IASLC 2014 Annual Report

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Conquering Thoracic Cancers Worldwide



Table of Contents

Introduc on


Organiza on Structure




Communica ons




Educa onal Ac vi es


Publica ons


Mee ngs




Advocacy Partners and Sponsors


Strategic Plan


IASLC Founda on


Future Perspec ve


IASLC in Publica ons



Introduc on Lung cancer is a major global health problem. Worldwide, more than 1.6 million individuals are diagnosed with the disease. Unfortunately, 1.3 million s ll die of lung cancer every year. However, major scien fic advancements have occurred over the last decade, which are now benefi ng subgroups of lung cancer pa ents. Lung cancer screening with low-dose CT has been demonstrated to reduce the lung cancer mortality by 20% in high-risk individuals. New advancements in molecular biology has provided knowledge of heterogeneity of lung cancer and has led to personalized therapy. More and more defined subgroups are iden fied, which will have a drama c effect of specific targeted therapies. All of this has transformed lung cancer research and treatment into a role model for modern treatment of many other cancers. The IASLC is a global organiza on of clinical inves gators, physicians, nurses, advocates and allied health personnel, which has the mission of reducing lung cancer mortality through preven on and improved therapy. The organiza on has members and ac vi es in more than 80 countries. The year of 2014 was a very prosperous year for IASLC. We have expanded our mee ng ac vi es and launched several new educa on ac vi es all over the world. Our regional mee ngs in Europe, North America, South America and in Asia have all been very successful, as were the smaller, more focused, mee ngs. The IASLC is now also conduc ng annual World Conferences on Lung Cancer, and we should make these mee ngs not only the premier mul disciplinary lung cancer mee ng with the highest scien fic content, but also provide a comprehensive educa onal program for physicians, nurses, advocates and others who take part in the management of pa ents with lung cancer on a daily basis. In 2014, the IASLC launched some very successful publica ons, such as the most comprehensive mul disciplinary textbook, The IASLC MulƟdisciplinary Approach to Thoracic Oncology and the IASLC Atlas of ALK TesƟng in Lung Cancer, which has been translated in several languages. A core value for IASLC is to develop and educate the next genera on of inves gators through designated fellowships in order to con nue preven ve and therapeu c scien fic developments. Thanks to our generous partners, the IASLC has this year been very successful in expanding our interna onal fellowship program. Through our newly established IASLC Founda on we hope to further expand this very important program in the future. It is our pleasure to present to you our ac vi es in 2014 and our future perspec ves and strategies.


Fred R. Hirsch, MD, PhD Chief Execu ve Officer

Tony S. Mok, MD President

Organiza on Structure IASLC Officers

Tony Mok President

Peter Goldstraw Immediate Past President

David Carbone President Elect

David Gandara Treasurer

Fred R. Hirsch Chief Execu ve Officer

IASLC Directors

Silvia Novello 2011-2015

Carolyn Dresler 2011-2015

Chris an Manegold Tetsuya Mitsudomi 2011-2015 2011-2015

Kazuhiko Nakagawa 2011-2015

Alex Adjei 2011-2015

Sumitra Thongprasert 2011-2015

Françoise Mornex 2013-2017

Keith Kerr 2013-2017

William Travis 2013-2017

Solange Peters 2013-2017

Laurie Gaspar 2013-2017

Pasi Jänne 2013-2017

Yuichiro Ohe 2013-2017

Yi-Long Wu 2013-2017


IASLC Staff POSITION CEO (Chief Execu ve Officer) Director of Educa on, Corporate Rela ons and Governance Director of Finance Director of Membership Director of Communica ons Scien fic Projects Manager Asian Office Educa on/CME Coordinator Membership Coordinator JTO Editorial Manager

NAME Fred R. Hirsch Pia Hirsch John Skadow Kris n Richeimer Vacant Murry Wynes Vengie Lau Paul Silvey Pamela Freelon Mary Todd

IASLC Commi ees COMMITTEE Awards Bylaws Career Development Communica on Educa on Advanced Radia on Therapy Con nuing Medical Educa on Ethics Fellowship Finance Membership Nomina ng Nurses & Allied Health Professional Pathology Pa ent Advocacy Preven on & Early Detec on Publica on Staging Tobacco Control/Smoking Cessa on Asia Pacific Lung Cancer 6

CHAIR Tony Mok Vacant Mar n Edelman Anne Tsao Suresh Ramalingam Laurie Gaspar Françoise Mornex Ramaswamy Govindan Eduardo Richardet Benjamin Besse David Gandara Suresh Senan David Gandara Patricia Hollen Andrew Nicholson Glenda Colburn Nir Peled Harvey Pass Ramon Rami-Porta Michael Cummings Sumitra Thongprasert

PAST-CHAIR Peter Goldstraw George Simon Heather Wakelee Primo Lara Hak Choy

Kwun Fong Philip Mack Fred R. Hirsch Nise Yamaguchi Kathy Albain

Ming Tsao John Field Glenwood Goss Peter Goldstraw Carolyn Dresler

IASLC Council of Regents REGENT AREA Canada/North America Australasia Brazil Central America & Mexico Central Europe China Europe (1) Europe (2) Europe (3) Europe (4) Gulf States & Arabia Indian Sub-Con nent Japan (1) Japan (2) Korea North America North America North America North America Scandinavia Southeast Asia Southern Africa Spanish South America Taiwan Turkey UK & Ireland

REGENT NAME Gail Darling (Chair) Nick Pavlakis Mauro Zamboni Oscar Arrieta Gyula Ostoros Yi-Long Wu Rudolph Huber Lucio Crino Paul de Leyn Cecile le Pechoux Khaled Al-Ka an Purvish Parikh Norihiko Ikeda Shuji Sakai Jong Ho Park Heather Wakelee Brian Lally Gerard A. Silvestri Charles Powell Erik Jacobsen Ibrahim Wahid Tony Linegar Eduardo Richardet James Chih-Hsin Yang Deniz Yalman Richard Booton

SPECIALTY & LOCATION Thoracic Surgery, Canada Medical Oncology, Australia Thoracic Surgery, Brazil Medical Oncology, Mexico City Medical Oncology, Hungary Thoracic Surgery, China Medical Oncology, Germany Oncology, Italy Thoracic Surgery, Belgium Radia on Oncology, France Thoracic Surgery, KSA Medical Oncology & Hem., India Thoracic Surgery, Tokyo Radia on Oncology, Tokyo Thoracic Surgery, Korea Medical Oncology, USA Radia on Oncology, USA Respiratory Medicine, USA Respiratory Medicine, USA Thoracic Surgery, Denmark Radia on Oncology, Malaysia Thoracic Surgery, South Africa Medical Oncology, Argen na Medical Oncology, Taiwan Radia on Oncology, Turkey Respiratory Medicine, UK

IASLC Task Forces TASK FORCE Industry

CHAIRS Giorgio Scaglio Paul A. Bunn, Jr.

PAST CHAIR Rolf Stahel


Organiza on Members – The IASLC brings together a broad array of global stakeholders including clinical prac oners, scien sts, pa ent advocates, and industry execu ves; all dedicated to preven on, screening, imaging, diagnosis, and treatment of thoracic malignancies. Members provide their exper se in order to collaborate and share the most mely and relevant scien fic and clinical informa on to the IASLC for distribu on around the world. This commitment allows IASLC to be the premier global source of informa on on thoracic malignancies. Members devote their me to lead IASLC sponsored mee ngs and conferences, take ac ve roles in various commi ees, provide presenta ons on cu ng-edge basic, transla onal, and clinical science, and establish robust interac ons to further the IASLC mission. Board of Directors –The IASLC board of directors is mul disciplinary and provide a wealth of clinical and scien fic exper se, along with a rich experience with other socie es and ins tu onal leadership. IASLC board members promote the ongoing growth in programs and support provided by the IASLC through their strategic guidance as well as opera onal and financial oversight. Headquarters Staff – Under the leadership of the CEO, the staff implements the diverse educa on, membership, communica on, outreach, fundraising and scien fic programs of the organiza on. From facilita ng numerous conferences to producing webinars, publishing books and digital applica ons, the staff mely distributes the best and most current informa on to thousands of stakeholders around the globe. The staff distributes these regular communica ons with the members and stakeholders by maintaining up-to-date contact informa on. The staff is accountable for the financial management of the IASLC’s opera ons and assets as well as responsible for obtaining sponsorships for various ac vi es and events. The staff supports, gives expert advice, and helps implement the decisions of the commi ees and the board.


Membership A rac ng Members from the En re Mul -Disciplinary Team IASLC has established a goal of educa ng the en re team of providers for lung cancer pa ents. To further that goal, IASLC has updated its member communica ons to include language to make it clear that IASLC membership is valuable to anyone who is involved in lung cancer around the world. IASLC is ac vely seeking to increase its membership among pathologists, diagnos c radiologists, nurses & allied health professionals, and community prac oners. The series of Advanced Radia on Technology (ART) Webinars provided a unique vehicle to a ract new members in radia on oncology. In 2014, IASLC promoted special discounted memberships for new members from partner organiza ons in Brazil (Thoracic Surgery Society), Japan (JLCS), and in Nursing (ITONF/NLCFN). ROW = Rest of World IASLC Membership - Looking Ahead to “5,000 in 2015” In 2015, a strong emphasis will be placed on (a) improving IASLC member recogni on and member experience; (b) achieving 5,000 members through a strong membership drive and increased promo ons; and (c) improving the “onboarding/orienta on” process for new members, with specialty and/or region-specific communica ons. It is proposed that to reach the ambi ons goal of 5,000 members, IASLC will have to significantly increase its membership promo onal, adver sing and outreach efforts.

Cancer Research/ Basic Science 5%

Pathology 5%

Nursing 2%


Our goal is to make it even easier for members to engage with IASLC, especially through technology. IASLC will con nue with the annual membership survey, introduced in 2013, and will use the informa on to help guide member benefit offers and other ini a ves. An addi onal goal is to increase our overall reten on rate of exis ng members to 85%. In addi on to the introductory pricing offers described from 2014, we will expand the offering to Greece, Korea, India, and hopefully into socie es for pathology and community prac oners. 2014 – 3,400 Members Overall, IASLC membership shows an impressive 55% growth between 2010 and 2014, ending the year with 3,400 members, including nearly 700 new members. While this does represent a decline over 2013 total membership, it has been a rela vely common trend to experience a slight decline in non-World Conference years.

