The 8th Edition Th Editi – An A Overview O i IBO Asia Pacific Conference Melbourne, March 2011
Council of International Schools | Setting the Standards for International Education
Council of International Schools | Setting the Standards for International Education
RATIONALE The Evaluation and Accreditation Process
y The Evaluation Process and the actions it generates provide an opportunity to improve the quality of education offered at the school …………
y …….. and the Award off Accreditation recognises the quality off the evaluated school.
Council of International Schools | Setting the Standards for International Education
Mission-driven Vision-led
Student Learning And Well- beingg
I t Internationalism ti li
Council of International Schools | Setting the Standards for International Education
Moving Beyond the ‘Five Fs’ Fashion
Festivals Fieldtrips
Flags Council of International Schools | Setting the Standards for International Education
The Cultural Iceberg
Performing Arts
Field Trips p
Visual Arts
Beliefs Factors viewed from multiple perspectives that help embed global citizenship
Values Rules
Expectations Norms Learning Styles
TimeOrientation Gender Roles
Non-Verbal Communication
Thought Processes S Status
Notions of: • • • • • • •
Council of International Schools | Setting the Standards for International Education
Beauty Self Modesty d Courtesy Aging Friendship Cleanliness
Preparatory Visit
Preliminary Visit
Self Study
2nd Self Study in Year 8 2nd Team Visit in Year 10
Team Visit
5 Year Visit & Report 5 Year Report on Process & Planning
Report: 24 Months After Team Visit
Continuous School Improvement p through g Actions to address Recommendations at all Stages
Council of International Schools | Setting the Standards for International Education
Areas and their Relationship in the 8th Edition Governance & Leadership
Operational Systems
School Guiding Statements
Faculty & Support Staff
School Culture & Partnerships for Learning
Access to Teaching & Learning
Council of International Schools | Setting the Standards for International Education
TOPICS IN 8th EDITION SECTIONS SECTION A - SCHOOL GUIDING STATEMENTS Vision,, Mission and Objectives j ((VMO). ) Publication, acceptance monitoring and review. Effect of VMO on decision-making and real school life. Commitment to internationalism/inter-culturalism. internationalism/inter culturalism Student admissions match with VMO.
Council of International Schools | Setting the Standards for International Education
SECTION B – TEACHING & LEARNING (T/L) T/L alignment with Guiding Statements Global citizenship in the T/L programme. programme Challenging and adapted to different learning styles. Skills for lifelong learning skills, students active in learning. Comprehensive documentation underlying T/L. Vertical and horizontal articulation. Use of local context and the community’s cultural diversity. Professional development p of staff to improve p student learning. g Varied and appropriate teaching methods. Resources to support T/L (people, texts, equipment, IT, library/media). Assessment of learning, using results in a formative way for revision of programme. Analysis and reporting of individual student performance and school-wide achievement.
Council of International Schools | Setting the Standards for International Education
Governing Body membership and role. Relationship between Gov. Body and Head of School. Head as the responsible school leader. Effective delegation through a leadership structure. Clearly written and applied policies and practices. Educational and financial plans. SECTION D - FACULTY & SUPPORT STAFF
Includes teaching and support personnel. Number, qualifications, competence and good character of all personnel. Working within school’s VMO, ethical and professional approach to responsibilities. ibili i Contractual issues including salary system. Clear policies and guidelines for personnel; staff morale. Appraisal system linked to professional development programme. programme Council of International Schools | Setting the Standards for International Education
SECTION E – ACCESS TO TEACHING & LEARNING Special Needs students and support (learning differences, GAT) Specialised language support (English and/or Other Language(s) of Instruction, Home Language). Language) Counselling/guidance (academic, personal, career and tertiary education advice) Health care on campus and beyond. beyond SECTION F – SCHOOL CULTURE & PARTNERSHIPS FOR LEARNING School climate (supportive of T/L, mutual respect, behaviour expectations). Effective flow of information within school and between school and families. Use off external partners in the community to enhance learning. Complementary programmes and activities. Boarding services (where appropriate).
Council of International Schools | Setting the Standards for International Education
SECTION G – OPERATIONAL SYSTEMS Management of school finances. Grounds, buildings, furnishing, equipment. Health and safety. Auxiliary services (food, security, transport, cleaning, external trips, staffing of these services).
Council of International Schools | Setting the Standards for International Education
What’s new?
Council of International Schools | Setting the Standards for International Education
Changes in General A re-designed Opinion Survey for parents, staff, students, and Governing Body (optional for ex-students). ex students) Simplified from the 7th Edition, Edition translations online, less expensive. The use of Reporting Booklets by both the School and Visiting Team. A substantial emphasis on reflection which includes written reflections by the Head, Board and a small representative group and individual presentations at the Preliminary / Preparatory Visit stage. New ratings of Indicators and numerical ratings of Standards.
