Bottled Water Reporter

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W W W. B O T T L E D W AT E R . O R G


IN THIS ISSUE How Americans Why Bottled Water Deserves Are Choosing Bottled Water "Healthy" Title "First for Thirst"

What IBWA Advocacy Can Do in 2018


Healthy Hydration at Any Age Why Seniors Struggle to Stay Adequately Hydrated— and How Bottled Water Can Help

Also Inside:

How Water Consumption Aids in the Battle Against Childhood Obesity A PUBLICATION OF THE INTERNATIONAL BOTTLED WATER ASSOCIATION

VOL. 58 • NO. 1


16 | IBWA Member Engagement: The Key to IBWA Advocacy Success in 2018 Many people are making healthy hydration a priority; Congress should as well. COMMUNICATIONS

18 | How Americans Are Choosing Water "First for Thirst" People opting to consume water—tap, filtered, or bottled—is a victory for our industry. TECHNICAL UPDATE

20 | How FDA’s Enforcement Discretion Could Allow Water Bottlers to Use Term “Healthy” on Labels If cucumbers can use the term “healthy,” then why can’t bottled water? VALUE OF IBWA MEMBERSHIP

24 | Industry Gains: IBWA Helps Your Business Grow Andy Eaton, technical director and vice president of IBWA supplier member Eurofins Eaton Analytical, Inc., reveals how active participation on IBWA committees and at association events has helped his business grow.

TABLE OF CONTENTS 8 | Healthy Hydration for Older Adults For older adults, there are physiological and other challenges to ensuring adequate hydration levels are met throughout the day. While hydration may not always be top of mind when considering the nutrition needs of older adults, lack of attention to hydration could have serious health effects. By Liz Sanders

12 | Why Water Is Good for Infants and Toddlers The serious childhood obesity problem in the United States has given rise to a growing movement to educate parents and their children about the importance of establishing healthy hydration habits at a young age. Find out why the American Academy of Pediatrics and nutritionists are increasingly recommending that water—not juice—be the first complementary beverage for toddlers. By Chris Torres

DEPARTMENTS CHAIRMAN'S COMMENTARY................................2 PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE.......................................4 WATER NOTES.....................................................5 CPO QUIZ..........................................................22 ADVERTISERS....................................................23 CALENDAR........................................................23


BOTTLED WATER REPORTER, Volume 58, Number 1. Published six times a year by The Goetz Printing Company, 7939 Angus Court, Springfield, VA, 22153, for the International Bottled Water Association, 1700 Diagonal Road, Suite 650, Alexandria, VA 22314-2973. Tel: 703.683.5213, Fax: 703.683.4074, Subscription rate for members is $25 per year, which is included in the dues. U.S. and Canadian subscription rate to nonmembers is $50 per year. International subscription rate is $100 per year. Single copies are $7. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Bottled Water Reporter, 1700 Diagonal Road, Suite 650, Alexandria, VA 22314-2973.


As the IBWA chairman following the administration of Shayron Barnes-Selby (DS Services of America), I’d like to take this opportunity to thank her, members of the board of directors, committee co-chairs, and committee members for the work they did last year to help attract new members to IBWA. As I write this, IBWA has just wrapped up a successful annual conference in Grapevine, Texas. These meetings were exceptional in many ways, but, like many of you, I found the opportunity to meet our new members in attendance a highlight. Being an IBWA member and actively participating in association meetings and events is the No.1 way to grow your business and prosper in the bottled water business. IBWA is the voice of the bottled water industry, and, as such, members and staff work tirelessly through our government relations, technical, environmental, communications, and other committees to educate the public, media, and government officials about bottled water facts and healthy hydration. Here are just a few reasons why current members say they joined IBWA: • IBWA members help each other, sharing business contacts, solutions, and best practices. The camaraderie among members is an invaluable benefit of belonging to IBWA. • IBWA’s in-person meetings encourage networking between suppliers and bottlers, strengthening those relationships—and providing opportunities for bottlers to give suppliers industry insight and product feedback to help with new product development and design. • IBWA members receive guidance on how to meet the requirements of the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA)—and on how to become certified as a preventive controls qualified individual (PCQI). As one member said, “Access to technical information is worth the whole price of membership at IBWA.” • IBWA educates members on how to get involved politically, at both the federal and state levels, which, in turn, helps strengthen the voice and reach of the association. We all have personal examples of how our IBWA membership has helped our businesses. So, here’s my challenge to you: Let’s share those stories with prospective members this year. I ask each member—big, medium, or small—to play a key role in getting at least one new member to join IBWA in 2018. In the process, we’ll amplify our industry’s healthy hydration message and strengthen our association and our companies for the future.


International Bottled Water Association OFFICERS Chairman Lynn Wachtmann, Maumee Valley Bottlers, Inc. Vice Chairman Brian Grant, Pure Flo Water Company, Inc. Treasurer Brian Hess, Niagara Bottling LLC Immediate Past Chairwoman Shayron Barnes-Selby, DS Services of America, Inc.

BOARD OF DIRECTORS Shayron Barnes-Selby, DS Services of America, Inc. Joe Bell, Aqua Filter Fresh, Inc. Philippe Caradec, Danone Waters of America Tara Carraro, Nestlé Waters North America Andy Eaton, Eurofins Eaton Analytical Brian Grant, Pure Flo Water, Inc. Brian Hess, Niagara Bottling LLC Doug Hidding, Blackhawk Molding Co. Scott Hoover, Roaring Spring Bottling Dan Kelly, Polymer Solutions International Kari Mondt, Allied Purchasing Greg Nemec, Premium Waters, Inc. Dennis Rivard, Crystal Mountain Products, Inc. Bryan Shinn, WG America Company Robert Smith, Grand Springs Distribution Louis Vittorio, Jr., EarthRes Group, Inc. Lynn Wachtmann, Maumee Valley Bottlers, Inc. William Patrick Young, Absopure Water Co., Inc.

IBWA EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Chairman Lynn Wachtmann, Maumee Valley Bottlers, Inc. Joe Bell, Aqua Filter Fresh, Inc. Philippe Caradec, Danone Waters of America Tara Carraro, Nestlé Waters North America Brian Grant, Pure Flo Water Company, Inc. C.R. Hall, Hall’s Culligan Brian Hess, Niagara Bottling LLC Henry R. Hidell, III, Hidell International Scott Hoover, Roaring Spring Bottling Dan Kelly, Polymer Solutions International Bryan Shinn, WG America Company William Patrick Young, Absopure Water Co., Inc.

