1 minute read
Drink More Water.
from Your Future 2023
by Ian Coles
Video interviewing is being used more and more. It’s especially useful for scholarship committees and Bermudian employers wishing to interview Bermudian students who are studying overseas, or for Bermudians who may be applying for post-graduate courses or other training overseas. Some employers also use it to screen applicants before deciding whom to invite for a face-toface interview.
Here are some tips to help you make a success of your video interview.
If the video interview is going to be taking place over Zoom, Teams, Skype or a similar messaging application, remember that your interviewer will see your user name, so make sure you choose something professional.
Choose a professionallooking location for the interview — not your bedroom. Check the background behind you, where your computer’s camera is pointing, to ensure there is nothing inappropriate or distracting in the shot.
Check the lighting in your chosen location. You don’t want it to be too harsh on your face but not so dark so that you can’t be seen clearly. Choose to face a window if possible and not have light from a window shining in behind you.
Your computer, ipad or phone’s camera should be at eye level so that you are looking straight into the lens. It won’t make a good impression if you are looking if you were attending the firm’s office for a face-to-face interview.
Drinking up to eight glasses of water a day will help you get clearer skin, feel more energized, lose weight, and keep you hydrated.
Start by simply bringing a refillable bottle to keep at work, and opt for water when dining out.

If the company asks you to send in a pre-recorded video where you talk about yourself, ask a friend to act as the interviewer; he or she can also provide valuable feedback on what to say and how to say it.
Last, practice. Set up a “mock” video interview, ideally with a mentor or experienced businessperson. You’ll be better prepared and be able to handle the real video interview with greater confidence.