Europe 2010 - iCES Newsletter

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Europe 2010 The challenges confronting Europe in 2010 are both wide-ranging and far-reaching: economic and financial turbulence, climate change, the environment, energy supply, defence, security, enlargement, migration. Recent pronouncements by Jose Manuel Barroso, President of the European Commission, have highlighted the year 2010 as a new beginning for Europe, a moment of truth following the severity of the financial crisis, a time for Europe to be `bold and ambitious’. Presenting the Commission’s strategic plan, Europe 2020: A

strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth, he has outlined a series of `ambitious but attainable’ targets in the key areas of employment, research and innovation, climate change and energy, education and the combating of poverty. He remains confident that the European Union `can come out of the present crisis stronger than ever’. Whether President Barroso’s optimistic aspirations will be fulfilled depends on the ability of the constituent parts of the European Union to act in unison, the extent to which the sense of solidarity and common purpose engendered by the trauma of the global financial and economic crisis has instilled within the psyche of the 27 Member States a genuine sense of collective purpose – the European Union acting as a unified whole for the benefit of all European citizens. Only time will tell whether a new spirit of collective governance will take Europe beyond the crisis. Michael Scriven Director of iCES


About iCES The Institute of Contemporary European Studies (iCES) was established on 1 August 2008. Its aim is to promote debate and discussion on a broad range of European issues of topical interest. iCES achieves this aim through the development of specified research projects on European themes and through the construction of creative networks with other key groups and individuals engaged in European affairs: the European Government Business Relations Council, the European Commission Representation in the UK, the Senior European Experts, the European Movement, Eurointelligence, the Jean Monnet Association, the Robert Schuman Foundation. aim of iCES is to

`The promote debate and discussion on contemporary Europe’

Collaborative work with these groups has led not only to a series of important Europe-centred lectures and seminars such as this evening’s Jean Monnet Memorial Lecture on Climate Change post-Copenhagen, but also to the iCES publications listed in this Newsletter. In addition to the work of iCES with these key partners, iCES collaborates closely with European Business Schools International (EBSI) partner institutions in Paris, Madrid and throughout Europe and the world. The newly developed joint Diplôme Master degree between Paris and London and on-going work on a triple site MBA in Global Entrepreneurship between EBS London, EBS Paris and the University of North Florida are cases in point. This higher education development dimension to the work of iCES is supplemented through the contribution of iCES Distinguished Visiting Fellows who regularly support the iCES Teaching on Europe series, senior managers from European commerce and industry providing up to date knowledge of the world of business for students at the European Business School and Regent’s College. This specialist underpinning to the academic programmes is a significant contribution to the enhancement of the overall profile of Regent’s College.


iCES Lectures, Seminars and Conferences 26 September 2008 The Council of Europe White Paper on Intercultural Dialogue: the role of Higher Education iCES Inaugural Lecture by Gabriella Battaini-Dragoni, Director General of Education, Culture & Heritage, Youth & Sport and Coordinator for Intercultural Dialogue, Council of Europe.

29 October 2008 Aerial Warfare: Airbus versus Boeing as a Metaphor for EU/US Conflict iCES Teaching on Europe Guest Lecture by Professor Philip Lawrence, Director of the Aerospace Research Centre at the University of the West of England Bristol, iCES Distinguished Visiting Fellow.

19 November 2008 Europe and the Global Financial Crisis iCES Annual Europe in the World Lecture: Keynote Address by Sir John Gieve (Deputy Governor Financial Stability, Bank of England); panel members: Johnny Akerholm (President and CEO, Nordic Investment Bank), Mike Clack (Executive Director, J.P. Morgan), Hugh Pym (Economics Editor, BBC News), Professor John Drew (Moderator, Jean Monnet Professor of European Business and Management).