COMMITTEE CHAIRS Communications Committee Julia Buchanan, Niagara Bottling, LLC Audrey Krupiak, WG America Company Education Committee Glen Davis, Absopure Water Co., Inc. Douglas R. Hupe, Aqua Filter Fresh Environmental Sustainability Committee Leslie Alstad, Pure Flo Water Company, Inc. Jeff Davis, Blackhawk Molding Co. Government Relations Committee Derieth Sutton, Niagara Bottling LLC Viola Johnson-Jacobs, DS Services of America, Inc. Membership Committee Marge Eggie, Polymer Solutions International Kelley Goshay, DS Services of America, Inc. State and Regional Associations Committee Joe Cimino, ChoiceH2O

Lynn Wachtmann IBWA Chairman 2



Supplier and Convention Committee Brian Grant, Pure Flo Water Company, Inc. Dan Kelly, Polymer Solutions International Technical Committee Andy Eaton, Eurofins Eaton Analytical Kevin Mathews, Nestlé Waters North America


NOV/DEC 2016



PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE HEALTHY HYDRATION AT ANY AGE Bottled water is now the No.1 packaged beverage in the United States. That tells me that people are starting to truly understand the value of healthy hydration. But what if you are a little older, perhaps a baby boomer, and your thirst sensory mechanism isn’t what it used to be? How can you stay adequately hydrated if you encounter physiological and other hurdles? According to the Institute of Medicine, the daily adequate intake of water (from food and liquids) does not decrease with age—even if seniors feel less thirst. In our cover story, “Healthy Hydration for Older Adults” (p.8), Liz Sanders, MPH, RDN, director of research and partnerships at the International Food Information Council (IFIC) Foundation, reviews the many reasons why older adults may find it hard to stay healthfully hydrated. She also shares some interesting results from the IFIC Foundation 2017 Food and Health Survey that show the vast majority of older adults (88 percent) are taking steps to drink more water in order to stay hydrated. On the other end of the age spectrum, we find there’s a concerted effort to educate parents and their children about the importance of establishing healthy hydration habits at a young age. Our feature “Why Water Is Good for Infants and Toddlers” (p.12) explains that the Agriculture Act of 2014 includes a mandate for the next edition of the Dietary Guidelines for Americans (DGAs), which is published every five years by the Departments of Agriculture and Health and Human Services, to provide dietary guidance for infants and toddlers, as well as pregnant women. Experts agree that if we want to eradicate the childhood obesity problem in America, we need to encourage children to drink water in place of sugar-sweetened beverages. For the past several years, IBWA has been working hard to increase the number of references in the DGAs on the benefits of water consumption and add a water symbol to the MyPlate food nutrition graphic. In 2018, we’ll continue our efforts, encouraging legislators to keep healthy hydration a priority by visiting them at their Washington, DC, and home state offices. In our Government Relations column (p.16), we outline ways IBWA members can actively engage in our 2018 advocacy efforts. The Communications column reviews how the “water first for thirst” message is being accepted by the public (p.18). And, finally, in our Technical Update column (p.20), we illustrate how the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s enforcement discretion could allow water bottlers to use the term “healthy” on their labels. In addition, this issue of Bottled Water Reporter presents photo coverage of our successful 2017 IBWA Annual Business Conference—and announces that we’ll be celebrating the 60th anniversary of IBWA this year, which will culminate with an event at our annual business conference in New Orleans, November 12-15, 2018.


International Bottled Water Association BOTTLED WATER REPORTER is published for: International Bottled Water Association 1700 Diagonal Road, Suite 650 Alexandria, VA 22314-2973. Tel: 703.683.5213 Fax: 703.683.4074

IBWA STAFF President Joe Doss Vice President of Education, Science, and Technical Relations Robert R. Hirst Vice President of Communications Jill Culora Vice President of Government Relations Cory Martin Director of Conventions, Trade Shows, and Meetings Michele Campbell Director of Government Relations J.P. Toner Director of Science and Research Al Lear Director of Communications Sabrina E. Hicks Manager of Member Services Cheryl Bass-Briscoe Education and Technical Programs Coordinator Claire Crane Communications Coordinator Chris Torres Executive Assistant Patrice Ward Bottled Water Reporter Layout and Design Rose McLeod Tel: 315.447.4385 Editor Sabrina E. Hicks Advertising Sales Stephanie Schaefer

IBWA President 4




In winter, people feel about 40 percent less thirsty, even though the body’s need for water is unchanged year-round. #StayHealthy #StayHydrated #BottledWater living-well/stay-hydrated-cold-weather

king for new op portunities to co nnect with educate them about bottled w ater issues, feel share any of th free to e following on yo ur so cial media sites January and Fe during bruary—or be in spired and writ Don't just seize the day—seize e your own!

consumers and

Enjoy a cuppa during January because it’s National Hot Tea Month—and remember, the water you use affects the taste of your tea!

the New Year! Grab your bottled water and get out there and make a difference in 2018!

National Campaigns January: National Hot Tea Month, New Year's Day (January 1), National Spaghetti Day (January 4), National Winter Skin Relief Day (January 8), National Hat Day (January 15), National Hug Day (January 21), National Peanut Butter Day (January 24) February: American Heart Month, Black History Month, National Children's Dental Health Month, Groundhog Day (February 2), World Cancer Day (February 4), National Pizza Day (February 9), 2018 Winter Olympics (February 9-25), Valentine's Day (February 14), Random Act of Kindness Day (February 17), National Love Your Pet Day (February 20), National Chili Day (February 22)

Hydration is important for pets too! On National Love Your Pet Day (February 20) share a little healthy hydration with you four-legged buddy!

Seize the Day With #H2OfCourse!

When watching the Olympics, take a sip of bottled water each time a #TeamUSA member competes! Download: FirstInHydration

February is National Children's Dental Health Month. Did you know the ADA says drinking water helps rinse away leftover food particles and residue that cavity-causing bacteria love to eat? Water is the best beverage for your teeth.

New Year, New Opportunity to start your healthy hydration habit! #BottledWater4Life

The American Heart Association reminds us this February, National Heart Month, that “keeping the body hydrated helps the heart more easily pump blood through the blood vessels to the muscles. And, it helps the muscles work efficiently.” Check out more tips from the AHA and stay #hydrated! FitnessBasics/Staying-Hydrated—Staying-Healthy_ UCM_441180_Article.jsp#.Wg9TQ1WnGpo


Ways to prevent cavities: Obviously, brush and floss daily. Next Best Tip? “Drink water or rinse mouth with water after eating.” #NationalChildrensDentalMonth

FACT: In winter, it can be easier to become dehydrated because the cooler, dry air can lead to decreased thirst sensation, causing you to drink less. Up to 60% of a person's body weight is water, and it only takes a 1- to 2% drop in that percentage to cause dehydration. One way to ensure you drink enough water this winter: carry around your favorite bottled water and take refreshing sips throughout the day!


