Warm Sake and Shochu for the Holidays

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Wii U is Here !

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New york fashion show review

FREE NOVEMBER & DECEMBER 2012 Vol. 20 Seattle/Bellevue/Portland

Experience Japanese Shochu and Oden




Craft Shochu from microbrewers in Japan Available at Uwajimaya and your Asian Grocers


IBUKI Magazine Vol. 20 November & December 2012

Features 4 6

Interview — Kevin Ma & Lisa Furukawa

Two highly talented (and local!) musicians talk to Ibuki about their craft.

Warming Spirits: Sake&Shochu As the cold, dark days descend, try some Japanesestyle holiday cheer this year.


Wii U is here The long-awaited Wii U is sure to make a splash this year. Check out our early user review.

Eat & Drink 14



14 Double Onion Chicken 15 Japanese Oden 16 Vegetable Sushi Restaurant Index


Lifestyle 20

New York Fashion Show Review The hottest fashions in NYC? We got’em in Ibuki.

25 27 29 30

i fart rainbow Tokyo Street Snaps Asian Pop - Kyary Pamyu Pamyu Travel — Home of Shochu

Makurazaki takes great pride in its shochu-making ability. See what other charms the area offers.

32 Lifestyle

Games Tokyo Game Show 2012: The Sequel Book The Bento Bestiary Fashion Fashions to Feed Your Inner Hipster

34 36

City — Seattle, Bellevue Events

Publisher James Spahn Managing Editor Misa Murohashi Sales Manager Keisuke Shimizu Editor-in-Chief Bruce Rutledge Contributing Artist Enfu (Ken Taya)

Contributing Writers Ryo Yamaguchi Michelle Gingras Lauren Greenheck Rika Manabe Josh Horton Josh Powell Tara O’ Berry Photographer Kenji Nakayama


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Art Director Lance Sison Web Director Ken Fujimoto Interns Denise Quach Takeshi Suzuki Mari Okonogi

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[ interview ]

Rising Stars of Seattle

Kevin Ma

“ I like to put a different spin on some well-known songs.” Ibuki: How would you describe the music you play? Kevin: I guess my music mostly falls under pop, although sometimes I like to cross over into R&B or jazz. And of course classical; I haven't given that up either. Anyways, definitely on the side of mainstream, but as my friends and vocalists will tell you, sometimes I like to play with the chords and put a different spin on some well-known songs.


Understated Elegance on the Keyboards

evin Ma is the perfect man to take home to meet mom and dad. He’s handsome, an elegant piano player and has plans to be a cardiologist. Plus he speaks Chinese fluently, holds his own in Japanese and started university at age 15. A wunderkind, but a modest one, the 21-year-old doesn’t even have a website. Ibuki chatted with the rising star on the University of Washington campus.

Ibuki: Did you grow up in a musical household? Kevin: My dad dabbled in opera, but that was in elementary school! And nothing ever came of it (sometimes I think, thank goodness!) But (mom and dad are) definitely fans of classical. I grew up with 98.1 KING FM on the radio. Oh, and they loved Celine Dion. Like many other Asian people of that generation! Ibuki: Who are some of your musical influences? Kevin: In K-pop, I'm a huge fan of Navi, who originally became famous doing covers, and then had several hits in her own right. She's a very down to earth and skilled musician who also accompanies herself on piano sometimes. In high school, I often listened to music by Jay Chou and Leehom Wang, and I think their work has influenced the kinds of

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chords I choose to throw out when I play songs for the first time, or when I'm messing around with improv. I should also say that I think in classical music, I learned the most from Chopin and Liszt's works. Ibuki: How can people hear your music? Kevin: They can contact me at mkevin07@u.washington.edu. Also, I used to play every Friday afternoon at the University of Washington Medical Center lobby and I hope to start doing that again soon.

[ interview ]

Lisa Furukawa

“It’s definitely inspired by Seattle.” Ibuki: When did you start playing the piano? Lisa: I was two or three when I started. My dad took me kicking and screaming to piano lessons because that’s what proper Japanese girls do (laughs). But they were also a very musical family. Both of my Japanese grandparents played piano. My dad and my uncle play all kinds of string instruments — guitar, banjo — and they do bluegrass and country and folk all the time. Music was definitely a big part of the family.


Transpacific Soul

hether she’s singing the “Tennessee Waltz” in Japanese, reworking the music to anime classics like Ghost in the Shell or performing an original composition, Lisa Furukawa plays the piano with depth and feeling, and sings with soul. She bridges the gap between Japan and the US like no other artist, giving Japanese lyrics to American classics like “Country Roads,” while also performing Japanese favorites at anime conventions across the US and abroad. Ibuki talked to Lisa about her music. (To hear some, go to lisafurukawa.com)

Ibuki: When did you start singing your songs? Lisa: Probably not until college. I had done choruses through grade school and in high school and college, but singing in a chorus is different. I had a great vocal teacher when I was in college who was openminded enough to hear some of my original songs. I was very, very shy about sharing them. When I played them for her, she was really supportive, and she said, “Lisa, it’s time to be a woman now!” (laughs) Ibuki: And you teach too? Lisa: Yes, I’m a full-time teacher as well. I think it’s really great for any teacher to keep their craft alive because it gives you inspiration to share with your students.

Ibuki: I hear you are forming a new band with your husband, Leon Monroe. Where’d you get the name Cloudsang? Lisa:: It’s definitely inspired by Seattle. Our first year here, it was an adjustment getting used to the clouds and the rain, walking and hiking when it’s rainy and cloudy. We thought, how can we really get comfortable with this and see the beauty of it? We had this idea of noticing that it is not always the same. Even when it’s cloudy, every cloudy day is different. It’s like the clouds are singing. And Cloudsang has a little twang to it … a little Southern twang!

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[ Feature sake&shochu]

Warming Spirits: Sake & Shochu


By Bruce Rutledge

his holiday season, why not warm your cockles the Japanese way, with a glass of carefully heated sake or a smooth-drinking shochu cocktail? Ibuki asked some local experts to give us some pointers on how to enjoy these libations during the cold winter months. First tip? Get over your stereotypes about warm sake. “There’s a lot of confusion about warm sake,” says Johnnie Stroud, proprietor of Sake Nomi, a retail shop and tasting bar in Pioneer Square. “The main confusion is that people say all bad sake is served hot and all good sake is served cold. They want that to be the black and white rule and it’s really not the case … What we try to tell people is there’s a difference between a bad sake served hot and a good sake served warm.” When choosing a sake to warm, look for yamahai- or kimoto-style sakes, Stroud recommends. With most sake, “they add lactic acid to the yeast starter to kind of accelerate the process,” he says. “Yamahai and kimoto styles, which are a little more traditional, don’t add the lactic acid. They let it develop on its own … It takes longer.” When it comes to shochu, there aren’t many stereotypes to overcome because “people don’t know what it is. I’d say nine and a half out of 10 people, including bartenders, who I talk to don’t know what it is,” says KC Sheehan, proprietor of the Sodo Spirits Distillery, the only craft distillery in the US dedicated to making shochu. Shochu is a distilled beverage. It can be made with rice, sweet potato, barley or many other

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ingredients. It tends to be about 60 proof, which makes it lower in alcohol content than most other hard liquors. It is also lower in calories than vodka, gin and other hard liquors. A loophole in California laws allowed soju (shochu’s Korean cousin) that is 24% alcohol or lower to be served like beer and wine; some shochu makers have exploited this loophole and put “soju” on their labels, increasing the confusion. The basic difference between the two, says Cody Burns, general manager and partner of Momiji and Umi Sake House, is that shochu tends to be a craft distillate these days. If you’re a cocktail connoisseur, a sake snob or just curious about all these spirits from Japan, it’s a great time to sample what’s out there because new types of sake and shochu are coming into the market all the time. “Because of the changing palates in Japan, with a lot of people trying more Western beverages, from wine to micro-brewed beers to whiskies and other Western liquors, the demand in Japan (for sake and shochu) has decreased,” says Cody Burns. “So for a lot of these companies, it’s export or die ... I could open five restaurants and have 50 sake on the menu at each of them and have no repeats. And they’d all be good menus. There’s that much choice in the market right now.” Turn the page for sake and shochu recommendations.

