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Programme Authorization and Evaluation – MYP Ashish Trivedi – MYP School Services Regional Manager

Presentation Overview • • • • •

Programme Standards and Practices Authorization Evaluation Changes in requirements in the light of Next Chapter Interest groups

The International Baccalaureate aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect. To this end the organization works with schools, governments and international organizations to develop challenging programmes of international education and rigorous assessment. These programmes encourage students across the world to become active, compassionate and lifelong learners who understand that other people, with their differences, can also be right.

Programme Standards and Practices



A: Philosophy


B1: Organization: Leadership and structure


B2: Organization: Resources and support


C1: Curriculum – Collaborative planning


C2: Curriculum - Written curriculum


C3: Curriculum - Teaching and learning


C4: Curriculum - Assessment


Total practices


School Authorization

Authorization – a process to support schools in: • making the decision to become an IB World School • understanding the nature and requirements of the IB programme • defining their readiness to implement the programme

• planning to sustain the programme in the long term.

Overview of Authorization Process

Overview of Authorization Process

• Philosophical alignment • Starter pack • Head or designee attends an appropriate workshop • Resource implications – financial, material and human • Benefits to the school and its community • Analysis of Requirements for Authorization • Decision whether or not to implement the programme

Authorization requirements

School entity

Structure of the Programme

Programme Implementation

Overview of Authorization Process

• Complete Application for Candidacy by April 1st or October 1st

Overview of Authorization Process

• Regional office notifies school the outcome of the candidacy application: • September 1st for Applications submitted on or before April 1st • March 1st for Applications submitted on or before October 1st • Successful schools get assigned an IB Consultant

Overview of Authorization Process

• Consultation process begins: • 20 hours of remote consultation each year for two years • One two-day consultation visit • Trial implementation for no less than one Academic Year. • Timely Professional Development

Mandatory Professional Development at the time of Authorization •

The head of school or designee must attend an IB category 1 workshop before submission of Application for Candidacy

At least one teacher per subject group and the MYP coordinator must attend IB category 1 workshops related to their subject areas/responsibilities.

Additionally, an on-site general MYP workshop aimed at all MYP teachers must be organized through the relevant IB office.

It is expected that the professional development has taken place before the verification visit.

Overview of Authorization Process

• Submission of Application for Authorization

Overview of Authorization Process

• Visit to the school to verify School’s preparedness to become an IB World School • Report from the Regional Office with : • Commendations, • Recommendations and/or • Matters to be Addressed

Overview of Authorization Process

• Based on the report and documents submitted by the regional office, Director General makes a decision on Authorization: • Authorization granted • Continuation of candidacy • Refusal of Authorization

School Evaluation

Programme Evaluation Process: • Ensures IB World Schools maintain the programme standards and practices • Allows IB to work closely with schools in their ongoing development of the programmes • Time for formal reflection for schools involving all stakeholders within the school community • Time to celebrate successes and identify areas for further development

Overview of Evaluation Process

Programme Evaluation Process

Programme Evaluation Process

Ongoing Action Plan from Candidacy and Authorization phases?

Action Plan A: Philosophy • The school’s educational beliefs and values reflect IB philosophy. Objective


Date to be achieved

Person/group responsible for achieving this objective

Budgetary implications

Evidence of achievement or of progress towards achievement of the objective

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Programme Evaluation Process Who?

Programme Evaluation Process Timeline? Consider the Selfstudy process takes at least 12 months

Programme Evaluation Process

Monitoring of Assessment (If the school does not request IB validated grades)

Programme Evaluation Process

Level descriptors for rating the quality of implementation of practices Ensure all involved have a shared understanding of the process and descriptors

Programme Evaluation Process

Means to collect feedback from stake holders

Programme Evaluation Process

Resource implications – meeting time, financial, administrative support

Programme Evaluation Process Self Study

Programme Evaluation Process

Evaluation Visit

Programme Evaluation Process

IB Report to the School Commendations Recommendations Matters to be Addressed

Mandatory Professional Development at the time of Evaluation •

The head of school (or designee), if appointed during the period under review, must participate in an appropriate IB workshop.

At least one teacher per revised subject group (since authorization or previous evaluation) must participate in an IB workshop designed for that purpose.

At all times, at least one teacher per subject group must have been trained in an IB category 1 or 2 workshop.

Changes in Authorization and Evaluation Requirements in the interim

What will be the status of my candidacy to become an MYP school? • Schools currently applying for authorization must follow the requirements indicated in the 2012 transition document. • In November 2013 a new guide to transition will be published indicating the timeline for new requirements for authorization and evaluation from September 2014. • A calendar of milestones for schools, which also includes the updating of professional development, has been published on the OCC and will be regularly updated • From February 2014, candidate schools will be able to apply for authorization using the revised Application process.

What will happen to my school’s fiveyear evaluation due next year? •

Schools currently starting or going through programme evaluation must use the current documentation alongside the 2012 transition document

Schools starting the programme evaluation process from March 2014 will be guided in accordance with the transition document to be published later this year.

Unit Planning Process (Key Concepts, Related Concepts, Global Contexts)

What Remains • The development of the unit planning process remains useful and necessary for schools as the proposed new process mirrors it closely with contexts to be broadened and more support provided in determining concepts.

What Changes • The new guides will start including elements of the new process.

Read this in conjunction with the transition document available on the OCC

Areas of Interaction


Next Chapter

• Community & Service

• Learning through Action

• Approaches to Learning

• Approaches to Learning (throughout the 3 programmes)

• Human Ingenuity Environments Health and Social Education

• Global Contexts

What remains: The current use of the areas of interaction as contexts could lead smoothly into the new situation and will remain a requirement. ATL will retain its role in the unit planning process and it remains a requirement to develop student learning expectations for ATL.

What changes: The requirement for developing student learning expectations for the areas of interaction other than ATL will be on hold in the interim period. Pending the changes, schools will not be asked to develop or submit horizontal planning documents for ATL. Read this in conjunction with the transition document available on the OCC

Community and Service : Defining Involvement in Service What Remains

What Changes

• Schools will still need to ensure: • The curriculum defines expectations for involvement in service in each year of the programme. • Teaching and learning creates opportunities for involvement in service in every year of the programme and ensures its qualitative monitoring

• Nothing changes in the interim

Read this in conjunction with the transition document available on the OCC

Assessment Criteria (All subjects and Personal Projects to move to 4 criteria with same number of achievement levels)

What Remains • The assessment criteria will be revised, but it will remain a requirement for the school to use the current criteria from the guides.

What Changes • No changes for the interim period.

Read this in conjunction with the transition document available on the OCC

Interim Objectives and Criteria (Proposal to mandate the interim objectives and criteria) What Remains

What Changes

• Teachers should be aware that the final objectives and criteria are intended for use only in the final year(s). • Schools recommended to use the IB published interim objectives • Development of interim criteria is not required but recommended. • Schools that have already developed interim criteria are recommended to continue using those.

• Interim objectives and modified criteria are being developed by the IB for each subject group so that schools would not be required to develop their own.

Read this in conjunction with the transition document available on the OCC

Flexibility of Subject Group Choice (schools may choose to offer fewer than the total 8 subject groups in MYP years 4-5)

What Remains • In the transition period schools will be expected to offer the eight subject groups in MYP years 4-5. • Schools can still apply for curriculum flexibility during the transition period, except for Language B.

What Changes • No changes for the interim period.

Read this in conjunction with the transition document available on the OCC

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