N e w Y e ar

[On February 9] It’s National Pizza Day grab a slice…and a bottled water. Because, you know, everything in moderation! #HealthyHydration


Winter Hydration Tip: Monitor the color and amount of urine your body is producing. Your urine should be light yellow or clear. If it is darker, drink more water. #StayHealthy #StayHydrated stay-hydrated-cold-weather


On October 19, 2017, Ralph Conte, 88, one of IBWA’s founding members, died at his home in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida. Ralph will be remembered as a pioneer in the modern bottled water industry. He owned and operated three successful bottled water businesses: Polar Water in Pittsburgh, Deep Rock Water in South Florida, and Diamond Ralph Conte Springs Water in Virginia and the Carolinas. Ralph’s many years of service and achievements in the industry were recognized when he received IBWA’s prestigious Bottled Water Hall of Fame Award in 1999. Born in Pittsburgh, Ralph attended St. Vincent College in nearby Latrobe, Pennsylvania. He was also a Korean War veteran. He is survived by his wife Joann and five children. Two of them, Joe and Marty, continue to work in the bottled water business with IBWA bottler member Diamond Springs Water. IBWA is indebted to Ralph and his work on behalf on the bottled water industry. He was there when IBWA was founded in 1958, and his hard work and vision helped pave the way for all our subsequent successes. 6












Founding IBWA Member Ralph Conte Passes Away




healthy hydration—and promoting an environmentally responsible and sustainable industry. IBWA thanks its members for all the years of support to the association and our mission. You are all a part of our history, and it is important that we take time this year to recognize the industry’s growth and achievements, which would not have been possible without our wonderful and innovative members. IBWA staff looks forward to celebrating our 60th anniversary with members


Six decades later, the bottled water industry is a $16 billion-dollar industry, and IBWA continues to focus on what was at the core of its original mission statement: providing the public with safe, high-quality bottled water products and educating bottled water professionals on how to produce, treat, and distribute potable water. However, our mission has expanded to include educating the public about bottled water and championing bottled water as an important choice for



The story of IBWA begins in 1958, when a few forward-thinking bottled water company owners decided during a convention of the Texas Water Association that the then $50 million-dollar industry warranted its own national association. Later that year, on November 6, formal incorporation documents were filed with the Texas Secretary of State, thus officially establishing an association for the bottled water industry, which was then called the American Bottled Water Association.



IBWA Celebrates 60 Years of Service in 2018




throughout 2018, and the festivities will culminate in New Orleans, November 12-15, where IBWA will hold its annual business conference and trade show. To review a time line of IBWA’s history, visit www.


The Drinking Water Research Foundation (DWRF) would like to thank all of the sponsors that helped its Topgolf Fundraiser be a success. This wonderful event, held at the Topgolf facility in The Colony, Texas, on November 6, 2017, could not have happened without the support of DWRF sponsors and guests. All money raised during the 2017 fundraiser will help fund vital research impacting the future of the bottled water industry. TO LEARN MORE ABOUT DWRF, VISIT WWW.THEFACTSABOUTWATER.ORG.


Blackhawk Molding's Doug Hidding and Jeff Davis (from left) chat with Premium Water's Greg Nemec.

Mitch Turnipseed (center) catches up with IBWA staff during the Welcome Reception.


On November 6-9, 2017, IBWA held its annual business conference in Grapevine, Texas, in conjunction with NAMA’s CoffeeTea&Water show, bringing together more than 1,100 bottled water and coffee professionals for a week of business networking and education. Last year's trade show was particularly successful—with 151 bottled water and coffee suppliers and vendors exhibiting on the trade show floor. The Drinking Water Research Foundation (DWRF) tried something new in 2017, hosting its annual fundraiser at Topgolf. And an added attraction was Curt Steinhorst, founder and CEO of Focuswise, who presented the General Session’s keynote address on “Reaching the Distracted Customer.”

David Redick reviews Steelhead Inc.'s offerings with a visitor to his trade show booth.

IBWA Chairman Lynn Wachtmann accepts the gavel from Immediate Past Chairwoman Shayron Barnes-Selby.

Lynn Wachtmann and Phyllis Rokus discuss industry issues with trade show attendee.

Arman Melkonian introduces IBWA members to the Downtown Wholesalers' product line.

(From left) Doug R. and Doug A. Hupe chat with Absopure's Glen Davis at the Welcome Reception.

Annick Moreau and Stewart Allen

Jillian Olsen answers questions about services provided by EarthRes. Curt Steinhorst instructed the General Session audience on how to overcome distractions and reclaim focus.

Brad Cahoon (center) and Andy Eaton (right) discuss Eurofins Eaton Analytical's services with trade show attendees.

JAN/FEB 2018




Healthy Hydration for Older Adults By Liz Sanders, MPH, RDN

The latest census shows that older adults are the fastest growing demographic in the United States [1]. Not only is this age group booming in population numbers, they are also staying independent and active longer than ever before. The staggering population growth among older adults makes it all the more important to understand and address the unique health needs of this group. Hydration is not always at the top of the list when we consider the health and nutrition needs of older adults. But a lack of attention to hydration status in older adults could be harmful. Adequate water and fluid intake is a real challenge that, if not properly addressed, can have serious effects on the health of older adults. Let’s take a deep dive (pun intended) into the hydration needs and water consumption habits of older adults. New research, both clinical and consumer research surveys, reveals the factors that underscore the need to address this demographic and a focus on water.

Hydration Needs Among Older Adults We don’t need research to tell us that water is a critical nutrient across the lifespan; however, numerous studies provide examples of how proper hydration is key for many processes in the body. Besides supporting basic metabolic processes, adequate water consumption has been shown to help with everything from weight loss to cognitive performance. Research has shown these benefits of water consumption likely apply across the lifespan, regardless of age [2]. The critical importance of water does not diminish as we age, but other factors can make it more difficult for older adults to stay properly hydrated. For example, older adults tend to experience less thirst than their younger counterparts. Studies have shown that, when placed under fluid restriction, older adults often notice less thirst [3]. Also, after the fluid restriction is lifted, older adults are 8



less likely to properly compensate for the deprivation with increased fluid intake. That means older adults are less likely to seek out extra fluids when they need them, and they may be more prone to dehydration as a result. High blood pressure (also known as hypertension) is more common among this age group, and some of the treatments for hypertension can affect hydration status. Diuretics (i.e., water pills) are a frequently prescribed class of medications that help to regulate blood pressure by removing excess fluid from the bloodstream. Because diuretics cause patients to offload water, dehydration is a possible side effect. Although healthcare professionals monitor the hydration status of patients taking diuretics, individuals taking these medications can also be proactive to ensure they are staying well hydrated. Older adults are also more likely to be taking several medications. The effect of multiple medications taken together, known as “polypharmacy,” can make dehydration more likely. Also, many chronic diseases are more common among older adults. These conditions, like diabetes and kidney disease, can disrupt the water balance of the body and make it difficult to stay properly hydrated. Certain living situations that are unique to older adults can also affect hydration, as older adults are most likely to become dehydrated in hospital or long-term care settings [4].

