22-23 OCTOBER 2013
9.00am - 5.00pm
S NV E Organized By
Jointly Organised By
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CSI World Headquarters
ICFE Group of Companies
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N O I T GA Official Venue
RM 2,988.00 R
RM 3,688.00
CONFERENCE OBJECTIVES Discover the latest strategies and initiatives in detecting and combating financial crimes Recognize the need to evaluate and document systemic risk in the organization Generate a practical approach in signing off Anti-Money Laundering for clients
WHO SHOULD ATTEND Anyone who wish to learn more about White Collar Crimes and related prevention strategies comprise of:Management & Executive Staff Compliance Officers Risk Management Professionals Finance Professionals Legal Officers Human Resource Professionals Accountants / Internal or External Auditors Fraud Investigations / Anti Fraud Managers
ABOUT THE CONFERENCE Economic crime, often also referred as White Collar Crime, is one of the most insidious and frivolous member of the crime family and the alarming news is that it will be spinning out of control if no appropriate counteractions are taken. White-collar crimes are often veiled by wealth, higher education and social status that eventually emerge as public concern. Cases such as Singapore’s DBS Bank card skimming and Malaysian Government website defacing incidents have outline the importance of possessing a robust vigilance to prevent similar acts and to protect corporations' economic interests In its fourth year running, the International Cyber and Economic Crimes (ICEC) Conference will highlight key developments in Fraud Investigation, Anti-Money Laundering, and Taxation Fraud which you or your organization could adopt. Delegates will be showered with specialized insights and sharing by veteran fraud specialists. The conference also aims to provide relevant and essential strategies to amplify the importance of protecting organization’s assets and also to deter potential perpetrators from defrauding them
CONFERENCE TAKEAWAY Register now to get your free copies of “FRAUD INVESTIGATION & WHISTLEBLOWING” book!
CPE POINTS ALLOCATIONS Sign up for the conference now! While Stock Last!
New and upgrading members will enjoy a 1 year fee waiver for CSI World HQ membership
Participants will receive a certification from CSI World Headquarters upon completion of the conference
For enquiries, registration & sponsorship opportunities CALL : (603) 22825406 FAX : (603) 22825407
FOREWORD BY TOMMY SEAH, HONORARY CHAIRMAN EMERITUS, CSI WORLD HEADQUARTERS Dear Conference Participants, Within the field of criminology, White-Collar Crime has been defined by Edwin Sutherland as a crime committed by a person of respectability and high social status in the course of his occupation. White-Collar Crime is similar to corporate fraud as white-collar employees are more likely to commit fraud, bribery, Ponzi scheme, insider trading, embezzlement, cybercrime, copyright infringement, money laundering, identity theft and forgery. Given the seriousness of the charge, defendants of white collar criminals must realize that in the world of criminal justice, it is All About Winning. From the perspective of the accused, “The thrill of victory, the agony of defeat”, a catch-phrase coined by Jim Mckay for ABC’s Wide World of Sports epitomizes what sports is all about is also true for those accused of fraud. Winning is everything! Given that criminal proceedings are adversarial, the pursuit of victory is usually the main and primary focus of all involved. This is where the proficiency of skilled examiners matters most in the fair and proper administration of justice as evinced by rules of procedure and evidence. In attending this conference, I am delightfully confident that you will be given an insight into the fairness in the administration of criminal justice and how fraud examiners consciously and impartially embody the principles of fair play in their investigation of white collar crime. One other interesting feature of this ICEC Conference 2013, is that Tax Evasion is now listed as a predicated offence in Money Laundering legislation. Needless to say, as in all alleged criminal act, the need to prove criminal intent would be a pre-requisite to an allegation of fraud. Moreover, Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) comes into effect globally in January 2014. Non-compliance would effectively mean no access to the United States financial market. That being the case, Money Laundering as a white-collar crime is now taken to a whole new level. The perpetrators will seize this very same FATCA requirement to legitimize their operations. We are living in interesting times. It is battle of the wit between criminals and the defender of justice. After all, in the criminal justice arena, Winning is Everything! We will be treated with much insight at this ICEC Conference. See you in Malaysia 2013.
