23rdInt ernat ionalIat efl rd 2 3 SloveniaConference23rd International IATEFL Slovenia ConferenceeflSloven Int ernat ionalIat 3 - 6 March 2016 Terme Topolšica Conference23rdInt ernat io SloveniaConference23rd Internat ionalIateflSloven Conference23rdInternat io IateflSloveniaConferenc rence23rdInt ernat ionalIa Where inspiration is born rd
i Ob 400. obletnic vanj to po i m ra posebni prog nd ez Lo ona) v Anglijo (z ali br espeara” “Po sledeh Shak
TWin odlični izleti! Turistična agencija TWIN se s kulturno-izobraževalnimi potovanji ukvarja že 20. leto. Ker v Veliko Britanijo potujemo pogosteje kot večina ostalih slovenskih organizatorjev potovanj, ponujamo odlično in preverjeno izvedbo. Naše cene tudi že vključujejo javni prevoz in obvezne vstopnine. Cene so odvisne predvsem od termina odhoda in vaše fleksibilnosti pri odhodu.
Zemljemerska ulica 12 1000 Ljubljana Tel.: 01 280 28 20, 040 187 830 e-pošta: twin@siol.net www.twintur.com
Zakaj s Twin-om v London: 1 2
4 5
Pogosti in redni, zagotovljeni odhodi v London. Twin organizira šolska potovanja v London že 20 let, v povprečju imamo na mesec vsaj 3 zagotovljene odhode v London. Odlično vodstvo. Pri Twinu se zavedamo, da je odlično poznavanje običajev in turističnih znamenitosti Londončanov le prvi korak k odlični izvedbi. Naši vodniki imajo dolgoletne izkušnje pri vodenju šolske mladine, zato odlično poznajo vse sestavine programa, saj jih sami pripravljajo. Tudi zato je vodenje/izvedba toliko bolj fleksibilna glede na želje skupine. Naj še omenimo, da boste v Sloveniji težko našli vodnike, ki v London vodijo tako pogosto kot Twinovi vodniki. Nastanitev, ki presega običajno turistično kategorijo. Pri Twinu se zavedamo, da je dober spanec pomembna sestavina izleta. Vsi naši hoteli so hoteli s 3* in pri večini udeležencev presežejo njihova pričakovanja. Kot specialist za London lahko zagotovimo vsaj en bogat angleški zajtrk (običajnih zajtrki v Londonu so skromni kontinentalni). Nikoli naknadno ne spreminjamo pogojev. Naša cena je vedno znana že ob prijavi in se nikoli ne spremeni zaradi spremembe cen dobaviteljev, goriva oz letalskega prevoznika. Vedno ponudimo kakšno dodatno storitev – brezplačno. S program zagotavljamo minimalni obseg storitev oz. ogledov, vendar nikoli ne izvedemo samo minimalnega obsega – vedno, pri vsaki skupini dodamo nekaj posebnega, kar ni zapisano v programu. Prav tako v naših programih nikoli ne zapišemo “če bo čas dopuščal”, kajti vse naše programe vedno v celoti izvedemo. In ker si London zelo pogosto ogledujemo, poznamo tudi optimalno zaporedje ogledov brez nepotrebnega hitenja.
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Vsaj 183 osnovnih in srednjih šol je že potovalo z nami. Z nami zelo malo šol potuje samo enkrat. Če želite neobvezujoče vzpostaviti stik z organizatorjem na eni od šol, ki je že potovala z nami, vam bomo z veseljem posredovali kontakt. Ponujamo 3-dnevni program, kjer za izvedbo ni potrebno delovnika. Več informacij na www.twintur.com ali na 040 187 830 ali v poslovalnici na Zemljemerski ulici 12 v Ljubjani.
Osmisliti učenje je osnovna naloga vsakega učitelja in ni boljšega načina, kako priljubiti angleščino, od tega, da učence popelješ po svetu. V današnjih časih to ni enostavno. Šole in učitelji se bojijo odgovornosti, mnogi starši pa ne zmorejo ali znajo otrok odpeljati sami. Ni bilo lahko pred 15 leti prvič sesti na avtobus in se podati z agencijo, o kateri nismo vedeli ničesar, na večdnevno potovanje v Veliko Britanijo. Bilo nas je strah pred odhodom, a takoj ko smo se podali na pot, smo vedeli, da je bila odločitev prava. Po tistem, ko smo prvič potovali s TWinom, smo vedeli, da nas ne bo več strah. Lani smo že desetič odkrivali Evropo in vsakič smo se vrnili ne samo zadovoljni, ampak tudi hvaležni za TWinovo strokovnost, prijaznost, ustrežljivost ... Hvaležni smo celotni ekipi in nikoli ne bi izbrala druge agencije, saj sem prepričana, da niti cenovno niti strokovno potovanja ne bi mogla biti ugodneje in bolje izpeljana. Ta ekskurzija je postala stalna praksa naše šole in učenci komaj čakajo, da bodo dovolj stari, da se je bodo lahko udeležili. Nam, spremljevalcem, pa je v neizmerno veselje, ko jih opazujemo, kako polni vtisov in lepih doživetij še dolgo pripovedujejo o potovanju. Ksenija Tripkovič, OŠ Selnica ob Dravi
What is inspiration? We all talk about it, but what exactly does it mean? Among many definitions the best one is the one saying inspiration is “a good idea”. As teachers, we need to inspire on everyday basis - inspire students to fight for a better tomorrow, inspire parents to stick by their children when the going gets tough, inspire other teachers to grow and we certainly need to inspire ourselves not to give up when giving up seems to be the easiest (or the only) thing to do. Everything matters, even if it seems meaningless today. In 1961, Lorenz claimed that a butterfly that flaps its wings in the Amazonia may start a tornado in the USA. This example, although still widely discussed, shows how our actions in life matter. Coming to our conference may have been a bit of a hassle for you - travelling to Topolšica, leaving your family behind, finding coworkers to teach instead of you, covering the costs on your own - but the ideas and notions you share with your colleagues may start a tornado in your classroom and in you as a person. There are many workshops and talks at this conference that will help you find (or even create) your good idea. We want you to enjoy the venue and the people here and do not be afraid to find new friends, be different and get inspired. And we do hope that at the end of the conference you will be able to say: coming here was a good idea.
