2 minute read

The Green Column Take A Minute

Take A Minute…

Busy day, busy week, busy month… busy life?


Life is full of pulls, pushes, needs and wants. I’ve been taking some time out from my pressure filled days and weeks with some much-needed breathing space outdoors. I used to believe that to get the benefits of being out in nature I needed to do a long walk, drive out to the coast, sleep outside, take a picnic and really take my time. Sometimes (more often than not now) I don’t have the time for that, so I have noticed I haven’t been spending as much time out as I would like.

For part of my week, I work outdoors and the rest of the week I work in an office in Norwich which deprives me of my nature fixes I need. Recently I have been walking down to a green space near the cathedral and laying on the bench, watching the clouds, listening to birds, taking a flask of tea with me rather than staying at my desk with it. I notice delicate flowers and

new life popping up. It is not my usual ‘nature visit’ as there are buildings and people around, however the benefits to my day and to my mind and soul have been amazing and uplifting. I am more productive when I return to work, my mind feels clearer, I feel part of a community and I am smiling!

I encourage you to try and take out 10 minutes to get outside during your day. Take a walk, sit on a bench, watch and listen and take yourself away from your own inner chitter chatter. You deserve it. It doesn’t have to be a big long nature adventure to feel the benefits of being outdoors. If you have a busy family life and going out doesn’t feel possible, perhaps you could sit in your garden or even just open the window to receive the benefits of fresh air coming in.

John Muir said “In every walk with nature, one receives far more than he seeks. For going out is really going in.” If I am feeling stuck in my head, in my work, with pressure from others or myself, I try to remember this quote and that I can only ever feel better by taking a break and stepping away. Whatever is happening will not get worse by taking some time with nature.

I may look a little strange laying on a bench near the cathedral in the city centre, however when I take care of myself, others see and it may give them inspiration and permission to do the same. I see it as a double win.

Wishing you time out and peace... maybe see you on a bench somewhere soon!

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