2 minute read

When she approached the king, how did Queen


King Ahasuerus announced the search for a new queen! Officers were appointed to scour the kingdom for beautiful young candidates. Many maidens, including Esther, were selected to undergo a year of preparation and then appear before the moody king. Esther had been brought up by her God-fearing cousin Mordecai, who instructed her to keep her Jewish identity a secret. Mordecai daily walked by the palace to learn how Esther was doing. Finally, the day came for her to go before King Ahasuerus. He favored Esther above all the other women and crowned her as his new queen! Often Mordecai sat nearby in the king’s gate. When he overheard a plot to kill the king, he swiftly reported it and saved the king’s life. Some time afterward, Queen Esther received word that Mordecai and other Jews in the city were wailing hopelessly. When she inquired, Mordecai explained that the king had signed a new law that sentenced all Jews to death and authorized confiscation of their property! What would Mordecai ask Queen Esther to do? What would happen if she spoke too soon or too late? How would she prepare to approach the king? Why would right timing be vital for Queen Esther’s dangerous mission? Would she succeed?


BIBLE STORY QUESTIONS Together, read Esther 4:6–6:14, 8:11, 16–17, and discuss the following questions:

1. What did Mordecai want Queen Esther to do? Why was she hesitant? (See Esther 4:8–11.) Why is it important to think through possible consequences before speaking?

2. What warning did Mordecai give Queen Esther to encourage her to speak at that time? (See Esther 4:13–14.) When are you afraid to speak up? How can speaking up at the right time help others? (See Ephesians 6:17–18.)

3. How long would the queen wait before speaking to the king? How did she and her people prepare? (See Esther 4:15–16.) When facing a difficult situation, why are prayer and even fasting important before taking action? Who gives you wisdom to know what to say and when to say it, if you just ask? (See James 1:5.)

4. When she approached the king, how did Queen Esther express her petition?(See Esther 5:2–4.) When have you had to wait for the right time to talk with your parents? What helped you to be patient?

5. What did Queen Esther request at the first banquet? What did she say that showed she was not in a hurry? (See Esther 5:6–8.) Why is it important to carefully choose an appropriate time and place to have an important conversation with someone?

6. What happened during the night between the first and second banquets?(See Esther 6:1–3, 10–11.) How did this prepare the king to hear the queen’s request? Have you ever had to wait only to find that God had worked miraculously in the meantime?

7. What resulted from Queen Esther’s well-timed appeal? (See Esther 8:11, 16–17.) What influence do your words have on others? (See Proverbs 18:21.) When have you made an appeal that turned out well for you and your authority?

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