Despite the total membership headcount showing a decrease, the total revenue for 2014 increased.

IASLC Membership 2010-2014

Number of Members

Some exci ng news is that 32% of all 2014 members chose a mul -year membership op on, and 37% of renewing members chose the 3-year op on. This will allow IASLC to spend more me on member recogni on/orienta on and new member acquisi on strategies in 2015.

In addi on to the items described above, new ini a ves & benefits for 2015 will include: • Updated Membership Brochure & Membership Video • Improved website integra on for member use; • Launch of E-library educa onal content; • 2015 Membership Card for all members; • Invite-A-Colleague program • Upgrades to Member Portal, Online Registra on and Database Member Benefits Member benefits introduced in 2014 included the online directory, searchable by name, loca on, specialty, or ins tu on, in addi on to the standard printable PDF version available to members. The online portal for members was updated to include member direct access to JTO a er logging in on IASLC’s site. The online registra on system allowed us to easily add new member categories, pricing, and dura on of memberships. New members will again be listed in the IASLC newsle er, and the IASLC Regents have a set schedule to feature a Regent in each monthly newsle er. Invite-a-Fellow Promo on In 2013, IASLC introduced an online campaign for exis ng members to invite a fellow to take advantage of the complimentary fellow membership and join IASLC. These efforts have resulted in a 130% increase in Fellow membership from 2013-2014. 10

Communica ons In 2014, IASLC saw many things happen in the world of lung cancer. In 2014 we applauded the decision of CVS Pharmacies to stop selling tobacco products, the introduc on of the New European Tobacco Products Direc ve to Make Smoking Less A rac ve, and supported the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) of their dra proposal to cover low-dose CT screening of pa ents at high risk for lung cancer. November 2014 was Lung Cancer Awareness month in many parts of the world. IASLC produced three press releases dealing with personalized medicine, the importance of screening, and tobacco cessa on. Along with the press releases, we provided our members with talking points so they could be er engage with media in their area. IASLC also held a press conference where Lung Cancer survivors were able to share their stories, and their physicians shared informa on on the advancements of science in their special es. This demonstrated the benefits of having a mul disciplinary team when trea ng lung cancer.

IASLC is always looking for the best ways to communicate with our members, industry partners, health professionals, pa ents and families. As we look to 2015 and the possibili es it holds, IASLC plans to oer more resources to our cons tuents. As stated elsewhere, IASLC is expanding its website with a more robust educa onal e-library to house all of our webinars, video recordings, member and pa ent resource material. In 2015 we hope to launch a blog that will allow experts to have open and engaging conversa ons about the direc on of lung cancer and the science behind it. We are preparing for the 16th IASLC World Conference on Lung Cancer and communica ng the importance of a ending. During the conference, expect to see on site social media events via Facebook and Twi er, enjoy the recaps of the previous day’s science and events in the daily newspaper, become cap vated in daily interviews and press conference with some the world leaders in lung cancer. So remember to register and we look forward to seeing you in Denver, CO, USA on September 6, 2015. Social media was very ac ve in November 2014 using the hashtag #LCAM14. From November 17th alone, twi er has shown this hashtag has reached almost 3 million social media users. 11/17 to 11/24/14 #LCAM14 stats: 1,984 tweets 6,969,348 Impacts 2,385,855 Reach 862 Contributors


Fellowships IASLC con nued its support in 2014 for young inves gators in order to reward scien fic excellence and to encourage innova ve research in lung cancer preven on as well as clinical and transla onal medicine worldwide. Each year the IASLC supports young researchers in order to reward scien fic excellence and to encourage innova ve research in lung cancer preven on and transla onal medicine worldwide. Applica ons for Fellowship and Young Inves gator awards are taken each January. Four candidates represen ng North America, Asia and Europe are awarded research funding for one year a er compe ng with a global pool of applicants. Applica ons are evaluated by an interna onal scien fic review panel for their merit, innova on and poten al impact on the management of lung cancer. Global submissions to our fellowship program had many excellent candidates who were evaluated by a Scien fic Review Panel for their merit, innova on and poten al impact on the future management and treatment of lung cancer. In 2014 there were 4 fellowships given to outstanding fellows/young inves gators through IASLC. Addi onally 2 specially-designated fellowships were awarded. One was through a joint collabora on with Lung Cancer Founda on of America (LCFA) for a 2-year award and the other was a joint collabora on with Boehringer Ingelheim China that enabled a fellow to come to the United States to perform a 1-year research project. Recipient


Xiangkun Han

Hongbin Ji

Shanghai Ins tutes of Biological Sciences Chinese Academy of Sciences

LKB1 inac va on confers human lung adenocarcinoma with strong plas city for squamous transdifferen a on.


Samuel Rowbotham

Carla Kim

Boston Children's Hospital, Boston, Massachuse s, USA

Iden fying novel epigene c regulators of lung tumor propaga ng cells


Detec on of tumor dynamics in pa ents with NSCLC by deep sequencing of circula ng tumor DNA (ctDNA)



Steffen Sørensen


Ins tu on

Peter Meldgaard Aarhus University Hospital Aarhus, Denmark


Grantor/Award Period

Yayi He

Fred R. Hirsch

University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus Aurora, Colorado, USA

HER2 muta ons in lung cancer using in vitro and in vivo models

Peter Choi

Ma hew Meyerson

Dana-Farber Cancer Ins tute, Boston, USA

Func onal role of RBM10 in IASLC/ 2013-2015 lung cancer, and poten al interac ons between RBM10 and established oncogenes.

IASLC would like to thank the following supporters of the IASLC Fellowship program. AstraZeneca Bristol-Myers Squibb Daiichi-Sankyo Eli Lilly Genentech Lung Cancer Founda on of America (LCFA) The Prevent Cancer Founda on (PCF)



Narenda Wajapeyee

Ins tu on


Grantor/Award Period

Yale University, New Haven, USA

Targe ng metabolic drivers of lung cancer.

IASLC/ 2013-2015

Daniela Morales-Espinosa

Rafael Rosell

Catalan Ins tute of Oncology, Barcelona, Spain

The re-replica on pathway and its involvement in growth dependency and inhibi on by use of specific tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs).

IASLC/ 2013-2015

Patrick Forde

Julie Brahmer

Patrick Forde, Johns Hopkins University, Bal more, USA

How an an -PD-1 drug called nivolumab, benefits pa ents with non-small cell lung cancer.

IASLC/ 2013-2014

Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center Boston, USA

IASLC and Lung Cancer Studying why EGFR exon Founda on of America / 20 inser on muta ons are 2013-2015 different than other EGFR muta ons and how to develop novel treatment strategies for tumors that harbor these changes.

Dana-Farber Cancer Ins tute Boston, USA

Effects of combina on treatment with selume nib and pemetrexed in KRAS mutant NSCLC, and mechanisms of acquired resistance.

Daniel Costa

Lu-Lu Yang

Pasi Jänne

IASLC and Boehringer Ingelheim China / 20132014


Educa onal Ac vi es The IASLC has expanded its number of Con nuing Medical Educa on (CME) accredited programs in 2014 a er becoming a CME provider accredited by the Accredita on Council of Con nuing Medical Educa on (ACCME) in July of 2014 for 4 years. A number of these programs in 2014 were webinars.

2014 Webinars IASLC Grand Rounds Series 1st Webinar Immunotherapy of Lung Cancer - CME Speaker: Julie Brahmer, MD Date: January 8, 2014 Moderator: Ramaswamy Govindan, MD IASLC Grand Rounds Series 2nd Webinar Management of Pa ents with ALK Posi ve NSCLC - CME Speaker: Alice Shaw, MD, PhD Date: February 10, 2014 Moderator: Ramaswamy Govindan, MD IASLC Grand Rounds Series 3rd Webinar Advances in Thoracic Surgery in Lung Cancer CME Speaker: David H. Harpole, Jr., MD Date: March 12, 2014 Moderator: Ramaswamy Govindan, MD A Molecular Era in Lung Cancer: 2014 Speaker: Tony Mok, MD - EGFR Inhibi on in 2014 Speaker: Mark G. Kris, MD - An -Angiogenesis in 2014 Speaker: Benjamin Solomon, MBBS, PhD, FRACP ALK Inhibi on in 2014 Date: April 17, 2014 IASLC Grand Rounds Series 4th Webinar Chemotherapy for Advanced NSCLC: State-of-theArt in 2014 - CME Speaker: Giorgio Scaglio , MD Date: April 22, 2014 Moderator: Ramaswamy Govindan, MD


IASLC Grand Rounds Series 5th Webinar - Screening for Lung Cancer in High-Risk Individuals: Risks versus Benefit - CME Speaker: James Je , MD Date: May 14, 2014 Moderator: Ramaswamy Govindan, MD

IASLC Grand Rounds Series Special European Webinar - Chemotherapy for Advanced NSCLC: State-of-the-Art in 2014 - CME Speaker: Giorgio Scaglio , MD Date: May 28th, 2014 Moderator: Ramaswamy Govindan, MD Stereotac c radia on therapy: Pa ent selec on, dose, volume, mo on management – How to do it - CME Speaker: Joe Y. Chang, MD, PhD Speaker: Andrea Bezjak, MD Date: May 28th, 2014 Moderator: Laurie E. Gaspar, FASTRO, FACR, MD, MBA

IASLC Grand Rounds Series 6th Webinar Biomarkers and Personalized Medicine for Pa ents with Lung Cancer - CME Speaker: Keith Kerr, BSc, MB, ChB, FRC Path, FRCPE Date: June 23, 2014 Moderator: Ramaswamy Govindan, MD