your IATEFL Slovenia team
d International IateflSlovenia Conference 23 rd Intern lSlovenia Conference 23 rd International IateflSloveni International IATEFL Slovenia Conference ce 23 rd Internat23 ional IateflSlovenia Conference 23 rd
Where inspiration is born
Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
General Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Conference programme . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Plenaries .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Workshops in alphabetical order . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Acknowledgment s We would like to give special thanks to the following: Embassy of the United States Ljubljana RELO Regional English Language Office Pilgrims Express Publishing Twin Center Oxford SOL MM Publications- ELT Hungary Terme Topolšica DZS Tangram Založba Obzorja English in Action Independent Usborne Representatives Spirit Slovenia British Council
The conference is also the venue for the 2nd ABELTA (Alliance of Balkan English Language Teachers’ associations) meeting, kindly sponsored by RELO and US Embassy.
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Registration Opening Times rd March Thursday 3 th March Friday 4 th March Saturday 5
14.00 – 19.00 08.00 – 09.00 08.00 – 09.00
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Raffle Raffle will take place after each 2nd coffee break and the main prizes will be given out on Saturday evening. You can buy the tickets at the registration desk.
d International IateflSlovenia Conference 23 rd Intern lSlovenia Conference 23 rd International IateflSloveni ce 23 rd International IateflSlovenia Conference 23 rd
nges a h C e m Program tions a l l e c n a C &
Coffee Brea k
Coffee and tea include d in will be serv ed during th the registration fee e thirty-min and afterno ute mornin on breaks. g The coffee will be loca /t ea stands ted in the e xhibition a rea.
Lunch Brea k
There will b e a one-ho ur break at Lunch is av lun ailable in th e hotel rest chtime. the hotel b aurant or in ar, where y ou can get refreshmen some light ts.
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Members of the Organising C ommittee for the Confe rence San
dra Vida Dolores Malić Jasna Šebez Janja Čolić Mateja Kores Polona Šivec Teja Podgrajš ek Nataša Meh Alenka Tratn ik Lea Sobočan Dragana Ste gić Gregor Pirš
Conference programme
Thursday, 3rd March 2016 TIME
14.00 – 19.00
Registration of the participants
16.00 – 17.30
Barbara Lesničar, Berta Kogoj, Alenka Andrin, Vineta Eržen Zavod RS za šolstvo: Predstavitev sprememb v učnem načrtu za angleščino v OŠ (4. – 9. razred)
17.30 – 18.00
Official opening of the conference
18.15 – 19.00
Steve Lever Creative and effective language learning
all, ws
plenary hall 1
Irena Dirjec English for students with mild intellectual disabilities
all, ESP, T
plenary hall 2
Katja Marenk What’s all the drama about?!
all, ws
room 2
Laszlo Katona Natural sciences in the English classroom
all, ESP, ws
room 3
19.00 – 20.00
20.00 – 21.30
International get-to-know-each-other evening
21.30 – 22.30
Treasure hunt in the swimming pool Swimming pool will be open until midnight just for the IATEFL Slovenia conference participants.
plenary hall 1
Friday, 4th March 2016
7.00 – 7.30
Morning gymnastics in the pool
8.30 – 8.50
Çiğdem Kayihan Aslan Using Ted talk videos in the EFL
adults, T
plenary hall 1
Irena Varga Dervarič Reading is fun
prim, T
plenary hall 2
Vesna Bulatović, Bojana Borković Large class assessment
adults, T
room 2
Marija Frangež Oscar Wilde, ideals and reality during the course of life
sec, adults, T
room 3
8.50 – 9.00
Welcome, changes
9.00 – 10.00
OPENING PLENARY Ken Wilson: Only connect - seven strategies for ensuring teacher-student communication in the classroom
prim = primary, sec = secondary, yl = young learners, vyl = very young learners, tert = tertiary, comm = commercial presentation, ws = workshop, T = talk, ESP = English for special purposes
TIME 10.15 – 11.00
Steve Lever Pathways to literature
sec, adults, T
plenary hall 1
Chris Walklett Creative uses for songs & song lyrics in the EFL classroom
all, ws
plenary hall 2
Margarita Kosior Re-negotiating the basics: learner autonomy
sec, adults, T
room 2
Marija Lukač Books make you taller
yl, prim, comm
room 3
Ken Wilson Q&A
room 4
11.00 – 11.30
Coffee break
11.30 – 12.15
Luke Meddings People, pronunciation and play
plenary hall 1
Bojana Mihelač Ideas for teaching young learners bits and bobs
yl, ws, comm
plenary hall 2
Dr Biljana Radić-Bojanić Fly me to the Moon: raising awareness of learning styles
all, ws
room 2
Alenka Gortan How about going On screen? -lessons come alive
sec, ws, comm
room 3
Alan Paradiž We’re going on a WebQuest!