Council of International Schools | Setting the Standards for International Education
SSC Rating g on 1 scale to 4
The school iseducational guided by clear and broadly accepted statements of vision for students, mission mission, and nomenclature and format).objectives (or the equivalent using the school’s chosen
Write here:
Indicators for Standard A1
Rating (Please mark)
The school’s Guiding establish clear expectations for student learning and guidelines for the Statements well-being of the whole school community.
Monitoring show that the school’s Guiding Statements enjoy high degreeprocedures of support exist from which the governing body, school leadership, staff, parents anda
students as demonstrated by their actions. Council of International Schools | Setting the Standards for International Education
SSC Step (ii) The committee should then rate the school’s alignment with the St d d using Standard, i this thi progressive i scale l 1 tto 4. 4
‘Does Not Meet The Standard’
‘Meets the Standard’
Rating 1
Rating 2
Rating 3
Rating 4
There is currently evidence of very little or no alignment with this Standard.
There is currently evidence of partial but insufficient alignment with this Standard. Considerable work still needs to be done to come into alignment.
There is evidence of generally good alignment with this Standard. There is still some room for further development, and the school intends to address this.
There is evidence of excellent and effective alignment with this Standard. The school has embedded systems in place to ensure that alignment will be sustained.
Council of International Schools | Setting the Standards for International Education
Team Composition - Changes If possible, smaller teams as the template reduces writing load and there is no need to write a report for each vertical subject area. A specialist (e.g. a school business manager) whenever possible for Section G - Operational Systems and other appropriate i t areas. No secretary: the school supplies a ‘helper’ helper for auxiliary matters.
Council of International Schools | Setting the Standards for International Education
Hybrid Protocols Under the 8th Edition
Council of International Schools | Setting the Standards for International Education
Council of International Schools | Setting the Standards for International Education
The 8* Protocol Used only with all-through IB programme schools Can only be used in conjunction with schools undergoing IBO evaluations, not initial authorisations. Can be used at the Team Visit stage or Five Year Visit stage. A comprehensive set of internal communication protocols, protocols Chair guidelines, and schedules have been developed. CIS and the IBAP office will offer this protocol to all CIS and all allthrough IB programme schools in the region - other regions are cooperating.
Council of International Schools | Setting the Standards for International Education
Report Structure for Team Visits
Title and Contents Pages. Introduction written byy Chair. Preamble written by Chair. Visiting Team comments on Part One
A Guiding G idi Statements S X IB Standards and Practices CIS ratings grid for each programme C Leadership and Governance D Faculty and Support Staff E Access to Learning F School Culture and Partnerships for Learning G Operational Systems
Part Three Report List of Team’s Major Commendations and Recommendations Concluding Statement written by the Chair. Chair List of team members (not assignments). Council of International Schools | Setting the Standards for International Education
How the Team is Formed Members consist of CIS (and other accrediting agency if involved) and IBO nominees. All members are trained for this work with the exception of the IBO Group Leaders who may not have been CIS trained but will have been given an orientation to the collaborative process. There is the normal number of team members for a CIS (or CIS/Other) visit plus one PYP Group Leader plus one MYP Group Leader plus one DP G Group LLeader. d The whole team works as one coherent team, the IB people stay 3 days (TV) and the IB Co Chair the whole time One IBO representative serves as the IBO Co Chair of the team and assists the Team Chair.
Council of International Schools | Setting the Standards for International Education
Visiting Team members for Section X
One member per programme (often IB staff), nominated by the IB, who leads the section (PYP, MYP etc) and works only on the curriculum report. This is the group leader. One member with experience of the IB programme and accreditation who works primarily on the curriculum report(s) but gives input into other sections - jointly nominated by the IB and CIS One member who works on the curriculum as well as other committees and may have writing responsibility for another section - jointly nominated by the IB and CIS. CIS
Council of International Schools | Setting the Standards for International Education
Advantages of the 8th Edition - A Summary
Reduced number of Standards and Indicators Use of Reporting p g Templates p means less narrative writingg Shorter, cheaper, user friendly Data driven Strong Platform for School Improvement Planning Greater emphasis on the link between the Guiding S Statements and d Planning. Pl i
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Reflections/ Questions?
Council of International Schools | Setting the Standards for International Education
Special thanks to Dr Gerry Percy and Margaret Alvarez
Council of International Schools | Setting the Standards for International Education