Prognos c Signatures for Early Stage NSCLC Speaker: Raphael Bueno, MD Speaker: Edward S. Kim, MD Date: July 17, 2014 Advanced Radia on Therapy Live Webinar Series - Session 2 - 2014 Update and Highlights on Radia on Oncology WCLC 2013 and ASCO 2014 Speaker: Benjamin J. Slotman, MD, PhD Speaker: Maria Werner-Wasik, MD Date: July 18, 2014 Moderator: Prof. Francois Mornex, MD, PhD IASLC Grand Rounds Series 7th Webinar - Surgery for N2 - What, When and How - CME Speaker: Eric Vallières, MD, FRCSC Date: July 24, 2014 Moderator: Ramaswamy Govindan, MD - Program Chair IASLC Grand Rounds Series 8th Webinar - Recent Advances in the Treatment of Squamous Cell Lung Cancer - CME Speaker: Fred R. Hirsch, MD, PhD Date: August 18, 2014 Moderator: Ramaswamy Govindan, MD - Program Chair Radia on Therapy for Pa ents with Lung Cancer - Challenging Clinical Presenta ons – Mandarin Language Webinar Speaker: Shenglin Ma, MD Speaker: Prof. You Lu Date: September 1, 2014 Advanced Radia on Therapy Live Webinar Series - Session 3 - Planning - Current Role of Radia on Therapy: Management of Oligometastases, Treatment of Stage IIIA N2 NSCLC - Mandarin Language Webinar Speaker: Prof. Shenglin Ma, MD Speaker: Prof. You Lu, MD Date: September 1, 2014

IASLC Grand Rounds Series 9th webinar - What’s New in the Management of EGFR-mutant NSCLC? - CME Speaker: Professor Tony Mok, MD Date: October 8, 2014 Moderator: Ramaswamy Govindan, MD - Program Chair Advanced Radia on Therapy Live Webinar Series - Session 4 – Planning - Mul -Disciplinary Tumor Board – Role of Radiotherapy in Management of NSCLC - CME Speaker: Paul A. Bunn Jr., MD Speaker: John D. Mitchell, MD Date: October 22, 2014 Moderator: Laurie E. Gaspar, FASTRO, FACR, MD, MBA

IASLC Grand Rounds Series 10th Webinars - Early Pallia ve Care for Pa ents with Advanced Lung Cancer - CME Speaker: Jennifer Temel, M.D. Date: November 12, 2014 Moderator: Ramaswamy Govindan, MD - Program Chair Blood based biomarkers for advanced NSCLC Speaker: David Carbone, MD Date: November 24, 2014 ALK-Tes ng webinar – CME Speaker: Fred R. Hirsch, MD, PhD – English Speaker: Luis Raez, MD – Spanish Speaker: Carlos Barrios, MD – Portuguese Date: November 25, 2014 + December 9, 2014 IASLC Grand Rounds Series 11th Webinar Highlights from the 2014 Chicago Mul disciplinary Symposium in Thoracic Oncology. - CME Speaker: Karen Kelly, MD Date: December 17, 2014 Moderator: Ramaswamy Govindan, MD – Program


Live Learning In December 2014, CHEST, the American Society for Clinical Pathology, the Na onal Comprehensive Cancer Network® (NCCN®), IASLC and The France Founda on developed a live learning experience called GAIN. GAIN: EnGAging an Interdisciplinary Team for NSCLC Diagnosis, Personalized Assessment, and Treatment offers important educa on ini a ves and access to performance improvement ac vi es developed for pulmonologists, pathologists, medical oncologists, thoracic surgeons, and allied health care professions involved in the care of pa ents suffering from lung cancer. Through case-based discussions and interac ve simula ons, this interdisciplinary summit will seek to address specific unmet needs and clinical gaps in the care of pa ents with locally advanced and metasta c non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). The goal is to advance the knowledge, competence, and performance of a team of interdisciplinary specialists who are currently responsible for appropriate staging, medias nal lymph node assessment, ssue acquisi on, biomarker analysis and immunotherapy in pa ents with NSCLC. As we move into 2015, CHEST, the American Society for Clinical Pathology, the Na onal Comprehensive Cancer Network® (NCCN®), and the IASLC will con nue to expand on the GAIN program. With eight more summits in United States loca ons and four in Europe. Global Curricular Framework The Educa on Commi ee has completed a Global Curricular Framework for thoracic cancer, categorized according to relevant sub-special es of the IASLC membership. Each of these subspecialty curricula was based on the structure of the IASLC-sponsored Textbook of Thoracic Oncology. This new curriculumbased framework is an cipated to serve as a founda on for a “lifelong learning” culture in the IASLC. It is envisioned that every IASLC-sponsored educa onal event will be aligned with this curricular framework, as it will be used prospec vely to iden fy educa on gaps, and to plan and develop materials for workshops, webinars, and IASLC-sponsored live educa onal events. The curricular framework will also serve as the reference classifica on system (or taxonomy) for the planned IASLC on-line educa on portal, where subspecialty curricula will be used to organize content and tag materials. This curriculum-oriented educa on portal will also provide centralized access to archived live and distance learning ac vi es, as well as performance improvement CME modules. This framework can be found online at www.iaslc.org. Global Curricular Framework Categories: Basic/Transla onal Science Medical Oncology Pathology Pulmonary Medicine Radia on Oncology Thoracic Surgery Complementary to this was the con nued progress toward the IASLC e-library, which will include all future textbooks, atlases, handbooks, manuals, posters and mee ng materials. Eventually all educa onal materials will be incorporated into the e-library and will be searchable and available on the IASLC website. 16

Publica ons IASLC Mul disciplinary Approach to Thoracic Oncology Textbook In June of 2014 IASLC Press published the IASLC Mul disciplinary Approach to Thoracic Oncology textbook. The text is designed to be the authorita ve resource in the complex field of thoracic oncology. The textbook team, led by Execu ve Editor Harvey I. Pass, MD, and Editors David Ball, MD, FRANZCR, and Giorgio V. Scaglio , MD, has created a comprehensive book specifically for thoracic cancer specialists worldwide who are dedicated to enhancing their knowledge in an ever-changing oncology subspecialty. The book is available in so -cover book and as a digital subscrip on available online. Do not miss out on your opportunity to have the premier educa onal resource on lung cancer at your finger ps. CAP/IASLC/AMP Guidelines In October of 2014, The American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) Clinical Prac ce Guidelines Commi ee (CPGC) endorsed the CAP/IASLC/AMP guideline for EGFR and ALK molecular profiling. This is significant to the CAP/ IASLC/AMP guidelines because it reinforces the importance of molecular profiling. The goal is to give providers and pa ents the best recommenda ons to treat their lung cancer. In 2015 revisions will be recommended by expert panels made up of renowned worldwide leaders in the field of lung cancer. The revision of the guideline will again be based on evidence from unbiased review of published experimental literature. The revisions will be recommended by an expert panel made up of IASLC Members and other renowned worldwide leaders in the field. The revision will start in early 2015, taking around 18 months to complete. The three organiza ons collaborated in 2013 to develop the original version of the guideline which addressed which pa ents and samples should be tested and when and how tes ng should be performed. EDITED BY MING SOUND TSAO, MD, FRCPC FRED R. HIRSCH, MD, PHD YASUSHI YATABE, MD, PHD



IASLC Atlas of ALK Tes ng in Lung Cancer The transla on of the IASLC Atlas of ALK Tes ng in Lung Cancer into Chinese, Japanese and Spanish, is now available. The IASLC Atlas of ALK Tes ng in Lung Cancer, which is designed to help pathologists, laboratory scien sts, and prac cing physicians be er understand the background and protocols for various methods of ALK tes ng and aid in the interpreta on of test results for pa ents with advanced NSCLC. The publica on was the culmina on of collabora on by many interna onally recognized and dedicated IASLC members and edited by Drs. Ming S. Tsao, Fred R. Hirsch, and Yasushi Yatabe. Android and iOS mobile apps are now available in four languages for free.



Journal of Thoracic Oncology Journal of Thoracic Oncology (JTO), the official journal of the IASLC, con nues to be a leading educa onal and informa onal periodical for topics relevant to detec on, preven on, diagnosis, and treatment of thoracic malignancies. JTO emphasizes a mul disciplinary approach, and includes original research (basic, clinical and transla onal), reviews, and opinion ar cles. The audience consists of epidemiologists, medical oncologists, radia on oncologists, thoracic surgeons, pulmonary specialists, radiologists, pathologists, and research scien sts with a special interest in thoracic oncology. In 2013 there were 1256 ar cles submi ed and 257 were published, equa ng to an acceptance rate of 20.5%. The turn-around me for the first post-submission decision was in average 12.3 days. There were 194,801 full text views and 239,280 website visits in 2014. The JTO was ranked 26 out of 202 for oncology and 5 out of 53 for respiratory system subject ma er categories in the 2013 Journal Cita on Reports and had an impact factor of 5.8 from 4.47 in 2012.

“I would like to personally thank all of you for your hard work, dedica on, devo on and con nued support, which make my job fun and easy to do, and con nue to enhance the quality of JTO” states JTO Editor, Alex A. Adjei, MD, PhD, FACP. “Together, I’m hopeful that we will con nue to build the quality and reputa on of JTO and make it one of the top journals in oncology.”

Every month the Communica ons Commi ee and Murry Wynes, PhD, work together to select JTO ar cles to highlight with press releases that are sent out to the media. These JTO press releases are now being picked up and cited by other news agencies. The next two pages show all of the JTO highlighted ar cles that were sent out to the media in 2014.


Highlighted JTO Ar cles

19 1


Mee ngs IASLC staff and members work to enhance the understanding of lung cancer among scien sts, members of the medical community and the public. One of the most effec ve ways that this is accomplished is by offering cu ng-edge educa onal mee ngs around the globe. In August 2014, IASLC was pleased to announce that the 6th La n American Conference on Lung Cancer (LALCA) held in Lima, Peru, received a record number of scien fic abstracts, with 151 submissions on topics ranging from screening, molecular tes ng, to smoking cessa on. “LALCA has been the most important mee ng for lung cancer in La n America for more than 10 years, not only because it brings together oncologists from more than 21 countries but also increases awareness about lung cancer” said Luis Raez, MD, Interna onal Chair LALCA 2014. Implemented in 2013 was the Best of WCLC, which is an educa onal ini a ve of IASLC designed to engage researchers and prac oners unable to a end the WCLC. The program condenses the meliest scien fic and educa onal topics from mul ple disciplines into a 1 day event and held at 17 loca ons around the globe in 2013-14. The chairs for the individual mee ng received the power points from all oral presenta ons and they could make their own agenda and focus on the areas that meet their specific needs.