all, T
plenary hall 1
Barbara Kragelj Jerič Sitting is not the best body pose for learning
all, ws
plenary hall 2
Alenka Battelino Formative assessment in high schools - a myth or a reality
sec, T
room 2
Marša Jović Teaching in a Montessori School
yl, prim, T, ws
room 3
12.30 – 13.00
13.00 – 14.00
14.15 – 15.00
Nora Tartsay Designing mobile app for language learning
sec, adults, ESP
plenary hall 1
Karen White One piece of paper
all, ws
plenary hall 2
Elvira Hodžić, Ramajana Zahirović Communication with digital natives
all, ws
room 2
Branka Dečković Authentic assessment
sec, ws
room 3
prim = primary, sec = secondary, yl = young learners, vyl = very young learners, tert = tertiary, comm = commercial presentation, ws = workshop, T = talk, ESP = English for special purposes
Conference programme
Conference programme
TIME 15.15 – 15.45
Greville Yeo, Sanja Čonjagić Language is all around
plenary hall 1
Peter Şirin Swimming against the tide: reaching anxious learners through audio feedback
adults, ESP, all, T
plenary hall 2
David Forinash Online, synchronous EFL and ESP instruction
all, T
room 2
Mojca Saje Kušar Feeling artistic?
sec, ws
room 3
Sandra Vida, Janja Čolić Surviving the vocational school
sec, T, comm
room 4
16.00 – 16.30
Coffee break + raffle!
16.30 – 17.15
Šarka Dohnalova A girl sold to be married into a foreign country
all, ws
plenary hall 1
Jesse Davey Identifying our professional growth areas using double-round student feedback
all, ws
plenary hall 2
Barbi Bujtas Confessions of a teacher (42) exhibiting severe generation Z symptoms
all, ws
room 2
Berta Kogoj Any building needs foundations, and so does literacy in English
yl, T
room 3
Nataša Puhner 4th grade English? Creative and cross-curricular story
prim, comm
room 4
Irena Škulj, Helena Osterman ICT inspires to design student-centred activities
all, T
plenary hall 1
Tanja Kovačič How to deal with mobile phone addictions among teen students?
all, T
plenary hall 2
Aleksandar Tonić ELT&ICT: Nearpod – create, engage, assess
all, ws
room 2
Katja Leban “Phonics” and phonogaphic method in the classroom
yl, ws
room 3
17.30 – 18.00
18.15 – 19.15
Thom Jones If music be the food of love, wrap the guitar in lettuce
19.30 – 21.00
21.00 – 23.00
Social evening – The ultimate pub quiz prim = primary, sec = secondary, yl = young learners, vyl = very young learners, tert = tertiary, comm = commercial presentation, ws = workshop, T = talk, ESP = English for special purposes
7.00 – 7.30
Morning gymnastics in the pool
8.30 – 8.50
Bojana Borković, Vesna Bulatović Using literature in ELT classroom
adults, T
room 2
Lendita Kryeziu The importance of songs in teaching
room 3
8.50 – 9.00
Welcome, changes
9.00 – 10.00
PLENARY Šarka Dohnalova: Knowing the map – teaching and learning something you are not good at
10.15 – 11.00
Ken Wilson Is anybody listening?
all, ws
plenary hall 1
Margit Szesztay, Uwe Pohl, Anna Csiky Teaching English with the three Cs
sec, adults, ws
plenary hall 2
Jasmina Miličević Dare to be “different“ against bullying in schools
ws, all
room 2
Breda Banovšek Spice up your lessons!
yl, prim, ws
room 3
Šarka Dohnalova Q&A
room 4
11.00 – 11.30
Coffee break
11.30 – 12.15
Velina Stojković Multiple Intelligences - why?
all, ws
plenary hall 1
Danny Singh Mother Europe
all, ws
plenary hall 2
Helena Miklavčič Sparkling inspiration in the classroom
sec, ws
room 2
Marjetka Pfajfar ESL lessons supporting primary school curriculum and students’ personal development
prim, ws
room 3
12.30 – 13.30
AGM Annual general meeting
plenary hall 2
Guided walk of the area 13.30 – 14.30
14.30 – 15.15
Kendra Peterson, Jane Kilner Silent skills
sec, adults, ESP, ws
plenary hall 1
Mike Harrison Drawing inspiration from sound and image
all, ws, PPT-free
plenary hall 2
Tanja Fajmut Spice up your lessons with films
all, T
room 2
Jean McCollister Minds in motion
yl, prim, ws
room 3
prim = primary, sec = secondary, yl = young learners, vyl = very young learners, tert = tertiary, comm = commercial presentation, ws = workshop, T = talk, ESP = English for special purposes
Conference programme
Saturday, 5th March 2016
Conference programme
TIME 15.30 – 16.15
Mojca Belak At ease with trees
all, ws
plenary hall 1
Nicola Epps Exploring correction in the classroom
all, comm
plenary hall 2
Aida Ibričević Clouds, storm and rain: a “production of ideas”
sec, adults, ESP, ws
room 2
Tjaša Lemut Novak Let’s do drama – using drama to teach English language
all, ws
room 3
16.15 – 16.45
Coffee break
16.45 – 17.45
PLENARY Luke Meddings: Learning space: creative ideas for self-study
18.00 – 19.30
Marcin Stanowski Let your fire burn! Dealing with teacher’s burnout
all, ws
plenary hall 1
Irena Dirjec Adapting written exams for students with dyslexia
plenary hall 2
Mija Selič Picture dictionary – take the words out and play with them
yl, ws
room 2
Dr Apolonija Klančar Attention problems: causes, symptoms, theraphy and classroom guidelines
all, ES, ws
room 3
18.00 – 18.45
Luke Meddings Q&A
room 4
18.45 – 19.30
Chatroom and parrafin bath for your hands - bring a towel!
