1 minute read
Alexander and Karolin, both Christians from Germany, recently visited the Haifa Home as part of a round-theworld trip on their bikes to raise funds for a charitable project assisting disadvantaged youths. Here, they met Zelda, who was born in Poland but had to flee to Russia during the Holocaust. Although Zelda endured many hardships and is now very old, she is still in good spirits and loves to talk to people. She
Icej Team In Action
Thanks to our great team of Christian volunteers, the ICEJ is able to do so much for the residents at the Haifa Home.

even seems to draw energy from telling others about her life.
On the road for five months already, Alexander and Karolin said this was one of the most exciting stops on their journey.
“It’s been an honour to meet all the residents in this wonderful Home”, said Alexander. “It served as a reminder to us to keep telling their stories. The next generation will not have the chance to meet these precious people in person.”