ICDE Activity Plan 2013

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International Council for Open and Distance Education Activity Plan 2013

ICDE’s vision is to be the global membership organization for enhancing the quality of open, distance, flexible and online education, including e-learning. INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL FOR OPEN AND DISTANCE EDUCATION

www.icde.org ISBN print: 978-82-93172-16-1; ISBN PDF: 978-82-93172-17-8


ICDE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Tian Belawati, Rector, Universitas Terbuka, Indonesia. ICDE President

Mandla S. Makhanya, Principal and Vice Chancellor, The University of South Africa (Unisa)

Marta Mena, Director of Virtual Training Program for Researchers at the Secretariat of Science, Technology and Graduate Studies, National Technological University, Argentina

Frits Pannekoek, President, Athabasca University, Canada

Alan Tait, Professor of Distance Education and Development, The Open University, UK

Yang Zhijian, President, The Open University of China

ICDE SECRETARIAT Gard Titlestad, Secretary General, titlestad@icde.org

Vibeke Hoffmann, Administration Officer, hoffmann@icde.org

Nick Moe-Pryce, Information and Membership Services, pryce@icde.org

Pyoung Gyu "Q" Park, Information and Promotion Coordinator, park@icde.org







CONTENTS Introduction ...................................................................................................................................................... 3 Activtity plan 2013 ........................................................................................................................................... 3 Priorities ........................................................................................................................................................... 4 Transversal activities ...................................................................................................................................... 4 Strategic objective 1: To promote the importance of open, distance, flexible and online education, including e-learning in educational policy. ................................................................................................... 5 Strategic objective 2: To encourage quality in open, distance, flexible and online education, including e-learning .......................................................................................................................................................... 8 Strategic objective 3: To support the development of new methodologies and technologies ............. 10 Strategic objective 4: To facilitate cooperation and networking among members ................................ 11 Strategic objective 5: To strengthen ICDE membership and governance, and engage members in collaborative activity and organizational development ............................................................................. 12 Calendar 2013 – important events and dates ............................................................................................. 13 Budget 2013 ................................................................................................................................................... 14

ICDE Activity Plan 2013


INTRODUCTION The ICDE Executive Committee determines a yearly Activity Plan on the basis of the current Strategic Plan and available budget capacity. ICDE is a hub for its network of members and cooperating organizations, which means that the organization has an invaluable pool of resources and competence. The ICDE Secretariat relies heavily on close collaboration with member institutions to carry out activities and to achieve established goals. Furthermore, it is imperative that the Secretariat maintains good and fluid relations with key donors to avoid a decrease in funding. The Norwegian Ministry of Education is ICDE’s most significant donor and the organization must therefore ensure that the Norwegian sponsor's objectives and priorities are considered. An increase in membership and the identification of new funding sources are vital for ICDE to attain the objectives and to carry out the activities described in its Strategic Plan, as well as to provide quality service to its members and to support their initiatives. ICDE’s ties to UNESCO are of great importance for our organization’s reputation and international stature; active support for UNESCO’s work should therefore be given high priority. ICDE must be perceived as a relevant organization in order to retain existing members and to attract new members. Annual membership driven activities should be organized to increase ICDE’s membership. ICDE has members in all regions of the world in and ICDE must consider intercultural aspects in all areas of its work. The yearly Activity Plan creates the basis for projects and initiatives that in principle will follow the model below:

Figure 1: The project is conceptualized from the idea stage to a project description (or Terms of Reference, ToR). The project is executed, completed, and the results should be adapted to/adopted/implemented in a sustainable process.

ACTIVTITY PLAN 2013 Activities, initiatives and projects that are described in the 2013Activity Plan are activities that are initiated or ongoing in 2013. Initiatives and projects are described in general and may continue over several years. Specific targets, deliverables and resources limited to 2013 are specified where possible.


ICDE Activity Plan 2013

Priorities The ICDE Executive Committee has decided to give high priority to, and have special focus on, the following specific objectives during 2013: 1.1. ICDE actively to support members’ and associate members’ participation in promotional activities with the purpose of increasing key stakeholders’ awareness and understanding of the importance of open, distance, flexible, and online education, including e-learning in educational policy by 2014. 2.2. To establish quality reviews as a member service by end of 2013. 3.1. ICDE’s online journal, Open Praxis, to be re-launched and first issue published by the beginning of 2013. 4.3. The ICDE World Conference to be organized every second year, hosted by a member institution. 5.3. Increase the institutional membership of ICDE by 25% before the end of 2013 and by 15% annually from 2014 to 2016. These priorities give ICDE a strong external focus. It is imperative that ICDE’s internal and external collaboration and its governance structures support this focus to consolidate the new focus of the organization’s activity.

