2 minute read
Trim trees. Prevent outages.
by Ian Coles
Falling branches cause most power outages.
At the beginning of hurricane season, trim your trees at least 10 feet from power lines to reduce storm related outages.
Call BELCO 3 weeks in advance to schedule a power shutdown so you can trim safely.
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Tel: (441) 296-3535 e-mail: prestigebda@gmail.com www.prestigeautos.bm e-mail: prestigebda@gmail.com
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Having survived the depths of covid as a registered local charity, the Construction Association of Bermuda (CAOB) like other charities that rely on donations, managed to weather the storm by being proactive with our membership, forgiving dues, and planning for the future.
The CAOB has always had a sound fiscal policy and has used this to provide scholarships to Bermudians via www.bermudascholarships.com, where applicants can apply for funds to further their university education in a construction related discipline. This has traditionally has been in the engineering field, construction management, or quantity surveying/project management. Due to the lack of funds over the two years of the pandemic, we were unable to provide such financial assistance, but we are proud to announce that we can do so for 2023.
Thanks to the overwhelming support of our membership, we had an exceptional CAOB Scholarship Golf Tournament in October last year at Port Royal. Thank you to our title sponsor, H & H Plumbing Ltd, and our contributing sponsor, Greymane Builders Supply, for their phenomenal support.
A fantastic selection of candidates has already applied for our scholarship this year, and we are enthusiastic about the next generation of Bermudians to contribute to the construction industry.
We must also look at the viability of those that aren’t interested in the more ‘paperwork heavy’ side of the industry, those that enjoy being on site, and honing their skills and craft to produce top quality products. There are some encouraging signs of restarting trade schooling locally with particular emphasis on children as young as 8. Paget Primary School has a vision with legendary instructor Kevin Bean who is teaching hands on mathematics and practical carpentry skills to children who are keen to learn the trades. Both he and Rick Richardson are graduates of the former Bermuda Technical Institute and Rick was instrumental in having discussions with the CAOB to plan a way forward. As with anything that requires materials to learn, there is always the supply side of things and the CAOB with the assistance of D&J Construction Ltd., generously donated materials so that Mr. Bean could create a piece of equipment for the autistic members of the school. The children Mr. Bean is instructing assisted where they could with measurements, a plan and execution of the project.