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In May, ICEJ Vice President of Operations
Barry Denison attended a Leadership Summit in Estonia. The Summit included an excellent program with Estonian, Russian, Ukrainian, and American leaders speaking on the war in Ukraine and its impact on believers, and the churches on both sides of the conflict.
The delegation travelled to Narva on the Estonian-Russian border, where they did a prayer walk praying for Ukraine, followed by an incredibly special Communion and Worship service. The service, held in the
Fortress Museum, was officiated by senior pastor Michael Miller from the Upper Room church in Dallas, Texas with Rabbi Boris Grisenko of Kyiv also bringing a message.
Next, the delegation visited the village of Aseri where Sergey Shidlovskiy, founder of the God Seekers Movement is planting his ministry. Here they also did a prayer walk through the village.
A powerful prayer event also took place in the Singing Fields in Tallin. Around a thousand believers gathered to pray for Ukraine, Estonia, and Israel. During the Israel segment of the event, Barry brought a message on Israel and moderated this prayer time together with Daniel Lim and Rabbi Grisenko, while Sound of the Nations from Fiji lead the beautiful Worship.
Barry also spoke at the Oleviste, or Saint Olaf’s church, where revival has occurred several times in the past. Here, once a month the church holds a special service teaching on Israel with Worship in Hebrew and Estonian. Near the church is the ICEJ-Estonia Israeli Center, which is in what appears to be an old cistern. “It feels like Jerusalem,” remarked Barry. The Center opens every Sunday for those seeking to learn more about Israel.