5929, telephone 217/528-9688. The IASB regional office is located at One Imperial Place, 1 East 22nd Street, Lombard, Illinois 60148-6120, telephone 630/629-3776. The JOURNAL is supported by the dues of school boards holding active membership in the Illinois Association of School Boards. Copies are mailed to all school board members and the superintendent in each IASB member school district. Non-member subscription rate: Domestic $18 per year. Foreign (including Canada and Mexico) $21 per year. PUBLICATION POLICY IASB believes that the domestic process functions best through frank and open discussion. Material published in the JOURNAL, therefore, often presents divergent and controversial points of view which do not necessarily represent the views or policies of IASB. James Russell, Associate Executive Director Theresa Kelly Gegen, Editor Gary Adkins, Contributing Editor Heath Hendren, Contributing Editor

25 Examining 30 years of dual credit in Illinois By Hans A. Andrews

REGULAR FEATURES Front Page. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Inside Front Cover Practical PR. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

Shantel Rotherham, Advertising Manager Kara Kienzler, Design and Production Copyright © 2016 by the Illinois Association of School Boards (IASB), The JOURNAL is published six times a year and is distributed to its members and subscribers. Copyright in this publication, including all articles and editorial information contained in it is exclusively owned by IASB, and IASB reserves all rights to such information. IASB is a tax-exempt corporation organized in accordance with section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.

Insights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Milestones. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Ask the Staff. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Inside Back Cover @ILschoolboards


PERA playbook

Lessons from collaborative process By Peg Mannion

Peg Mannion, APR, is community relations coordinator for Glenbard Township High School District 87



he 2016-17 school year is the

learning targets, and assessments

The Glenbard District 87 Joint

first that all Illinois school

that capture student growth in var-

C om m ittee’s St u d e nt G ro wt h

districts will be required by law

ious courses. This work has been

Guidebook includes:

to include data and indicators of

collaborative and inclusive. Glen-

• Beliefs and convictions

student growth in rating teacher

bard teachers developed quality pre-

• Student lear ning objective


and post-assessments in all subject

guidelines • Student lear ning objective

Glenbard Township High School

areas. These assessments measure

District 87 has been recognized as a

the deep-learning tasks that are part

leader in developing a fair and consis-

of today’s high school classroom. The

tent model for this process. A school

district has supported this work by

board undertaking review and revi-

bringing in experts from across the

• Extenuating circumstances

sion of the district’s process should

area to work alongside teachers.

• Support

consider the approach outlined below.

Even before the Glenbard Dis-

process and timelines • S u m m a t i v e p e r f o r m a n c e evaluation rating

• O n g o i n g r o l e o f t h e j o i n t committee

Recently, the DuPage Regional

trict 87 Joint Committee started its

Office of Education invited Glenbard

work in November, several teachers

District 87 to share its work at a day-

and administrators conducted con-

As the school district evaluates

long symposium. School districts

siderable research and planning. A

its process to include student growth

from across the Chicago metropol-

variety of groups — called the Eval-

in teacher evaluation, consider the

itan area attended and heard about

uation Research Task Force — came

following student growth tips for

the good work that the Glenbard Dis-

together and ultimately made recom-

success from Glenbard District 87:

trict 87 Joint Committee engaged

mendations to the Joint Committee.

1. Don’t force new assessments

in, including developing a Student

Superintendent David Larson

into your system just to meet

Growth Guidebook. This committee

praised their work. “We are very

compliance. Instead, revise

includes teachers and central office

proud of this work and look forward

assessments you already have


to finally being able to quantify the

Glenbard Education Association

good work we know is happening in

President Tom Tully said, “The key

our classrooms. I’m confident that

to any successful initiative is trust

the Joint Committee’s research

and respect. We had both of those

and planning will help us achieve

variables in completing our joint

our goal of implementing a student

committee work.”

growth requirement that will ben-

For the last few years, Glen-

efit student learning and support

bard developed common standards,

reflective instruction,” Larson said.

Columns are submitted by members of the Illinois Chapter of the National School Public Relations Association


President Phil Pritzker

Treasurer Thomas Neeley

Vice President Joanne Osmond

Immediate Past President Karen Fisher

BOARD OF DIRECTORS that are meaningful for teaching

voice to ensure only the agreed

and learning.

information is being shared.

2. Remember the impact of a 30

7. Communicate information being

percent student growth model

decided to all staff regularly,

is relatively negligible when com-

using the same message with as

pared to the 70 percent profes-

few voices as possible to ensure

sional practice component. Don’t

the message is communicated

radically redesign what you know

consistently at all schools. Our

is working in your assessment

Glenbard Education Association

system just for PERA.

president and lead administra-

3. Use a joint committee process

tive liaison spent a day at each of

to affirm your 70 percent profes-

the district’s four high schools to

sional practice component. If you

share the decisions being made

use a holistic Danielson Frame-

with all staff in small groups:

work for Teaching for your pro-

• When the professional prac-

fessional practice component,

tice portion was completed;

make sure your student growth

• When the initial student

component also is as holistic as

growth recommendations

possible and cognizant of good teaching and learning.

were made; and • W hen the Glenbard Dis-

4. Hire a moderator/third-party

trict 87 Joint Committee

expert to run meetings. We worked

completed its final recom-

with Carrie Scheib of the Consor-


tium for Educational Change. 5. Start your own joint committee meeting by seeking to agree on

8. A s s u m e g o o d w i l l o n b o t h sides and leverage trustful relationships.

a short list of consensus beliefs and convictions that will drive

“The longstanding relationship

the team’s decision-making.

between the administration and the

6. Write a communication plan at

teachers association is invaluable in

your first joint committee meeting

accomplishing difficult tasks that

that outlines how meeting notes/

other districts look at in amaze-

summaries will be shared with one

ment,” said Tully.

J U L Y - A U G U S T 2 0 1 6 / T H E I L L I N O I S S C H O O L B O A R D J O U R N A L

Abe Lincoln Lisa Weitzel

Lake June Maguire

Blackhawk David Rockwell

Northwest Ben Andersen

Central Illinois Valley Thomas Neeley

Shawnee Roger Pfister

Cook North Barbara Somogyi

Southwestern Mark Christ

Cook South Denis Ryan

Starved Rock Simon Kampwerth Jr.

Cook West Carla Joiner-Herrod

Three Rivers Dale Hansen

Corn Belt Mark Harms

Two Rivers David Barton

DuPage Thomas Ruggio Egyptian John Metzger Illini Michelle Skinlo Kaskaskia Linda Eades

Wabash Valley Dennis Inboden Western Sue McCance Chicago Board Jaime Guzman Service Associates Glen Eriksson

Kishwaukee Mary Stith Board of directors members are current at press time.

IASB is a voluntary association of local boards of education and is not affiliated with any branch of government.



Shifting focus “Rico Gutstein, a University of

Chicago is seeing now. … Gutstein

in underperforming neighborhood

Illinois Chicago professor … says

says the appointed board has cre-

schools. Parents have staged sit-ins

other cities have reversed mayoral

ated a two-tiered education system

and hunger strikes to be heard absent

control over their school districts,

where predominantly white, high-

adequate opportunities during board

but he does not know of a single one

er-income students go to high-per-

meetings, which take place at 10 a.m.

in which the change came follow-

forming magnet schools and lower

on Wednesday mornings, when many

ing a ‘grassroots insurgency,’ like

income students of color stagnate

parents — and all teachers — are working.” — “A Schooling in Democracy,” by Tara García Mathewson in Illinois Issues, May 5, 2016

“In this shifting legal landscape, OFFICE OF THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Roger L. Eddy, Executive Director Benjamin S. Schwarm, Deputy Executive Director Meetings Management Carla S. Bolt, Director Office of General Counsel Kimberly Small, General Counsel Maryam Brotine, Assistant General Counsel Executive Searches Thomas Leahy, Director Jim Helton, Consultant Dave Love, Consultant Alan Molby, Consultant ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES Jennifer Feld, Associate Executive Director/ Chief Financial Officer ADVOCACY/GOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS Benjamin S. Schwarm, Deputy Executive Director Deanna L. Sullivan, Director Susan Hilton, Director Zach Messersmith, Assistant Director Advocacy Cynthia Woods, Director IASB OFFICES 2921 Baker Drive, Springfield, Illinois 62703-5929 217/528-9688 Fax 217/528-2831 One Imperial Place, 1 East 22nd Street, Suite 20 Lombard, Illinois 60148-6120 630/629-3776 Fax 630/629-3940


BOARD DEVELOPMENT/TAG Dean Langdon, Associate Executive Director Board Development Sandra Kwasa, Director Nesa Brauer, Consultant Angie Peifer, Consultant Targeting Achievement through Governance (TAG) Steve Clark, Consultant COMMUNICATIONS/ PRODUCTION SERVICES James Russell, Associate Executive Director Gary W. Adkins, Director/Editorial Services Jennifer Nelson, Director/Information Services Theresa Kelly Gegen, Director/Editorial Services Heath Hendren, Assistant Director/Communications Kara Kienzler, Director/Production Services

your goal — and challenge — as public school leaders remains clear: to provide educational access and to maintain safe learning environments for all, including transgender students. School board members have an opportunity to lead through your policy-making function. You should engage your communities regarding the most effective policies and procedures that will ensure equal access to education, while reflecting community concerns and values.” — 2016 Transgender Students in Schools, Frequently Asked Questions and Answers for Public School Boards and Staff, National Association of School Boards, May 2016.

FIELD SERVICES/POLICY SERVICES Cathy A. Talbert, Associate Executive Director Field Services Larry Dirks, Director Perry Hill IV, Director Laura Martinez, Director Reatha Owen, Director Patrick Rice, Director Barbara B. Toney, Director Policy Services Anna Lovern, Director Nancy Bohl, Consultant Shanell Bowden, Consultant Angie Powell, Consultant Brian Zumpf, Consultant


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IASB transitions: Office of General Counsel By Gary Adkins

Gary Adkins is IASB director/ editorial services and editor of Illinois School Board News Blog.


he Illinois A ssociation of

OGC’s work through its first 26 years.

Brotine is a revelation,” Selbee said,

S chool B oa rd s’ O f f ic e of

But, as Selbee said recently, “OGC

“and the best person for the job.”

General Counsel (OGC) requires

is not one person, former Assistant

Brotine previously worked as a

contributions from many school law

General Counsel Kimberly Small

senior associate with the law firm

experts for its success, and its work

and the department’s administrative

Robbins, Schwartz, Nicholas, Lifton

in support of IASB member school

assistant, Bridget Trojan, collaborated

& Taylor, Ltd. in Chicago, where she

districts will not miss a beat with the

with and helped me on every project

practiced school law. She started her

recent retirement of one individual.

in the past 10 years, and we added

duties at IASB in mid-April.