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[ Feature sake&shochu ]


he key to enjoying warm sake is to make sure you don’t overheat the drink, which kills off some of the flavors and cooks out the alcohol. Stroud of Sake Nomi recommends warming the sake to about 100 F, or just a tad warmer than body temperature. “That is a personal preference. Some people like it hotter,” he says. At Sake Nomi, Stroud will heat up sake in the cold months in a warmer

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imported from Japan that precisely monitors the temperature. At home, try lowering a flask of sake or a bottle into warm water for a few minutes. “Like heating a baby’s bottle,” he says. “You can use a microwave. That’s what a lot of restaurants do. But just be careful not to overheat it, and stir it midway through.” Stroud remembers one of his finest sakedrinking memories: Sitting in an outdoor bath

with friends, a large bottle of sake warming in the bath. And if you have a cold, Stroud says, try tamagozake, which is warm sake with a raw egg and a little bit of sugar. The first time he tried it, he recalls, “I went home and made it and slept like a baby. I felt so much better the next day!”

Yamada Nishiki

This full-bodied tokubetsu junmai (no brewer’s alcohol added) sake from Ozeki is robust and full of fruity and floral flavors that stand up well to a careful heating. It has a nice, dry finish and goes well with richer food. The name Yamada Nishiki denotes the type of rice used to make this sake; it’s widely considered the best rice for sake-brewing.

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Kuromatsu Hakushika

This junmai ginjo sake is floral and nutty. It’s a versatile sake that holds up whether chilled, served at room temperature or warmed. Pair it with all sorts of standard Japanese cuisine, from sushi and sake to tonkatsu (breaded pork filets cooked to a golden brown). www.ozekisake.com

Gekkeikan Gold

This junmai sake from Kyoto is fullbodied and elegant. If warming, definitely keep it close to room temperature to enhance and not overrun the light fragrance. Gekkeikan Gold is made in the Fushimi region of Kyoto. The brew goes well with rich food.

Tsukinowa Kinen, Blue Hue

The brewmaster at Tsukinowa was taught English by Stroud when he was an English teacher in Iwate and she was just 8 or 9. Today, Stroud proudly pours his student’s brew at Sake Nomi. Umi Sake House describes Blue Hue this way: “Mildly dry and aroma of sweetness to the tongue. Excellent with flavorful cheeses, cream pasta sauces and spicy sausage.”

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[ Feature sake&shochu]

Shochu: The People’s Drink


n Japan, the favorite way to drink shochu is with hot water, called an oyu-wari, says Mr. Murai of Sakestory, a local sake and shochu importer. The people in Kyushu debate whether you should pour the shochu first or you should pour the hot water into the glass first. “Shochu is distilled sake,” Murai explains. “The rice is the most important ingredient. When you ferment it, you get sake; when you distill it, it becomes kome shochu. There are other basic ingredients.

For example, yam (satsuimo) shochu, soba buckwheat shochu, barley shochu, dark sugar shochu. There is even coffee shochu and shiso shochu!” Shochu can be enjoyed straight, on the rocks or in a cocktail. Or try it with hot water on a cold winter night. Drop an umeboshi plum in there for a truly authentic Japanese drink.

Ginza no Suzume Shochu 1

True Beauty 5

Beniotome Shochu 2

Kuro Yokaichi 6

This barley shochu comes in black and white blends. The black version, which uses a black koji yeast starter, is more robust and richer, while the white version is subtler. There is also a version of Ginza no Suzume that has been aged for seven years.

Beniotome is said to be the only spirit in the world distilled from sesame seeds. Actually, it’s distilled from a mix of sesame, rice and barley, but the sesame plays a prominent role, giving the spirit a unique, roasted, nutty flavor profile.

This barley shochu is featured in Momiji’s bright pink Hello Kitty cocktail (see the following pages). But it’s also great straight: it’s a light shochu with a hint of cherry. True Beauty is made by Ikinokura, the same distillery that makes Ancient Greatness.

This shochu from Takara Sake is made from Kyushu-grown sweet potatoes. It has a mellow finish and a rich aroma. Drink it straight, on the rocks or try an oyuwari (half Kuro Yokaichi shochu, half hot water) to experience it the way the folks in Kyushu do.

Aka Oni 3

This “red devil” of a barley shochu is crisp and clean, with hints of fruit. It’s a soft, smooth-drinking shochu. Despite its aggressive name, this is a milder, softer, subtler shochu that is perfect for sipping or for cocktails.

Kagemusha 4

This earthy potato shochu is known as the “shadow warrior.” Potato, or imo, shochu is often more robust than other types of shochu, but this one has some subtlety and restraint to it. Try it straight to experience the hint of spice.


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I Love Sushi on Lake Bellevue

Kozuru Kuro Potato Shochu

This shochu is made in the heart of shochu country: Kagoshima on the southern island of Kyushu. The distillery, Komasa Jyozo, has been in business since 1883. This sweetpotato shochu is big and bold, living up to the robust reputation of shochu started with black (kuro) yeast starter.


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Ancient Greatness

This barley shochu brings out the flavor of the rice and barley to the nth degree. The name “Ancient Greatness” comes from the Ikinokura Distillery’s pride in making barley shochu the way it has been made for 400 years.

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Samurai Villa

This shochu, imported by Sakestory, is made from 83% sweet potato and 17% rice. It’s the featured shochu in Momiji’s Yama Villa cocktail (turn the page for those). Or drink it straight or on the rocks. It goes great with steaks, pork chops and other hearty fare.


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This potato shochu was first made in the late 19th century by samurai in Kagoshima, the southernmost tip of Kyushu. All the potatoes are sourced locally, and some potato farmers grow their crops exclusively for the distillery. The locally sourced potatoes and fresh water make this an especially healthy choice.


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[ Feature sake&shochu ]

Smooth (and Low Cal) Shochu Cocktails


hochu cocktails won’t knock you out. But they still have a kick; the best ones still linger in the back of the throat. At Momiji, GM Cody Burns has made a point of featuring shochu in the same way that he features sake at Umi Sake House: He puts together an extensive, creative menu and serves it in a fashionable setting (sake in stemware, anyone?). Bar Manager Will Doherty has worked with the shochu to find just the right blend for cocktails. “Some of them have very robust profiles and are difficult to work with,” he says, but you wouldn’t know it by trying his original cocktails. The Hello Kitty mixes

True Beauty barley shochu, calpico, fresh raspberry, mint and crushed ice into a pink blizzard of sweetness. If you prefer a cocktail with a little more kick, Hannoki Falls uses Gonkucho shochu, coconut water (“Nature’s Gatorade,” says Burns) and orange flower water, poured over a large, round ice cube. Or try the Yama Villa, which combines Chiran Bukeyashiki sweet-potato shochu with orgeat, lime and egg white to create a frothy, consistent foam on a dangerously smooth drink. Thank goodness shochu is lower in alcohol than the other bottles on the shelf. Bartender, one more round!

Seattle’s Very Own Shochu Today, there are about 70 craft distilleries operating in Washington state. But there’s only one shochu distillery — in fact, there’s only one shochu distillery in the whole country — and it’s a stone’s throw away from Starbucks HQ in Sodo. Sodo Spirits Distillery is run by the husbandand-wife team of KC and Amy Sheehan. Back in 2008, KC says, he and Amy began to notice the nascent stages of a craft distillery boom in the US. They wanted to get involved, but were looking for the proper niche. “We had a friend in Japan who in conversation about the whole distillery thing said we should look into shochu because it was such a great spirit.” After a trip to Ise to visit a shochu distillery there, the Sheehans received Seattle’s first craft distillery license. That was in June 2009. They set up shop and started learning how to make shochu. “It’s just been trial and error. It wasn’t until November 2011 that we finally had a product ready to go,” KC says. The product is a 12 息吹 ibuki • november /december 2012

smooth-drinking shochu that’s low in calories and about 60 proof, making it lower in alcohol than gin or vodka. One year later, the Sheehans are hosting free tastings before sporting events, selling the shochu in major Seattle supermarkets and making inroads in the cocktail scene. Printed on the label of EvenStar is “premium cocktail shochu.” That’s where the Sheehans see the market. They sponsored a $500 cocktail contest that ended in October and plan to sponsor more in the future. “That’s the allure of shochu; it’s such a great spirit. I think it’s better than vodka or gin because it doesn’t have that ethyl alcohol, rubbing alcohol leftover taste. When people try this, they say, ‘Oh, it’s so smooth.’ The alcohol isn’t the predominant flavor,” KC says. Sodo Spirits infuses its barley shochu with ingredients like rosemary, mint, ginger or chilies. Part of the distillate is aged for three months in recycled red wine barrels. They im-

port the koji, or fungus, used to make shochu from Japan, and distill everything in a highend copper still. The result is an easy-drinking beverage that gives bartenders all sorts of flexibility to be creative.