Best of WCLC 2013-2014 Loca on Milan, Italy Salvador, Bahia, Brazil

Date November 7, 2013 November 29-30, 2013

Guangzhou, China Tokyo, Japan Dresden, Germany Seoul, Korea Paris, France Copenhagen, Denmark San Francisco, CA, USA New York, NY, USA Athens, Greece Hyderabad, India Cordoba, Argen na Cancun, Mexico Dallas, TX, USA Tel Aviv, Israel Chiang Mai, Thailand

November 30, 2013 November 2013 December 5-6, 2013 December 7, 2013 December 6, 2013 December 13, 2013 December 2013 January 18, 2014 February 28-March 1, 2014 March 8, 2014 March 28, 2014 May 2-3, 2014 May 2, 2014 May 13, 2014 July 12-13, 2014

Organizer/Chair Federico Cappuzzo Brazilian Group of Thoracic Oncology Yi-Long Wu Hisao Asamura Chris an Manegold Keunchil Park Thierry LeChevalier Peter Meldgaard Karen Kelly Harvey Pass/Jessica Donington Vassilis Georgoulias Sai Yendamuri; Alex Adjei Eduardo Richardet Oscar Arrieta Kemp Kerns ne Nir Peled Sumitra Thongprasert 21

IASLC Mee ngs in 2014 AACR IASLC Conference on Lung Cancer The AACR IASLC Mee ng brings together leaders from all over the world who share the goal of eradica ng this form of cancer to discuss the basic, transla onal and clinical work that is improving lung cancer preven on, detec on and treatment. January 6 - 9 2014 | San Diego, California Chair(s): Roy Herbst, Elisabeth Brambilla, Pasi J채nne and William Pao # Par cipants: 280 14th Annual Targeted Therapies of the Treatment of Lung Cancer Mee ng The invita on-only mee ng gathers the top scien sts to discuss the latest advances in the treatment of lung cancer with targeted therapies. Co-Chairs: Drs. Paul A. Bunn, Jr., David H. Johnson and Roy Herbst February 19 - 22 2014 | Santa Monica, California Chair(s): Paul A. Bunn, Jr., David H. Johnson and Roy Herbst # Par cipants: 450 European Lung Cancer Conference (ELCC) The European Society of Medical Oncology (ESMO) and the IASLC organize the ELCC, bringing together the top academic experts in lung cancer and thoracic malignancies to showcase the latest developments in basic, clinical and transla onal research. March 26 - 29 2014 | Geneva, Switzerland Chair(s): # Par cipants: 1400 La n American Lung Cancer Conference (LALCA) The La n American Lung Cancer Conference will bring together more than 1,000 medical professionals in Lima, Peru to discuss the latest in lung cancer research and treatment. August 21 - 23 2014 | Lima, Peru Chair(s): Carlos Vallejos Sologuren & Luis E. Raez # Par cipants: 750

Chicago Mul disciplinary Symposium in Thoracic Oncology Members of the IASLC, American Society of Clinical Oncology, the American Society for Radia on Oncology, and the University of Chicago has designed an outstanding two-and-a-half day symposium. October 30 - November 1 2014 | Chicago, Illinois Chair(s): Karen Kelly # Par cipants: 775 Asia Pacific Lung Cancer Conference The Asia Pacific Lung Cancer Conference will bring together medical professionals in Malaysia to discuss the latest in lung cancer research and treatment. November 6 - 8 2014 | Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Chair(s): Chong-Kin Liam & Mohamed Ibrahim A. Wahid # Par cipants: 800

Mee ngs Endorsed and Supported by IASLC in 2014 Lung Cancer: Advances in Current Treatment Modali es and Pa ent Classifica on The topics to be discussed in this symposium include: lung cancer classifica on, common muta ons and insights for pa ent selec on, the use of intraopera ve chemotherapy and minimally invasive surgery to treat thoracic cancers, and a discussion on insights from clinical trials using targeted and combina on chemotherapy for small cell and non-small cell lung cancers. March 25 2014 | New York, New York


Mee ngs Endorsed and Supported by IASLC in 2014 Mul disciplinary Approach to Lung Cancer Conference The Argen ne Associa on of Respiratory Medicine (AAMR) and the La n American Thoracic Associa on (ALAT) presented the Mul disciplinary Approach to Lung Cancer Conference. May 8 - 10 2014 | Buenos Aires, Argen na

Lung Cancer Workshop. Tobacco-induced Disease: Advances in Policy, Early Detec on, and Management Since 2004, the Prevent Cancer Founda on has hosted a series of annual workshops focused on the applica on of high resolu on CT imaging data to lung cancer drug development. May 16 - 17 2014 | New York, New York

6th European Regional Conference on Thoracic Oncology Current challenges in diagnosis and treatment of lung cancer. June 13 - 14 2014 | Vilnius, Lithuania

15th Annual Interna onal Lung Cancer Congress The Interna onal Lung Cancer CongressÂŽ provides current, prac cal informa on on the management of lung cancer, as well as a look at the novel agents and strategies that will shape the future of lung cancer therapy. July 31 - August 2 2014 | Hun ngton Beach, California

4th Interna onal Conference of Thoracic Oncology (CIOT) The Italian Associa on for Thoracic Oncology hosted the 4th Interna onal Conference on Thoracic Oncology (CIOT). June 26 - 28 2014 | Rome, Italy

Personalized Therapy of Lung Cancer Workshop The workshop on personalized therapy of lung cancer is an IASLC educa onal event designed to engage medical, surgical and radia on oncologists, pulmonologists, nurses and transla on research scien sts. September 5 2014 | Shanghai, China Chair(s): # A endees: Australian Lung Cancer Conference Op mal Lung Cancer Care RIGHT CARE – RIGHT TIME - RIGHT PLACE October 16 - 18 2014 | Queensland, Australia


16th World Conference on Lung Cancer September 6 - 9 2015 | Denver, Colorado, USA Congress President: Fred R. Hirsch, MD, PhD Co-Chairs: Harvey Pass, MD, James Je , MD, Evere Vokes, MD The World Conference on Lung Cancer (WCLC) is the world’s largest mee ng dedicated to lung cancer and other thoracic malignancies. More than 7,000 delegates come from more than 100 countries to discuss the latest developments in thoracic malignancy research. A endees include surgeons, medical oncologists, radia on oncologists, pulmonologists, radiologists, pathologists, epidemiologists, basic research scien sts, nurses, allied health professionals, advocates and pa ents.

Upcoming Mee ngs and Events 15th Annual Targeted Therapies of The Treatment of Lung Cancer The invita on-only mee ng gathers the top scien sts to discuss the latest advances in the treatment of lung cancer with targeted therapies. February 18 - 21 2015 | Santa Monica, CA | More details on www.iaslc.org

European Lung Cancer Conference - ELCC 2015 IASLC and ESMO are pleased to announce that the European Lung Cancer Conference (ELCC), will become an annual mee ng as of 2015. April 15 - 18 2015 | Geneva, Switzerland | More details on www.iaslc.org

2016 La n American Lung Cancer Conference (LALCA) The La n American Lung Cancer Conference will bring together more than 700 medical professionals in Panama to discuss the latest in lung cancer research and treatment. August 2016 | Panama | More details on www.iaslc.org

SCLC (Small Cell Lung Cancer) Mee ng For invited opinion leaders only April 22-24, 2015 | New York, NY

17th World Conference on Lung Cancer The World Conference on Lung Cancer (WCLC) is the world’s largest mee ng dedicated to lung cancer and other thoracic malignancies. More than 7,000 delegates come from more than 100 countries to discuss the latest developments in thoracic malignancy research. December 4 - 7 2016 | Vienna, Austria | More details on www.iaslc.org


IASLC 2013 Dis nguished Awards While IASLC did not give out any awards in 2014, in 2013, it con nued its long tradi on of award presenta ons for outstanding dedica on and work in lung cancer and commitment to the organiza on. The IASLC Merit Award, which started in 1991, is given to a member who has made an extraordinary contribu on to the organiza on’s development. Dr. James Je was the 2013 recipient of the IASLC Merit Award for his many years of contribu on to the IASLC, par cularly as the first Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Thoracic Oncology, the capacity he held for 8 years. Dr. Je built up the journal to a highly recognized and well-established scien fic periodical and resource virtually from scratch.

The Paul A. Bunn, Jr. Scien fic Award is given to an IASLC scien st for life me scien fic contribu ons in thoracic malignancy research and who has also contributed to the organiza on’s development. The first recipient of the 2013 Paul A. Bunn, Jr. Scien fic Award was Dr. David Gandara for his many years of significant contribu on to clinical and transla onal lung cancer research. Through his capacity as chairman for the Southwest Oncology Coopera ve Group (SWOG) lung commi ee he has ini ated numerous and highly noteworthy clinical studies including many studies with a transla onal component. Most recently Dr. Gandara has led the heroic effort to generate gene cally specific mouse models from transplanted pa ent tumors thus crea ng model systems that can explore new targeted-therapies and combina ons.

The Mary J. Ma hews Award is given to an IASLC scien st for life me scien fic achievements in pathology-transla onal research of thoracic malignancies. Dr. Tetsuya Mitsudomi was awarded the 2013 Mary J. Ma hews award for his clinical and transla onal research where he has, as a surgeon, contributed for many years to the molecular characteriza on of lung cancer. Dr. Mitsudomi has par cularly focused on EGFR inhibitors and the importance of EGFR muta ons.

The Joseph W. Cullen Award is given to an IASLC scien st for life me scien fic achievements in preven on research of thoracic malignancies. Dr. Pieter Postmus was with recipient of the Joseph Cullen Preven on/Early Detec on Award in 2013 for his many years of contribu on to the lung cancer community, par cularly his work in early detec on of lung cancer. Dr. Postmus, as a pulmonologist, has for numerous years developed a world-renowned lung cancer group and program in Amsterdam. Key research studies focusing on preneoplas c changes, which can lead to lung cancer, have been conducted under his leadership.