Tr ue, former I ASB General

another terrific attorney in April.”

Counsel Melinda Selbee, who retired

Insiders say replacing Selbee

“Maryam has a wealth of experience

June 30, had come to personify the

was a natural progression for Small,

in school law and is very aware of

office, spearheading most of the

mainly because she had dealt with

the Association’s work with provid-

all of the issues and worked on all

ing policy information and services

of the projects and programs of the

to school districts. She’s also very

office for years.

experienced in working with all types

Selbee mentored Small over many months on all the aspects of

of people — a critical skill set when working with elected officials.”

maintaining continuity in the office.

Brotine had served with Robbins

“We planned the transition almost a

Schwartz since 2008, focusing in the

year in advance. And we developed

areas of special education and stu-

written standards and tested require-

dents’ rights. She counseled and rep-

ments to ensure that local district

resented school districts with respect

benefits and services from the OGC

to IEP meetings, ISBE complaints,

will remain as they have been. Kim-

OCR complaints, mediation, due pro-

berly is such a good lawyer, and so

cess hearings, residency hearings,

hard working and creative, that I can

student discipline, policy decisions,

only see the office getting better,”

and FOIA requests.

Selbee said.


“It’s a perfect fit,” said Small.

Brotine has been active in the

Selbee helped hire another expe-

Illinois Council of School Attorneys

rienced, qualified, and industrious

and other professional legal organi-

attorney to take over Small’s post

zations, and has been a presenter at

as assistant general counsel when

that group’s annual seminars and

Small moved to the top job. “Maryam

contributor to legal publications.



and her tremendous sense of fun,

As most Illinois school leaders

creative mind, and commitment to

know, PRESS is the legally refer-

excellence. It has been a privilege

enced policy and procedure infor-

working with Melinda over the many

mation and update service IASB

years, along with Kimberly and Brid-

provides for local school districts

get and the policy staff,” Talbert said.

to help ensure compliance with state

Recalling how Selbee developed

and federal law, and to incorporate

PRESS in 1993 and was PRESS editor

best practices to minimize district

until her retirement, PRESS actu-

legal challenges and exposure to

ally began after Selbee wrote a pol-

litigation risk. PRESS, in fact, is

icy encyclopedia in 1992 called the

the face of the OGC for most school

Policy Reference Manual (PRM). A

leaders, and was originated under

new IASB service based upon it was

Selbee’s watch.

rolled out a year later with the acro-

Passing the torch: As Melinda Selbee (left) retires, Kimberly Small is IASB’s new General Counsel.

Selbee said, “Cathy Talbert

nym PRESS, as subscribers began

understand what PRESS says or how

[IASB’s associate executive direc-

to receive the entire PRM along with

it fits together with the existing PRM.

tor for field services/policy services

periodic updates.

But we do not give legal advice,” she explained.

and an attorney herself] is still in

As the Association’s assistant

place at IASB and her contributions

general counsel, Small shared respon-

Small is proud of the fact that

to the success of the Policy Reference

sibility for the production of the ser-

each piece of PRESS material is

Education Subscription Service are

vice for more than 10 years, including

annotated with citations and the

immense — she is the brains behind

production of its recommended sam-

thorough way relevant issues and

the business of policy services and

ple policies, administrative proce-

topics in law and governance are

the growth of PRESS subscriptions.”

dures, and the exhibits contained in

identified and discussed in accom-

the quarterly PRESS packets.

panying footnotes.

Talbert’s responsibilities include PRESS subscriptions, policy manu-

Then, a s now, t he job h a s

“Melinda set a high standard and

al customizations, administrative

entailed creating the “PRESS High-

mentored us well. We will continue

procedures projects, web-publishing

lights Memo” to preface each issue of

to require that each piece of PRESS

local school board policy manuals,

PRESS, informing subscribers about

is legally compliant and consistent

electronic board meetings, and the

updates to the PRM and changes in

with IASB’s Foundational Principles

PRESS Plus service. The latter is a

law. Included in the memo is news

of Effective Governance. Each piece

full-maintenance policy update ser-

about changes required by passage

of material will always contain legal

vice, based on PRESS, which helps

of federal and state legislation, and

references and cross references, and

districts keep their policy manuals

by the promulgation of pertinent

updates will continue to be published

up-to-date with changes in law, reg-

regulations, as well as judicial and

three to four times a year in separate

ulations, and local conditions.

administrative decisions.

PRESS publications,” Small said.

Talbert notes that her role and

Part of the job as PRESS editor

duties have not changed with Sel-

is answering questions from the field

bee’s departure. “I will continue to

concerning PRESS material and its

Writing and publishing PRESS is

enjoy working with the entire policy

legal components. But, as Small

only part of the job of directing OGC,

services staff and the OGC to ensure

notes, that does not entail giving

Small said. Another key responsi-

excellence in policy services for our

legal advice.

bility is to continue to facilitate the


“Districts are kept up to date

activities of the Illinois Council of

“Of course, on a personal lev-

by PRESS materials, although we

School Attorneys (ICSA) as that orga-

el we all will greatly miss Melinda

occasionally need to help callers

nization’s secretary. With more than

members,” she said.



250 members, it is the second-largest

legislative session, I often asked ICSA

in countless ways. A visit to the

members for help with pending leg-

“ICSA is a very collegial, collab-

school law page of IASB’s website

islation,” Selbee explained.

orative organization of school attor-

will show numerous examples. One

These requests included presen-

neys. I believe its success is due to

ICSA committee, for instance, draft-

tations on IASB’s Open Meetings Act

this,” explained Selbee. “In fact, the

ed comprehensive special education

training, professional development

promotion of collegiality and close-

procedures that are available without

leadership training (PDLT) to school

ness among its members is one of

charge to all schools. ICSA members

board members, and a variety of pan-

ICSA’s founding purposes.”

also have written Amicus (“friend of

els at the Joint Annual Conference.

council of its kind in the nation.

ICSA members all represent

the court”) appellate briefs for zero

“ICSA members have frequent-

public schools or are attorneys

or reduced fees. In these briefs, IASB

ly alerted me concerning emerging

employed by an Illinois education

presents its perspective in litigation

legal issues or to provide helpful feed-

management association, the Nation-

on an issue of statewide significance

back. I am grateful to this group of

al School Boards Association, or the

that has public policy implications.

attorneys who are committed to serv-

Illinois State Board of Education.

Other ICSA committees review or

ing public schools,” Selbee added.

Members have been eager to help

draft publications designed to inform

For her part, Small says she

each other because they face essen-

school officials concerning frequent-

looks forward to stepping into her

tially the same complex legal issues

ly arising legal questions.

new role with ICSA members, direct-

that confront public schools.


ICSA members also help IASB

The IASB legal staff has also

ing the group’s activities and man-

“An issue new to one school dis-

facilitated ICSA guidance on topics

aging its membership, serving as

trict may have already been resolved

including vacancies on the board of

permanent secretary of the ICSA

at another district,” Small noted.

education, gift ban, referenda, con-

Executive Committee, preparing

Evolving issues can be analyzed by

flict of interest, and responding to a

the ICSA budget, and planning its

multiple legal minds. ICSA provides a

subpoena, among others.

meetings. She will also be respon-

means to allow its members to share

S everal IC SA members are

sible along with Trojan for planning

their knowledge and experiences to

always on the policy advisory board

and managing the annual seminar,

better serve its members’ clients.

providing feedback on PRESS mate-

a task she has already begun for

IC SA a lso host s a n a n nua l

rial. This year, a large group of ICSA

the November gathering. This duty

seminar where attendees can hear

members collaborated on the PRESS

includes ensuring the receipt of con-

about other attorneys’ experience

material implementing legislation

tinuing legal education credit from

with perennial and developing school

that significantly revises student sus-

the professional Illinois MCLE Board.

law issues. Content is informative

pension and expulsion procedures.

and insightful. The annual seminar,

Occasionally, an ICSA member will

held on Friday at the Joint Annual

contribute his or her work product

The General Counsel’s duties

Conference in Chicago, has includ-

for modification to publish in PRESS.

also include providing legal analysis

ed at least one hour of professional

Selbee said she knows the orga-

and suggestions concerning legisla-

responsibility credit. Presentations

nization will continue to expand the

tive issues to the IASB governmental

traditionally focus on ethics, diver-

capacities of the Office of General

relations staff, writing legal curricu-

sity, and civility.

Support for others

Counsel under Small’s direction. “It

la for board development’s live and

“Through these presentations,

is a big help to OGC, and Kimberly

online courses (such as Open Meet-

ICSA members learn about contrib-

has already made clear her plan to

ings Act training, PERA, PDLT, and

uting their skills and knowledge to

keep it extremely active and thriving.

bullying), consulting and advising

serve the interests of public school

“Whenever I requested assis-

the Illinois State Board of Education

districts with dignity, courtesy, and

tance from the organization, I was

and other state agencies, and serv-

candor,” Selbee explained.

never turned down. During the

ing on state and national task forces


and workgroups. Much of this work

where when things go well, no one

it’s crucial that it retains a certain

goes on behind the scenes and yet it

notices you’re there, and if things

minimum level of excellence and

requires a good deal of time and care.

go bad, you’re very visible.” She lists

experience to provide continuity for

But more importantly to IASB

these less-visible responsibilities as

IASB members,” Small said.

members, Small’s new responsibili-

As such, Selbee’s retirement


ties still include responding to IASB

• Protecting IASB nonprofit status

presented a unique challenge to

member requests for information,

• Counsel on Association legal

IASB, which it is ready to meet as OGC moves forward with Small’s


regardless of whether these may be received during workshops, over the

• Risk management (in-service

leadership. Small estimates that over

telephone, or by email. “Responding

trainings to IASB departments,

the past 10 years, she and Selbee

to member interests and concerns

personnel matters, contract

have worked side-by-side over 25,000

is a huge part of IASB’s value to its

reviews, intellectual property

hours in total, “Her retirement is

membership,” Small explains.


bittersweet because it means I won’t

“Corporate Counsel” Small also noted that since being

• Managing transactions

get to see Melinda every day at work,

• Contract management

yet I’m excited, confident, and ready

• And much more

for these new challenges in my career because she gave me the gift of her

named she has begun to increase her involvement with the legal matters

“Because OGC collaborates with

mentorship. Her mentorship has

typical of corporate counsel, which

all IASB departments and several out-

definitely ensured a great future for

is the primary, yet less-noticed part

side organizations, it’s one of those

OGC, the Association, its many ser-

of the job. “It’s the part of the job

silent, value-added departments, and

vices, and its members.”