Hannoki Falls

HAKUSHIKA Holiday Premier Sake Gift Package

On sale at your local Asian Grocer

Traditional Set contains Hakushika Junmai, Yamada Nishiki and Chokara Extra Dry

Hello Kitty

Recipe by Sodo Spirits Distillery

[Make your own shochu cocktail] Cranberry Holiday 1.5 oz. EvenStar Rusemary Shochu .5 oz. Cranberry Liqueur .5 oz Rose’s lime juice 2-3 dashes Angostura bitters

Slice of sour apple to garnish Stir with ice and strain into cocktail glass

Unique Set contains Snow Beauty Nigori, Fresh & Light Nagachozo and Hana Kohaku Plum Sake Distributed by

www.ibukimagazine.com 13

[ IBUKI recipe ] Double Onion Chicken Ingredients


2 chicken breasts (marinade: 2 tbsp sake and a pinch of salt) 6 mushrooms (washed, stems cut off and quartered) 2/3 sliced white onion Salt and pepper to taste 11/2 tbsps salad oil (for vegetables) 2 tsps salad oil (for chicken) 2 stems green onion, sliced diagonally <Onion Sauce>

1 tbsp Kamada Dashi Soy 4 tbsp Kamada Ponzu Soy 1/2 grated onion 1/2 grated ginger bulb 2 tbsps sake 2 tsps sugar 4 tbsps ponzu soy

Directions 1. Prick chicken with a fork to tenderize, cut in half with a knife and marinate for 5 minutes. 2. Heat oil in a frying pan and stir fry mushrooms and white onion. Season with salt & pepper and transfer to a plate when done. Set aside. 3. Wipe frying pan clean with a paper towel. Heat oil and cook chicken skin-side down on medium heat until browned. Turn over and continue to cook on low heat until done. 4. Add onion sauce to frying pan, stir until cooked, combine with vegetables. 5. Put chicken and sauce on plate; top with green onions.

Check out more recipes online


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Japanese Oden Ingredients


1 Kibun Oden Set — Shin Kibun No Kisetsu “Surimi Seafood with Soup Base” ½ konnyaku 4 eggs 8 inch daikon

Directions 1. Cut konnyaku into bite sizes and cook in boiling water for three minutes. 2. Boil eggs and peel. 3. Peel and slice daikon into 1-inch-wide slices. Cook in boiling water for five minutes. 4. Cut items of Kibun Oden Set into 2-4 pieces as desired. 5. In a large sauce pan, add soup base and 4 cups of water. Add all ingredients and cook with medium heat for about 10 minutes. 6. Serve hot. Use Japanese spicy karashi mustard as a condiment.

What is Oden? Oden is one of the most well-known Japanese hot-pot dishes, featuring the delicious taste of surimi (ground) seafood products. Hanpen, tsumire, konnyaku (jellied devil’s tongue), tofu, yam and other tasty ingredients are cooked in fish broth seasoned with soy sauce. Oden is often also enjoyed with spicy mustard. Oden originated from tofu grilled on a skewer. It is said that the skewered tofu resembled the traditional dengaku dancers from the Muromachi Era who danced on stilts.

KIBUN’s Easy Cooking Oden Set Available at your Asian Grocer 15 息吹 ibuki • may /june 2012

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[ IBUKI recipe ]

Vegetable Sushi Ingredients



4 cups of freshly cooked short grain rice 4 tbsp sushi vinegar <Toppings> Nasu: 1 Japanese eggplant, 1/2 tbsp mirin (sweetened rice vinegar) 1/2 tbsp soy sauce, A pinch of grinned fresh ginger A pinch of chopped green onion Daikon 1 inch wide daikon radish 1 tsp salt shiso leave Eringi 1 eringi mushroom 1 tbsp batter 1 sheet of nori, (optional) Okra 4 okra 1 tbsp ponzu sauce Paprika: ½ red and ½ yellow paprika


1. Mix the vinegar and freshly cooked rice immediately using a large spoon while rice is still hot. Let it to sit for 10 minutes for cooling. 2. Wet hands and shape 2 tablespoons full of rice into a bite-size oval. Make 24 pieces for 4 servings. 3. Nasu: Slice nasu into four pieces. In a sauce pan, roast both sides of sliced eggplant until softened. Add mirin and soy sauce. Cook until liquid is gone. Top a rice oval with the sautéed eggplant, ginger and green onion. 4. Daikon: Finely slice daikon. Sprinkle salt on daikon and let it sit for 5 minutes. Squeeze liquid off. Top a rice oval with shiso leaf and a few slices of daikon. 5. Eringi: Slice eringi into four pieces. In a sauce pan, sauté the eringi with butter. Top a rice oval with the sautéed eringi. 6. Okra: Cook okra in boiling water and roughly chop. Mix with ponzu sauce. Cover the side of a rice oval with nori and top with okra. 7. Paprika: Slice red and yellow paprika into bite sizes. Broil for a few minutes until cooked. Top a rice oval with broiled paprika.

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[ game ]

Wii U is here


By Ryo Yamaguchi

rom the beginning of the Nintendo era, Nintendo has been very creative, starting with the NES Zapper, also known as the Beam Gun in Japan, and moving onto the Power Glove, R.O.B. (Robotic Operating Buddy) and many more successful products. Even though many of the accessories had flaws back then, the technology continued to evolve and finally caught up with Nintendo’s vision.

lighter than it looks. The touch-screen controller is connected to the console, which, if it catches on, could make the Wii U a huge hit. The Wii U supports 1080p graphics and has 2GB of memory, including 1GB of system memory plus 20 times more game memory than the Wii. Some game companies were not able to release their games on the Wii due to the shortage of memory, but that won’t be a problem with the Wii U.

The seventh-generation Wii console released in 2006 was a record-breaking success: In December 2009, it shattered all records for game-console sales in the US during a single month. The sensor remote control was a big hit with consumers because it created a great way to workout and interact with the whole family. At the Electronic Entertainment Expo 2011 (E3) on June 7, Nintendo unveiled the eighth-generation console, called The Wii U. The Wii U is a combination of Wii and the Nintendo DS’s touch-panel interface. Nintendo of America President and COO Reggie Fils-Aime was quoted as saying, “We’re making sure that Wii U owners will have great games to play from the moment they open the box, and that a steady stream of fun new games is always on the way.”

I test rode the New Super Mario Brothers. The concept of the game is similar to the Wii Mario Brothers, but with the Wii U pad, the player can create an obstacle that helps fellow players by touching the touch-panel interface. In New Super Mario Bros. Wii, playing with four players was a chaotic scene. Unless you had played the game for many hours with your friends, it was almost impossible to finish the game with all four players alive. In the New Super Mario Brothers for Wii U, the fifth player is actually the key player. The Wii pad player made it much easier to get the star coins. But it can tease the players by interrupting their jumps and placing a block right above the player’s head. The game has many more new features, from the flying squirrel suit to the red Yoshi that can blow up like a balloon.

This year at Penny Arcade Expo Prime (PAX PRIME), the Nintendo booth featured numerous new games including ZombiU, NintendoLand, Paper Mario: Sticker Star, Disney Epic Mickey 2: The Power of Illusion, Mario Kart and more. I tried out the Wii U. At first glance, it reminded me of a tablet with Wii controls. The Wii U pad, or controller, is more like a bigger version of the Nintendo 3DS and is

On November 18, 2012, the Wii U will be available in stores. There are two versions available. The first is white and costs $299; the deluxe edition is black and will start at $349. The excitement among Nintendo fans mounts!

© 2012 Nintendo

18 息吹 ibuki • november /december / december 2012 2012

[ game ]

Images © 2012 Nintendo

Upcoming titles This new Mario game enables five players to play simultaneously on the new Wii U GamePad! Check out the many new features, including the ability to add your avatar to the game. © 2012 Nintendo

NINJA GAIDEN™ 3: Razor’s Edge is an action-adventure game with the new feature "Steel on Bone." The game can be played on single-player mode, multi-player mode and online. Awesome graphics too!

