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Remembering Joseph Fink

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The book of the heart has many chapters and titles. It is permeated with never-ending secrets to be discovered and new mysteries to be revealed with the will of the divine and the guidance of a teacher.

– Nahid Angha

an excerpt...

In March 2019, Sufi Masters Dr. Nahid Angha and Shah Nazar Seyyed Dr. Ali Kianfar invited their students to explore together more deeply the mystical implications of Sufism, with an emphasis on the Uwaiysi path, which centers on the intoxicating messages of heart. Fourteen students felt called to participate in what became known as the Seasons of Transformation group. Facilitated by Professor Saleh Arthur Scott, the group consisted of a broad crosssection of gender, professions, race, education, age, and length of time practicing Sufism...

Most of us started as seekers who were spiritually disillusioned and perplexed when we arrived at the door of our Sufi teachers. However, their integrity, authenticity, and humility made their wisdom certain and reliable. Their knowledge of divine principles made the way forward clear. We were fortunate to be accepted as their students, and, under their guidance, to embark on a path of purification, learning to clean the mind of its nonsense, practice self-discipline, and be still and be in the moment in order to Be. All of us have experienced personal struggles along the way, for it is not an easy process. Our voicing of these struggles and triumphs, and our collective wisdom for how to overcome strives, gave us all strength and fortified our intentions to persist on the path. We were joined together as “those who believe and counsel each other to be steadfast, and counsel each other to be merciful.”

Drawing on the principles of the Uwaiysi way, we also found inspiration in the relationship of Uwaiys Gharan and the Prophet Mohammed, who, paradoxically, were close despite never having met physically. What made their spiritual intimacy so deep arose from the heart, embodying an energy that transcended time and space. Their relationship exemplifies the mystery of the “hidden teacher” and demonstrates how two persons, although separated by space/time, can speak heart to heart and share divine truth. This principle of

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heart to heart connection, and of experiencing life as emanating from the ever-present Wine Bearer (God), constitutes the essence of the Uwaiysi path. It gave rise to the greeting, “I sense the fragrance of Rahman wafting from Yemen,” wherein Prophet Mohammad referred to the compassion and mercy embodied by Uwaiys, who lived far away. The principle of heart to heart connection with the hidden teacher also helped those of us in the Seasons of Transformation group understand that the Prophets, Masters, and Holy Ones are present with us, guiding and supporting our individual and collective efforts...

After a period of time, Dr. Angha suggested we each write our personal narratives of transformation on the path in order to share our experiences with future seekers, who, likewise, may feel called to discover the divine and so leave the ruins of materialism. Perhaps our personal stories will serve as encouragement, points of reference, and lampposts for fellow seekers who, in the solitude of their hearts, may experience loneliness, confusion, and doubt as they traverse what is undoubtedly the most difficult journey of all–the inward transformation from limitation to Unity. Indeed, this process is known as the Greater Jihad, the struggle of all struggles.

We would like to acknowledge our gratitude to Dr. Angha who made the miracle of the fourteen, the Seasons of Transformation group, a reality. She continues to inspire and encourage us. Over the years and in many of our Sufi gatherings, she has reminded us of the uniqueness of our own existence and how special our moment in time/place is. In short, she has made it clear that our existence has been intentionally woven by the Compassion of the Beloved over billions and billions of years, and that each of us is integral to the whole. What great knowledge!

She mirrors this sacred knowledge/truth. Her discernments about heart, meditation, and self are messages from eternity. Emanations from Oneness, her knowledge transcends time and space. Her modesty is truly inspiring. She is always present. She is indeed a sacred, subtle melody. Her energy, always dignified, is an exquisite model for all of humanity. She holds everything together. We thank her, and Dr. Kianfar, for helping us witness this truth:

Let love live eternally Whether I live or die. Let the gold of my being become pure, Burning by this fire of love.

Seasons of Transformation addresses the need that many have for a new direction through a collection of first-person accounts from American Sufi students who share their personal journeys from being lost in ego/culture to finding another pathway to peace and wellness.

The beauty of Seasons is that notwithstanding one’s orientation you cannot help but be touched by these spiritual accounts/insights.

The search for the Divine is universal and perennial. It transcends borders and time. The variety of perspectives, their honesty, as well as the inherent universality of themes rings true for all humanity.

There were 14 who responded to Dr. Angha’s call to narrative their experiences for future seekers. These 14 are diverse in gender, age, occupation, and nationality. They came together somewhat apprehensively but left transformed as they found a deeper understanding of Self, of community, and of The Holy Qur’an.

The greatest realization that what we are all looking for is already within us, and that the quickest way to it was though the doorway of the heart.

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Inspiration: Lights of Stillness is a unique offering in spiritual literature in the genre of Khalil Gibran`s Prophet. Its Forty Reflections provide insight into many of the existential challenges confronting modernity. Forty points to renewal, to self-rebirth, which is the quintessential theme of Inspiration. The Master, throughout its pages, urges humanity to return to the stillness of heart by dropping the images of thought and the distractions of culture.

Inspiration is structured in a series of 40 questions and answers between student and Master. Compiled and edited by Dominican University Professor, Saleh Arthur Scott, it runs the gamut from knowledge to wisdom, from intention to balance, from yearning to heart, from resurrection to oneness, as well as other meaningful life questions.

The Master, Shah Nazar Seyyed Ali Kianfar of the Uwaiysi Tariqa, is an author, global speaker and cofounder of the International Association of Sufism and editor of Sufism: An Inquiry. Being heart-bound is the cornerstone of his teaching, it is all that you really need to know. As he likes to say, “In true meditation the mind dissolves in the center of the heart.”

Readers, upon absorbing the wisdom and knowledge of Inspiration, may expect to experience a deep renewal and transformation of Self in which joy, gratefulness and peace can permeate their awareness and energy. Life becomes more effortless, easy, and still.

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