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Mentoring ignites students’ passion and potential By Carol Valentino-Barry

Carol ValentinoBarry is community outreach director and mentoring and leadership Instructor at Ridgewood High School in Norridge.


entoring can have a last-

school board members, communi-

receive support, but so, too, do their

ing impact on a student’s

ty and business leaders, civic and

mentors. Teaching success habits

future life achievement, creates

governmental leaders, parents, and

makes the skills more “sticky” and

opportunity, and influences a new


memorable for the peer and adult

generation of leaders.”

Since its inception in 1999,

mentors as well.

The “Mentoring Mission” pro-

volunteers and peer mentors have

Another tier of support with

gram at Ridgewood High School in

mentored more than 3,000 freshmen

t he mentor i ng a nd leader sh ip

Norridge establishes a tiered-network

at Ridgewood. Groups comprised of

course helps students bridge the

for increased support and achieve-

an adult volunteer, a peer mentor,

gap between academics and the real

ment using the unique architecture

and three to five freshmen learn

world, as students practice leader-

of engaged community volunteers

and apply executive functioning

ship and decision-making skills using

and stakeholders. Mentors include

skills to their daily lives. Freshmen

Harvard Business School case studies. Partnering with United Airlines combines the academic and business worlds by providing internships, scholarships, and jobs to students in senior year and after graduation. This aligns with Harvard University’s Competitiveness Project and Lasting Impact study, which highlights the need of pioneers to scale up proven innovations and spread them across educational ecosystems. History Mentoring at Ridgewood began in 1999 in a much simpler version known as goal setting, which was a direct application of the school’s vision statement: “Students will set and achieve meaningful goals.” The template used for goal setting was a collaborative product, created



from the input of students, staff and

to students, their relationship to the

what the real world is like, and they

business partners, and their tech-

school becomes personal, their com-

better be ready for it.”

niques and evaluation instruments

mitment deeper, and new ideas and

United and R idgewood have

for measuring personal, academic,

resources surface each month. When

formed a special relationship that

and professional growth.

fundraising support, field trip sites,

spans many individuals and activities.

Goal setting started in study hall

job shadows, internship locations,

“We have created a win-win that

and then was placed in a nine-week

career fair speakers, or history fair

is as rewarding for United Airlines

learning skills class. Mentors, along

judges are needed, the mentors get

as it is for the community,” he says.

with a junior or senior peer mentor,

involved. Mentors are the district’s

met three times with their mentees

biggest fans and contribute in a very

to set academic goals, check prog-

significant and meaningful way.

The Ridgewood High School Board of Education has played a

ress, and complete the goals. Learning Skills, unfortunately, became one

School board’s role


pivotal role in the progress and

of the casualties of budget cuts. But

Charles M. Duncan, senior vice

continued success of the mentoring

the unflappable mentors pressed on,

president for technical operations

program. Board members and their

and starting in 2006, the Mentoring

with United A irlines, has been

spouses have not only served on the

Mission program became part of the freshman study hall, which is where it remains today. Community engagement The student and community

Mentoring strengthens community connections. When adult

connection to mentoring is multi-

constituents are emotionally connected to students, their

faceted and invaluable. Freshmen

relationship to the school becomes personal, their commitment

explore careers as well as set academ-

deeper, and new ideas and resources surface each month.

ic goals which give direction to daily classwork. Moreover, mentoring raises aspirations. Involving parents and guardians in the mentoring and leadership course supports the students and simultaneously holds them com-

involved with the program for four

steering committee, but have recom-

pletely accountable. With the advent

years. Included in that time was

mended individuals to the program,

of jobs and internships from United

implementing the Harvard case

and have themselves served as men-

Airlines for seniors, a completely new

studies to bring more rigor to the

tors. Board members have assisted

skill set was introduced. Students


in supporting the development of the

enter a real-world competitive envi-

“My primary role is teaching in

program, donating their own time

ronment as they prepare resumes,

the classroom once each month. I

and resources to plan and partici-

develop work-readiness skills, and

really enjoy the case method format

pate. These board members act as

interview. Working on Harvard case

both as a student and instructor,”

role models to community members,

studies allows seniors to extend their

Duncan says. “We are not aware of any

parents, and alumni, demonstrating

reach, setting their goals higher and

other high school in the country using

strength of character and commit-

striving to be their best.

case studies. My aim in using them is

ment to the mission and vision of

Mentoring strengthens commu-

to force the students to think, express

Ridgewood High School.

nity connections. When adult con-

an opinion, and make decisions, all

“I think the greatest part of

stituents are emotionally connected

with incomplete information. This is

the mentor/mentee experience is



the relationship that

both internal and external stake-

“The school board is a visible

holders in setting and achieving dis-

part to the school community,” says

trict goals.” The RHS school board

Paul Draniczarek, a RHS board mem-

embraces and supports this tenet.

ber since 2005 who also previously

develops among the group

This best practice is a prescribed

served on the Union Ridge District

of students and mentor,” says Maria

characteristic of effective school

86 Board of Education. “We are role

Palmieri Smith, a RHS board mem-

boards. Additionally, it dovetails into

models. I believe it’s important for

ber since 2005. “The freshmen share

near perfect synchronicity with a

board members to show their support

their own struggles and have an adult

critical component of Ridgewood’s

of the students and get to know direct-

and peer mentor to connect and sup-

stated mission: “Members of the

ly what their struggles and concerns

port. The experience of giving back

Ridgewood High School community

are. It’s also important to support the

to others opens everyone’s eyes to the

will collaborate to ensure that every

program and the business partners as

power of caring and giving.”

student learns.”

well, noticing and appreciating their participation in the students and the

According to the Center for

Forming a community alliance

Public Education, “Effective school

of support for our students nurtures

boards have a collaborative relation-

their success in an increasingly com-

The Mentoring Mission can be

ship with staff and the community

petitive global marketplace. The

replicated in schools across the coun-

and establish a strong communica-

board’s visionary plan is part and

try. For more information, visit www.

tions structure to inform and engage

parcel of the mentoring program.

Using technology to enhance your board effectiveness through online services, such as

future of our community.”

Policy Services

PRESS, the IASB sample policy and procedure service – Use the newly upgraded interface and navigation tools to receive 24/7 Internet access to PRESS, IASB’s sample board policy and administrative procedure service. Find the information you need quickly and easily with our powerful search engine and the legal, informational, and time saving links embedded in the policies and procedures. School Board Policies Online – Let IASB publish your board policy manual online and easily navigate your manual with keyword searches, jumps to cross references, and links to legal references by using the same newly upgraded interface and navigation tools used for PRESS online. Place the IASB supplied link to your manual on your district website to provide increased community access and awareness of your district’s governing document. BoardBook® – Learn about the advantages of electronic board packet preparation made possible through use of IASB’s BoardBook® service by scheduling a demonstration for yourself, your administrators, or your entire board.

Contact IASB Policy Services today for information: 630/629-3776 or 217/528-9688, ext. 1214 or 1154; or




High school, transformed By Kevin C. Moore, senior mentor, Ridgewood High School


had few expectations of what

Once a month,

I would feel coming into high

the fateful day would

school, but even my lack luster

come where we would

hopes weren’t met. With a few weeks

assemble into groups of three or

to eat. I began to feel like I was

conquered, I fell into the comforts

four before meeting with our adult

a part of something that actually mat-

of monotony. I woke up every morn-

mentor. Initially I detested these

tered. I wanted to do more, and so I

ing, not really for any reason, but

days, seeing them as a waste of

volunteered to be a part of the group

simply because I didn’t see any

time. But then I began to really

that would distribute the meals. I

alternative. I went to my classes

experience it. It was an exciting

was able to connect with and help

and did my work and talked and

feeling to talk about our lives —

people that I otherwise never would

smiled with those around me, not

mine and my classmates’ — with no

have met.

because I enjoyed these activities,

motive outside self-improvement.

My sophomore year passed with-

but because they were expected of

Our adult mentors gave us insight

out any real involvement in mento-

me. The worst part is that I was

into their own lives, showing us

ring, although I saw some people in

completely satisfied with the way I

practical applications of goal set-

my grade joining. I thought about my

was carrying myself. I was ignorant

ting, time management, and execu-

experiences at least once a week, and

to what I could be.

tive functioning. I was still hesitant,

found the emotions it had brought

but I embraced the outlet these days

upon me inescapable. As a junior, I

provided to me.

could no longer resist the allure of

That notion was jolted on a day I have yet to forget. My deliberate study hall procrastination was

Then the d ay ca me when

this group, and so I signed up. I didn’t

interrupted by a door swinging open,

Valentino-Barry interjected her

know what it was I was agreeing to,

followed by the staccato steps of a

presence back into our lives. She

or what it would entail. All I knew is

hurried woman in heels. I would

painted before our eyes a picture of

that I was addicted to that feeling of

come to know this woman as Carol

her vision: Each group of freshmen,

connectedness, and knew this pro-

Valentino-Barry. I don’t at all recall

with their adult mentor at the helm,

gram to be a fix.

the words that she shot at us, but I

would make and bag as many ham

The first day came and was a

still feel their energy. She spoke with

sandwiches, pretzels, and desserts,

distantly familiar swirl of madness.

passion and vigor, explaining that

as they could possibly muster. We

It was a madness, however, not void

we freshmen would be entered into

would actually be setting goals and

of direction. The idea was simple: stu-

her mentoring program. I felt my

managing resources in a very tan-

dents like me (sophomores, juniors,

face shift to emulate my compatriots

gible way.

and seniors), were paired with an

around me as I tapped into the one

With every item that I placed in

adult mentor, and this duo would

thought that we were all collectively

a bag, I thought of the person who,

then be assigned to a group of fresh-

thinking, “This woman is a lunatic.”

without our efforts, might not be able

men. In talking with the freshmen


Students and mentors Skype with Jan Rivkin of the Harvard Business School.


The 2015-2016 student mentors from Ridgewood High School. The author of this commentary, Kevin C. Moore, is front row, second from left. Mentoring program photos courtesy of Carol Valentino-Barry.


about managing their time, we would

journey would be all the elements

I had no answer and me shrinking

share how we manage our own lives.

of the previous year, with the added

into my seat avoiding eye contact

It was a subversive tactic to get us to

challenge of case studies. It wasn’t

at all cost. It wasn’t that I couldn’t

start helping ourselves by helping

until this year that I would truly

see the point in it all, but more that


observe the relationship the pro-

I wouldn’t see it.

