2 minute read
Dear friends,
As this magazine reaches you, an unimaginable human catastrophe is still unfolding in Turkey. An area the size of Germany experienced massive destruction after two powerful earthquakes shook southeast Turkey and northwest Syria in February. The current death toll is over 45,000, and tens of thousands more are still missing. The city of Antakya, or biblical Antioch (see Acts 13:1), is in ruins.
From the start, the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem has been supporting Israel’s rescue and relief teams in Turkey. We do so, of course, to alleviate the intense suffering and loss, but also to support an encouraging dynamic between Israel and Turkey, whose relations have been warming after the definite chill of the past decade. And we are hearing amazing testimonies from the Israeli rescuers.
Some were surprised by the warm welcome they received. One rescuer reported how locals repeatedly insisted that the Israeli aid teams come to the scenes of rescue efforts. When asked why they especially want Israelis to help, they replied: “Because we trust you more than our own teams.” Another rescuer reported on a little girl pulled from the rubble. The parents were deeply moved and came to an Israeli rescuer with tears in their eyes, and gave him a small coin in thanks. They said it is a tradition to give a coin to the mother and midwife at every birth as a token of honour. “Through your help our daughter was reborn today”, they said.
In addition, we are hearing from local Turkish pastors we are supporting that some people have reported a man in white bringing them food and water as they laid buried under the rubble. Many more testimonies are emerging of God using local churches in particular at this time of great distress. We also are assisting members of the Jewish community in Antakya who were hit hard by the powerful quakes.
Meanwhile, we are witnessing a spiritual awakening thousands of miles away at the Asbury Bible School in Kentucky. A young Jewish believer led a student devotion when God first visited them. Constant prayer and worship, and a unique sense of God’s presence have manifested in this little community. Jerusalem pastor Wayne Hilsden reports that the simple meetings are characterized by the Word of God and people confessing their sins. As I write, the meetings have lasted for two weeks and there are reports of similar outpourings elsewhere.
I cannot help but think of the prophet Joel, who saw the great and terrible day of the Lord but also God’s Spirit being poured out on all flesh. We see today seismic shifts in both the heavens and the earth. These are times of great transition, and Israel and the Jewish people are right at the center of it. It is the time to dedicate our hearts fully to God, seek Him afresh, and be busy doing our Father’s work. The Lord is at hand!
I pray that as you read this issue, it will inspire you to join us in building God’s Kingdom here in Israel.
Many blessings from Jerusalem!
Dr. Jürgen Bühler President
International Christian Embassy Jerusalem
COVER PHOTO: A unit of Israel’s Rescue team take action in the aftermath of the earthquake in Turkey. (Flash90)
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