16 minute read
Island Essentials
by Ian Coles
Democracy, Bermuda-Style
Bermuda remains a British colony but is self-governing in almost all significant respects, with a Parliamentary system modeled after that of the UK. Although we are nominally under the responsibility of a Governor who is appointed by the Queen, the House of Assembly is where the big decisions are made.
The house has 36 elected members representing all areas of the island. At the moment the majority belong to the Progressive Labour Party (PLP), who won a snap election in October 2020. The PLP has 30 seats with the opposition One Bermuda Alliance (OBA) now represented with 6.
The October 2020 election was also contested by the Free Democratic Movement, led by
The Governor, Her Excellency Rena Lalgie The Premier, David Burt, JP, MP

former PLP leader Marc Bean. Its 5% of the popular vote was not enough to secure any parliamentary seats.
The Premier is chosen by the majority party from its elected members to lead the Government and therefore the country.
As ‘guest work’, one is not entitled to vote or stand for election.

Bermuda has its own very colourful currency
The island has its own currency, the Bermuda dollar, which is ‘pegged’ to the US dollar — one Bermuda dollar equals one US dollar. American money is accepted everywhere. Nearly all ATM’s dispense Bermuda dollars but there are a few that provide US dollars – including several in the departure lounge at the airport. Major credit and debit cards are accepted island-wide. Unlike some of the islands to our south, we don’t have hundreds of banks registered here. There are only a few, with names probably unfamiliar to you (with the notable exception of HSBC). All of them offer the range of services you might expect, such as loans, investment services and online banking. With money laundering of major concern worldwide, don’t be surprised if you’re asked for a great deal of personal information when opening an account.
Capital Gains
Of all the world’s capital cities, Hamilton must rank among the smallest and the most prosperous. It’s also an unusually pleasant city with a tasteful blend of traditional and contemporary architecture and hardly a window that doesn’t overlook blue sea or luxuriant greenery.
But Hamilton is far from the toy town that it seems at first sight. Behind the attractively unassuming facades that line the main streets beats the heart of big-time international business. Hamilton is one of the world’s leading insurance centers, ranking behind only London and New York, and is the undisputed number one in captive insurance.
One of the things you’ll like about our capital is that everything is within walking distance. It’s so easy to get around that there’s no other office more than 10 minutes walk from your own, and within a 5-minute walk there’s every chance of more than 10 restaurants or take-outs from which to choose for lunch.

You and the Law
You won’t find the Bermudian justice system much different from most other sophisticated countries. It is based on English common law.
Firearms and ammunitions and indeed all weaponry are completely unwelcome and carry heavy penalties. Importing even a small amount of any illegal drug for your own use is a serious imprisonable offense. Drink-driving penalties are also very firm.
And be warned, working outside the bounds of your work-permit could lead to big trouble, both for you and your employer.
The Police wouldn’t want to meet you on business
Our wild side Despite the island’s tiny dimensions, there are still some significant stretches of open space here, and lots of (non-threatening) wildlife inhabiting it. The island is sprinkled with small, but interesting national parks and nature reserves.
There are also miles of South Shore beachfront that are mercifully clear of development. They are public and therefore free to roam and swim. The railway trail is another treat. It stretches from St. George’s to Somerset, cutting through parts of the island you would otherwise never see. Great for walking, jogging or cycling. Bermuda is Offshore, our abundant reefs an ecological and wrecks make a paradise treasure island for divers.

Bermuda is a small place with limited diversions, which is why Bermudians are so well travelled. They’re always taking short trips to ‘get off the rock’. With careful planning of your budget, you can too, because despite our relative isolation, we’re remarkably well connected by air to the US, Canada and the UK. Our international airport was closed from mid-March 2020 until early July 2020 in order to restrict travellers with Covid-19 from entering the island, and airlines have been slow to reinstate their regularly scheduled flights. But we’re still being well served and during 2022, you can anticipate the resumption of regular (mostly daily) nonstop flights right up and down the East Coast, including Miami, Atlanta, Philadelphia, Washington, New Jersey, New York, Boston and Toronto. British Airways has a dedicated service between Bermuda and Heathrow. For an up to date listing of all flights to and from Bermuda visit www.bermudaairport.com/flights/.
Of course we do speak English, but with an attractively different accent that may be a little confusing at first.
One particular feature is the transposing of the letters w and v – as in “Velcome to our island” and “gold is a waluable commodity” – which can be traced back to old English.
Ask any Bermudian you meet to explain the intricacies of islandspeak and you’re in for a hilarious conversation.
Our weather is mostly marvelous
Over the Volcano