plenary hall 2
19.15 – 20.30
20.30 – 23.00
Social evening + raffle of main prizes prim = primary, sec = secondary, yl = young learners, vyl = very young learners, tert = tertiary, comm = commercial presentation, ws = workshop, T = talk, ESP = English for special purposes
TIME 9.00 – 9.45
10.00 – 11.00
Sara Vanderberg Adding dimensions to language learning with digital media
all, ws
plenary hall 1
Gregor Pirš God damn it I am afraid
all, T, ws
plenary hall 2
Mirta Kos Kolobarić Animated films in ELT
all, ws
room 2
Maja Kovačič Lateral thinking puzzles
all, ws
room 3
Open space: time for reflection
prim = primary, sec = secondary, yl = young learners, vyl = very young learners, tert = tertiary, comm = commercial presentation, ws = workshop, T = talk, ESP = English for special purposes
AGM /Letna Skupščina Dnevni red: • Finančno poročilo o poslovanju društva • Poročilo o projektih • Vabilo k bolj aktivnemu ustvarjanju v društvu • Razno Vabljeni so vsi člani.
Notes • • • • • • • •
Conference programme
Sunday, 6th March 2016
d International IateflSlovenia Conference 23 rd Intern lSlovenia Conference 23 rd International IateflSloveni ce 23 rd International IateflSlovenia Conference 23 rd
Thursday, 3rd March 2016 16.00 – 17.30
Barbara Lesničar, Berta Kogoj, Alenka Andrin, Vineta Eržen, Zavod RS za šolstvo: Predstavitev sprememb v učnem načrtu za angleščino v OŠ (4. – 9. razred) Due to the gradual introduction of English as the majority first foreign language (beginning in 2014/15, including all primary schools in 2016/17) in the first cycle of the primary school, it was necessary to adapt both the already existing learning objectives as well as the standards of knowledge (2011) with the objectives and standards set in the English as the first foreign language curriculum in the 2nd and 3rd grade of the primary school (2013). This is how and why the students will be able to continue with foreign language learning and to upgrade their mastery of it in the second and the third cycle of the primary school. In accordance with theories and research of foreign language acquisition we had to adapt general objectives and standards of knowledge as well as the didactic guidelines. All in all in curriculum design, one should not forget the changed position of English as the foreign language in the world, especially in comparison with other foreign languages taught in Slovenian primary schools. In our presentation we would like to highlight the key adaptations in the English as the first foreign language curriculum (2016) as well as their expected impact in the foreign language teaching and learning in the second and third cycle of the primary school.
18.15 – 19.00
Steve Lever Creative and effective language learning In this session we will demonstrate that creativity and language learning go hand in hand. Far from being elusive and abstract, creativity actually demonstrates sound knowledge of the subject and is the result of firm foundations. It is a valid educational goal, providing opportunities to draw on all aspects of learning and synthesise them into a memorable, active experience.
Irena Dirjec English for students with mild intellectual disabilities Many students with mild intellectual disabilities in special schools often come in touch with English language only in 7th grade.Therefore I’ve adapted several classical board games to be used during English lessons. Besides I am exploiting students’ interest in the ICT in various ways; and much more.
Katja Marenk What’s all the drama about?! We are constantly trying to find new ways of motivating our students and making our lessons more creative. One good provider of both is drama and it should be incorporated in as many lessons as possible. Join my stage and you‘ll get to try out different drama techniques that I mostly practise with my drama club students but they come in handy during lessons as well in the form of icebreakers, transitions, introductions, welcomed interruptions, role play… you name it.
Laszlo Katona Natural sciences in the English classroom The session is designed to introduce funny experiments that EFL teachers can use during the English classroom to communicate content, to raise interest and to increase motivation. This workshop is not only for science or CLIL teachers, and it will address topics such as global issues, environmental issues and green technology through experiments and drama activities.
8.30 – 8.50 Çiğdem Kayihan Aslan Using Ted talk videos in EFL
d International IateflSlovenia Conference 23 rd Intern lSlovenia Conference 23 rd International IateflSloveni Conference abstracts ce 23 rd International IateflSlovenia Conference 23 rd
Friday, 4th March 2016
In this study, Ted talk videos were shown at a University English Preparatory Class of 25 students throughout a term of fourteen weeks. Ted talk videos were chosen as the source because they are of various fields and they are suitable in terms of length, and form for the university class. For the study, videos from a variety of topics were chosen and, different kinds of tasks were implemented as pre-watching, while-watching and post-watching activities. The study mainly aimed to find out the students’ perceptions of watching talk videos in the classroom. The students were given a survey in the end of the study; which showed that they believed the study helped them improve their listening skill as well as their speaking skill and vocabulary. The students liked videos which especially included things they could learn from and which were in the topics they were interested in. The survey results showed that students realized that doing activities made video watching more effective and showed which activities they thought were more effective in detail. Most of the students said the study increased their motivation in learning English in general as well.
Irena Varga Dervarič Reading is fun
In my PP presentation/ talk I would like to show some simple activities. They are mostly used to motivate our pupils to read. These activities are suitable for beginners (4 th grade pupils) as well for pupils in the higher classes.
Vesna Bulatović, Bojana Borković Large class assessment
Large classes are usually seen as a major obstacle to successful language teaching and they represent the real challenge to all language teachers, for every teaching method is less effective in large classes. Likewise, assessment methods are also circumscribed by class size and by the additional limitation of resources. Hence, finding the right tools for addressing these issues is crucial.
Marija Frangež Oscar Wilde, ideals and reality during the course of life
A short presentation of school lessons dealing with the literary play, reasons for setting up a discussion about the play with eminent Slovenian anthropologist and playwright, event organisation, new insights and findings, presentation of supplementary material.
