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Stop Watching The News How You’re Attacking

Stop Watching The News

How You’re Attacking Your Own Immune System


This may be an unpopular article this month but one that I feel needs speaking up about.

One of the biggest things we can do for our health, happiness and, yes, immune system right now is to stop watching the news. I don’t just mean watching the news ‘programme’ on TV, but so many are looking at the news app on phones, reading recycled news and opinions on social media, and taking part in posting and sharing views on the current situation.

I’m not saying be naïve to what is going on in the world; absolutely check government websites and information if you are planning to travel (or even just local restrictions for going shopping etc!), but it’s the incessant interruption and fear that’s going to be doing you real harm (far more harm that what a lot of us are worried about at the moment). When we watch the news our bodies don’t know the difference between actual and perceived danger, so as you read about lockdown, your body goes ‘Uh oh, danger!’ and gets your ready to fight or run away. It floods you with cortisol and other hormones, shutting down your digestion and attacking your immune system (even if you are not consciously aware). I used to watch the news every morning; it was part of my routine. I didn’t know any different. I didn’t know the science; it was something to occupy me while I got ready for work, but I didn’t know all the harm I was doing. I am a highly sensitive person (HSP), and I had huge levels of anxiety, but there I was putting myself into a fearful state before I had even left for work! Learning Positive Psychology and Mindfulness has been life changing. You don’t know what you don’t know, so I hope I can spread some awareness of what is going on here.

So, if you find yourself constantly checking the news or surrounded by news ‘recyclers’, here are some things you can do:

▪ Build a Mindfulness habit. This naturally shrinks our fight/flight centre which makes us more resilient and helps to fuel our creative parts of the brain (yes, we have all been there - ready for a day of being creative and productive, then whoosh that energy is gone with the next phone notification). This could even be as simple as taking a few breaths before we start the day or a walk in nature.

▪ Take the news app off your phone, stick to recorded TV programmes or Amazon or Netflix where you won’t be disturbed by the news. You can also mute friends on social media who happily recycle the news without them knowing.

▪ Build Happiness Habits. Even just practising three things every day you are grateful for (even more if you feel yourself being pulled into fear)

I used to watch the news every morning; it was part of my routine. I didn’t know any different.

can really shift the brain into an open state and shut down that fear response. I’ll sometimes write a whole page in my journal on gratitude if I’m feeling a bit low. ▪ Self-Care - I’m not talking about just bubble baths here but proper self-care: your diet (even more important if you are in fear), exercise (use up the cortisol and glucose being released), setting boundaries with those who recycle fear or drain your energy. It’s a responsibility, not just for you but those you work or live with, and this is even more important if you are an HSP as you will be picking up additional fear. Ask yourself what does my body need right now? It might be food, some breaths, a walk, some water, it could be really basic, but we forget basic when we get caught up in life.

What could you do if you gave yourself the chance to really boost your immune system and have the creativity and flow every day you desire? Which dreams are you not achieving as you’re being pulled into this fear?

If this resonates with you and you would like to incorporate happiness habits into your life and business and really start to make this shifts in your own life, please get in touch.

Article By Gemma Sandwell Bsc Hons, Dip PP, ICF ACC TEDx speaker, Mindfulness Teacher and Mindset Coach


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