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Career under construction
from Your Future 2023
by Ian Coles
A career building Bermuda provides limitless possibilities: good pay, opportunities for continued education, and potential for advancement and growth
Think about the people involved in building homes, offices, and hotels. A single building requires many different skillsets. From the design involving architects, engineers, and surveyors through to construction with estimators, project managers and various skilled tradespersons – masons, carpenters, plumbers, electricians, and mechanics. Some of these positions require college degrees while others involve a combination of classroom learning and hands on work experience. All require specific skills and knowledge and can lead to successful and rewarding careers in Bermuda. Indeed, the local construction industry is in desperate need of qualified engineers and tradespersons.

The Construction Association of Bermuda (CAOB) is a registered charity that is dedicated to making the construction industry safer, more efficient, more competitive, and better able to contribute to the development of Bermuda. The CAOB is the Accredited Training Sponsor for the National Center for Construction Education and Research (NCCER). This leading US based organisation provides standardised construction and maintenance curriculum and assessments with portable credentials that are globally recognised. The CAOB oversees NCCER programmes in the secondary schools and Bermuda College. We also arrange specific courses for companies and organisations such as health and safety in the workplace.
The CAOB Scholarship fund was established to provide funding for students enrolled in a construction related field, either at university or an applied technology programme. This includes fields such as engineering, surveying, construction management, masonry, carpentry, electrical, plumbing, HVAC, and welding. The fund currently provides for three awards of up to $5,000 each. Applications can be made online at www.bermudascholarships.com.
If you are a young person looking at career options, the construction industry can provide you with an interesting and financially rewarding career.