IT@CA (2022)

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JUNE 20, 2022 ITALY Embassyofltalv Ottawa ConsulateGeneralofltaty Toronto LAND ITALIAHTRADEAGENC'I' lct:-gla--c-lllla OF ilT/TUro taliano o1CU� 1otOOTO INVESTMENTS IUJIITALIAN " NATIONAL 1919 TOURISIBOARO ♦ ICCOCANADA
I T@CA 2022
Generai of ltalv Vancouver __,__ ISTITUTO italiano Cl.lLì\.lRÀ DI � TORONTO ICCOCANADA
SISTEMAITALIA Embassvofltalv
Event organized by Consulate


20, 2022 3


6 Stefano Boeri
Albiera Antinori
Cesare Lobascio
Sabina Berretta
Eleonora Andretta
I T@CA 2022
Sistema Italia


June 20, 2022

A one-hour event with four high-profile guest speakers

The ltalian Embassy in Canada, the Consulate Generai of ltaly in Toronto, the ltalian Trade Agency, the ltalian Cultura! lnstitute in Toronto, ENIT - ltalian National Tourist Board, and the ltalian Chamber of Commerce of Ontario Canada will host the fourth edition of IT@CA on Monday, June 20, 2022 via Zoom Webinar.

Here are the IT@CA 2022 guest speakers:

• Stefano Boeri - Stefano Boeri Architetti

• Cesare Lobascio - Space Exploration and Science lnnovation Lead - Senior Expert, Life Support & Habitability, Thales Alenia Space

• AlbieraAntinori - President, Marchesi Antinori Spa

• Sabina Berretta - Associate Professor, Harvard Medicai School - Director, Harvard Brain Tissue Resource Center

The theme Italy, Iand of investments will provide the guest speakers with the chance to focus on the vita( role of Italy as a land of investments for Canadian partners. IT@CA 2022 is honoured to host an event that showcases the talent and the

expertise of four extraordinary professionals with different backgrounds, such as architecture, the food and wine industry, aerospace engineering, and medicine.

Their inspirational insights into the ever-growing and ever-expanding relationship between ltaly and Canada represent an unmissable opportunity for those who wish to know more about the relationship between ltaly and Canada. Through their words and their shared experiences, those in attendance will be able to truly understand the enormous potential that a country like ltaly has for Canadian businesses, as a land where art, culture, history, and innovation coexist in unparalleled harmony.

The one-hour conversation will be moderated by workplace culture specialist and author Eleonora Andretta.


Stefano Boeri

Italian architect, urban planner, and founder partner of Stefano Boeri Architetti

Stefano Boeri was born in Milan in 1956. In 1980, he graduated in architecture at Milan Politecnico and in 1989hereceivedhis PhDfromtheIstitutoUniversitario di Architettura di Venezia (IUAV). A full Professor of Urban Planning at Milan Politecnico, Boeri has been a guest professor at several universities, including HarvardUniversity'sGraduateSchoolofDesign (GSD), the Strelka lnstitute in Moscow, the Berlage lnstitute in theNetherlands,andthe ÉcolePolytechniqueFédérale de Lausanne. He has been a designer and member of the Scientific Board at Skolkovo lnnovation Center, a high-techhubcloseto Moscow.

In2008-09,asamemberoftheArchitectureCouncilfor Expo 2015,hedesignedthe Masterplanfor Expo 2015 in MilanwithJacques Herzogand Ricky Burdett. CouncillorforCulture,FashionandDesignforthe Municipalityof Milanfrom 2011to 2013 andfrom 2015to 2018, he was a member of the scientific committee of the UffiziGalleriesin Florence. Duringthe post-earthquake � reconstructionworkin Centrai ltaly,Stefano Boeriwas

�appointed Urban Planning Expert Consultant for post-earthquake reconstruction, extended to cover all areasofCentrailtalyaffectedbythe2016earthquake. The appointment was made by the Extraordinary Government Commissioner for reconstruction and ended with the end of Vasco Errani's mandate. Since February2018,hehasbeenPresidentofLaTriennaledi MilanoFoundation,oneofltaly'sleadingcultura!institutions, active in the promotion and setting up of exhibitions, conferences, and events related to art, design, andarchitecture.

Stefano Boeri has been the curator of numerous internationalarchitectureexhibitions.

Asanarchitectandurbanplanner,Stefano Boerifounded Boeri Studio in 1999, together with Gianandrea Barreca and Giovanni La Varra, while 2011 saw the establishmentofStefano BoeriArchitetti. In 2014, with Yibo Xu, he founded Stefano Boeri Architetti China,

I T@CA 2022

based in Shanghai. The work of the Stefano Boeri Architetti studio ranges from the production of urban visions and architecture to interior and product design, with constant focus on the geopolitical and environmental implications of urban phenomena.