24 November 2008 Climate Change and the Geopolitics of Energy Supply in Europe iCES Teaching on Europe Guest Lecture by Arve Thorvik, former Vice President European Affairs, StatoilHydro, iCES Distinguished Visiting Fellow. 17 February 2009 The Eurozone and the Global Economic Crisis iCES Teaching on Europe Guest Lecture by Wolfgang Munchau, Director of Eurointelligence, Associate Editor, The Financial Times, iCES Distinguished Visiting Fellow. 11 March 2009 The Future of Television Broadcasting in Europe iCES Teaching on Europe Guest Lecture by Professor Jean-Claude Sergeant, UniversitÊ de la Sorbonne nouvelle Paris 3, former Director of the Maison Française in Oxford.


iCES Lectures, Seminars and Conferences 18 March 2009 European Monetary Policy and Bank Liquidity: Crisis Management iCES/MSc Global Banking and Finance Research Cluster Half Day Conference: Guest Speakers: Wolfgang Munchau (Director of Eurointelligence and Associate Editor, The Financial Times), Professor Francesco Cesarini (Professor of Banking and Finance, President of the e-Mid, former President of the Italian Stock Exchange), Valero Vacca (Senior Manager, Bank of Italy, former Monetary Policy Operation Division Leader), Dr Gianfranco Vento (Director MSc Research Cluster, former Senior Financial Analyst, Bank of Italy). 22 April 2009 Defence and Diplomacy: What Next For Europe? Annual iCES Jean Monnet Memorial Lecture: Keynote Address by Jean-Dominique Giuliani (Chairman of the Board of the Robert Schuman Foundation); panel members: Sir Brian Crowe (Deputy Chairman of Chatham House), John Peet (Europe Editor, The Economist), Professor Martyn Bond (former Director of the UK Office of the European Parliament), Professor John Drew (Moderator, Jean Monnet Professor of European Business and Management). 14 May 2009 Rebranding a Country: The Case of Portugal iCES Teaching on Europe Guest Lecture by Professor Bernardo Ivo Cruz, Director of the Portuguese Trade and Investment Office in the UK, former Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs of Portugal and Secretary General of the Portuguese Council of the European Movement. 18 September 2009 European Ethnography – FiLo Network at iCES The first `Fieldwork in London Network’ workshop hosted at iCES with Daniel Miller (Professor of Anthropology at University College London) and John Eade (Professor of Anthropology and Sociology at Roehampton University and Director of CRONEM [Centre for Research on Nationalism, Ethnicity and Multiculturalism]). 13 October 2009 The Long-Term Economic Prospects of the EU: Jobs and Employment iCES Teaching on Europe Guest Lecture by Wolfgang Munchau, Director of Eurointelligence, Associate Editor, The Financial Times, iCES Distinguished Visiting Fellow.


iCES Lectures, Seminars and Conferences 21 October 2009 Presentation of Study Abroad and Research at EBS Paris iCES-EBSI Presentation by Dr Eric Jean Garcia, Academic Dean of EBS Paris. 22 November 2009 Jobs, Innovation and Growth iCES Annual Europe in the World Lecture: John Monks (General Secretary of the European Trade Union Confederation and former General Secretary of the Trade Union Congress 1993-2003), John Cridland (Deputy Director-General of the Confederation of British Industry and Vice Chair of the National Learning and Skills Council), Sylvia Walby (Professor of Sociology and UNESCO Chair in Gender Research at Lancaster University), Sarah Lambert (Head of the European Commission Representation in the UK), Professor John Drew (Moderator, Jean Monnet Professor of European Business and Management)

1 December 2009 Twenty Years on: The EU since the Fall of the Berlin Wall iCES Seminar with the Senior Experts group: Leon Brittan (European Commissioner for Competition 1989-1992 and Vice President of the European Commission 1995-1999), David Hannay (UK Permanent Representative to the European Communities 1985-1990 and UK Permanent Representative to the United Nations 1990-1995), Jan Zielonka (Professor of European Politics and Ralf Dahrendorf Fellow at St Antony’s College, Oxford) and the Senior experts. 10 December 2009 Toyota, Energy Efficiency and the Climate Change Agenda iCES Teaching on Europe Guest Lecture by Piet Steel, Vice-President for European Affairs Toyota Motor Europe. 28 January 2010 European Telecommunications: Technology & Regulation iCES Annual Discussion Dinner Presentation by Alfredo Acebal, Director EU and International Regulatory Affairs, Telefonica SA. 18 February 2010 Sub-State Nationalisms in Contemporary Europe iCES Research Conference organised by Dr Àngels Trias i Valls and Dr Alan Sandry: decentralisation and political integration within Europe.


iCES Lectures, Seminars and Conferences 10 March 2010 The Robin Hood Tax on Financial Speculation: a European or Global Levy ? iCES Teaching on Europe Guest Lecture by David Hillman, Coordinator of Stamp Out Poverty. 17 March 2010 Privatisation and Company Performance in Europe iCES Teaching on Europe Guest Lecture by Dr Motasam Tatahi. Senior Lecturer in Finance and Economics (Regent’s College).