Tekken, one of the most popular fighting games, was released on the Nintendo home console for the first time! It`s a high-action and sexy fighting game that allows up to four players. © Namco Bandai Games Inc.


www.ibukimagazine.com 19

Fashion Week Showcases The Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week


he Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week was held in New York City during the week of September 6-13. This is New York City’s largest media event for the fashion world, taking place twice a year in the spring and fall. The shows are held at the Lincoln Center as well as other local venues. More than 80 designers showcase their latest lines, making this one of the premier fashion events in the world on par with those held in London, Milan and Paris. Fashion Week is a combination of style, beauty and celebrities. Here is a glimpse of some of the designers.

20 息吹 ibuki • november /december 2012

The Diesel Black Gold S/S2013 collection The Diesel Black Gold S/S2013 collection emerged from under a skate ramp with four skateboarders wearing black leather jackets. The first half of the lineup had the traditional Diesel feel, with sharply tailored and military inspired jackets and miniskirts made of leather. The second half of the show had a splash of color here and there, with colorful prints. The collection was wearable, full of attitude and lots of fun.

The S/S 2013 Nomia collection Next up was the S/S 2013 Nomia collection. The runway was clean and white, with two columns at the back and green plants. The models had sleek, dark hair and light makeup with an emphasis on the eyebrows. The collection focused on designs that had an artistic edge with directional lines. Some of the fabric resembled marble patterns that made the dresses look like artistic carved-stone sculptures walking down the runway. This collection was artistic, yet wearable.

The Marchesa show We also visited the Marchesa show and the Cesar Galindo fashion presentations. Fashion weeks are always a great celebration of style and art. The Next Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week, in February, will showcase the fall and winter collections.

www.ibukimagazine.com 20

Style Beauty Stars

By Michelle Gingras

Check Out !

The Betsy Johnson fashion show Then we headed to the Betsy Johnson fashion show and birthday party. The runway itself was a highly polished white with a black glitter-filled panel backdrop with the words “Betsy Johnson” in the middle. The show started off with a miniconcert by Cyndi Lauper, who sang “Girls Just Wanna Have Fun.” The models sometimes skipped playfully down the runway in clothing that featured themes from the 60s to today’s style. It all culminated in a “Princess” theme that filled the runway. The models then threw confetti on the stage as they walked back down the runway to birthday songs. At the end of the show, Betsy Johnson’s daughter Lulu popped out of a huge faux birthday cake, as models filled the runway with birthday balloons and more confetti. Betsy Johnson then performed her signature cartwheel and splits as her granddaughters watched. This was indeed a huge birthday celebration for Betsy Johnson, who turned 70 last month.



for a full video program featuring the Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week

The Jeremy Scott fashion show Next we visited the Jeremy Scott fashion show. Celebrities Paris Hilton and Tyra Banks were present in the first row of the show along with many other stars. The theme of the show was “Arab Spring” with a lot of silk, sheer and leather fabrics with animal prints. The sheer veils that the models wore were paired with flat-brimmed hats, gold toed over the knee boots, mesh tank tops, jersey dresses and lots and lots of gold. Some of the outfits were inspired by AK47 guns. The music for the show, mostly Missy Elliott and Aaliyah, blared in the background. This was a fun and original, yet wearable collection.

www.ibukimagazine.com 21

[ Restaurant Index ] SEATTLE Greater Seattle Mashiko Japanese Restaurant (206) 935-4339 4725 California Ave SW, Seattle Check out sushiwhore. com You’ll like it.

Marinepolis Sushi Land — Queen Anne

(206) 267-7621 803 5th Ave N, Seattle Samurai Noodle — U-District (206) 547-1774 4138 University Way NE, Seattle Samurai Noodle — Capitol Hill (206) -323-7991 414 Broadway E, Seattle


Samurai Noodle — Uwajimaya (206) 624-9321 606 5th Ave. S, Seattle

Shima Sushi

Aoki Japanese Grill & Sushi Bar (206) 324-3633 621 Broadway E, Seattle

(206) 448-2488 2319 2nd Ave, Seattle (206) 632-2583 4429 Wallingford Ave N, Seattle

Shiro’s Sushi Restaurant (206) 443-9844 2401 2nd Ave, Seattle

Setsuna Japanese Restaurant (206) 417-3175 11204 Roosevelt Way NE, Seattle

Aloha Ramen (206) 838-3837 8102 Greenwood Ave N,Seattle Bush Garden Restaurant (206)682-6830 614 Maynard Avenue S., Seattle Chiso (206) 632-3430 3520 Fremont Ave. N, Seattle


Genki Sushi — Queen Anne (206) 453-3881 500 Mercer St #C2, 2B, Seattle

Maekawa Bar

Genki Sushi — Capitol Hill ((206) 257-4418 1620 Broadway, Seattle

Fort St. George

Hana Restaurant (206) 328-1187 219 Broadway E, Seattle

(206) 632-7010 1618 N 45th St, Seattle (206) 622-0634 601 S King St # 206,Seattle (206) 382-0662 601 S King St # 202, Seattle

I Love Sushi — Lake Union 206-625-9604 1001 Fairview Ave N, Seattle

Katsu Burger

(206) 762-0752 6538 4th Ave. S, Seattle

Fuji Sushi

(206) 624-1201 520 S Main St, Seattle

Hiroshi’s Restaurant (206) 726-4966 2501 Eastlake Ave E, Seattle Kaname Izakaya Shochu Bar (206) 682-1828 610 S Jackson St, Seattle Kisaku (206) 545-9050 2101 N. 55th St. #100, Seattle

Kozue Japanese Restaurant (206) 547-2008 1608 N 45th St, Seattle

Momiji (206) 457-4068 1522 12th Ave., Seattle Maneki (206) 622-2631 304 6th Ave S, Seattle Moshi Moshi Sushi (206) 971-7424 5324 Ballard Avenue, Seattle Nishino (206) 322-5800 3130 E Madison St#106,Seattle Nijo (206) 340-8880 89 Spring St, Seattle Red Fin Sushi Restaurant (206) 441-4340 612 Stewart St, Seattle Ricenroll — Madison Street (206) 262-0381 214 Madison St, Seattle Shiki Japanese Restaurant (206) 281-1352 4 W Roy St, Seattle Shun Japanese Cuisine (206) 522-2200 5101 NE 25th Ave #11, Seattle Tsukushinbo (206) 467-4004 515 S Main St, Seattle Village Sushi (206) 985-6870 4741 12th Ave NE, Seattle Wabi-Sabi Sushi (206) 721-0212 4909 Rainier Ave S, Seattle

New Zen Japanese Restaurant

South End


(425) 254-1599 10720 SE Carr Rd, Japanese Fami-Res (Family Restaurant) www.newzensushi. com

Miyabi Restaurant

(206) 575-6815 16820 Southcenter Parkway, Tukwila

North End Cafe Soleil (425) 493-1847 9999 Harbour Place # 105, Mukilteo Bluefin Sushi & Seafood Buffet (206) 367-0115 401 NE Northgate Way # 463, Seattle Edina Sushi (425) 776-8068 19720 44th Ave W, Lynnwood Marinepolis Sushi Land — Lynnwood (425) 275-9022 18500 33rd Ave NW, Lynnwood Matsu Sushi (425) 771-3368 19505 44th Ave W #K, Lynnwood Sakuma Japanese Restaurant (425) 347-3063 10924 Mukilteo Speedway # G, Mukilteo Taka Sushi (425) 778-1689 18904 Hwy 99 Suite A, Lynnwood

Blue Ginger Korean Grill & Sushi Genki Sushi — Renton (425) 746-1222 (425) 277-1050 14045 NE 20th St, Bellevue 365 S. Grady Way # B & C, Renton Daimonji Sushi & Grill (425) 430-1610 5963 Corson Ave S, # 194, Seattle Toshi’s Teriyaki Grill (425) 687-5938 509 South 3rd St, Renton

Rikki Rikki Japanese Restaurant (425) 828-0707 442 Parkplace Center, Kirkland Genki Sushi — Factoria Mall (425) 747-7330 B-4, 4055 Factoria Blvd SE, Bellevue

Shima Sushi Bar 22 息吹 ibuki • november / december 2012

4429 Wallingford Ave N, Seattle Tel: (206) 632-2938 Hours: Sun-Thu 5 pm - 10 pm Shima Fri & Sat 5pm - 12am www.shimasushibar.com

Wallingford Ave N



N45th St.

N44th St.