There were three freshmen in

gram has with United Airlines. Most

It wouldn’t be until I actual-

my group. Three dead-eyed, stam-

notably, after being given an aptitude

ly tried on a case study that I was

mering freshmen who seemed more

test, we were paired with different

en l ig htened. The word s of the

concerned with their earbuds and

careers within United Airlines. We

passages presented real people in

phones than they did with breath-

got an in-depth view of the airline

real situations. Their experiences

ing or eating. At first, I felt as dis-

while also getting a first-person view

became my puzzles. Never before

connected to them as possible, and

into potential career paths.

had I needed to present my opinion

I barely spoke for the first, second,

The case studies we read came

of complex business procedures.

or third session. I would do nothing

from noteworthy institutions, pri-

Each month brought with it a new

but watch the clock agonizing with

marily Harvard University. We would

case, and with it a new problem

each minute, waiting for the escape

receive the lengthy passages con-

that challenged and expanded my

that 10:35 would bring me. That was

structed with wording that felt like

mind. Regrettably, it wasn’t until

the case for many months. That was

its main goal was to cause confusion,

I neared the end of the year that I

the case until I saw these freshmen

and be faced with the daunting task

realized just how much I benefited

as the people they were. Disgust-

of reading them to prepare for the

from studying these cases. I felt as

ing as it may be, it wasn’t until that


though I lived through each and

minute that I realized they thought,

I hated it. I avoided it all week

every case and I found myself apply-

felt, and experienced things just as

until the class before where I would

ing the mental strategies I learned

I did. I again felt connected. I began

be found hurriedly skimming a

to my daily life.

sharing with them my experiences as

10-page packet about some busi-

Mentor i ng d id n’t rad ica l ly

pertained to their issues. As much I

ness somewhere with some prob-

change me, but instead enabled me

believed I helped them develop, they

lem. The discussions were led by

to improve myself. Above all that it

did to me tenfold.

the Vice President of United Air-

offered, I appreciated the opportu-

It wasn’t until my senior year

lines, Charles Duncan. My initial

nity to think and experience life from

that I experienced the entirety of

relationship with Duncan consisted

a different perspective and connect

mentoring. This final step of the

of him asking a question to which

and empathize with others.



Music education resounds in today’s educational realities By Darcy Nendza


usic has been a part of

growing call to define the purpose

muscles. Middle school students are

human culture since the

of public education. The call for stu-

creating remixes on computers to

beginning. The oldest known instru-

dents prepared for college, career,

submit to the Illinois Music Educa-

ment is a 40,000-year-old flute made

and life is loud and insistent. School

tion Association’s (ILMEA) compo-

of bone that was found in 2008 in a

boards make these defining decisions

sition contest; teachers are working

Stone Age cave in southern France.

for their districts every day. Music’s

across disciplines to develop STEAM

From that ancient instrument to

connection to humanity brings with

(science, technology, engineering,

today’s wealth of music saturation,

it a wealth of learning opportunities

arts, math) projects; and jazz musi-

the pull to listen and create music

in today’s global economy. The Part-

cians are improvising solos during

unites all cultures. This intrinsic val-

nership for 21st Century Learning

rehearsals and performances.

ue of music shows up in a classroom

names creativity, critical thinking,

The federal government believes

full of singing and dancing kinder-

collaboration, and communication

so strongly in integrating the arts into

gartners, the thrill of a student’s first

(the four Cs) as the learning and inno-

STEM that money has been set aside

concert, or the word play of a song

vation skills necessary for success.

in the Every Student Achieves Act

written by students.

Everyday across Illinois, stu-

Darcy Nendza is a school board member for Community Consolidated School District 146 and executive director of the Illinois Music Education Association.

(ESSA) specifically for such projects.

With all of the issues facing

dents in music education classes are

Critical thinking is taught every

today’s education reality, there is a

growing and flexing their creative

day in music education. Student

Music helps students “flexing their creative muscle.” Photo courtesy of Darcy Nendza.



performers must constantly pro-

its ability to anticipate events and

production to opening night; new

cess how their instrument or voice

sustain attention.” This pinpoints

songs are created in groups. These

is working in the context of the larg-

the need for well-rounded music

and many other parts of music edu-

er ensemble. Taught from the very

education programs that engage all

cation continuously weave the nar-

beginning stages, decisions (such as


rative of collaboration.

how loud or soft to play; what each

Work ing together toward a

The final “C” in the 21st Century

note should sound like; what vowel

common goal is a requirement for

Learning discussion is communi-

sounds to make; how to end a note,

today’s life and work. Collaboration

cation. Music education teaches

etc.) are made more and more rap-

comes naturally to music educa-

communication at its most primal

idly as the musician matures. Even

tors and students due to the social

level. The 40,000-year-old f lute

outside of the performance aspect of

nature of the work – large and small

mentioned earlier suggests that our

music education, recent studies in

ensembles practice to make their

oldest of human ancestors knew the

Neuroscience show, “Music engages

musical performance seamless;

power of musical communication.

the brain over a period of time … the

many students are cast in an annu-

This continues throughout today’s

process of listening to music could

al musical theater production and

music education curricula.

be a way that the brain sharpens

depend on one another to get the

Each November, more than 12,000 of the best elementar y, junior, and senior high school students in Illinois gather at festivals all over the state to celebrate their love of music. The ILMEA’s District Festivals take place in 27 different locations, bringing together a wealth of knowledge, hard work, and inspiration. From performing in ensembles to composing electronic

Why choose IASB?

music, these events showcase the talent of the young people of Illinois

• Responsible to only the Board of Education • Superintendent retention rate for districts who used IASB Executive Search services: 100% (2014-2015) 94.7% (2013-2014) 90.6% (2012-2013) • Guarantee of services • National presence • Experience in Illinois From 2009-2016: 70 different counties with 192 school districts served

in amazing ways. Without strong music education programs, these students would be missing vital ways to help grow their creativity, critical thinking, collaboration and communication skills. Today’s school boards should be encouraged to continue their investment in music education, to bring more students this necessary learning. FOR INFORMATION CONTACT: 2921 Baker Drive Springfield, IL 62703 217/528-9688, ext. 1217

One Imperial Place 1 East 22nd Street, Suite 20 Lombard, IL 60148 630/629-3776, ext. 1217

Editor’s note: For more information about arts education in Illinois and the proposed Illinois Arts Learning Standards, read the May/June issue of the Journal here: issuu. com/iasbeditor/docs/may-june_2016. To learn more about The Partnership for 21st Century Learning, visit

April 2016 16



Boards, superintendents should both insist on evaluations By Patrick Rice


deally, the school board should

If evaluations are advantageous,

superintendents are not comfort-

annually evaluate its superin-

why do some school boards and

able in having the board evaluate

superintendents dread the process?

their performance.

tendent for four primary reasons:

This is a strange anomaly given that if

Superintendents should wel-

evaluations are conducted correctly,

come evaluations because they

the payoffs are substantial for both

pr ov id e c l a r it y r e g a rd i n g t he

the board and the superintendent.

board’s key expectations, even if

• Investing in superintendent

The trepidation is possibly some

there are changes on the gover-

professional development; and

board members are not trained in

nance team. No one would like to

• Fulfilling contractual and com-

how to effectively evaluate the super-

work for several bosses; insisting

intendent. Other board members find

on super intendent evaluations

it challenging to properly assess per-

ensures the board speak s w ith

• Ensuring district goals are being accomplished; • Enhancing board-superintendent relationships;

pensation purposes. The school board empowers

formance because their observations

one voice by identifying key goal

the superintendent, as the chief

and primary interactions are limit-

areas that the superintendent is

executive officer of the district,

ed to board meetings, as compared

accountable for. Understanding

to manage the day-to-day opera-

to observing him/her in other job

job expect ations improves the

tions of the district and to pursue

capacities, according to António

tenure of superintendents within

district ends (mission, vision, and

L. Borba in “The Superintendent’s

a district. And a good evaluation

goals) on its behalf. The superin-

Evaluation: Bridging the Gap from

tool allows the superintendent to

tendent evaluation process is the

Theory to Practice.”

provide evidence towards imple-

most visible and arguably the most

Some superintendents may be

ment i n g pro c e s s e s t o ach ieve

impor t a nt work the board ca n

reluctant to engage in evaluations

district goals. More importantly,

engage in to ensure accountability

for various reasons. A common

professionals need access to ongo-

and better relations with its chief

denominator is not being satisfied

ing feedback regarding perceived

executive officer.

with the process. According to a

strengths, weaknesses, and areas in which they can improve.

Because superintendent evalu-

2013 IASB survey, when superin-

ations enhances board/superinten-

tendents were asked if their board

Superintendent evaluations

dent relationships and decreases

needed a better way to evaluate

also allow the board to govern more

superintendent turnover, the super-

the superintendent, 43 percent

effectively by having a mechanism

intendent and school board should

agreed or completely agreed. Lack

in place to ensure compliance and

both insist on conducting superin-

of trust on the governance team

the monitoring of district ends.

tendent evaluations.

is another key reason why some

Since a major duty of the school


Patrick Rice is IASB field services director for Egyptian, Illini, Shawnee, and Wabash Valley divisions.


board is to clarify the district’s

Superintendent evaluations

be caught off guard – which can

purpose by establishing and mon-

can also strengthen the board /

result in superintendent turnover

itoring district ends, the evaluation

superintendent relationship. As

– regarding performance areas and

process provides the board with a

the employer, the school board’s

other expectations.

yardstick with which to measure

job is to ensure a safe work environ-

There are as many evaluation

the district’s success. Because

ment for its employees. Evaluations

models as there are flavors of ice

members of the board may not

can unearth issues of role-confu-

cream. Some are effective and some

have the expertise in how to for-

sion in carrying out district goals

are not. Governance teams should

mulate a superintendent evalua-

and enhance the relationship by

consider these guiding principles in

tion instrument, the board should

offering the superintendent need-

their evaluation instrument:

consider working with their state

ed support, which might include

• T h e eva l u a t io n s h o u l d b e

association. Such work is helpful

additional resources, to ensure

viewed as a growth process for

in identifying prerequisites prior

the superintendent’s success in

both the superintendent and

to the board evaluating its superin-

meeting district ends. Because a

the board.

tendent. Prerequisites may include

good superintendent evaluation

• Evaluation instruments should

board training on roles and duties

process is comprised of formative

be used constructively and not

and the establishment of district

and summative evaluations, there

used with a “gotcha” type of

goals prior to the evaluation of the

is little to no chance board mem-


bers and/or the superintendent will

attitude. • A good evaluation should show alignment between district goals and the superintendent evaluation instrument. • Evaluation instruments include

Community Engagement —

one or more of the following

essential to effective school board governance.

school board policies, and pro-

Learn more about why it’s important, what it looks like, and how school boards do this work. Community Engagement, also called public engagement or civic engagement, is the rocess by which school boards actively involve diverse citizens in dialogue, deliberation, and collaborative thinking around common interests for their public schools.

