Freshwater Pearl Culture Training Manual

Page 1

डॉ.सरोज कु मार स्वाईं

efveosMekeÀ (keÀe³e&keÀejer) Yeeke=ÀDevegHe -meerHeÀe [e@. efyebog Deej. efHeuueF& ÒeYeeieeO³e#e peueke=Àef<e GlHeeove Deewj He³ee&JejCe ÒeYeeie Yeeke=ÀDevegHe -meerHeÀe

ICAR-CIFA Training Manual No.: 54 (J)/2021 (Bilingual)

राष्ट्रीय वर्ुअ ु ल प्रशशक्षण कायुक्रम मीठापानी मोती कृ शष में उद्यशमता शवकास (14-16 जुलाई, 2021)

Freshwater Pearl Culture for Entrepreneurship Development (14-16 July, 2021) ÒeefMe#eCe efveosMekeÀ

डॉ. शैलेश सौरभ

Jeefjÿ Jew%eeefvekeÀ Yeeke=ÀDevegHe –meerHeÀe

ÒeefMe#eCe mecevJe³ekeÀ डॉ आई शशवरामन

Jew%eeefvekeÀ Yeeke=ÀDevegHe –meerHeÀe

संपादक डॉ. शैलेश सौरभ

Organized by

ICAR-Central Institute of Freshwater Aquaculture (An ISO 9001:2015 Certified Institute) Kausalyaganga, Bhubaneswar-751002

efJe<e³e-met®eer ¬eÀ.me.


He=ÿ mebK³ee





मोती के बनने की प्रक्रिया



Yeejleer³e ceesleer meerHeer keÀe JeieeakeÀjCe



विदेशी मीठापानी सीप





meeceev³e DeekeÀeefjkeÀer keÀJe®e mebj®evee ceesleer ke̳ee nw ? ceesleer kesÀ ÒekeÀej ke=Àef$ece ³ee vekeÀueer ceesleer Òeeke=ÀeflekeÀ ceesleer mebJeefOe&le ceesleer ceesleer keÀe cetu³eebkeÀve ceesleer keÀe yee³eesefcevejueeFpesMeve


मीठापानी में मोती की खेती के विविन्न चरण




DeejesHeCe lejerkeÀe ceesleer meerefHe³eeW keÀe leeueeye mebJeOe&ve Deenej neJexmì mebJeefOe&le ceesleer keÀe ÒemebmkeÀjCe ceesleer keÀer ûesef[bie v³eteqkeÌue³eme meeceûeer


मोती की खेती में िविष्य की संिािनाएं


ceesleer Heeueve ceW Fmlesceeue MeyoeJeueer

5.1 6 6.1 6.1.1 6.1.2 6.1.3 7.

11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

7 7 7 8 8 8 9 9

11-15 18 19 19 20 20 20 21 21-23

मीठापानी में मोती की खेती 1. पररचय रत्नों की रानी कहलाती है ये मोती, चमकीला, अकर्षणीय, सौम्य है ये मोती, सददयों से राजा महाराजाओं के कायषकाल से रूतिा, तेिर, संभ्रात का प्रतीक है ये मोती । भारतीय रत्न शास्त्रानुसार, नौ महारत्नों में से हीरा के पश्चात मोती का स्थान अता है । मोती ही के िल एक ऄनूठा रत्न है जो के िल जीिन्त प्राणी के शरीर में बनता है । आस मोती को सामुदिक जल और मीठाजल में कृ मिम तरीका से बनाया जाता है मजसे मोती संिधषन प्रदिया कहा जाता है । भाकृ ऄनुप-सीफा ने मधुरजल में मोती पालन का एक नया पहलु बनाया है । आस संस्थान द्वारा आस तकनीकी को मिमभन्न मत्सस्य कृ र्कों, शोधकताषओं, मिद्यार्थथयों, ईद्यममयों तथा राज्य के मत्सस्य मिभाग के ऄमधकाररयों के बीच सही मािा में संप्रसारण दकया जा रहा है । भाकृ ऄनुप-सीफा से प्रमशक्षण प्राप्त रिस्या एक्वादफल्ड स्कू ल, ओमडशा के ईद्यमी और कृ मर् मिज्ञान कें ि, ददनदयाल मिश्वमिद्यालय, मचिकु ि, ईत्तरप्रदेश के िैज्ञामनकगण तथा बहुत से दकसान भाइयों ने ऄपनी जलाशय में मोती की ऄच्छी ईपज प्राप्त दकया है । मिश्व व्यापार में संिर्थधत मोती की महत्सिपूणष स्थान है । शायद अधुमनक मीठाजल मोती संिधषन की ईत्सपमत पर नजर ददया जाए तो हमें 12 िीं सदी में चीन के ताहु झील में दकए गए परं परागत प्रयासों की एक झलक मोती में मलपिे भगिान बुद्ध की प्रमतमा का ईत्सपादन से ममलता है । मजनकी ईत्सपमत दिस्िेररया प्लीकािा नामक सीप से हुइ है । भारत में 50 से ज्यादा मीठापानी िाला सीप पाए जाते हैं ईनमें से लैममलीडेन्स मार्थजनेमलस, लैममलीडेन्स कोररअनस और पेरेमशया कोरुगािा में ईच्च कोिी के मोती बनते हैं । 2. मोती के बनने की प्रदिया जब मिशेर् मोलस्क प्रजामत के सीप के ऄंदर बाहरी कण जैसे बालू अदद के कणों या परजीिी, जो दुघषिनािश सीप के अंतररक मुलायम महस्से में प्रिेश कर जाते हैं तथा िहा​ाँ से बाहर नही हो पाते हैं तब जीि के रोग प्रमतरोधक प्रदिया के ऄंतषगत सीप आस प्रमिष्ट हुए बाहरी तत्सि को मनकालने के कारण ईसके उपर रासायमनक तत्सि ईत्ससर्थजत करता है, जो दक नेकर के नाम से जाना जाता है । यह प्रदिया तब तक चलती है जबतक बाहरी तत्सि सीप के शरीर में ईत्तेजना बरकरार रखता है । यह रासायमनक पदाथष बाह्य पदाथष के उपर परत दर परत बनाता है और ऄंत में 12-18 महीनों के 1 | मीठापानी मोती की खेती में ईद्यममता मिकास, 14-16 जुलाइ, 2021

©भाकृ ऄनुप--सीफा

ईपरान्त एक चमकीला, सुंदर मोती का मनमाषण होता है । मेंिल के बाहरी आमपमथलयम ईत्तक, मोती के नेकर ईत्सपादन करने के मलए ईत्तरदायी होते हैं । कृ मिम ईपाय से मोती पालन प्रदिया को मोती संिधषन कहा जाता है । संिर्थधत मोती का मनमाषण भी प्राकृ मतक मोती िाला प्रदिया से होता है । परन्तु आसमें ऄंतर है दक बाहरी कण के बदले संिर्थधत मोती में ईत्तेजना पैदा करने के मलए के न्िक को शल्य दिया द्वारा प्रमिष्ट दकया जाता है । मोती का मनमाषण संिर्थधत सीप की प्रजामत, प्रत्सयारोपण दक्षता, पानी में ईपलब्ध खमनज ि कै मल्शयम की मािा तथा प्रबंधन अदद जैसे समम्ममलत प्रयासों से ही संभि है । प्रत्सयेक ईत्सपाददत मोती की कीमत का ईमचत मनधाषरण मोती के गुणों के अधार पर होता है । प्राप्त मोती के मिमभन्न गुणों जैसे अकार, रुप, चमक, रं ग उपरी महस्से की पारदर्थशता, नेकर की मोिाइ अदद द्वारा आसके मूल्य का सही अकलन दकया जाता है । अमतौर पर पाया जाने िाला मोती गोल, ऄद्धषगोल, बिन की तरह, मसक्के की तरह, चािल के दाने की तरह, ऄंडे जैसे अकार अदद के होते हैं । आसके ऄलािा मिमभन्न तरह के भगिान, जानिर तथा पक्षी भी मडजाआनर मोती के रुप में भी ईपलब्ध होते है । आसका अकार 1 मम. मी से 20 मम. मी तक हो सकता है । सामान्यतः 7 मम. मी की मोती की बाजार में ईच्च मांग है । मीठापानी में मोती ईत्सपादन का शोधकायष के न्िीय मीठाजल जीि पालन ऄनुसंधान संस्थान, भुिनेश्वर के प्रयासों से शुरु हुअ । मोती ईत्सपादन में प्रयुक्त तीन महत्सिपूणष सीप लैममलीडेन्स मार्थजनेमलस, लैममलीडेन्स कोररअनस और पेरेमशया कोरुगािा है । यह भारत के ऄमधकांश क्षेि में ईपलब्ध है ।

3. Yeejleer³e ceesleer meerHeer keÀe JeieeakeÀjCe Yeejleer³e ceerþepeue meerHeer (mussel) pebleg mecetn (fauna) ceW oes JebMe (genera) Meeefceue nw pees DeefOekeÀebMe ceerþepeue efvekeÀe³eeW ceW yenglee³ele mes Hee³es peeles nw~ peerveme uewefceueer[svme veew Òepeeefle³eeW Deewj oes GHe Òepeeefle³eeW keÀe ÒeefleefveefOelJe keÀjleer nw ~ peyeefkeÀ peerveme HesjsefMe³ee oes meye-peerveme kesÀ lenle 35 Òepeeefle³eeW Deewj 6 GHe-Òepeeefle³eeW keÀe ÒeefleefveefOelJe keÀjleer nw efpemes veer®es metef®eye× efkeÀ³ee ie³ee nw (megyyee jeJe, 1989) ~ Yeejleer³e ceerþepeue meerHe keÀe JeieeakeÀjCe HeÀeFuece : ceesuemkeÀe keÌueeme ë yeeFJeequJe³ee 2 | मीठापानी मोती की खेती में ईद्यममता मिकास, 14-16 जुलाइ, 2021

©भाकृ ऄनुप--सीफा












uewefceueer[svme (efmecHemeve)


: : : : : : : : : : :

uewefceueer[svme keÀevemeesye´erveme(ueer) Sue. keÀesefjDeeveme (ueer) Sue.pesveerjesmeme (ieeGu[) Sue. Fv[esieeF&veefmeme (Òemee[) Sue. peseqvkeÀveefmeDeeveme (yesvemeve) Sue.peseqvkeÀveefmeDeeveme [ekeÌkeÀeSveefmeme (Òesmìve) Sue. peseqvkeÀveefmeDeeveme DeesJesmee (nsveues Deewj efLeDeesJeeu[) Sue. uewefceuesìdme (ueer) Sue. ceeefpe&vesefueme (uewceeke&À) Sue. HewÀvketÀiewvpesefmeme (Òesmìve) Sue. mketÀìce (meesJejyeer)




meye-HewÀceueer peerveme meye peerveme Òepeeefle

ë ë : : :

HesjsmeerveF& HesjsefMe³ee (keÀewveje[) HesjsefMe³ee

: : : : :

HesjsefMe³ee (HesjsefMe³ee) Sveeve[sueF& (Òesmìve) Heer. (Heer.) YeesceesFveefmeme (efLeDeesyeeu[) Heer. (Heer.) yejceeveme (yuesveHeÀes[&) Heer. (Heer.) ®eesHejeF& (Òemeeo) Heer. (Heer.) keÀesjefJeme (yesvemeve) Heer.(Heer.) keÀesªieeìe (cetuej) Heer.(Heer.) keÀesªieeìe ues³eefYejesmeì^erme (yesvemeve) Heer. (Heer.) keÀesªieeìe veeieHegjsveefmeme (ueer)

3 | मीठापानी मोती की खेती में ईद्यममता मिकास, 14-16 जुलाइ, 2021

©भाकृ ऄनुप--सीफा

: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : meye-peerveme Òepeeefle

: : : : : : : : : : : : : :

Heer.(Heer.) efmeefueefC[^keÀe (DeVeeve[sue SJeb Òemeeo) Heer. (Heer.) HesÀJeer[Wme (yesvemeve) Heer. (Heer.) HesÀJeer[Wme Demeeceseqvmeme (Òesmìve) Heer. (Heer.) HesÀJeer[Wme ¬eÀe³eefmeme (yesvemeve) Heer.(Heer.) HesÀJeer[Wme [suìer (yesvemeve) Heer.(Heer.) HesÀJeer[Wme Yesjer[tuee ( yesvemeve) Heer.(Heer.) HeÀer (ìeHeejesveer-kewÀveerÖeÀer) Heer.(Heer.) HeÀer[[sveer (efLeDeesyeeuo) Heer.(Heer.) ieesJeesÆsvmeerme (efLeDeesyeeuo) Heer.(Heer.) neGbie[sjeefvekeÀme (ìeHeejesvees-kewÀveerÖeÀer) Heer.(Heer.) cewve[sues³esveefmeme (efLeDeesyeeuo) Heer.(Heer.) DeesefueJeemeer³ee (Òemeeo) Heer.(Heer.) HejkeÀesveJeskeÀmee ( Òesmìve) Heer.(Heer.) jepeenWefmeme (ueer) Heer.(Heer.) efmekeÌkeÀerceWefmeme (ueer) Heer.(Heer.) mceejeie[erìdme ( yesvemeve) Heer.(Heer.) ìsYees³esveefmeme (ieeGu[) Heer.(Heer.)ì^eFceyeesueme (yesvemeve) jsef[Deeìguee (efmecHemeve)

HesjsefMe³ee (jsef[Deeìguee) Ssve[jmeesefve³eevee (veerefJeue) Heer. (Deej.) yeesefve³et[er (³et[ewkeÌme) Heer. (Deej.) meerªefue³ee (ueer) Heer. (Deej.)meerªefue³ee ieeG[er®eeG[er (³et[ewkeÌme) Heer. (Deej.) ®eewOejeF& (Òesmìve) Heer. (Deej.) ef¬eÀHeermeuekesÀìe (yesvemeve) Heer. (Deej.) FveJeesuetìe (yesvemeve) Heer.(Deej.) KeeokeÀJeemeueereqvmeme (js) Heer. (Deej.) ueercee (efmecHemeve) Heer.(Deej.) vetìeefuue³evee (ueer) Heer.(Deej.) HeskeÀermeescee (yesvemeve) Heer. (Deej.) MejefìueHeÌHeÀer[vee (ueer) Heer.(Deej.) efLeDeesyeeu[er (Òesmìve)

4 | मीठापानी मोती की खेती में ईद्यममता मिकास, 14-16 जुलाइ, 2021

©भाकृ ऄनुप--सीफा

THej met®eerye× 52 Yeejleer³e Òepeeefle³eeW ceW mes kesÀJeue leerve meeceev³e Òepeeefle³eeB ceesleer mebJeOe&ve keÀe³eex ceW efve³eesefpele efkeÀ³ee pee jne nw ~ neueebefkeÀ, yengle mes Dev³e #es$eer³e Òepeeefle³eeW ceW Yeer Heue& veskeÀj HeeS peeles nQ pees YeefJe<³e ceW ceesleer GlHeeove keÀer mebYeeJeveeDeeW keÀe mebkesÀle oslee nw~ 4. मिदेशी मीठापानी सीप nerefjDeeHeefmeme Mesueeriesueer peeHeeve kesÀ ceerþepeue #es$e ceW yenglee³ele ceW Hee³es peeles nQ Deewj yeerJee ceesleer GlHeeove kesÀ efueS SkeÀ GcceeroJeej Òepeeefle nw ~ ®eerve ceW ef¬eÀmìsjer³ee HueerkeÀeìe Deewj nerefjDeeHeefmeme ke̳etefcebieieeF& keÀe GHe³eesie jeFme ceesleer GlHeeove kesÀ efueS efkeÀ³ee peelee nw ~ Fve oes cenlJeHetCe& ceesleer GlHeeokeÀ osMeebs kesÀ DeueeJee Dev³e osMeesb pewmes ³et.Sme.S. ceW keÌJee[t©uee Fyesvee, keÌJee[t©uee Deve[gueeìe, ³etefve³ees Òepeeefle, HuetTjesyeercee FmeesHeme ì^erìesieesefveDee Jes©keÀesmee Deewj ceejiewjerìerHesÀje ceejiewjerìerHesÀje, yeebiueeosMe ceW uewefceueer[svme ceeefpe&vesefueme Deewj HesjsefMe³ee [ekeÀeFvemeerme (yesveeceer, 1986), efHeÀueerHeeRme ceW ef¬eÀmìsjer³ee HueerkeÀeìe Deewj Svees[eWìe Òepeeefle Deewj efJe³eleveece ceW nerefjDeeHeefmeme ke̳etefcebieieeF&, ef¬eÀmìsjer³ee HueerkeÀìe Deewj Svees[eWìe peew[&³eer ceesleer mebJeOe&ve meb®eeueve ceW GHe³eesie neslee nw ~ 5. meeceev³e DeekeÀeefjkeÀer ceerþepeue yeeFJeuJe ceW keÀJe®e (shell) oes kesÀuMeerHeÀeF[ DeeOee ³ee JeuJe keÀe yevee neslee nw pees oeble Deewj me@ekesÀì kesÀ ÒeCeeueer mes efceuekeÀj efnbpe (hinge) mes Heerís keÀer Deesj pegæ[s nesles nw ~ keÀJe®e efÜHe#eer³e meceefcele (bilaterally symmetrical) nesles nw Deewj ceejpeervme (margins) Deûe, Heerís, He=ÿer³e Deewj Goj He#eeW ceW Òeefleefÿle nesles nw (ef®e$e 1) ~