Medications or chronic conditions can make hydration a challenge for older adults. JAN/FEB 2018



Current State of Older Adult Hydration Older adults may be consuming less water than other age groups. According to data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), adults between the ages of 40 and 59 drink about 4.5 cups of water per day [6]. That number is significantly less for Americans ages 60+, especially for males. Women over the age of 60 drink about 3.5 cups of water per day, while men over the age of 60 drink only about 3.1 cups.

Hydration Tips for Older Adults Nine out of 10 older adults are trying to drink more water or other fluids to stay hydrated, according to IFIC's 2017 Food and Health Survey. Here are some tips that can help. • Because thirst is a poor indicator of hydration status for older adults, encourage them to sip water continuously throughout the day. • Keep a water bottle nearby, both while at home and when on the go. Studies have shown that the mere availability of water helps older adults increase their water intake. • Older adults should also be encouraged to snack on foods with a high water content, such as watermelon, grapefruit, cucumber, and celery. • Find out if the older adult in your care likes his or her water cold or room temperature. Serving a drink at a preferred temperature will increase the likelihood of it being consumed.

Even the process of aging itself can make dehydration more likely for older adults. The water and sodium balance in the body changes slowly over time. As we grow older, the ratio of body fat to muscle increases. Fat-free mass, including muscle, stores a lot of water while fat holds virtually none. As we age and lose fat-free mass, it is more difficult for the body to store water and dehydration can happen quickly. Though older adults experience less thirst, their recommended daily fluid intake does not decrease. In fact, the daily adequate intake (AI) of water for older adults. is the same as younger age groups [4]. The Institute of Medicine recommends that males over the age of 50 consume at least 3.7 liters of fluid per day (from both food and liquids), while females consume at least 2.7 liters [5]. The same amount is recommended for adults 19 – 50 years of age. With this disconnect between decreased thirst and non-diminished requirement for water, it is no wonder why staying hydrated can be difficult for many older adults. 10



The news isn’t all bad for water intake among older adults. A recent International Food Information Council (IFIC) Foundation Survey ( provides a lens into the unique beliefs and behaviors of older adults, including their hydration habits. The 2017 Food and Health Survey ages 50 to 80 oversample, in collaboration with the AARP Foundation, shows that many older adults are actively taking steps to improve their health and hydration status. For example, the vast majority (88 percent) of older adults report that they are making an effort to drink more water and other fluids to stay hydrated. This echoes other findings from the survey, as older adults are also highly likely to be making an effort to increase their fruit and vegetable intake and making small changes to achieve an overall healthier diet. Chronic disease prevention was the main motivator that prompted older adults to drink more water and adopt these other healthy eating behaviors. So, for older adults, healthy hydration goes hand in hand with other healthy eating habits to prevent chronic disease.

A Path to Healthy Hydration for Older Adults Because older adults are more prone to dehydration and may be drinking less water, it is important to take proactive steps to ensure that they meet their daily goals for water and fluid intake. Though little research has been done to test how to best encourage water consumption among older adults, there are several strategies that have proven successful among health experts that frequently work with this population. Thirst is a poor indicator of hydration status for older adults, so how are older adults to regulate their water consumption without this helpful internal cue? The best way to combat dehydration is to help older adults prevent it in the first place. Older adults shouldn’t wait until they are thirsty to drink water. In fact, dehydration can occur long before older adults actually feel thirsty [4]. When working with older adults, encourage them to make hydration a priority regardless of thirst. Improved hydration is a marathon, not a sprint. There is no need for older adults to meet their recommended daily

HYDRATION FOR OLDER ADULTS intake of water in one sitting. Improved hydration can be achieved with a slow, steady approach. Many older adults may find it easier to stay hydrated when encouraged to take small sips continuously throughout the day. Keeping water nearby, either through a glass at home or a bottle when on the go, can be a good reminder to keep sipping. Studies have shown that simply making water available helps older adults increase their water intake. Increased plain water consumption may be the fastest way to improve hydration status, but intake from all sources can help older adults stay hydrated. Even caffeinated beverages, like coffee and tea, can make important contributions to daily fluid intake. Believe it or not, snacking may also help. Older adults can help prevent dehydration by consuming more foods with high water content, including low-sodium soups, fruits, and vegetables. Watermelon, grapefruit, cucumber, and celery are just some of the many fruits and vegetables with high water content (they also happen to make great snacks).

Washing It All Down Staying hydrated is certainly an increased challenge for older adults. But despite this fact, there are several reasons to believe that the glass is half full when it comes to older adult hydration. The IFIC Foundation 2017 Food and Health Survey shows that older adults

are highly motivated to take charge of many aspects of their health, including their hydration. This can be seen as good news for health professionals, nutrition educators, and all those who aim to make healthy hydration a reality for older adults. With all this motivation, and a few helpful strategies, older adults can more easily rise to the challenge of healthy hydration.

References 1. archives/2010_census/cb11-cn192.html 2. PMC2908954/#R21 3. 4. d01e6f64522dd89c9c519f18acb7fef3c343.pdf 5. PMC2908954/table/T5 6. DBrief/7_water_intakes_0508.pdf 7. www.foodin­

Liz Sanders, MPH, RDN, is the director of research and partnerships at the IFIC Foundation.

Consumers take many steps to be healthy

Adults age 50+ are more likely to be doing many of these actions Steps Taken in Past Year Began doing in the past year

Have been doine than a year

% Doing Age 18-49

Age 50+

Drink more water or other fluids to stay hydrated



Eat more fruits and vegetables



Made small changes to achieve an overall healthier diet



Cut back on foods higher in saturated fat



Cut calories by drinking low- and no-calorie beverages



Cut back on foods higher in salt



Eat more foods with whole grains



Consume smaller portions



Comparie sodium in foods like soup, bread, and frozen meals



Cut back on full-dairy and replace with lowor no-fat alternative





Balance calories to manage my weight 0%






Source: IFIC Foundation 2017 Food and Health Survey (www.foodin­ JAN/FEB 2018





TODDLERS By Chris Torres

The prevalence of childhood obesity in the United States has experts examining the dietary habits of children. As a result, there’s a growing movement to educate parents and their children about the importance of establishing healthy dietary habits from a young age. One area of focus: emphasizing consumption of water rather than sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs), especially for toddlers. The federal government is also increasing its focus on the dietary habits of infants and toddlers. The Pregnancy and Birth to 24 Months project (or P/B-24 project), created by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) in 2012, is specifically providing dietary guidance for pregnant women and children under age two. While this project was scheduled to end in 2018, Congress mandated that the 2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans (DGA), which dictates federal nutrition policies, provide nutritional guidance for infants and toddlers up to 24 months, as well as pregnant women. This mandate for the 2020 DGAs continues work started in the P/B-24 project, and experts are hoping that this focus will place a greater emphasis on toddlers drinking more water. "Children begin developing lifelong habits while they are very young," explains Harold Goldstein, DrPH, executive director of Public Health Advocates, a California-based nonprofit advocacy organization that aims to promote health and turn around the obesity and diabetes epidemics in the United States. "It's essential that children drink healthy beverages from the very beginning." According to the USDA ( Topics/infantfeedingtipsheet.pdf), infants should consume nothing but breast milk or infant formula for the first four 12 • BWR • WWW.BOTTLEDWATER.ORG

