IB Asia Pacific December 2011 eNewsletter

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IB Asia Pacific December eNewsletter Dear Colleagues, At this point in the year it is opportune to reflect upon what has been achieved and what lies ahead. From a personal perspective, it has been a truly wonderful experience to be working alongside colleagues, Heads and educators who are so driven, engaged and passionate about the IB Mission and making a difference to the lives of students. Conversing with you in your schools, at in-country sessions and at IB events I am humbled and inspired to know the IB community has such a deep care for advancing education and connecting with the lives around them. The work you do inspires us to constantly serve you better.

pre-conference workshops for new and experienced heads; one very enlightening student session; one international educational panel; and three very enjoyable social events. The IB continues to work closely with Heads, Coordinators, educators and other stakeholders to ensure our programmes, service and responsiveness is the very best you can expect.

We have been working constantly on improving recognition of IB programmes across the region and we have received positive news from the Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA) recognises the IB PYP and MYP as curriculum frameworks allowing comparable learning outcomes in English, mathematics, science and history by the end of Year 10. This statement was achieved through the collaboration of the IB, educators across Australia and the insight and studies of ACARA and again exemplifies the community approach we have to ensure progression . Regional Recognition We have passed significant milestones in 2011 for IB Asia will remain a focus for 2012 and we are ensuring these Pacific – the IB’s 4,000th authorized programme was in efforts are underpinned by the IB Research team, our China and the 500th school was authorized in Victoria, schools and IB Associations. Australia. Both of these achievements exemplify the IB’s development. Our 4,000th programme fulfilled the IB Thank you for the overwhelming response to the regioncontinuum at Taihu International School highlighting the al office’s coordinated regional travel initiatives. The IB increasing value of an IB education in China. Exemplify- was founded on deep connections with educators and ing how more and more schools are realising the benefits schools and this is something we are committed to preof adopting the IB continuum, incorporating the IB Mis- serving and enriching. These dates represent key touch sion, the IB Learner Profile and programme standards points for Regional staff to connect with you, respond to and practices. Seabrook Primary School represents how your queries, support networks and ensure communicaIB programmes are enriching learning at state schools tion is constant between us. These visits will not be the throughout the region. This development is set to con- only touch-points and we are looking at enhancing on tinue in 2012 with the Japanese government working to the ground support in certain countries. introduce IB programmes into their state schools. Such initiatives are scaffolded by increasing mother tongue IB I look forward to personally meeting many of you at the educators, translating curriculum materials and offering Annual Regional Conference in March, 2012. a range of professional development and forums. Wishing you, your students and the your communities a The Heads Standing Association Conference 2011 took peaceful and reenergising break and an inspiring, creaplace in Singapore and was an overwhelming success tive and successful 2012. with 533 participants coming together in Singapore to experience: inspirational presentations from six out- Warm Regards, standing speakers. 36 workshops by IB staff; 57 pres- Ian Chambers entations in strands by IB heads, staff and alumni; two Director, IB Asia Pacific www.ibo.org

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International Baccalaureate Asia PaciďŹ c Annual Conference 2012 Paul Nicklen

National Geographic, photographer

Hans Rosling

Co-founder of Gapminder Foundation and Professor of International Health, Karolinska Institute

Sarah Kay

Founder and Co-Director, Project V.O.I.C.E

Prof Lee Wing On

Dean, Education Research National Institute of Education, Singapore

Kiran Bedi Ph.D. Founder, NGO, Navjyoti & India Vision Foundation

15 - 18 March 2012 Swissotel, Singapore

What does it mean to be educated?

REGISTER TODAY www.ibo.org/ibap www.ibo.org

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I B As ia Pa ci f i c Reg i o n a l C o u n c il

James MacDonald, Chair of Regional Council, Asia Pacific Dear Colleagues,

ic topics, there was also discussion about ‘growth / competition / communication’. These three arRe: Report from November 2011 Meeting of the eas, besides overlapping with each other in many Regional Council, Asia Pacific ways, were seen to be on-going challenges for the Regional Director (and the IB in general). I am writing on behalf of Asia Pacific Regional Council to provide a brief summary of our meeting The regional council was also invited to join a that took place in Singapore on November 2nd short ‘All Staff Meeting’, where the council was inand 3rd 2011. troduced to those working in the Singapore Global Centre. Speaking personally, I was impressed to Before providing an overview of the meeting how- learn that all staff in the Asia Pacific Global Centre ever, I would like to provide some background to will be visiting IB schools in Singapore in the comthe council. The *Regional Council consists of a ing months (regardless of their position) and that mix of Heads of School from the Asia Pacific re- there are plans for more staff to visit IB schools in gion and ‘non-heads’ (list). The role of the Re- different parts of the region, allowing more opporgional Council is to act as an advisory group to tunity for personal interactions. the Regional Director, and given the diversity of the backgrounds on the council, and the differ- At the meeting too, there was the election of the ent regions from which the group draws upon, the chair (that’s me) and vice chair (Eddy Henry), and group can bring a variety of perspectives and dif- the nomination committee also brought forward a ferent expertise to various topics. short list of candidates to be elected to the two vacant RC seats. (However, some RC members With this in mind, many of the agenda topics at were not in attendance and so the results were the RC meetings begin with an update followed not confirmed at the meeting.) by a discussion. At our meeting, the Regional Director Asia Pacific, Ian Chambers, brought us up For our next meeting in May, and stemming from to date on a variety of topics including: the lat- our discussions, the regional office will present est developments in the region, including growth statistics regarding the various ways school heads rates; PD workshop statistics and fee increases are involved formally with the development of IB for workshops; the school satisfaction survey re- (through committees, regional council, etc.). In sults. Stuart Jones, the regional PD Manager, addition, the RC plans to reach out to the other provided a detailed update on PD workshops and two Regional Councils (Europe, Africa and Midother PD initiatives underway. Malcolm Nicol- dle East; the Americas) to share agendas and son, who joined us via video-conference from the minutes of meetings with a view to seeing if there Hague and who is the Global Head of MYP, out- might be some benefit in further alignment. lined upcoming changes to the MYP and provided a general implementation timeline. (Most in the Finally, and on a personal note, I would like to room judged these changes to be significant and sincerely thank all the members on the council for are looking forward to more communication from volunteering their time to serve the IB community. the IB on this topic.) I would also like to thank all those working with the IB. It is always great to meet members of Besides updates from IB staff, there was also time the IB staff and the more I learn about the comset aside for informal regional updates from mem- plexities and challenges that a global organization bers, including from Anuradha Monga (India), like the IB faces, the more respect I have for their Anne Fowles (China), Jan Keightley (Australia) work and the valuable jobs that they do. and from myself (Japan). As well as these specifwww.ibo.org