For enquiries, registration & sponsorship opportunities CALL : (603) 22825406 FAX : (603) 22825407
TUESDAY 22 OCTOBER 2013 08:00 - 09:00
09:00 - 09:15
CHAIRPERSON’S AND WELCOME REMARK Adjunct Professor Khaeruddin Sudharmin , MD & CEO MRC Malaysia cum Group Company Secretary HeiTech Padu Berhad
09:15 - 09:30 09:30 - 10:45
KEYNOTE ADDRESS SESSION 1 : TAXATION FRAUD MODERATOR Mr Hari Ramulu Munusamy, Advisor to Faculty of Accounting, Multimedia University PANELLIST Mr Aaron Lau, CAMS, CFE, CA General National Council of the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE) Malaysia Mr Hannes Valtonen, CFA Chief Compliance Officer at PAG Mr Rohan Bedi, FICA Managing Director Asia Compliance Singapore
10:45 - 11:15
11:15 - 12:30
SESSION 2 : CYBERCRIME MODERATOR Mr Foong Cheng Leong, Partner Foong Cheng Leong & Co PANELLIST Mr Daniel Ng, Risk Manager GHL Mr Stanley Aloysius, Senior Manager Asia Pacific Regional Safety & Security eBay/PayPal Mr Mohd Zabri Adil Talib, Head of Digital Forensic CyberSecurity Malaysia
12:30 - 14:00
14:00 - 15:15
SESSION 3 : ANTI-MONEY LAUNDERING MODERATOR David S Smith, MSc LLB CFE Group Director QA Training & Consultancy PANELLIST Mr B.C. Tan, Head of Organised Crime Research Thomson Reuters Mr Syed Zafarullah Abdul Jaafar, Regional Head for Investigation Air Asia Berhad
15:15 - 15:45
15:45 - 17:00
SESSION 4 : FRAUD INVESTIGATION MODERATOR Mr B.C. Tan, Head of Organised Crime Research Thomson Reuters PANELLIST Mr Teh Chau Chin, Chief Risk Officer Sunway Berhad Malaysia Mr Hari Ramulu Munusamy, Advisor to Faculty of Accounting, Multimedia University
WEDNESDAY 23 OCTOBER 2013 09:00 - 09:30
09:30 - 10:45
10:45 - 11:15
11:15 - 12:30
SPECIALIZED TALK 2 : INDUSTRIAL ESPIONAGE SPEAKER Mr Stanley Aloysius, Senior Manager Asia Pacific Regional Safety & Security eBay
12:30 - 14:00
14:00 - 15:15
SPECIALIZED TALK 3 : ETHICS AND CORPORATE GOVERNANCE SPEAKER Mr Jean-Yves Le Corre, Berlitz Global Leadership Training Senior Consultant for Asia
15:15 - 15:45
15:45 - 17:00
SPECIALIZED TALK 4 : DIGITAL FORENSIC SPEAKER Dr Frank Law President High Technology Crime Investigation Association (HTCIA)
For enquiries, registration & sponsorship opportunities CALL : (603) 22825406 FAX : (603) 22825407
CONFERENCE CHAIRPERSON AND PLENARY SPEAKERS KHAE KHAERUDDIN SUDHARMIN currently serves as Company Secre Secretary of HeiTech Padu Berhad. He is also Managing Direc Director and Chief Executive Officer of Motordata Resea Research Consortium Sdn. Bhd. Khaeruddin has vast more than 30 years of and diversified experience in mana management and leadership spanning from publishing, unive university and investment cooperatives, learning and deve development, hospitality services, travel, transportation, ICT, unit trust/fund management to automotive insurance and collision repair industries. He is a member of the Malaysian Insurance Institute (MII) and the Malaysian Institute of Human Resource Management (MIHRM), Fellow Member of Permanent Way Institution (PWI, UK) and a Fellow member of the Malaysian Institute of Management (FMIM). He is a Member of the Board of advisors of the Malay Journalists Association of Malaysia, and Industry Advisory Panel member at UMSLink. He is an Adjunct Professor at the Faculty of Business Management and Accountancy, Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin, (UniSZA), member Board of Studies Graduate Programs, UniSZA and a member of The Advisory Panel of Othman Yeop Abdullah Graduate School of Business (OYAGSB) UUM. He is also Adjunct Faculty Member at Othman Yeop Abdullah Graduate School of Business (OYAGSB) UUM, the International Business School of Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Asia eUniversity, Universiti Malaysia Sabah and Malaysia University of Science and Technology (MUST). CHENG LEONG is a lawyer focusing in the areas of Intellectual Property, Information Technology, Cyber laws, Franchise, Privacy and Data Protection laws. He is a member of the Kuala Lumpur Bar Committee, the chairman of the Kuala Lumpur Bar Information Technology Committee and a member of the Bar Council Intellectual Property Committee. He is also a member of the Stop114A committee who organised Malaysia's first Internet Blackout Day, a campaign against thecontroversial amendment to the Evidence Act 1950. The campaign was participated by cyberspace heavyweights, civil society, Internet-related businesses, influential internet personalities, private individuals, news portals and political leaders. This campaign caught the attention of the Prime Minister who then called the Cabinet to review the amendment.