Gourmet Teriyaki (206) 232-0580

7671 SE 27th St, Mercer Island

Izakaya Sushi — At The Landing (425) 228-2800 829 N 10th St. Suite G, Renton Izumi Japanese Restaurant (425) 821-1959 12539 116th Ave N.E., Kirkland i Sushi (425) 313-7378 1802 12th Ave NW., Issaquah Oma Bap (425) 467-7000 120 Bellevue Way NE, Bellevue Kikuya Restaurant (425) 881-8771 8105 161st Ave NE, Redmond Sushi Maru (425) 453-0100 205 105th Ave, Bellevue Sushi Me (425) 644-9800 1299 156th Ave NE #145, Bellevue Sushi Mojo (425) 746-6656

I Love Sushi — Lake Bellevue (425) 455-9090 23 Lake Bellevue Dr, Bellevue

I Love Sushi — Bellevue Main (425) 454-5706 11818 NE 8th St, Bellevue

Ginza Japanese Yakiniku (425) 709-7072 10149 Main St., Bellevue

Ginza Japanese Restaurant

Koharu Restaurant (253) 839-0052 31840 Pacific Hwy S, Federal Way Akasaka Restaurant (253) 946-3858 31246 Pacific Hwy S, Federal Way Main Japanese Buffet (253) 839-9988 1426 S 324th St, Federal Way Blue Island Sushi & Roll (253) 838-5500 35002 Pacific Hwy S, Federal Way Tokyo Garden (253) 874-4615 32911 1st Ave S #G, Federal Way

Kyoto Japanese Restaurant (253) 581-5078 8722 S Tacoma Way, Lakewood Sushi Tama (253) 761-1014 3919 6th Ave, Tacoma TWOKOI Japanese Cuisine (253) 274-8999 1552 Commerce St, Tacoma

Ask your favorite cafe, store or restaurant to stock IBUKI Magazine!

(425) 709-7072 103 102nd Ave SE, Bellevue

Ginza Japanese Restaurant (425) 709-7072 103 102nd Ave SE, Bellevue Nara Japanese Restaurant (425) 885-0703 16564 Cleveland St, Redmond Dozo Cafe — Factoria (425) 644-8899 3720 Factoria Blvd SE, Bellevue 1915 140th Ave NE, D1-B, Bellevue Dozo Sushi & Dining Kirkland Sushi-Ten (425) 251-0900 (425) 643-6637 206 Main St., Kirkland 2217 140TH Ave NE, Bellevue Tokyo Japanese Restaurant (425) 641-5691 Momoya Restaurant 3500 Factoria Blvd SE, Bellevue (425) 889-9020 Ricenroll — Bellevue Square 12100 NE 85th St, Kirkland (425) 455-4866 The Bento Box 2039 Bellevue Square 2nd fl, Bellevue (425) 643-8646 Ricenroll — Issaquah Highland 15119 NE 24th St, Redmond (425) 369-8445 Sushi Joa 1052 Park Dr. Issaquah (206) 230-4120 Ricenroll — Albertson’s on Mercer Island 2717 78th Ave SE, Mercer Island (206) 232 0244 Gourmet Teriyaki 2755 77th Ave. SE, Mercer Island (206) 232-0580 Marinepolis Sushi Land — Redmond 7671 SE 27th St, Mercer Island (425) 284-2587 Noppakao Thai Restaurant 8910 161st Ave NE, Redmond (425) 821-0199 9745 NE 117th Ln, Kirkland I Love Ramen Kiku Sushi (253) 839-1115 (425) 556-9600 13112 NE 20th St # 200, Bellevue 31254 Pacific Hwy S, Federal Way Bistro Satsuma Marinepolis Sushi Land (253) 858-5151 (425) 455-2793 5315 Point Fosdick Dr NW #A, Gig Harbor 138 107th Ave. NE, Bellevue Hanabi Japanese Restaurant (253) 941-0797 31260 Pacific Hwy. S, Federal Way

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[ Business Index ] Art & Furniture Kobo

koboseattle.com Kobo at Higo (206) 381-3000 604 S Jackson St, Seattle Kobo Capitol Hill (206) 726-0704 814 E Roy, Seattle Shop & gallery featuring art, craft and design from Japan and the Northwest The Wing Luke Museum (206) 623-5124 | 719 South King Street, Seattle Azuma Gallery (206) 622-5599 | 530 1st Ave S, Seattle The Cullom Gallery 603 S Main St, Seattle | (206) 919-8278

Bakery and Cafe Setsuko Pastry www.setsukopastry.com (206) 816 0348 1618 N 45th St, Seattle Healthy alternative pastries with a Japanese spin

Fuji Bakery Seattle Store (206) 623-4050 | 526 South King St, Seattle Fuji Bakery Bellevue Store (425) 641-4050 | 1502 145th Place SE, Bellevue UniCone Crepes (206) 243-6236 | 2800 Southcenter Mall, Tukwila Hiroki Desserts (206) 547-4128 | 2224 N 56th St, Seattle Panama Hotel Tea & Coffee House (206) 515-4000 | 607 S Main St, Seattle Fumie’s Gold (425) 223-5893 | 10115 NE 1st St # CU2, Bellevue Kitanda Brazilian Bakery & Espresso (425) 641-4413 | 15230 NE 24th St, Redmond Zoka Coffee & Tea — Greenlake (206) 545-4277 | 2200 North 56th St, Seattle Zoka Coffee & Tea — University (206) 527-0990 | 2901 NE Blakeley St, Seattle Zoka Coffee & Tea — Kirkland (206) 284-1830 | 129 Central Way, Kirkland Cortona Cafe (206) 327-9728 | 2425 E Union St, Seattle Seabell Bakery (425) 644-2616 | 12816 SE 38th St, Bellevue Seattle Coffee Works (206) 340-8867 | 107 Pike Street, Seattle Cafe Zingaro (206) 352-2861 | 127 Mercer Street, Seattle Caffe Fiore (206) 282-1441 | 224 West Galer Street, Seattle Oasis Tea Zone (206) 447-8098 | 519 6th Ave S, Seattle Chatterbox Café (206) 324-2324 | 1100 12th Ave # 101, Seattle

Grocery & General Store H-Mart — Lynnwood (425)776-0858 | 3301 184th Street Southwest, Lynnwood H-Mart — Federal Way (425)776-0858 | 31217 Pacific Hwy S, Federal Way

Uwajimaya 24 息吹 ibuki • november / december 2012

Seattle Uwajimaya (206) 624-6248 | 600 5th Avenue South, Seattle Bellevue Uwajimaya (425)747-9012 | 699 120th Ave NE, Bellevue Renton Uwajimaya (425) 277-1635 | 501 South Grady Way, Renton Beaverton Uwajimaya

(503)643-4512 | 10500 SW Beaverton-Hillsdale HWY, Beaverton

Daiso Alderwood Mall (425) 673-1825 | 3000 184th St SW, # 398, Lynnwood Daiso International District (206) 355-4084 | 710 6th Ave S, Seattle Daiso Southcenter Mall (206) 243-1019| 2800 South center Mall, #1378 Tukwila Daiso Westlake Center (206) 447-6211 | 400 Pine St, # 124, Seattle Daiso The Commons at Federal Way (253) 839-1129 | 1928 S Commons, Federal Way Daiso Great Wall Mall — Kent (425) 251-1600 | 18230 E Valley Hwy, Kent Mutual Fish Company (206) 322-4368 | 2335 Rainier Ave S, Seattle Anzen Hiroshi’s (503) 233-5111 | 736 NE MLK Blvd, Portland

Books, Games & Anime Anime Raku

(425) 454-0112 |10627 NE 8th St, Bellevue

Kinokuniya Bookstore

Seattle Kinokuniya (206) 587-2477 | 525 S Weller St, Seattle Beaverton Kinokuniya (503) 641-6240 | 10500 SW Bvtn-Hillsdale Hwy, Beaverton Tokyo Japanese Lifestyle — Southcenter Mall Store (206) 241-0219 | 633 Southcenter Mall, #1220, Seattle Tokyo Japanese Lifestyle — Northgate Mall Store (206) 363-3213 | 401 NE Northgate Way, #740, Seattle Tokyo Japanese Lifestyle — Tacoma Mall Store (253) 475-5380 | 4502 S Steele St, #616, Tacoma Tokyo Japanese Lifestyle — Capital Mall Store (360) 943-5790 | 625 Black Lake Blvd, # 334, Olympia Anime Asylum (503) 284-6626 | 1009 Lloyd Center, Portland, OR VIDEO HOP Downtown Store (206) 587-4037 | 601 S. King St. Suite#101, Seattle Pink Gorilla — University District (206) 547-5790 | 4341 University Ave NE, Seattle

