Portfolio Iason Stathatos inquiry(?) 201608

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Iason Stathatos

I was born in 1993, in Athens. Since September 2014, I live in the Netherlands, where I study at TU Delft. My current research focuses on the void in Architecture. This is being achieved though an intense experimentation on original strategies of urban removal and a meticulous historical study on the aborted OMA’s projects for the city of Paris. Recent Publication: ”Le Vide; The Time Rem Failed to Seduce Francois”, San Rocco #12, 04/2016 I am fluent in French, English (C2 Dipl., ielts 8/9), Greek, and I am currently learning Italian. I can be followed on twitter @iason_stathatos. Contact me at: +31628156657, iasonstathatos@hotmail.com


Delft University of Technology, Master’s degree, Architecture, Urbanism and Building Sciences (sp. Arch.), 8.52/10 2014 - 2016 ÉNSA Paris La Villette Bachelor’s degree (Licence), Arch., 18/20 2011 - 2014 Adamopoulou School of Art, Athens Architectural and Freehand Drawing, 18.5/20 2008 – 2011 Lyceum of Drossia, Athens High School, Tech. Baccalaureat 19.4/20, 2008 – 2011

Competition, Award

1st prize, PrixW by the Wilmotte Foundation Exhibition,14th Venice Arch. Biennale; 2014 “Taking Buildings Down” Competition, Storefront for Art and Architecture; 2016 “120hours” Student Competition; 2015 Piraeus’ Underwater Antiquities Museum Competition (Mariolopoulou’s Team); 2012

Activity, Society, Volunteerism

Argus Monthly Paper, Writer; 2015-16 Self-managed KAFET, Barista; 2013 Special Olympics World Summer Games Athens 2011, Spectators Services; 2011 Head of the Students’ Class Board, Students Association Board, School’s Theatre Team (Director), European Youth Parliament; 2008 – 11


JV Salini Impregilo S.P.A. Terna A.E. Construction, New Greek National Library (Renzo Piano B.W.) Jul. – Aug. 2014 JP Avax Ghella Alstom Transport Construction, Athens Metro Line 3, Piraeus Jul. – Aug. 2013 Architecture, Workshop D. Sotovikis, Athens Competition?????? Jul. – Sep. 2012

Self Development

The Berlage Theory Masterclass, By Ippolito Pestellini Laparelli, OMA.AMO; Mar. 2015 The Berlage Design Masterclass, By Ben van Berkel, Nov. 2014 Argus Annual Workshop, Assemble Studio Nov. 2015 Coney Island “Proto-Public Space” Workshop, By TU Delft, KU Leuven, The Pratt Institute Nov. 2014 Bellastock, Experimental Architecture Festival; May. 2013 EASA 2013 Slovenia, French Delegate Aug. 2013

Computer Skill

Adobe Suite (Ps,Ai,Id), Autocad (2D-3D), Rhino, VRay, Language (Html, Css, Jquery)


Architecture never wholly was “one�, but was ever in process of becoming. The limits of the current practice can only be challenged when asking the right questions. Some of mine were chosen as the primal matter of this portfolio.

Complete Projects and Latest Updates at: www.iasonstathatos.com


How to Preserve an Event?

A Reconstruction Project for Pyramiden, Svarbard Competition, 02/2015

While attempting to evaluate what out of the existing corpus of buildings should be preserved and passed down to the next generations, our team realized that the most seductive component of this land is the fact that humans have left. In their absence, the site is allowed to return to its prior state. Here, the decision that led to this promising reality is the only meaningful past: The momentum of people leaving Pyramiden was to be preserved. The sentiment that once accompanied this event is now to be repeated countless times, through a linear journey towards the sea. Its sequences of views and experiences “constructs� an collective reflection on our actions and their impact. This is the legacy that Pyramiden has to offer in view of the challenges that the Arctic zone will face in the years to come.



On Board, While Leaving

first prize, Prix W 2014 by the Wilmotte Foundation

exhibition at the 14th Venice Biennale of Architecture


Can We Marry Heritage and Innovation?