Dr. James Je USA 2013 IASLC Merit Award

Dr. David Gandara USA Paul A. Bunn, Jr. Scien fic Award

Dr. Tetsuya Mitsudomi Japan Mary J. Ma hews Pathology/Transla onal Research Award

Dr. Pieter Postmus The Netherlands Joseph W. Cullen Preven on/ Early Detec on Award


WCLC 2013 Conference Fellowship Awards Recipient Kathryn Ann Gold Vinai Gondi Jill Everland Larsen Yu Liu

Tatsuo Maeyashiki Victor Daniel Mar nez Zamora Geoffey R. Oxnard Tai Sun Park Jessica C. Sieren Anish Thomas

Ins tu on MD Anderson Cancer Center Cadence Brain Tumor Center Queensland Ins tute of Medical Research Cancer Ins tute (Hospital), Peking Union Medical College & Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences Juntendo University School of Medicine BC Cancer Research Centre Dana-Farber Cancer Ins tute Asan Medical Center University of Iowa Na onal Cancer Ins tute

Country USA USA Australia China

Japan Canada USA Korea USA USA

Developing Na ons Awards Recipient Ning Cheng Neekkan Dey Alexander Kabakov Urvashi Kaushik Natalia Khranovska Yubo Liu Conjeevaram Pramesh Subrata Saha Cinthya Sternberg Na haya Triphuridet

Ins tu on Lanzhou University University of Calcu a Medical Radiology Research Center Public Health Founda on of India Na onal Cancer Ins tute MPH of Ukraine Dalian University of Technology Tata Memorial Centre Apollo Gleneagles Hospitals Brazilian Na onal Cancer Ins tute Chulabhorn Hospital

Country China India Russia

Ins tu on Clínica Santa María Mesothelioma Applied Research Founda on Cli on F. Mountain Founda on Lung Cancer Founda on of America Asbestos Diseases Society of Australia, Inc.

Country Chile United States

India Ukraine China India India Brazil Thailand

Advocacy Awards Recipient Trinidad Donoso Melinda Kotzian Merel Nissenberg Mountain Beth Stern Robert Vojakovic 26

United States United States Australia

Advocacy Partners and Sponsors In 2014, IASLC con nued its working rela onship with many advocacy organiza ons around the world. These advocacy partners are conduc ng cri cal work in the areas of pa ent educa on and support, public awareness, fundraising, government lobbying, clinical trials enrollment, among many other important ac vi es. IASLC applauds the achievements and support of these groups. In order to accomplish the mission of the IASLC, a tremendous amount of me, eort and dedica on is required by numerous people as well as support from many sponsors. The IASLC would like to thank the 2014 partners and sponsors who once again assisted the society to con nue to be a world-renowned organiza on.

2014 Advocacy Partners Lung Cancer Founda on of American (LCFA) Prevent Cancer Founda on Addario Lung Cancer Founda on Lung Cancer Research Founda on (LCRF) Lung Founda on Australia Caring Ambassadors Lung Cancer Program Dusty Joy Founda on EX: Re-learn Life without Cigare es Free Me From Lung Cancer Free to Breathe Global Lung Cancer Coali on

Global Resource for Advancing Cancer Educa on Interna onal Thoracic Oncology Nursing Forum Lung Cancer Alliance LUNGevity Founda on Mesothelioma Applied Research Founda on My Cancer Genome UICC Global Cancer Control Community Uni ng Against Lung Cancer Union for Interna onal Cancer Control - UICC Women Against Lung Cancer in Europe

2014 Sponsors Abbo AstraZeneca Bayer Biodesix Biothera Boehringer Ingelheim Pharma Bristol-Myers Squibb Celgene Clovis Oncology Elekta Eli Lily Genentech

Global Resources for Advanced Cancer Educ on ImmunoGen Janssen Pharma Life Technologies Merck Myriad Gen cs Novar s Pfizer Puma Biotechnology Roche SyntaPharmaceu cals Varian


Strategic Plan The mission of the IASLC is • to embrace the study of the e ology, epidemiology, preven on, diagnosis, treatment and all other aspects of lung cancer and other thoracic malignancies • to provide educa on and informa on about lung cancer and other thoracic malignancies to IASLC members, to the medical community at large, and to the public • to use all available means to eliminate lung cancer and other thoracic malignancies as a health threat for the individual pa ent and throughout the world. The IASLC Board of Directors approved a new strategic plan for the organiza on on September 12, 2011. This ambi ous plan was developed a er a 6-month process that culminated in a Strategic Planning Retreat in September 2011 in Denver, Colorado, USA. During 2012 the staff iden fied numerous ac on items required to make significant steps toward achieving the plan. In 2014 a wealth of ac vi es to support the plan were undertaken by various IASLC cons tuents, a summary is provided below.

Mission GOAL 1 - IASLC embraces the study of the e ology, epidemiology, preven on, diagnosis, treatment and all other aspects of lung cancer and other thoracic malignancies. • The IASLC Staging Commi ee made significant progress in its mul -year effort to update the Interna onal Staging Classifica on for Lung Cancer. With new classifica ons in Mesothelioma and Thymic malignancies the new classifica ons scheduled for 2015 publica on will be the most comprehensive ever. • The IASLC Pathology Commi ee con nued its work toward development of a new WHO/IASLC classifica on (planned comple on 2015) as well as providing educa onal informa on to the field such as the new IASLC Atlas of ALK Tes ng in Lung Cancer. • The IASLC Tobacco Control and Smoking Cessa on Commi ee was ac vely involved in providing support to exclude tobacco products from trade agreements, promo ng plain packing ini a ves and encouraging smoking cessa on programs for prac oners. • IASLC con nued its work to improve diagnosis of lung cancer through be er screening protocols. The IASLC Preven on, Screening and Early Detec on Commi ee brought together experts from numerous organiza ons and agencies to share informa on and iden fy ways to support recommenda ons across-borders.


Educa on GOAL 2 - IASLC provides educa on and informa on about lung cancer and other thoracic malignancies to IASLC members, to the medical community at large, and to the public. • IASLC was accredited in July of 2014 by the Accredita on Council for Con nuing Medical Educa on (AACME). This accredita on allows IASLC to offer CME enhanced webinars and CME credits at many of our events. • IASLC con nued to build its educa onal webinars with Personalized Therapy. Immunotherapy, Advanced Radia on Therapy and the jointly produced Molecular Tes ng webinar in conjunc on with the College of American Pathologist and The Associa on for Molecular Pathology • IASLC implemented the new annual World Conference on Lung Cancer format by selec ng Yokohama, Japan for the 2017 WCLC and Toronto, Canada for the 2018 WCLC to follow Denver, USA in 2015 and Vienna, Austria in 2016. • IASLC introduced the first phase of an enhanced website providing for more content to be distributed to members and the public. Ini al results show a 92% increase in average visits to the site, a 165% increase in pages visits, average dura on on the site up 52% and a 16.5% reduc on in the bounce rate for visitors. Addi onal content development is underway. • IASLC finished the series of the “Best of WCLC” in the early 2014. With the help of local experts provided the most significant updates from the WCLC to hundreds of par cipants in nine interna onal loca ons unable to a end the WCLC in 2013.

Research and Science GOAL 3—IASLC advances research and science towards reducing the burden of thoracic malignancies worldwide. • IASLC con nues its funding of fellowships to promote scien fic excellence and to encourage innova ve research. During the year IASLC supported seven fellows in it two-year program, began a new Chinese fellowship and began support of a new pres gious Lung Cancer Founda on/IACLC fellow. • The IASLC Journal of Thoracic Oncology con nued to expand its coverage of the top transla onal and basic research and added significantly to its subscriber base. • The JTO was ranked 26 out of 202 for oncology and 5 out of 53 for respiratory system subject ma er categories in the 2013 Journal Cita on Reports and had an impact factor of 5.8 from 4.47 in 2012. • IASLC hosted the 14th Annual Targeted Therapies of the Treatment of Lung Cancer Mee ng bringing together a sold-out group of par cipants to this invita on only gathering of the top prac oners, scien sts and industry experts. • IASLC held the 6th La n American Conference on Lung Cancer (LALCA 2014) over August 21 – 23, 2014 in Lima, Peru. • Members of the IASLC, American Society of Clinical Oncology, the American Society for Radia on Oncology, and the University of Chicago designed an outstanding two-and-a-half day symposium in Chicago, Il, USA on October 30 - November 1, 2014. • IASLC held the 2014 IASLC Asia Pacific Lung Cancer Conference (APLCC 2014) in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia from 6 to 8 November 2014.


Organiza onal Growth GOAL 4 - IASLC is commi ed to long-term, global growth in membership. • As noted elsewhere IALSC con nues its long term growth having increased membership by 21% growth between 2011 and 2014 while expanding the diversity of its members across the world and across special es. • IASLC introduced in 2014 an online directory, searchable by name, loca on, specialty, or ins tu on, in addi on to the standard printable PDF version available to members • 32% of all 2014 members chose a mul -year membership op on, and 37% of renewing members chose the 3-year op on.

Professional Membership Associa on GOAL 5 - IASLC values the work of its volunteer members, who advance the IASLC mission through ac ve par cipa on and effec ve leadership. • In 2014, IASLC promoted special discounted memberships for new members from partner organiza on in Brazil (Thoracic Surgery Society), Japan (JLCS), and in Nursing (ITONF/NLCFN). • During the year IASLC engaged nearly twice as many commi ees and commi ee members to support programs and membership ini a ves for new special es extend the geographic reach of IASLC and to support new ini a ves in tobacco control and smoking cessa on, pa ent-physician materials and advocacy.

Charitable Giving and Philanthropic Rela onships GOAL 6 - IASLC solicits philanthropic funds to support its research and educa onal programs. • IASLC created a charitable founda on in 2014 and is now in the planning process of developing donor programs to launch in early 2015. • During 2014 IASLC con nued with programs for members and speakers to contribute to the fellowship program. These programs set the stage for enhanced programs in the coming years under the IASLC Founda on umbrella. • Fellowship grants received during the year achieved one of the top level since the program was ini ated.

Opera onal Soundness GOAL 7 - To accomplish its mission, the IASLC is commi ed to opera onal excellence and fiscal responsibility. • During 2013 IASLC diversified its revenue streams by increasing the sources of support for educa onal programs such as webinars, crea ng new publica ons and digital applica ons and adjus ng the format of the WCLC to drama cally decrease costs. • During the year the new membership database contributed to reduced membership fulfillment costs in excess of $70,000, reduced IT and staffing costs through opera onal efficiencies, contributed to improved accoun ng while increasing opportuni es for enhance membership programs in the coming years • IASLC’s opera ng results are expected to close near the budget despite unfavorable swings in the Australian Dollar used at the Sydney WCLC and net surpluses are expected to be posi ve.


