Have you worked hard to create pay-per-click campaigns, social media posts and quality sales pages, but your website still isn’t getting a lot of traffic?
If your site’s Google ranking has been swiftly declining despite your best marketing efforts, then you might be missing a key piece of the puzzle, technical SEO. At iBoost, we help business owners and managers across the nation find new ways to boost their online sales using the latest search engine optimization and digital marketing techniques. We want you to have incredible results as well. Here is some advice on how you can begin improving your technical SEO.
WHAT SETS TECHNICAL SEO APART? While keywords and advertising play a vital role in attracting more online customers, there are other factors to consider. The algorithms of popular search engines use bots to crawl through your web pages, looking for metadata and information that can help them rank your site. They look for server optimization, code and security features, things that marketing departments aren’t always familiar with.
WHAT CAN HAPPEN IF YOUR TECHNICAL SEO IS FLAWED? If you’re having unknown problems with your technical SEO, then you can experience a lot of issues. Slight changes to the algorithms are made every day, which means it’s important to stay on top of trends and methods for improvement. Ignoring or remaining unaware of these adjustments can cause your site to be ranked low, or disappear from the results page entirely. This can be frustrating, especially if you’ve worked hard on improving the design and content of your company website.
WAYS YOU CAN IMPROVE YOUR SITE’S TECHNICAL SEO There are many ways you can improve your technical SEO to see your rankings soar higher than ever before. Here are just a few examples of solutions that can help you achieve better results: Revise your site’s architecture by organizing page categories and pathways, which makes it easier for engine crawlers to find data. Get a technical SEO audit to find common errors like broken links, duplicate content and redirects. Check to make sure your website contains an XML sitemap. Improve the URL structures to optimize webpages for keywords.
Update your old, static website. If your webpages aren’t mobile friendly, then the algorithm won’t be eager to share your information with web users. Most people access the internet on their smart phones and tablets, so be sure to upgrade to a responsive site as soon as possible. Find ways to improve your site speed. Slow loading times can increase bounce rates and cause your rank to drop. Switch to HTTPS if you haven’t already done so, outdated security is one of the most common reasons sites fall to the bottom of SERP’s.
NEED HELP FROM PROFESSIONAL SEO EXPERTS? Does your company need help climbing up the Google search results? Let our team of experienced SEO and digital marketing professionals skyrocket your success. Contact iBoost today and find out how our services can help you reach your goals.
Resource: https://www.iboostweb.com/what-is-technical-seo-a-checklist-for-higher-rankings