A Cultural Center at The Tower of London Competition, 04/2014

In the Tower of London common memory, contemporary city, river Thames and public space create a continuum. The intervention is conceived as a passage from the city to its roots: A thin surface, curved by the necessity to facilitate the access to the Tower, sets a new frame to admire the monument through an intimate public space. Its floor’s design interprets the link between the city’s rapidly changing skyline and the water, an element of primal importance for the Tower’s perception, as the moat is completely re-filled with it. Crossing the almost hidden entrances, visitors find themselves in the internal core of the building, where the structure of the ceiling offers an exceptional interplay of light and shadow. Here, the most valuable artifacts are exhibited next to modern creations, while the institution finally meets the 21st century museum standards.



The Roof, View Towards the Tower of London

Fondaco degli Angeli, Exhibition at the 14th Venice Biennale of Architecture

Longitudinal Section


Is the Banlieues’ Residential Tower up to Date?

65 Social Housing Units in Aubervilliers, Paris Metropolitan Area Academic, 01/2014

The vivid debate over the construction of singular high-rise buildings in Paris found a new reference on a socially “sensible” neighborhood, strategically placed in the middle of a discontinuous urban fabric, itself being a palimpsest of medieval, industrial traces and “Grands Ensembles”. That context was seen as an ideal chance to experiment on densification by making use of a basic modernist (“blameworthy”) toolbox, intending to combine the benefits of the vertical and the horizontal city, both found in scattered fragments in situ. In order to propose that living on and next to an “object” (the tower), can be equally sustainable, a complex built ensemble was created by juxtaposing a variety of housing typologies, while coherence has been ensured by the collective courtyards. Being open to their urban environment and the nearby inhabitants, they set a new frame of a non-isolated domestic modus vivendi, based on social mixity.



The Entrance, Pencil on Paper

Within the Context, Model

Typical Floor


What Future For an Unsuccessful Business District of The 70s?

A Cultural Port in Rive Gauche, Paris Academic, 06/2014

The idea of creating a passenger harbor in Paris Rive Gauche takes into consideration the important role that this district is expected to have in the following years, as Grand Paris comes to life. Having in mind this metropolitan scale, the project functions as the centerpiece of an extended cultural network of “transportable events” which takes advantage of the potential redevelopment of the Seine ports. In the scale of the neighborhood, the project reorganizes the logistic flows around an interchange of combined transports (bateaubus, RER,subway). Instead of simplistically “building” around the hub of a district saturated by the “objects” of the past, the scheme proposes to unite and multiply the existing experiences, using as a vehicle an impressive structural system inspired by harbor’s cranes. The base of the project, with its cultural facilities and restaurants is open to all, while the mass of the 108 housing units invites residents and visitors to discover their own city through terraces, inner roads and panoramic walks.








1. Primal Structure; 2. Secondary Structure; 3. Housing; 4. Shared Facilities; 5. Circulation; 6. Public Space.

Bird’s Eye Exploded Isometric Showing The Slab’s Composition

The Why Factory Research Studio, TU Delft


How to Combine Maximum Desires and Maximum Density?

Multi-user Real Time Video Games Academic, 01/2015

EgoCity, instead of juxtaposing “average” individual “dreams”, proposes a new urban model whose primal matter is its citizens’ most crazy fantasies. It is a project that goes far beyond a theatre of formal architectural folies and aspires to construct, in urbanised and dense conditions, a participative dream, a living mosaic that contains an unlimited amount of desired situations. In order to achieve that, rather than focusing on an aesthetic result, a particular interest has been manifested in the development of an appropriate gaming process that would be capable of taking advantage of every player’s selfishness and then transform it into a spatial potential. We consider that this constant emergence of unexpected typologies can be proven a vehicle of crucial interest towards an authentically human-driven architecture.



A Possible Context

Writing and Editorial Committee, EgoCity Book, 430 Pages

Longitudinal Section, All Players


When does Banality become Exceptional?

An Event Laboratory in Coney Island, New York Academic, 07/2015

According to Rem Koolhaas, Coney Island is the laboratory of the Technology of the Fantastic. The intervention (essentially an act of transplantation) takes advantage of this rich heritage by reproducing a distorted version of the facades’ sequence, once found in the iconic amusement parks. Having discarded the program itself, the essential for the interaction is left: a plan as a simple trace in the ground and a decorated two-dimensional surface associated to it. The project gradually metabolizes the brutal urban transitions by submitting the environment in a new logical luckiness: The old separations are replaced by zones of “contaminated space�, with a radically new organization, even if none of its existing functions is altered. However, this intervention remains an ephemeral and fragile gesture. The people of Coney Island are free to choose their way of appropriation, generating an infinite number of possible scenarios. Only one of them is depicted here.


