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As Passover approached in early April, most Israelis were caught up in the heated debate over judicial reforms. But for many Jewish families, they were more concerned with how to put enough food on the table to celebrate Pesach properly. Thanks to your generous donations, the ICEJ was able to assist some 800 needy Israeli families with Passover gift parcels this year.
These gift packages included food, towels, soaps, and other household items, plus holiday greeting cards. They were distributed to families in communities throughout Israel. Many of the recipients were new immigrants from Ethiopia, Ukraine and Russia, as well as Holocaust survivors, pensioners, single mothers, and families just struggling to make ends meet.
ICEJ teams traversed the country to deliver the holiday presents and were met with outpourings of gratitude. On one visit, ICEJ Aid assistant Jannie Tolhoek visited a woman with two disabled sons. Due to health problems, Marina had to leave her cleaning job before Corona struck. She still battles with several health issues but deeply desires to be back working. This visit was particularly special for Jannie, who was joined by Israeli social worker Ram as they walked through a poor neighbourhood in Ashdod to her fifth-floor apartment.
“Before we could knock on the door, it flew wide open,” said Jannie. “Marina was expecting to see Ram, but when she saw me, a big smile came over her face. She straight away hugged me and told me how happy she was to see me again. The previous visit was just before Passover 2019. She had not forgotten that time and could not stop smiling.”
“You bring so much joy by coming again. You didn’t forget me,” the lady exclaimed. “I know this gift package comes from Christians. Please, don’t forget to thank them.”
In Kiryat Gat, we met a colourful group of Ethiopian Jews. This community is no stranger to the afflictions of the ancient Israelites in the Exodus story, as they too faced oppression, hunger and peril when crossing barren deserts to reach Israel. Our Passover gifts brought smiles to their faces and hope to their hearts.
The AID team also visited Nof HaGalil, close to Nazareth, where 50 new immigrant families from Ukraine witnessed a beautiful demonstration of Christian love towards them from local Israeli Arab pastor Saleem Shalash. And thanks to Finnish Christian donors, these Ukrainian Jewish families were able to celebrate this joyous “Exodus” holiday for the first time in the Promise Land!
“We are so excited to be here during this special time of the year. Passover is an important season for Jews and Christians. We are here to say that we love you and wish you a happy holiday,” shared Pastor Saleem as he helped distribute gift boxes to the grateful families.
An ICEJ team also visited Rishon LeZion, where 70 Ukrainian and Russian Jewish immigrants were thrilled to receive Passover gifts. ICEJ staff member Victoria Hecht, who speaks Russian, shared about the Christian Embassy and encouraged them as they settle into their new life in Israel. Victoria met one Ukrainian family that had been reluctant to make Aliyah until the war came, and now they are so glad to be here. Meanwhile, a mother from Russia shared how “many young people do not want to come to Israel, but once they are here, they often thank their parents for making them come.”