Sue. ceeefpe&vesefueme ceW keÀJe®e (shell) Dee³eleekeÀej –Deb[ekeÀej, Heleuee Deewj ef®ekeÀvee (smooth) nw ~ Sue. keÀesefjDeeveme ceW ³en uecyee Deb[ekeÀej Deeke=Àefle keÀe nw peyeefkeÀ Heer. keÀes©ieeìe ceW keÀJe®e ceesìe, keÀþesj Deewj DevegÒemLe Deb[ekeÀej neslee nw~ Sue. ceeefpe&vesefueme ceW keÀJe®e keÀe Heeríuee efkeÀveeje (posterior end) ®eewæ[e, keÀesCeer³eJe¬eÀlee neslee nw~ He=ÿer³e ceeefpe&ve Leesæ[e IegceeJeoej Deewj Deeies keÀe Yeeie (anterior side) íesìe Deewj mebkeÀje nw peyeefkeÀ Goj meercee (ventral margin) yeer®e ceW efmekegÀæ[e neslee nw ~ Sue. keÀesefjDeeveme keÀJe®e keÀe He=ÿer³e meercee (dorsal margin) Òee³e: meerOee 5 | मीठापानी मोती की खेती में ईद्यममता मिकास, 14-16 जुलाइ, 2021

©भाकृ ऄनुप--सीफा

Deewj uecyee neslee nw ~ Heer. kesÀ©ieeìe ceW keÀJe®e kesÀ Deûemeercee mebkeÀje Deewj ieesueekeÀej peyekeÀer HeM®e meercee ®eewæ[e neslee nw ~ Sue. ceeefpe&vesefueme kesÀ efnbpe cebs oes keÀeef[&veue oeble (cardinal teeth) nesles nw efpemecebs efve®euee Jeeuee p³eeoe efJekeÀefmele nesles nQ (ef®e$e-2)~ otmejs oeble kesÀ efveMeeve kesÀ meeLe SkeÀ SkeÀue HeeMJe& oeble (lateral tooth) oeefnves JeuJe Hej GHeefmLele nw ~ peyeefkeÀ yeeF¥ JeuJe ceW SkeÀ Leesæ[e efJekeÀefmele keÀeef[&veue Deewj oes HeeMJe& oeble nw ~ Sue. keÀesefjDeeveme kesÀ Òel³eskeÀ JeuJe ceW oes keÀeef[&veue oeble nesles nw ~ peyeefkeÀ Heer. keÀes©ieeìe ceW oesveesb JeuJe ceW oes m³eg[es-keÀeef[&veue (pseudo-cardinal) Deewj oes HeeMJe& oeble nesleW nbw ~ THej keÀe keÀeef[&veue íesìe Deewj efve®euee SkeÀ obeflekeÀe³egkeÌle neslee nw ~

Sue. ceeefpe&vesefueme ceW HeefjkeÀJe®e (periostracum) Jesì^bue ceeefpe&ve kesÀ meeLe nukesÀ Yetjs jbie keÀer meercee (light brown border) kesÀ meeLe SkeÀ keÀeues Yetjs jbie keÀer ®ecekeÀoej Hejle nw, peyeefkeÀ Sue. keÀesefjDeeveme ceW Fme lejn kesÀ meerceekebÀve DevegHeefmLele nw ~ Heer. keÀes©ieeìe ceW HeefjkeÀJe®e ienjs-Yetjs jbie mes nje Yetje jbie keÀe neslee nw ~ keÀJe®e kesÀ He=<þer³e melen Hej GB®ee Yeeie Decyees (umbo) nw pees Sue. ceeefpe&vesefueme ceW De®íer lejn mes efJekeÀefmele nw, Sue. keÀesefjDeeveme cebs Leesæ[e THej keÀer Deesj (slightly up turned) Deewj Heer. keÀes©ieeìe ceW FmekeÀer melen Hej efJeMes<e HeMeefue³eeW keÀes oMee&lee nw ~ keÀJe®e kesÀ yeenjer melen DevegowO³e& Deewj mebkesÀvêer mì^eFSmeve (concentric striation) ³eeveer efJekeÀeme keÀer jsKeeDeeW kesÀ meeLe ef®eefÚle nw ~ keÀJe®e kesÀ Yeerlejer melen ceW efueieeceWì (ligament), S[keÌìj (adductor) Deewj ÒeeflekeÀ<e&keÀ (retractor) ceebmeHesefMe³eeW kesÀ íeHe jnles nw pees JeuJe kesÀ Keesueves Deewj yebo keÀjves ceW GvekeÀes ceoo keÀjlee nw~ DeHeves DeOej ceeefpe&ve kesÀ meeLe keÀJe®e (shell) SkeÀ íeHe íesæ[lee nw pees Hesefue³eue ueeFve (pallial line) keÀnueeleer nw, ³es ceWìue Deewj keÀJe®e kesÀ yeer®e peesæ[es keÀer jsKee nw ~ 6 | मीठापानी मोती की खेती में ईद्यममता मिकास, 14-16 जुलाइ, 2021

©भाकृ ऄनुप--सीफा

5.1. keÀJe®e mebj®evee (Shell Structure) meerefHe³eeW kesÀ keÀJe®e keÀer mebj®evee peefìue nesleer nw pees 94… kewÀefuMe³ece keÀeyeexvesì Deewj ueieYeie 6… keÀeye&efvekeÀ HeoeLe& keÀe yevee neslee nw ~ keÀJe®e leerve meleneW keÀe yevee neslee nw DeleeLe& yeenjer melen keÀes HesjerDeesmì^skeÀce, ceO³e keÀes efÒemcesefìkeÀ kesÀumeeFì Deewj Yeerlejer melen keÀes cegkeÌleemlej ³ee ef¬eÀmìsueeFve SjeieesveeFì kewÀequMe³ece keÀeyeexvesì keÀnles nQ (ef®e$e 3)~ yeenjer HesjerDeesmì^skeÀce keÀeye&efvekeÀ neslee nw leLee DekesÀumeerke=Àle Heleueer keÌJeerveeve-ìW[ keÀesvekeÀerDeesueerve (C32H48O11) keÀer yeveer nesleer nw pees kesÀjeìerve veecekeÀ mkesÀuesjesÒeesìerve keÀe SkeÀ efkeÀmce nesleer nw~

6. ceesleer ke̳ee nw ? ceesleer DeHeves meewc³e jbie Deewj Meerleue jewvekeÀ kesÀ meeLe ietæ{ Deewj Glke=Àä oesveebs nQ ~ Jew%eeefvekeÀ ¢efä mes SkeÀ ceesleer keÀes leerve ªHeeW ceW HeefjYeeef<ele efkeÀ³ee pee mekeÀlee nw ~ meeOeejCe jemee³eefvekeÀ Yee<ee ceW, SkeÀ ceesleer 82-86… kewÀequMe³ece keÀeyeexvesì kesÀ SjeieesveeFì ef¬eÀmìue, 10 mes 14… pewefJekeÀ cewefì^keÌme, SkeÀ mkesÀuesjesÒeesìerve pees keÀevekeÀesueerve kesÀ veece mes peevee peelee nw, leLee 2-4… Heeveer mes jef®ele neslee nw ~ YeeweflekeÀ meboYe& ceW SkeÀ ceesleer keÀer efJeefMeä iegªlJe 2.7 leLee ceesn kesÀ Hewceeves Hej 3.5 mes 4.5 keÀer keÀþesjlee jnlee nw ~ peerJe efJe%eeve kesÀ Devegmeej SkeÀ ceesleer DeefOekeÀ ³ee keÀce keÀJe®e kesÀ veskeÀj ³ee ’ceoj Dee@HeÀ Heue& ues³ej“ veecekeÀ DeebleefjkeÀ ®ecekeÀ Hejle kesÀ meceeve nw ~ 6. 1. ceesleer kesÀ ÒekeÀej ceesleer kegÀí ceerþepeue meerefHe³eeW ³ee mecegêer meerHe Üeje GlHeeefole neslee nw ~ FmekesÀ DeueeJee, ceesleer ceesìs leewj Hej leerve ÒekeÀej mes Jeieeake=Àle efkeÀ³ee pee mekeÀlee nw (ef®e$e 7) ~ 7 | मीठापानी मोती की खेती में ईद्यममता मिकास, 14-16 जुलाइ, 2021

©भाकृ ऄनुप--सीफा

6. 1. 1. ke=Àef$ece ³ee vekeÀueer ceesleer JeemleJe ceW Jes ceesleer vener nesles nQ Hej ceesleer pewmee HeoeLe& keÀe yevee neslee nw~ Jes kesÀJeue SkeÀ keÀþesj, ieesue DebleYee&ie ³ee DeeOeej nesles nw efpeme Hej ceesleer pewmee yeenjer Hejle ®eæ{e neslee nw ~ DeeJejCe memleer ®ecekeÀ Hesbì ³ee ke=Àef$ece ceesleer megiebOe mes ueskeÀj kegÀí ceíueer mkesÀue mes ÒeeHle Òeeke=ÀeflekeÀ megiebOe kesÀ efueS efYeVe nes mekeÀleer nw ~ p³eeoelej ke=Àef$ece ceesleer keÀes oeble kesÀ efKeueeHeÀ jieæ[ keÀjves mes keÀesceue cenmetme neslee nw leLee SkeÀ efHeve keÀes ceesleer kesÀ melen Hej oyeeves mes ³en Deemeeveer mes SkeÀ Kejesb®e JeemleefJekeÀ ceesleer ³ee mebJeefOe&le ceesleer kesÀ efJeHejerle íesæ[ oslee nw ~ 6. 1. 2. Òeeke=ÀeflekeÀ ceesleer Òeeke=ÀeflekeÀ ceesleer keÀe kesÀvê Yeeie ³ee veeefYekeÀ met#ce nesves kesÀ meeLe veskeÀj keÀeHeÀer no lekeÀ ceesìe ef¬eÀmìueeFve neslee nw ~ Deece leewj Hej SkeÀ Òeeke=ÀeflekeÀ ceesleer DeekeÀej ceW íesìe leLee yeveeJeì ceW ìsæ{e-cesæ{e ³ee Deefve³eefcele neslee nw ~ SjeieesveeFì ef¬eÀmìue kesÀ efkeÀveejeW kesÀ DeesJejuewefHebie keÀer Jepen mes Òeeke=ÀeflekeÀ ceesleer keÀer melen Kegjogje cenmetme neslee nw ~ ³en SkeÀ ceesleer keÀer Demeefue³ele keÀe Helee ueieeves ceW SkeÀ yengle GHe³eesie ®eefj$e nw ~ 6. 1. 3. mebJeefOe&le ceesleer mebJeefOe&le ceesleer Yeer SkeÀ Òeeke=ÀeflekeÀ ceesleer neslee nw ~ HeÀke&À efmeHe&À Flevee nw efkeÀ Jeebefíle DeekeÀej yeveeJeì, jbie Deewj ®ecekeÀ Jeeues ceesleer kesÀ efvecee&Ce ceW SkeÀ peerefJele ûeeHeÌì Deewj veeefYekeÀ keÀer Meu³e DeejesHeCe keÀjves ceW ceeveJe nmle#esHe efkeÀ³ee peelee nw ~

8 | मीठापानी मोती की खेती में ईद्यममता मिकास, 14-16 जुलाइ, 2021

©भाकृ ऄनुप--सीफा

7. मोती का मूल्यांकन मोती मुख्य रुप से मीठापानी सीमपयों या समुिी सीमपयों के मिमभन्न प्रजामतयों से प्राप्त दकया जाता है । हालांदक मोती का मूल्यांकन मोती के श्रोत की तुलना में व्यमक्तगत मोती की योग्यता पर मनभषर करता है । मोती की कीमत का अकलन मिमभन्न कारकों ऄथाषत अकृ मत, अकार, चमक, रं ग, सतह, स्पष्टता और सीप की मोिाइ आत्सयादद पर दकया जाता है ।

8. ceesleer keÀe yee³eesefcevejueeFpesMeve (Biomineralization of Pearl) mew×ebeflekeÀ ªHe mes keÀesF& Yeer keÀJeef®e³e meerefHe³eeB efkeÀmeer ÒekeÀej kesÀ ceesleer keÀe GlHeeove keÀj mekeÀlee nw ~ neueebefkeÀ, kesÀJeue Jes meerHeer ®ecekeÀoej ceesleer keÀe GlHeeove keÀj mekeÀles nQ efpemekesÀ DeebleefjkeÀ Mesue melen Hej Heue& ueeFefvebie ³ee Heue& veskeÀj neslee nw ~ ³en HeMeg kesÀ meeceev³e pewefJekeÀ ÒeCeeueer ceW SkeÀ Demeeceev³e Òeef¬eÀ³ee nw (Jesyemìj, 1983)~ ceWìue kesÀ yeenjer SefHeLeerefue³ece keÀesefMekeÀeSB Heue& veskeÀj kesÀ GlHeeove kesÀ efueS efpeccesoej GÊekeÀ nw (ef®e$e 8) ~ peye keÀesF& yeenjer ÒesjCe pewmes yeenjer keÀþesj Jemleg ³ee SkeÀ HejpeerJeer meerHeer ceW DekeÀeeqmcekeÀ HebÀme peelee nw ³ee SkeÀ IeeJe ceWìue GÊekeÀ keÀer yeenjer SefHeLeerefue³ece ceW neslee nw, efpemekesÀ HeefjCeecemJeªHe GÊespevee ³ee yee¿e Jemleg kesÀ ®eejes Deesj Heue&veskeÀj keÀe met#ce HejleeW keÀe ®eææ{eJe neslee nw efpemekesÀ HeefjCeecemHeªHe ceesleer yevelee nw ~ ÒeejbYe ceW, ceWìue keÀe FHeerefLeefue³eue keÀer keÀesefMekeÀe³eW GÊespekeÀ yeenjer keÀCe kesÀ ®eejes Deesj ceesleer keÀer Lewueer efpemes ’Heue&mewkeÀ“ kesÀ veece mes peevee peelee nw, yeveeleer nw pees kewÀequMe³ece keÀeyeexvesì kesÀ ef¬eÀmìueerkeÀjCe kesÀ efueS mesueguej DeeOeej yeveeleer nw ~ ceesleer ieþve keÀer ³en Òeef¬eÀ³ee Jew%eeefvekeÀ mecegoe³e kesÀ yeer®e ’Heue&mewkeÀ L³eesjer“ kesÀ ªHe cebs peevee peelee nw ~ meeceev³e pewefJekeÀ Òeef¬eÀ³eeDeeW ceW SkeÀ yeenjer keÀCe kesÀ efueS ³en Demeeceev³e Òeefleef¬eÀ³ee efpemeceW kegÀí ceesuemkeÀ ceW Keesue keÀe efvecee&Ce neslee nw, ceesleer mebJeOe&ve meb®eeueve kesÀ efueS DeeOeej keÀe ieþve keÀjlee nw ~ GÊespekeÀ yeenjer keÀCe Hej ceesleer keÀe Deeke=Àefle leLee Heue& mewkeÀ kesÀ ñeeJe kesÀ Òeke=Àefle Hej GmekeÀe iegCeJeÊee efve³ebef$ele neslee nw ~ Fme ÒekeÀej, ceWìue GÊekeÀ kesÀ yeenjer SefHeLeerefue³ece keÀesefMekeÀeSB Heue& kesÀ yee³eesefcevejueueeFpesMeve kesÀ ’Dee@kexÀmì^e“ ceW cetue efme×evle nwb (efmecekeÀerme Deewj Jee[e,1980) ~