Transversal activities Activities that have impact on several of the strategic objectives in the Strategic Plan are described as transversal activities. 0.1. Cooperation between members on research and innovation (R&I)  A membership-led ICDE taskforce on research and innovation. The task force could:      

Exchange knowledge on current research. Encourage R&I among ICDE members and the wider online education community. Facilitate cooperation among members on R&I. Facilitate initiatives with external funding. Aim to initiate a meta-study on the state of play regarding research, and grand challenges in ODL Advise the ICDE Executive Committee on R&I issues

Resources: 

Members’ own resources.

0.2. Partnership development Cooperation and partnership represent a core working method and strategy for ICDE. Facilitating, cultivating and develop competencies in cooperation and partnership in ICDE and between ICDE members is a horizontal activity that has impact across all the strategic objectives.  Relations with other organizations: 

 

UNESCO, the Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO), the European Union (EU), Commonwealth of Learning (CoL), The Sloan Consortium (SLOAN-C), The OpenCourseWare Consortium (OCWC), International Association of Universities (IAU), African Virtual University (AVU), regional associations and others. Continue partnership development based on shared values and goals. Increase chances for success through focused partnerships on priority areas.

ICDE Activity Plan 2013


 

Cultivating competences in partnering with key stakeholders Consider and initiate events that provide partnership opportunities for members and relevant institutions and organizations. Events should preferably be linked to ICDE's existing events.

Resources:  

Secretariat time Members’ own resources

0.3. Information and communication Information and communication supporting the ICDE strategic priorities and yearly Activity Plan are a core priority for ICDE.  An information and communication strategy to be developed by the end of 2013. Resources: 

Secretariat time.

Strategic objective 1: To promote the importance of open, distance, flexible and online education, including e-learning in educational policy. Global trends towards a more open, online and complex world increase the pressure of demand for relevant, clear policies, strategies and leadership at governmental and institutional levels to facilitate the further development of high quality open, distance, flexible, blended and online learning, including e-learning. Rapid developments in many fields make the need for a global, open space for dialogue, knowledge exchange and discussion ever more urgent. 1.1. ICDE actively to support members’ and associate members’ participation in promotional activities with the purpose of increasing key stakeholders’ awareness and understanding of the importance of open, distance, flexible, and online education, including e-learning in educational policy by 2014.  International awareness campaign for open, distance and online learning The campaign was launched at the 2012 ICDE Standing Conference of Presidents meeting. Purpose: 

To increase visibility and recognition of open, distance and online learning (ODL), institutions offering ODL and embracing ODL practices, and demonstrate their relevance in modern education.

Goals:     

Demonstrate that higher education represents significant value for the individual and society, and in particular through ODL. Promote barrier-free access to higher education and the impact that higher education has on skills development. Create awareness of innovative practices and innovation in ODL, e.g. MOOC’s, LOOCs, etc. Create awareness of participating associations and institutions. Create understanding of quality in open, distance and online learning.

Activities:     5

Communication and marketing products and services. Information for students regarding open and distance learning opportunities worldwide through DistanceLearningPortal. New prizes for innovative and best practice in ODL Collecting and sharing best practices ICDE Activity Plan 2013

ICDE’s 75th anniversary

Resources: NOK 100,000 from the ICDE budget (2012 resources). ICDE Secretariat time. In kind contributions from the University of South Africa and participating institutions and associations. Sponsorship for new prizes. 1.2. ICDE together with key partners and stakeholders to facilitate policy discussions among a selection of representatives from governments, universities and private and public sector, on the topic of the current and future development of open, distance, flexible and online education, including e-learning by the end of 2015.  High Level Policy Forum (HLPF) on ODL in cooperation with UNESCO and other key stakeholders Idea:   

HLPF to be organized on regional level and/ or global level, in partnership between ICDE, UNESCO and other key stakeholders. The HLPF should be organized in connection with a relevant, already foreseen UNESCO or ICDE event. A document, or booklet, such as the idea for a Global Outlook, should be linked to the HLPF.