months. At the four to six-month mark, they could be introduced to water at 4 to 8 ounces per day, depending on the recommendation of the child’s health-care provider. For toddlers, the “bad habits” of beverage consumption tend to begin between the 12- to 24-month mark, as fruit juices and SSBs tend to be introduced for the first time. A National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) on beverage consumption ( by 2,740 American children from 0-24 months of age showed an uptick in sweetened beverage consumption between 12 and 24 months. The survey showed that in addition to milk and formula, 57 percent of children in the 12- to 24-month age group consumed 100 percent fruit juice, and 32 percent were consumers of sweetened beverages. Thirty-eight percent of children between 6 and 12 months consumed 100 percent fruit juice, while 6 percent of children in the group consumed sweetened beverages.

Effects of Water vs. SSBs Experts say it’s good to introduce water into children’s diets early, so they can become accustomed to its taste. To curb high levels of SSB consumption, such as those in the NHANES study, more water—and fewer or no sugary beverages—is becoming a more common recommendation.

JAN/FEB 2018 • BWR • 13


Staying hydrated helps children think better. • Being properly hydrated can improve children’s memory and attention. • Even mild levels of dehydration may result in decreased concentration, alertness and short-term memory. • A drink of water can improve children’s visual attention and fine motor skills. Drinking water, rather than sugary drinks, helps prevent tooth decay. • Children who primarily drink water or milk have fewer dental caries than those who drink soda. • The more sugary beverages children consume, the higher their risk for dental disease. • A drink of water after meals rinses the mouth and restores a healthy pH.

"Typically, parents think about a juice, usually apple juice, as the first complementary beverage (at or around age 6 months), but nutritionists, the American Academy of Pediatrics, and other experts recommend that the complementary beverage should be plain water. You really don’t need to go to juice at all, certainly in the first 12 months,” says Christina Hecht, PhD, senior policy advisor at the University of California Nutrition Policy Institute. The benefits of water for toddlers include better dental health and improved cognition, among others. And experts suggest that consuming fruit juices, soda, or any other SSBs can have damaging effects down the line. "Children who drink soda and other sugary drinks are at dramatically higher risks of being overweight," says Gold14



Children’s bodies work best when hydrated the healthy way — with water! • Water performs critical functions in the body. It’s needed for biochemical reactions, temperature regulation, transportation of nutrients throughout the body, and is an important factor in cell metabolism and gene expression. • Drinking plain water instead of sugary drinks can reduce weight and prevent excess weight gain in children. • Childhood obesity has shortand long-term negative impacts on emotional, social, and physical health.

Source: National Drinking Water Alliance (downloadable factsheet available at

stein. "And when they are overweight as children, they are then more likely to be overweight as teens and adults, and have the health consequences of those choices." Goldstein adds that drinking SSBs is a learned experience that often occurs when people are young. "If our parents give us sweet things to drink when we are young, it can establish a desire for sweet beverages later in life. We may experience ourselves as choosing to drink beverages that are sweet, but that choice could be strongly influenced by those who set our sweet palate early in life, perhaps before we can even remember." Goldstein explains that “soda is designed to be physiologically enticing, and it works. If you are used to drinking something with lots of sugar, flavor, and carbonation, water is going to seem flat. And yet, almost 100 million years as

mammals—that's what we drank. We drank mother's milk as infants, and we drank water as children and adults. The idea of drinking something sweet is an invention of the last 100 years, and we're seeing the effects of people drinking that much sugar—with skyrocketing rates of obesity and diabetes." According to the American Academy of Pediatrics (pediatrics.aappublications. org/content/early/2017/05/18/ peds.2017-0967), offering a sugary beverage such as juice to infants before they’re introduced to solid foods poses a risk of juice replacing milk or formula in their diet, which would result in a loss of protein, fat, vitamin, and mineral intake. For toddlers, excessive juice consumption can cause energy imbalance, as well as tooth decay. Juice, even when diluted with water, may not decrease the dental health risks. "Sugary beverages are perfectly designed to create cavities," Goldstein says. "Generally, sugary beverages have a lot of acid, which dissolves the hard enamel coating of teeth. And SSBs have a lot of sugar, which then eats away the soft inside layer of the tooth. The door is open, the bacteria eat away, and cavities grow." Pregnant women could also be at risk from excessive SSB consumption. Potential health complications include high blood pressure and gestational diabetes, according to Goldstein.

Making Water a Priority Being at the forefront of their children's health, parents should lead by example when it’s time for a meal, according to Hecht. The family setting is perhaps the best environment for establishing healthy hydration habits; parents and other caregivers have the biggest influence on what beverages infants and toddlers consume. “Children are supposed to be learning what to eat, following what the adults at the table are eating, so it’s better for everyone to have water sitting on the table,” suggests Hecht.

A similar message has been conveyed to childcare providers. Across the country, childcare centers could see an increase in toddlers drinking water, thanks to changes in the federal Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP). This program, which serves about half of all licensed childcare facilities and informs many states' regulations, made changes to its beverage standards that encourage healthier beverage choices—making water available throughout the day, proactively offering water to children, and restricting juice. The "offer" mandate was instituted as a result of USDA's recognition that small children may not notice they’re thirsty, or may not understand or are unable to ask for water themselves, according to Hecht. The new CACFP guidelines went into effect on October 1, 2017, and are the first major changes to the program since its inception in 1968. “Childcare is where a lot of the nation’s children spend much of their day,” Hecht says. “It’s a time when habits are being established, so it’s very important. The Child and Adult Care Food Program water requirements are excellent.” There’s also a continuing push for the federal government to update one of its most recognizable educational resources: the MyPlate food nutrition graphic, which is often posted in childcare centers and schools nationwide. Experts are hoping a water icon can be added to the graphic, next to the current dairy symbol. “In our opinion, the MyPlate graphic is the translation of the Dietary Guidelines that most Americans see,” Hecht says. “It’s widely used for nutrition education, especially in early care education and school settings, but also SNAP-Ed [Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Education] and

WIC [Women, Infants, and Children], and other nutrition education settings. Frankly, most Americans don't read the Dietary Guidelines—and certainly no infants or children—so this is why we think that it’s important and why it would be very powerful for water to be represented [on MyPlate]." Hecht is also a coordinator of the National Drinking Water Alliance (NDWA), whose members include IBWA, the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI), and the American Heart Association (AHA), among others. NDWA is a network of organizations and individuals with a goal of ensuring children across the country have access to safe water everywhere. IBWA, in conjunction with NDWA, has also lobbied for the USDA to add a water icon to the MyPlate graphic. Hecht states that she hopes the 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines use more clear and forceful language about the health value of drinking water in place of sugary beverages. There are also active efforts at the state level. For example, Goldstein explains that in California his organization, Public Health Advocates, and partner organizations successfully championed legislation prohibiting licensed childcare centers from serving soda. "We would like to see that policy enacted all around the country," he explains. "There is absolutely no reason for children in daycare to be given soda and other sugary drinks. These are kids. There is no reason for them to be given a proven harmful product as their default option. Drinking soda at such an early age can have harmful, lifelong consequences."