21 April 2010 Work and Higher Education in Europe and in the Global Market iCES Seminar organized by Luzia Laffoux and Dr Àngels Trias i Valls: Keynote Speaker: Owen Tudor (Head TUC European and International Relations Department). Speakers: Dr Eric CK Chan (Regent’s College MAGM Program Director), Dr Vincent Carpentier (Senior Lecturer in History of Education, IOE), Dr Figueiredo-Cowen (Brazilian Lektor, IOE /Embassy of Brasil)

28 April 2010 Climate Change is “Dropping off the Agenda”: Does it Really Matter ? iCES Annual Jean Monnet Memorial Lecture: Jonathon Porritt (Writer and Broadcaster, Co-Founder of Forum for the Future), Ian Katz (Deputy Editor of the Guardian), Malini Mehra (Founder and CEO of the Centre for Social Markets), Peter Luff (Chairman of the European Movement, Director of Action for a Global Climate Community), Professor John Drew (Moderator, Jean Monnet Professor of European Business and Management).

7 May 2010 What has Europe done for us?: the benefits of political and social unity 60 years after the Schuman Declaration iCES Young European Movement joint seminar: postelection reflections on European politics


iCES Research Projects iCES researchers are defined by a commitment to contemporary European developments and a strong multidisciplinary and cross-national ethos. Our aim is to develop new perspectives on contemporary European topics with an emphasis on collaborative work that builds research capacity and participation. Our research strategy is built upon focused projects undertaken by iCES staff and iCES Research Associates. Current Research Projects Current research projects are centred on themes such as European media and broadcasting, European government-business relations, nationalisms, regionalisms and ethnography in Europe. Research outputs are published through the medium of the iCES Annual Review, iCES Occasional Papers and external publications. Staff Research Projects Professor Michael Scriven Identity, Media & Broadcasting in France, the UK and Europe Dr Àngels Trias i Valls Exchange, Communication Technologies & Cultural Politics in the UK and Europe using ethnographic research Dr Veronica Barassi Oppositional Media & Internet Technologies across Europe using ethnographic research in the UK, Italy and Spain. Professor John Drew Government-Business Relations in Europe Research Associate Projects Dr Alan Sandry Political Ideologies, Sub-State Nationalisms, Wales and Regionalism in Europe


iCES Distinguished Visiting Fellows Mr Alfredo Acebal, Director EU & International Regulatory Affairs, Telefonica SA Professor Clive Archer, Manchester Metropolitan University Mr Lorenzo Bermejo Mu単oz, Director EBS Madrid Ms Gunilla Baner, Senior Partner, Kreab Gavin Anderson Professor Martyn Bond, Director Information Europe, Visiting Professor Royal Holloway University of London Ms Martina Bianchini, Vice President, EU Government Affairs and Public Policy, The Dow Chemical Company Mr Tim Cowen, Chief Executive, TRW Cowen Ltd Sir John Gieve, Former Deputy Governor of the Bank of England Professor Jolyon Howorth, Yale University, USA Professor Philip Lawrence, Managing Director, LRA Consulting Ltd Mr Wolfgang Munchau, Associate Editor Financial Times and Director of Eurointelligence Dr Bruno Neil, Director EBS Paris Mr Piet Steel, Vice President European Affairs, Toyota Motor Europe Mr Arve Thorvik, Thorvik International Consulting AS


iCES Publications Scriven, M. (Ed)., Contemporary Europe. iCES Annual Review 08/09, Institute of Contemporary European Studies, Regent’s College: London (2009) ISSN:20406487 (paper), ISSN: 2040-6495 (online) Gieve, J. Learning from the Financial Crisis: Global Imbalances and Lessons for Europe, iCES Occasional Paper 01, Institute of Contemporary European Studies, Regent's College: London (2009) ISSN: 2040-6509 (paper), ISSN: 2040-6517 (online).

Brittan, L., Hannay, D., Zielonka, J., SE group. Twenty Years On: The EU Since the Fall of the Berlin Wall, iCES Occasional Paper 02, Institute of Contemporary European Studies, Regent's College: London (2009) ISSN: 2040-6509 (paper), ISSN: 2040-6517 (online).