Purpose:  

Exchange knowledge and views on opportunities and challenges coming from an increasingly open and online world. Discuss, outline and suggest future policies beyond Education for All (EFA 2015).

Main target groups:    

Ministers and/ or senior management in ministries. Decision makers on the policy level. Senior management in higher education institutions Key stakeholders from private and public sector.

Expected outcome:   

Knowledge exchange on policies, frameworks and models for successful ODL. Ideas and suggestions for how governments and institutions can facilitate high quality ODL throughout nations, regions, and globally, to meet the need for higher education. Ideas and suggestions for how society can better integrate policies for education, enterprises and labour affairs to meet with needs for skills and jobs.

Resources:  

Secretariat time. The resources to organize the event/events will be defined when the concept is finalized.

 Publish at least two ICDE Policy Briefs, the first based on the study “Regulatory Frameworks for Distance Education: A pilot study in the Southwest Pacific/ South East Asia Region”.  Initiate a project to establish the Global Outlook on open, distance and online education. Goal:  

To provide greater global visibility and to promote the importance of open, distance, flexible and online learning, including e-learning (ODL). To provide background for policy development on the field.

ICDE Activity Plan 2013


Approach: 

Replicate the methodology, approach and report scope of the U.S. higher education reports produced by the Babson Survey Research Group (BSRG) for the past ten years. Some of the characteristics to be replicated here are: o A focus of coverage over depth – use a relatively short survey to allow rapid and lower-cost data collection, to ensure the best possible coverage & high response rate. o An accessible report – designed for general readership, not as an academic publication. o Wide distribution – the report to be widely distributed as a free publication. o Multiple formats – the report to be distributed in multiple e-book and downloadable formats.

Predicted scope:   

Global coverage of distance education – published on an ongoing (annual?) basis. Primary focus to be on post-secondary education (higher education). Including the BRICS study. In addition to the main scope, the survey also aims to examine how – Universities and open and distance institutions with large student bodies in Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa (BRICS) harness new technological developments to support knowledge societies. In the first phase of the survey this is foreseen to be solved by aggregating and analyzing data on a country level for these five countries.

Primary target audience:    

Ministers. Senior policy maker level. Decision makers on policy level. Senior management level in higher education institutions.

Phased approach:  

Begin with limited scope, concentrating on particular geographic areas and selected high-level topics – expand both the depth of coverage and the geographic reach over time (most likely over a threeyear period). Begin in 2013 with a focused approach starting with a feasibility study followed by a pilot survey early in the year to validate the instrument, methodology, and the procedures, the launching the survey. One of the objectives for 2013 is to “claim the space,” by having the first comprehensive global report on open, distance, flexible and online education.

Target respondent:  

The president of each institution. The report seeks to understand the strategy and understanding on distance education at the highest levels of the organization.

Partner organizations: 

Will contribute with content and advice, they include: o The Sloan Consortium o Babson Survey Research Group o UNESCO o ICDE o Others (global association, e.g. IAU, regional ODL associations and selected higher education institutions) may be added as appropriate

Primary topic areas, expected to be repeated for each year:   


Strategy – Why offer online/ distance education? What do you hope to accomplish? Value – What specific value do your see for distance education for your institution? Policy – Which polices are impacting (positively or negatively) distance education at your institution? What direction should policy take?

ICDE Activity Plan 2013

 

Enrolments – Measures of the numbers of distance students in different categories – compared to overall enrolments for those categories to show the penetration of distance education. In addition to the core topics that will continue from year to year, each annual survey may include a special topic reflecting changing interests and the evolution of distance education. The investigation of the potential role of MOOCs (massive open online courses) is one such possible additional area that could be investigated.

Resources: 

Includes in-kind support to be provided by: o Foundations o Partner organizations (access to membership lists, staffing, etc.) o Commercial sponsors o Secretariat time. o USD 14,000 reserved (from the BRICS study). o Each partner’s own resources. o Funding from donations/ sponsors.

1.3. Major ranking agencies to begin to focus on non-residential education before the end of 2015.  Initiate a dialogue with one or more ranking agencies to explore opportunities and barriers for including ODL in rankings.

Resources in 2013: 

Secretariat time.