Specialty store Saké Nomi — Sake (206) 467-7253 | 76 S Washington St, Seattle Umai Do Japanese Sweets (206) 4325-7888 | 1825 S Jackson St Ste 100, Seattle

Fashion Miki House USA (425) 455-4063 | 1032 106th Ave NE #123, Bellevue Momo (206) 329-4736 | 600 S Jackson St, Seattle Unique Plus — organic children’s store (425) 296 -1024 | 219 Kirkland Ave. #101, Kirkland

Senior Care Nikkei Concerns (206) 323-7100 | 1601 E. Yesler Way, Seattle

Japanese Construction Wafu Builders by Koji Uchida kojiuchida.com (206 ) 369-5012 Japanese gates, fences, shoji, tatami mats, bathrooms, tea rooms and more

Health and Beauty WellnessOne of Eastgate (425) 289-0092 | 15100 SE 38th St., Ste. 305B, Bellevue Acupuncture Associates — Eastgate (425) 289-0188 | 15100 SE 38th St #305B, Bellevue Studio 904 Hair Salon (206) 232-3393 | 3041 78th Avenue SE, Mercer Island Hen Sen Herbs (206) 328-2828 | 13256 NE 20th St, Bellevue Lynnwood Olympus Spa (425) 697-3000 | 3815 196th St SW #160, Lynnwood


Japanese Floral Design

Ikebana by Megumi

www.ikebanabymegumi.com (425) 744-9751 Sogetsu contemporary school of ikebana. Classes in home studio and around town Yushoryu Ikenobo (206) 723-4994 | 5548 Beason Ave. S.,Seattle Ikenobo Lake Washington Chapter (425) 803-3268 | IkenoboLakeWashingtonChapter.com The Little Flower Station (425) 770-5888 | www.thelittleflowerstation.com Children’s Bilingual Education

Megumi Preschool — Seattle (206) 723-8818 | 7054 32nd Ave S # 101, Seattle

Megumi Preschool — Bellevue (425) 827-2540 | 2750 Northup Way Bellevue Japanese Montessori School 3909 242nd Ave. SE, Issaquah | www.japanesemontessori.org

Language Seattle Japanese Language School (206) 323-0250 | 1414 S Weller St, Seattle Music

School of Taiko (425) 785-8316 | www.Japantaiko.com Continuing Education Program

Nikkei Horizons (206) 726-6469 | www. nikkeiconcerns.com Cooking

Hiroko Sugiyama Culinary Atelier (425) 836-4635 | 22207 NE 31st St, Sammamish NuCulinary (206) 932-3855 | 6523 California Ave SW, Seattle Satsuma Cooking School (206) 244-5151 | 17105 Ambaum Blvd S, Seattle Tea Ceremony Urasenke Foundation Seattle Branch (206) 328-6018 | 5125 40th Avenue N.E., Seattle

www.ibukimagazine.com 25 25 息吹 ibuki • september / october 2012

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Tokyo Street Snaps

Visit style-arena.jp for more street fashion snaps from Tokyo. Photos Š Japan Fashion Association. All rights reserved. www.ibukimagazine.com 27

28 息吹 ibuki •NOVEMBER /DECEMBER 2012

Kyary pamyu pamyu

[ asian pop ]


Creates New Interest in Japan’s Kawaii Culture

By Tara O’Berry hile browsing through J-pop videos on Youtube, the video “PONPONPON” by Kyary Pamyu Pamyu kept popping up in my suggested video box. The video had over 30 million views, so I started watching it out of curiosity. When I saw Kyary, I immediately thought, “Oh no, yet another burikko girl with fake eyelashes, perfectly curled hair, bows and ribbons all over, in a Lolita outfit with bright pastel colors...” But after doing some research, I found out that she’s made an impact not only on the J-pop world, but she’s also a prominent fashion blogger and model who has popularized Harajuku kawaii culture in Japan and abroad. Kyary’s music is very catchy and easy to dance to. Her voice is standard for a J-pop artist — cute and © ASOBI SYSTEM slightly distorted to make it sound even more high pitched than it is naturally (reminiscent of Perfume or Hatsune Miku). If you’re a fan of Japan’s kawaii culture or Western artists like Lady Gaga or Katy Perry, then you should definitely check out Kyary’s music videos. Katy Perry mentioned her love of Kyary’s “PONPONPON” video on her Twitter account, which helped create a new fan-base outside of Japan. Since her sudden appearance on the J-pop scene in 2011, Kyary Pamyu Pamyu has been recognized more for her image and fashion than for her music. In fact, the mayor of Shibuya, another popular Tokyo fashion district next to Harajuku, has named Kyary Pamyu Pamyu Harajuku’s “Kawaii Ambassador.” This new ambassador status honors Kyary’s international popularity and highlights her success in spreading Harajuku culture globally. Harajuku fashion and culture has gained substantial global interest over the past decade. Even Western artists, most notably Gwen Stefani, have been inspired by Harajuku’s distinctive style. If Tokyo has the equivalent of an indie scene, Harajuku is at the heart of it. Kawaii and Lolita culture are thriving in this part of Japan, and the J-rock and visual kei scene also have a presence here. The popular shopping district is full of unique and eclectic fashion boutiques, and many of the people who shop or live in this area are dressed in outfits that most Americans would never attempt to wear. Western style usually strives for attractiveness, sex appeal and sophistication, and Harajuku style is almost the exact opposite. Frilly dresses, dolllike hair and makeup, and cute animal accessories are the norm in Harajuku, and Kyary conforms to this style. Her “PONPONPON” video is full of pink things, toys, unicorns, bows, cute dance moves and more pink, thus making this video a prime example of Harajuku kawaii culture. The video also uses many psychedelic visuals, which makes her work stand out among the J-pop crowd (like the toast with eyeballs in “PONPONPON” — perhaps it’s a metaphor or something?). www.ibukimagazine.com 29

[ travel ]

Makurazaki Home of Shochu


By Rika Manabe

akurazaki city is located at the southern end of Kagoshima prefecture. It used to be known as Satsuma in the Kyushu region of Japan. It overlooks the beautiful Mount Kaimon on the Pacific Ocean and is also known as the home of

of this year. Needless to say, shochu was one of the highlights of the trip. Sweet-potato shochu is the mainstream in Makurazaki because they have been grown there for a very long time. They were first brought to the region from China though Okinawa in the 18th century, according to an article on the Satsuma Shuzou website.

This coastal town — also known for bonito fishing — is surrounded by fields of sweet potatoes, which are mostly used for making shochu. My grandmother and many of my relatives were sweet-potato farmers and they supplied their crops to a local shochu factory. I grew up in a house surrounded by sweet-potato fields and a mile away from one of the shochu factories. I returned to my hometown Makurazaki back in June

Every family in town, including mine, has at least a few bottles of shochu stored at home at all times. People give each other a bottle of shochu for the holidays as gifts and serve it to their guests on special occasions. My father and uncles used to enjoy a glass of shochu with some appetizers like sashimi or pickles after work every night. Also it is very common that people reserve their own favorite shochu bottles at izakaya pubs and restaurants where they are regular customers.



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火鍋専門店が べルビューに登場!

Lunch Special Set “$7.95 !! ” Monday through Friday 11:30am-2:30pm 30 息吹 ibuki •NOVEMBER /DECEMBER 2012

[ travel ]

Photos by Rika Manabe Photography (www.rikafoto.com)

Shochu, especially the ones made from sweet potatoes, hasn’t caught on quite like sake in other regions of Japan. However, in recent years, shochu has become a somewhat trendy and popular item among both old and young people throughout the country. It was such a great phenomena for my hometown as people there have suffered difficult economic times because of the decline of the bonito-fishing industry there. During my trip, I visited a museum inside a local shochu company that exhibits the history of shochu and demonstrates the traditional way of making it by using the equipment from over 100 years ago. It was my first visit to the museum, and it was very interesting to see all the equipment. But I was also intrigued to learn how the town came to be the home of shochu, especially due to my own family’s involvement as

sweet-potato farmers. The night before I was leaving, my cousin took me to a neighborhood izakaya and we enjoyed wonderful local shochu and food. I am starting to see more and more kinds of shochu available in Seattle, which is very exciting. Could shochu be the next distilling trend in the Pacific Northwest?