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*IB Asia Pacific Regional Council Heads 1.

Mr James Macdonald (Chair) Head of School, Yokohama International School (Japan)


Ms. Anuradha Monga Head of School, Bangalore International School (India)


Ms. Anne Fowles Head of School, Suzhou Singapore Interna tional School (China)


Mr Julian Whiteley Head of School, United World College of SE Asia/Singapore (Singapore)

Non-heads 5.

Mr Eddy Henry (Vice-Chair) Program and Alumni Affairs Director, Putera Sampoerna Foundation (Indonesia)


Mr Harsh Singhania Managing Director, JK Paper Ltd (India)


Dr Janet Keightley Education Consultant (Australia)


Mr Mark Wang Chairman & CEO, Agrinos China Co. Ltd (China)


Mr Sonny Lim Director, International Relations, Nanyang Technological University (Singapore)


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Th e IB Pr imary Years Pr o g a m m e

Mignon Weckert, Regional School Services Manager PYP


Training of Consultants

available from the PYP e-library in both PDF and HTML. It is most important that all PYP coordinators With the changes to the authorization process- make themselves familiar with the latest publication. es which have now come into effect, 57 of our experienced school visitors have recently been Next revised suite of PYP curriculum documents trained as consultants for new PYP candidate to be published in 2014 to include MTPYPH and schools. The training sites included Melbourne, Pedagogical leadership. There will also be a callout Delhi, Shanghai and Singapore during August to review the planner in the next 12 to 18 months and September. The process is well underway with our first group of schools and consultants connected and working together productively. The consultation process comprises two parts: • 20 hours of remote consultation per year of candidacy over a two year period. This can occur via email, phone, Skype conversations. • One 2 day on-site visit. The visit is planned in consultation between the school and the consultant, depending on the needs of the school.


IB PYP planner on Google docs

In response to requests from schools, the PYP planner is now available as a template on Google docs. This template is available through the PYP e-library on the OCC or by using the following link: http://bit.ly/PYPplannerEng

4. Sharing examples of what PYP implementation looks like in IB World schools 2.

Programme Developments

Please check the OCC for these publications: • The role of ICT in the PYP August 2011 • PYP sample units of inquiry (continued) including single-subject inquiries and the exhibition Nov 2011 • The History of the PYP Nov 2011 • Developing a transdisciplinary programme of inquiry–revised Dec 2011

The PYP sharing practice site http://blogs.ibo.org/ sharingpyp/ is one of the new initiatives from the IB PYP development team and will add to the increasing number of curriculum support materials provided to interested, candidate and authorized PYP schools. This blog will aggregate articles, posts, videos, images, and comments from newsletters and websites already published and shared by PYP schools, teachers, associations and networks. It is already up and running and we look forward to more contributions from schools and networks.

The PYP coordinator’s handbook 2011/2012 is also mignon.weckert@ibo.org www.ibo.org

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T h e IB Midd l e Years P rog a m m e

Curtis Beaverford, Regional School Services Manager MYP

MYP Next Chapter Updates The MYP is currently involved in a major programme review project called, “MYP the Next Chapter”. In October the IB released the latest Next Chapter programme report. It outlines the direction of the work done to date. Please be advised the report speaks to possible changes. The latest version of Coordinator Notes published in November summarizes the report. If you have questions related to the Next Chapter project you should contact Malcolm Nicolson at malcolm. nicolson@ibo.org. In January 2012 there will be a transition document published which outlines how programme requirements at the time of authorization and evaluation will be affected by the proposed changes.

the region, details of these events can be found on the IBAP professional development calendar. On November 28, 2011 the IB published excerpts from the new guide which explain some of the changes to the course. This document can be found on the OCC at this address: http://occ. ibo.org/ibis/occ/general/Extracts%20from%20 DRAFT%202012%20Language%20B%20 guide%20Eng.pdf

