F E AT U R E D E D U C AT I O N T I T L E B Y K aT I E N O Va K , E D D F R O M
CaST PROFESSIONaL PUBLISHING UDL Now! provides practical insights and strategies to help all learners using the Universal Design for Learning framework. This new edition meets the current moment by addressing the moral imperative to design equitable lessons to minimize all learning barriers. “Katie can take a complicated idea and make it attainable and accessible for everyone. She makes you feel empowered and confident in your ability to make a difference every day.” —George Couros, author of The Innovator’s Mindset Education 978-1930583825 | $29.99 | Paperback 978-1930583832 | $29.99 | Ebook
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Katie Novak, EdD Founder and director of Novak Education, an internationally renowned education consultant, Dr. Novak is also an author, University of Pennsylvania adjunct professor, and former assistant superintendent.
CAST Professional Publishing castpublishing.org publishing@cast.org