In 2016, Stefano Boeri Architetti was appointed to take part in the reconstruction of the city centres of Amatrice and Norcia, struck by the earthquake. As part of the Amate Amatrice charity programme, the new Polo del Gusto di Amatrice and the Centro Polivalente e di

Protezione Civile di Norcia were set up in record time: these two examples of architecture were designed as earthquake-proof civil protection constructions and sites for the relaunching of the economie and recreational activities and the area's identifying character.

Attention to the relationship between city and nature led to the creation of the Milan Vertical Forest, the first prototype of a residential building, featuring over 700 trees and 20,000 plants and a model of urban forestation that considers vegetation as an essential element of architecture. Built in 2014, the Vertical Forest has received numerous international awards, such as the lnternational Highrise Award (2014) and the Best Tall Building Worldwide, presented by the Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat (2015). With the introduction of the concept of biodiversity in architecture, Stefano Boeri worked on the development of the Milan prototype until he presented the Città Foresta project at the COP2l lnternational Climate Conference in Paris in 2015, becoming one of the main players in the debate on climate change in the field of international architecture.

Since 2020, Stefano Boeri has been the President of the Scientific Committee of Forestami, the project aimed at planting 3 million trees in the metropolitan area of Milan within 2030.


Albiera Antinori

President ofMarchesi Antinori Spa

Albiera was born in Lausanne, Switzerland, on December 21st, 1966.

After earning a high school diploma in classica! studies in 1985, she earned a master's degree in Business Communication at IPSOA lnstitute in 1988.

In 1986, she started working in the family company Marchesi Antinori, exploring different areas of the family business, from production to sales and marketing.

In 2001, Albiera became Director of Communications of Marchesi Antinori.

In addition to strategie marketing, she has overseen ali the new celiar construction projects - eleven new wineries between 2006 and 2012 - including the recently built winery in the Chianti Classico area.

She has been a board Member of Prunotto winery in Alba, Piedmont, since 1995. In 1998, she became the winery's President.

I T@CA 2022

In July 2016, she was appointed President of Marchesi Antinori Spa.

Other than the family business responsibilities, she currently holds positions in other companies and organizations, such as:

- Member of the Board of Directors of the Provincia! Union of the Farmers of Florence

- Board member of Federvini, the ltalian Federation of Industriai Producers, Exporters and lmporters of Wines, Spirits, Syrups, Vinegar

- President of the DOC Bolgheri Consortium.


Cesare Lobascio

Space Exploration and Science Innovation Lead Senior Expert, Life Support & Habitability

Cesare Lobascio graduated in Nuclear Engineering at the Politecnico di Torino in ltaly in 1987 and then obtained an MS in Environmental Engineering at the University of California in Berkeley in 1993.

He has worked with Thales Alenia Space in ltaly for 30 years, in the broad fields of Space Environment and Life Support Systems, covering a wide range of technical and management roles. He has been involved in the lnternational Space Station project, on scientific satellites and human and robotic space exploration studies for the Moon and Mars.

He is Senior Expert in Life Support & Habitability, he teaches at the Space Exploration Master, and has authored more than 70 papers, book chapters and two patents.

As the lnnovation Leader for Space Exploration and Science within the lnnovation Cluster, he trains and coaches teams of innovation fellows through events,

hackathons, creativity sessions, incubation of innovative ideas, ventures, and open and business innovation initiatives with start-ups.

I T@CA 2022
I ll

AssociateProfessor ofPsychiatry, HarvardMedical School Director of the TranslationalNeuroscience Laboratory, McLeanHospital, HarvardMedical School Director, HarvardBrain TissueResource Center (HBTRC), McLeanHospital.

Sabina Berretta, M.D. began her research training at the University of Catania, ltaly. In 1990, she joined the laboratory directed by Dr. A. M. Graybiel in the Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences at MIT, working on neural circuitry linking the motor cortex to basai ganglio. In 1997, Dr. Berretta moved to Mclean Hospital and Harvard Medicai School to work in the laboratory directed by Dr. F. Benes. There, she developed an animai model designed to investigate GABAergic abnormalities in schizophrenia.

In 1999, Dr. Berretta became the director of the Translational Neuroscience Laboratory at Mclean Hospital. Dr. Berretta and her research team at the Translational Neuroscience Lab conduct investigations on the pathophysiology of psychiatric disorders. Their studies focus on neural circuits involved in emotion processing, including the amygdala, mediai thalamus, entorhinal cortex and olfactory system.

In 2014, Dr. Berretta became the Scientific Director of the HBTRC, and she became Director in 2019. Her work with the HBTRC aims at making research on nervous system disorders possible. The HBTRC does this by collecting brain donations from persons suffering from neurological, psychiatric, and neurodevelopment conditions and distributing them to investigators acro the world.