Rika Manabe is owner of Rika Manabe Photography (www.rikafoto.com). Her passions are food, travel and photography. She posts articles and photos on her blog Bella Bonito. www.bellabonito.blogspot.com

www.ibukimagazine.com 31



game tokyo game show 2012: The sequel The Tokyo Game Show just keeps getting bigger. This year’s show, which opened on September 20, set a new attendance record of 223,752. The four-day event at Makuhari Messe in Chiba Prefecture included two days focused on the business of gaming and two days for the public. The Tokyo Game Show, typically held in early autumn, is heralded as one of the best of its kind in the world. Although the convention is particularly aimed at a Japanese gaming audience, it gets the attention of videogame enthusiasts around the globe. Popular video-game developers such as Sony, Microsoft, Konami and Square Enix all showcased their upcoming products at the 2012 Tokyo Game Show. Attendees were able to play these games well before their anticipated release date. Some of the games showcased at the 2012 Tokyo Game Show include Ninja Gardens 3: Razor’s Edge, Tekken Tag Tournament 2: Wii U edition, Metal Gear Rising Revengeance and Resident Evil 6. In addition to these top games, the event unveiled two handheld devices that plan on taking the gaming community by storm: the Playstation Vita by Sony and the Wii U by Nintendo. Both were heavily anticipated prior to the event, and event-goers were giddy when they were finally able to test the new handheld consoles.

Photo: James Spahn

Although the event was well received overall, some gaming analysts described the 2012 Tokyo Game Show as “lackluster” and “disappointing.” The creator of the popular video-game series Megaman and former Capcom R&D head Keiji Inafune said, “There’s nothing brand new here in TGS 2012; there are just too many sequels.” Despite the criticism, The Tokyo Game Show continues to be one of the most prominent video-game expos in the 21st century. By Josh Horton

Book review The Bento Bestiary The Bento Bestiary is packed to the brim, not with food, but with an assortment of yokai — monsters from traditional Japanese folklore. The food metaphors used in the introduction to this slim but beautiful book are a bit random, but nonetheless we learn that illustrator Newman and writer Donaldson aim to reinterpret these monsters, precursors, they say, to modern-day kaiju — movie monsters such as Godzilla or Mothra. They’re continuing in the tradition of Toriyama Sekien, an 18th-century scholar and artist who attempted to catalogue each and every yokai. The Bento Bestiary has a more modest scope, pairing 14 illustrations with accompanying descriptions. The descriptions shift from quirky wordplay to rhyming couplets to a mock sales pitch. Donaldson doesn’t come across as a Japanophile. The monsters have been plucked from their traditional Japanese context and plopped down into a contemporary world, with random references to farmer’s markets and escort services. The writing is fun, if a bit odd, but it’s the illustrations and the quality of the production that make this one worth owning. Just as the writing makes little reference to Japan itself, the illustration style retains little in the way of a Japanese aesthetic; instead Newman funnels each monster through his own fantastic style (it’s

interesting to compare Newman’s take on the monsters with historical woodblock-print representations). His use of a limited color palette and bold, geometric shapes help to evoke silkscreen art (the first edition of this book was in fact a hand-printed artist’s book) and the publisher, NoBrow, further emphasizes this in its printing process. The book is printed only using spot colors, which retains the look of hand printing, with each color separated and printed individually. The overall effect is that of a lovingly produced book-as-art-object, perfect for fans of yokai, illustration or beautiful books. By Josh Powell

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Seattle 525 S Weller St, Seattle (206) 587-2477 Portland 10500 SW Beaverton Hillsdale, Beaverton (503) 641-6240 Inside Uwajimaya 32 息吹 ibuki •NOVEMBER /DECEMBER 2012

fashion FAMU 2012 : Fashions to Feed Your Inner Hipster It is an unusually warm fall evening on Lake Union, providing the ideal backdrop for the 2012 FAMU fashion show. Hosted at Citrus restaurant and lounge, the fruity aesthetics seem a bit out of place amidst the falling leaves. In accordance to Seattle style, the crowd wears popular fashions found in L.A. but with a twist to accommodate the rain and the cold. Slouchy knit caps, day-glow hoodies, bug-eyed shades and vibrant denim appear to be tonight’s dress code, and I am excited to see if the styles here will be reflected in the show. First down the makeshift runway is True Freshman Sportswear. As its name may suggest, the line has an athletic feel to it, offering twists on letterman’s jackets and bright crops tops evoking competition with their prints such as “Best Dressed.” The classic R&B tunes change to a remix of Kanye West’s “Mercy” to introduce the next designer, Acid Unicorn. Playing off the classic Nike swoosh, the bright neon colors in the line offer a novel twist to classic tees and tanks. An incorporation of trendy fonts and geometrical patterns make the collection quit pleasing to the eye. There is a brief break, and the models head behind the curtain for a quick change. In the meantime, the audience seems to be enjoying the internationally inspired dishes ranging from prawns ceviche to pork ossobuco. I find my way to a table displaying an array of cosmic looking “bro tanks.” After purchasing one of the pieces, I make small talk with one of the designers, a senior at Interlake High School sporting a dangerous hat, spikes dripping from its brim like gold stalactites. The brand is the Royal Seal and was created by this student and his fellow peer. While

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it is still in its infancy, this is a line to keep an eye out for. Through the curtain appears a line for the darker side of the fashionista, Kill the King. With skulls and Colt 45s, this collection may not cater to my taste, but it appeared to be quite the crowd pleaser. Despite the darker aura of the collection, there is a slight comical and even feminine touch with the addition of the kiss marks and crowns. I know the best is saved for last when the Norjack designs weave through the lounge. While simplistic like True Freshman, Norjack offers intricate touches that, while basic, make the collection appeal to a large audience. A symbol of Washington, evergreen trees are placed upon the tidy shirt pockets and are clearly the highlight of the line. These streetworthy styles, while often quite ballsy, cater to the rebellious and hipster generation of today. It may not have been couture, Milan or a showcase of distinguished designers in the industry, but who knows — I may have just seen the next Marc Jacobs. By Lauren Greenheck

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Japanese Yakiniku 10149 Main St., Bellevue, WA 98004

Lunch: Mon - Fri 11:30am - 2:00pm Dinner: Mon - Thu 5:00pm - 10:00pm Fri & Sat 5:00pm - 10:30pm Sun 5:00pm - 9:30pm

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[ CITY seattle ] ginza yakiniku restaurant — bellevue Trendy bars and restaurants line a street near Bellevue Square that is home to Ginza, a popular spot with sushi aficionados. The Japanese restaurant has opened a new section featuring Japanese yakiniku. For those who may not know, yakiniku is BBQ done at the table at restaurants in Japan. We highly recommend trying the wagyu steak, which has been raised in the US. Wagyu is highly prized and known for its original flavor and therefore only lightly seasoned with salt and pepper. At Ginza, you can enjoy beautifully marbled beef along with a solid, yet chewy softness that melts in your mouth. For a great deal on lunch specials, Ginza offers the most luxurious of lunches with helpings of sashimi, tempura, beef tongue, chicken wings, rice, miso soup, a fillet of beef and salad for $19.50. If you’re looking to really celebrate something special, try the assorted meals (ranging from $138 to $230 for two people), which feature steak, ribs, sashimi, assorted wagyu specialties, skirt steak and more. If that still doesn’t sound like enough, then check out the abundant list of classic Japanese side dishes like oden, ochazuke (tea over rice) and tofu. Ginza offers a wide variety of Japanese dishes and does them all well. What more could you ask for?

tako kyuuban — inside of bellevue uwajimaya

Ginza Yakiniku Restaurant | (425) 709-7072 10149 Main St., Bellevue, WA 98004

Takoyaki is a popular Japanese street food that originated in Osaka. The round, savory balls are typically filled with a chunk of tako (octopus) then topped with tonkatsu sauce, Japanese mayonnaise, aonori and bonito flakes. This much-loved treat was hard to find on the east side until last summer, when Tako Kyuuban opened at the Uwajimaya supermarket in Bellevue. The restaurant is open a couple of weekends a month from noon to 5pm. The amazing thing about Tako Kyuuban is that its takoyaki tastes better than some of the takoyaki found in Japan! The key is the homemade batter, which is prepared ahead of time. Ingredients include tako, deep-fried tempura batter, fresh cut green onions, dried shrimp and pickled ginger. The takoyaki is cooked while you watch so that customers can enjoy fresh delicious takoyaki on every visit. An order of six takoyaki currently goes for $3.99. Occasionally taiyaki, Japanese sweets filled with sweet bean paste, is also available. Check the website to see when the restaurant is open. Tako Kyuuban delivers original, fresh takoyaki flavor that you just can’t get from frozen imitations. Tako Kyuuban | www.takokyuuban.com | Facebook.com\tktakoyaki 699 120th Ave NE Bellevue, WA 98005

anime haus — kirkland A new anime store, Anime Haus, will open in Kirkland on November 17. The store has been a popular online and convention-based store for imported Japanese anime goods since Brian and Buki Hilgeford started their business in 2010. The couple has been searching for the best location to open their first physical store. “I am so proud of our huge selections of imported items,“ says Brian. Anime House carries manga, figures, Nendoroids, plushy dolls and many small accessories. Anime House stocks a wide range of goods, from the most popular anime like One Piece and Naruto to video games and American cartoons. “The qualities of our goods are very high, including the Yamato brand Japanese collectible toys. Our motto is selling quality products at reasonable prices,” Brian says. Brian and Buki are huge fans of Japanese anime themselves. When you stop by the new store, be sure to introduce yourself. Anime Haus | (502) 541-6927 | 9750 130th Ave NE Kirkland, WA 98033 www.anime-haus.com 34 息吹 ibuki •NOVEMBER /DECEMBER 2012