Intervention on the Threshold, Plan/Facade

State Upon Inauguration


Could Climatic Phenomena Become Architectural Tools?

A 2030 Proof Horizontal Facade for Kunsthal, Rotterdam Academic, 10/2014

The project proposes an internal artificial climate that functions responding to the external natural variations. Thanks to the combination of only three parameters: temperature-T, light intensity-lux and relative humidity-%, an infinite number of interior situations is possible to occur. The challenge for the new structural system was to support more than 700m2 of glazed surfaces, but simultaneously to appear as unusually lightweight. The design was essentially guided by the necessity for a particular homogenous (but constantly changing) luminous environment. Direct sunlight is scattered, reflected or refracted by a multi-layered construction with different functions in the respective layers.


Sections Through the Pedestrian Ramp, and the Roof (Detail)










1. Solar Panels, Ultra-violet Filtering, Clear Glass Double-glazed Units; 2. Steel Flat Bearers; 3. Adjustable Aluminum Louvers; 4. Lighting Track; 5. Fixed Steel Grading; 6. Double Steel Channels; 7. Steel Rods for Glazing Ceiling; 8. Textile Deflecting Screen; 9. Double-glazed Units

Worm’s Eye Exploded Isometric Showing The Roof’s Layers

void capital (in progress)

What process towards a perpetually contemporary architecture?

Reconstruction of the Samaritaine Department Store, Paris Academic, Graduation Project in Progress

“Void Capital” proposes a new model of densification for the Western Metropolis. “Void Capital” is a process that intervenes directly in the unbuilt to generate architecture for the city. “Void Capital” asks questions about the relation between workspace, domestic and public spheres in the emerging pedestrian-friendly urban core. “Void Capital”challenges muséification, banal urban removal, the invention of new forms per se, periphery’s social isolation, existing gradients of ownership, the commodification of leisure. “Void Capital” claims that the accommodation of the metropolitan program to the built infrastructure over time, is a process in which the void holds an essential role.



First Floor, Axonometric

Collaborators and Supervisors

impulse (p. 4-7)

stimuli (p. 30-33)

In Collaboration with K. E. Papasimakis

In Collaboration with Lucile Dugal

flow (p. 8-13)

Chair of Methods and Analysis, TU Delft: Tom Avermaete; t.l.p.avermaete@tudelft.nl Hans Teerds; P.J.Teerds@tudelft.nl Leeke Reinders; L.G.A.J.Reinders@tudelft.nl

In Collaboration with K. E. Papasimakis Find out about the mission of the Wilmotte Foundation at http://fondationwilmotte.fr/

sole (p. 14-19)

adjust (p. 34-37)

V. Cornu; vincen.cornu@wanadoo.fr Br. Gaudin; architecture@bruno-gaudin.fr B. The model was a collective product.

Delft Seminars on Building Technology Hans Nout; info@noutarchitecten.nl

multiple (p. 20-23)

Explore Lab Research Studio, TU Delft: Tom Avermaete; t.l.p.avermaete@tudelft.nl Jorge Mejia Hernandez; j.a.mejiahernandez@tudelft.nl Patrick Healy; p.e.healy@tudelft.nl Ype Cuperus; Y.J.Cuperus@tudelft.nl

In Collaboration with K. E. Papasimakis P. Jean;V.philippe.jean.architecte@wanadoo.fr J. Lipski; justinelipski@yahoo.fr C.LabbĂŠ; xian.labbe@dollelabbe.com F. RozĂŠ; fr@fr-architecture.com

egoCity (p. 24-29)

In Collaboration with: Niels Baljet, Francesco Barone, Felix Borel, Charles Ducerisier, Lucile Dugal, Hui Chun Hoi, Wen Jun, Tarryn Leeferink, Zichen Liu, Javier Lopez-Menchero, Prokop Matej, Marek Nosek, Matteo Pavanello, Olina Terzi, Loes Thijssen, Soo Woo The Why Factory Studio, TU Delft Winy Maas F. Mandrazo; mfelix@thewhyfactory.com A. Ravon; adrien@thewhyfactory.com A. van Wart; arendvw@gmail.com

void capital (p. 38-41)

Further Documentation

Complete Projects and Latest Updates at: www.iasonstathatos.com

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