I T@CA 2022 ··r ' / , 1 ' , , ,' i · , • ,.. ,, . > • (
I T@CA 2022

Event moderated by Eleonora Andretta

Eleonora Andretta earned a master's degree in interpreting and translation in English and German from the University of Trieste, ltaly, and a Postgraduate Certificate in Education fromthe University of Nottingham, UK. Afterworkingfor international companies, such as Benetton and Diesel, and as an English as a Second Language instructor and speaking examinerforCambridgeESOLinNorthernltaly,shestarteddevelopingapassionforpersona! development coaching. After acquiring skills in Neuro Training® and intentional interviewing, Eleonorastartedherowncoachingbusinessinltaly,supportingbothprofessionals andcompanieswithtrainingandworkshops.

ShemovedtoToronto in 2016, whereshebecameacertifiedLife, Business,and Executive CoachandjoinedCertifiedCoaches Federation®.

In 20l7,shefounded Business EvolutionandhasbeeninvitedtospeakonemotionalintelligencebyMcMasterUniversity'sWBoothSchoolofEngineering,Hyundai,MastermindSpeakers, FearlessVoices,andtheTorontoLibrary,amongothers.

Alongside hercoaching activity, she worksasa professionalinterpreterandtranslator,an instructor of English for Academic Purposes at George Brown College, an intercultural workplace communication instructor at Ryerson University's Chang School of Continuing Education,andamoderatorandMCforonlineandin-personevents.

Throughout her life, Eleonora has lived and studied in Germany, the UK, and the USA. Her book Future Me, Future Team - Using Positive Evolution to Be the Person Others Want to Succeed With, about how to improve our individuai soft skills to become a valuable team member,waspublishedin2019.


It@Ca's main theme this year is Italy, Land of lnvestment. This means a Iot to us at the Italian Trade Agency, as we are in charge of attracting new investors and facilitating the expansion projects of existing ones in a variety of ways, thanks to our Canada-based lnvestment Attraction Analyst and our collaboration with lnvitalia, another governmental agency. There are severa( pillars on which the mutuai attraction between Italy and Canada relies.

A strong and very resilient economie fabric affords Italy a top position among European economies and creates, with its positive results, both at home and abroad, the best business case ever for those considering an investment in the Old Continent.

A large and dynamic Italian-Canadian community on this side of the Ocean is deeply engaged in cultural, socia(, economie and politica! aspects of bilatera! relations.

A constant exchange of business and science and technology delegations is giving new momentum to innova-

tive opportunities and partnerships.

lnvestments between Canada and ltaly have been growing thanks also to scientific, technological and financial collaborations in a number of advanced industries, such as for instance industriai machinery manufacturing, pharmaceuticals, nano- and biotechnology and aerospace.

The public sector is going through a quick paced and effective digitization, while streamlining administrative procedures and investing heavily in infrastructure, research, innovation and education. In the area of investment attraction, a network of specialized officers throughout the world and a quick response team have been created to better assist potential investors (see map).

The Canada-European Union Comprehensive Economie and Trade Agreement (Ceta) has laid the ground for economie collaboration and afforded significant savings and simplification of formalities.

ITALIAN TRADE AGENCY ICE - ltalian Trade Commission
I T@CA 2022


Hong Kong

FDI Desk

Berlin Beijing Dubai Hong Kong Istanbul7

London New York Paris San Francisco Tokyo

Weknowthatsometimesnotevensuccessstoriesof investors,ordirectoriesofpromisingprojectsare enoughtodispelprejudicesandbuildastrongand trustfulrelationship.Anyhow,pleaseseetheselinksto learnaboutinvestmentopportunitiesinkeyindustries, suchaslifescience,infrastructure,logisticsandports andrealestate.

Weinvitethoseinterestedindiscoveringtheltalian advantagedtoembarkononeye-opening,safeand privatejourneywithourspecialists.Weguaranteetotal confidentiality,accesstoavailableandrelevantfiscal incentivesandconstantsupport,fromfirstcontactsand businessplanningtoduediligence,operationalsetup andaftercarestages.Wedonotcoverfinancialneeds, butwecondefinitelyassistwithallofthefollowing.

Bern Brussels Doha Madrid Mumbai New Delhi Seoul Sydney Stockholm TelAviv Toronto Warsaw








Ourservicesarefreeofchargebutofcourseafirst screeningismadetobesurethey'reappropriatefor yourcase.Toscheduleafreeconsultationonhowwe conbeofservice, foundhere.

