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Executive summary
Executive summary
Ibis Reproductive Health is a global non-profit research organization that envisions a world where high-quality sexual and reproductive health (SRH) services are simpler, easier to access, and more affordable; where policies are grounded in evidence; and where all people have autonomy and full control over their reproductive health. Ibis opened its Johannesburg, South Africa office in 2003. Over the past 18 years, we have built a strong track record of rigorous research, and have established a robust network of advocates, policymakers, and reproductive health service-delivery partners throughout South Africa and into the Southern African region.
Our work focuses on ensuring all people have the right and ability to access safe, affordable, high-quality abortion care; transforming access to abortion and contraception through bold service-delivery and technology innovations; and expanding access to comprehensive sexual and reproductive health information and services. We have shown we can use research to inform policy and service delivery change that makes a real difference in people’s lives. Expand bold and rigorous sexual and reproductive health and rights research highlighting lived realities in the region
This is a three-year strategic plan with a companion implementation plan that will be reviewed and updated annually.
Ibis’s South Africa office works in collaboration with local partners that include government departments, community-based organisations, youth-led organisations, academics, advocates, and broader civil society through principled partnerships to improve and expand comprehensive sexual and reproductive health and rights services and information to broader geographies and communities, including women and girls, youth and adolescents, and people who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and/or questioning, intersex, and asexual and/or ally + (LGBTQIA+).
Over the past four years, we have reviewed partner feedback from various feedback sessions—including a praxis panel with regional partners, key stakeholder interviews and dialogues, and a desk review of SRH work in the Africa region—and engaged staff and Board members in developing strategic goals for our Africa region work. As we broaden our work across the Africa region, we strive to make progress on the following mutually supporting strategic areas:
Ensure expansion of our work, partnerships, and presence across the
Africa region
Increase efforts to diversify our revenue base and identify new resources for our Africa region work