9 | मीठापानी मोती की खेती में ईद्यममता मिकास, 14-16 जुलाइ, 2021

©भाकृ ऄनुप--सीफा

9. मीठापानी में मोती की खेती के मिमभन्न चरण मीठापानी में मोती की खेती को सात चरणों में बा​ाँिा गया है जो मनम्नमलमखत है :i. सीपों को शल्यदिया के मलए संग्रह करना ii. दफर ऄनुकूमलत करना iii. शल्य प्रत्सयारोपण iv. शल्य दिया पश्चात सीपों की तुरंत देखभाल v. प्रत्सयारोमपत सीपों को संिधषन के दौरान मिशेर् रुप से ध्यान रखना vi. प्रत्सयारोमपत सीपों को तालाब में स्थानांतरण vii. तालाब में 12-18 महीनों तक देखभाल 10. प्रत्सयारोपण के प्रकार 10 | मीठापानी मोती की खेती में ईद्यममता मिकास, 14-16 जुलाइ, 2021

©भाकृ ऄनुप--सीफा

मोती (क) (ख) (ग)

सीप में तीन प्रकार से प्रत्सयारोपण हो सकते हैं । मेंिल गुहा प्रत्सयारोपण मेंिल उतक प्रत्सयारोपण जननांगों मे प्रत्सयारोपण

(क) मेंिल गुहा प्रत्सयारोपण मेंिल गुहा प्रत्सयारोपण एक असान और सरल मिमध है । शल्यदिया के दौरान आस्तेमाल मोती सीप की लंबाइ 8-10 से. मी. तथा िजन 35 से 50 ग्राम तक होना चामहए । आस प्रत्सयारोपण में करीब 1 से 1.5 से. मी. के न्िक का ईपयोग करते हैं । मोती सीपों को तालाब में करीब 9-12 महीनों तक रखतें हैं । ईसके बाद मडजाआनर मोती के रुप में ईत्सपाद की प्राप्ती होती है ।

meefpe&keÀue efJeefOe  Deeê& Òe³eesieMeeuee mes 8-10 mesceer DeekeÀej keÀer mJemL³e ceerþepeue meerHeer uewefceueer[svme ceeefpe&vesefueme keÀes SkeÀ$e keÀjW ~  mHeskegÀuece kesÀ ceeO³ece mes meeJeOeeveerHetJe&keÀ 1 mesceer lekeÀ meerHeer keÀes Keesues, meerHeer kesÀ S[keÌìj cemeue Deewj Mejerj kesÀ ceguee³ece YeeieeW keÀes efyevee vegkeÀmeeve Heng®eeS ~  keÌuewcHe ceW meerHeer keÀes HekeÀæ[s  mHes®etuee keÀer mene³elee mes meeJeOeeveerHetJe&keÀ KeemekeÀj ceWìue #es$e kesÀ ceO³e Yeeie keÀes Leesæ[e mee Gþe³es ~  HeÀewjmewHme keÀe GHe³eesie kesÀ Üeje Jeeefíble ©He SJeb DeekeÀej kesÀ v³etefkeÌue³eme (Deeke=Àefle Deewj ieesue) keÀes ceWìue kewÀefJeìer ceW [eueles nbw ~  DemJeerke=Àefle mes ye®eves kesÀ efueS v³etefkeÌue³eme keÀes Devoj keÀer Deesj æ{kesÀues ~  THej Gþer ceWìue GÊekeÀ keÀes meeJeOeeveer mes ³eLee mLeeve Hej jKeles nwb ~  meerHeer keÀes Gueì os Deewj Gmeer ÒekeÀej keÀe DeejesHeCe otmejer lejHeÀ kesÀ ceWìue kewÀefJeìer ceW keÀjW ~ Deeê& Òe³eesieMeeuee ceW HeM®e-Meu³e osKeYeeue  meerefHe³eeW keÀes Òel³eejesHeCe kesÀ yeeo HeM®e-Meu³e osKeYeeue FkeÀeF& ceW jKes ~  Òel³eejesefHele meerefHe³eeW keÀes 7-10 efoveeW kesÀ efueS ,Goj THej keÀer Deesj efmLele, kesÀ meeLe 2 meerHeer keÀer oj mes Òeefle Lewueer (30 mesceer ƒ 12 mesceer) ceW jKee peelee nw ~  Fme FkeÀeF& ceW Òel³eejesHeCe kesÀ 3 mes 4 efoveeW kesÀ yeeo nje peue (MewJeeue mece=×) keÀes [eues ~ 11 | मीठापानी मोती की खेती में ईद्यममता मिकास, 14-16 जुलाइ, 2021

©भाकृ ऄनुप--सीफा

 jesieefvejesOekeÀ Ghee³e kesÀ ©He ceW J³eeHekeÀ mHeskeÌì^e Sbìeryee³eesefìkeÀ, keÌueesjsceHesÀefvekeÀesue keÀes 1-2 Heer.Heer.Sce. keÀer oj kesÀ meeLe Òel³eejesefHele meerefHe³eeW keÀes GHe®eeefjle efkeÀ³ee peelee nw ~  ce=le meerefHe³eeW Deewj v³etefkeÌue³eme l³eeie keÀjves Jeeueer meerefHe³eeW keÀes osKeYeeue FkeÀeF& mes efvekeÀeue os ~  Òel³eejesHeCe kesÀ 7-10 efoveeW kesÀ yeeo meerefHe³eeW keÀes leeueeye mebJeOe&ve He³ee&JejCe ceW mLeeveebleefjle keÀj os ~ meeJeOeeveer  Meu³e DeejesHeCe kesÀ efueS efmeHe&À mJemLe meerefHe³eeW keÀe GHe³eesie keÀjW ~  yeueHetJe&keÀ meerefHe³eeW keÀes veneR Keesues ~  1 mesceer ®eewæ[e mes p³eeoe meerefHe³eeW keÀes vener Keesues ~  GHe³eesie mes HetJe& Meu³e GHekeÀjCe keÀes peerJeeCegjefnle keÀjW ~  GHe³eesie kesÀ yeeo Meu³e GHekeÀjCe keÀes Oees³es leLee meeHeÀ keÀj metKee os ~  meerefHe³eeW kesÀ DeekeÀej kesÀ Devegmeej efmeHe&À GHe³egkeÌle DeekeÀej kesÀ v³etefkeÌue³eme keÀe GHe³eesie keÀjsb ~ (ख) मेंिल उतक प्रत्सयारोपण ceWìue GÊekeÀ DeejesHeCe lekeÀveerkeÀ ceW ÒeeHlekeÀlee& meerefHe³eeW kesÀ ceWìue ueesye kesÀ yeenjer Deewj Yeerlejer SefHeLeerefue³eue HejleeW kesÀ yeer®e kesÀ peieneW ceW oelee meerefHe³eeW kesÀ ceWìue ûeeHeÌì keÀe ÒeJesMe Meeefceue neslee nw ~ SkeÀ íesìs mee veeefYekeÀ (2 efceceer mes veer®es) keÀes ÒeeHlekeÀlee& meerefHe³eeW ceW ûeeHeÌì kesÀ meeLe Heerís He#e kesÀ ceWìue ueesye ceW lew³eej efkeÀS ieS Hee@efkeÀì ceW [euee peelee nw ~ ceWìue GÊekeÀ Òel³eejesefHele meerefHe³eeW cebs mebJeOe&ve DeJeefOe Deeceleewj Hej 12 cenerves mes 18 cenerves keÀer nesleer nw ~ meerefHe³eeW kesÀ DeekeÀej Deewj keÀer ieF& mener DeejesHeCe keÀer mebK³ee kesÀ DeeOeej Hej Òeefle meerHeer 4 mes 8 ceesleer ÒeeHle efkeÀ³ee pee mekeÀlee nw ~ Fme Òeef¬eÀ³ee ceW meHeÀuelee oj Òel³eejesefHele meerefHe³eeWs ceW ueieYeie 60-70… neslee nw ~ GlHeeoë mJeleb$e Deefve³eefcele íesìers ceesleer (iewj-v³eteqkeÌueSìs[ DeejesHeCe) mJeleb$e íesìers ieesue ceesleer (v³eteqkeÌueSìs[ DeejesHeCe) ceWìue GÊekeÀ DeejesHeCe kesÀ efueS ûeeHeÌì GÊekeÀeW keÀer lew³eejer Deewj ÒemebmkeÀjCe meeceûeerë ceerþepeue meerefHe³eeB, meefpe&keÀue GHekeÀjCe (meerHeer keÌueQHe, mHeskegÀuece, mHes®etuee, ef®eceìer, keQÀ®eer, ûeeHeÌì keÀìj ®eeketÀ), uekeÀæ[er kesÀ yuee@keÀ, mHebpe, ì^s, [^e@Hej/efmeefjbpe, FDeesefmeve

12 | मीठापानी मोती की खेती में ईद्यममता मिकास, 14-16 जुलाइ, 2021

©भाकृ ऄनुप--सीफा

oelee meerHeer mes Hesefue³eue ceWìue efjyeve keÀes efvekeÀeuevee  Deeê& Òe³eeieMeeuee mes 9-10 mesceer DeekeÀej keÀe mJemL³e ceerþepeue meerHeer uewefceueer[svme ceeefpe&vesefueme keÀe mebûen keÀjW ~  mHeskegÀuece kesÀ ceeO³ece mes meerHeer keÀes meeJeOeeveerHetJe&keÀ Keesues ~  oes keÀJe®e JeuJe kesÀ yeer®e ûeeHeÌì keÀìj ®eeketÀ keÀes [eues ~  ûeeHeÌì keÀìj ®eeketÀ keÀer mene³elee mes DeefYeJele&keÀ ceebmeHesefMe³eeW keÀes keÀeìbs ~  neLe keÀe GHe³eesie keÀj JeuJe kesÀ oes He#eeW keÀes Keesues  keQÀ®eer kesÀ ceeO³ece mes 0.5 mesceer ®eewæ[e Deewj 7.0 mesceer uebyeer Hesefue³eue ceWìue efjyeve keÀes keÀeìW ~  ef®eceìer keÀer ceoo mes HeM®e Deble keÀer lejHeÀ mes Hesefue³eue ceWìue efjyeve keÀes Oeerjs mes Gþe³es ~  Henues mes meeHeÀ vece uekeÀæ[er kesÀ yuee@keÀ Hej efjyeve jKes Deewj megefveefM®ele keÀjs keÀer ceWìue efjyeve kesÀ keÀìe ìgkeÀæ[e keÀe Deboj He#e THej keÀer Deesj nes ~ ûeeHeÌì GÊekeÀ keÀe ÒemebmkeÀjCe  Hesefue³eue ceWìue efjyeve keÀes Deble mes Deble lekeÀ Oeerjs mes KeeR®es ~  c³etkeÀme keÀes nìeves kesÀ efueS ieeruee mHebpe kesÀ Üeje ceWìue efjyeve keÀes Oeerjs mes Heebsís ~  ûeeHeÌì keÀìj ®eeketÀ kesÀ GHe³eesie Üeje uebyeeF& ceW vece ceWìue efjyeve kesÀ oesveebs He#eeW keÀes keÀeì-íeBì keÀjs~  ef®eceìer keÀer ceoo kesÀ Üeje ceWìue mì^erHe kesÀ SkeÀ He#e keÀes HekeÀæ[s Deewj efHeÀj efjyeve keÀes Gueì os Deewj uekeÀæ[er yuee@keÀ Hej JeeHeme jKe os ~ Deye keÀìer ngF& ceWìue efjyeve keÀe yeenjer He#e THej keÀer Deesj jnsiee~  ieeruee mHebpe kesÀ ceeO³ece mes ceWìue efjyeve keÀes efHeÀj mes Heebsís ~  ûeeHeÌì keÀìj ®eeketÀ keÀer ceoo mes ceWìue efjyeve kesÀ efkeÀveejs keÀes íeìW ~  jbie Heeves kesÀ efueS ceWìue efjyeve Hej FDeesefmeve keÀes [euesb ~  ûeeHeÌì keÀìj ®eeketÀ kesÀ ceeO³ece mes ceWìue efjyeve keÀes íesìs-íesìs mì^erHe (2 efceceer ƒ2 efceceer) ceW keÀeìW ~ meeJeOeeefve³eeB  Dee@Hejsìs[ meerHeer kesÀ Mejerj kesÀ vejce Debiees keÀes Heeveer kesÀ Deboj jKes ~ Fve meerefHe³eeW keÀe otmejer lejHeÀ kesÀ ceWìue GÊekeÀ mes Hesefue³eue ceWìue efjyeve Heeves kesÀ efueS Hegveë Fmlesceeue efkeÀ³ee peeSiee ~  ûeeHeÌì GÊekeÀeW keÀes FvekesÀ GHe³eesie lekeÀ vejce jKes ~  ûeeHeÌì GÊekeÀes keÀes yesnlej GlHeeo Heeves kesÀ efueS FmekesÀ lew³eejer kesÀ 30 efceveì kesÀ Yeerlej Dee@HejsMeve kesÀ efueS Fmlesceeue efkeÀ³ee peevee ®eeefnS ~ 13 | मीठापानी मोती की खेती में ईद्यममता मिकास, 14-16 जुलाइ, 2021

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ÒeeHlekeÀlee& meerefHe³eeW ceW Meu³e ef®eefkeÀlmee Òeef¬eÀ³ee (iewj-v³eteqkeÌueSìs[ Òel³eejesHeCe)  Deeê& Òe³eesieMeeuee mes 9-10 mesceer DeekeÀej keÀe mJemL³e ceerþepeue meerHeer uewefceueer[svme ceeefpe&vesefueme keÀe mebûen keÀjW ~  meerHeer kesÀ DeefYeJele&keÀ ceebmeHesefMe³eeW Deewj Mejerj kesÀ vejce Debiees keÀes efyevee vegkeÀmeeve kesÀ mHeskegÀuece keÀer ceoo mes meerHeer keÀes 1 mesceer ®eewæ[e meeJeOeeveerHetJe&keÀ Keesues ~  meerHeer kesÀ Deûe He#e ceW mHeskegÀuece ceW jKes ~  keÌuewcHe ceW meerHeer keÀes HekeÀæ[s ~  mHes®etuee keÀer ceeO³ece mes Hewj keÀes SkeÀ lejHeÀ {kesÀue keÀj ceWìue kesÀ Deboj kesÀ Yeeie keÀes ÒekeÀì keÀjsb ~  Fveefmepeve keÀce ûeeHeÌì efueHeÌìeRie megF& keÀer ceoo mes Hesefue³eue ceWìue #es$e (efHeíuee Yeeie) kesÀ ceesìe He#e ceW kegÀí Hee@kesÀì yeveeS ~  ûeeHeÌì efueHeÌìj megF& kesÀ ceoo mes Henues mes mebmeeefOele ûeeHeÌì ìgkeÀæ[s (2 efceceer ƒ 2 efceceer.) keÀes Fve Hee@kesÀìeW (SkeÀ ûeeHeÌì ìgkeÀæ[e/Hee@kesÀì) ceW [eues ~  O³eeve jKevee ®eeefnS keÀer Òel³eejesefHele ûeeHeÌì keÀe yeenjer He#e ceWìue Hee@kesÀì ÒeJesMe efyebog keÀer lejHeÀ meeceves nes ~  efHeÀj ceWìue ueesye kesÀ otmejs He#e Hej GHejeskeÌle Òeef¬eÀ³ee oesnjeSB ~ v³eteqkeÌue³eSìs[ DeejesHeCe  iewj-v³eteqkeÌueSìs[ DeejesHeCe lekeÀveerkeÀ kesÀ meYeer ®ejCeeW keÀe Heeueve keÀjW ~  FmekesÀ yeeo, Fve ceWìue Hee@kesÀìeW ceW peerefJele ûeeHeÌì ìgkeÀæ[s kesÀ meeLe efvekeÀì men³eesie ceW íesìs v³etefkeÌue³eme (meeceev³eleë 2 efceceer. mes íesìe) keÀes [eues ~ meeJeOeeveer  O³eeve jKevee ®eeefnS keÀer Òel³eejesefHele ûeeHeÌì GÊekeÀeW kesÀ yeenjer He#e kesÀ meeLe v³etefkeÌue³eme pe©j mebHeke&À ceW jns ~ Deeê& Òe³eesieMeeuee ceW Heesmì Dee@HejsefìJe osKeYeeue  meerHeer keÀes DeejesHeCe kesÀ legjble yeeo Heesmì Dee@HejsefìJe osKeYeeue FkeÀeF& ceW jKeW ~  7-10 efoveeW keÀer DeJeefOe kesÀ efueS, Goj He#e THej keÀer efmLeefle, kesÀ meeLe 2 meerefHe³eeW keÀer oj mes Òeefle yewie (30 mesceer ƒ12 mesceer) Òel³eejesefHele meerefHe³eeW keÀes jKeW ~  DeejesHeCe kesÀ 3 mes 4 efoveeW kesÀ yeeo nje Heeveer (MewJeeue mece=×) keÀes ³etefveì ceW [eues ~ 14 | मीठापानी मोती की खेती में ईद्यममता मिकास, 14-16 जुलाइ, 2021