November Coordinator Notes Please follow this link for the latest notes: http:// occ.ibo.org/ibis/documents/myp/m_g_mypxx_ con_1111_1_e.pdf

Next Chapter Report

The MYP Flyer

Please follow this link for the latest report: http:// The MYP Flyer has been officially translated into occ.ibo.org/ibis/documents/myp/m_0_mypxx_ Japanese and Indonesian. This resource is intended for parents and adds to the support you mypnc_1110_1_e.pdf provide for members of your community who are not proficient in the language of instruction of MYP Coordinator Network Activities your school. The Flyer will also be translated into This fall there have been a number of coordina- Korean in the near future. tor network meetings. These are important structures that facilitate some excellent discussions The Japanese version of the flyer can be found http://www.ibo.org/ibap/schoolservices/ between practitioners. If you are not part of a here: network please contact the regional office (curtis. myp/documents/MYPflyerJapanese.pdf beaverford@ibo.org) and we will try and connect The Indonesian version of the flyer can be found you with the nearest group. here: http://www.ibo.org/ibap/schoolservices/ myp/documents/MYPflyerIndonesian.pdf Changes to Language B In January 2011 the IB will publish the new Language B guide. This guide revision represents significant changes to the course’s structure. After the guide is published the IB will be running several subject specific seminars to help schools implement changes to their programmes. These seminars will be run in several locations around www.ibo.org

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T h e IB Dipl o ma P ro g am m e

Stephen Keegan, Regional School Services Manager DP I am writing this as November session schools begin their 2011 examination sessions, but you will receive it at the begining of December. You know that we will have been thinking of you and your candidates as you have embraced the November DP exam period. Some of you have had the good fortune to have received an unannounced examination visit, as our way of supporting you in your programme refinement and development.

Handbook of Procedures 2013 I bring to your attention that the deadline for amendments to the next issue of the Handbook of procedures for the Diploma Programme (the 2013 edition) is 1 February 2012. I know that many of us have occasional disappointments with the clarity of the Handbook. So now I am inviting you to share your concerns and suggestions with the Handbook editors. If you, as an individual or better still on behalf of a network of coordinators, email me with your suggested Handbook improvements, then I will collate them and send them off to IBCA in good time. Suggestions can be little or big, on the understanding that our friends in IBCA will make the ultimate decisions. Deadline to me at stephen.keegan@ibo.org is January 10 2012.

with that, then all the better. However, if other variables don’t allow Nigel’s schedule to work, that’s okay too.

Is this unethical? If the cap fits. It has been often written and regularly spoken that teachers have very limited editing roles when working with students on course IAs, extended essays and Language A written assignment tasks. This is summarized in the following statement. In general, in all groups of subjects with the exception of mathematics portfolio tasks, teachers/supervisors may only comment on the first draft of assignments. That draft may not be edited by teachers. This issue has specific support in various documents across the curriculum, including the Extended essay Guide [2008], page 8, and the new Language A: literature Guide [2011], page 28. The advice on the new written assignment in that course is very clear:

“As part of the learning process, teachers can give advice to students on a first draft of the task. This advice should be in terms of the way in which the work could be improved, but this first draft Networks of DP Coordinators must not be annotated or edited by the teacher. After making general comments on the first draft, We have been fortunate in attending more net- teachers should not provide any further assiswork meetings of DPCs in various cities in the tance.” region in the past year. It is our aim to attend at least one meeting of every DPC group per year. Is your school conforming to this unambiguous Hopefully you see our contributions in these meet- requirement? ings as constructive. Certainly, it can give you an opportunity to share your best practice as well as Is this unethical? Part 2. your concerns with us. Whenever possible, we will help you to make contact or get advice from A: Language level choice and Anticipated subour colleagues in IBCA. Please keep us informed jects as far in advance as possible of scheduled meetings. While we are being supported in prioritis- In the context of IB Practice C2.1b [The curriculum ing these connections, we still need to keep costs facilitates concurrency of learning], I am pleased down to a minimum, so if we get good advance to report that our region has a small proportion of notice, we can schedule other travel around the candidates who take Anticipated subjects. Howmeeting dates. In fact, Nigel Forbes-Harper is ever, most Anticipated entries are in the Group leading an initiative to coordinate visits to cities 2 languages. This fact adds a complexity to the and sub-regions. If your DPC network can fit in very troubling issue of language course selection. www.ibo.org

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The new Language B Guide [2011] is clear in defining how schools and students should be making their decisions: “It is essential that Diploma Programme coordinators and teachers ensure that students are following the course that is best suited to their present and future needs and that will provide them with an appropriate academic challenge. The degree to which students are already competent in the language and the degree of proficiency they wish to attain by the end of the period of study are the most important factors in identifying the appropriate course. Coordinators, in conjunction with teachers, are responsible for the placement of students. The most important consideration is that the course should be a challenging educational experience for the student.” [Page 4]. In fact, the old Guide was stronger on this: “If students are not adequately challenged by their choice of group 2 course they will have been denied an educational opportunity. If, for example, they have been advised to pursue an ab initio course when a language B would have been more appropriate, or a language B when an A2 would have been ideal, then they will have been, in effect, advised to seek the most expedient way to amass points, in an educationally sterile fashion. Students should be encouraged to pursue a course that is rigorous and worthwhile, and that will stand them in good stead for their tertiary studies and/or careers.” [Page 4].

the TOK approaches to teaching and learning can be demonstrated in two semesters, especially if students are not introduced to TOK until semester two. Surely in two semesters, schools are teaching to the assessments? I welcome your responses to this.