IASLC Founda on The IASLC Founda on was established in 2014. The purpose of the IASLC Founda on is to facilitate charitable, educa onal and scien fic purposes within the IASLC. The Office of the Founda on is within the IASLC Headquarters in Denver, CO, USA. The Board of Directors is the IASLC Execu ve Commi ee with the IASLC President, Dr. Tony S. Mok as the chair and the IASLC CEO, Dr. Fred R. Hirsch, as the CEO of the Founda on. However, the Founda on Board of Directors is currently under reconstruc on.


Future Perspec ve The IASLC con nues to grow in membership and ac vi es. The organiza on will con nue to expand the educa onal ac vi es with webinars and “classroom” ac vi es, especially in non-US areas, such as Europe, Asia, and South America. Membership is expanding to include nurses, advocate and industry representa ves. The IASLC Founda on has been established and will be ac vely working in 2015 for support of our fellowship programs and other educa onal ac vi es. The core ac vity to IASLC is scien fic/educa onal mee ngs and for 2015 we will be arranging the annual World Lung Cancer Conference. It is our hope to develop these mee ngs as the prime event in lung cancer with an annual update of the newest data in clinical, transi onal, and basic lung cancer research. In 2015 we are upda ng the IASLC/CAP/AMP guidelines for the molecular tes ng for personalized therapy. Finally, in 2015, IASLC is launching results for many years of work; the new staging system (8th edi on) for intrathoracic tumors and a new WHO histopathological classifica on of intrathoracic tumors. The staging and pathology classifica ons mark milestones in IASLC history and serve the lung cancer communi es with new guidance for management of pa ents with lung cancer. Lung Cancer screening has demonstrated to reduce the lung cancer mortality significantly and has been recommended to be implemented in the US healthcare system to defined high-risk popula ons. IASLC will follow this development and carefully evaluate the progress in lung cancer screening and early detec on, so the non-US world will benefit from shared opportuni es as our mission to reduce lung cancer mortality all over the world.


IASLC in Publica ons As the only global medical society dedica ng to conquering thoracic malignancies, IASLC ac vi es made the basis of many publica ons and research studies in 2014 and early 2015. The following list contains cita ons of those publica ons as listed in PubMed, for the criteria “IASLC” or “Interna onal Associa on for the Study of Lung Cancer.” IASLC’s reputa on and recogni on con nues to grow as members and non-members reference the organiza on in their work.


2014 update on non-small cell lung cancer (excluding diagnosis). Gounant V, Khalil A, Créquit P, Lavole A, Ruppert AM, Antoine M, Milleron B, Wislez M, Care e MF, Assouad J, Cadranel J. Diagn Interv Imaging. 2014 Jul-Aug;95(7-8):721-5. doi: 10.1016/j.diii.2014.05.004. Epub 2014 Jul 11.

Can IASLC/ATS/ERS subtype help predict response to chemotherapy in small biopsies of advanced lung adenocarcinoma? Riely GJ, Travis WD. Eur Respir J. 2014 May;43(5):1240-2. doi: 10.1183/09031936.00048814. No abstract available.

A comprehensive inves ga on of molecular features and prognosis of lung adenocarcinoma with micropapillary component. Zhang Y, Wang R, Cai D, Li Y, Pan Y, Hu H, Wang L, Li H, Ye T, Luo X, Zhang Y, Li B, Shen L, Sun Y, Chen H. J Thorac Oncol. 2014 Dec;9(12):1772-8. doi: 10.1097/ JTO.0000000000000341.

Change of the Junc ons between Sta ons 10 and 4 by the New IASLC LN Map: A Valida on Study from a Single Ter ary Referral Hospital Experience. Lee S, Lee HY, Lee KS, Yie M, Zo J, Shim YM, Han J, Ahn JH. Chest. 2014 Oct 2. doi: 10.1378/chest.14-0717. [Epub ahead of print]

A MicroRNA cluster at 14q32 drives aggressive lung adenocarcinoma. Nadal E, Zhong J, Lin J, Reddy RM, Ramnath N, Orringer MB, Chang AC, Beer DG, Chen G. Clin Cancer Res. 2014 Jun 15;20(12):3107-17. doi: 10.1158/1078-0432.CCR-13-3348. Epub 2014 May 15.

Clinical impact of the new IASLC/ATS/ERS lung adenocarcinoma classifica on for chest surgeons. Nakamura H, Takagi M. Surg Today. 2014 Nov 23. [Epub ahead of print]

A very rare cause of haemoptysis - coexistence of primary oncocy c adenoma of trachea with bronchial carcinoma. 32 T, Bü ner R, Schulte W. Vogel Y, Wolff I, Zienkiewicz Dtsch Med Wochenschr. 2014 Jun;139(24):1295-8. doi: 10.1055/s-0034-1370103. Epub 2014 Jun 3. German.

Close associa on of IASLC/ATS/ERS lung adenocarcinoma subtypes with glucose-uptake in positron emission tomography. Nakamura H, Saji H, Shinmyo T, Tagaya R, Kurimoto N, Koizumi H, Takagi M. Lung Cancer. 2015 Jan;87(1):28-33. doi: 10.1016/j.lungcan.2014.11.010. Epub 2014 Nov 27.

Advances in lung adenocarcinoma classifica on: a summary of the new interna onal mul disciplinary classifica on system (IASLC/ATS/ERS). Tang ER, Schreiner AM, Pua BB. J Thorac Dis. 2014 Oct;6(Suppl 5):S489-501. doi: 10.3978/j. issn.2072-1439.2014.09.12. Review.

Correla on of EGFR muta on and histological subtype according to the IASLC/ATS/ERS classifica on of lung adenocarcinoma. Chen Z, Liu X, Zhao J, Yang H, Teng X. Int J Clin Exp Pathol. 2014;7(11):8039-45.

Associa on of IASLC/ATS/ERS Histologic Subtypes of Lung Adenocarcinoma With Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Muta ons in 320 Resected Cases. Nakamura H, Saji H, Shinmyo T, Tagaya R, Kurimoto N, Koizumi H, Takagi M. Clin Lung Cancer. 2014 Oct 25. doi:pii: S15257304(14)00233-2. 10.1016/j.cllc.2014.10.004. [Epub ahead of print]

Correla on of EGFR muta on status with predominant histologic subtype of adenocarcinoma according to the new lung adenocarcinoma classifica on of the Interna onal Associa on for the Study of Lung Cancer/American Thoracic Society/European Respiratory Society. Villa C, Cagle PT, Johnson M, Patel JD, Yeldandi AV, Raj R, DeCamp MM, Raparia K. Arch Pathol Lab Med. 2014 Oct;138(10):1353-7. doi: 10.5858/ arpa.2013-0376-OA. Epub 2014 Feb 26.

Associa ons between muta ons and histologic pa erns of mucin in lung adenocarcinoma: invasive mucinous pa ern and extracellular mucin are associated with KRAS muta on. Kadota K, Yeh YC, D’Angelo SP, Moreira AL, Kuk D, Sima CS, Riely GJ, Arcila ME, Kris MG, Rusch VW, Adusumilli PS, Travis WD. Am J Surg Pathol. 2014 Aug;38(8):1118-27. doi: 10.1097/ PAS.0000000000000246.

Correla on of survival and EGFR muta on with predominant histologic subtype according to the new lung adenocarcinoma classifica on in stage IB pa ents. Sun Y, Yu X, Shi X, Hong W, Zhao J, Shi L. World J Surg Oncol. 2014 May 19;12:148. doi: 10.1186/14777819-12-148.

Development and Valida on of a Nomogram for Predic ng Survival in Pa ents With Resected Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer. Liang W, Zhang L, Jiang G, Wang Q, Liu L, Liu D, Wang Z, Zhu Z, Deng Q, Xiong X, Shao W, Shi X, He J. J Clin Oncol. 2015 Jan 26. doi:pii: JCO.2014.56.6661. [Epub ahead of print]

Interna onal Associa on for the Study of Lung Cancer - 15th World Conference on Lung Cancer (October 27-31, 2013 - Sydney, Australia). Walker K. Drugs Today (Barc). 2013 Dec;49(12):803-8. doi: 10.1358/ dot.2013.49.12.2097803.

EGFR L858R muta on is associated with lung adenocarcinoma pa ents with dominant ground-glass opacity. Yang Y, Yang Y, Zhou X, Song X, Liu M, He W, Wang H, Wu C, Fei K, Jiang G. Lung Cancer. 2015 Jan 5. doi:pii: S0169-5002(14)00526-1. 10.1016/j.lungcan.2014.12.016. [Epub ahead of print]

Interna onal associa on for the study of lung cancer (IASLC) lymph node map: radiologic review with CT illustra on. El-Sherief AH, Lau CT, Wu CC, Drake RL, Abbo GF, Rice TW. Radiographics. 2014 Oct;34(6):1680-91. doi: 10.1148/ rg.346130097.

Evalua on of the new IASLC/ATS/ERS proposed classifica on of adenocarcinoma based on lepidic pa ern in pa ents with pathological stage IA pulmonary adenocarcinoma. Nakagiri T, Sawabata N, Morii E, Inoue M, Shintani Y, Funaki S, Okumura M. Gen Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2014 Nov;62(11):671-7. doi: 10.1007/s11748-014-0429-3. Epub 2014 Jun 3.

Interna onal Associa on for the Study of Lung Cancer (IASLC): Celebra ng 40 Years with Scien fic and Educa onal Achievements! Hirsch FR. J Thorac Oncol. 2014 Oct;9(10):1424-5. doi: 10.1097/ JTO.0000000000000340. No abstract available.

Forty years of the interna onal associa on for study of lung cancer pathology commi ee. Tsao MS, Travis WD, Brambilla E, Nicholson AG, Noguchi M, Hirsch FR; IASLC Pathology Commi ee. J Thorac Oncol. 2014 Dec;9(12):1740-9. doi: 10.1097/ JTO.0000000000000356.

Interobserver reproducibility study of the histological pa erns of primary lung adenocarcinoma with emphasis on a more complex glandular pa ern dis nct from the typical acinar pa ern. Wang C, Durra HY, Huang Y, Manucha V. Int J Surg Pathol. 2014 Apr;22(2):149-55. doi: 10.1177/1066896913519165. Epub 2014 Jan 29.

Impact of histologic subtyping on outcome in lobar vs sublobar resec ons for lung cancer: a pilot study. Dembitzer FR, Flores RM, Parides MK, Beasley MB. Chest. 2014 Jul;146(1):175-81. doi: 10.1378/chest.13-2506.