Consider an in-district workshop facilitated by IASB staff to bring this work to your board and district. Contact your IASB field services director for more information. Springfield - 217/528-9688 Lombard - 630/629-3776

job description, district ends, fessional standards such as ISLLC or AASA. • The evaluation should provide clarity concerning expectations, goals, indicators, instrument, and the rating process. The evaluation process is essential to the foundation of a good working relationship between the board and the superintendent. Boards and superintendents who have taken the time to develop a mutually agreed up on eva lu at ion w i l l not on ly strengthen the governance team, but more importantly improve the dis-

Field Services 18

areas: contractual language,

trict’s success in its mission of ensuring student success.

July/August 2016T H E I L L I N O I S S C H O O L B O A R D J O U R N A L / J U L Y - A U G U S T 2 0 1 6







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Start early

School boards serve youngest stakeholders By Del Stover

Del Stover is editor of Urban Advocate and senior editor of the American School Board Journal.


s your school board really serv-

can to serve the needs of every child

ing the needs of the youngest,

who needs preschool?

most vulnerable children? Here are seven policy issues to ponder:

“If we put more money into preschool education, we’ll be spending

Certainly limited funding is

less dollars in programs for children

an issue, but research shows that a

in the upper grade levels … we’ll

high-quality preschool program is a

be helping the children who might

cost-effective strategy to raise over-

otherwise fail, be retained, or drop

E ver y urba n school leader

all student achievement, boost the

out,” says Pat Cronin, coordinator

understands the importance of early

school district’s graduation rate, and,

for early learning programs in Ohio’s

education opportunities, particularly

in the long run, reduce the need for

Akron Public Schools.

for children living in poverty. But is

costly academic and special needs

your school board doing everything it


1. Make preschool a priority

A h i g h - q u a l it y p r e s c h o o l makes a dif ference at any age. I n o n e s t u d y, c h i l dren who attended a high-quality preschool scored 31 percent higher than their peers in vocabulary tests and 44 percent better in math. These children received a boost equal to three or four months of schooling. M e a nw h i l e , t h e HighScope Perry Pres cho ol S t udy fou nd that children enrolled in a high-quality preschool were, at age 40, more likely than their peers to hold a job and earn a higher income, and less likely to have committed a crime.



3. Encourage more play, less

Such an impact suggests that

“We make sure the qua lit y

an investment in preschool could,

of i nstr uction is conti nuou sly

in time, trim the district’s spend-

worked upon,” Idol says. “Teach-

Actually, this is not about play

ing on tutoring, special education

ers receive 24 hours of profession-

versus academics. What you want

services, and other interventions.

al development, but that’s just the

to ensure is that the preschool

Some of that promise has been seen

minimum. We have two certified

pro g ra m ha s development a l ly

in Brownsville, Texas, where Bea

trainers … who continue profes-

appropriate instruction. Preschool

Garcia, administrator for elementa-

sional development all year long,

shouldn’t be a baby-sitting service,

ry curriculum and instruction, says

w ith month ly training for new

but neither should it try to push

early intervention to help develop-

teachers. Then we have training

academics onto toddlers.

mentally delayed children catch up

over the summer.”


How do you know if a program

to their peers “reduces the number of children in our special education population.” “The benefits of educational programs for children before kin-

“The benefits of educational programs for children before

dergarten are well known,” says

kindergarten are well known ... If you provide those early

Peter Pizzolongo, associate executive

experiences for children who are behind, there is an

director for the National Association

opportunity to narrow the achievement gap.”

for the Education of Young Children

– Peter Pizzolongo, NAEYC

(NAEYC). “If you provide those early experiences for children who are behind, there is an opportunity to narrow the achievement gap.” Teacher credentials and ongo-

has struck the right balance? One

2. Teacher quality: Preschools

ing training also are a priority in

way is to ask educators about the

can do better

Akron, where school officials know

role of “play” in the classroom. Play

One of the most important, if

to avoid the common mistake of

is a term that sometimes is treated

not surprising, findings in research

designing professional develop-

as a four-letter word in conversations

on early education is that a school

ment around what the central office

about preschool instruction, but in

district won’t see a good return on

thinks teachers need.

the world of early education, play and academics are almost two sides

its investment unless its preschool

“We do a lot of our training

program is of “high quality.” But how

based on the students we serve and

do you define quality? You start with

the needs we see,” says Cronin. “We

“We don’t have academics or

the credentials and training of teach-

ask teachers what in-service they

play, we have play that is the chil-

ers and paraprofessionals.

feel they need, so they can build up

dren’s academics,” she says. “There

their repertoire of strategies in the

should not be a debate over which


is better, as it all comes together in

In K noxville, Tenn., all preschool teachers are certified in ear-

of the same coin, suggests Idol.

play with adult support.”

ly education, and classroom aides

Such strateg ie s a l ig n w it h

receive specialized training, says

N A E YC ’s r e c o m m e n d a t i o n s .

The reality is that young children

Carol Idol, who supervises the dis-

Training must go beyond one-time

do much of their learning through

trict’s state-funded Pre-K program.

workshops, says Pizzolongo. “It’s

play. Mixing clay can strengthen fine

But the school system impacts qual-

not just one workshop they need.

motor skills that will help a child hold

ity with continual training given to

They’re going to need coaching and

a pencil in kindergarten. Interacting



with other children develops social



skills that will help a child function

says, “and it’s infused with concepts

Inadequate prenatal care, poor

better in the academic setting of

of math, language arts, science …

nutrition, low birth weight, trauma

future years.

it’s set up in a way where teachers

in the home — all can contribute to

“We don’t have kids sitting at

can introduce concepts and skills

health issues, behavioral challenges,

desks doing worksheets,” Idol says.

through activities that are meaning-

or developmental delays that will

“We have kids moving and interact-

ful and relevant to children.”

haunt children into kindergarten and beyond.

ing with each other and the materials 4. Meet all needs

in the classroom.”

Early childhood education can-

The key to productive play is

It’s often said that a hungry

not work miracles. But a program

that it’s not unstructured or without

child, or a sick child, cannot learn.

that pays attention to a child’s nutri-

purpose, says Susana Peron, assis-

This maxim is doubly true for young-

tional, health, and social needs is

tant superintendent for academic

er children who are developmentally

more likely to help a child catch up

services and special programs in New

behind their peers.

with more developmentally advanced

S ome ch i ld ren have ex p e -

peers. So if schools don’t have the

“The importance of play is that

r ienced what re sea rcher s ca l l

resources to meet these needs, con-

the teacher structures the play,” she

“adverse early life experiences.”

sider looking to the community for

Jersey’s Paterson Public Schools.

a partner that can step in. “W hen you’re talk ing early childhood development, you’re really talking about comprehensive services, because we know that

Policy Services Welcome New Superintendents! And congratulations on your new position.

children … if you get a gap in there, you get arrested development,” says Vanessa Rich, chair of the National Head Start Association. “You’ve got to take care of a child’s needs, and you’ve got to make parents understand what they can do.”

As you settle in, many questions may arise, including the following:

5. Parent engagement is not just

• How are board policies being implemented?

a slogan Every school board attempts to

• Are administrative procedures up-to-date?

promote parent engagement. But to reach the community’s most at-risk

• Are the administrative procedures in alignment with board policy?

children for preschool services, the effectiveness of engagement efforts depend on how aggressively you connect to the parents.

You will be happy to know IASB Policy Services offer an Administrative Procedures Project service designed to help district administrators provide the procedures necessary to assure implementation of and alignment with board policy. For more information, visit or call 630/629-3776, ext. 1214 or 217/528/9688, ext. 1125


July/August 2016

“We often say that parents are the first and most important teachers in every child’s life, and we have to work together on behalf of the child,” says Rich. Such observations might be dismissed as a platitude, but the


reality is that if a district operates

somewhere where you’ll feel com-

a half-day preschool (or even full-

fortable. Let me get to know your

day), teachers don’t have the chil-

needs, and how I can help support

dren long enough to advance them


developmentally as much as is ideal.

Having staff dedicated

Particularly for children who are

t o r e a c h i n g o u t i s i m p o r t a nt

developmentally behind or have spe-

“because this is the person who is

cial needs, enlisting parents more

going to break down that barrier,”

actively in their child’s development

she says. “We hire people from the

is vital.

community that k now the par-

School officials in Lincoln, Neb.,,

ents, k now the neighborhoods,

believe so firmly in the parent’s role

who can develop that relationship

that they carve out time in their pre-

with parents.”

school teachers’ schedule for regular home visits. “Our home visits are based on a

“The message is that one size doesn’t fit all,” says Barbara Bow man, for mer chief early

family action plan, as families have concerns about different areas of development, and we use the visit to empower the parent to be able to work on those areas of development at home,” says Trish Phillips, an early

“The message is that one size doesn’t fit all ... It’s no longer

education coordinator. “This is, in

just reaching out to the PTA or nothing. You have to have

my opinion, the really great part of

a multi-faceted approach to engaging parents.”

this program: We want to build the

– Barbara Bowman, Erikson Institute

capacity of parents so learning can occur all the time.” Of course, it’s not always so easy to partner with families. Language barriers, parental disinterest, or other factors can stymie the level

education officer for the Chicago

these children early. Get them into

of collaboration that would most

Public Schools and co-founder of the


benefit children. To overcome these

Erikson Institute, a private gradu-

A lthough the most obvious,

obstacles, many school systems have

ate school and research center. “It’s

language is not the only obstacle.

turned to “family liaisons,” members

no longer just reaching out to the

Non-English speakers, particular-

of the community hired and trained

PTA or nothing. You have to have a

ly newer immigrants, can become

by the districts, to encourage and

multi-faceted approach to engaging

discouraged by cultural attitudes, a

educate parents about the value of


lack of transportation, or inflexible work hours. Many will not be aware

taking a more active role in their child’s education. “One of our challenges is that

6. Understand the language

of the value of preschool for their



parents don’t want to open the door

It’s worth talking more about

Parent liaisons are important

to us, says Peron. "So what we say

language barriers. To see a boost in

tools for engaging parents, but their

is, ‘OK, I understand. Let’s meet

the academic performance of English

value is even greater when you

at the library or at McDonald’s ...

language learners, start working with

seek to target immigrant families.