Strategic objective 2: To encourage quality in open, distance, flexible and online education, including e-learning High quality ODL is a core priority for ICDE members, in particular in the current situation with rapid growth in ODL, rapid development in methodologies and technologies and disruptive, innovative initiatives with the potential for significant impact on higher education. The global trend is an increasing focus on accountability, quality, and performance, and there is a demand for standards and accreditation. ICDE has an important role in facilitating knowledge exchange and sharing of good practices to achieve excellence in ODL, and ICDE should facilitate members and regional associations building upon one another’s achievements. Key stakeholders, e.g. accreditation agencies, should be addressed with criteria and benchmarks for quality, and institutions should be addressed with methodologies and concepts for quality development. 2.1. To establish an overview of the global situation with regards to existing relevant standards and guidelines for open, distance, flexible, and online education, including e-learning by the beginning of 2013.  A study launched in 2012/2013 is foreseen to establish an overview as a basis for the development of future recommendations. Resources: 

Up to NOK 70,000.

2.2. To establish quality reviews as a member service by end of 2013.  ICDE Quality Reviews: The main focus for the reviews is to enhance quality related to student support.

Components:  

Self-evaluation Consultation between the institution and ICDE review team for clarification and for-fine tuning the scope of the review.

ICDE Activity Plan 2013


     

Visit by experts (peers) to make observations and interviews. At the end of the visit, an oral report is given to the management of the institution. A draft report from the review is discussed with the institution. A final report with recommendations for further consideration by the institution is followed up by an action plan from the institution. The review is completed when the action plan is received, accepted and is formally signed off. On the basis of the report and the action plan, a certificate of the quality of the learning processes of the reviewed institution can be issued.

Resources:  

ICDE Secretariat time. The costs related to each review to be covered by the evaluated institution.

2.3. To launch a best practice database for quality assurance in open, distance, flexible, and online education, including e-learning before the end of 2014. 2.4. Obtain international recognition for best practices in ODL.  Teaching Online – an Open Educational Resource (OER) for teacher training in quality open and distance learning (ODL). Purpose: 

With reference to increased demand globally for faculty training in ODL, enhancing quality in distance/ online learning through open courseware in open and distance/online learning at the higher education level.

Objective: 

Develop a high quality OER in the form of open online courseware in teaching teachers/ faculty open and distance/ online learning.

Target group for the project result: 

Teacher trainers.

Focus and priority areas:  

The OER/ courseware should focus on the needs of teacher trainers to deliver high quality faculty training in open and distance/ online learning. The first regional areas of priority should be Africa and Asia.

Organization and ownership:     

The project owner is the ICDE Executive Committee. Ownership of the project could be shared through partnership with other stakeholders. A reference group could be established. Members of the reference group would be representatives for stakeholders and sponsors. The project result (the OER, the open courseware) should be licensed under a Creative Commons licence. The consortium/ institution that wins the contract has ownership of the project result.

Resources:   


NOK 50,000 (approx. USD 8,500) as seed money for the project. Possible sponsors, if needed, in addition to ICDE could be members of ICDE, governments, UNESCO and other stakeholders. Contribution with in-kind resources from institutions.

ICDE Activity Plan 2013

Strategic objective 3: To support the development of new methodologies and technologies In a time where ODL is in rapid development, information about emerging technologies and new methodologies should be successfully and periodically communicated to members. ICDE should promote the study of apparent and unpredictable/ unprecedented innovations and future disruptions in open, distance, flexible and online education, including e-learning. ICDE gives priority to promoting Open Educational Resources (OER) through several initiatives and through its members. The expected outcome is increased uptake of effect from OER. Despite the rapid uptake of internet and mobile technologies, there is a need for increased awareness of the digital divide and steps taken to minimize the divide. Furthermore, ICDE can play an important role in the facilitation of members’ initiatives to increase competence and professional development in distance and online teaching and learning. Open Praxis will have an important role to support the development of new methodologies and technologies. Open Praxis is now re-established, hosted by Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED), Madrid, Spain, an international editorial board and reviewers from all over the world. The first issue will be published in January 2013 and the journal is expected to play a strategic role in supporting academic scholarship, research and innovation among ICDE members and partners. The intention is that the hosting institution will be rotated at the end of the period of the Strategic Plan (2015/2016). 3.1. ICDE’s online journal, Open Praxis, to be re-launched and first issue published by the beginning of 2013. Resources: 

USD 2,000 seed money. In kind resources provided by the host institution.

