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Israel’s sharp divide over judicial reforms has Iran and its regional proxy militias thinking the Jewish state is weak and exposed. This has led Hizbullah to stage a recent series of open provocations along the Lebanon border that were met with tepid responses by Jerusalem. While no one is seeking a major war right now, even the smallest misstep could easily trigger an escalation, prompting officials in northern Israel to rush to provide more bomb shelters for their vulnerable communities.
Israel’s sworn enemies have watched over recent months as thousands of IDF reservists protested the government’s proposed judicial reforms by refusing to serve their annual reserve duty. The protests could impact the Israeli army’s preparedness for a major conflict with Iran. In response, Iranian and Hizbullah leaders have openly taunted Israel as a nation on its way down.
This is a serious misread of Israel’s military strength and national resolve. Nonetheless, Hizbullah has felt emboldened to test Israel’s readiness for a fight by conducting provocative actions in plain sight along the UN-demarcated ‘Blue Line’ between Israel and Lebanon. First, Hizbullah set up tents on Israel’s side of the border but north of its security fence. A group of armed Hizbullah militiamen in combat uniform also marched right along the border fence. In addition,
Hizbullah operatives climbed a tower on the border fence and carted off Israeli surveillance equipment. Finally, the radical Shi’ite militia fired a tank shell into an open area in the disputed Mount Dov sector.
These actions mark a shift by Iran and Hizbullah in their “shadow war” with Israel. Until now, they mainly carried out covert operations along the border, such as digging terror tunnels under the security fence. In contrast, they are now openly baiting Israel to retaliate, leaving northern Israel on edge.
The IDF did send a strong signal that it is battle-ready by staging a major military exercise in the North which even simulated a large ground incursion deep into Lebanon to neutralise Hizbullah.
Meanwhile, towns and villages in northern Israel are rushing to bolster their civilian defenses by upgrading and adding bomb shelters. Recent studies show the North sorely lacks adequate shelters for its growing population, especially given Hizbullah’s arsenal of over 200,000 rockets and missiles.
The International Christian Embassy Jerusalem became aware of this need several years ago and has been working to supply portable bomb shelters to these vulnerable areas. Over the past decade, the ICEJ has donated nearly 200 mobile bomb shelters to vulnerable Israeli communities, with most going to towns along the Gaza border facing frequent Hamas rocket attacks, but we have managed to place some 50 shelters in northern Israel already.

Thanks to the generosity of a Swiss Christian family, we are currently delivering six new bomb shelters to the town of Shlomi, which was struck by a rocket fired from southern Lebanon on the first day of Passover. The rocket landed in a busy intersection – with a bank, a synagogue, a store and a law firm on each corner.
A town of 9,000 residents which borders Lebanon, Shlomi has suffered its share of rocket attacks over recent decades. But city officials say the town is not prepared for what is likely to come in a future war with Hizbullah. Rocket alarms in Shlomi often give only 2-to-3 seconds of warning of incoming short-range mortars. Half the residents still live in the “old city” of Shlomi, which has no shelters. The government has promised hundreds of millions of shekels for shelters in the North, but very little has come so far.
The ICEJ’s newest shelters are being placed in public areas to serve the whole community, such as playgrounds, synagogues and at bus stops.
In addition, ICEJ-USA is providing funds to refurbish 53 existing underground shelters in Shlomi. The work will involve sealing water leaks, fixing faulty electrical networks, installing new lighting, water pumps, drainage systems, and fans for improved ventilation, applying fresh coats of paint, and much more.
Left to Right: Chair, 2023 Warburg Society Annual Celebration & Resource Development Committee, Les Bider, ICEJUSA national director Dr. Susan Michael, and a member of the ICEJ Association George Michael.
Icej Receives Prestigious Warburg Award From Jdc By
The International Christian Embassy Jerusalem was recognised recently for its humanitarian work at a special celebration of the Joint Distribution Committee and the Felix M. Warburg Society. Dr. Susan Michael, ICEJ-USA national director, was on hand to receive the prestigious Warburg Award at the event held in New York City in June.

Founded in 1914, the JDC is a leading global Jewish humanitarian organisation that is best known for helping to rescue Jews during the Holocaust and for assisting Jews who were later trapped behind the Iron Curtain. Its work in providing social aid to Jewish communities in need continues to this day, and the JDC and Warburg Society wanted to honour the Christian Embassy for being a valued partner in supporting and improving the lives of Israelis through our various AID projects.
Thanks to our generous donors, the ICEJ’s various social aid projects have impacted all sectors of Israeli society, especially when urgent needs arise. The ICEJ has given hope to many by sponsoring coexistence projects, helping vulnerable sectors of society develop new marketable skills, bridging social gaps through educational programs, and so much more.
• The Starter Apprenticeship offers an innovative program of combined educational/practical training for in-demand technical careers. This ICEJ-sponsored program provides a win-win solution by connecting employers who need skilled workers with students seeking practical training to advance in technical areas. Employers hire the unskilled participants and train them to their own specifications, guaranteeing their future employment. The participants spend three days a week training on the job with a mentor, and two days a week studying at a vocational college. The apprenticeship program is completed within 6-8 months, earning a government certification in their profession and the opportunity to continue with the same employer who trained them. The program’s initial trial period was a success and it was then handed over to the Israeli government for expansion to impact many more workers and their families.
• The Horizons program aims to help 18 to 25-year-olds from the periphery of Israel to pursue academic degrees or vocational studies that are specifically geared for in-demand professions. The ICEJsponsored program helps young adults qualify for post-secondary education, identify educational opportunities and financial aid options, and apply to academic programs. The program also provides participants with support, mentoring, career counselling and professional networking during their studies.
• The ICEJ helped sponsor a pioneering Jewish-Arab co-existence project after Israel was hit with daily barrages of rockets from Gaza in May 2021. The conflict sparked violent clashes in many of Israel’s mixed Jewish/Arab cities, such as Lod and Jaffa, undermining decades of co-existence efforts. For the Christian Embassy, this was a call to action. We quickly helped bring healing to Lod by refurbishing the local community center used by both Jews and Arabs. The ICEJ upgraded the outdoor bicycle area and provided new bikes for needy children, thereby turning it into a popular bike-club center. When asked about the impact these investments had in their community center, the staff replied: “You turned on a light in a dark place.”
• The ICEJ also joined a special initiative to place “Peace Rooms” in schools in Lod that offered trauma counselling for students, thereby creating a space for healing within the school framework. These Peace Rooms offer children a place to receive trauma therapy and treatment, while parents can also get advice from counsellors.
The Warburg Award shows the ICEJ is making a difference in Israeli lives, from caring for Jewish and Arab children in mixed neighbourhoods, to helping Israeli Arab job-seekers and supporting vocational training programs. If you want to help us continue bringing new hope and a brighter future to those who need it most, please donate today at: give.icej.org/givinghope