Liaisons will have to be aggressive

minority groups and speakers of

School officials in New York City

— visit housing developments and

less common languages are par-

also are experimenting with this col-

community centers, and reach out to

ticularly underserved and struggle

laborative model, which essentially

community groups that serve immi-

with basic access” to preschool

works to align high-quality instruc-

grants and refugees.


tion across the community but to maintain a variety of educational

“ We h ave r e a l wo r k t o d o there,” admits Suzanne Rougier,

7. Don’t operate preschools in

director of early childhood educa-


options. “I’m a big proponent of a mixed

tion for Colorado’s Aurora Public

A s you str ive to bu i ld a

delivery model, says David Sciarra,

Schools. School officials formed

high-quality preschool program,

executive director of the Education

a partnership with a community

wouldn’t it make sense to encourage

Law Center, a New Jersey legal pol-

group that serves the local immi-

the same levels of excellence from

icy and advocacy group that seeks

grant population, she says, “to help

the community’s other preschool

educational equality for children.

them enter into school buildings

providers? After all, many of these

As he sees it, he says, urban schools

and learn about public education

children will eventually end up in

have limited resources for expan-

in the U.S.”

your kindergarten classes.

sion, and private preschools and Head Start programs have their own

The district, in partnership

That’s what Paterson school offi-

with the city and other agencies,

cials are doing. A program for urban

has opened a new Immigrant Wel-

districts provides state funds to pro-

So it makes sense to collab-

come Center — a one-stop location

viders who contract with their school

orate and work to raise the over-

where new immigrants can learn

system and agree to hire certified

all quality of all early education

more about education and other

teachers, work with the districts on

services in a community. It won’t

services in the community.

professional development, and pro-

happen overnight, he admits, but

vide developmentally appropriate

he says school officials should start


a dialogue, and build trust and col-

Rougier is not alone in recognizing that more outreach is need-

revenue streams.


ed. “Immigrant Parents and Early

“In urban districts, space some-

Childhood Programs,” a report

times is a limited commodity, says

Some urban school districts

by the Migration Policy Institute,

Peron, “so we went to the commu-

are moving that way. In Akron, for

recently highlighted the barriers

nity and engaged all of the daycare

example, the public schools and

to engaging immigrant parents

centers and asked them to come on

Head Start programs use a similar

in preschool programs — a real-

board. We train their teachers. We

curriculum, and the district sends

ity that also affects immigrant

monitor their programs. They are

teachers to Head Start classrooms to

access to preschool. The report

collaborators and heavily involved

provide special education services,

makes special note that “smaller

in the school district.”

says Cronin. It’s the right policy move, says Sciarra. “We’re all in this together — public, private, and charter schools, Head Start, community-based pro-



grams. We’re educating the same pop-

IASB Service Associates provide quality products and services for schools. Membership is by invitation only. A list of Service Associate firms is on the IASB website and in this Journal.

Reprinted with permission from Urban Advocate, Winter 2015. Copyright 2015 National School Boards Association. All rights reserved.

ulation … so we better make sure we’re educating them well.”



Examining 30 years of dual credit in Illinois By Hans A. Andrews


hirty years ago, the admin-

therefore, receiving no college

and seniors could enroll in one or

istration of Illinois Valley

credit for their efforts.

two courses at a time.

Community College (IVCC) was

Ma rquette a nd t he col lege

By taking two classes for six

asked to consider bringing col-

agreed to start offering three classes

semester hours in each semester,

lege-level classes to Marquette

each semester. English and psychol-

it would be possible for a senior to

High School, a private Catholic

ogy would be offered to seniors and

have completed 24 semester credits

h ig h school located i n nea rby

U.S. history and psychology would

by high school graduation. By taking


be offered for juniors. The college

one summer session of six semester

The principal, Joan Jobst, and

instituted a placement test to assess

credits, a full year of college could

the school counselor at Marquette,

student readiness for English 101

be completed by high school grad-

the late Owen Fox, asked IVCC to

to enhance the success of students

uation. Dual-credit courses were

see whether it would be suitable for

enrolled in that class. Both juniors

college level courses that were also

college credit courses to be offered

Hans A. Andrews is past president and currently a Distinguished Fellow in Community College Leadership at Olney Central College. He has also authored a book, The Dual Credit

to high school juniors and seniors


dur ing the regu lar school day.


Several department heads and the


college dean of admissions, Rob-

School Students

ert Marshall, assessed classrooms

Across 50 States.

and found them suitable, except for science labs, for college-level lab classes. The principal said that they had tr ied Advanced Placement (AP) courses, but it was difficult to keep students interested and motivated through the semester, as they only received one test score — the final exam that all AP classes utilized at the end of each course — to see if they were learning the material. Some seniors were opting out of taking the exam and,

In 2014, six Illinois Valley Community College associate degree graduates received high school diplomas at the same time from Marquette Academy in Ottawa. IVCC President Jerry Corcoran on left and MHS Principal Brooke Rick on right. Photo courtesy of Hans A. Andrews.



being accepted as meeting high

Illinois would accept this new “dual

student had attended a junior col-

school course requirements toward

credit” concept. At first, when both

lege in Missouri. Fortunately, with-


the high school transcript from

in a few years, the U of I resumed

The term “dual credit” is defined

Marquette and college credit tran-

du a l - cre d it t r a n s fer s , m a i n ly

by the Illinois Community College

script from IVCC were submitted

because so many more communi-

Board as follows:

to universities, all college credits

ty colleges and secondary schools had entered these programs.

“Dual credit is an instruc-

were accepted. Some students,

tional arrangement where an

therefore, entered their college

academically qualif ied stu-

years with either one semester or

dent currently enrolled in high

one year already completed.

The “ wa st e d s en ior ye a r,”

school enrolls in a college-level

Most courses offered in the ear-

“senioritis,” and “blowing off senior

course and, upon successful

ly years were in general education:

year” are expressions that used to

completion, concurrently earns

English composition, psychology,

describe a problem common to

both college credit and high

sociology, speech, U.S. history, phi-

many hig h schools, spark ing a

school credit.”

losophy, and other general educa-

number of nationally published

tion courses.

studies. In 2001, Leo Botstein,

In 2015 Illinois community

There was no problem with any

president of Bard College, found

colleges offered 9,714 dual credit

of the state universities, and most

most seniors admitting that they

courses, and 51,718 high school

private schools were also receptive.

were wasting their final year of

students enrolled in one or more

One student planning to go to the

hig h school just pr ior to star t-

of t hem. Nat iona l ly, t he mo st

University of Notre Dame found

ing college, because most or all

recent numbers are from 2011,

that they would not accept any

requirements for college had been

ref lecting that 1.4 million high

dual-credit courses. He enrolled,

met by the end of ju n ior year.

school students, from 15,000 high

nevertheless, and later told his

“The real solution to senior slump

schools, took over 2 million dual

alma mater in Ottawa that he was

should be to engage students in the

credit courses from postsecondary

still much better prepared hav-

excitement of learning through a


ing completed those dual-credit

challenging curriculum, heading


off the problem before it begins,”

It was not known back in 1986

he said in an opinion piece written

that this program was to be the

However, after three or four

first of many dual-credit programs

years of accepting dua l- credit

between a community college and

courses, the University of Illinois

The problem even prompted a

a secondary school in Illinois. In

in Champaign-Urbana notified the

federal study. The National Commis-

fact, it was one of the earliest in

community college that it would

sion on the High School Senior Year

the nation. At that time, the Uni-

no longer accept dual-credit class

in 2001 concluded that very little had

versity of Minnesota was allowing

credits. Two community college

been done to interconnect K-12 and

secondary school students to enroll

presidents and I attended a meet-

postsecondary education systems.

by attending campus for classes.

ing with the director of admissions

They described senior year as a “fair-

There was no tie-in at that time

and most of the college deans at

ly lost cause” for a large percentage

w it h c om mu n it y c ol le ge s a nd

the University of Illinois to discuss

of seniors:

courses were not offered at the

their concerns. Apparently, a stu-

“For a variety of reasons, stu-

secondary schools.

dent in the chemistry department

dent motivation drops in the senior

who had transferred dual credits in

year. Short of a miserable failure in

the subject was unable to success-

the senior year, practically every

There was some concern on

fully complete the next level of the

college-bound student knows that

how post-secondary schools in

course. We later learned that the

what t hey have ac c ompl i she d

Initial concerns


Solving ‘senioritis’

in the New York Times.


through Grade 11 will largely deter-

telecommunications, pharmacy

Dual Credit program under pres-

mine whether or not they attend

technology, food management, and

ent director Yvette McLemore. In

college, and if so, which college. As

emergency technician.

fact, Lewis and Clark has been cited

a result, serious preparation ends at Grade 11.”

Vocational: automotive technology, nursing assistant, welding,

for offering the largest number of course options in the state.

A lt hou g h s ome s e c ond a r y

electronics engineering technolo-

The benefits of dual- credit

schools offered honors classes to

gy, cosmetology, criminal justice,

coursework are not limited to rural

challenge their brightest students,

ornamental horticulture, machine

schools. Wabaunsee Community

many of them, upon arriving to colleges, complained that much freshman year coursework was very similar to, if not the same as, high school honors course programs. This also prompted more schools to offer Advanced Placement (AP) classes, in order to start earning some college credit prior

“The real solution to senior slump should be to engage students in the excitement of learning through a challenging curriculum, heading off the problem before it begins.” – Leo Botstein

to graduation. Dual credit on the rise However, the motivation that propelled the dual-credit system to its current heights came when

tool, drafting, culinary arts, air con-

College received a grant from the

legislation was passed to support

ditioning and refrigeration, bank-

Aurora-based Dunham Foundation

dual-credit funding and tuition

ing, electricity, diesel technology,

to run a two-year, experimental,

reduction or replacement. The

manufacturing processes, and gas

dual-credit program for students

Accelerated College Enrollment


from both East and West Aurora

Grant was created to enable col-

Such offerings are important

High Schools. The program recruit-

leges to either waive tuition or sig-

to secondary schools that no lon-

ed “mid-range students,” not “the

nificantly reduce it. This brought

ger can afford to offer the array of

best and the brightest,” and brought

many community colleges and hun-

vocational programs that had been

them to WCC’s downtown Aurora

dreds more secondary schools into

available to previous generations

campus for college courses taught

dual-credit programs.

of students. It is especially helpful

by college faculty. These students

What once was limited to the

to schools, students and families

represented “under-served” popula-

general education areas of study

in rural, downstate communities.

tions, such as minority, low income,

has now grown to include a wide

Olney Central College helps fill

and first-generation college stu-

variety of technical and vocational

the vocational and technical edu-

dents. The program, which includ-


cational void for Richland Coun-

ed free tuition, was administered

Tech n ica l : Cisco net work-

ty CUSD 1 by offering courses in

under the guidance of Dr. William

i n g , m e c h a n i c a l t e c h n o l o g y,

automotive service, collision repair,

Marzano of WCC. Completion rates

computer information systems,

Cisco training, cabinet making,

for these students exceeded the

computer assisted drafting,

and accounting. Lewis and Clark

overall rate at the institution, and

electronics, broadcasting, net-

College in Godfrey has become a

the program stretched the grant to

wo r k i n g , i nt r o d u c t i o n t o t h e

beacon of dual credit in Illinois

four years, thereby serving more

internet, information processing,

with its High School Partnership/

students. Without this program,



many of these students may not

future of the city of Aurora and its

have finished high school, let alone

wider region.

be exposed to and succeeding at

References National Commission on the

Dual credit is now 30 years old

High School Senior Year, a prelimi-

in Illinois, as hundreds of secondary

nary report created by a partnership

Similar to the seminal Mar-

schools continue partnerships with

between the U.S. Department of Edu-

quette High School program, stu-

the state’s community colleges. At

cation, the Carnegie Corporation

dents completed 24 hours of college

a Dual Credit Summit meeting sev-

of New York, the Charles Steward

credit upon graduating from high

eral years ago in Springfield, it was

Mott Foundation, and the Woodrow

school. Additionally, the program

noted that the dual-credit movement

Wilson National Fellowship Founda-

provided excellent social dynam-

might be the most important edu-

tion, 2001.

ic opportunities between students

cational development in education

that should prove important for the

over the past 50 years.

college-level coursework.

