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Rules of Engagement The dos and don’ts that will spare you a blush or two
How to avoid making a faux pas on your visit
Do say “Good morning,” “Good afternoon” or whatever is appropriate when you greet a Bermudian. Failure to do so may impede your chances of continuing the conversation. Sorry, but being nice here is a necessity.
Don’t make the erroneous — and potentially disastrous — assumption that everyone here has his or her price. Bribery is unheard of or at least very rare. If someone appears a little ponderous, they won’t be waiting for a “tip.” More likely, they’ll be anticipating the above-mentioned “Good morning.”
Do accept if you’re invited to the home of a business acquaintance. Bermudian hospitality is genuine, so enjoy it. Be sure to make that morning-after call to thank your hosts, though. Failure to do so is a capital offence.
Don’t be impatient. You’ll find business moves at the pace of any international city, but beyond that, we live a slightly slower lifestyle here. We drive at 20 mph, so don’t ask your taxi driver to “step on it.” And while you will find friendly and courteous service in restaurant and shops, don’t expect to be served at breakneck speed.
Do be sensible about leaving your hotel and windows locked. Bermuda experiences far lower crime rates than almost any other place on Earth, but drugs can make a small minority do dangerous things. So don’t suspend your big-city caution.
Don’t gossip about one local to another. Invariably, the subject turns out to be your interlocutor’s cousin/ neighbour/ex-spouse — you get the idea. The key concept to remember is that everyone you meet is probably related and slated to talk soon. social appointment with a local, and he or she shows up late. It’s kind of a custom here.
Don’t be surprised if the dinner table talk is a little “insular.” After all, this is a small island. Speaking of eating, most Bermudians eat relatively early, with restaurant reservations at 7 pm or 7:30 pm the norm. Also, long liquid lunches are out here. It’s perfectly acceptable to lunch with clients over a light salad or even meet for breakfast or coffee at one of the more fashionable eateries.
Rules of
Show up on time