9.00 – 10.00
Ken Wilson Only connect - seven strategies for ensuring teacher-student communication in the classroom
Does the conventional classroom, with a teacher and students sitting at desks, have any place in modern learning? Has technology rendered the normal learning environment redundant? It would seem not, as teachers and students all over the world are still required to turn up at a particular time and place and engage with each other in some way. However, in classrooms where technology is available, has this engagement changed radically? And what about the students’ own technology? Does this make a difference to the classroom experience, or are there some traditional aspects of teaching/learning that should remain the same? This talk will show how the vital link between teacher and students can be maintained, in a hi-tech classroom or in a situation where the students themselves have sophisticated personal technology.
d International IateflSlovenia Conference 23 rd Intern lSlovenia Conference 23 rd International IateflSloveni ce 23 rd International IateflSlovenia Conference 23 rd 10.15 – 11.00
Steve Lever Pathways to literature In literature, we are not only asked to observe the lives, worlds and values of others, but to reflect on our own. Therefore, the study of literature is arguably also the study of ourselves and the world we inhabit. We will look at how an organised approach to literature can teach students new skills in both language and thought.
Chris Walklett Creative uses for songs & song lyrics in the EFL classroom This workshop session aims to uncover creative uses for songs and song lyrics utilizing the participants as well as the presenter for inspiration. After some input, a selection of songs will be supplied and participants will be given the opportunity to work in groups to suggest the ways in which these songs could be employed in interesting and creative ways.
Margarita Kosior Re-negotiating the basics: learner autonomy In the past decades, there has been a radical shift from traditional teacher-centered perceptions of foreign language teaching to more innovative approaches in learning and teaching. Focusing on the needs and demands of the student has resulted in teaching and learning environments characterized by ever-growing learner autonomy and student-centered tasks. How is this learner autonomy accomplished, and to what end?
Marija Lukač Books make you taller This workshop is about instilling the love for reading into young learners and tweenagers. The participants will explore how reading changes us for the better, and what activities we could do with our students. You can bring your own books, or I can borrow you mine for creating an activity you know your students will enjoy.
11.30 – 12.15
Luke Meddings People, pronunciation and play This workshop takes a fun look at accents and a serious look at speaking skills. How do actors find the ‚key‘ to a new accent? How far does speaking another language involve playing a role? And can‘t pronunciation be just a bit more fun? We’ll explore these questions, experiment with classroom activities – and learn how to impersonate the Queen.
Bojana Mihelač Ideas for teaching young learners - bits and bobs Teaching young learners requires a never-ending string of ideas and props. Stories to act out and listen to, handbooks with collections of ideas, CLIL worksheets for classroom use, puppets for inspiration and emotional connection and the list goes on and on. This workshop will present some of such ideas.
Dr Biljana Radić-Bojanić Fly me to the Moon: Raising awareness of learning Styles This workshop will focus on various ways of raising awareness concerning differences in students‘ learning styles. On the one hand, it will be beneficial for teacher trainers as it will show various methods and procedures for educating teachers using experiential learning. On the other hand, it will help in-service teachers to get new ideas and implement them in their classroom.
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Alenka Gortan How about going On screen? - lessons come alive
In the workshop, the teachers of secondary school programmes will be encouraged to share their experiences and compare their ways of teaching vocabulary, grammar, speaking skills, writing skills and listening skills to their students. We will compare your experiences with the experiences I have gained using On Screen teaching and learning materials. I look forward to good practice exchange workshop and I hope you will enjoy the presentation of On Screen materials.
12.30 – 13.00 Alan Paradiž We’re going on a WebQuest!
A WebQuest is an inquiry-oriented lesson format in which the information that learners work with comes from the web. A WebQuest is classroom-based, it focuses on higher-order thinking and, thirdly, the teacher preselects the sources, highlighting information use. A WebQuest is a group work acitivity with the tasks split into roles, fostering team effort.Using WebQuests supports critical thinking and problem solving through cooperation and technology integration. WebQuests provide a situation in which students acquire information, debate issues, participate in meaningful discussions, engage in roleplay simulations and solve problems, which altogether contributes to language acquisition via being immersed in a language bath.
Barbara Kragelj Jerič Sitting is not the best body pose for learning
Once students enter a classroom, teachers typically require them to conform to the same activities despite their differences: sit down, get ready and sit still. The traditional school system forces students first to sit still in the least suitable position for active learning and then requires them to be highly active. There is a better way.
Alenka Battelino Formative assessment in high schools - a myth or a reality
The idea of formative assessment or Assessment for learning is attractive but extremely challenging. And it seems a mission impossible in the Slovenian school system. I am going to talk about the basic principles of FA and discuss the possible advantages and drawbacks of it if being introduced in a Slovenian high school class.
Marša Jović Teaching in a Montessori School
There are two Montessori schools in Slovenia at the moment. We are expecting more to open in the near future... Montessori teachers of English will be sought for. What does it mean to be a Montessori teacher? What kind of training is required? What is expected of a Montessori teacher? What does a day in a Montessori school look like? How does teaching English feel like? How do children learn a foreign language in a Montessori environment?
14.15 – 15.00 Nora Tartsay Designing mobile apps for language learning
This workshop aims at showing the process of designing a mobile language learning app by teachers focusing on environmental issues. IATEFL-Hungary, in cooperation with the Regional English Language Office (RELO), organized a Learnathon event in Budapest in May 2015, and the result of the project is a number of great ideas, with one actually produced and introduced in the workshop.
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In this workshop we will try out several ideas that you can use with all levels of English and all ages. All you need is just one piece of paper for each student and no other preparation. The activities include revising vocabulary, creating stories and dialogues, practising grammar and finally, activities to develop students thinking skills.