State of Illinois, Board of Higher Education, Status Report on Implementation of Policies Recommended by The Committee to Study Affordability. Springfield, March 5, 1996. Andrews, H.A., “Phenomenal growth for dual-credit programs,”

A system of EVALUATION

starts at the TOP with the



The Illinois School Board Journal, March/April 2013. Andrews, H.A., “The dual-credit phenomenon! Challenging secondary school students across 50 states,” New Forums Press, Stillwater, Okla., 2001. Andrews, H.A., “The dual-credit explosion in Illinois Community Colleges,” research brief, Olney, 2000. Andrews, H.A., “The dual-credit

How do you score? ___

Annual board self-evaluation


Clear mission, vision, and goals


Solid community connection


Productive meetings


Strong board/superintendent relationship

movement in community colleges,” J. Staff, Program, & Organizational Development, 2000. Botstein, L., “Famous slackers of senior year,” Opinion, New York Times, June 15, 2001. Marshall, R.P., and Andrews,

___ 100% Does your score add up?

H.A., “Challenging students with college work,” The School Administrator, 1990. The Illinois Community College Board’s statistical summary for

Contact your IASB field services director today! Springfield - 217/528-9688 Lombard - 630/629-3776

early college data is available https://

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March/April 2016T H E I L L I N O I S S C H O O L B O A R D J O U R N A L / J U L Y - A U G U S T 2 0 1 6


continued from page 32

Community District No. 10 school

West Prairie Community Unit School

board for one term.

District 103.

James “Don” D. Stevenson, died March 28, 2016. He formerly served

Gary C. Coates, 74, died April 10,

Leroy J. Moore, 90, died May

2016. He was a member of the Prince-

10, 2016. He was a former mem-

George “Bud” Stout, age 77, died

ton HSD 500 Board of Education, and

ber, as well as past president, of

April 16, 2016. He was an active mem-

had been an educator and coach at

the Oakwood CUSD 76 Board of

ber of the Buncombe Grade School

Princeton High School for more than


board for over 40 years; and one of the

35 years before retiring in 2002.

Monty Marlin Morgan, Sr., 72,

James H. “Jim” Donaldson,

died April 30, 2016. He previously

83, died April 24, 2016. He formerly

served on the Zeigler-Royalton school

served on the Carlinville CUSD 1


Board of Education.

Lloyd William Morts, 91, died

Jim Gast, 74, died May 16, 2016.

April 2, 2016. He previously served

He formerly served 32 years on the

as a Rossville Grade School board

Lincoln-Way CHSD 210, Board of


on the Perry school board.

longest serving school board members in the State of Illinois. Becky June Greene Whitehead, 60, died April 6, 2016. She was a former member of the Greenview CUSD 200 Board of Education. Robert E. Wise, 77, died April 6, 2016. He was a former member of

Education in New Lenox. Gast was

Harold E. Rice, 91, died April 26,

the Elgin-based School District U-46

board president for three terms and

2016. He formerly served on DuQuoin

Board of Education, serving for 12

the board’s liaison to the District 210

CUSD 300 Board of Education.

years. A veterinarian, he practiced

Foundation for Educational Excel-

Carla Jane Shay, 58, died May

in Elgin for over 46 years, and was

lence from 1999 to 2001. He chose

30, 2016. She served as a member of

active in community service organi-

not to seek re-election in 2015.

the Delavan Community Unit School

zations, including the YMCA Indian

District 703 Board of Education for

Guides and Princesses and the

12 years.

Kiwanis Club.

Margie Jo Harmon, 90, died April 20, 2016. She formerly served three terms on the Herrin CUSD 4 school board. Harmon had taught third grade in the Herrin school system for 29 years before joining the board. Rodger D. Hultgren, 87, died May 23, 2016. He was a former member of the Cambridge CUSD 227 Board of Education and served as board president. John L. Lewis, 71, died May 13, 2016. He previously served on the Sycamore CUSD 427 Board of Education. Effie M. McGee, 87, died April 21, 2016. She formerly served as a member of the Freeport SD 145 Board of Education. Ricky Gene Melvin, 71, died April 7, 2016. He previously served on the school board for Northwestern High School, in Sciota, now a part of



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Appraisal Services

INDUSTRIAL APPRAISAL COMPANY — Building and fixed asset appraisals for insurance and accounting purposes. Oak Brook 630/575-0280


ALLIED DESIGN CONSULTANTS, INC. —Architectural programming, site planning & design, architectural and interior design, and construction administration. Springfield - 217/522-3355 ARCON ASSOCIATES, INC. — Full service firm specializing in educational facilities with services that include architecture, construction management, roof and masonry consulting, landscape architecture, and environmental consulting. Lombard - 630/495-1900; website:; email: BERG ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, LTD. — Consulting engineers. Schaumburg - 847/352-4500; website: BLDD ARCHITECTS, INC. — Architectural and engineering services for schools. Decatur - 217/429-5105; Champaign - 217/3569606; Bloomington - 309/828-5025; Chicago - 312/829-1987 BRADLEY & BRADLEY — Architects, engineers, and asbestos consultants. Rockford - 815/968-9631; website: CANNONDESIGN — Architecture, Interiors, Engineering, Consulting. Chicago - 312/332-9600; website: ; email: CM ENGINEERING, INC. — Specializing in ultra efficient geoexchange HVAC engineering solutions for schools, universities, and commercial facilities. Columbia, MO - 573/874-9455; website: www. CORDOGAN CLARK & ASSOCIATES — Architects and Engineers; Aurora - 630/896-4678; website: www.cordoganclark. com; email: rmont@cordogan DEWBERRY ARCHITECTS INC. — Architects, planners, landscape architecture, and engineers. Peoria - 309/282-8000; Chicago 312/660-8800; Elgin - 847/695-5480; website: DLA ARCHITECTS, LTD. — Architects specializing in preK-12 educational design, including a full range of architectural services; assessments, planning, feasibility studies, new construction, additions, remodeling, O&M and owner’s rep services. Itasca - 847/7424063; website:; email: DLR GROUP — Educational facility design and master planning. Chicago - 312/382-9980; website:; email: tsjolander@ ERIKSSON ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, LTD. — Consulting civil engineers and planners. Grayslake - 847/223-4804 FANNING HOWEY ASSOCIATES, INC. — School planning and design with a focus on K-12 schools. Oak Brook - 847/292-1039


HURST-ROSCHE, INC. — Architecture, engineering, planning, and interior design. Hillsboro - 217/532-3959; East St. Louis - 618/3980890; Marion - 618/998-0075; Springfield - 217/787-1199; email: JH2B ARCHITECTS — Architects. Kankakee - 815/933-5529; website: JMA ARCHITECTS — Full service professional design firm specializing in K-12 educational design, construction management, strategic/ master planning, health/life safety compliance, building commissioning, and interior space design; South Holland - 708/339-3900; website:; email: KLUBER ARCHITECTS + ENGINEERS — Building design professionals specializing in architecture, mechanical, electrical, plumbing, structural, and fire protection engineers. Batavia - 630/406-1213 LARSON & DARBY GROUP — Architecture, Engineering, Interior Design, and Technology. Rockford - 815/484-0739, St. Charles 630/444-2112; website:; email: snelson@ LEGAT ARCHITECTS, INC. — Architectural and educational planners who specialize in creating effective student learning environments. Chicago - 312/258-1555; Oak Brook - 630/990-3535; Crystal Lake 815/477-4545; website: ; email: PCM+D — Provide a full range of architectural services including facility and feasibility studies, architectural design, construction consulting and related services. East Peoria - 309/694-5012 PERFORMANCE SERVICES, INC. — An integrated design and delivery engineering company serving the design and construction facility needs of K-12 schools; Schaumburg - 317/819-1355 PERKINS+WILL — Architects; Chicago - 312/755-0770 RICHARD L. JOHNSON ASSOCIATES, INC. — Architecture, educational planning. Rockford - 815/398-1231 RUCKPATE ARCHITECTURE — Architects, engineers, interior design. Barrington - 847/381-2946; website:; email: SARTI ARCHITECTURAL GROUP, INC. — Architecture, engineering, life safety consulting, interior design, and asbestos consultants. Springfield - 217/585-9111 STR PARTNERS — Architectural, interior design, planning, cost estimating, and building enclosure/roofing consulting. Chicago 312/464-1444 TRIA ARCHITECTURE — Full service architectural firm providing planning, design, construction observation, and interior design. Burr Ridge - 630/455-4500 WIGHT & COMPANY — An integrated services firm with solutions for the built environment. Darien - 630/696-7000; website:; email: WM. B. ITTNER, INC. — Full service architectural firm serving the educational community since 1899. Fairview Heights - 618/624-2080 WOLD ARCHITECTS AND ENGINEERS — Specializing in PreK-12 educational design including master planning, sustainable design, architecture, mechanical and electrical engineering, quality review, cost estimation and management. Palatine - 847/241-6100

Building Construction

CORE CONSTRUCTION — Professional construction management, design-build, and general contracting services. Morton - 309/2669768; website:


FREDERICK QUINN CORPORATION — Construction management and general contracting. Addison - 630/628-8500; website: HOLLAND CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, INC. — Full service Construction Management and General Contracting firm specializing in education facilities. Swansea - 618/277-8870 MANGIERI COMPANIES, INC. — An agent construction management service with general contractor capabilities. Peoria - 309/688-6845 PEPPER CONSTRUCTION COMPANY — Construction management and general contracting services. Barrington - 847/381-2760 POETTKER CONSTRUCTION — Construction management, designbuild, and general contracting services. Hillsboro - 217/532-2507 ROSS CONSTRUCTION, INC. — A full-service construction management firm specializing in educational institutions. Marion – 618/993-5904 S.M. WILSON & CO. — Provides construction management and general construction services to education, healthcare, commercial, retail, and industrial clients. St. Louis, MO - 314/645-9595 TRANE — HVAC company specializing in design, build, and retrofit. Willowbrook - 630/734-6033