New Standards and Practices and Evaluation We have now been in the company of the new Programme Standards and Practices long enough to no longer need to call them new. In conjunction with these new Standards, the IB has completed a review of its authorization and evaluation processes. For most of you, it is evaluation procedures which are important. The next set of ‘five year reviews’ is due in April 2012. These are the first DP evaluations which will be conducted entirely on the new Standards and the new evaluation procedures. The new procedures are a definite refinement, which should free up schools to conduct their self studies with much reduced bureaucracy and paper shuffling. I suggest that each school gets a copy of the new guide to evaluation and start to align your school’s and programme’s strategic planning with the requirements of the new evaluation procedures. In particular, take a look at the chart 7 Action Plan, as a template for you to build your relationship with all of the standards and practices. The extent to which you create an electronic environment to cross-reference your responses and evidence for each practice is up to you. The IB’s report on your self study also will be more refined and more closely linked to the Standards than in the past.

So to make the point with an extreme scenario, if yours is a school which invites students to take an Anticipated language Group 2 SL course, which they would then complete in nine months, and they all score six or seven, and then they only Farewell to Briony have five subjects to study in their second year, is your school being ethical? Only you can answer By now many of you will know that Briony Morath, that. DP Associate Regional Manager, is leaving the regional office at the end of the year and returnB: TOK in two semesters and concurrency of ing to Sydney. I know that any of you who have learning been in contact with Briony over her year in the IB will join me in thanking her for her contribution Still on concurrency of learning, again I am to the DP in Asia Pacific. Her own high standards pleased to report that most of our schools in this and attention to detail have ensured that many region continue their TOK classes from the begin- schools in the region are better DP schools for ning of the first semester, to well into the fourth her input. Thanks Briony. semester of the two year programme. However, there are a few who do not begin the course until semester two and finish it at the end of semester stephen.keegan@ibo.org three. I cannot see how the ideals of embracing www.ibo.org

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Th e IB Career- rel at ed C e r tific a te IBCC achieves accreditation

have come from countries in all the regions and also a wide range of school profiles – from large The International Baccalaureate (IB) is please international schools to small state schools. to inform that the UK Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (Ofqual) announced You can find full information on our website http:// that the IB Career-related Certificate (IBCC) www.ibo.org/ibcc and if you require any further help meets the General Conditions of Recognition and don’t hesitate to contact the IB at ibid@ibo.org. has accepted it as a Regulated qualification in the UK. This is a significant development for the IBCC not just within the UK. This important accreditation will provide a platform for further recognition at the university level across the globe. The IBCC now appears on the Register of Regulated Qualifications http://register.ofqual.gov. uk/and, it will also appear on the Department for Education’s Section 96 list which includes all qualifications which are eligible for post-16 state funding in UK state maintained schools http://www.education.gov.uk/section96/search/ search.cfm The qualification will appear under

its full title, namely IBO Level 3 Combined Certificate (career related). It takes a few weeks for qualifications to appear on Section 96. The QAN (Qualification Accreditation Number) for the IBCC is 600/3507/9 In its first year of mainstream offering, the IBCC has generated considerable enthusiasm across the global community of IB schools and there are a growing number of IB world schools seeking authorization. Applications to offer the IBCC www.ibo.org

The IBCC framework The IBCC consists of the study of Diploma Programme courses along with a unique IBCC core. The core includes community and service, an approaches to learning (ATL) course and a reflective project blended together to enhance individual critical thinking and intercultural understanding. These elements come together to help students develop the communication and personal skills necessary for success. Surrounding

the IBCC core is the requirement of a minimum of two IB Diploma Programme courses. The core forms a bridge between the rigorous requirements of the IB Diploma courses and the targeted career-related courses chosen by the student. In addition to the IBCC core and the IB Diploma courses, students are expected to engage in the value added elements of a language acquisition course and a career related course. page 9

IB P rofe ssi o n al Devel o pm e n t

Stuart Jones, Professional Development Manager Asia Pacific

Continually working on improving our services to you IB Professional Development in the Asia Pacific offers two formats for Workshops, In-school and Regional. We are working at improving our offering of IB Workshops to make them more effective and efficient for you and your organisation. We are now offering several improvements:


accordance with the IB travel policy and in consultation with the school. The flight will be invoiced at the same time as the Workshop fee.

Regional Workshops:

We continue to build on the development of regional events: supporting ICT integration, plenary sessions, workshop related excursions and hands-on activities, and the provision of more specialist Category 3 workshops. We are also working closely with IB networks to refine the schedule of workshops. If you feel there is a need for additional workshops in your region, then please work through your local network, and we will look at the possibility of arranging it for you. Please bear in mind that we have to have a confirmed number of 10 participants to hold a Regional workshop.

