1 minute read
A brighter future for all Bermudians
from Your Future 2023
by Ian Coles
safe and have employment, education, career, and financial opportunities at home.
McKenzie's speech aligns with Government's commitment to develop and create opportunities for our youth to want to reside and flourish in Bermuda.
To address the labour market's current and future demands, the Ministry of Economy and Labour has developed a strategy. The Youth Employment Strategy (YES) outlines the Government's commitment to implementing initiatives to address unemployment by facilitating greater opportunities and educational pathways for all young Bermudians between 18 – 26 years old.
Bermudian McKenzie-Kohl Tuckett, a former Youth Premier, delivered a speech in the British House of Commons to mark UK Youth Parliament Day 2022.
In her speech, McKenzie stated, "When I think of home, I think of a place that provides safety, security and stability. Our investment in our young people, and our future leaders is important. With the work that is being done, I am hopeful that Bermuda will become a more opportunity rich island. I extend sincere gratitude on behalf of Bermuda's young people to our Government, local organisations and those in our community who are actively fulfilling our social responsibility to ensure that Bermuda's youth can call home, home."
We share her sentiments. We recognise that Government and local organisations have a collective responsibility to ensure our youth feel
Over the past few decades, many Bermudians have left to reside in other parts of the world in search of job opportunities and a lower cost of living. While a portion of this exodus is standard worldwide, there are ways to minimise this to prevent the 'brain drain'. As outlined in the Youth Employment Strategy, it is the Government's goal to facilitate the repatriation of young Bermudians by encouraging them to return home to work.

There are still exciting job opportunities available. It is important to research current job trends so that your studies and experience are relevant to the ever-changing job market.
Your Government is committed to supporting you and will continue to work to encourage and assist in the creation of new businesses, new jobs, and a brighter future for all Bermudians.
Premier the Hon. E. David Burt, JP, MP