Seoul Bci'inti e
• • • • • • •• • ISTITUTO italiano I)\ cuuuR� TOROl'HO The officiai ltalian Government Centre for the promotion of ltalian language and culture in Ontario 496 Huron St Toronto, ON I M5R 2R3 (416) 921-3802
10110 10 Do what you love! Learn Italian at the Istituto Italiano di Cultura. Italian is a language of cuiture. Practicing Italian means that you can get the most out of your next trip to Italy while delving into Italian cuiture and life. The Istituto Italiano di Cultura offers a variety of Italian language and cuiture courses. Our instructors are ali native speakers and fuiIy certifìed teachers of Italian. Visit our website and start your journey!
I T@CA 2022


ICCO Canada is the catalyst to developing business and cultura! alliances among visionaries, entrepreneurs, and global organizations in Canada and ltaly

I T@CA 2022


ThecorefunctionsoftheEmbassyofltalyare torepresentltalyinCanada,toprotectltaly's interestsandthoseofitscilizenswithinthe limitsofintemationallaw,tonegotiatewith the Govemment of Canada, to gather information (through legai means) on condilions and events in Canada, and to continuetobuildfriendlytiesanddevelop economie,cultura!andscientificrelations.The EmbassyincludesaConsularOfficethathas territorialjurisdictionfortheCi1yofOttawa, theCountiesofCarleton,Dundas,Glengany, Grenville,Prescott,Russell,andStormontin Ontario and the Outaouais Region of Québec.The Embassy also coordinates a subordinate network of three Consulate Generals(inMontreal,Toronto,andVancouver),twoltalianCultura!lnstitutes(inMontreal andToronto)andtheltalianTradeCommis-sionandtheltalianNationalTouristBoard.


TheConsulateGeneraiofltalyinTorontoisan officeoftheltalianMinistryofForeignAffairs andlntemationalCooperation.TheConsulate protects the interests of ltalians living in Ontario,ManitobaandWesternTerritories andprovidesservicesandresourcestoltalian cilizens. The Consulate also promotes bilatera!trade,ltaliancultureandlanguage, aswellasbilatera!scientificcooperationand interculturalexchange.


TheltalianTradeAgencyisthegovemmental agencythatsupportsthebusinessdevelop-


ment of ltalian companies abroad and promotestheattractionofforeigninvestmentsinltaly.ltoperatesthroughaworldwide networkof79officesin65countries,including two in Canada located in Toronto and Montreal.1TAactstoasserttheexcellenceof Modeinltalyandprovidesawiderangeof services: information, assistance, consulting and promotion to ltalian and Canadian companies willing to establish business relationships.


TheIstitutoItalianodiCulturaToronto,asthe cultura!sectionoftheConsulateGeneraiof ltaly in Toronto, is an office ofthe ltalian MinistryofForeignAffairsandlntemational Cooperationfortheprornotionoftheltalian languageandcultureinCanada.TheIstitutois acentreforcultura!andacademicactivilies, asourceofinformationaboutcontemporary ltaly,anditscultura!heritageaswellasa venue for art exhibilions, conferences, concertsandvideoprojections.Thelnstitute promotes initiatives and events that foster interculturalandmultilateraldialoguebetweenltalianandCanadianbodiesandassociationsbyfacilitatingandpromotingexchanges inthefieldsofart,science,theater,musicand cinema,architectureanddesign.


The ltalian National Tourist Board (ENITAgenziaNazionaledelTurismo)isagovernmentagencywithaworldwidenetworkof officesresponsiblefortheoverseaspromotionoftourisminltaly.ltpursuesthisobjective

by enacting B2B and B2B marketing activilies,andbyadaptinginitiativestoraise awarenessofnationalandregionaltourism resources,andaboutltaly'snatural,environmental,historical,cultura!,andartisticvalues, and by lending assistance and offering technicalservicestolta6antourismenterprises, to enable thern to access foreign rnarkets.


Since it was founded in 1961,the lta6an ChamberofCornmerceofOntariocanada (ICCOCanada) has been afacilitator of business, a seeker of investment and a builder of commerciai relationships. The ICCOCanadaisanindependent,non-profit organizationwhoseaimistoenhanceand promote investments, business, trade and cultura!relationsbetweenCanadaandltaly. Furthermore,theICCOCanadaalsoairnsto promotethevaluesoftheltaliancultureboth inprofessionalandsocialcontexts.Amongits rnanytasks,theICCOCanadaworksasa consultantforanumberoflocaiandregional governmentalagenciesinCanadaandltaly, aswellasinthefieldofcommerciaimediationInaddiliontoToronto,ICCOCanada hasltalianofficesinMilanandVerona.For

Embassyofltaly Ottawa ConsulateGeneralofltaly Toronto
ITALIANTRADEAGENCY ICE-na111nTradtCommltdoll llliTUro taliano o,C\l� !OfOll'O
JUNE 20, 2022

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