Chris Torres is IBWA’s communications coordinator. Contact him at ctorres@


“When you educate parents about their children, they might learn something for themselves too.”



A workshop on "Strategies to Limit Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Consumption in Young Children: Evaluation of Federal, State, and Local Policies and Programs" was held on June 21-22, 2017, at the National Academy of Sciences Building in Washington, DC. The objectives of this workshop included the following: • Provide an overview of current and emerging strategies to reduce consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages by young children, ages 0-5 years of age, and explore the evidence on effectiveness. • Contextualize the strategies by considering patterns and trends in beverage consumption broadly, and sugar-sweetened beverage consumption specifically, in U.S. children. • Examine current guidelines for beverage intake applicable to children five years of age and younger. • Explore the role of industry in sugar-sweetened beverage intake in young children. • Identify where knowledge gaps and opportunities exist for future policies, programs, and strategies. End of workshop discussions emphasized that the age group of interest (children from birth to 5 years of age) "is completely dependent on what is served or offered to them." Thus, "opportunities exist to turn the goal of limiting sugar-sweetened beverage consumption in young children into a 'public health step and message that all parents and communities and even the government can be proud of.'" Source: 1ptioninYoungChildren/2017-JUN-21.aspx JAN/FEB 2018



IBWA Member Engagement: The Key to IBWA Advocacy Success in 2018 By Cory Martin, IBWA Vice President of Government Relations

As we close the books on 2017, we can confidently state that it was another great year for government relations activity on bottled water issues. Due to strong advocacy efforts by IBWA staff and members, we saw the rescindment of a multi-year policy allowing a ban on the sale of single-serve bottled water in our Nation’s national parks, the end 16



of a threat to impose new overtime requirements that would have harmed our industry’s growth, a record number of congressional visits to bottled water facilities across the country, a successful Capitol Hill Day in June, and the establishment and strengthening of many key relationships with members of Congress. To top it off, in March

of 2017 we were able to officially announce that Beverage Marketing Corporation had finalized its market research and, in 2016, bottled water had become the No.1 packaged beverage choice in the United States! That means, more people than ever before are making healthy hydration a priority, and Congress should as well.



Politics and Policies on the Docket for 2018 For all members of the U.S. House of Representatives and a third of the Senate, 2018 is an election year. It is generally understood that all major policy issues must be voted on before the summer because, from that point on, it’s all about the upcoming election. In addition, there are typically very few controversial votes taken in an election year, often leading to both a short legislative calendar and less time allotted for taking action on proposed bills. Issues of interest for the bottled water industry during 2018 include the reauthorization of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), formerly known as the Food Stamp Program, which is part of the U.S. Farm Bill that is set to expire in September. IBWA will be working to defeat any effort to have bottled water removed from SNAP. In addition, we will continue our interest in discussions concerning the next edition of the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, which will begin in earnest in 2018. Congress may also seek to take up a bill to improve infrastructure across the United States, with some focus

on improving tap water pipelines and protecting groundwater sources. While a short legislative calendar will impact Congress’s ability to pass new legislation, there will still be many opportunities to promote healthy hydration on Capitol Hill in 2018.

What IBWA Members Can Do IBWA members are in an excellent position to influence policymakers on healthy hydration in 2018. Following our successful work with Congress in 2017, members are invited to participate in the three industry fly-ins this year— on March 22; June 6, IBWA's annual Hill Day, held during the June Board of Directors and Committee Meetings ( June 4-7); and September 26. Visiting your elected officials in their Washington, DC, offices shows not only the strength of the industry but also how serious we are about making positive changes to laws and regulations impacting bottled water constituents back home in their states or districts. IBWA members are also invited to visit with their members of Congress at any other time during the year, whether that’s in DC or their home states. IBWA staff is ready to set up a full day of meetings with members of Congress anytime an IBWA member can come to DC, and we can cater these meetings

to fit your company’s footprint and needs. Believe it or not, meeting with your members of Congress back home can have an even greater impact on their willingness to go to bat for your business in Washington. That’s because when you meet on home turf, your elected officials can easily distinguish you as one of their constituents. Inviting legislators to tour your plant is a great way to establish a meaningful relationship. IBWA members hosted 9 plant tours in 2017, and each visit has led to strengthened relationships with key members of Congress. Hosting tours also helps give elected officials a better understanding of how bottled water works and how the issues debated in the halls of Congress impact the industry. No matter where the visits occur, they all help build viable relationships with those who influence policies impacting bottled water.

Act in Advocacy In 2017, the industry saw the results of our increased advocacy efforts. Nothing comes easy, and this is especially true regarding promoting and passing policies that are beneficial to the industry and the communities where bottled water plants are located. IBWA invites you to make advocacy a priority for your company in 2018 by participating in the three industry fly-ins this year, hosting members of Congress at your plant, or visiting with elected officials at any other time that works with your schedule. With proper engagement and leveraging critical relationships in Congress, the bottled water industry can leave 2018 the same way it did in 2017— with several successes and a bright future ahead.

JAN/FEB 2018



How Americans Are Choosing Water "First for Thirst" By Jill Culora, IBWA Vice President of Communications

For years, the bottled water industry has encouraged people to drink water in all its forms: tap, bottled, or filtered. In recent years, we’ve also seen a plethora of new research proving what some people already suspected: regular consumption of sugary drinks is not good for people’s overall health. Now, with bottled water sales on an unstoppable growth trend, it seems people are really starting to understand that water is the healthier choice. 18



People are shifting from the concept of knowing they should “drink healthy” to the reality of reaching for a bottle of water instead of a carbonated soft drink or other packaged beverage. Data from the Beverage Marketing Corporation (BMC) indicates that people are consuming bottled water instead of other packaged drinks— not in place of tap water, as industry adversaries claim. Preliminary BMC data from 2017 buying patterns shows

domestic sparkling water sales are up 42 percent in 2017 from 2016. One reason for that unprecedented growth is likely the fact that people who choose to stop drinking soda often need a “bridge” to water. Transitioning soda drinkers say they find it difficult to go from sugar and fizz to no additives and flat. Sparkling water is an attractive option—a “happy medium”—for those attempting to live a better, healthier lifestyle.