DANIEL NG currently working as Risk Manager for GHL whereby he specialized in credit risk and fraud management perse. He began his career in financial sector in year 2005 with MBF Cards Sdn Bhd which is a leader in credit card and charge card in Malaysia financial industry and also ventures into merchant acquisition business and providing seamless service risk authorization approval, financial approval for consumer credits and technical support for all merchants. He left MBF Cards as senior officer in 2008 and has joined HongLeong Bank Berhad as Fraud Analyst which assist manager to co-supervise the fraud management team into daily operations, staff performance metrix and reporting, prior to that Daniel also been seen as one the rules based creator for Falcon fraud management system which operates under mathematical modeling. TEH CHAU CHIN’S background is in Enterprise Risk Management, Internal and External Audit. He has more than 20 years of working experience including 2 years as Chief Risk Officer of a Malaysian Listed Property and Construction company, 11 years with KPMG Malaysia’s and KPMG Bangkok in the Risk and Compliance Services practice. Chau Chin has conducted various risk awareness and training sessions for senior management, and trained clients’ personnel in using risk management software and technology enabler. His other focus areas include conducting risk-based internal audit and SOX implementation. He recently actively involved in value investment training program, incorporating risk evaluation in value investment in the equity market.
HARI RAMULU A/L MUNUSAMY is currently a Lecturer attached to the Accounting Unit (since June 2007), Faculty of Management, MMU Cyberjaya, with wide experience in audit private practice and in financial/management/public sector accounting, auditing and taxation ducational process, having been in the profession and industry since October 1976. Over the years, he gained knowledge, experience, skills and HANNES VALTONEN is responsible for regulatory compli- expertise in company secretarial, accounting, auditing and taxation services ance, internal controls and operational risk management including tax investigation, forensic accounting, financial statements fraud at PAG (pagasia.com), one of the largest alternative and company floatation. Professionally, he is a Fellow member of the investment managers in Asia, with funds in private Association of Chartered Certified Accountants of UK, a Chartered equity, hedge fund, distressed assets and real estate Accountant of the Malaysian Institute of Accountants, an Associate member strategies. He covers various regional jurisdictions, of the Malaysian Institute of Taxation, a Chartered member of the Institute of focusing on Hong Kong and Singapore, but also PRC, Internal Auditors of Malaysia (affiliate of USA), and an Associate member of Japan and U.S. and U.K. regulations and listing rules. the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners of USA. His academic excellence Previously he was head of risk and compliance at fund manager VinaCapital, are in the form of a Diploma in Accountancy (Newcastle-Upon-Tyne, the leading foreign fund manager VinaCapital, the leading foreign fund England), and a Master of Business Administration (Accounting) from manager in Vietnam, based in Ho Chi Minh City where he set up internal University of Newcastle, USA. control, compliance and risk management functions to meet corporate ROHAN BEDI’s heads Asia Compliance, Singapore which governance requirements for three London-listed investment funds for commenced its operations on 1st June 2011. capital markets, real estate and infrastructure. Hannes has also worked in Services offered cover AML, Investment Compliance, Japan, Korea and the U.K. in the real estate finance, retail and automotive Sanctions, Anti-Bribery, Privacy, and FATCA.firm covers industries in internal audit and control functions. His qualifications include AML, Investment Compliance, Sanctions, Anti-Bribery, an MBA, MSc in financial law, various certifications in financial analysis, risk Privacy, and FATCA. He was formerly the Regional Head of management, internal audit, anti-money laundering and he has also taken AML Compliance and Economic Sanctions for Asia at securities licensing regulatory exams for Hong Kong, Singapore and Japan. Bank of America Merrill Lynch for four years. He has spent He is active in supporting CFA with financial regulations advocacy and half his career on the business side. His compliance experience and recently authored the chapter on risk management for the new CFA Claritas perspective is very wide covering consulting, technology project certification. management,and practitioner roles. As a practitioner, he has had significant B.C TAN is the Asia Pacific head of research for World-Check - a Thomson exposure to wealth management, investment banking, global markets, and Reuters business. Prior to this appointment, BC had previously functioned as corporate banking. He has a Professional Doctorate from the UK and is the the Global Head of Organised Crime Research and senior research analyst for author of a book on AML. He is a Fellow of the ICA (FICA), UK and has ICA the World-Check Terrorism & Insurgency Research Unit South Asia desk, he is Certified Professional status. a specialist in transnational organized crime networks, Anti-Money Laundering, Counter-Financing of Terrorism, narcotics trafficking, Political-Criminal Nexus and Crime-Terror Nexus. He speaks regularly at a variety of workshops and conferences on these topics for both the corporate and law enforcement/ intelligence communities. He continues to contribute to several Anti-Money Laundering and Security focused publications. His current research focus is "intelligence framework for global illicit markets.