Elvira Hodžić, Ramajana Zahirović Communicating with digital natives Possibilities and benefits of using technology in EFL classroom should not be ignored. This session provides ideas to help teachers leverage technologies for the best language learning outcomes. Whether you wish to use students’ own mobile devices, or simply expand your list of language learning websites, this workshop has a wide selection of ideas for you.
Branka Dečković Authentic assessment Authentic assessment aims at evaluating students’ performance in real-world contexts. Students are involved in evaluation process, they become active learners. They are also given opportunities to demonstrate their understanding in more than one way. Along with some theoretical background, some practical examples of AA will be given as well
15.15 – 15.45
Grenville Yeo, Sanja Čonjagić Language is all around How much of a lesson should be tightly planned by the teacher and how much can it be directed by the students own interests? Our belief is that allowing the students to bring the language they discover or hear to class does engage them in a very personal way and makes for very effective learning.
Petek Şirin Swimming against the tide: Reaching anxious learners through audio feedback The implications of anxiety are evident in foreign language classroom. Is it possible to decrease learner anxiety and enhance students’ confidence, self-esteem and level of participation? This talk, which is based on an action research conducted in an ESP classroom, examines the benefits of using audio feedback in an attempt to address these issues.
David Forinash Online, syncronous EFL and ESP instruction This presentation shares the author’s experience teaching online EFL to employees of multinational companies. As background, this presentation discusses the students, the topics of instruction, the virtual classroom, and the technological problems surrounding teaching online. Finally, this presentation includes tips and guidelines for language instructors interested in teaching online.
Mojca Saje Kušar Feeling artistic?
This is an example of how to include students who are more artistic to do some research on certain topics we deal with in our English lessons. Not everybody in happy in English classes, but if you have at least a little bit of artistic talent you might join your work of art with upgrading your English.
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Sandra Vida, Janja Čolić Surviving the vocational school
Everybody who teaches vocational school students knows they are special in so many different ways. This is only one of the reasons general secondary school coursebooks are not always suitable for them. We are on a mission to write a coursebook for them. Come and see what we aim to include and share your thoughts about what you think about it as well.
16.30 – 17.15 Šarka Dohnalova A girl sold to be married into a foreign country
This seminar is planned for secondary school teachers and will look into the story of a girl who had been sold to be married to a foreign culture by her own brother. The girl had to travel Europe penniless to meet a husband she had never met before and who was known not to have the nicest temper. The girl had to work on her language skills in the foreign country to survive. So we will start planning and preparing for a trip to a foreign country, learn a bit of the target language (English) that she will need to survive there, study the map of the journey to the target destination and learn a bit about the country in her period of time. The seminar is a CLIL seminar integrating teaching EFL anf history of England using structured drama.
Jesse Davey Identifying our professional growth areas using double-round student feedback
This workshop explores how we can more efficiently and accurately collect feedback from large groups and why soliciting a single round of open-ended feedback is undesirable. Technology is a component of this process, but not the main focus of this presentation. Although we will focus primarily on honing ourselves through constructive feedback from learners, the concepts covered can also be applied to collective brainstorming and other activities whose goal is to identify the nature and level of consensus among group members (usually students). While we will workshop scenarios focused on mature learners, the concepts are scalable to any group whose members are capable of individual internet use.
Barbi Bujtas Confessions of a teacher (42) exhibiting severe generation Z symptoms
Generation Z learners are quick, bored and distracted easily, opinionated, leave things to the last minute, prefer video to written text, prefer bite-size things, love games, prefer practice to theory, demand relevant tasks. Just like me. Coursebooks and traditional approaches won’t do, trust me. I’ll share how I exploit their greatness and what I do to get them to learn.
Berta Kogoj Any building needs foundations, and so does literacy in English
In this talk we shall present efforts and practical experience of some teams implementing EFL in 1st cycle of elementary schools in the development of early literacy in English. Together with the acquisition of some basic language, phonological and phonemic awareness are developed, which then lead into a number of reading, pre-writing and writing activities for young learners. Materials will be shared.
Nataša Puhner 4th grade English? Creative and cross-curricular story
In this primary workshop focused on 4th grade we will share some practical ideas for creative cross-curricular classroom. We will also take a sneak peek of exciting features that revised edition of Reach for the Stars is bringing to our classrooms. Join us for fun and engaging workshop and remember, always Reach for the Stars.
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Irena Škulj, Helena Osterman ICT inspires to design student-centered activities We would like to inspire teachers to reflect on their use of ICT, project-based methods and collaboration in their practice as well as help them realise the potential of innovative technologies in everyday classroom practice. We will present some free easy-to-use software programmes which will help them to exploit ICT tools in both a teacher-centred class and in learner-centred activities.
Tanja Kovačič How to deal with mobile phone addiction among teen students? Modern times – modern technology - modern challenges. This practically oriented talk will highlight how mobile phone addiction besides being a disturbance for teachers and students influences student grades, attention and disruptive behaviour. The focus will be on different practical tips and communication techniques for limiting in-class use and negative effects on learning.
Aleksandar Tonić ELT&ICT: Nearpod - create, engage, assess The focus of the workshop is ICT in the classroom. Workshop attendees will learn about and try out Nearpod, an online application that teachers can use to prepare materials and share them in the classroom in forms of online lessons with diverse types of content and interactive activities. Moreover, Nearpod allows real-time feedback and instant assessment of the students’ progress.
Katja Leban “Phonics” and phonographic method in the classroom This workshop is about sounding out words in English and its effect on Slovene children‘s literacy skills in English language in the first 3 years of Slovene primary school. By using the phonic and phonographic method along with the sight method the children will be able to recognize sounds in words better.