A broader range of courses can now be offered for the in-school model, and schools can now choose to run most of the PYP workshops available on an inschool basis. For DP/MYP courses previously only available at a regional event, e.g. Language A, can now be specially requested to run as an in-school Subject Specific Seminars (SSS) workshop. A Subject specific seminar is the name given to the A number of the booking restrictions we previously first set of workshops to support the release of a new required with in-school workshops due to capacity guide. For the Diploma programme, new guides are issues can now be lifted. We have responded to released at the end of December. All workshops afschools’ requests to offer professional development ter this release will focus on the new guide but the to a more diverse range of educators in the school subject specific seminars are distinctive in that: at any one time. Whilst it is usually beneficial to run • They offer a tremendous opportunity for experienced teachers to fully acquaint themselves with the same in-school workshop for all staff, schools changes to a particular subject area prior to the may now request to run more than one workshop start of teaching the new course. at a time if the diversity of professional develop• They use new materials created by the curricument needs within the school indicate as such. lum and assessment teams to explain and exemplify the teaching and learning framework, the An improved service for you on our REGIS (through guidelines and requirements for implementation, IBIS) system which will make it easier for you to the objectives and criteria, and the assessment request workshops, post participants names and fitools and task types. nalise billing details. In-school workshops can now • There is a focus on transition from the old to the be booked in the same way as regional workshops. new guide • Additional support is provided by IB Academic The booking process is now as follows: Requests staff from the programme development team via REGIS(IBIS) are confirmed within 14 days. and/or a member of the curriculum review team. From this point you can start to register participants They will run a plenary session on the curriculum into the workshop through REGIS. When Workshop review process and also be on hand throughout Leaders are allocated then the workshop is finalthe workshop to answer questions and particiised and schools can start to liaise with the Workpate in discussions. shop Leader on logistics . Whilst it is very rarely the case that we are unable to find Workshop Leaders, should this prove difficult we will get back to you at In the second half of the year additional workshops least 2 months before the workshop to discuss op- for these subjects will be scheduled, and where possible scheduled locally, according to demand from tions. the networks, This provides schools with the flexAs part of the new In-School Workshop service ibility to determine who and when it needs to train. we are now arranging the flights for the Workshop Leaders through the IB travel agent (the same as New Subject Seminar (NSS) for Regional events). The flight allocation will be in Similar to the subject specific seminar, this is anothwww.ibo.org

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er special type of workshop designed to introduce a new subject. Sports Exercise and Health Science has been in the pilot phase for a number of years and will go mainstream in 2012. Registration is open for:

• • • • •

Biology: Integrating Fieldwork ESS: Approaches to Fieldwork Chemistry: Experiential Learning Successfully Navigating University Recognition A Theoretical and Practical Approach to Developing Links between TOK and CAS*

MYP: MYP Subject Specific Seminars in Hong Kong, Mel- • Physical Education: Moderation and Monitoring of bourne, Australia and Singapore: Assessment (MMA). These are subject specific and Language B. Category 2/SSS [Two sections scheduled] high level workshops grounded in the assessment Humanities, Category 2/SSS requirements and focussing on the vertical and horizontal articulation of the curriculum Hong Kong: Seminar 23-25 March 2012, (Registration • Performing Arts: Moderation and Monitoring of Ascloses 27 Feb 2012) sessment Melbourne: Seminar: 28-30 March 2012, (Registration • Technology: Moderation and Monitoring of Assesscloses 10 March 2012) ment Singapore: Seminar: 2-4 April 2012 (Registration closes • Validating the 3 Year MYP. This workshop focuses 10 March 2012) on Years 1-3 of the MYP • Evaluating your MYP DP Subject Specific Seminars in Singapore, Hong • Personal Project Kong, Delhi, Melbourne: • Assessment in the 21st Century. Singapore SSS 3-5 February 2012 (Registration Dead- • Action in the MYP (Community and Service) line: 14 Jan 2012) • Areas of Interaction Math HL Category 2/SSS • Developing inquiry through a museum experience Math SL Category 2/SSS Math Studies, Category 2/SSS PYP: • Teacher as Researcher Hong Kong SSS, NSS 10-12 February (Registration • Developing Inquiry through a museum experience deadline: 21 January 2012) • Programme of inquiry: A strategy to support school’s Math HL, Category 2/SSS, [3 sections scheduled] self assessment* Math SL, Category 2/SSS, [2 sections scheduled] • Creativity in Education* Math Studies, Category 2/SSS • Assessment in the Early Years* • Pedagogical Leadership in the Early Years* Delhi SSS, cat 1 & 3 , 9-11 March (Registration deadline: 18 February 2012) Math HL, Category 2/SSS, [2 sections scheduled] Math SL, Category 2/SSS, [2 sections scheduled] Math Studies Category 2/SSS

*workshops have yet to be scheduled. Please contact us if you are interested in these workshops and we will discuss where and when we can schedule them. Please go on line via IBIS to our new registration system REGIS to book places for your staff to ensure that you are not disappointed.