PEOPLE OPTING TO CONSUME WATER—TAP, FILTERED, OR BOTTLED—IS A VICTORY FOR OUR INDUSTRY. Helping Create a Healthier Population Swapping out soda for water is a wise move. People could save 100 calories each day—approximately 15 to 30 percent of an adult’s total energy intake—simply by drinking water instead of 8 ounces of a sweetened beverage, according to Kiyah Duffey, PhD, Virginia Tech, who co-authored “Modeling the Effect of Replacing Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Consumption with Water on Energy Intake, HBI Score, and Obesity Prevalence” in the June 2016 issue of Nutrients. If those calories are not replaced by other foods or beverages, this is a meaningful reduction in daily energy intake, she adds. Reducing caloric intake is an important step for Americans, as the Institute of Medicine and the American Journal of Preventative Medicine state that one-third of American adults are overweight and another one-third is obese. During the last 30 years, children’s obesity rates have climbed from 5 percent to 17 percent. Encouraging the consumption of water, and increasing its availability in all formats—including bottled water—is a smart and direct way to help Americans make healthier beverage choices. Another message we can share with consumers—in addition to how water consumption helps them reduce their caloric intake—is the fact that water helps nearly every part of the human body function efficiently. Considering that our bodies are almost two-thirds water, it’s important to understand water’s role in a healthy lifestyle.

Here are just some of the ways water consumption benefits the body: • Water is an essential compound that supports numerous metabolic reactions, including cellular processes, and the formation of urine, sweat, and blood. • Water helps keep your temperature normal. • Water helps lubricate and cushion joints. • Water protects your spinal cord and other sensitive tissue. • Water can help gastrointestinal function. • Water can alleviate the incidence of kidney stones. For more on how water consumption helps the body function, read “Powered by Hydration” (

Choosing Healthy Convenience We live in an on-the-go society that depends on convenience when making food and drink choices. And while the bottled water industry supports a reliable public drinking water infrastructure, it also advocates for bottled water being available everywhere other packaged beverages are sold. Much of what people drink—about 70 percent—comes in a package, and, as a result, today almost half of the water people drink comes in a bottle. It’s important to acknowledge that convenience and availability are key in getting people to change habits, like choosing to drink water over other, lesshealthy packaged beverages. And people are doing just that— choosing water over less healthy drinks with unprecedented demand. People opting to consume water is a victory for our industry, but this is not a time to become complacent. We still need to work hard to push out good bottled water messaging, so consumers understand the important role bottled water plays in healthy hydration.


IBWA Partners With Keep America Beautiful In 2018, IBWA is partnering with Keep America Beautiful (KAB), the nation’s iconic community improvement nonprofit organization, to educate people on how to improve recycling rates in America. While many factors play a role in making recycling successful, three key factors guide Keep America Beautiful’s recycling education efforts: convenience, communication, and cause (getting people to understand the many benefits of recycling and why they should care). By educating and engaging individuals to recycle more of the right things the right way— at home, at work and on-the-go—KAB hopes to make recycling more economically viable, creating jobs and providing recyclables to manufacture new products and packaging, while continuing to reap greater environmental and community benefits. Key recycling programs for KAB include America Recycles Day, I Want To Be Recycled, Recycle-Bowl, and RecycleMania. IBWA will be a sponsor of KAB’s 2018 America Recycles Day (held each year on November 15), and KAB and IBWA will work together to develop social media outreach that helps to affect behavioral change. For more on Keep America Beautiful, visit

JAN/FEB 2018




How FDA’s Enforcement Discretion Could Allow Water Bottlers to Use Term “Healthy” on Labels By Al Lear, IBWA Director of Science and Research 20



It seems obvious to most people that bottled water is the healthiest packaged beverage option. However, current U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulations prohibit bottlers from using the term “healthy” on their labels because bottled water products do not contain sufficient levels of several beneficial nutrients. But IBWA is working to correct this unreasonable labeling regulation by continuing to urge FDA to allow the term “healthy” to be used on bottled water labeling. Last October, representatives from IBWA, the Drinking Water Research Foundation (DWRF), and IBWA counsel Hogan Lovells met with FDA officials to discuss the reasons we believe FDA should exercise enforcement discretion, which would allow water bottlers to use of the term “healthy” on their labels. That meeting wasn’t the first time IBWA made its opinion known to FDA; it followed the submission of a letter on August 7, 2017, to Susan Mayne, PhD, director of the FDA’s Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition (CFSAN). In that letter, IBWA made a formal request for enforcement discretion to allow the use of the term “healthy” on the labeling of bottled water. Before that, IBWA presented written and oral comments for a March 2017 FDA public meeting, where we pointed out that bottled water helps consumers maintain healthy dietary practices in line with recommendations found in the 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, published by the U.S. Departments of Health and Human Services (HHS) and Agriculture (USDA). We also requested that companies be allowed to use the term "healthy" on bottled water labels.

Why FDA Should Grant Enforcement Discretion In our written and oral comments, IBWA outlined why water is recognized

TECHNICAL UPDATE as essential for a healthy diet and is a healthy alternative to sugar sweetened beverages (SSBs). We also pointed out that several government agencies have recognized the benefits of water as a vital source of hydration and necessary for the human body and organs to function properly. The HHS and USDA’s 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans state that “beverages that are calorie-free—especially water—or that contribute beneficial nutrients . . . should be the primary beverage consumed.” The Center for Disease Control and Prevention notes “drinking water every day is good for overall health.” There’s even a “MyPlate MyWins: Make better beverage choices” tip sheet ( that references the Dietary Guidelines for Americans advice to choose water first for thirst: “Drink water instead of sugary drinks. Non-diet soda, energy or sports drinks, and other sugar-sweetened drinks contain a lot of calories from added sugars and nutrients.” Apparently, consumers understand that bottled water can help them achieve healthy dietary practices because data from Beverage Marketing Corporation show that in 2016 bottled water sales (by volume) outpaced carbonated soft drinks, making bottled water American’s No.1 packaged drink choice. IBWA’s October 2017 meeting with FDA provided an opportunity to voice strong support of the agency’s efforts to revisit and update the healthy nutrient content claim regulation. IBWA presented the rationale behind its enforcement discretion request, citing the health and hydration benefits of water, dietary guidance and government recommendations encouraging consumption of water as part of a healthy diet, and water as an alternative to SSBs. Lawrence E. Armstrong, PhD, a DWRF trustee and associate director of the Human Performance

Laboratory at the University of Connecticut, discussed the science behind why water is essential for survival, good health, and optimal mental and physical function. His presentation on topics of hydration and water included: • the universality of internal physiological mechanisms which regulate total body water • functions of water in the body • universal agreement among healthcare providers regarding the importance of water to optimal health and function • water as one of six essential nutrients • U.S. government recommendations and guidelines regarding adequate intake of water • the health risks and negative effects on cognitive performance, mood (work productivity), and physical performance from people who drink low volumes of water. FDA has already exempted certain classes of food, such as raw fruits and vegetables and single ingredient mixtures of frozen or canned fruits and vegetables, which do not provide a good source of nutrients from the “beneficial nutrient” requirement. Those include cucumbers and celery, which are 95-96 percent water. Although those foods may not contain a significant amount of beneficial nutrients, their consumption is encouraged by dietary guidance. IBWA believes water should also be eligible for a “healthy claim” because it is consistent with current dietary guidance and the role water plays in a healthy diet.

