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Interested in an insurance career? BFIS can take you there
from Your Future 2023
by Ian Coles
If you are interested in a career in Bermuda’s insurance industry, know that BFIS will support you every step of the way.
Our unique programmes are designed to engage you with the opportunities the industry has to offer, provide scholarship funding, as well as a network of mentors and other industry professionals who will take a sincere interest in your progress, development, and success.
We also provide internships and can help you find employment once you graduate from post-secondary studies.
Founded in 1996 with the express purpose of ensuring that a talented pool of Bermudians would always be available to the industry, BFIS has evolved to take students from start to finish through its 5-step programme: career guidance; mentorships; scholarships; internships and job placement.
High School Students
Chances are that you have already connected with BFIS’ Schools Outreach Committee (SOC) when they visited your high school in the Fall. Each year the SOC provides students such as yourselves with insight into the insurance industry with presentations to showcase the many career paths that are available.

What if you would like to hear more? Attend our Lunch & Learn sessions and chat informally with professionals about what they do. Speed networking with professionals – by their area of specialty
– is offered in February, an event hosted by our Mentor Network Committee. The insurance careers represented are Actuarial/Law; Accounting and Finance, and General Insurance.
BFIS’s SOC also supports graduating seniors with scholarship applications. Committee members return to schools in January/February to provide guidance on the scholarship process, sharing their professional insight and experience in creating a stellar application on bermudascholarships.com. These young industry professionals are there to advise, guide and support you through this important but at times stressful process.
College students
Scholarships: At least 10 scholarships are awarded to Bermudian students by BFIS annually. If you are interested in pursuing a career in the insurance industry you are encouraged to apply. Covered studies include risk management, insurance; actuarial science; math; economics; finance; accounting; business; computer science, law, and now environmental sciences. For more visit https://www.bfis.bm/scholarships
Mentor Networking: BFIS matches both its scholarship recipients and other insurance-focused students with industry professionals, who can give you advice and guidance as you progress with your studies. BFIS organises several networking lunches and other educational opportunities for students throughout the year, during the summer and winter vacation breaks. These events are great opportunities for you to meet and chat with industry professionals in informal settings. For more visit https://www.bfis. bm/mentoring

Internships: Annually, BFIS organises
BFIS assists with job searches for summer employment and entry level positions short, intensive Intro to Insurance programmes in the insurance markets of Bermuda, Chicago and London for those students who have completed two years at college/university. For more visit https://www.bfis.bm/internships

Job Search: BFIS can also assist you with resume reviews and finding summer employment and entry level jobs upon graduation.
We are here to walk the path with you. To learn more, visit the BFIS website: www.bfis.bm or contact us on info@bfis.bm