SEGAL CONSULTING — A comprehensive array of consulting services including Health and Welfare; Retirement Plan; Claims Audit; Compliance; Communications; Administration and Technology; and Compensation and Bargaining. Chicago - 312/984-8512

Environmental Services

ALPHA CONTROLS & SERVICES, LLC — Facility Management Systems, Automatic Temperature Controls, Access Control Systems, Energy Saving Solutions; Sales, Engineering, Installation, Commissioning and Service. Rockford, Springfield, Champaign: toll-free 866/ALPHA-01; website:; email: CTS-CONTROL TECHNOLOGY & SOLUTIONS — Performance contracting, facility improvements and energy conservation projects. St. Louis, MO - 636/230-0843; Chicago - 773/633-0691; website:; email: DEFRANCO PLUMBING, INC. — Plumbing service work including rodding, sewer camera work, domestic water pumps, testing rpz’s, green technology as related to plumbing. Palatine - 847/438-0808 ENERGY SYSTEMS GROUP — A comprehensive energy services and performance contracting company providing energy, facility and financial solutions. Itasca - 630/773-7203 GCA SERVICES GROUP — Custodial, janitorial, maintenance, lawn & grounds, and facility operations services. Downers Grove 630/629-4044 GRP MECHANICAL CO., INC. — Performance contracting, basic and comprehensive building renovations with a focus on energy and mechanical maintenance services. Bethalto - 618/779-0050 HONEYWELL, INC. — Controls, maintenance, energy management, performance contracting, and security. St. Louis, Mo - 314/548-4136; Des Plaines - 847/770-5496; Maryland Heights, MO - 314/548-4501; email:;

Financial Services

AMERICAN FIDELITY ASSURANCE COMPANY — Specializing in Section 125 compliance, 403(b) plan administration, flexible spending accounts, health savings accounts, dependent audits, and health care reform. Fairview Heights - 855/822-9168 BERNARDI SECURITIES, INC. — Public finance consulting, bond issue services and referendum support. Fairview Heights - 618/2064180; Chicago - 312/281-2014; email: EHLERS & ASSOCIATES — School bond issues; referendum help; financial and enrollment studies. Chicago - 312/638-5260; website:; email: FIRST MIDSTATE, INC. — Bond issue consultants. Bloomington 309/829-3311; email: GORENZ AND ASSOCIATES, LTD. — Auditing and financial consulting. Peoria - 309/685-7621; website:; email: ICE MILLER, LLP — Nationally recognized bond counsel services. Chicago - 312/726-7127 KINGS FINANCIAL CONSULTING, INC. — Municipal bond financial advisory service including all types of school bonds; school referenda, county school sales tax; tax revenue forecasts/projections. Monticello - 217/762-4578 MATHIESON, MOYSKI, AUSTIN & CO., LLP — Provides audit, consulting and other related financial services to Illinois school districts, joint agreements and risk pools. Wheaton - 630/653-1616 SIKICH, LLP — Professional services firm specializing in accounting, technology, and advisory services. Naperville — 630/364-7953 SPEER FINANCIAL, INC. — Financial planning and bond issue services. Chicago - 312/346-3700; website: www.speerfinancial. com; email: STIFEL — Full service securities firm providing investment banking and advisory services including strategic financial planning; bond underwriting; referendum and legislative assistance. Edwardsville 800/230-5151; email: WILLIAM BLAIR & COMPANY — Bond issuance, financial advisory services. Chicago - 312/364-8955 WINTRUST FINANCIAL — Financial services holding company engaging in community banking, wealth management, commercial insurance premium financing, and mortgage origination. Rosemont - 630/560-2120

Human Resource Consulting

BUSHUE HUMAN RESOURCES, INC. — Human resource, safety and risk management, and insurance consulting. Effingham - 217/342-3042; website:; email: steve@


THE SANDNER GROUP CLAIMS MANAGEMENT, INC. — Third party administrator for workers’ comp and insurance claims. Chicago - 800/654-9504

Office Equipment

IDEAL ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING, INC. — Asbestos and environmental services. Bloomington - 309/828-4259

FRANK COONEY COMPANY, INC. — Furniture for educational environments. Wood Dale - 630/694-8800

ILLINOIS ENERGY CONSORTIUM — Sells electricity and natural gas to school districts, colleges, and universities. Buffalo Grove 847/567-3051

Superintendent Searches

OPTERRA ENERGY SERVICES — Turnkey partnership programs that enable K12 school districts in Illinois to modernize their facilities, increase safety, security and efficiency, reduce operations costs, and maximize the lifespan of critical assets. Chicago 312/498-7792; email:

ECRA Group & HYA — Superintendent searches, board and superintendent workshops. Schaumburg - 847/318-0072

RADON DETECTION SPECIALISTS — Commercial radon surveys. Westmont - 800/244-4242; website:; email:




Achievements Ehren Jarrett,

assistant superintendent, the dis-

30 after 20 years with the district.

super intendent

trict has seen the passage of a $250

The 2009 winner of the Holly Jack

of Rock ford SD

million facilities plan, a high school

Award from the Illinois Association

205, was recently

redesign and the district’s national

of School Boards said she considers

named a “Superin-

recognition as a Ford Next Gen-

her co-workers to be like “an extend-

tendent to Watch”

eration Learning Community. He

ed family” and she will greatly miss

for 2015-16 by the National School

has overseen extending the length

them. Former Superintendent Mike

Public Relations Association. The

of the secondary and elementary

Green said he was “blessed” to have

program lauds superintendents for

day and expanded access to early

worked with her during his four years

engaging and informing schools and

childhood education. Prior to his

in the position. He said she is an

stakeholders with new communica-

tenure in Rockford, he was princi-

“outstanding” administrative assis-

tion technology tools, combined with

pal at Hononegah Community High

tant. Miller was the recipient of the

tried-and-true techniques. Jarrett is

School in Rockton for four years.

first-ever Holly Jack Award, which

among 24 superintendents across the

Janet Mi l ler,

honors outstanding school board

country to be recognized for “using

ad m in istrative

administrative assistants. She has

dynamic, fast-paced leadership with

a s s i s t a nt t o t h e

since received a Those Who Excel

strong communication at its core,”

superintendent and

award from the Illinois State Board

according to NSPRA. Since Jarrett

school board for Mt.

of Education. Miller started as a sec-

first joined the Rockford district’s

Vernon SD 80, has

retary at District 80 before becoming

leadership team in June 2011 as an

announced her retirement on June

administrative assistant in 2000.

In memoriam Lowell L. Beggs,

Donald Allen, 102, died April

Richard D. “Dick” Black, 85,

85, d ied May 17,

10, 2016. Allen was always active in

died May 24, 2016. He previously

2016. He was a for-

the community, and was a former

served on the Rock Island-Milan

mer member of the

member of the Carrollton CUSD 1

school board. Black was an avid sup-

Amboy CUSD 272

Board of Education.

porter of Quad City high schools and

Board of Education,


Donald Aprati, 69, died May

served as president of the Rock Island Booster Club for many years.

and was Director of IASB’s North-

6, 2016. Aprati was a former school

west Division from 2002 to 2007.

board president of Bloom Township

Jack E. Caldwell, 64, died April

He was committed to service in his

High School District 206. Prior to his

7, 2016. He formerly served on the

community, and was a former mem-

retirement in 2006, he served Chica-

Williamsville CUSD 15 Board of Edu-

ber of the Lee County Board as well

go Heights School District 170 for 37

cation for 19 years and was board

as multiple service organizations.

years as a teacher, dean, principal,

president for five years.

He was also an airplane pilot, hav-

and assistant superintendent.

ing owned his own J3 Cub. Family

Gary L. Barnett, 82, died April

members say he had an insatiable

22, 2016. He formerly served on the

desire to learn.

East Moline SD 37 school board.

George Lee Claus, 91, died April 28, 2016. He served on the Pikeland Continued on page 29



Upgrade available By Jennifer Feld


uestion: Why does IASB need a new member database? nswer: In order to continue to provide excellent service

and value to IASB members, the Association recently replaced its 30-year-old database management system. Our goal was to find an

• Access the PRESS Policy Ref-

began in December. Throughout the

erence Manual and updates

entire process, and with the help of

(beginning in August);

a dedicated core team representing

• Monitor Master Board Member points; • Monitor LeaderShop Academy credits; and • Purchase items from the IASB online bookstore.

each Association department, our goal was to serve our members more effectively and efficiently. When districts ask what their member dues pays for, it is investments like this that return the most value for the entire Association

online, integrated system that would provide members and school dis-

Members can register online

membership that are considered

tricts with the resources, tools, and

for Division Dinner Meetings and

first. This was not an easy task, nor

functionality to effectively transact

Online Learning Center courses, as

an inexpensive one, but we know it

and monitor how they do business

well as regional and statewide work-

will pay dividends for many years

with the Association.

shops. Starting in 2017, members

to come.

The new member database sys-

will also be able to register online

I n for mation ha s been sent

tem will allow us to streamline oper-

for the Joint Annual Conference. In

to all member districts (superin-

ations, engage members, and develop

addition, the new system will also

tendents, secretaries, and board

and deliver services that enhance the

serve as the portal for all PRESS

members), associate members and

member experience.

subscribers and Online Learning

affiliate member organizations,

The new system also integrates

Center users, and for all the content

IASB Service Associates, and the

with the IASB website and creates a

previously housed at Members-Only

Illinois Council of School Attorneys.

single sign-in process for activities

(Master Board Member and Lead-

For those needing additional help,

previously included on IASB’s “Mem-

erShop Academy records, member

we have also created instructions

bers Only” website. Now, everything

resources, IASB governance, and

and online videos showing how to

will be generated from the IASB

the annual conference planner and

access and use the new system.

home page. With the changes that


Visit /services/ams.cfm

went live on June 6, with a new single sign-in members are able to • Create new or change member-

The groundwork for the upgrade

for this information.

began two years ago, when IASB

B ut we a l s o welc ome you r

began an in-depth assessment of its

comments and questions. Please

technology needs. After reviewing

call 217/528-9688, ext. 1100 if you

• Register for events, workshops,

potential solutions and a lengthy cus-

have any problems, or just to let

meeti ng s, a nd educationa l

tom-build process, staff training on

us know what you think of the new


the new member database system


ship profiles;

IASB Associate Executive Director and Chief Financial Officer Jennifer Feld answers the question for this issue of the Journal.


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In this convenient guide, school attorney Brian Braun presents answers to more L than 1,600 legal questions of educators and laymen, referencing statutes, rules, and court cases on which each answer is based. All orders include access to a searchable digital version with links to statutes, full text of court decisions, and more. AW is intelligence, whose

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To order, call 217/528-9688, ext. 1108; or order online at the IASB Bookstore: Indispensable school law references for today’s school leaders.

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