3.2. ICDE to take part in one significant Open Educational Resources initiative before the end of 2013.  ICDE chairs for Open Educational Resources (OER) and Open Educational Practices (OEP) will be appointed, and the potential of this approach assessed. 

ICDE chairs for OER and OEP to be appointed for all regions before mid-2013.

Resources:  

Secretariat time to establish the concept and facilitate the appointment of ICDE chairs. Member institutions’ resources support the ICDE chairs.

3.3. Open Praxis to be recognized as a quality scientific journal by 2016. A plan for Open Praxis to be developed before the end of 2013 by the editorial board and the editor. Resources: 

The editorial board’s own resources.

3.4. The ICDE website to become a hub for information and communication on new methodologies and technologies, and best practice in open, distance, flexible, and online education, including elearning by the end of 2015.  A knowledge network among individual members and experts from member institutions to be established. 

To open a virtual space for individuals, teams and organizations organized around key topics. Experts to be invited to create a number of streams of knowledge which participants could subscribe to (e.g. LMS systems and their implementation, faculty development and support, developments in pedagogy, trends and issues, MOOCs, technology development).


ICDE Activity Plan 2013


Secretariat time to facilitate the virtual space. Participants’ own time. The network could be hosted by a member institution.

Strategic objective 4: To facilitate cooperation and networking among members ICDE acts as a hub for its network of members and cooperating organizations. The close collaboration with and among member institutions to carry out activities and to achieve established goals is the critical success factor for the ICDE Strategic Plan. There is a need for strengthened north-south collaboration between institutions – to support knowledge exchange, and development in the south hemisphere, particularly. Conferences and meetings should offer good opportunities for membership cooperation and networking in relevant fields and should support the achievements of the ICDE Strategic Plan. To increase participation and deliver easy access to ICDE conferences, virtual participation shall be considered and developed. Building on the experiences from the ICDE Quality Review member service, new consultative services will be considered. There is a significant opportunity for synergies in increasing the cooperation between ICDE, national and regional organizations. ICDE will facilitate regularly consultations between regional associations. Dual membership of ICDE and regional associations should also be considered. Based on membership interests, ICDE will establish virtual task forces, target groups, working groups, and other work formats where appropriate, to make progress towards the fulfilment of the Strategic Plan. Virtual groups should have a clear mandate, as a rule be self-governed and could, if possible, meet physically in connection with major ICDE events. A concept for organizing webinars where the webinar is hosted by a member institution should be considered in dialogue with member institutions. 4.1. Evaluate and consider changes to the model for ICDE events (can have consequences for 4.2., 4.3. and 4.4.)  The ICDE Executive Committee will undertake an evaluation and suggest the future model for ICDE conferences and meetings.     

Summarize experiences and consider added value for members. Consider and suggest future direction. Consult member institutions and regional associations on future directions. Decide on the future concept. Resources: to be determined.

4.2 Standing Conference of Presidents (SCOP) meeting, and a Policy Forum to be organized once a year, hosted by a member institution.  ICDE SCOP 2013 hosted by Universidade Aberta, Lisbon, Portugal, in November 2013. 4.3. The ICDE World Conference to be organized every second year, hosted by a member institution. th  The 25 ICDE World Conference to be hosted by Tianjin Open University, Tianjin, China, 16-18 October 2013.

4.4. At least one regional ICDE conference to be held each year, hosted by a member institution.  Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED) and ICDE regional conference, hosted by UNED, Madrid, Spain, 7-9 March 2013 4.5. Identify and give support to one flagship initiative by the end of 2013 to promote closer collaboration between institutions in the northern and southern hemispheres.  The African Virtual University Multinational Project II is a flagship for closer collaboration between institutions in the northern and southern hemispheres. ICDE and AVU have agreed to develop strategic partnership, and a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) is to be adopted. 11

ICDE Activity Plan 2013

Initiate a network for knowledge exchange – to support AVU and its member institutions.

Aim of the network:   

Facilitate supportive cooperation between the AVU initiative and relevant institutions and experts. Facilitate initiatives with external funding. Organize an international meeting (linked to an ICDE event) on issues of north-south collaboration.

Resources:   

Secretariat time to establish the network. Membership fee rebates to simplify AVU’s and its members' participation in international networks and events. In kind resources from participating institutions.