Melbourne SSS, 28- 30 March (Registration Deadline: General Information available to you: 10 March) Math HL, Category 2/SSS, [2 sections scheduled] Regional Workshop schedule: http://ibo.org/ibap/ Math SL, Category 2/SSS, [2 sections scheduled] professionaldevelopment/ and click on the Google Math Studies Category 2/SSS

doc on the right for the current Regional Workshop DP New Specific Seminars in Hong Kong and Mel- schedule for 2012 for Asia Pacific Region. bourne: Hong Kong, NSS 10-12 February (Registration deadline: 21 January 2012) Sports, Exercise and Health Science Melbourne, NSS 28- 30 March (Registration Deadline: 10 March) Sports, Exercise and Health Science

Workshops available catalogue http://www.ibo.org/events/documents/IB_WorkshopCatalog_web.pdf

Whilst most of these workshops are available for both In-School or Regional, we generally offer what is most requested. If you choose to run a workshop that is not usually requested, please get in touch New Category 3 workshops Category 3 workshops focus on a particular area of the with us directly to discuss. (ibid@ibo.org) course or related pedagogy.

DP: • Physics: Promoting the use of ICT www.ibo.org

We look forward to working with you to best meet your Professional Development requirements. page 11

I B Universi t y Reco g n i t i o n & D e v e lo p m e n t

Updates from Greg Valentine IB Manager Development Australasia

gain five points credit towards their Senior Certificate in WA should they not be undertaking the Diploma Programme in years 11 and 12.

1. The Federal Minister for Education in Australia, Peter Garrett MP, has made a decision, following representation from Greg Valentine from the Australasian IB Office, to include IBDP High Achievers in the Australian Students Prizes. Australian Citizens and permanent residents in Australian IB World Schools who score 45 points (Ie an ATAR of 99.95) will now be eligible for the Australian Students Prize, along with the $2,000 cash prize.

Many thanks to Amanda Murphy from St Brigid’s College and Curtis Beaverford IBAP who successfully applied for this recognition.

These Awards which are presented to the top 500 Year 12 students in Australia have never, except in the State of Victoria, included IBDP High Achievers and last year 29 students in Australia who scored 45 points would have been eligible. Many IBDP students with a 99.95 equivalent score in the past have been excluded. The IB will notify the Federal Department of Education, Employment and Training (DEET) in January 2012 of the names and contact details of each IBDP students who earns 45 points and meets the citizenship criteria and DEET will contact the successful students to inform them of their Award. The IBDP student’s school will be involved in the nomination process. This decision provides both equity and recognition for IBDP High Achieving graduates and the IB is delighted to have been informed of Minister Garrett’s decision. 2. On 27th October 2011 the Curriculum Council of Western Australia officially informed the IB that successful completion of the MYP Personal Project will count towards the WA Certificate of Education. This decision means that all students in WA who complete the MYP Personal Project will be able to www.ibo.org

3. Greg Valentine, Manager Development Australasia has made an appointment with the Victorian Registration and Qualification Authority to prepare for the submission of an Application to have the IB Career Related Certificate (IBCC) recognized as a Senior Secondary Qualification in the state of Victoria. Any IB World Schools in Victoria interested in the IBCC should make contact with Greg Valentine at greg.valentine@ibo.org in support of the submission. The IBCC has recently been formally recognized by Ofqual in the UK and formal recognition Australia-wide will be pursued through ACARA in the coming years. 4. A spreadsheet summarizing IBDP Recognition by all Universities in Australasia has been prepared by the Sydney Office. The spreadsheet shows the minimum requirements for entry, any scholarship opportunities, possible credit, bonus or advanced placement, English Proficiency requirements and the application procedures for International and Domestic students for each University. Full Recognition statements, including where relevant comments about the alignment of IB Philosophy and the Tertiary Institution’s philosophy, for each of these Universities are on www.ibo. org If you would like a copy of the summary sheet please contact the Sydney Office. Schools should also check the Recognition section of www.ibo.org to access copies of new research and Recognition documents including curriculum briefs, alumni statements, research summaries, model recognition policy statements etc page 12

5. Australian Diploma Schools are encouraged Updates from Priyamvada Taneja to sign up for the DP Student Survey and encourIB University Liaison Officer India age their DP students to complete the survey after the know their Tertiary destinations so that IB is not only able to track the destination of DP Graduates Snapshot of Recognition activities in India but also gather information about their enrolment experience and knowledge of the IBDP amongst Recognition statement updates (ongoing) – Since I joined last October, I have worked with uniInstitutions. versities, counselors, schools and other stakeholders and we are making excellent progress which will Diploma Coordinators in Australasia are also enbenefit IB students across the region. I have tarcouraged to continue to enter the Destination data geted 30 Universities/colleges/organizations, which into IBIS for their 2011 Graduating cohort. This in- has resulted in 12 new recognition statements. formation which 90% of schools provided in 2011 has been invaluable in determining which Institu- Another big achievement has been the acceptance tions we need to focus on in our efforts to raise of IB students for the INSPIRE scholarship by the awareness of the IBDP as well as further relation- Department of Science and Technology. Presentaships and develop opportunities to track IBDP grad- tion on University Recognition Updates at the TAISI uates and engage in IB-related research with these ( The Association of International Schools in India) conference (September, 2011) – The TAISI presuniversities. entation examined the emerging trends, challenges, 6. Our successful application to ACARA for rec- recognition updates and the various ways that IB ognition of the PYP and MYP as ‘alternatives to the is employing to ensure the smooth progression for IB Diploma students in India. The session was atAustralian Curriculum’ was submitted mid-year and tended by Heads/Deputy Heads/IB coordinators of we are pleased to announce a successful outcome. schools and helped inform them of the IB recogniSchools are reminded that, even with recognition tion strategy going forward whilst examining the reas an Alternative to the Australian Curriculum is sponsibilities of IB World Schools as they guide their gained, they will still have to meet the requirements students in the future. of their State Registration Authorities and participate in NAPLAN. Application for Recognition of the Counselor/DP meeting in Mumbai (November Diploma Programme will be made when the Year 11 2011) - The first College Counselors/DP Coordinators meeting was held in Mumbai last month to disand 12 Australian Curriculum is finalized. cuss the issues surrounding University recognition. 7. There have been some significant increases The meeting was attended by 17 prominent schools in student registrations for the Diploma Programme of Mumbai. It provided an excellent opportunity to in 2011. Total Registrations (Including Diploma, have a meaningful discussion regarding recognition Certificate, Anticipated and Retakes) for May 2011 of the IB Diploma. Going forward we will hold similar sessions in 4 major cities in the country. and November 2011 now total 122,761, up from 113,953 in 2010. There have been some significant 40th COBSE conference on Continuous and Comincreases in 2011 compared to 2010 in Australasia prehensive Evaluation in Gurgaon, Haryana, (Nowith New Zealand increasing 26.6% and Australia vember 2011) – The Council of Boards of School increasing 15.5%.. Both SA and NSW had increas- Education in India (COBSE) is a voluntary associaes above 20% and Queensland increased their tion of all the Boards of School Education in India. number of Registrations by nearly 30%. IB for the first time attended the COBSE conference. This will pave a way for nationwide MYP recognition and awareness of IB programmes across the country. For more information : http://www.ibo.org/ibap/universityrecognition/ www.ibo.org