18.15 – 19.15
Thom Jones If music be the food of love, wrap that guitar in lettuce This is a session looking at new ideas around the essential dichotomy of unwilling participants and the fact that everyone learns, and teaches, in different ways. We are often slung in the direction of buzzwords and fads and rarely seem to engage with the reality that most students would rather do ANYTHING than go to a class…any class, at any age. When we have so many ways to motivate why do we often not choose to use them? A holistic approach to getting the best from all elements of a course and ensuring that students and teachers progress and enjoy it. It will be interactive, there will be workshop elements and learning and doing… there will be NO communal singing or anybody forced to do star jumps. We will be leaving the room with concrete things to do in class tomorrow to light the fuse of inspiration leading to the dynamite of knowledge. There will be shouting, throwing things and probably some sweeties involved somewhere. Main points to be covered: • • • • •
Experiential learning/Learning outside the classroom-an overview Classroom control Managing expectations-students, teachers, parents Swiss Army knife lessons-which direction is this going to go? Mother tongue?
Poetry in the classroom? Loin-led learning The dynamite of knowledge-blowing minds A selection of communicative teaching exercises that will work at all levels Motivating the terminally not bothered
Saturday, 5th March 2016 8.30 – 8.50 Bojana Borković, Vesna Bulatović Using literature in ELT classroom
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The use of literature in the ELT classroom is enjoying a revival due to its many advantages. They provide rich linguistic input, develop cultural awareness and serve as a potential source of learner motivation. The presentation will investigate the most appropriate methods of incorporating literature in a normal ELT classroom while indicating to some practical tools in exploiting different texts
Lendita Kryeziu The importance of songs in teaching
The presentation will be focused on the role of using songs in teaching language to the primary school students. It will also describe the role of songs in: lowering the anxiety, increasing motivation, improving speaking and pronunciation and enhancing cultural awareness and sensitivity
9.00 – 10.00
Šarka Dohnalova Knowing the map – teaching and learning something you are not good at
The plenary will introduce a lesson structure targeted at inclusion of SEN learners incorporating the Multiple Intelligences and Learning styles. Have you ever stood in front of a blind map in your geography lesson completely lost? So you know the feeling of a dyslexic learner in a foreign language classroom. The question is what steps to take to help the learner to start to understand the map and not only memorise the facts presented by the teacher who understands the subject but does not understand the problems of a child not talented for the subject, or in other words: the problem is that school subjects are usually taught by teachers who are talented for the subjects, i.e. do not understand those, who have difficulties understanding it.
10.15 – 11.00 Ken Wilson Is anybody listening?
Students have three ways of working on their listening skills in class: listening to the teacher, to machines and to other students. Most students do the first two, but not the third. In this talk, I will show how you can encourage learners to listen to each other, for example by using the power of images and also with instrumental music. The amazing activities will have you listening intently to each other to complete the tasks.
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Margit Szesztay, Uwe Pohl, Anna Csiky Teaching English with the three Cs In this workshop we will explore how teachers can bring creative, critical and compassionate thinking into their language classrooms. We will share why the three Cs have become a regular feature of the work we do as teachers and trainers. There will also be a chance for you to get a taste of ‘three-C’ classroom activities.
Jasmina Miličević “Dare to be different” - against bullying in schools The workshop will present how a creative process in an ELT classroom can result in a whole play or a sketch tackling some problems teenagers face in their everyday lives. We will be using different drama techniques in the workshop e.g., forum theatre, improvisation, etc. At the end of the workshop the groups of the participants will hopefully present their dramatic view of the solution to a problem given to them.
Breda Banovšek Spice up your lessons! The main theme of my workshop is how to make lessons fun and relevant to younger generations. I will present some ideas including teaching with memes, vines, incorporating physical exercise in a lesson etc.
11.30 – 12.15
Velina Stojković Multiple intelligences - why? Every classroom is full of students with various abilities and needs. Can we cater all those needs and improve all those abilities? Can we as teachers do a magic trick and make all our students reach the goal? Should students learn the concept and not just for the test? Multiple intelligence theory may be an answer to this. (At the end of this workshop the participants will be able to recognize different types of multiple intelligences and define learners’ characteristics within this theory; They will be able to create suitable techniques, materials and classroom activities according to the specific type of the intelligences.)
Danny Singh Mother Europe
This presentation is linked to an article published in the summer 2014 issue of IN magazine, based on a highly educational Slovenian film of the same title. It looks at the problem of borders created by governments and the effect on citizens. It‘s done through the eyes of a 5 year old girl, which makes it much lighter for the audience.
Helena Miklavčič Sparkling inspiration in the classroom Children with attention problems have poorly developed automatisms of perception. Inability to flawlessly process sensory information (e.g. auditory, visual, tactile) hampers learning, leading to attention and memory problems, which significantly affect reading, writing, listening and speaking skills. Experience inefficient sensory automatisms and therapeutic protocols first hand. Practical guidelines of what (not) to do in an English classroom provided. (Please, wear comfortable clothing for exercises!)
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Marjetka Pfajfar ESL lessons supporting primary school curriculum and students’ personal development
Teaching ESL without a textbook is a very challenging task. Equally, it offers great opportunities. The presentation focuses on showing numerous ways of supporting personal development of individual students. During the workshop, the teachers will be able to reformulate their yearly, monthly, weekly, daily lesson plans to better suit the individual needs of the students and to support other subjects.
14.30 – 15.15 Kendra Peterson, Jane Kilner Silent skills
How can silent movies be useful in ELT? Don’t we need words in order to learn a language? This workshop will illustrate how silent movies can be used effectively for a variety of objectives. Its main precept is to exemplify how we can increase students’ ability to produce their own language without an explicit model and have fun doing it.