FDA’s Options FDA has several options through which to companies the ability to use the term "healthy" on their labels: • Issue a final guidance document. Revise the current guidance document for all foods.

CUCUMBERS AND CELERY, WHICH ARE 95-96 PERCENT WATER, CAN USE THE TERM “HEALTHY.” WHY CAN’T BOTTLED WATER? Issue a separate guidance document for bottled water. • Issue a letter of enforcement discretion. In our written and oral comments, IBWA noted that the enforcement discretion would only cover bottled water meeting the FDA standard of identity in 21 CFR 165.110 and remain in effect until the agency has issued a revised regulatory definition of the nutrient content claim “healthy.” As for next steps, IBWA will continue to monitor any activity regarding our request for enforcement discretion on using the term “healthy” in bottled water labeling and provide additional support to the agency, if necessary. This is the first time in more than two decades that FDA is updating its regulation on the use of the term “healthy” on labeling for human food products. “Healthy” on food labels was first regulated back in the early 1990s, but the focus then was on the reduction of fat in the diet. For more, read “IBWA Seeks ‘Healthy’ Label for Bottled Water from FDA” in the Jul/Aug 2017 issue of Bottled Water Reporter (

JAN/FEB 2018





certified plant operators (CPOs) are encouraged to complete the following quiz for ½ IBWA continuing education unit (CEU). The questions are derived from material presented in this issue of the Bottled Water Reporter, the IBWA Plant Technical Reference Manual, and the IBWA Bottled Water Code of Practice. Submit this quiz to Claire Crane ( / Fax: 703.683.4074), IBWA Education and Technical Program Coordinator, 1700 Diagonal Road, Suite 650, Alexandria, VA 22314. Look for additional quizzes in future issues and earn additional IBWA CEUs! Name______________________________________________________

Company_ _________________________________________________



State/Province_ _____________________________________________

ZIP/Postal Code_ ___________________________________________

Check your selection for each question


IBWA and the Drinking Water Research Foundation are campaigning to use the term “_____” for bottled water.


convenient healthy fat-free nutritious


Which of the following is NOT considered to be a common source of contamination of natural source waters?


dissolved gases suspended solids calcium carbonate dissolved organic substances


The U.S. Dietary Guidelines for Americans were last revised in _____ and will again be revised in _____.


2010 / 2015 2010 / 2020 2015 / 2020 2015 / 2025


A chemical commonly used to disinfect wells and boreholes is _____.


ozone potassium iodide sodium fluoride sodium hypochlorite


1 ppm of hardness measured as calcium carbonate is equivalent to _____.




17.7 grains per gallon 5.7 mg/l of calcium 25.5 umhos of conductivity 17.7 mg/l of iron



Water is essential for survival, good health, and optimal mental and physical function, and is one of _____.

OO the nutritional sources of vitamin C OO six essential nutrients OO several non-nutritious components of a diet


Low pH and high levels of an oxidizer exposed to metals can cause _____.


corrosion scaling reduction an acid-base reaction


Inadequate flushing of certain cartridge-type filters can lead to _____ in water.


adverse health effects off-taste spoilage enhancement


Presence of brown or black specks or flakes in water is typically caused by _____.


calcium magnesium lead manganese


The most common source of pleasant taste in a water is _____.


nitrate iron minerals organic material

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Winter Board and IBWA Committee Meetings Teleconference

JUNE 4-7 IBWA June Board of Directors and Committee Meetings Hilton Old Town

Alexandria, VA


IBWA Annual Business Conference and Trade Show Hyatt Regency New Orleans, Louisiana


JUNE 3-6

IBWA June Board of Directors and Committee Meetings Hilton Old Town Alexandria, VA

Contact Stephanie: 817.719.6197 / membership JAN/FEB 2018



VALUE OF IBWA MEMBERSHIP ANDY EATON, PHD, BCES TECHNICAL DIRECTOR/VICE PRESIDENT EUROFINS EATON ANALYTICAL, INC. ALL ABOUT ANDY Andy enjoys traveling. Last summer, while jumping into the Arctic Ocean, he slid down Incan rocks. Andy and his family once breed Siamese cats in their home. Before getting into the bottled water business, Andy studied marine chemistry.

With more than 37 years of experience in the bottled water industry, Andy Eaton says only one thing surprises him: that the industry is still trying to convince the world that water is a healthy alternative to carbonated soft drinks. “To me, that just seems so obvious,” says Andy. “Why people don’t understand that, I don’t know.” Andy acknowledges, however, that despite all the available information on bottled water, detractors are still looking to discredit the industry at every turn. His company, Eurofins Eaton Analytical, helps bottlers by testing the quality of their bottled water products. As the largest potable water testing laboratory in the United States, the organization has more than 500 clients across the country and in 100 countries worldwide. “We offer 50-state certification, we do emerging contaminants, and we can offer not just testing, but information to assist people with understanding the results of that testing,” says Andy. “As part of a global testing firm that has over 400 labs around the world, we can offer resources to support you no matter where you are or what your needs are.” Andy states that both he and his organization would not be where they are today without the access to information and networking opportunities provided by IBWA. “By being a direct part of IBWA, being involved with committees, and being on the board [of directors], we’ve been able to really do effective networking,” explains Andy. “It’s really supported our business in terms of being a significant fraction of the testing that we do. We never would’ve made the gains in the industry we’ve made in terms of testing without being an active part of IBWA.” Andy reveals that Eurofins has also provided valuable insight to IBWA members: “Since bottled water is often in the crosshairs of different people, being able to say to IBWA bottler members, ‘Here’s what our company sees coming down from EPA [Environmental Protection Agency], and you may want to think about being ready for this in case somebody asks.” Throughout the years, Andy’s IBWA membership has opened his eyes to several opportunities. “If you’re looking at the supplier side of things, this is a great place to network, and the members of IBWA are all very open to talking to people and learning what they have to offer,” he says. “If it’s a bottler, I think it’s much more obvious than that. Here’s a resource for you to deal with for all of the new regulations that are coming down, where you’re getting what amounts to very cheap consulting. You’ve also got the ability to learn from your peers because the odds are that a lot of them have experienced some of the same issues you are experiencing. Again, because IBWA members are so friendly, they’re willing to help you.”



To learn more about Eurofins Eaton Analytical, visit WWW.BOTTLEDWATER.ORG

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