F E AT U R E D B U S I N E S S & C A R E E R T I T L E B Y M A R K A . M E A R S F R O M
AVIVA PUBLISHING In The Purposeful Growth Revolution, Mears shares a wealth of personal experiences as a C-Suite executive, relevant examples of best practices, and insights from scientific research and subject matter experts to unveil his revolutionary 4 Leaf Growth model. The Purposeful Growth Revolution is on! Are you in?
Business & Career 9781636182121 | $24.99 | Paperback
Mark A. Mears
Mark A. Mears is a #1 Best Selling author, keynote speaker, and business consultant—inspiring individuals, teams, and organizations to find purpose in fulfilling their true growth potential. For more information, please visit MarkAMears.com.