3 minute read
The Director of FAMAP spends most of her time acting as a facilitator of learning, promoting people’s personal and professional development.
Photographer:Alexsandro Rocha Makeup: Gabriela Moura Production: Daniele Maciel Consulting: Eric Monteiro
Talking about female entrepreneurship in Brazil and around the world is talking about challenges such as prejudices, double journeys, self-confidence, among others. Even so, the insertion of women in various sectors is gaining more attention due to the changes it promotes, both in the economy and in society in general, mainly through the empowerment that encourages other women and transforms realities. The GEM 2018 (Global Entrepreneurship Monitor), the main research on entrepreneurship in the world, with data from 49 countries, pointed Brazil in seventh place in the ranking of the proportion of women ahead of initial enterprises, that is, those with less than 42 months of existence. Among the sectors in which they undertake the most are beauty, fashion, and food, but regardless of their area of activity, personal satisfaction is one of the main causes that lead them to undertake. Working with purpose, making a difference, and loving what you do. This is Genecy Bachinski, the woman at the head of Faculdade Máster Parauapebas (FAMAP), in the state of Pará. Psychologist, Administrator, Master’s Student in Personal Coaching and Organizational Leadership, she always knew that her goal was to spread knowledge. “I have always been fascinated by knowledge”, she emphasizes. The love for education is what moves this entrepreneur who stands out for her surprising trajectory. Daughter of a gold miner from Serra Pelada, in Serra dos Carajás (PA), studies were her weapons to prosper, in addition to the audacity to assume and take risks in favor of her development. Her performance in the educational field involved passages in kindergarten, elementary and high school, also dedicating herself to social causes and important projects, such as the implementation of the project for drug addicts - Vida Nova, in Goiânia, at the Life Valorization Center (CVV) was a volunteer psychologist in suicide prevention, at the Association of Exceptional Parents and Friends of Parauapebas (APAE) implemented the project to diversify the service to all inmates, contributed to the implementation of DETRAN Parauapebas, joined the staff of teachers at the Municipal School of Education Elementary Paulo Fonteles de Lima, founded the Escola Janela Para o Mundo in Parauapebas, participates in the social work of the city’s Rotary Club and contributes to educational projects in institutions in other municipalities. The culmination of Genecy Bachinski’s successful journey was the foundation of Private On-Site Higher Education in Parauapebas, Xinguara, and Tucumã. The Faculdade Máster Parauapebas (FAMAP) offers on-site courses in Psychology, Law, Nursing, Administration, Pharmacy, Nutrition, and Business Management. And also the Administration and Biomedicine courses online and several Post-Graduate courses. FAMAP is a 100% regional higher education institution that offers courses face-to-face, online during the pandemic period, and at a distance. It is accredited and authorized by the MEC, has an agreement with the Municipality of Parauapebas, VALE, FIES, as well as other hospitals and private clinics for internships, has an agreement with the Federal University of Pará - UFPA for the seal and registration of diplomas. In her intimacy, this enterprising, empowered woman and a reference in female leadership value the simple things in life, such as cooking, fishing, singing, and playing musical instruments. She loves and is God-fearing, likes to take care of herself, her family, and others.
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS • Gente Que Faz Trophy; • Title of Honorable Citizen by the Municipality of Parauapebas (PA) in 2020 for the excellent services provided to the community; • The company it manages received the Highlights of the Year Award in 2019 and 2020, which was obtained for its quality, efficiency, commitment, and respect for relevant professional activities, especially those in the health area; • 2020 Leader Award - you are a leader at what you do!