Osechi from I Love Sushi — bellevue Looking to experience a traditional Japanese New Year without flying to Japan? Leave the cooking to I Love Sushi on Lake Bellevue, which is offering exquisitely prepared osechi ryori menus for the New Year’s Day celebrations. The menu includes 60 items. Order online or by phone and pick them up on the afternoon of New Year’s Eve (from 1 to 4pm). Then celebrate the New Year as it’s done in Japan. The meals come in tightly packed boxes of two tiers ($150, enough for two adults) or three ($250, enough for four adults). Contents include traditional Japanese New Year fare that can be stored in a cool place. The Japanese eat osechi only on the first few days of the New Year. It’s a special treat meant to give homemakers a break. The dishes that make up osechi ryori are replete with meaning and symbolism to the Japanese. The black beans call kuromame, simmered with sugar and soy sauce, symbolize good health. The holes in the simmered lotus root allow us to see into the New Year. And the herring roe (kazunoko) symbolizes prosperity for one’s immediate and future family, represented by the tiny eggs. Each dish brings a positive wish to the New Year dining table. Order soon. Last year, I Love Sushi sold out. To find out more about this holiday treat, visit www.lakebellevue.ilovesushi.com. I Love Sushi Lake Bellevue | (425) 455-9090 23 Lake Bellevue Dr., Bellevue, WA 98005


Seattle’s long cold rainy winter started..

Sugi Chan But you can come to Issian to enjoy warm sake to warm you up.

Yummy hot Robata Yaki is waiting too.

Novilhos | Brazilian Steakhouse — bellevue Novilhos is a Brazilian steakhouse with a sophisticated and authentic Brazilian atmosphere located near the Bellevue Factoria Mall. It offers the unique Brazilian style of serving grilled meats called churrasco. This springs from a long culinary tradition in Southern Brazil among gauchos. Essentially, they chop large pieces of meat and grill them over open-flamed pits. The restaurant offers 17 selections of meat, including top sirloin, filet mignon wrapped in bacon, rump steak with garlic, bottom sirloin, pork ribs, young leg of lamb and tender marinated lamb chop. “We only serve the highest quality of meat and we prepare each cut daily,” explained Elle Barksdale; marketing director of Novilhos. The carvers in traditional gaucho uniforms come around to each table and ask your choice of meats and cuts and carve them right onto the plates. They also have a fresh salad bar with over 64 assorted items of seasonal dishes such as blanched jumbo asparagus, artichoke, mushroom risotto, parmesan cheese and fresh salmon with passion fruit sauce and capers.

Photo by Rika Manabe Photography (www.rikafoto.com)

Novilhos | (425) 603-1111 12405 Southeast 38th Street Bellevue www.novilhos.com Group events: Elle Barksdale (425) 351-4869

Warm your heart by having a good time with your friends. That is Izakaya soul!

Sugi Chan


1618 N 45th St Seattle, WA 98103 Tel: (206) 632-7010 issian-seattle.com www.ibukimagazine.com 35

[ LOCAL EVENTS ] Hmong New Year Celebration When: Saturday, Nov 3rd Where: Seattle Center/ 305 Harrison Street Seattle Fee: Free Get ready for an extra special Hmong New Year while also celebrating the 50th anniversary of the World Fair in Seattle! Explore and enjoy the cultural roots and contemporary influences of the Hmong people through performance, visual arts, food, games and a marketplace! Info: www.hmongassociationofwa.org

Bunka No Hi



When: Sunday, Nov 4th Where: Japanese Cultural & Community Center of Washington Fee: Free Enjoy a day of festivities that celebrate Japanese culture and heritage. Featuring an Onigiri Contest by Seattle Common Grains, a Nintendo Wii booth, cultural performances, demonstrations and activities. More information can be found at www. jcccw.org.

Shichi-Go-San Taisai


When: Sunday Nov 11th registration-10:30 ceremony-11:00 Where: Tsubaki Grand Shrine of America 17720 Crooked Mile Rd., Granite Falls A ceremony of blessing for children, boys ages 3 and 5, girls ages 3 and 7. Parents bring their children dressed in their best clothes to offer gratitude and pray for continued safe growth and development. Children attending this event receive the special 7-5-3 omamori (good-fortune amulet) and the chitose-ame (long-life candy) in a colorful bag with many special images on it, providing a happy memory for your children.

Girls Night Out Bead Party


When: Friday, Nov. 30th — 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM Where: Ben Franklin Crafts and Frames, 15756 Redmond Way, Redmond Fee: $10 This is a unique arts-and-crafts class hosted by Ben Franklin Craft and Frame located in downtown Redmond. It’s only $10 and includes a half hour of beading instruction, supplies and one and a half hours to make as many beaded earrings as you can. Grab your girl friends and enjoy a creative Friday night! To register, call: (425) 883-2050. Info: http://www.craftsandframes.com

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NOV 17

Ayame Kai

When: Saturday, November 17 Where: Blaine Memorial Methodist Church, 3001 24th Ave. South, Seattle Fee: Free Ayame Kai, a nonprofit guild, is holding its 31st Annual Holiday Craft Fair to benefit the programs supported by Nikkei Concerns, Seattle Keiro, Nikkei Manor, Kokoro Kai and Nikkei Horizons. Our fair features craft designers from Washington, Hawaii, California and Oregon There is also a bake sale featuring baked apple pies, cookies, cakes and may Asian food items.


Girl Power Hour When: December 5 Where: TBD

Girl Power Hour hosts stylish networking events and lifestyle blogs for women. The group has hosted more than 75 events in sizes ranging from 50 to 1,200 people. It features 70 bloggers in six states and a growing list of clients. Events offer a unique space for women and brands to connect by way of hot topics, soughtafter swag bags, awareness about what’s happening in the community and in the nonprofit arena and other hip and fun elements all geared to break down walls and barriers among women...over cocktails. Darnell Sue, the founder, enjoys bringing women together to foster relationships and self-confidence, supporting local women’s charities, mentoring women, shopping, dancing and DJing. Info: http://girlpowerhour.com

JK Pop! DJ Night


When: Thursday, Dec 6th Where: BARBOZA — 925 E. Pike St., Seattle Fee: $3 at the door With J-Pop and K-Pop music popularity on the rise, Seattle is already getting started for the international takeover and is pumping out some of Asia’s hottest music. Get ready for JK Pop! this December at The Barboza featuring DJ Bishie and DJ Hojo. JK Pop! is Seattle’s only J/K-pop dance party, so get ready to Gangnam style!

Kids Drawing

& Painting Class


When: Every Wednesday and Thursday 4:00pm-5:00pm Where: Ben Franklin Crafts and Frames - 15756 Redmond Way, Redmond Fee: $10 per class This one-hour class is for children 4 and up who like to draw. Your children will find joy in drawing while learning the basics and enhancing his or her ability. Instructor Takako Shinoda has been teaching drawing and painting classes since 1990. Students will need to bring to each class a drawing pad, 2B or 4B pencil, eraser, crayon, watercolors or pastels. Contact Takako (tel.: 425-8209863) for more information. http://www.craftsandframes.com

Happy Holidays! Follow IBUKI Magazine

36 息吹 ibuki •NOVEMBER /DECEMBER 2012

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TOKYO BLACK PORTER Fine craft beer brewed in Nagano, Japan

40 息吹 ibuki • november / december 2012

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