09:30 10:45
WHITE COLLAR CRIMES MR STEPHEN SUEN has four distinguished careers transcending different but related areas of enforcement and legal work in both public and private sectors. After graduation from the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Mr. SUEN started his first career as a Police Inspector with Royal Hong Kong Police Force in 1983. Mr. SUEN soon rose through the ranks and was promoted to Director of Enforcement in 1999. As Director of Enforcement, Mr. SUEN was responsible for leading and supervising teams of accountants and lawyers in the investigation and prosecution of insider dealing, market manipulation, intermediaries’ misconduct, and referral of fraud and corruption cases to CCB and ICAC respectively.
In 2000 Mr. SUEN was appointed by the then Acting Financial Secretary of the Government of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) as an Inspector to investigate and report on the ownership of shares in Oxford Properties & Finance Ltd, a listed company on the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Ltd (SEHK). In 2007 Mr. SUEN left his comfort zone and joined a listed company as its executive director and deputy managing director. Mr. SUEN was the Chairman of Compliance and Risk Management Steering Committee, Investment Management Steering Committee and Credit Control Committee. These were high-powered committees to steer the direction of the listed company. Mr. SUEN played an imperative role to ensure the listed company’s operation and activities not only aligned with its visions and objectives but also complied with all relevant rules, codes and legislation. Although Mr. SUEN was only called to the Bar in early 2013, he has accumulated solid experience and knowledge of over 30 years in white collar crime/fraud investigation and prosecution. In particular, Mr. SUEN’s specialties include advising on white collar crimes/fraud investigation, securities and futures related investigations and prosecutions vis-a-vis insider dealing, market manipulation, intermediaries’ disciplinary proceedings, contravention of the general principles of the Code of Conduct and fitness and properness of licensed persons.
An introduction to White Collar Crimes An analysis of various legal issues pertinent to White Collar Crimes General Money Laundering Conspiracy to defraud
Market Misconduct (Market Abuse)
Common threads to White Collar Crimes
Market Manipulation Insider Dealing
Invariably, White Collar Crimes involves element of dishonesty, deceit, fraud, or connivance or scheme designed to deceive or defraud other unsuspicious persons in order to obtain mostly monetary benefits.
Practical tips for preventing, detecting, investigating White Collar Crimes
11:15 12:30
INDUSTRIAL ESPIONAGE STANLEY ALOYSIUS is an Industrial and Corporate Security Practitioner possessing extensive Law Enforcement, Corporate and Industrial Security expertise spanning over 30 years, with special focus over the past 14 years on Corporate and Industrial Security Risk Management within the Asia Pacific Region. His expertise lies in anticipating security threats & vulnerabilities; formulating counter-threat solutions to address security breaches, attacks & industrial espionage and providing technical security expertise to meet the challenges of a fast-changing Global Security landscape. Stanley achieved significant success in fostering corporate relationships with Government and Law Enforcement Agencies in the Asia Pacific Region and with the Community at large by partnering them in Government-centric Projects, one of which was the Forensic Computer Crime lab for training purposes at the Royal Thai Police Academy in Bangkok, Thailand.
Stanley has presented at various security conferences and written articles for Security publications. He holds a graduate diploma in Mass Communication and is currently the Senior Manager, Asia Pacific Regional Safety & Security Manager for ebay Inc.