Keynote Lecture: KN01 EGFR AND BEYOND: EVOLUTION OF MOLECULAR CLASSIFICATION OF LUNG CANCER. Lindeman N. Pathology. 2014 Oct;46 Suppl 2:S1. doi: 10.1097/ PAT.0000000000000157.

Implemen ng the new IASLC/ATS/ERS classifica on of lung adenocarcinomas: results from interna onal and Chinese cohorts. Lee MC, Kadota K, Buitrago D, Jones DR, Adusumilli PS. J Thorac Dis. 2014 Oct;6(Suppl 5):S568-80. doi: 10.3978/j. issn.2072-1439.2014.09.13. Review.

Lepidic and micropapillary growth pa ern and expression of Napsin A can stra fy pa ents of stage I lung adenocarcinoma into dierent prognos c subgroup. Yang X, Liu Y, Lian F, Guo L, Wen P, Liu XY, Lin DM. Int J Clin Exp Pathol. 2014;7(4):1459-68.

Intensity-modulated radiotherapy for lung cancer: current status and future developments. Chan C, Lang S, Rowbo om C, Guckenberger M, Faivre-Finn C; IASLC Advanced Radia on Technology Commi ee. J Thorac Oncol. 2014 Nov;9(11):1598-608. doi: 10.1097/ JTO.0000000000000346.

Mitosis trumps T stage and proposed IASLC/ATS/ERS classificaon for prognos c value in resected stage 1 lung adenocarcinoma. Duhig EE, De rick A, Godbolt DB, Pauli J, van Zwieten A, Hansen AR, Yang IA, Fong KM, Clarke BE, Bowman RV. J Thorac Oncol. 2014 Dec 15. [Epub ahead of print]


Molecular tes ng clinical progress for EGFR muta on and ALK rearrangement of lung cancer based on the guideline from IASLC/CAP/AMP. Zhou J, Zhou J. Zhonghua Jie He He Hu Xi Za Zhi. 2014 Mar;37(3):167-9. Chinese. No abstract available.

Molecular tes ng for selec on of pa ents with lung cancer for epidermal growth factor receptor and anaplas c lymphoma kinase tyrosine kinase inhibitors: American Society of Clinical Oncology endorsement of the College of American Pathologists/Interna onal Associa on for the study of lung cancer/Associa on for Molecular Pathology Guideline. Leighl NB, Rekhtman N, Biermann WA, Huang J, Mino-Kenudson M, Ramalingam SS, West H, Whitlock S, Somerfield MR. J Clin Oncol. 2014 Nov 10;32(32):3673-9. doi: 10.1200/ JCO.2014.57.3055. Epub 2014 Oct 13.

Predic on for prognosis of resected pT1a-1bN0M0 adenocarcinoma based on tumor size and histological status: rela onship of TNM and IASLC/ATS/ERS classifica ons. Ito M, Miyata Y, Kushitani K, Yoshiya T, Mimae T, Ibuki Y, Misumi K, Takeshima Y, Okada M. Lung Cancer. 2014 Aug;85(2):270-5. doi: 10.1016/j.lungcan.2014.05.014. Epub 2014 May 21.

Molecular tes ng in lung cancer: fine-needle aspira on specimen adequacy and test priori za on prior to the CAP/ IASLC/AMP Molecular Tes ng Guideline publica on. Rafael OC, Aziz M, Ra opoulos H, Vele OE, Xu W, Sugrue C. Cancer Cytopathol. 2014 Jun;122(6):454-8. doi: 10.1002/ cncy.21426. Epub 2014 Apr 10.

Predic ve value of the interna onal associa on for the study of lung cancer/American Thoracic Society/European Respiratory Society classifica on of lung adenocarcinoma in tumor recurrence and pa ent survival. Hung JJ, Yeh YC, Jeng WJ, Wu KJ, Huang BS, Wu YC, Chou TY, Hsu WH. J Clin Oncol. 2014 Aug 1;32(22):2357-64. doi: 10.1200/ JCO.2013.50.1049. Epub 2014 May 5.

Na onal Working Group Mee ng on ALK diagnos cs in lung cancer. Cooper W, Fox S, O’Toole S, Morey A, Frances G, Pavlakis N, O’Byrne K, De rick A, Leong T, Rathi V, Spagnolo D, Hemmings C, Singh M, Moffat D, Tsao MS, Wilner K, Buller R, Pitman Lowenthal S, Arifeen S, Binko J, Alam M. Asia Pac J Clin Oncol. 2014 Apr;10 Suppl 2:11-7. doi: 10.1111/ ajco.12190.

Prognos c Impact and Clinicopathological Correla ons of the Cribriform Pa ern in Pulmonary Adenocarcinoma. Warth A, Muley T, Kossakowski C, Stenzinger A, Schirmacher P, Dienemann H, Weichert W. J Thorac Oncol. 2015 Jan 28. [Epub ahead of print]

34 New TNM classifica on of lung tumors. Wi ekind C. Pathologe. 2014 Nov;35(6):578-85. doi: 10.1007/s00292-0141920-4. German.


Perspec ves of Novel Imaging Techniques for Staging, Therapy Response Assessment, and Monitoring of Surveillance in Lung Cancer: Summary of the Dresden 2013 Post WCLC-IASLC Stateof-the-Art Imaging Workshop. Henzler T, Goldstraw P, Wenz F, Pirker R, Weder W, Apfaltrer P, Meyer M, Buesing K, Crino L, Fennell D, Fink C, Grunenwald D, Manegold C, Pilz L, Schoenberg SO, Suresh S, Vansteenkiste J, Voigt W, Wängler B, Schmid-Bindert G. J Thorac Oncol. 2015 Feb;10(2):237-49. doi: 10.1097/ JTO.0000000000000412.

Prognos c implica on of predominant histologic subtypes of lymph node metastases in surgically resected lung adenocarcinoma. Suda K, Sato K, Shimizu S, Tomizawa K, Takemoto T, Iwasaki T, Sakaguchi M, Mitsudomi T. Biomed Res Int. 2014;2014:645681. doi: 10.1155/2014/645681. Epub 2014 Oct 12.

Oncogenic muta ons are associated with histological subtypes but do not have an independent prognos c value in lung adenocarcinoma. Hu H, Pan Y, Li Y, Wang L, Wang R, Zhang Y, Li H, Ye T, Zhang Y, Luo X, Shao L, Sun Z, Cai D, Xu J, Lu Q, Deng Y, Shen L, Ji H, Sun Y, Chen H. Onco Targets Ther. 2014;7:1423-37. doi: 10.2147/OTT.S58900.

Prognos c significance of adenocarcinoma in situ, minimally invasive adenocarcinoma, and nonmucinous lepidic predominant invasive adenocarcinoma of the lung in pa ents with stage I disease. Kadota K, Villena-Vargas J, Yoshizawa A, Motoi N, Sima CS, Riely GJ, Rusch VW, Adusumilli PS, Travis WD. Am J Surg Pathol. 2014 Apr;38(4):448-60. doi: 10.1097/ PAS.0000000000000134.

Outsourcing cytological samples to a referral laboratory for EGFR tes ng in non-small cell lung cancer: does theory meet prac ce? Vigliar E, Malapelle U, Bellevicine C, de Luca C, Troncone G. Cytopathology. 2014 Nov 7. doi: 10.1111/cyt.12221. [Epub ahead of print]

Proposed revision of CT-based cervical and thoracic lymph node levels for esophageal cancer in UICC 7th version. Liu M, Chen Y, Fu X, Zhao K, Jiang GL. Radiother Oncol. 2014 Nov;113(2):175-81. doi: 10.1016/j.radonc.2014.11.022. Epub 2014 Nov 26.

Pulmonary adenocarcinoma: implica ons of the recent advances in molecular biology, treatment and the IASLC/ATS/ ERS classifica on. Revannasiddaiah S, Thakur P, Bhardwaj B, Susheela SP, Madabhavi I. J Thorac Dis. 2014 Oct;6(Suppl 5):S502-25. doi: 10.3978/j. issn.2072-1439.2014.05.19. Review. Pulmonary enteric adenocarcinoma: a study of the clinicopathologic and molecular status of nine cases. Wang CX, Liu B, Wang YF, Zhang RS, Yu B, Lu ZF, Shi QL, Zhou XJ. Int J Clin Exp Pathol. 2014;7(3):1266-74. Recent advances and clinical implica ons of the micropapillary histological subtype in lung adenocarcinomas. Lee MC, Buitrago DH, Kadota K, Jones DR, Adusumilli PS. Lung Cancer Manag. 2014 Jun 1;3(3):245-253. Relevance of EGFR muta on with micropapillary pa ern according to the novel IASLC/ATS/ERS lung adenocarcinoma classifica on and correla on with prognosis in Chinese pa ents. Chao L, Yi-Sheng H, Yu C, Li-Xu Y, Xin-Lan L, Dong-Lan L, Jie C, Yi-Lon W, Hui LY. Lung Cancer. 2014 Nov;86(2):164-9. doi: 10.1016/j.lungcan.2014.08.018. Epub 2014 Sep 8. Relevance of the novel IASLC/ATS/ERS classifica on of lung adenocarcinoma in advanced disease. Campos-Parra AD, Avilés A, Contreras-Reyes S, Rojas-Marín CE, Sánchez-Reyes R, Borbolla-Escoboza RJ, Arrieta O. Eur Respir J. 2014 May;43(5):1439-47. doi: 10.1183/09031936.00138813. Epub 2014 Jan 16. Reproducibility of 3 Histologic Classifica ons and 3 Staging Systems for Thymic Epithelial Neoplasms and Its Effect on Prognosis. Roden AC, Yi ES, Jenkins SM, Edwards KK, Donovan JL, Lewis JE, Cassivi SD, Marks RS, Garces YI, Aubry MC. Am J Surg Pathol. 2015 Jan 28. [Epub ahead of print] Revised ESTS guidelines for preopera ve medias nal lymph node staging for non-small-cell lung cancer. De Leyn P, Dooms C, Kuzdzal J, Lardinois D, Passlick B, Rami-Porta R, Turna A, Van Schil P, Venuta F, Waller D, Weder W, Zielinski M. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 2014 May;45(5):787-98. doi: 10.1093/ ejcts/ezu028. Epub 2014 Feb 26. Risk factors of recurrence for resected T1aN0M0 invasive lung adenocarcinoma: a clinicopathologic study of 177 pa ents. Yang F, Chen K, Liao Y, Li X, Sun K, Bao D, Wang J. World J Surg Oncol. 2014 Sep 13;12:285. doi: 10.1186/14777819-12-285. Staging lymph node metastases from lung cancer in the medias num. Terán MD, Brock MV. J Thorac Dis. 2014 Mar;6(3):230-6. doi: 10.3978/j.issn.20721439.2013.12.18. Review.

