The Men's Health Big Book of 15-Minute Workouts: A Leaner, Stronger Body--in 15 Minutes a Day! ebook free. Men love shortcuts. If there's a way to accomplish a job quicker and more efficiently, they're all for it. That goes for work and working out. Now, new research shows that as little as 15 minutes of resistance training is just as effective ... isbn-13 978-1609617356, isbn-10 1609617355 The Mens Health Big Book of 15Minute Workouts A Leaner Stronger Bodyin 15 Minutes a Day download pdf free. 325.77.247. Selene Yeager - I've had mixed reactions to Selene Yeager's books before (some I like, some are just okay). This one is just okay. Yes, there's a lot of variety, and ... .