An overview of today's corporate landscape with the focus on the unseen value in corporate information and intelligence as well as the importance of combining and using corporate strategy and business ethics as a long term strategy to reduce opportunity for corporate espionage Provide a basic understanding of ‘Trade Secrets’ and why it is a target for corporate espionage Understanding the basic mechanics of corporate & industrial espionage and lessons learnt from major court cases involving iconic brand name Corporations
The evolving trend from tangible targets to intangible targets, the criticality of protecting corporate information and the need for proactive counter-intelligence safeguards
14:00 15:15
ETHICS AND CORPORATE GOVERNANCE JEAN-YVES LE CORRE is Berlitz Global Leadership Training Senior Consultant for Asia, accompanying organizations in various sectors and industries to adapt management practices and learning techniques to cultural gaps, which reflect in behaviours, management styles and social values of organizations. Jean Yves Le Corre has spent over 10 years corporate experience working in Europe in finance, management consulting and internal audit roles in large multinationals. More recently, Mr. Le Corre’s career has increasingly focused on more business-oriented approaches to human capital elements in cross-cultural contexts. In the last eight years, he has specialized in training and coaching executives in Asia and more particularly China to modern performance, risk, auditing and financial management practices, including Strategic Planning, Business & Process Improvement, Key Performance Indicators, Process & Quality Management, and Organization & Change Management.
He has gained extensive international experience working with local management & executive teams to monitor performance in organizations in Mainland China, then helping senior executives align their organization strategy, change strategies and leadership capability with their business objectives, accelerate change and reduce risks, to become a high performance organization.Jean Yves graduated from ESCP Europe, Specialised Master in Auditing, and from the University of London (Msc in Management). He is a Sloan Fellow from London Business School (2005) and a Certified Internal Auditor (CIA) from the Institute of Internal Auditors.
An ethical culture is essential for protecting reputation, recruiting and keeping good staff, and long term business success. Good governance is so much more about ensuring the right behaviour than about compliance Understanding why behaviour matters. Defining and aviours and reviewing programmes on ethics and behaviours monitoring results. Defining an approach ch on soft controls What can managers to communicate expectations, xpectations, d influence ensure standards are embedded and employees? Developing your Ethics Leadership Skills workshop. Influential leadership for Better Ethics
15:45 17:00
DIGITAL FORENSIC DR FRANK LAW is currently the President of HTCIA Asia Pacificc Chapter. He has been working in the Hong Kong Police Force since 1998, and has been involved in technology crime related policing li i since i 2001 2001. D Dr.Law L h has b been responsible ibl ffor ffacilitating ilit ti IT crime investigation and computer forensics training programmes on behalf of the INTERPOL Expert Group of Asia South Pacific Region on IT Crime, and has led regional training programmes in Korea, Japan, Australia, Thailand and Fiji. He has also delivered presentations at many international computer crime related conferences. Dr Law is a CISSP and holds a Bachelor’s degree in Engineering, a Master’s degree in Internet Computing, and a PhD in Computer Science. He is also one of the key members of the Computer Forensics Research Group of the University of Hong Kong. His research interests include live systems forensics, digital forensics and digital timestamp analysis.
SPEAKER Computer Forensics - An Essential Element of Modern IT Security
Computer forensics is the science of obtaining, preserving, and documenting evidence from computers, mobile devices as well as other digital electronic storage devices. All must be done in a manner designed to preserve the probative value of the evidence and to assure its admissibility in a legal proceeding. However, computer forensics is continually evolving as existing technologies progress and new technologies are introduced. For example, digital investigators are required to investigate content on mobile device or data stored at the cloud servers. With the popularity of computers in everyday life as well as the acceleration of cyber crime rates in recent years, computer forensics is becoming an essential element of modern IT security. This presentation will cover the development of computer forensics in law enforcement and discuss the development in the latest live and network forensics skillsets. A number of case studies will also be performed to explain how computer forensics could support IT security and civil/criminal investigation.
22-23 OCTOBER 2013 PARK ROYAL HOTEL KUALA LUMPUR How To Register Contact : Mr Tan Kian Yap Email : kianyap.tan@csi-world-hq.org Phone : +603 2282 4713 Mobile : +601 2270 7090 Fax : +603 2282 5407
ICFE Malaysia Sdn Bhd
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