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Miguel Muñoz Valeriano, the ICEJ’s new Spanish-speaking International Spokesman, travelled to several countries in South and Central America this spring to share about the ministry’s vision and projects in Israel and worldwide. On his extended tour to Argentina, Uruguay, Chile and Honduras, Miguel spoke in numerous churches and met with Evangelical and Jewish community leaders, as well as government and diplomatic officials.
In Argentina, Miguel held various meetings along with our national director Diego Freytes to strengthen ties between ICEJ and the local Christian and Jewish communities. Notable activities included a meeting with Ambassador Eyal Sela at the Israeli embassy to remember those who died in the terrorist attack on the embassy building 31 years ago.
In Uruguay, Miguel was welcomed by Pastor Alexis Medina, who has a profound love for Israel and the Jewish people. Medina arranged several events with churches and government officials for Miguel to present the ICEJ’s support for Israel from a biblical and historic perspective.
Miguel then travelled to Santiago in Chile to install Pastor Marcelo Reyes of Sebaoth Ministry as ICEJ’s new national representative. Local church and Jewish community leaders joined diplomats from the Embassy of Israel in attending the ICEJ-Chile branch opening. Miguel and Pastor Reyes also made courtesy calls on two leading rabbis and toured a permanent Holocaust exhibit at an area church.
On the final leg, Miguel visited his home country of Honduras to teach about the
ICEJ’s mission in four churches of the Gran Comisión Latino América (GCLA) network and pay friendly visits to the Jewish community and Israeli officials. Miguel also consulted with the ICEJ-Honduras team and the Ambassador of Israel about opportunities and challenges for our ministry in the country and region.
The month-long tour of Latin American countries was a chance to promote the ICEJ’s activities on behalf of Israel and the Jewish people worldwide, and to strengthen ties with local Evangelical churches. Miguel was especially hopefully that every person who heard his encouraging message from Psalm 122 could find God’s purpose in their life, and that every church he visited would stand in solidarity with Israel.