©भाकृ ऄनुप--सीफा

 jesieefvejesOekeÀ Ghee³e kesÀ ©He ceW J³eeHekeÀ mHeskeÌì^e Sbìeryee³eesefìkeÀ, keÌueesjsceHesÀefvekeÀesue keÀes 1-2 Heer.Heer.Sce. keÀer oj kesÀ meeLe Òel³eejesefHele meerefHe³eeW keÀes GHe®eeefjle keÀjW ~  Heesmì Dee@HejsefìJe kesÀ³ej ³etefveì mes ce=le meerHeer SJeb pees v³etefkeÌue³eme keÀes DemJeerkeÀej keÀj oer nw Gmes efvekeÀeue os ~  DeejesHeCe kesÀ 7-10 efoveeW kesÀ yeeo meerefHe³eeW keÀes leeueeye mebJeOe&ve JeeleeJejCe ceW mLeeveeblejCe keÀj os ~ meeceev³e meeJeOeeefve³eeB  ûeeHeÌì GÊekeÀ keÀer lew³eejer kesÀ efueS efmeHe&À mJemLe oelee meerefHe³eeW kesÀ ceWìue keÀe GHe³eesie keÀjW ~  meefpe&keÀue DeejesHeCe kesÀ efueS mJemLe ÒeeHlekeÀlee& meerefHe³eeW keÀe Òe³eesie keÀjW ~  peyejomleer meerHeer keÀes ve Keesues ~  1 mesceer mes DeefOekeÀ meerHeer keÀes vener Keesuevee ®eeefnS ~  meefpe&keÀue GHekeÀjCeeW keÀes GHe³eesie keÀjves mes Henues peerJeeCegjefnle keÀj os ~  efmeHe&À meeHeÀ, ef®ekeÀveer SJeb vece uekeÀæ[er yuee@keÀ keÀe GHe³eesie keÀjW ~  ceWìue efjyeve Heesbíves kesÀ efueS kesÀJeue meeHeÀ SJeb ieerues mHebpe keÀe Òe³eesie keÀjW ~  v³eteqkeÌueSìsì ceWìue GÊekeÀ DeejesHeCe kesÀ efueS kesÀJeue GHe³egkeÌle DeekeÀej keÀe v³etefkeÌue³eme (2 efceceer mes keÀce) keÀe Òe³eesie keÀjW ~ 0.25… peueer³e FDeesefmeve Ieesue keÀer lew³eejer ueieYeie 20 Sce.Sue ef[efmìu[ Heeveer ceW 0.25 ûeece FDeesefmeve JeeF& keÀes Ieesues, efHeÀj 100 efceueer ueerìj Heleuee Ieesue keÀjbs ~ ³eefo DeeJeM³ekeÀ nes lees Ieesue keÀes Leesæ[e efnueeSb SJeb efHeÀuìj keÀjW ~ (ग) जननांगों मे प्रत्सयारोपण peveveebie DeejesHeCe lekeÀveerkeÀ SkeÀ veepegkeÀ Deewj mebJesoveMeerue Meu³e Òeef¬eÀ³ee nw ~ Fmecesb ÒeeHlekeÀlee& meerHeer keÀe peveveefHeb[ ceW veeefYekeÀ kesÀ meeLe oelee ceWìue ûeeHeÌì GÊekeÀ keÀes [euee peelee nw ~ peveveebie keÀe ceO³e #es$e SkeÀue DeejesHeCe kesÀ efueS yesnlej mLeue nw ~ peveveebie Òel³eejesefHele meerHeer ceW mebJeOe&ve DeJeefOe meeceev³eleë 18 cenerves keÀe neslee nw ~ uewefceueer[svme ceeefpe&vesefueme Deewj Sue. keÀesefjDeeveme peveveebieeW DeejesHeCe kesÀ efueS GHe³egkeÌle nw ~ veoer Òepeeefle³eeB HesjsefMe³ee keÀes©ieeìe peefìue Meu³e Òeef¬eÀ³ee keÀe meecevee vener keÀj mekeÀleer nw Deewj Fme ÒekeÀej DeejesHeCe keÀer Fme He×efle kesÀ efueS DevegHe³egkeÌle nw ~ 15 | मीठापानी मोती की खेती में ईद्यममता मिकास, 14-16 जुलाइ, 2021

©भाकृ ऄनुप--सीफा

GlHeeoë mJeleb$e efve³eefcele ieesue ceesefle³eeB peveveebie DeejesHeCe kesÀ efueS ûeeHeÌì GÊekeÀeW keÀer lew³eejer Deewj ÒemebmkeÀjCe meeceûeerë- ceerþepeue meerefHe³eeB, meefpe&keÀue GHekeÀjCe (meerHeer keÌueQHe, mHeskegÀuece, mHes®etuee, ef®eceìer, keQÀ®eer, ûeeHeÌì keÀìj ®eeketÀ) uekeÀæ[er yuee@keÀ, mHepe, ì^s, [^eHej/efmeefjbpe, FDeesefmeve oelee meerHeer mes Hesefue³eue ceWìue efjyeve keÀes efvekeÀeuevee  meerHeÀe kesÀ ceesleer mebJeOe&ve FkeÀeF& keÀs Deeê& Òe³eesieMeeuee mes 9-10 mesceer DeekeÀej keÀe mJemLe ceerþepeue meerHeer uewefceueer[svme ceeefpe&vesefueme keÀe mebûen keÀjbs ~  mHeskegÀuece kesÀ ceeO³ece mes meeJeOeeveerHetJe&keÀ meerHeer keÀes Keesues ~  oes keÀJe®e JeuJe kesÀ yeer®e ûeeHeÌì keÀìj ®eeketÀ keÀes [eues ~  ûeeHeÌì keÀìj ®eeketÀ keÀer ceoo kesÀ meeLe DeefYeJele&keÀ ceemeHesefMe³eeW keÀes keÀeìW ~  neLe mes JeuJe kesÀ oes He#eeW keÀes KeesueW ~  kewÀb®eer kesÀ ceeO³ece mes 0.5 mesceer ®eewæ[e Deewj 7.0 mesceer uebyeer Hesefue³eue ceWìue efjyeve keÀes keÀeìW ~  ef®eceìer keÀer ceoo mes kesÀ meeLe HeM®e Deble mes Hesefue³eue ceWìue efjyeve keÀes Oeerjs mes Gþe³eW ~  Henues mes meeHeÀ vece uekeÀæ[er yuee@keÀ Hej efjyeve jKeW Deewj megefveefM®ele keÀj ues keÀer ceWìue efjyeve keÀe keÀìe ìgkeÀæ[e keÀe Deboj He#e THej keÀer Deesj nes ~ ûeeHeÌì GÊekeÀ keÀe ÒemebmkeÀjCe  Hesefue³eue ceWìue efjyeve keÀes Deble mes Deble lekeÀ Oeerjs mes Keer®eW ~  c³etkeÀme keÀes nìeves kesÀ efueS ieeruee mHebpe kesÀ Üeje ceWìue efjyeve keÀes Oeerjs mes HeesíW ~  ûeeHeÌì keÀìj ®eeketÀ kesÀ GHe³eesie Üeje oesveesb He#eeW Hej uebyeeF& ceW vece ceWìue efjyeve keÀes íeìW ~  ef®eceìer keÀer ceoo kesÀ Üeje ceWìue mì^erHe kesÀ SkeÀ He#e keÀes HekeÀæ[s Deewj efHeÀj He#e keÀes Gueì os Deewj uekeÀæ[er yuee@keÀ Hej JeeHeme jKe oW ~ Deye keÀìer ngF& ceWìue efjyeve keÀe yeenjer He#e THej keÀer Deesj jKe oW ~  ieeruee mHebpe keÀer ceoo kesÀ Üeje ceWìue efjyeve keÀes efHeÀj Heesíbs ~  ûeeHeÌì keÀìj ®eeketÀ keÀer ceoo kesÀ meeLe ceWìue efjyeve kesÀ efkeÀveejs keÀes íeìsb ~  jbie Heeves kesÀ efueS ceWìue efjyeve Hej FDeesefmeve keÀes [euesb ~  ûeeHeÌì keÀìj ®eeketÀ kesÀ ceeO³ece kesÀ Üeje ceWìue efjyeve keÀes íesìs mì^erHe (2-4 efceceer ƒ 2-4 efceceer) ceW keÀeìW ~ meeJeOeeefve³eeB  De®íer iegCelJe ceesleer Heeves kesÀ efueS, ûeeHeÌì ìgkeÀæ[esb keÀes 30 efceveì kesÀ Yeerlej Dee@HejsMeve kesÀ efueS Fmlesceeue efkeÀ³ee peevee ®eeefnS ~ 16 | मीठापानी मोती की खेती में ईद्यममता मिकास, 14-16 जुलाइ, 2021

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 FvekesÀ GHe³eesie lekeÀ ûeeHeÌì GÊekeÀeW keÀes vejce jKeW ~  Dee@Hejsìs[ meerHeer kesÀ Mejerj kesÀ vejce Debiees keÀes Heeveer kesÀ Deboj jKeW ~ Fve meerefHe³eeW keÀe otmejer lejHeÀ kesÀ ceWìue GÊekeÀ mes Hesefue³eue ceWìue efjyeve Heeves kesÀ efueS Hegveë Fmlesceeue efkeÀ³ee peeSiee ~ ÒeeHlekeÀlee& meerefHe³eeW ceW Meu³e ef®eefkeÀlmee Òeef¬eÀ³ee  meerHeÀe keÀe ceesleer mebJeOe&ve FkeÀeF& keÀs Deeê& Òe³eesieMeeue mes 9-10 mesceer DeekeÀej keÀe mJemLe ceerþepeue meerHeer uewefceueer[svme ceeefpe&vesefueme keÀe mebûen keÀjW ~  meerHeer kesÀ DeefYeJele&keÀ ceebmeHesefme³eeW Deewj Mejerj kesÀ vejce DebieeW keÀes efyevee vegkeÀmeeve HengB®eeSb, mHeskegÀuece keÀer ceoo mes meerHeer keÀes 1 mesceer ®eewæ[e meeJeOeeveerHetJe&keÀ Keesues ~  meerHeer kesÀ efHeíues He#e ceW mHeskegÀuece keÀes jKeW ~  keÌuewcHe ceW meerHeer keÀes HekeÀæ[s ~  mHes®etuee keÀer ceoo mes meerefHe³eeW kesÀ uesefye³eue HeuHeme Deewj ieueHeÀæ[e keÀes SkeÀ lejHeÀ OekesÀue keÀj DeeHejsefìbie peveveebie #es$e keÀes Gpeeiej keÀjbs ~  ef®eceìer keÀer ceoo mes Hewj keÀes Keer®eW efpememes peveveebie THej keÀer Deesj nes peeS~  Fveefmepeve-keÀce-ûeeHeÌì efueHeÌìj megF& kesÀ ceeO³ece mes peveveebie kesÀ yeenjer #es$e ceW SkeÀ ueIeg ®eerje yeveeS ~  Dee@Hejsìs[ meerHeer kesÀ ieesvee[ ceW yevee³eer ieF& Fveefmepeve efyebot kesÀ Üeje HetJe& mebmeeefOele ûeeHeÌì ìgkeÀæ[s (2-4 efceceer ƒ2-4 efceceer) Oeerjs mes Deboj [eue os ~  O³eeve jKevee ®eeefnS keÀer Òel³eejesefHele ûeeHeÌì GÊekeÀ keÀe yeenjer He#e ÒeJesMe efyebog keÀer lejHeÀ meeceves nes ~  vece veeefYekeÀ keÀHe kesÀ ceeO³ece mes GHe³egkeÌle DeekeÀej kesÀ veeefYekeÀ (3-6 efceceer) keÀes Gþe³es Deewj ef®eje efyebog kesÀ Üeje Oeerjs mes Deboj [eues ~  O³eeve osvee ®eeefnS keÀer Òel³eejesefHele ûeeHeÌì GÊekeÀeW kesÀ yeenjer He#e kesÀ meeLe veeefYekeÀ efvekeÀì mebHeke&À ceW pe©j nes ~  veeefYekeÀ megF& keÀHe keÀer ceoo kesÀ meeLe ef®eje #es$e ceW ojej keÀes keÀce keÀjves kesÀ efueS ®eerje efyebog kesÀ efmeje keÀes meceleue keÀjW ~ meeJeOeeefve³eeB@ O³eeve jKes keÀer Dee@Hejsìs[ meerHeer kesÀ peveveebie kesÀ Deboj GHeefmLele Dev³e keÀesceue MeejerefjkeÀ Debie keÀes efkeÀmeer vegkeÀmeeve keÀes jeskeÀves nsleg pebveebie GÊekeÀes ceW ienje ef®eje ueieeves mes ye®eW ~ Deeê& Òe³eesieMeeuee cebs Heesmì Dee@HejsefìJe osKeYeeue 17 | मीठापानी मोती की खेती में ईद्यममता मिकास, 14-16 जुलाइ, 2021