Stereotac c Abla ve Radiotherapy for Centrally Located Early-Stage Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer: What We Have Learned on behalf of the IASLC Advanced Radia on Technology Commi ee. Chang JY, Bezjak A, Mornex F; On behalf of the IASLC Advanced Radia on Technology Commi ee. J Thorac Oncol. 2014 Dec 15. [Epub ahead of print] Supplementary prognos c variables for pleural mesothelioma: a report from the IASLC staging commi ee. Pass HI, Giroux D, Kennedy C, Ruffini E, Cangir AK, Rice D, Asamura H, Waller D, Edwards J, Weder W, Hoffmann H, van Meerbeeck JP, Rusch VW; IASLC Staging Commi ee and Par cipa ng Ins tu ons. J Thorac Oncol. 2014 Jun;9(6):856-64. doi: 10.1097/ JTO.0000000000000181. Suppor ve care in lung cancer: Milestones over the past 40 years. Molassio s A, Uyterlinde W, Hollen PJ, Sarna L, Palmer P, Krishnasamy M. J Thorac Oncol. 2014 Oct 16. [Epub ahead of print]

Survival analysis of pa ents with non-small cell lung cancer who underwent surgical resec on following 4 lung cancer resec on guidelines. Yue D, Gong L, You J, Su Y, Zhang Z, Zhang Z, Gu F, Wang M, Wang C. BMC Cancer. 2014 Jun 10;14:422. doi: 10.1186/1471-2407-14422.

The 2011 IASLC/ATS/ERS pulmonary adenocarcinoma classifica on: a landmark in personalized medicine for lung cancer management. Tang Y, He Z, Zhu Q, Qiao G. J Thorac Dis. 2014 Oct;6(Suppl 5):S589-96. doi: 10.3978/j. issn.2072-1439.2014.09.15. Review.

The correla on of the Interna onal Associa on for the Study of Lung Cancer (IASLC)/American Thoracic Society (ATS)/European Respiratory Society (ERS) classifica on with prognosis and EGFR muta on in lung adenocarcinoma. Yanagawa N, Shiono S, Abiko M, Ogata SY, Sato T, Tamura G. Ann Thorac Surg. 2014 Aug;98(2):453-8. doi: 10.1016/j. athoracsur.2014.04.108. Epub 2014 Jun 21.

The IASLC lung cancer staging project: the new database to inform the eighth edi on of the TNM classifica on of lung cancer. Rami-Porta R, Bolejack V, Giroux DJ, Chansky K, Crowley J, Asamura H, Goldstraw P; Interna onal Associa on for the Study of Lung Cancer Staging and Prognos c Factors Committee, Advisory Board Members and Par cipa ng Ins tu ons. J Thorac Oncol. 2014 Nov;9(11):1618-24. doi: 10.1097/ JTO.0000000000000334.


The IASLC/ATS/ERS classifica on of lung adenocarcinoma-a surgical point of view. Fang W, Xiang Y, Zhong C, Chen Q. J Thorac Dis. 2014 Oct;6(Suppl 5):S552-60. doi: 10.3978/j. issn.2072-1439.2014.06.09. Review. The IASLC/ITMIG Thymic Epithelial Tumors Staging Project: proposal for an evidence-based stage classifica on system for the forthcoming (8th) edi on of the TNM classifica on of malignant tumors. De erbeck FC, Stra on K, Giroux D, Asamura H, Crowley J, Falkson C, Filosso PL, Frazier AA, Giaccone G, Huang J, Kim J, Kondo K, Lucchi M, Marino M, Marom EM, Nicholson AG, Okumura M, Ruffini E, Van Schil P; Staging and Prognos c Factors Committee; Members of the Advisory Boards; Par cipa ng Ins tu ons of the Thymic Domain. J Thorac Oncol. 2014 Sep;9(9 Suppl 2):S65-72. doi: 10.1097/ JTO.0000000000000290. The IASLC/ITMIG Thymic Epithelial Tumors Staging Project: proposals for the N and M components for the forthcoming (8th) edi on of the TNM classifica on of malignant tumors. Kondo K, Van Schil P, De erbeck FC, Okumura M, Stra on K, Giroux D, Asamura H, Crowley J, Falkson C, Filosso PL, Giaccone G, Huang J, Kim J, Lucchi M, Marino M, Marom EM, Nicholson AG, Ruffini E; Staging and Prognos c Factors Commi ee; Members of the Advisory Boards; Par cipa ng Ins tu ons of the Thymic Domain. J Thorac Oncol. 2014 Sep;9(9 Suppl 2):S81-7. doi: 10.1097/ JTO.0000000000000291. The IASLC/ITMIG Thymic Epithelial Tumors Staging Project: proposals for the T Component for the forthcoming (8th) edi on of the TNM classifica on of malignant tumors. Nicholson AG, De erbeck FC, Marino M, Kim J, Stra on K, Giroux D, Asamura H, Crowley 36 J, Falkson C, Filosso PL, Giaccone G, Huang J, Kondo K, Lucchi M, Marom EM, Okumura M, Ruffini E, Van Schil P; Staging and Prognos c Factors Commi ee; Members of the Advisory Boards; Par cipa ng Ins tu ons of the Thymic Domain. J Thorac Oncol. 2014 Sep;9(9 Suppl 2):S73-80. doi: 10.1097/ JTO.0000000000000303. The ITMIG/IASLC Thymic Epithelial Tumors Staging Project: A Proposed Lymph Node Map for Thymic Epithelial Tumors in the Forthcoming 8th Edi on of the TNM Classifica on of Malignant Tumors. Bhora FY, Chen DJ, De erbeck FC, Asamura H, Falkson C, Filosso PL, Giaccone G, Huang J, Kim J, Kondo K, Lucchi M, Marino M, Marom EM, Nicholson AG, Okumura M, Ruffini E, Van Schil P; Staging and Prognos c Factors Commi ee; Advisory Boards. J Thorac Oncol. 2014 Sep;9(9 Suppl 2):S88-96. doi: 10.1097/ JTO.0000000000000293. The lung adenocarcinoma guidelines: what to be considered by surgeons. Sardenberg RA, Mello ES, Younes RN. J Thorac Dis. 2014 Oct;6(Suppl 5):S561-7. doi: 10.3978/j. issn.2072-1439.2014.08.25. Review.


The new histologic classifica on of lung primary adenocarcinoma subtypes is a reliable prognos c marker and iden fies tumors with different muta on status: the experience of a French cohort. Mansuet-Lupo A, Bobbio A, Blons H, Becht E, Ouakrim H, Didelot A, Charpen er MC, Bain S, Marmey B, Bonjour P, Biton J, Cremer I, Dieu-Nosjean MC, Sautès-Fridman C, Régnard JF, Laurent-Puig P, Alifano M, Damo e D. Chest. 2014 Sep;146(3):633-43. doi: 10.1378/chest.13-2499. The new IASLC/ATS/ERS lung adenocarcinoma classifica on from a clinical perspec ve: current concepts and future prospects. Zugazagoi a J, Enguita AB, Nuñez JA, Iglesias L, Ponce S. J Thorac Dis. 2014 Oct;6(Suppl 5):S526-36. doi: 10.3978/j.issn.20721439.2014.01.27. Review. The New IASLC-ATS-ERS Lung Adenocarcinoma Classifica on: What the Surgeon Should Know. Eguchi T, Kadota K, Park BJ, Travis WD, Jones DR, Adusumilli PS. Semin Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2014 Autumn;26(3):210-22. doi: 10.1053/j.semtcvs.2014.09.002. Epub 2014 Sep 16. The revised lung adenocarcinoma classifica on-an imaging guide. Gardiner N, Jogai S, Wallis A. J Thorac Dis. 2014 Oct;6(Suppl 5):S537-46. doi: 10.3978/j.issn.20721439.2014.04.05. Review. Using Frozen Sec on to Iden fy Histologic Pa erns in Stage I Lung Adenocarcinoma ? 3 cm: Accuracy and Interobserver Agreement. Yeh YC, Nitadori JI, Kadota K, Yoshizawa A, Rekhtman N, Moreira AL, Sima CS, Rusch VW, Adusumilli PS, Travis WD. Histopathology. 2014 May 29. doi: 10.1111/his.12468. [Epub ahead of print] The Interna onal Associa on Study Lung Cancer (IASLC) Strategic Screening Advisory Commi ee (SSAC) response to the USPSTF recommenda ons. Field JK, Aberle DR, Altorki N, Baldwin DR, Dresler C, Duffy SW, Goldstraw P, Hirsch FR, Pedersen JH, de Koning HJ, Mulshine JL, Sullivan DC, Tsao MS, Travis WD; Interna onal Associa on for the Study of Lung Cancer Strategic Screening Advisory Commi ee. J Thorac Oncol. 2014 Feb;9(2):141-3. doi: 10.1097/ JTO.0000000000000060. No abstract available. Valida on of the new IASLC/ATS/ERS lung adenocarcinoma classifica on: a surgeon’s perspec ve. Rocco R, Jones DR, Morabito A, Franco R, La Man a E, Rocco G. J Thorac Dis. 2014 Oct;6(Suppl 5):S547-51. doi: 10.3978/j. issn.2072-1439.2014.06.43. Review. Tumor, node and metastasis classifica on of lung cancer--M1a versus M1b--analysis of M descriptors and other prognos c factors. Sánchez de Cos Escuín J, Abal Arca J, Melchor Íñiguez R, Miravet Sorribes L, Núñez Ares A, Hernández Hernández JR, García Arangüena L, Núñez Delgado M, Pavón Fernández MJ, Francisco Corral G, de Esteban Júlvez L, González Budiño MT, Abad Cavaco F, Ansótegui Barrera E, Andreo García F, Serra Mitjans M, Hernández Rodríguez H. Lung Cancer. 2014 May;84(2):182-9. doi: 10.1016/j.lungcan.2014.02.006. Epub 2014 Feb 23.



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