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IB E ducator Net w o rk Upd a te s

Ashish Trivedi, IB Educator Network Manager, Asia Pacific Dear All,

Preference will be given to educators with prior experience as school visitors or as workshop leaders.

We would like to extend a sincere thanks to our community of IB educators who work with us in various roles such as workshop leaders, site vis- • School Visits Team Member (PYP, MYP, DP) itors, consultants and field representatives. The School visits team members will participate in 850+ IB educators from 260 schools in Asia Paprogramme verification and evaluation visits cific make an invaluable contribution to support representing the IB. They will be responsible our candidate and IB World schools. for conducting the visit and contributing to a final report and recommendation for the reWe are grateful to our IB educators for their time gional office. and effort in facilitating more than 800 workshops, visits and other regional IB activities in • School Visits Team Leader (PYP, MYP, DP) 2011. This would not have been possible without Team leaders are responsible for liaising with the generous support of our school heads and the regional office and the school prior to and therefore we would also like to extend our gratiafter the visit as well as for leading the visittude to all our school heads. ing team in conducting the visit and preparing the visit report for submission to the regional We hope that by being a part of the IB educaoffice. tor network, our IB educators not only receive rich professional development themselves but Professional Development Roles also take back ideas, experiences and learning to their own school communities. The regional • Workshop Leader (PYP/MYP/DP) - Workoffice will be organizing a number of training shop leaders facilitate professional developevents for those interested in becoming a part ment for teachers in regional workshops and of the IB educator network. These trainings are in schools implementing the IB programmes. intended to develop participants in the following Workshop Leaders contribute to the global roles: Quality Assurance Framework of PD provision. School Services Roles • Programme Field Representatives (PYP/ • Consultant (PYP, MYP, DP) - Consultants will MYP/DP) - Programme Field Representaprovide support and mentoring to candidate tives will offer academic support to Workshop schools. Each school will be assigned a conleaders on regional workshop events and sultant by the regional office who will conduct also feedback observations to regional office the mandatory consultation visit and provide IBEN Managers. Programme Field representa specified number of hours of distance menatives contribute to the global Quality Assurtoring in preparation for the verification visit. ance Framework of PD provision. Preference will be given to educators with prior experience as school visitors. For detailed information on how to become a part of the IB educator network, please visit the • Application Reader (PYP, MYP, DP) - Ap- IB Asia Pacific IBEN webpage. plication readers will analyse, evaluate and report to the regional office on documented Your continued feedback is very important to us evidence submitted by schools with the ap- so please do send us your ideas, suggestions plication of candidacy and/or authorization. and feedback at ashish.trivedi@ibo.org. www.ibo.org

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IB R esearch Dep art men t Justine Sanders, Research Specialist

It has been a busy year for research in the IB, and we have a number of projects to share that we hope you will find interesting and informative.