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 meerHeer keÀes DeejesHeCe kesÀ legjble yeeo Heesmì Dee@HejsefìJe osKeYeeue FkeÀeF& ceW jKeW ~  7-10 efoveeW keÀer DeJeefOe kesÀ efueS, Goj He#e THej keÀer efmLeefle, kesÀ meeLe 2 meerefHe³eeW keÀer oj mes Òeefle yewie (30 mesceer ƒ12 mesceer) Òel³eejesefHele meerefHe³eeW keÀes jKeW ~  DeejesHeCe kesÀ 3 mes 4 efoveeW kesÀ yeeo nje Heeveer (MewJeeue mece=×) keÀes ³etefveì ceW [euesb ~  jesieefvejesOekeÀ Ghee³e kesÀ ©He ceW J³eeHekeÀ mHeskeÌì^e Sbìeryee³eesefìkeÀ, keÌueesjsceHesÀefvekeÀesue keÀes 1-2 Heer.Heer.Sce. keÀer oj kesÀ meeLe Òel³eejesefHele meerefHe³eeW keÀes GHe®eeefjle keÀjW ~  Heesmì Dee@HejsefìJe kesÀ³ej ³etefveì mes ce=le meerHeer SJeb pees v³etefkeÌue³eme keÀes DemJeerkeÀej keÀj oer nw Gmes efvekeÀeue os ~  DeejesHeCe kesÀ 7-10 efoveeW kesÀ yeeo meerefHe³eeW keÀes leeueeye mebJeOe&ve JeeleeJejCe ceW mLeeveeblejCe keÀj os ~ meeceev³e meeJeOeeefve³eeB  meerHeer JeuJe keÀes Oeerjs mes KeesueW ~  1 mesceer mes DeefOekeÀ meerHeer keÀes vener KeesueW ~  peveveebie DeejesHeCe kesÀ efueS kesÀJeue GHe³egkeÌle DeekeÀej keÀe veeefYekeÀ (3 mes 6 efceceer DeekeÀej) keÀe Òe³eesie keÀjW ~  ûeeHeÌì GÊekeÀ lew³eejer kesÀ efueS efmeHe&À mJemLe oelee meerefHe³eeW kesÀ ceWìue keÀe GHe³eesie keÀjW ~  ceWìue efjyeve Heebsíves kesÀ efueS kesÀJeue meeHeÀ SJeb ieerues mHebpe keÀe Òe³eesie keÀjW ~  kesÀJeue meeHeÀ ef®ekeÀveer SJeb vece uekeÀ[er yuee@keÀ keÀe GHe³eesie keÀjW ~  meefpe&keÀue DeejesHeCe kesÀ efueS mJemLe ÒeeHlekeÀlee& meerefHe³eeW keÀe Òe³eesie keÀjW ~  GHe³eesie keÀjves mes HetJe& meefpe&keÀue GHekeÀjCeeW keÀes peerJeeCegjefnle keÀj oW ~  GHe³eesie kesÀ yeeo meefpe&keÀue GHekeÀjCe keÀes Oees³es, meeHeÀ keÀjbs SJeb megKee os ~  veeefYekeÀ keÀer lew³eejer kesÀ efueS ce=le meerefHe³eeW keÀes jKebs ~ 11. ceesleer meerefHe³eeW keÀe leeueeye mebJeOe&ve veeF&ueesve kesÀ Lewues ³ee HueeefmìkeÀ kesÀ ®eewkeÀesj efHebpeæ[s ceW Òel³eejesefHele meerHeer³eeW keÀes mebJeOe&ve kesÀ efueS jKee peelee nw~ SkeÀ levleg kesÀ veeFueesve keÀHeæ[s keÀe Lewueer (30 mes.ceer. X 12 mes.ceer.) efpemekeÀer peeueer keÀer ceeHe 1 mes.ceer. keÀer nes GHe³eesie keÀer peeleer nw~ Òel³eejesefHele meerefHe³eeW keÀes mJelev$e íesæ[ves ceW kegÀí mecem³eeSb nQ pewmes mece³e mece³e Hej FvekeÀer peeb®e ve nes Heevee SJeb 18 | मीठापानी मोती की खेती में ईद्यममता मिकास, 14-16 जुलाइ, 2021

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ceerþepeue meerHe, uewefceueer[svme ceeefpe&vesefueme

ÒeûenCe ceW Yeer keÀeHeÀer HejsMeeefve³eeb Deeleer nQ~ yeer®e yeer®e ceW FvekeÀeW meeHeÀ keÀjvee peªjer nw efpememes FvekesÀ THej keÀesF& keÀeF& ³ee MewJeeue pecee ve nes HeeS ~ Òee³eë Òel³eejesefHele meerefHe³eeW keÀes leeueeye ceW 25,000/0.4 nskeÌìs³ej keÀer oj ceW jKee peelee nw~ mece³e mece³e Hej leeueeyeeW keÀe GJe&jerkeÀjCe Yeer keÀjles jnvee ®eeefnS~ Fme keÀe³e& kesÀ efue³es keÀeye&efvekeÀ Keeo pewmes efkeÀ iee³e keÀe ieesyej 10,000 efkeÀûee/ns/Je<e& keÀer oj mes GHe³eesie keÀj mekeÀles nQ~ DekeÀeye&efvekeÀ GJe&jkeÀ pewmes ³etefj³ee SJeb efmebieue megHej HeÀemHesÀì 100 efkeÀûee/ns/Je<e& keÀer oj mes GHe³eesie keÀj mekeÀles nQ~ leeueeyeeW kesÀ #es$eHeÀue kesÀ efnmeeye mes keÀeye&efvekeÀ SJeb DekeÀeye&efvekeÀ Keeo keÀes ceeefmekeÀ efkeÀmleeW ceW yeebì keÀj [eueves mes Heeveer keÀer Hees<ekeÀ lelJeeW keÀer iegCeJeÊee þerkeÀ jnleer nw~ mebJeOe&ve kesÀ mece³e leeueeyeeW ceW Heeveer keÀe leeHeceeve 25-30°C Oegefuele DeekeÌmeerpeve 4-8 Heer.Heer.Sce., Heer.S®e. 7-8 leLee kewÀefume³ece keÀjerye 20-30 Heer.Heer.Sce kesÀ DeemeHeeme nesvee ®eeefn³es~ leeueeye ceW meerHe keÀes 8 cenervee mes 1.8 Je<e& lekeÀ keÀer DeJeefOe kesÀ efue³es jKeer peeleer nQ~ GmekesÀ yeeo meerHe mes ceesleer keÀer GHepe ÒeeHle keÀj mekeÀles nwb ~ 12. Deenej ceerþepeue meerefHe³eeW Sue.ceeefpe&vesefueme Üeje meeceev³eleëHemeboeroe MewJeeue Òepeeefle³eeB [e³eìce, njer MewJeeue (keÌueesjsuee, keÌueesjeskeÀeskeÌkegÀce, mesveer[ermeceme Fl³eeefo) leLee veerueer njer MewJeeue (mHeeFªueervee) nw ~ Fve MewJeeueeW keÀes mebJeefOe&le keÀj meerHeer Hees<eCe Hej efJeefYeVe DeO³e³eveeW ceW efve³eesefpele efkeÀ³ee pee mekeÀlee nw~ ³en Hee³ee ie³ee efkeÀ mesvesef[meceme, meeFveer[^e, keÌueesjsuee, cesefjmeceesefHeef[³ee, yeesì^eDeeskeÀeskeÀme, ye´skeÀerDeesveme,

meeFkeÀueesHeme, veHeueer, [e³eHeìesceme, DeesmeÖeÀemeìerkeÀce, efcemeesmeeF-keÌueesHeme, Hesef[³eemì^ce, ceesFvee Fl³eeefo JeeleeJejCe ceW leLee efmeefve[smeceme, meerFveers[^e, keÌueesjsuee, cesefjmeceesefHeef[³ee, ye´esì^eDeeskeÀeskeÀme, ye´skeÀerDeesveme meerefHe³eeW kesÀ Hesì ceW jnles nQ ~

13. neJexmì mebJeOe&ve keÀer DeJeefOe kesÀ Deble ceW GHepe keÀes efvekeÀeuee peelee nw ~ ceesleer keÀes efvekeÀeueves kesÀ efueS meerefHe³eeW keÀes ³ee lees leesæ[ keÀj íevee peelee nw ³ee meerefHe³eeW keÀes J³eeqkeÌleiele yeefueoeve efo³ee peelee nw ³ee peerefJele meerefHe³eeW kesÀ Heue& Lewueer mes efyevee yeefueoeve efkeÀS ceesleer keÀes efvekeÀeuee peelee nw ~ ceWìue kewÀefJeìer Òel³eejesHeCe efJeefOe ceW, mebJeOe&ve DeJeefOe Òel³eejesefHele veeefYekeÀ kesÀ DeekeÀej Deewj mebK³ee kesÀ DeeOeej Hej Deece leewj Hej 6 mes 12 cenerves keÀe neslee nw ~ ceWìue GÊekeÀ ÒeefJeefä efJeefOe ceW, Deeceleewj Hej mebJeOe&ve DeJeefOe 12 mes 18 cenerveeW keÀe neslee nw ~ Fme efJeefOe ceW, meerefHe³eeW keÀes keÀu®ej DeJeefOe kesÀ yeeo meeJeOeeveerHetJe&keÀ Keesuee peelee nw leLee ceesleer keÀes Heue& Lewueer mes SkeÀ SkeÀ keÀj efvekeÀeuee peelee nw~ Òeefle meerefHe³eeW mes ®eej mes Deeþ ceesleer³eeB meerefHe³eeW kesÀ DeekeÀej leLee efkeÀS ieS mener Òel³eejesHeCe keÀer mebK³ee kesÀ DeeOeej Hej ÒeeHle efkeÀ³ee pee mekeÀlee nw~ peveveebieeW Òel³eejesefHele meerHeer keÀer mebJeOe&ve DeJeefOe Deece leewj Hej 12 cenerves keÀe neslee nw~ mebJeOe&ve DeJeefOe kesÀ yeeo meerefHe³eeW keÀes meeJeOeeveerHetJe&keÀ KeesuekeÀj Deewj ®eerje efveMeeve kesÀ keÀjerye ceesleer keÀer efmLeefle keÀes ítkeÀj cenmetme efkeÀ³ee pee mekeÀlee nw ~ keQÀ®eer, cenerve ef®eceìer leLee megF& keÀer SkeÀ peesæ[er mes ceesleer keÀes O³eeve mes Deeble ³ee Dev³e DeebleefjkeÀ GÊekeÀeW keÀes keÀeìs ³ee efyevee vegkeÀmeeve HenBg®eeSb nìe efo³ee peelee nwb ~ 19 | मीठापानी मोती की खेती में ईद्यममता मिकास, 14-16 जुलाइ, 2021

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14. mebJeefOe&le ceesleer keÀe ÒemebmkeÀjCe mebJeefOe&le ceesleer keÀe ÒemebmkeÀjCe Yeer efkeÀ³ee peelee nw ~ FmeceW ceesleer ceW íso yeveevee, GmeceW ®ecekeÀ Òeoeve keÀjvee Deewj megjef#ele DeJemLee ceW jKevee Meeefceue neslee nw ~ ceesefle³eeW ceW íso nmle-®eeefuele ³ee efyepeueer®eeefuele ceMeerve mes efkeÀ³ee peelee nw ~ íso 0.3-0.4 efceceer. J³eeme keÀe yevee³ee peelee nw ~ ceerþepeue mes ÒeeHle ceesleer keÀes Heeveer ceW De®íer lejn mes meeHeÀ keÀj nJee ceW megKeeles nQ ~ pe©jle kesÀ Devegmeej Fve ceesefle³eeW keÀes neF[^espeve HejDee@keÌmeeF[ Deewj Hesì^esefue³ece F&Lej kesÀ efJeefYeVe DevegHeele ceW yeves Ieesue kesÀ meeLe jbienerve MeerefMe³eeW ceW yebo keÀj lespe OetHe ³ee ÒekeÀeMe ceW kegÀí mece³e íesæ[ osles nQ ~ FmekesÀ yeeo FvnW OeeskeÀj meeHeÀ keÀjles nwb Deewj efJeHeCeve kesÀ efueS Yespe efo³ee peelee nw ~ pewmee efkeÀ veece mes mHeä nw efkeÀ ceesleer Deveceesue jlve nw ~ FmekeÀe cetu³e DeebkeÀvee keÀefþve keÀe³e& nw ~ ceesleer iegCeJeÊee Deewj yeepeej keÀer ceebie kesÀ Devegmeej efJeMJe ceW efYeVe-efYeVe ojeW Hej efyekeÀles nQ ~ ceesefle³eeW kesÀ efvekeÀeueves kesÀ yeeo efmeefHe³eeW kesÀ ceebme keÀes ceebmeenejer ceíefue³eeB Deewj Peeriee kesÀ efueS Deenej kesÀ ©He ceW Fmlesceeue efkeÀ³ee peelee nw ~ FvekesÀ keÀJe®e mes Deew<eOeer, yeìve Je ®etvee yevee³ee peelee nw ~ 15. ceesleer keÀer ûesef[bie ûes[ efJeMes<eleeSB AAA G®®elece iegCeJeÊee, Glke=Àä ®ecekeÀ, meceªHelee, melener³e oes<ejefnle, De®íe GÊecelee De®íer iegCeJeÊee, De®íer ®ecekeÀ, meceeve jbie, nukeÀe $e=efì AA ceO³ece iegCeJeÊee, De®íer ®ecekeÀ, Demeceeve jbie, kegÀí $egefì, DeuHe meceªHelee A De®íer ®ecekeÀ, Deefve³eefcele melen Deewj jbie, keÀF& $e=efì³eeB B DeJeeefCeeqp³ekeÀ, Kejeye ®ecekeÀ, veskeÀj keÀe Heleuee keÀesefìbie, ÒecegKe $e=efì³eeB NC

16. v³eteqkeÌue³eme meeceûeer v³eteqkeÌue³eme ceesleer mebJeOe&ve DeeHejsMeve ceW SkeÀ cenlJeHetCe& Deewj cenbiee efveJesMe nw ~ SkeÀ GHe³egkeÌle v³eteqkeÌue³eme meeceûeer kesÀ ®e³eve kesÀ efueS efvecveefueefKele cenlJeHetCe& ceeveob[ efoS ieS nwb~       

v³eteqkeÌue³eme meerefHe³eeW keÀes iewj efJe<ewuee Deewj pewJe mebiele nesvee ®eeefnS ~ v³eteqkeÌue³eme keÀer keÀþesjlee 3 mes 4 lekeÀ nesvee ®eeefnS~ v³eteqkeÌue³eme keÀer efJeefMeä iegªlJe 2.5 mes 3 lekeÀ nesvee ®eeefnS ~ v³eteqkeÌue³eme keÀer melen efíê ceW veskeÀj keÀe ÒeJesMe nesvee ®eeefnS ~ v³eteqkeÌue³eme ceW íso efkeÀ³ee pee mekesÀ ~ {ueeF& Jeeuee iegCe nesvee ®eeefnS ~ memleer Deewj mLeeefve³e ªHe mes GHeueyOe nesvee ®eeefnS ~

20 | मीठापानी मोती की खेती में ईद्यममता मिकास, 14-16 जुलाइ, 2021

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17. मोती की खेती में भमिष्य की संभािनाएं मोती पालन में कइ सारे सािधामनया​ाँ बरतनी पड़ती है क्योकक यह मोती की गुणित्ता ि अकार के उपर प्रभाि डालता है । पानी की गुणित्ता की सही मािा तथा ईमचत जा​ाँच जरुरी है । ईसके साथ साथ प्राकृ मतक खाद्य की प्रयाषप्त मािा में ईपलमब्ध जरुरी है । मोती पालन करने के मलए एक सही मािा में दक्षता चामहए और दक्ष मानि संसाधन की कमी मोती पालन में मुख्य समस्याएं है । मोती गुणित्ता और बाजार की मा​ाँग के ऄनुसार मिश्व में मिमभन्न दरों पर मबकते हैं । मोमतयों को मनकालने के बाद मसमपयों के मांस को मांसाहारी मछमलयों और झींगा के मलए अहार के रुप में आस्तेमाल दकया जाता है । आसके किच से और्धी, बिन और चूना भी बनाया जाता है । देश में मोती की मांग ददनों ददन तीव्र गमत से बढ़ रही है । सरकारी अंकड़ों के ऄनुसार बढ़ती बाजार मा​ाँग को पूरा करने के मलए प्रमत िर्ष चीन और जापान से मोती का अयात दकया जाता है । मीठे पानी में मोती पालन व्यािसामयक स्तर पर लाभजनक है दफर भी आसमें ईतनी ईद्यममता स्थामपत नही हो पा रही है । आसमलए संस्थागत सहायता के साथ साथ सही मािा में योजना करके मोती पालन को बढ़ािा ददया जा सकता है । मोती पालन को एक कु िीर ईद्योग के रुप में स्थामपत दकया जाना चामहए । आन्हीं प्रयासों से भारत मोती पालन की ददशा में एक नइ गमत प्राप्त कर सकती है ।