Mike Harrison Drawing inspiration from sound and image
As an English language teacher, I‘ve often found myself using resources promising creative, imaginative, and interesting lessons. But often it is too much. In this workshop I aim to share some instances where I’ve found inspiration using minimal resources like drawing and sounds. Participants will have the chance to experience some practical classroom activities – be ready to imagine and draw!
Tanja Fajmut Spice up your lessons with films
If a picture says a thousand words, how many does a film, then? In this practical and hands-on talk, the speakers are going to introduce a number of hassle-free approaches teachers can take when using films in the EFL classroom. Focusing on easy-to find and even easier-to-use short films and commercials, we‘ll introduce you to film-related communicative activities. Oh, and let’s not forget about making our own films!
Jean McCollister Minds in motion
Having to sit still while learning is unnatural and demotivating for many children. This workshop presents EFL activities designed to overcome this problem and enhance learning by combining mental with physical tasks. They include a rhythmic clapping game for practicing vocabulary, (inter)active storytelling, songs with motions, describing/identifying objects by feel, and guided interaction with a therapy dog, among others.
15.30 – 16.15 Mojca Belak At ease with trees
The main topic of this workshop is trees, so activities suiting visual, auditory and kinaesthetic learners will all be about trees, nature and that grey area beyond language where words fail to convey simple kinaesthetic messages. Come and join me in Eternal tree mingle, Forest art project, a jazz chant, Tree spotting, and much more.
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Nicola Epps Exploring correction in the classroom Looking at different ways to correct; when, how and why? This workshop is looking at ways for recycling language to improve students’ fluency, confidence and general communication.
Aida Ibričević Clouds, storm and rain: A ‘production of ideas’ WS The aim of this workshop is to introduce innovative brainstorming and creative thinking techniques, used in the arts, sciences and entrepreneurship, with the purpose of stimulating student creativity in an academic writing course. The workshop will actively engage participants in three stages of production: understanding and choosing the essay prompt, group brainstorming and generating keywords for catalog searches.
Tjaša Lemut Novak LET’S DO DRAMA – using drama to teach English language Teaching English a bit differently. For those that are into it and those that are not. There are 111 activities to choose from – today we are going to do ACTIVITY No. 1: The Blue Crayon together. Come and join the fun! – a story, activities … drama
16.45 – 17.45
Luke Meddings Learning space: Creative ideas for self-study We all want our students to take more responsibility for their own learning, but it isn’t easy - for them or us! Self-study materials are often based around uninspiring gap-fills and sentence completions, but it can be hard to capture language from more stimulating sources like movies and music. In this talk I’ll propose a range of spaces, large and small, from which we can learn. This means thinking of familiar things in creative ways, and asking ourselves - as teachers and learners - what patterns can I see? We’ll take our inspiration from spaces like the night sky, city streets and the local café - I’ll suggest ways to get your students really engaged with their learning outside school, and we’ll try out ideas you can take into the classroom tomorrow.
18.00 – 19.30
Marcin Stanowski Let your fire burn! Dealing with teacher’s burnout
45 minutes
A light-hearted talk on a serious issue. How to cope with teacher‘s burnout? How to have the best teaching experience, avoid burnout and teach engaging lessons to students? Further insight into burnout causes and prevention. Teachers will be provided with couple of tasks including drama, dance and yoga which may cater for lowering the stress levels of students and teachers.
Irena Dirjec Adapting written exams for students with dyslexia
30 minutes
Many students with mild intellectual disabilities in special schools often come in touch with their English language only in 7th grade. Therefore I’ve adapted several classical board games to be used during English lessons. Besides I am exploiting students’ interest in the ICT in various ways; and much more.
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Mija Selič Picture dictionary – take the words out and play with them
60 minutes
Imagine a group of children. They are 9 and 10. They play with words and switch them in different combinations to create sentences. They enjoy the funny ones the most. And guess what - they use different tenses! They simply love it. You want to see how it works?
Dr Apolonija Klančar Attention problems: causes, symptoms, therapy and classroom guidelines
90 minutes
Children with attention problems have poorly developed automatisms of perception. Inability to flawlessly process sensory information (e.g. auditory, visual, tactile) hampers learning, leading to attention and memory problems, which significantly affect reading, writing, listening and speaking skills. Experience inefficient sensory automatisms and therapeutic protocols first hand. Practical guidelines of what (not) to do in an English classroom provided. (Please, wear comfortable clothing for exercises!)
Sunday, 6th March 9.00 – 9.45 Sara Vandenberg Adding dimensions to language learning with digital media
By exploring the simple uses of media and digital imagery, teachers and students can go beyond the four walls of the classroom and the pages of the textbook to apply language and uses communicative competencies to boost fluency across all language domains. Concrete CALL examples from classrooms will be demonstrated.
Gregor Pirš God damn it I am afraid.
In this talkshop we will discuss the stress that students experience during learning/actively participating in the classroom. First we will explore how we the teachers, see stress when dealing with our students. We will discuss different factors of stress (e.g. learning styles, objectives and aims and similar) and how can teachers influence them to prevent the stress to influence the students‘ success.
Mirta Kos Kolobarić Animated films in ELT
The workshop presents several practical and ready-made ideas on how modern animated films can be used in teaching English in order to spark our students‘ interest and increase their motivation for learning. After watching the official trailers for the selected animated films students are willing to discuss characters and their relationships, as well as use various lexical and grammatical structures.
Maja Kovačič Lateral thinking puzzles
Lateral thinking puzzles are one of the ways to spice up your lessons and encourage creativity in students of all ages. The aim of this activity is to get your students thinking about what happened in certain situations and because the solutions are not obvious at first, it allows them to practice question forms and a wide range of vocabulary.