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See What Mummy Says A Family In Lockdown
A Family In Lockdown
It’s very difficult to write about the positives of lockdown, when you know so many people have been affected and for many, it reminds them only of losing loved ones.
I do, however, believe that we should try and take some positives from any situation. Personally, it has meant that I can spend lots of time with my family, with far fewer distractions than “normal life”. We have stayed in our own little bubble and felt safer because of it.
Balancing home schooling, Becca working from home and the niggling sense of guilt for being furloughed when others are still at work has been challenging at times, but this has been far outweighed by just being around the family.
The children have coped surprisingly well, and I hope that’s a reflection on our approach to the situation. Keeping them aware of changes around school/nursery, encouraging sensible behaviours such as washing hands and the rules around distancing whilst also protecting them from some of the harsh realties, like the daily deaths total and questionable political choices.
We have enjoyed movie nights, video calls with friends, family baking and games in the garden as well as making the lockdown scrapbook of course. We try and do any household jobs in
the morning, usually at the same time as school work so we are then all free from lunchtime to do something as a family.
One of my favourite activities was making homemade doughnuts. As Becca is a coeliac, we found some gluten free doughnut mix available online from the Skegness Rock Shop. It was delivered alongside a tool, which allows you to drop the mix into the hot oil making the familiar shape of a doughnut with a hole in the middle!
Don’t worry, the children didn’t go anywhere near the hot oil, but they enjoyed making the mix, and enjoyed eating them even more!
Finished with the traditional sugar coating, they tasted just like the ones you get at the seaside!
From start to finish, we probably only spent an hour making and eating doughnuts, but it was definitely worth doing as whenever the kiddies have emailed or spoken to anyone they always mention it.
I would prefer them to remember this as a time when they got to spend lots of time with the family, not a time when they were worried or scared. We can do the worrying for them.
When the children have gone to bed, we have tried to relax and again, make the best of a
very strange situation. We’ve used zoom a lot. A weekly quiz has reunited friends that don’t see each other very often (including some from New Zealand!), and looks to be continuing even when we all return to work!
We’ve chatted with friends and family online on numerous occasions trying to recreate our usual offline visits!
We’ve also tried to support some local businesses throughout lockdown that have had to adapt quickly to ensure people can still enjoy them.
Personal favourites include Gringos Nacho Factory who delivered us a Mexican feast, Linzers Bakery that has kept us topped up with bakery goods and a treat continental breakfast and Big Time Brownies who sent us some amazing gluten free brownies!
Check them all out online, you will not regret it!
We’d love to know what you’ve been up to during lockdown!
Thanks for reading!
www.seewhatmummysays.com @whatmummysaysuk