18. ceesleer Heeueve ceW Fmlesceeue MeyoeJeueer DeefYeJele&keÀ HesMeer (Adductor Muscle): yeeFJeuJe ceesuemkeÀ keÀe ³en cegK³e ceebmeHesefMe³eeB ÒeCeeueer nw pees oes JeuJe keÀes peesæ[lee nw leLee Keesue keÀes yebo keÀjves kesÀ efueS efmekegÀæ[lee nw ~ yeje@keÀ ceesleer (Baroque pearl)ë ³en SkeÀ Deefve³eefcele DeekeÀej keÀe ceesleer nw ~ yeeFJeuJe (Bivalve)ë ³en ceerþepeue leLee mecegêer IeesæIeebs keÀer SkeÀ JeieeakeÀjCe Jeie& nw efpemekeÀe oes Keesue mes efIeje SkeÀ mebkegÀef®ele Mejerj nw ~ GoenjCeeLe& meerefHe³eeB, Dees³esmìj, keÌuewce Deewj mkesÀueesHe ~ keÀevekeÀesueerve (Conchiolin)ë ³en ceesuemkeÀ kesÀ yeenjer SefHeLeerefue³ece (ceWìue)Üeje ñeeefJele SkeÀ peefìue Òeesìerve (C32H48N2O11) nw ~ FmekeÀes veskeÀj keÀe pewefJekeÀ efnmmee ceevee peelee nw ~ iueesef®eef[³ece ueeJee& ( Glochidium Larvae) ³etefve³eesefve[s HewÀceueer ceW iueesef®eef[³ece (yengJe®eve iueesef®eef[³ee) ceerþepeue meerefHe³eeW keÀe SkeÀ efJeMes<e met#ce ueeJee& ®ejCe nw ~ ³en cespeyeeve ceíueer Hej HejpeerJeer neslee nw ~ 21 | मीठापानी मोती की खेती में ईद्यममता मिकास, 14-16 जुलाइ, 2021

©भाकृ ऄनुप--सीफा

peveveo (Gonad)ë ³en ceerþepeue ceesleer meerefHe³eeW keÀe Òepeveve Debie nw pees Deb[s ³ee Meg¬eÀeCeg keÀes GlHeeefole keÀjlee nw ~ ûeeHeÌì (Graft): meerefHe³eeW kesÀ Hesefue³eue ceWìue efjyeve mes keÀeìe ie³ee ³en FefHeefLeefue³ece GÊekeÀ keÀe SkeÀ ìgkeÀæ[e nw~ ûeeHeÌìeRie (Grafting)ë ³en Yeer veeefYekeÀ DeejesHeCe kesÀ ªHe ceW peevee peelee nw ~ ³en SkeÀ Meu³e Òeef¬eÀ³ee nw efpemeceW veeefYekeÀ Deewj ceWìue GÊekeÀ kesÀ íesìs ìgkeÀæ[bs keÀes ceWìue kewÀefJeìer ³ee ieesvee[ ceW [euee peelee nw pees SkeÀ mebJeefOe&le ceesleer kesÀ efJekeÀeme keÀe DeeOeej yevelee nw ~ DeeOee ceesleer (Half pearl): peye yeenjer Jemleg mJeeYeeefJekeÀ ªHe mes ³ee ceeveJeer³e nmle#esHe kesÀ meeLe peye veskeÀj mes keÀJej nes peelee nw leye meerefHe³eeW kesÀ Yeerlejer Keesue mes pegæ[er De×& ieesueekeÀej DeekeÀej kesÀ ceesleer keÀe efvecee&Ce neslee nw ~ kesÀMeer ceesleer (Keshi Pearl)ë ³en peeHeeveer J³eeHeej veece nw pees SkeÀ íesìs mes Òeeke=ÀeflekeÀ ³ee ke=Àef$ece ceesleer nesles nw ~ DeeueeskeÀ (Lustre)ë ceesleer kesÀ melen ³ee veskeÀj melen mes efvekeÀuee ngDee ÒekeÀeMe keÀe cee$ee leLee iegCeJeÊee keÀes DeeueeskeÀ keÀnles nQ~ ceeyeer ceesleer (Mabe Pearl)ë ³en ef[peeFvej ceesleer kesÀ ªHe ceW peevee peelee nw ~ meerefHe³eeW kesÀ Yeerlejer Keesue melen mes pegæ[er Deeke=Àefle veeefYekeÀ kesÀ THej veskeÀj keÀe ñeeJe nesves mes yevelee nw ~ ceWìue (Mantle)ë ceWìue ceesuemkeÀ ceW HeeF& peeves Jeeueer SkeÀ Debie nw ~ ³en cegK³e Mejerj ³ee Deeblepeve keÀes keÀJej keÀjves Jeeuee He=ÿer³e Mejerj oerJeej nw ~ ceesleer veskeÀj keÀe GlHeeove keÀjves kesÀ efueS ceWìue kesÀ yeenjer FefHeefLeefue³ece keÀesefMekeÀeSB efpeccesoej nw ~ ceWìue iegne (Mantle Cavity)ë ceWìue Deewj Keesue kesÀ yeer®e Jeeues mLeeve keÀes ceWìue iegne keÀnles nwb, pees DeefleefjkeÌle Hesefue³eue êJe mes Yeje neslee nw pees peefìue leerve mlejeW Hej kewÀequMe³ece ³egkeÌle Keesue kesÀ ieþve ceW ceoo keÀjlee nw ~ ceesuemkeÀ (Molluscs)ë HeÀeFuece ceesuemkeÀ SkeÀ DekeÀMesªkeÀer ÒeeCeer nw~ ceoj Dee@HeÀ Heue& (Mother of Pearl)ë Jew%eeefvekeÀ ªHe ceW ³en veskeÀj kesÀ veece mes peevee peelee nw, ceesuemkeÀe kesÀ Yeerlejer melen Hej ceguee³ece, keÀþesj, ®ecekeÀeruee Hejle keÀer melen nesleer nw pees kewÀequMe³ece keÀeyeexvesì kesÀ SjeieesveeFì ef¬eÀmìue mes yevee neslee nw leLee kesÀjeìerve veecekeÀ mkesÀuesjesÒeesìerve keÀer SkeÀ efkeÀmce nesleer nw~

22 | मीठापानी मोती की खेती में ईद्यममता मिकास, 14-16 जुलाइ, 2021

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veeefYekeÀ (Nucleus ): SkeÀ kesÀvêkeÀ efpemekesÀ ®eejes Deesj SkeÀ veeefYekeÀ ³egkeÌle mebJeefOe&le ceesleer keÀe efvecee&Ce neslee nw ~ Òeeke=ÀeflekeÀ ceesleer (Natural pearls)ë ceeveJe nmle#esHe kesÀ efyevee ceesuemkeÀe kesÀ Yeerlejer Yeeie ceW peye keÀesF& GÊespekeÀ meceelee nw lees Òeeke=ÀeflekeÀ ceesleer keÀe efvecee&Ce neslee nw~ ³en kewÀequMe³ece keÀeyeexvesì kesÀ SjeieesveeFì ef¬eÀmìue leLee keÀevekeÀesefueve veecekeÀ peefìue mkesÀuesjesÒeesìerve mes yevee neslee nw~ Heue& Lewueer (Pearl Sac)ë ³en efJeosMeer GÊespekeÀ keÀes Iesæ[ves Jeeuee leLee veskeÀj GlHeeove keÀjves Jeeues FefHeefLeefue³eue keÀesefMekeÀeSb ³egkeÌle GÊekeÀ nw ~ Meu³e ef¬eÀ³ee kesÀ oewjeve ûeeHeÌì keÀes DeejesefHele keÀjves mes Heue& Lewueer keÀe efvecee&Ce neslee nw ~ meer[ ceesleer (Seed Pearl)ë ³en 2 efceceer mes Yeer keÀce J³eeme Jeeuee íesìe ceerþepeue ceesleer neslee nw ~ leeefnleer ceesleer (Tahiti Pearl)ë ÖeWÀ®e HeesefuevesefMe³ee kesÀ Üeje HewoeFMeer ceesleer DeesFmìj efHebkeÌìe[e ceejûesefìefjHesÀje ceW leeefnleer ceesleer keÀe efvecee&Ce neslee nw ~ ef$eYegpe Keesue ceesleer meerHe (Triangle Shell Pearl Mussel)ë ®eerve ceW ceerþepeue ceesleer mebJeOe&ve kesÀ efueS ³en SkeÀ cegK³e DeeOeej nw pees nerefjDeeHeefmeme ke̳etefcebieieeF& kesÀ veece mes peevee peelee nw ~


23 | मीठापानी मोती की खेती में ईद्यममता मिकास, 14-16 जुलाइ, 2021

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General description of Mollusca and


pearl mussels 3.

Life Cycle of Freshwater Mussel



Food and Feeding habit of Freshwater


Mussel 5.

Mussel Shell structure



Pearl and its type



Value of Pearls



Biomineralization of Pearl



Basic Steps Involved in Freshwater Pearl


Culture Operations 10.

Technique for designer freshwater pearl


production 11.

Technique for small round & irregular


freshwater pearl production 12.

Technique for regular round pearl


production 13.

Nuclear material



Pond culture






Terminology used in Pearl Culture


FRESHWATER PEARL FARMING 1. Introduction Pearls known as ‘Queen of Gems’ have been occupying a unique place due to their fascinating beauty ever since their discovery in ancient times. Pearls were considered as an exclusive privilege of royalty and throughout history held presence within wealthy and powerful. They are viewed as magic charms, symbols of purity and love or sources of wisdom and power. Hindus believe pearl brings happiness, to Chinese it brings wealth and to Egyptians love. It is a natural gem and is produced by a living organism i.e., a mollusc unlike other precious stones and perhaps is the only gem that does not require the treatment by lapidary. According to our Indian system of gemology, of nine maharatnas (Heera, Mukta, Manikya, Pravala/Munga, Gomeda, Indra-neela, Vaidurya, Pushyaraga and Panna) the pearl is only next to diamond. The science of pearl culture has not been widely disseminated in the world, however, the art and trade form has probably reached the zenith. A natural pearl is formed when a foreign particle such as a piece of sand or parasite make its way into particular species of mollusc and cannot be expelled. As a defense mechanism, the animal secrets a substance, known as nacre, to coat the foreign body. Layer upon layer of this coating is deposited on the irritant, resulting in a shimmering and iridescent creation of a gem. The culture pearl undergo the same process of formation as that of natural pearl. The only difference is that an irritant, otherwise called as nucleus of desired shape and size is surgically implanted into the body of bivalve mollusc where it cannot be expelled. The animal does the rest, creating the precious biological gem, the pearl. Thus, the natures hand is not completely eliminated, infect it is the animal that determines the character of the pearl produced. With the turn of the last century, the demand for pearls was fast increasing, but their supplies from the existing fishing grounds have diminished due to over exploitation and pollution. Such a situation necessitated tremendous research attention in the following decades with support from State and Trade sectors, the world over. This led to the evolution of pearl culture technology, as a booming aquaculture enterprise, in Japan and China. These two countries have a monopolistic control over the pearl trade. It is reported that the demand for pearls in the international markets is over US $ 2 billion per year (Fassler, 1991). According to official reports, India is spending more that Rs.100 crores and above every year for import of cultured pearls from China and Japan to meet the ever increasing market demand in our country (The Hindu, 20.12.1996). Cultured pearls are produced both in marine and freshwater environments. In India, marine pearl culture had its beginning in the early seventies and the theory of natural and culture pearl formation in marine oysters is now fairly established. Freshwater pearl culture, on the other hand, remained as an unexplored area despite vast freshwater resources and abundant natural stocks of freshwater mussels. Freshwater pearl culture is more advantageous in terms of commercial scale availability of natural stocks of pearl mussels in easily 24 | Freshwater Pearl Farming for Entrepreneurship Development 14-16 July, 2021


accessible habitats, wider area of farming even in non-maritime regions, operational easiness in management of freshwater culture environment, absence of natural fouling, boring and predatory organism, and over all cost-effectiveness of the operations. Perhaps, the genesis of modern freshwater pearl culture can be traced back to the traditional practice from the 12th century in producing pearl-coated Buddha images in the mussel Cristaria plicata in Lake Tahu in China. However, the first crop of Chinese freshwater culture pearls came into international markets in 1970 and the yield is reported to be over 1800 tonnes per year. Today, India is flooded with Chinese rice pearls forming the main stay of the pearl trade in the internal market. In Japan, freshwater pearl culture has attained commercial proposition in 1935. The Japanese freshwater mussel, locally called ike-chogai (Hyriopsis schelegeli) abounds in the freshwater Biwa Lake in Shiga Province in Honshu of Central Japan and has also been transplanted to the North-Eastern lake Kasumiga-Ura. It is reported that Japan is producing 8 to 10 tonnes of cultured pearls per year (Kafuku & Ikenoue, 1983; Ward, 1985). The Japanese freshwater culture pearls are popularly called as ‘Biwa Pearls’ and are in much demand through out the world. Besides China and Japan some of the south-east Asian countries like Bangladesh, Thailand, Philippines and Vietnam have initiated commercial freshwater pearl culture projects in recent years (Fassler, 1994). In India, the Central Institute of Freshwater Aquaculture (CIFA), Bhubaneswar realising the scope and importance of inland pearl culture, took the lead and evolved an indigenous system of culturing pearls from common freshwater mussels, Lamellidens marginalis, L. corrianus and Parreysia corrugata (Janaki Ram, 1989). With the development of the base technology of freshwater pearl culture at CIFA, the public interest now centered on harnessing its commercial potentials.

2. General description of mollusca and pearl mussels The phylum mollusca include a heterogeneous assemblage of organisms. The phylum cannot be easily defined or comprehended on the basis of a single character i.e., shell since there is no other such easily observable character that finds expression in all the molluscs. Under Class Bivalvia, the freshwater bivalves i.e., mussels are placed and as the name indicates their shell consists of two calcified halves or valves hinged together mid-dorsally, with correspondingly bilobed mantle and a typical wedge-shaped foot. They posses paired gills, nephridia and gonads. The freshwater bivalves are quite hardy and can withstand the vicissitudes of the environment to a considerable extent. Theoretically any shelled mollusc can produce a pearl of some sort, but only those molluscs that have a pearl lining or pearl nacre on the interior of the shell surface can produce lustrous pearls. A pearl has similar structural and chemical properties as that of the pearl nacre of the shell interior. Lamellidens marginalis, L. corrianus and Parreysia corrugata are important candidate species for freshwater pearl culture in India. A majority of other species also possesses nacre, but their potentialities in culture pearl production are yet to be realized. 25 | Freshwater Pearl Farming for Entrepreneurship Development 14-16 July, 2021


In Japan Hyriopsis schelegeli is abundantly found in freshwater bodies and is the candidate species for producing the Biwa pearl. In China Cristaria plicata and Hyriopsis cumingii are employed for the culture of rice pearls. Besides these two important pearl producing countries, in other countries like in U.S.A Quadrula ebena, Q. undulata, Unio sp., Pleurobema oesopus, Tritogonia verrucosa and Margaritifera margaritifera; in Bangladesh Lamellidens marginalis and Parreysia daccaensis (Anonymous, 1986); in Philippines Cristaria plicata and Anodonta sp.; and in Vietnam Hyriopsis cumingii, Cristaria plicata and Anodonta jourdyi are used in pearl culture operations. 2.1.