Particularly Pleasant Weather

Although it is close to the US northeast, Bermuda’s climate is semitropical, kept warm and humid by the Gulf Stream. It is hottest in the months of July, August and September when temperatures are usually in the 80s with equally high humidity counts.
Summer is considered to begin officially in May – a public holiday observed on the last Friday of May signifies the first day of ocean swimming for Bermudians – and end in November. But temperatures from November to May can vary enormously, from the pleasant mid-70s to the all-time low of 41, recorded in 1955. January, February and March can be rainy and cool, although once again in this temperate climate, it is unusual to experience more than a few days of unpleasant weather at a time. It is generally referred to as “the island”, but Bermuda is in fact a chain of about 150 islands, many of which are really just rocky outcrops.
The land area, all 22 square miles of it, represents the summit of an undersea mountain. Although the highest point in Bermuda is a mere 259 feet above sea level, the ocean plunges to 15,000 feet within a few miles of land.
Do not be alarmed that the mountain we mentioned was volcanic – it is extinct. And you will also be happy to learn that although we do get the occasional hurricane, Bermuda is spared other natural disasters of any magnitude.

US Preclearance
When you landed at L.F. Wade International Airport, you experienced our new passenger terminal, opened in December 2020.
It was built north of the old terminal, which had been constructed in the 1950’s, with several subsequent additions and renovations.
The new terminal cost around $250 million and has been designed in such a way that it can easily accommodate the addition of extra aircraft gates at either end of the terminal.
A partnership between the governments of Bermuda and Canada underpins the project.
One benefit Bermuda residents enjoy is having US Customs and Immigration preclearance. Only about a dozen locations around the world have this US preclearance programme, which enables you to ‘preclear’ here if you’re travelling to the US, so wherever you land, onward travel is seamless. No further US customs, immigration or security checks required, unlike passengers arriving in the US from almost all other countries.
Super-speedy Internet
Bermuda is one of the most wired countries in the world, so you can put aside any worries about staying in touch through Facebook, FaceTime, WhatsApp, Instagram, Skype or any of your other favourite apps.
However, you may find Internet and cell/mobile rates higher than elsewhere, and the price of smart phones higher than in North America and Europe. Also, the latest releases tend to reach us later than those larger markets.
You’ll find the price of a very basic cell phone plan will cost you more than $100 per month. A basic cable TV package is $30 and if you’re looking for ‘the works’, including HBO, expect to pay close to $150

A drive like no other. The all new Hyundai KONA sports a youthful, playful design and delivers one of the best all-electric ranges of up to 484km. Bring your sense of adventure and get ready to enjoy the ride in the KONA, with a driver-centric interior and high-tech details for a driving experience that can‘t be matched. per month. Internet access is also from $100 per month upwards with the fastest speeds costing more than $200. A basic phone landline is around $30 a month. 4G LTE cellular service is available throughout the island. No decision has yet been made on the deployment of 5G technology on the island.

Dress Code
Scruffy, not to be confused with casual, just isn’t the done thing here.
Men, for the office, you can’t go wrong with a blue blazer, white or blue cotton shirt and khakis. They’ll do for everything from work to weddings. But if you prefer to conform with the locals, wear Bermuda shorts, paired with knee socks and loafers.
Women: err on the conservative and smart side until you get a feel for the prevailing attitude in your particular office. Too much cleavage or make-up just isn’t the done thing; neither are nose rings, tongue studs and other prominent body piercings.

Bermuda is a mecca for international celebrities flying in for a break. But did you know that we have a superstar of our own — Oscar-winning actor and producer Michael Douglas, whose mother Diana Dill’s Bermudian bloodlines go back to 1630. Until a few years ago, Douglas lived here full-time with his wife, Catherine Zeta-Jones, and their two children.