4.6. Increase the participation of members from developing countries, and non-members, in ICDE’s events by 2015.

Strategic objective 5: To strengthen ICDE membership and governance, and engage members in collaborative activity and organizational development Based on its values, to be member-focused and transparent, ICDE needs to continue to develop itself as a professional and well-governed body. To strengthen the voice of ICDE members in the international and regional community, ICDE needs to expand as a membership organization. To achieve progress on the attainment of strategic objectives, there is a need for a more sustainable ICDE with a more diverse revenue base. To involve members in open and transparent processes on important issues for the membership and ICDE will be a key working method for ICDE. To continuously improve ICDE, the Executive Committee, the Board of Trustees and the Election Committee will self-evaluate their own activities yearly and report on these to the membership. 5.1. Rules, procedures and practices for governance and election process and procedures in ICDE to be described and published for easy access by stakeholders by the middle of 2013. 5.2. Develop a survey of membership satisfaction and needs by the end 2013.  The survey is suggested to be published once a year and preferably in connection with an ICDE conference or meeting. A pilot will be conducted before July 2013. The first survey is expected to be published by the end of 2013. Resources: 

Secretariat time.

5.3. Increase the institutional membership of ICDE by 25% before the end of 2013 and by 15% annually from 2014 to 2016.  Incentives for new memberships to be developed and implemented. The intention is to organize one regional “roadshow” each year in collaboration with member institutions, regional associations and Executive Committee members.  

Conventional universities developing distance education are a priority group. Dual membership of ICDE and regional associations to be considered.

Resources:   

Secretariat time. Rebates on membership fees. Members’ in kind resources.

ICDE Activity Plan 2013


5.4. Increase the total funding of ICDE by 20% by the end of 2014, and increase revenue from membership and new sources by 50% by 2015.  A fundraising strategy will be developed by July 2013. 5.5. Increase membership participation in the new ICDE Executive Committee election for the period 2014-2017 and 2016-2019.  The ICDE Election Committee will organize the election of three new Executive Committee members for the time period 2014-2017. The election process (call for nominations, submission of nominations, candidate selection, election results) to be initiated before June 2013 and finalized by September 2013.


Event Executive Committee meeting 2013/1, by telephone

Time 17

February March

UNED and ICDE regional conference, hosted by UNED, Madrid, Spain


Executive Committee meeting 2013/2, Madrid, Spain


April May June

Executive Committee meeting 2013/3, by telephone


July August

ICDE 75 Years



Executive Committee meeting 2013/4, by telephone



ICDE 25th World Conference 2013, hosted by Tianjin Open University, Tianjin, China


Executive Committee meeting 2013/5, Tianjin, China


Invoices for membership fees dispatched

End October

Executive Committee meeting 2013/6, by telephone


ICDE Standing Conference Of President 2013 hosted by Universidade Aberta, Lisbon, Portugal (dates are tentative)

27 - 30

Deadline for membership fee to be paid





ICDE Activity Plan 2013

BUDGET 2013 The budget is approved in Norwegian kroner, NOK





OPERATING INCOME Grant Norwegian Ministry Membership fees External funds for projects Conference revenues Income paid membership services

-2 324 000 -1 217 565 -200 000 -375 000 -100 000

-314 436 -164 736 -27 060 -50 737 -13 530

-420 527 -220 318 -36 190 -67 856 -18 095


-4 216 565

-570 500

-762 986

OPERATING EXPENSES Personnel costs Office rent costs Purchase/service of equipment Consultants fees Expenses membership services Information and Communication Administration costs Projects according to strategic plan Travels and Governance Other costs

2 400 000 150 000 115 000 270 000 70 000 105 000 250 000 450 000 370 565 36 000

324 719 20 295 15 559 36 531 9 471 14 206 33 825 60 885 50 137 4 871

434 279 27 142 20 809 48 856 12 666 19 000 45 237 81 427 67 054 6 514


4 216 565

570 500

762 986

* **

Euro rate USD rate

ICDE Activity Plan 2013

7,391 5,5264



International Council for Open and Distance Education Activity Plan 2013

ICDE’s vision is to be the global membership organization for enhancing the quality of open, distance, flexible and online education, including e-learning. INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL FOR OPEN AND DISTANCE EDUCATION

www.icde.org ISBN print: 978-82-93172-16-1; ISBN PDF: 978-82-93172-17-8


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