Systematic position of Indian pearl mussels

The Indian freshwater mussel fauna comprises two genera that are abundantly found in most of the freshwater bodies. The genus Lamellidens is represented by nine species and two sub-species, while the genus Parreysia is represented by 35 species and 6 sub-species under two sub-genera as listed below (Subba Rao, 1989). Classification: Phylum

















Lamellidens (Simpson)



L. consobrinus (Lea) L corrianus (Lea) L. generosus (Gould) L. indawgyiensis (Prashad) L. jenkinsianus (Benson) L. jenkinsianus daccaensis (Preston) L. jenkinsianus obesa (Hanly & Theobald) L. lamellatus (Lea) L. marginalis (Lamarck) L. phenchooganjensis (Preston) L. scutum (Sowerby)







26 | Freshwater Pearl Farming for Entrepreneurship Development 14-16 July, 2021




Parreysia Conrad






Parreysia (Parreysia) annandalei (Preston) P. (P.) bhamoensis (Theobald) P. (P.) burmanus (Blanford) P. (P.) choprae (Prashad) P. (P.) corbis (Benson) P. (P.) corrugata (Muller) P. (P.) corrugata laevirostris (Benson) P. (P.) corrugata nagpoorensis (Lea) P. (P.) cylindrica (Annandale & Prashad) P. (P.) favidens (Benson) P. (P.) favidens assamensis (Preston) P. (P.) favidens chrysis (Benson) P. (P.) favidens deltae (Benson) P. (P.) favidens vairdula (Benson) P. (P.) feae (Tapparone-Canefri) P. (P.) feddeni (Theobald) P. (P.) gowhattensis (Theobald) P. (P.) hongdaranicus (Tapparone-Canefri) P. (P.) mandelayensis (Theobald) P. (P.) olivacea (Prashad) P. (P.) perconvexa (Preston) P. (P.) rajahensis (Lea) P. (P.) sikkimensis (Lea) P. (P.) smaragdites (Benson) P. (P.) tavoyensis (Gould) P. (P.) triembolus (Benson)



Radiatula Simpson



Parreysia (Radiatula) andersoniana (Nevill) P. (R.) bonneaudi (Eydoux)

27 | Freshwater Pearl Farming for Entrepreneurship Development 14-16 July, 2021


P. (R.) caerulea (Lea) P. (R.) caerulea gaudichaudi (Eydoux) P. (R.) chaudhurii (Preston) P. (R.) cripisulcata (Benson) P. (R.) involuta (Benson) P. (R.) khadakvaslaensis (Ray) P. (R.) lima (Simpson) P. (R.) nuttalliana (Lea) P. (R.) olivaria (Lea) P. (R.) pachysoma (Benson) P. (R.) shurtleffidna (Lea) P. (R.) theobaldi (Preston) Of the 52 Indian species listed above, only three common species are being employed in pearl culture operations, though a majority of other regional species also possesses pearl nacre, indicating future prospects. 2.2

General morphology

In freshwater bivalves, the shell consists of two calcified halves or valves which are united dorsally by the hinge consisting of a system of teeth and sockets. The shell is bilaterally symmetrical and the margins are distinguished into anterior, posterior, dorsal and ventral sides (Fig. 1).

Dorsal side


Anterior side

Posterior side

Lines of growth Ventral side Fig. 1. Surface view of L. marginalis

28 | Freshwater Pearl Farming for Entrepreneurship Development 14-16 July, 2021


In L. marginalis the shell is oblong-ovate, thin and smooth, in L. corrianus it is elongate, elliptical where as in P. corrugata the shell is thick, solid and transversely ovate. In L. marginalis the posterior end of the shell is broad, having an angular curvature. The dorsal margin is slightly curved and the anterior side is short and narrow, where as the ventral margin is contracted in the middle. In L. corrianus the dorsal margin of the shell is almost straight and long. In P. corrugata the anterior margin of the shell is narrow and rounded while the posterior margin is broad. In L. marginalis (Fig. 2) the hinge has two cardinal teeth out of which the lower one is more developed. A single lateral tooth with a trace of second tooth is present on the right valve while the left valve has one slightly developed cardinal and two lateral teeth. Each valve of L. corrianus possesses two cardinal teeth, where as in P. corrugata both the valves bear two pseudo-cardinal and two lateral teeth, the upper cardinal being smaller and the lower one denticulated. Lateral teeth Umbo Cardinal teeth Anterior retractor muscle impression Anterior adductor muscle impression Protractor muscle impression Posterior retractor muscle impression Posterior adductor muscle impression Pallial line

Fig. 2. Internal surface of the shell of L. marginalis

The periostracum is a blackish-brown shiny layer with a light brown border along the ventral margin in L. marginalis, while in L. corrianus such demarcation is absent. In P. corrugata the periostracum is greenish-brown to deep brown in colour. The elevated portion on the dorsal side of the shell is the umbo which is well developed in L. marginalis, slightly upturned in L. corrianus and in P. corrugata it shows characteristic ribs on its surface. The outer surface of the shell is marked with longitudinal and concentric striations i.e., the lines of growth. The inner surface of the valves bears impressions of ligament, adductor and retractor muscles, those help in opening and closing of the valves. The shell 29 | Freshwater Pearl Farming for Entrepreneurship Development 14-16 July, 2021


along its ventral margin leaves an impression called the pallial line, the line of attachment between the mantle and the shell.

3. Life Cycle of Freshwater Mussel Bivalves in general are bisexual and a majority of freshwater pearl mussels have indirect development with a mandatory parasitic glochidial larval stage. The gonads are paired and situated in the coils on either sides of the intestine. In males the gonads are creamy white where as it is pale red in females. During breeding season the gonad becomes much enlarged and conspicuous. The coelomic epithelium lining of the tubules give rise to the spermatozoa in males and ova in the females. The sperms are shed through the genital aperture into the supra-branchial chambers and are released from the body with the outgoing water through the exhalent siphon. However, the mature egg is large, rounded with a mass of granular cytoplasm, rich in yolk and contain a large centrally placed nucleus. The eggs are shed into the supra-branchial chambers and are carried through the ostia into the water tubes of outer gill lamellae, where they are held by mucus. The sperms set free in the water by the male, enter the branchial cavity of the female where fertilization takes place. The fertilised ovum passes into the gill lamellae for further development. The embryo develops into a minute glochidium larva (Fig. 5) which has a parasitic life cycle. Byssus thread Germ cells Mantle lobe Shell valve Adductor muscles

Fig 3. Glochidium larva with shell-valves widely opened

The larva escapes through the exhalent siphon of female mussel and swims actively by the alternate expansion and contraction of the adductor muscle and the consequent opening and closing of their shell valves. The glochidium finally finds a suitable fish host for further development (Fig. 6). The larva attaches to the gills or fins of the fish host for a period of 60 to 70 days, drawing nourishment from the host. At the end of the parasitic life, the juvenile mussel detaches from the host and falls to the bottom for further growth. The Indian 30 | Freshwater Pearl Farming for Entrepreneurship Development 14-16 July, 2021


freshwater pearl mussel Lamellidens marginalis is a prolific breeder and attains sexual maturity when it is over two years old. The mussels breed almost round the year with a peak in August-September. This pearl mussel could be spawned under controlled conditions and juvenile mussels could be produced employing common fish hosts such as Glossogobius giurius, Cirrhinus mrigala, Labeo rohita, Catla catla etc.

Modified gills as marsupium Glochidium larva

Enclosed glochidium in host

Discharge of glochidia Fish host

Young mussel

Fig. 4. Life history of freshwater mussel (Kafuku and Ikonove, 1983)

4. Food and Feeding habit of Freshwater Mussel Algae being the predominant component of the first trophic level in aquatic food chain, it has got much importance in aquaculture systems. Some species of algae belonging to Chlorophyta (green algae), Bacillariophyta (diatoms) and Cyanophyta (blue green algae) are normally used as feed by the freshwater mussels. The commonly preferred algal species by the freshwater mussel, L. marginalis are diatoms, green algae (Chlorella, Chlorococcum, 31 | Freshwater Pearl Farming for Entrepreneurship Development 14-16 July, 2021


Scenedesmus etc.) and blue-green algae (Spirulina). These algae are to be cultured and employed in various studies on mussel nutrition.

5. Mussel Shell structure The molluscan shell is a complex structure containing 94% calcium carbonate and about 6% organic matrix. The shell consists of three layers, namely an outer periostacum, the middle prismatic calcite and the inner nacreous or crystalline aragonite calcium carbonate layers (Fig. 3). The outer periostracum is an organic and uncalcified thin layer of quinonetanned conchiolin (C32H48O11), a scleroprotein of keratin type.

Periostracum Prismatic layer

Nacreous layer

Fig. 5. Cross section of the shell (Simkiss & Wada, 1980)

6. What is Pearl? The pearl is both mystic and beautiful with its soft colour and cool lustre. Scientifically a pearl can be defined in three ways. In simple chemical language, the composition of a pearl is about 82-86% aragonite crystals of calcium carbonate; 10 to 14% organic matrix, a scleroprotein termed as conchiolin; and 2-4% water. In physical terms, a pearl has 3.5 to 4.5 hardness on Moh’s scale with a specific gravity of 2.7. Biologically, a pearl is more or less similar to the inner shining layer called ‘mother of pearl layer’ or nacre of shells. 32 | Freshwater Pearl Farming for Entrepreneurship Development 14-16 July, 2021


6.1 Type of Pearls Pearls are produced by certain oysters in the marine and some mussels in the freshwater environments. Apart from this, the pearls can be broadly classified into three types (Fig. 7). 6.1.1 Artificial or Imitation Pearls In reality they are not pearls but pearl-like materials. They simply contain a rigid, round core or base and an outer pearly coating. The coating can vary from inexpensive shining paints to synthetic pearl essences to natural essences obtained from certain fish scales. Majority of imitation pearls give smooth feeling when rubbed against teeth and when a pin is pressed into the surface, it easily leaves a scratch or indent unlike genuine natural or cultured pearls.

Synthetic paint

Nacre deposits

Core bead

Foreign body

Cultured Pearl

Artificial Pearl

Nacre deposits Foreign body Natural Pearl Fig. 6 . Types of pearls

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6.1.2 Natural Pearls The core or nucleus of the natural pearl is minute with fairly thick crystalline pearl nacre. Generally a natural pearl is small in size and irregular in shape. The surface of a natural pearl gives a rough feeling which is due to the edges of the overlapping crystals of aragonite. This is a very useful character in determining the genuineness of a pearl. 6.1.3 Cultured Pearls A cultured pearl is also a natural pearl, the only difference being the human intervention in surgical implantation of a live mantle graft and nucleus for hastening pearl formation to the desired size, shape, colour and lusture. 7. Value of Pearls Pearls are obtained mainly from different species of marine oysters or freshwater mussels. However, it is the merit of individual pearl that determines the value more than the source of pearl. The price of pearl is judged by a variety of factors, viz., shape, size, lustre, colour, surface clarity and thickness of nacre. Shape: It is very rare to find perfectly round pearls. Although the implanted nuclei are round, the resulted pearls are not perfectly round due to uneven deposition of calcium carbonate. The most frequently found pearls are round, half round, button, coin, rice, oval, pear and baroque shaped. Size: Larger the size of pearl, more price it fetches. The size of pearl varies from smaller than one millimeter to as much as 20 millimeters. It is difficult to grow pearls of larger size. Most popular size of pearls sold in the world is about seven millimeters. Pearls produced from the freshwater pearl mussels in India usually range from 4-6 millimeters. Colour: The colour of the inner shell of the mussel/oyster determines the colour of the pearl. Pearl comes in a wide range of colours from white to black. Colour of the pearls can also be modified by different physical and chemical treatments. Lustre: Lustre is the shine that beams from within the pearl. Deeper the lustre, more expensive the pearl. The lustre of the best quality pearl should be bright, enabling to see ones own reflection clearly on the surface of the pearl. Pearls that appear cloudy or milky are of poor quality. Surface perfection: Pearls free from any surface blemishes are rare. The blemishes in the form of spots, bumps, wrinkles or cracks reduce the value of pearls. Fewer the blemishes more price the pearl fetches. Thickness of nacre: Thicker the nacre more value the pearl possesses. The thickness is decided by the duration of culture period and also species under culture. 8. Biomineralization of Pearl Theoretically any shelled mollusc can produce some sort of a pearl. However, only those molluscs which have a pearl lining or pearl nacre on the interior of the shell surface can 34 | Freshwater Pearl Farming for Entrepreneurship Development 14-16 July, 2021


produce lustrous pearls. It is an abnormal process in the normal biological system of the animal (Webster, 1983). The mantle with its outer epithelial cells is the tissue responsible for producing pearl nacre (Fig. 8). When an external stimulus such as accidental trapping of a hard foreign body or a parasite or a lesion occurs in the outer epithelium of the mantle tissue, it leads to deposition of micro-layers of pearl nacre around the source of stimulus or foreign body resulting in a pearl. Initially, the epithelial cells of the mantle form a pearl-sac surrounding the irritant foreign body forming the cellular basis for crystallization of calcium carbonate. This process of pearl formation is well known to the scientific community as 'Pearl sac Theory'. This abnormal response to a foreign body in the normal biological processes that build up the shell in certain molluscs constituted the base for pearl culture operations. The shape of the pearl is governed by the irritant foreign body and its quality by the nature of secretions of the pearl sac. Thus, the outer epithelium of the mantle tissue is the 'key-note' in the ‘orchestra’ of biomineralization of a pearl (Simkiss and Wada, 1980)

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Shell Foreign body Outer secretory epithelial cells

Connective tissue Inner epithelial cells A. Formation of half round pearls

Shell Outer epithelial cells Connective tissue Amoebocytes Foreign body encircled by mantle Inner epithelial cells B. Formation of graft pearls Implanted mantle graft

Pearl sac formation Pearl nacre

Gonadal tissue Nucleus C. Formation of regular-round gonad pearls Fig. 7. Biomineralization of pearl

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9. Basic Steps Involved in Freshwater Pearl Culture Operations In India common species used in freshwater environment in pearl culture operations are L. marginalis, L. corrianus, and P. corrugata (Janaki Ram and Tripathi, 1992). A summary of the steps involved is indicated below: FRESHWATER PEARL CULTURE







10. Implantation Methods Methods of freshwater pearl culture vary depending on the surgery done in the internal structure of the pearl mussel and the type of pearl products targeted. Shell beads imported from Japan constitute the essential input in the pearl culture operations. However, it has been demonstrated that certain locally available, inexpensive and biocompatible acrylic materials can be employed as nuclei in freshwater pearl culture (Janaki Ram, 1993). It has also been observed that the pearl mussels of the size 8-10 cm in shell length and weight of 50 g and above are ideal for pearl culture operations. The surgical techniques that are followed are indicated below:

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Design pearls, Half-round pearls


Unattached irregular small pearls




Small round pearls

Unattached regular pearls

11. TECHNIQUE FOR DESIGNER FRESHWATER PEARL PRODUCTION MANTLE CAVITY IMPLANTATION Mantle cavity insertion method is a simple technique. In this method, appropriate nuclei (Image and Round nuclei) of size up to 1 cm are placed in the mantle cavity of pearl mussels. The implanted mussels are reared for a period of one year in pond culture environment. The success rate is about 6070% of the mussels implanted. Products: Shell attached Designer pearl or half round pearls Materials: Freshwater mussels, Surgical instruments (mussel clamp, speculum, spatula and forceps) image beads, round nucleus, antibiotics Surgical procedure  Collect healthy freshwater mussel Lamellidens marginalis of the size 8-10 cm from wet laboratory.  Open the mussel carefully by means of speculum, 1 cm wide, without causing injury to adductor muscle and soft body parts of mussel.  Hold the mussel in the clamp.  Lift small area, preferably middle portion of the mantle region carefully by means of spatula.  Insert the nucleus of desired shape and size (Image/Round) slowly into the mantle cavity by using foreceps. 38 | Freshwater Pearl Farming for Entrepreneurship Development 14-16 July, 2021


 Push the nucleus deep to avoid rejection.  Close the lifted mantle tissue carefully.  Turn over the mussel and similar implantation will be made in the opposite side mantle tissue. Post-Operative Care in Wet Laboratory  Keep the mussel in post-operative care units after implantation.  Place the implanted mussels @ 2 mussels per bag (30 cm x 12 cm) with ventral side up position for a period of 7-10 days.  Add green water (algae enriched) into the unit after 3 to 4 days of implantation.  Treat the implanted mussels with broad spectrum antibiotics Chloramphenicol @ 1-2 ppm as a prophylactic measure.  Remove the dead mussels and the one that rejects the nucleus from the post-operative care unit.  Transfer the mussels into the pond culture environment after 7-10 days of implantation. Precaution  Use only healthy mussels for surgical implantation.  Do not open the mussel forcefully.  Mussel should not open more than 1 cm wide.  Sterilize the surgical instruments before use.  Wash, clean and dry the surgical instrument after use.  Use only appropriate size nucleus according to size of mussels.