Monks, J., Cridland, J., Walby, S., Lambert, S. Jobs, Innovation and Growth iCES Occasional Paper 03, Institute of Contemporary European Studies, Regent's College: London, (2010) ISSN: 2040-6509 (paper), ISSN: 2040-6517 (online). Forthcoming Publications Avery, G., Wallace, W., SE group, Where Will the EU’s Final Frontiers Lie?, iCES Occasional Paper 04, Institute of Contemporary European Studies, Regent's College: London (2010) ISSN: 2040-6509 (paper), ISSN: 2040-6517 (online).

Porritt, J., Katz, I., Mehra, M., Luff, P., Climate Change Post-Copenhagen, iCES Occasional Paper 05, Institute of Contemporary European Studies, Regent's College: London, (2010) ISSN: 2040-6509 (paper), ISSN: 2040-6517 (online). Other Publications Guéguen, D., Lovell, J., Bartouel, A., Marissen, V., de Lespinay, Y., The European Union in 2009, Clan Public Affairs - ESL & Network Group (online). Senior European Experts group, Briefing Papers (online) Trias i Valls, A. (Ed)., Anthropology Reviews: Dissent and Cultural Politics. Vol 1. Altermodern: journeys, global cultures, fragmentations No1 May 2010 ISSN 2041-1405 Trias i Valls, A; Sandry, A, (Eds)., Anthropology Reviews: Dissent and Cultural Politics Special issue: Sub-State Nationalisms in Contemporary Europe, Vol 2. No1 July 2010 ISSN 2041-1405


iCES Publications

Contemporary Europe iCES Annual Review 08/09 The challenges confronting Europe today are wide-ranging: financial and economic crisis, global warming and climate change, energy supply, defence, security, enlargement, migration. The overall purpose of the Institute of Contemporary European Studies (iCES) is to engage actively in this debate on the development of Europe as it unfolds in the 21st century.

Contemporary Europe, the iCES Annual Review, brings together a series of essays on the financial, economic, social, political and commercial situation of Europe in 2008-2009. Written by experts from a variety of professional fields and disciplinary backgrounds, they highlight the major issues affecting the daily lives of European citizens. Edited by Michael Scriven, Director of iCES and Professor of European Studies, the volume offers specialist analysis in the following areas: * * * *

Financial and Economic Crisis in Europe European Elections and Institutions Energy and Sustainability in Europe Europe and Transatlantic Relations

Editor and Contributors: Michael Scriven (Ed), Wolfgang Munchau, Martyn Bond, Daniel Guéguen, John Drew, Arve Thorvik, Martina Bianchini, Pyramyth Liu, Philip Lawrence, Tim Cowen, Arnaud Pinon, Pascale Joannin, Michael Butler, Bruno Neil, Lorenzo Bermejo Muñoz, Àngels Trias i Valls, Alan Sandry, Veronica Barassi. Institute of Contemporary European Studies ISSN: 2040-6487 (Print) ISSN: 2040-6495 (Online)


iCES Publications

Learning from the Financial Crisis: Global Imbalances and Lessons for Europe iCES Occasional Paper 01 Sir John Gieve In this volume Sir John Gieve examines the depth and extent of the global economic downturn from the summer of 2007 and reflects on key lessons to be learned from the crisis. He highlights in particular the need for closer international coordination of macroeconomic policy, for better ground rules for cross-border financial crises, for the strengthening of banks’ resilience and for improvements in the sphere of macro-prudential tools. Overall the paper provides a striking record of a major player’s understanding of the global financial crisis as it continued to unravel in November 2008, with a brief postscript written six months later. Sir John Gieve was Deputy Governor of the Bank of England from January 2006 to February 2009. In addition to his membership of the Monetary Policy Committee, he had specific responsibility for the Bank of England’s Financial Stability work and was a member of the FSA. Institute of Contemporary European Studies ISSN: 2040-6509 (Print) ISSN: 2040-6517 (Online)