Michael Bloomberg United States can often be seen playing golf at exclusive Mid Ocean Club in Tucker’s Town, where he has a home. His fortune is thought to be in the region of $5bn and as a philanthropist he has donated millions of dollars to cultural, educational and medical causes.
Like many wealthy families that reside in Bermuda, the Greens choose to keep a low profile. Over the last few years, however, they have been thrust into the spotlight by their purchase and subsequent $100 million renovation of the

Michael Douglas
Former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, who was a also a candidate for the 2020 Democratic nomination for president of the

Alexander and Andrew Green

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Bermuda’s international shipping experts B d ’ i t t i l h i i t Bermuda a a’s nt nte tern nat at o on na al ’s s sh p pp pi ng g exxppe ts r offering fast and efficient service for: of off ffe fe r ri ng g fa fas ast st a and d ef effi ffi c ci e n nt se erv i c ce fo or: r
Customs Clearance • Delivery • Exports • Logistics C us ust sto to oms ms C le e ea ra nc c ce • De l iv ive ve ry • E Ex xp po orts • Lo og gis ist st ti c cs r Storage • Relocations • International Forwarding St Sto to ora ra age ge • Re lo o oc cat at tio o ons ns • I nt nte te ern at i o on na l o or ardin ngrw w F

Hamilton Princess Hotel, as well as the development of two new office complexes on Hamilton’s waterfront, Waterloo House and Point House. The family’s connection to the island goes back three generations.
Shaun Goater played for Manchester City in the Premier League between 1998 and 2003, where he scored more than 100 goals — including a hat-trick against his first professional club, Manchester United. He was Manchester City’s top scorer for four consecutive seasons, and the local fans created a song in his honour, “Feed the Goat and He Will Score”.
At the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games Flora Duffy crossed the finish line of the triathlon one minute ahead of her competition, securing the first-ever Olympic gold medal for Bermuda. Our National Stadium and a hill are both named in her honour.
Flora is also a multiple time World Champion of the ITU World Triathlon

Shaun Goater Series, ITU Cross Triathlon World Championships and XTERRA World Championships, and the first Bermuda female to win a gold medal at the Commonwealth Games when she won the triathlon event in Gold Coast, Australia in April 2018.

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How to find your new hairstylist (when you’re REALLY fussy)
Packing and unpacking or finding a new home may not be your main concern about moving to Bermuda. For many, it’s trying to find the best person to style your hair. Because it’s often the case that if you don’t feel good about your hair, you don’t feel good, period.
Worry no more. The experts at Headway Salon and Day Spa will keep you looking good and feeling great. Friendly and inviting, Headway is right in the center of the city — just a few minutes walk from all of Hamilton’s major offices.
Headway is for ladies, gentlemen and children. Its stylists can ensure your existing style is maintained to perfection, or suggest something new for your island lifestyle.
The day spa offers a world of relaxation, rejuvenation and beauty—facials, make-up brow tattooing, hair treatments, smoothing treatments and other expert services using clean/green product lines that are committed to helping the environment.
A visit to Headway is the perfect way to feel good about your move to Bermuda. www.headway.bm

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Affording The Bermuda Lifestyle
It’s certainly a lovely place, but even with a good job Bermuda can seem expensive. Here’s a guide to help you budget.

Living on an island in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean means things inevitably will be more expensive than you might be used to. But the lifestyle you’ll enjoy here, more than makes up for the high prices.
It is a great place to bring up small children but there is a price to pay for kids.
You have the choice here of putting him or her through the free Government education system, from which many Bermudians and others have gone on to great careers. But the truth is that, given the choice, most parents here would opt for private education. A private education will cost up to about $23,000 a year. Add another $2,000 to $4,000 for uniform, books, after-school care and other schoolrelated expenses.
There are lots of daycare, nurseries and pre-schools. Costs vary between $800 and $1,400 month. There are also free public nurseries that are worth investigating.
The good news for homeseekers is that rents being asked by landlords have declined between 20% and 30% over the past few years, and there is a surplus of apartments and houses on the market now.
The more bedrooms you require, the more you obviously will pay. Everything is subjective but an ‘okay’ two bedroom, one bathroom apartment in an ‘okay’ area within 20 minutes of Hamilton will likely not be less than $3,000 a month. Prices vary widely, and sometimes you can be lucky.
Grocery prices can be a bit of a shock at first. See our shopping list on page 15 for a clearer picture of particular items. Per month, you may need up to $600 per person to cover individual and household needs, so $2,400 a month for a family of four.
As for utilities, that same family might pay $600 a month on electricity in the winter and double that in the summer if they use airconditioning.
A modest used car that will get you around safely and reliably for three years could be as little as $12,000 while fuel, maintenance, insurance and fees might amount to $200 a month.