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12. TECHNIQUE FOR SMALL ROUND & IRREGULAR FRESHWATER PEARL PRODUCTION MANTLE TISSUE IMPLANTATION TECHNIQUE Mantle tissue implantation technique involved placement of donar mantle graft in the space between the outer and inner epithelial layers of the mantle lobes of the recipient’s mussels. A small nucleus (below 2 mm) may also be placed in the posterior side of the prep ared pockets in the mantle lobe along with the graft in the recipient mussel. The culture period in mantle tissue implanted mussel is generally from 12 months to 18 months. Four to eight pearls obtained per mussel depending on the size of the mussel and the number of correct implantation done. The success rate in this procedure is about 60-70% of the implanted mussels. Products:

Unattached irregular small pearls (Non-nucleated Implantation) Unattached Small round pearls (Nucleated Implantation)

Preparation and Processing of Graft Tissues for Mantle Tissue Implantation Materials: Freshwater mussels, Surgical instruments (mussel clamp, speculum, spatula, forceps, scissors, graft cutter knife), wooden block, sponge, tray, dropper/syringe, eosin Removal of Pallial Mantle Ribbon from the Donar Mussel  Collect healthy freshwater mussel Lamellidens marginalis of the size 9-10 cm from wet laboratory.  Open the mussel carefully by means of speculum.  Insert the Graft cutter knife between the two shell valves.  Cut the adductor muscle with the help of Graft cutter knife.  Open the two sides of the valves by using hands.  Cut the pallial mantle ribbon of 0.5 cm wide and 7.0 cm long by means of scissors.  Lift the pallial mantle ribbon gently from the posterior end with the help of forceps.  Place the ribbon on a pre-cleaned moist wooden block ensuring that the inner side of the cut out mantle ribbon faces upward. Processing of the Graft Tissue  Stretch gently the pallial mantle ribbon end to end.  Gently wipe the mantle ribbon by wet sponge to remove mucus and debris.  Trim moist mantle ribbon lengthwise on both the sides by using Graft cutter knife.

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 Hold one side of the mantle strip by means of forceps and then reverse the side and place back on the wooden block. Now the outer side of the cut out mantle ribbon faces upwards.  Again wipe the mantle ribbon by means of a wet sponge.  Trim the margins of the mantle ribbon with the help of Graft cutter knife.  Put a drop of eosin on the mantle ribbon to get colour.  Cut the mantle ribbon into small strip (2 mm x 2mm) by means of Graft cutter knife. Precautions  Keep the soft body parts of the operated mussel inside water. These mussels will be again used to get pallial mantle ribbon from the either side of the mantle tissue.  Keep the graft tissue moist till they are used.  Being live, the graft tissue should be used for operation within 30 minutes of its preparation to get better products. Surgical procedure in Recipient Mussels (Non-Nucleated Implantation)  Collect healthy freshwater mussel Lamellidens marginalis of the size 9-10 cm from wet laboratory.  Open the mussel carefully by means of speculum, 1 cm wide, without causing injury to adductor muscle and soft body parts of mussel.  Position the speculum in the anterior side of the mussel.  Hold the mussel in the clamp.  Expose the inner side of the mantle by gently pushing aside the foot by means of spatula.  Make few pockets in the thicker side of the pallial mantle region (Posterior side) by means of an incision-cum-graft lifter needle.  Gently insert the previously processed graft pieces (2 mm x 2 mm) into these pockets (one graft piece/ pocket) with the help of graft lifter needle.  Care should be taken that the outer side of the implanted graft facing the entry point into the mantle pockets.  Again repeat the above procedure on other side of the mantle lobe.

Nucleated Implantation  Follow all the steps of non-nucleated implantation technique. 41 | Freshwater Pearl Farming for Entrepreneurship Development 14-16 July, 2021


 After that, insert a small nucleus (preferably less than 2 mm) in close association with the live graft piece into these mantle pockets. Precaution  Care should be taken that the nucleus must be in close contact with the outer side of the implanted graft tissues. Post-Operative Care in Wet Laboratory  Keep the mussel in post-operative care units immediately after implantation.  Place the implanted mussels @ 2 mussels per bag (30 cm x 12 cm) with ventral side up position for a period of 7-10 days.  Add green water (algae enriched) into the unit after 3 to 4 days of implantation.  Treat the implanted mussels with broad spectrum antibiotics Chloramphenicol @ 1-2 ppm as a prophylactic measure.  Remove the dead mussels and the one that rejects the nucleus from the post-operative care unit.  Transfer the mussels into the pond culture environment after 7-10 days of implantation. General Precautions  Use only the mantle of healthy donor mussels for graft tissue preparation.  Use only healthy recipients’ mussels for surgical implantation.  Do not open the mussel forcefully.  Mussel should not open more than 1 cm wide.  Sterilize the surgical instruments before use.  Wash, clean and dry the surgical instrument after use.  Use only clean, smooth and moist wooden blocks.  Use only clean and wet sponges for wiping the mantle ribbon.  Use only appropriate size nucleus (less than 2 mm) for nucleated mantle tissue implantation.

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13.TECHNIQUE FOR REGULAR ROUND PEARL PRODUCTION GONADAL IMPLANTATION Gonadal implantation technique is a delicate and sensitive surgical procedure. It involves placement of donor mantle graft tissue along with nucleus into the gonad of the recipient mussel. The middle area of the gonad is the preferable site for single implantation. The culture period in gonadal implanted mussel is generally 12 months. Lamellidens marginalis and L. corrianus are suitable for gonadal implantation. The riverine species, Parreysia corrugate cannot withstand intricate surgical operation and thus is unsuitable for this method of implantation. Products:

Unattached Regular round pearls

Preparation and Processing of Graft Tissues for Gonadal Implantation Materials: Freshwater mussels, Surgical instruments (mussel clamp, shell opener, spatula, forceps, scissors, graft cutter knife), wooden block, sponge, tray, dropper/syringe, eosin Removal of Pallial Mantle Ribbon from the Donar Mussel  Collect healthy freshwater mussel Lamellidens marginalis of the size 8-10 cm from the wet laboratory of pearl culture unit of CIFA.  Open the mussel carefully by means of speculum.  Insert the Graft cutter knife between the two shell valves.  Cut the adductor muscle with the help of Graft cutter knife.  Open the two sides of the valves by hands.  Cut the pallial mantle ribbon of 0.5 cm wide and 7.0 cm long by using scissors.  Lift the pallial mantle ribbon gently from the posterior end with the help of forceps.  Place the ribbon on a pre-cleaned moist wooden block ensuring that the inner side of the cut out mantle ribbon faces upward. Processing of the Graft Tissue  Gently stretch the pallial mantle ribbon end to end.  Gently wipe the mantle ribbon by wet sponge to remove mucus and debris.  Trim moist mantle ribbon lengthwise on both the sides by using Graft cutter knife.  Hold one side of the mantle ribbon by means of forceps and then reverse the side and place back on the wooden block. Now the outer side of the cut out mantle ribbon faces upwards. 43 | Freshwater Pearl Farming for Entrepreneurship Development 14-16 July, 2021


 Again gently wipe the mantle ribbon by using a wet sponge.  Trim the margins of the mantle ribbon with the help of Graft cutter knife.  Put a drop of eosin on the mantle ribbon to get colour.  Cut the mantle ribbon into small strip (2-4 mm x 2-4 mm) by means of Graft cutter knife. Precautions  The processed graft tissue should be used within 30 minutes of its preparation to get good quality pearls.  Keep the processed graft tissue moist till they are used.  Keep the soft body parts of the operated mussel inside the water. These mussels will be again used to get pallial mantle ribbon from the either side of the mantle tissue. Surgical procedure in Recipient Mussels  Collect healthy freshwater mussel Lamellidens marginalis of the size 8-10 cm from the wet laboratory of pearl culture unit of CIFA.  Open the mussel carefully by means of speculum, 1 cm wide, without causing injury to adductor muscle and soft body parts of mussel.  Position the shell opener in the posterior side of the mussel.  Hold the mussel in the operating stand.  Expose the operating gonad area (preferably middle portion) by gently pushing aside the labial palps and gills of the mussels by means of spatula.  Stretch the foot by means of forceps to elevate the gonad.  Make a small incision in the outer membrane of the gonad by means of incision-cumgraft lifter needle.  Gently insert the previously processed graft tissue (2-4 mm x 2-4 mm) through the incision point made in the gonad of the operated mussel.  Care should be taken that the outer side of the implanted graft tissue facing the entry point into the gonad.  Lift the appropriate size nucleus (3-6 mm) by means of moistened nuclear cup and insert gently through the incision point.  Care should be taken that the nucleus must be in close contact with the outer side of the implanted graft tissue.  Smooth the margins of the incision point to minimize the gap at the incision area with the help of nucleus needle cup. 44 | Freshwater Pearl Farming for Entrepreneurship Development 14-16 July, 2021


Precaution  Care should be taken to avoid deep cut into the gonadal tissue to prevent any damage to other delicate organs present inside the gonad of the operated mussel. Post-Operative Care in Wet Laboratory  Keep the mussel in post-operative care units immediately after surgery.  Place the implanted mussels @ 2 mussels per bag (30 cm x 12 cm) with ventral side up position for a period of 7-10 days.  Add green water (algae enriched) into the unit after 3 to 4 days of implantation.  Treat the implanted mussels with broad spectrum antibiotics Chloramphenicol @ 1-2 ppm as a prophylactic measure.  Immediately remove the dead mussels and the one that rejects the nucleus from the post-operative care unit.  Transfer the mussels into the pond culture environment after 7-10 days of surgery. General Precautions  Gently open the mussel valves.  Mussel should open less than 1 cm wide.  Use only appropriate size nucleus (3 to 6 mm in size) for gonadal implantation.  Use only the mantle of healthy donor mussels for graft tissue preparation.  Use only clean and wet sponges for wiping the mantle ribbon.  Use only clean, smooth and moist wooden blocks.  Use only healthy recipients’ mussels for surgical implantation.  Sterilize the surgical instruments before use.  Wash, clean and dry the surgical instrument after use.  Keep the dead freshwater mussels shell for nucleus preparation.

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14. Nuclear Material Nucleus (foreign body) is an important and expensive input in pearl culture operation. The following are the important criteria for selecting a suitable nuclear material.  non-toxic to the mussel and bio-compatible  hardness should range from 3 to 4  specific gravity should be about 2.5 to 3  should allow the penetration of nacre into the surface pores of the nucleus  should be drillable  should have moulding property  should be inexpensive and locally available Shell beads prepared from the freshwater mussel in the Tennessee of Mississippi River in USA are widely used in the pearl culture industry in Japan. According to recent report, Japan is not encouraging the supply of shell beads and even if supplies are there, the costs are prohibitive. Shell and coral pieces, ground fish scales etc. are also used as a nuclear material. The need for development of nuclei from indigenous materials has been realized long back, so as to supply these at affordable rates. Attempt was made by CMFRI at its Tuticorin Centre to produce shell beads from the sacred chank shells (Xancus pyrum) obtained from the coastal waters. The Central Institute of Freshwater Aquaculture, Bhubaneswar in recent years could develop the technology of nucleus preparation from indigenous raw materials which was found to be at par with the imported shell-made nuclear bead. The indigenous nuclei developed are made from inexpensive and locally available ingredient like stelon material, egg-shell powder or mussel shell powder. The procedure for the preparation of these nuclei is fairly simple and most importantly it is found to be accepted by the animal resulting best quality pearls comparable with the pearls from imported shell beads. 15. Pond Culture After post-operative care, the implanted mussels are stocked in the ponds. The implanted mussels are placed in nylon bags of 12 cm x 30 cm (1 cm mesh size) at the rate of 2 mussels per bag, suspended at a depth of 1.0 m in the ponds (Fig. 13). The mussels can be placed at deeper zones (up to 2.0 m) during hot summer months to avoid surface heating. The stocking density of implanted mussels can be 20,000-30,000 in a 0.4 ha pond. The implantations in pearl culture operations are carried out throughout the year, except during hot summer months (May-June) for minimizing post-operative mussel mortality and rejection rate of implanted graft and nuclei. Ponds (2.5 m deep) with clayey soil base and slightly alkaline waters are suitable for pearl culture operations. A rectangular shaped pond with proper inlets and outlets is ideal for implanted pearl mussel rearing. Ponds 46 | Freshwater Pearl Farming for Entrepreneurship Development 14-16 July, 2021


without aquatic macrophytes and algal blooms such as Microcystis and Euglena are suitable for pearl culture operations (Janaki Ram, 1997). The ponds are provided with P.V.C tubing (2" dia) platforms (16 x 8 m) as rafts for hanging pearl mussel culture units (Fig. 13). The implanted mussels at a density of 50,000 to 75,000/ ha are placed in nylon bags (1.0 cm mesh, 12 x 14 cm) @ 2 mussels per bag and reared .

a. Mussels in a crate

b. Mussels in nylon mesh net

c. Mussels in a nylon packet bag 47 | Freshwater Pearl Farming for Entrepreneurship Development 14-16 July, 2021


Fig. 8. Mussel in different systems

16. Harvest The pond culture of operated mussels varies from six months or more depending upon the size and number of nuclei implanted, the health of the mussels and the condition of the pond environment. The culture units require periodic cleaning of accumulated silt, periphytic algae and other fouling fauna finding entry into the units. At the end of the culture period, harvesting is done. In mantle cavity insertion method, the culture period is generally about 6 to 12 months, depending on the size and number of nuclei implanted. The culture period in mantle tissue implanted mussel is generally from 12 months to 18 months.

17. Terminology used in Pearl Culture Adductor muscle: It is the main muscular system in bivalve molluscs that connect the two valves and contract in order to close the shell. Baroque Pearls: It is an irregular shaped pearl. Bivalve: A taxonomic class of freshwater and marine molluscs that have a laterally compressed body enclosed by two part shell. e.g. mussels, oyster, clam and scallop. Conchiolin: It is a complex protein (C32H48N2O11) which is secreted by outer epithelium of molluscs (mantle) and constitute the organic part of nacre. Glochidium larvae: The glochidium (plural glochidia) is a special microscopic larval stage of freshwater mussels in Unionidae family. It is parasitic on the fish host. Gonad: Reproductive organ of freshwater pearl mussels, producing either eggs or sperms. Graft: A piece of epithelial tissue cut from the pallial mantle ribbon of the mussels. Grafting: It is also known as seeding or nucleus implantation; a surgical procedure in which the nucleus and a small piece of mantle tissue are inserted into the mantle or gonad which forms the basis of development of a cultured pearls. Half pearls: A pearl of semi-spherical shape attached to the inner shell of mussels, formed naturally or with human intervention when a foreign body is covered with nacre. Keshi Pearl: Japanese trade name meaning a small natural or cultured pearl. Lustre: The quantity and quality of light a pearl reflects from its surface or near surface. Mabe Pearls: Also known as designer pearls. It is a secretion of nacre developed over on image nucleus bead attached to the inner shell surface of molluscs.

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Mantle: The mantle is an organ found in molluscs. It is the dorsal body wall covering the main body or visceral mass. The mantle with its outer epithelial cells is the tissue responsible for producing pearl nacre. Mantle cavity: The space between the mantle and the shell is called the mantle cavity, filled by extra pallial fluid that helps in the formation of the complex three-layered calcareous shell. Molluscs: An invertebrate animal of the phylum Mollusca. Mother-of-pearl: Scientifically it is known as nacre. The smooth, hard, iridescent coating on the inner surface of molluscs, composed of aragonite crystal of calcium carbonate deposited in thin layers with scleroprotein termed as conchiolin. Natural Pearls: Natural pearls are formed when an irritant lodged into the interior of molluscs without human intervention and are composed of a complex scleroprotein named conchiolin and aragonite crystal of calcium carbonates. Nucleus: A bead around which a nucleated cultured pearl is formed. Pearl sac: The tissue containing the nacre-producing epithelial cells that enclose the foreign irritants. It develops from the graft tissue inserted into the mantle tissue/gonad during surgical implantation. Seed pearl: Small freshwater pearl that is less than 2 mm in diameter. Tahiti pearl: It is secreted in the interior of the pearl oyster Pinctada margaritifera native to French Polynesia. Triangle shell Pearl Mussel: The scientific name of triangle shell pearl mussel is Hyriopsis cumingii, the mainstay freshwater mussel for pearl culture in China.

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Contact Us Director ICAR- Central Institute of Freshwater Aquaculture (An ISO 9001:2015 Certified Institute) Kausalyaganga, Bhubaneswar-751 002, Odisha, India Email:, Website: Tel. No. 2465446, Fax: 0674-2465407

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