iCES Publications

Twenty Years On: The EU since the Fall of the Berlin Wall iCES Occasional Paper 02 Leon Brittan, David Hannay, Jan Zielonka, Senior Experts group In this volume jointly produced with the Senior Experts group, Leon Brittan, David Hannay and Jan Zielonka review the achievements of the EU on the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, assessing the impact of the enlargement process, the establishment of the euro and the Single Market, EU foreign policy initiatives and the perceived gap between the political class and European citizens. Their views are supplemented by an extensive background paper on 20 years of EU developments produced by the Senior Experts. Lord Brittan was European Commissioner for Competition 1989-1992 and Vice President of the European Commission 1995-1999. Lord Hannay was UK Permanent Representative to the European Communities 1985-1990 and the UK Permanent Representative to the United Nations 1990-1995. Professor Jan Zielonka is Ralf Dahrendorf Fellow at St Antony’s College, Oxford, and author of Europe as Empire: The Nature of the Enlarged European Union. Institute of Contemporary European Studies ISSN: 2040-6509 (Print) ISSN: 2040-6517 (Online)


iCES Publications

Jobs, Innovation and Growth iCES Occasional Paper 03 John Monks, John Cridland, Sylvia Walby, Sarah Lambert In this volume John Monks, John Cridland, Sylvia Walby and Sarah Lambert review the prospects for jobs, innovation and growth in the context of a continuing global financial and economic crisis. An increasing emphasis on innovative and flexible solutions to the challenges emerging in a global market place is the backdrop to a critical assessment of growth possibilities from a variety of perspectives: trade unions, employers, gender and equality, the European Commission. John Monks is General Secretary of the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) and previously General Secretary of the Trades Union Congress (TUC). John Cridland is Deputy Director-General of the Confederation of British Industry (CBI) and Vice Chair of the National Learning and Skills Council. Professor Sylvia Walby is UNESCO Chair in Gender Research and author of Globalisation and Inequalities: Complexity and Contested Modernities (Sage, 2009). Sarah Lambert is Head of the European Commission Representation in the UK. Institute of Contemporary European Studies ISSN: 2040-6509 (Print) ISSN: 2040-6517 (Online)

European Commission Representation in the UK


iCES Publications

Where Will the EU’s Final Frontiers Lie? iCES Occasional Paper 04 Graham Avery, Sir Michael Butler, Nicholas Kent, Senior European Experts In this volume produced with the Senior European Experts group, Graham Avery, Sir Michael Butler and Nicholas Kent assess the potential geographical limits of the European Union, focusing on the intergovernmental, supranational, cultural, ethnic, social, political and economic issues that accompany EU enlargement policy. Their views are supplemented by a background paper on the EU’s final frontiers produced by the Senior European Experts. Graham Avery is Senior Member of St. Antony’s College, Oxford University, Senior Adviser at the European Policy Centre, Brussels, and Honorary DirectorGeneral of the European Commission. He co-authored The Enlargement of the European Union (1998) and contributed to The Future of Europe: Enlargement and Integration (2004) and to The European Union: How Does It Work? (2008). Sir Michael Butler was British Permanent Representative to the European Communities, 1979-85, and is chairman of the Senior European Experts. Nicholas Kent is a writer and consultant specialising in education policy and in European Union affairs. He is secretary to the Senior European Experts.

Institute of Contemporary European Studies ISSN: 2040-6509 (Print) ISSN: 2040-6517 (Online)


iCES Publications

Climate Change Post Copenhagen iCES Occasional Paper 05

Jonathon Porrit, Ian Katz, Malini Mehra, Peter Luff The Institute of Contemporary European Studies (iCES) Occasional Paper Series features the ideas of key opinion formers in contemporary European affairs. In this volume Jonathon Porritt, Ian Katz, Malini Mehra and Peter Luff review the prospects for climate change action in the aftermath of the Copenhagen conference focusing on the credibility of scientific evidence, investment in a low carbon economy, increased incremental actions on the ground, the emerging role of civil society, the impact globally of climate relations between India and China and the potential role of the European Union in climate politics. Jonathon Porritt, Co-Founder of Forum for the Future, formerly Director of Friends of the Earth and Co-Chair of the Green Party is a writer, broadcaster and commentator on sustainable development. Ian Katz is Deputy Editor of the Guardian, currently overseeing the paper’s plans for the environment. Malini Mehra is the Founder & CEO of the Centre for Social Markets, a nonprofit organisation that has pioneered work on sustainability and corporate responsibility in India. Peter Luff is Chairman of the European Movement UK and Chief Executive Officer of Action for a Global Climate Community.

Institute of Contemporary European Studies ISSN: 2040-6509 (Print) ISSN: 2040-6517 (Online) European Commission Representation in the UK


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