published several new papers. IB position papers, written by IB practitioners and educators, address topics related to the IB’s philosophy and current educational practices and trends. You can find them at: http://blogs.ibo.org/positionpapers/. We have also published two reports profiling the Learner Profile and Theory of Knowledge. On the Programme Impact You can access these by logging in to the OCC. side, we’ve released six studies this year looking at • Learners without Borders: A Curricuthe postsecondary achievelum for Global Citizenship - Irene Davy ment of DP students as well as the performance and engagement of MYP students. You can view • Thought Word and Deed: The Role of Cognithe full reports, along with summaries, on our tion, Language and Culture in Teaching and recently redesigned Programme Impact Studies Learning in IB World Schools – Michael Allan pages: http://www.ibo.org/research/policy/programmevalidation/. Studies completed this year: • International Baccalaureate Learner Profile: Literature review – Kate Bullock • International Baccalaureate students studying at UK Higher Educa- • Perspectives on a Curious Subject: What is tion Institutions: How do they fare?IB Theory of Knowledge all About? - Eileen Higher Education Statistics Agency Dombrowski, John Mackenzie & Mike Clarke • Postsecondary Enrollment Patterns of The Global Research Department has recently also IB Certificate and Diploma Candidates produced two other documents for the IB community: from High Schools within and outside the U.S. (2 reports) – SRI International • An annotated bibliography of the available research on the IB from 2010. Look for an • First college courses taken by Florupdated resource list for research from 2011 ida IB Students – SRI International to be release toward the beginning of 2012. • Student Performance and Stu- • A quick info dent Engagement in the IB Midings from IB dle Years Programme – Julie Wade sioned research Going forward, we are embarking on a number of new projects which explore what it means to be an IB teacher; implementation of the PYP in India; the relationship between performance in the MYP and DP; analysis of external assessment data across programmes; gender differences in the STEM subjects; a longitudinal look at postsecondary access, performance and persistence; the MYP in the UK; and follow-ups to the studies on PYP and MYP student performance on the International Schools Assessment (ISA) and student performance and engagement in the MYP. On the Programme Development side, we have www.ibo.org

sheet of key findproduced or commison programme impact.

Finally, review of the latest round of Jeff Thompson Research Award applications (our most ever!) is currently underway, but the next deadline for applications is coming up on March 31, 2012. We are pleased to be able to support the research of IB practitioners. You can find out more on the award and how to apply at: http://www.ibo. org/research/resources/jeffthompson/index.cfm To find out more on any of the IB’s research activities, please visit: http://www.ibo.org/research/, or email us at: research@ibo.org.

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IB World S t u d en t Co n f e r e n c e s in 2 0 1 2 Segovia, Spain and Vancouver, BC, Canada

Skills and relationships that will last a lifetime In 2011, the IB Schools Division, under the leader-

Registration began 1 November 2011 and space

ship of Siva Kumari, has set up a structure to part-

is limited! Let your DP students know about this

ner with universities throughout the world to host

conference – it is a great opportunity for them to

IB World Student Conferences on a regular basis.

meet their fellow IB students! For more informa-

The IB World Student Conferences aims to provide

tion on the conferences, visit the conference web-

a unique opportunity to develop student leadership

site: www.ibo.org/wsc/ or contact the World Student

and international understanding and welcome IB Di-

Conference Team at ibwsc@ibo.org.

ploma Programme students from around the world to experience what it means to inspire responsible action for creating a better, more peaceful world.

In 2012, IB will be conducting 2 World Student Conferences: one in Segovia, Spain, and one in Vancouver, Canada. Instituto de Empresa will be hosting Global Engagement through Social Entrepreneurship conference from July 2-6. The University of British Columbia will be hosting The New Sustainability: Making Things Better, Not Just “Less Bad” from July 23-27. Both conferences will feature renowned speakers and the opportunity for students to engage intellectually with the university faculty and each other.


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N e w IB Worl d S ch o o l s in A s ia Pa c ific

We are pleased to officially welcome schools that have been authorized to teach an IB programme between January 2011 and December 2011

Primary Years Programme Canberra Girls’ Grammar School Coromandel Valley Primary School Eden Hills Primary School Good Shepherd Lutheran School, Angaston Immanuel Lutheran School, Gawler John Wollaston Anglican Community School Kunyung Primary School Moreton Bay Boys’ College Plenty Valley Christian College Seabrook Primary School Spring Head Lutheran School St John’s Lutheran School, Eudunda, Inc. Northbridge International School Cambodia Guangdong Country Garden School Shanghai Victoria Kindergarten (Pudong) Eastern Public School Fountainhead School Hillside Academy Indus International School, Hyderabad Sreenidhi International School Stonehill International School Vidya Global School Jakarta International Multicultural School Sekolah Buin Batu Sekolah Pilar Indonesia Canadian Academy Okinawa International School Tsukuba International School Gyeonggi Suwon International School Fairview International School Wangsa Maju Campus Fairview International School Penang Diocesan School for Girls Scots College Domuschola International School German European School Manila Canadian International School, Tanjong Katong Campus Chinese International School Nexus International School ACG International School Vietnam



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Middle Years Programme Moreton Bay Boys’ College Seaford 6-12 School Seaford Rise Primary School EtonHouse International School, Suzhou Canadian International School of Hong Kong Canadian Academy Vientiane International School Fairview International School Penang


Diploma Programme Sophia Mundi Steiner School Jerudong International School Northbridge International School Cambodia Guangzhou Nanhu International School Shanghai Weiyu High School Taihu International School Zhangjiagang Foreign Language School Carmel School Po Leung Kuk Choi Kai Yau School Singapore International School (Hong Kong) St Paul’s Co-educational College The Hong Kong Chinese Christian Churches Union Logos Academy Bombay International School D Y Patil International School, Nerul Greenwood High Indus International School, Pune Jain International Residential School Lancers International School Learning Panorama School Mainadevi Bajaj International School NSS Hill Spring International School Oaktree International School Gunma Kokusai Academy The Malay College Kuala Kangsar Chinese International School Manila The Beacon Academy



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